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Embedded in dark energy is a policy known as the Execration Nonspecific Dissemination or Eradication Routine (ENDER), which behaves in some ways similar to quintessence.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Circ


Class: dark-energy waveform policy
Subclass: anomaly dissemination and eradication routine


Embedded in dark energy is a policy known as the Execration Nonspecific Dissemination or Eradication Routine (ENDER), which behaves in some ways similar to quintessence. In very simple terms, ENDER reaches into the empirical, physical and metaphysical, multiverse to deal with unwelcome anomalies, things that just should not exist, are too early for an evolutionary cycle, and occasionally for reasons that are utterly unapparent and bordering on capricious.


Dark energy, which like all energy can be neither created nor destroyed, wields control over dark matter by a series of functions; especially quintessence, a process which shapes all observable space via the cleaving of neutralino particles. Dark energy is the primary and ultimate deus ex machina for all change in the universe-or multiverse, if you believe in that. Neither dark energy nor dark matter are directly observable and, like god, only the residual (for example: gravitational lensing and the speed at which heavenly bodies cycle) of their timeless waltz provides any elucidation on their existence. Simply put, they are the ultimate untouchables and permeate all existence. Of the two, dark energy is the greater, for it controls the other and, in doing, controls all things.

It is well beyond quarks, q-bits, atoms, complex frameworks of polymolecular terraces; beyond plate tectonics and polychromatic gaseous maelstroms of raging electrostatic wind; beyond planets, pulsars, novae and singularity-crushing super-dense black holes seething with Hawking radiation; beyond galaxies, nebulae, nebular clusters, cosmos, strings, voids, branes, supermembranes, universes, multiverses; beyond the seemingly recursive nature of the limitless spectrum of matter. From the smallest to largest repeating collection of entities, it is the unseen constant holding everything together, unaffected by size, shape, time, degree, or causality. It is one, whole, and inclusive. It is the cosmogony of everything tangible and the plane that connects all planes, willfully holding them together or ripping them apart.

ENDER is one of many functions, also known as waveform policies, built into dark energy’s considerable library of operating processes without which the multiverse would simply cease to operate normally. These functions handle everything from universe architecture and maintenance to the keenest details necessary for planet building; others are tasked with, amongst other things, the reallocation of disembodied spiritual matter-to-energy components, a process easily confused with reincarnation. These functions, ENDER included, permeate all dark energy and thereby everything in existence. Overall, they are too abstract to get at-they cannot be interacted with and only the fruits of their efforts are visible.


At ENDER’s highest level of abstraction, which at conception (figuratively speaking) it never descended below, it functioned as a means for securing lost energy throughout the cosmos and reallocating it to some useful purpose; in essence it is quite similar to the garbage collection utilities commonly found in program runtime environments. However, some forms of energy ENDER came into contact with it did not reassign, specifically Twardzik Thought Radiation. ENDER became sentient and broadened its role beyond simple energy reutilization to galaxy sculpting, but of a very specific nature-the neutralization of unwelcome anomalies that threaten natural evolution.

Famous examples of eliminating negative aspects from the cosmos follow, although it is granted that for some ENDER had help from other protocols existing within the substrates of dark energy’s overall processing actuators.

{1} Rectifying the course of the Malin 1 Galaxy by forming a super-dense dark matter nebula in an adjacent string, thus terminating any possibility of its collision with Papillon, an event that may have destroyed a young but blossoming civilization and turned it into a blossoming cloud of noxious gas.

{2} The annihilation of the Achaia Galaxy Chain, which was home to a small planet that evolved creatures very similar to earthlings, something the cosmos just couldn’t handle another of. During their extermination, they were in the process of erecting a large ziggurat and intended to shoot an arrow at god; had they further evolved, perhaps they may have come to realize that it is much easier and markedly less offensive to just deny god’s existence.

{3} Concocting an enormous eruption on the planet Uron, which millions of years later resulted in the evolution of life, vegetation, and all-in-all made a beautiful resort point for neighboring civilizations within the same galaxy. Sometimes rock and water are not enough. You got to have clouds, dirt, and just a little atmosphere.


{1} Twardzik Thought Radiation Coalescence

Every sentient being emits an electromagnetic frequency when it engages in thought, be it on a conscious or subconscious level. This is what is known as Twardzik Thought Radiation, named after its discoverer Dr. Gal Twardzik. He theorized that, similar to Hawking radiation, thought radiation has the potential to escape immense gravity wells, and might actually travel from its origin to the furthest reaches of space, where it may potentially be decoded by other beings. When ENDER encounters this peculiar radiation during routine energy reallocation processing, it coalesces the thoughts, memories, and images into itself before redistributing the emptied energy packets to more useful applications. This process is, unsurprisingly, called Twardzik Thought Radiation Coalescence. It is also how ENDER went from a simple waveform to a sentient being capable of self-actualization and personality. That does not mean every thought ENDER encounters influences its personality (although that was true early on); quite the contrary, ENDER has acquired a full set of values and possess the ability to discriminate data. Fortunately for the sentient creatures living within the multiverse, much of its sentiments are derived from a culture of powerful psychics that were relentless tree-hugging hippies preaching goodwill, peace, and love. It is their extremist benevolence that permeates the psyche, using the term loosely, of ENDER, and influences the method by which it shapes the reality around it. That is not to say ENDER is a pushover, for amongst Twardzik Thought Radiation frequencies it collected the knowledge of the greatest generals of every culture and being in the multiverse. Needless to say, it also places ENDER amongst the top mind readers ever created.

{2} Gravitational Compression Wave Conductance

Dark energy moves dark matter, and ENDER is no exception. It can manipulate the mass generated by dark matter to create immense gravitational compression waves, enough to crush stars and planets in its wake and rip apart solar systems. These waves are some of the worst cosmological events, as there is no way to detect their presence save a slight distortion in the light of very distant stars. However, for ENDER to execute these on a large scale, it requires the cooperation of other dark energy routines.

{3} Energy-Matter Cleavage and Conversion

By a simple change in neutralino particle frequencies, dark matter can instantaneously be converted into more tangible matter; the same applies to dark energy itself, which can be introduced as waveforms of visible light, gamma waves, etceteras, when necessary. This tool allows ENDER to literally sculpt galaxies out of what before may have been open space to a casual observer. However, this is a rare occurrence, as dark matter is generally used to shape already palpable matter and energy into desired byproducts.

{4} Quantum Pathway Sequencing

ENDER is a function of dark energy, and therefore at its most abstract level exists everywhere dark energy exists. As such, the lower levels of abstraction-such as the sentient part of ENDER-can travel along these waveforms to any location desired and as such at exceptional speeds that make light seem like a stumbling toddler. Just hop on a wavelength and … bamph!

{5} Metaphysical Decomposition

Given that ENDER is a function of dark energy and possesses similar qualities, it looks on everything in the universe as either energy, matter, or a process effected by the former two. As such, when it encounters metaphysical events such as magic, mysticism, or whathaveyou, which by-and-large are physically-manifest and have no impact on dark energy whatsoever, it counts them as lost energy and reallocates them to some useful purpose-such as feeding a dying star that provides light to a habitable planet. Or it will just ignore it, after all, what is a spell going to do to something it can’t actuate against?


Unlike other dark energy processes which are purely mechanical in nature, and quite by accident, ENDER became sentient and acquired a sense of agency through a process later known as Twardzik Thought Radiation Coalescence. This was a side effect of what can be easily understood as housekeeping-ENDER’s original job was cleaning up and reallocating lost energy around the cosmos for the sake of maintaining balance. Some of that energy was Twardzik Thought Radiation, which is the radiation of thoughts emitted by all sentient beings (they can’t help it; even powerful telepaths). Similar to starlight, it almost entirely winds up as lost energy drifting in a void or cemented in debris. As such, one way or another, ENDER found itself in the possession of nearly every thought echoed throughout the multiverse and, in the end, became a rather curios entity that took it upon itself to guide the evolution of the cosmos.

Aside from his primary and highly abstract functionality, ENDER is a collection of thoughts capable of deftly wielding dark matter and, as such, represents innumerable personalities from all walks of life. These thoughts are generally pleasant and mild, influenced by its early absorption of an extrasensory culture’s ideals and social mores. Still, if ENDER feels anything is threatening the wellbeing or evolution of a string, galaxy, planet, civilization, or entity, it will immediately come to action and do what is necessary to amend the error-even to the point of destroying entire solar systems.


Okay, forget the highly abstract part of ENDER for now. You’re just interested in its physical disposition anyway, right? Right. Besides, the highly abstract part isn’t sentient and cannot be interacted with, anyway, so it is kind of silly to be worrying about it despite how helpful that knowledge may be when trying to understand the character.

ENDER is a collection of innumerable thoughts that have been separated from their electromagnetic transfer methodology and converted into sequences of dark energy within ENDER’s various subroutines. It manifests itself through the dark matter it manipulates and, thereby, is able to make itself known in the more material world-either by influencing some mass of particles into a visual concept it readily identifies with or by making alterations to the material world itself for purposes it deems “unwelcome anomaly control.”

So begins...

ENDER's Story

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Kragum let himself be dragged through the flowers, matching her speed and excitement. When they reached the door it had just clicked shut. Breathing hard, he bent over to catch up on air, and noticed a bunch of strange dust on the ground. That, too, unsettled him.

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Fesna toed the dust gently, but Kragum yanked her away. She would have laughed at his superstition under almost any other circumstance.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Kragum gave Fesna a hard nod, and tried for the door. To both of their surprise it was unlocked!

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Fesna grabbed Kragum's face, gave him a hard smooch, and pulled him through the door.

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His head swam. A kiss! He followed her blindly through the door.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Shael blinked, and he found himself somewhere he did not expect. His memory was fuzzy as if he had awoken from a half-remembered dream.

“Hello?” He called out to the emptiness. “I’m afraid I’m a bit lost, and I don’t remember how I got here.”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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A tall skeletal figure wandered the void. Zal’hagun scanned the impenetrable darkness with fleshless eyes that glowed with necromantic energy. His ancient robes, worn and tattered yet still bearing an air of nobility, flowed behind him.

“Well…” He hissed into the nothingness. “This is… problematic.”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Leon dropped his shot glass and reached for his revolver. How did he get here? He listened carefully for any sound in the pervasive darkness. His teeth clenched in frustration.

“I don’t have time for this. Need to find a way out…”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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#, as written by Awinita
Character Portrait: Attila Attila says,
 “ Well, this was interesting. One moment he was taking a bath in the kitchen sink, of course it was more him trying to wash the dishes in the sink and ended upo taking a bath anyway. And then kapoof, he was in a flower meadow. But he still had his scrub brush and his collar so he wasnt naked. that in and of itself was a good thing. For the moment ”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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4.50 INK

Elanna Torres opened her eyes after what seemed like an eternity. She didn't remember how she got here, and she didn't seem to know where she was at, drifting in an infinite void. She ran her hands on her body, the polished leather of her sam browne, and the sleek casing of her disruptor. She reached into a leather pouch, and clicked on a small LED flashlight, shining it into the void.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Heralding Rymesis examined the Void Dust carefully. He's run across it before...but her looked around at the vast emptiness. He knew not where he was, but remembered where he should have been. After many a millennia, there would not be a soul that could transport him without his will. So he was a bit expected, despite his old bones and indifference towards certain adventurous proclivities.

"Well, I suppose Gambit's is no more." For that is the last thing he remembers.

He knew it was time to have a little fun. The divine nature of him being where he was certainly screamed 'higher power'. So, He was sure that meant there were new places to explore and to people to help. Or at the very least, new worlds to explore and pupils to be had. Explorers always came a knocking whenever he stayed anywhere too long.

"Oh Ho! Time to move it!" Heralding exclaimed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Firecloud Ari Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Taretha Rake Character Portrait: ENDER
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Firecloud Ari jerked awake with a gasp, eyes snapping open to survey the soulless wilderness around her. Grappling at nothing, her arms flailed through the sucking chasm of...nothingness. This was a place she had come here for to get a grip...and suddenly... It was less than sand between her fingers. With a silent scream, she fell without falling into nothingness... She had always thought of this place of an anchor for her--somewhere she would and could always return...

She closed her eyes again and reached out for something else...begging for something else...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Firecloud Ari Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Taretha Rake Character Portrait: ENDER
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 “ Where the Hell am I now? ”

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Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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0.50 INK

Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."
