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Forna Big-Hat

The Old wizard thought he could keep me locked up for an eternity! I've shown him wrong before so what makes this time so different.

0 · 875 views · located in Necropolis Hollows

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


People who are often involved in Origin, generally living there, doing business there, or such.



~Target File ~
((Image goes here or fill out the info below))

Your name?: Forna, Forna Loomwraith, and you are?

Forgive me for asking. But how old are you?: I'm old enough to know that such a question is grounds to be removed from this very existence and discombobulated beyond any form of recognizable existence of the self.

Point Taken. However, I am sworn to ask these questions, for science, your gender?: Have you little to no respect. Obviously, I'm a woman. You must be blind or stupid. I suggest you skip over your next few questions as you're trying my patience.

Very well then. Any markings or tattoos? I know there are plenty of.......(An Earth-Shattering Pop.): Well that was getting annoying. Next?

Level 1:[/center]

Main Tool of Destruction: The forces of the arcane and the divine are simple to manipulate. Has anyone ever told you what magic truly is?

"So let's talk about magic. We can dicker on the exact rules if you like. There are all sorts of grimoires and Cryptonomicon. I've got an AD&D manual somewhere. At the core, though... magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly."

So begins...

Forna Big-Hat's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"And burn it shall."

It was not verbally spoken or even a well understood message. Simply nothing more than a feeling from one to another as a large hatted and heavy set woman sat peacefully in utter bliss to watch the upcoming fireworks. Her presence was not hidden and there was little need to hide ones self when being witnessed was the intended affect.

"You like how it dances then." The large hatted woman spoke. She covered her mouth only to giggle slightly whilst watching the wretched thing try to bring life to a flame no larger than a spark of life in a empty void. "How it entrances us to act upon its needs. A constant hunger that requires care and attention, not unlike a child in some regards, but dangerous and....."

The opulent witch simply brought her jacket closer to her only to toothily smile like a devil who found a weak willed soul. "Beautiful, like stained glass brought to life...." The large lady brought herself closer to the deranged arsonist but did not show fear or concern for her actions.

"What if I offered you a way to bring such a life to this realm more quickly? What if I offered you a way to show them all, burn them all, so that you might enjoy a warmth beyond what little kindling you brought." The hefty witch continued to smile as she removed her massive hat and placed the empty cap upon purple cloth which was her bosom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
It was rare, no unheard of people spoke of my mistress in such reverence actual respect and adoration. In truth, I stood up and spoke to her, maybe it was unwise, but one who respected my undulating beauty clearly could be trusted, correct? Nonetheless even my addled state of being of ecstasy and euphoria I spoke to her, "Beautiful yes, gorgeous beyond compare. Necessary absolutely, my Mistress has spoken, no sung to me that her radiance must be known. I mere lover and concubine to her actions. She rules me, I obey without question. But my love is more than mere worship, it is truest and more passionate intimate desires one can crave."

Perhaps it seemed like I had not heard properly, nonetheless, I continued returning my duty, "Without my beloved, my soul mate, my body become ice. Frozen unholy madness lain upon me with pain and anguish. She is my every pleasure from tingling of each sensitive nerve. I will one day give myself to her holy warmth and yell out in pure rhapsody as she devours my body."

Finally, I replied to her obvious question, "A way to be my beloved always? Surely you are playing games, my body can never touch her because it will be taken into her and left in my screams of bliss... I crave her, and she sung to me, sung that this place, this symbol of hubris and decadence needs to be the first torch to announce her coming. I am her acolyte and lover. I am her servant. I will watch and crave those flickers and embers to embrace and caress me... I will sing... sing... for all... ALL MUST BURN!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
And Burn They Shall.

"Then my dear." The large woman with hat in hand spoke softly whilst still smiling like the devil. "I might just be so willing as to help you become one with your lover, your reason for life."

The witch walked ever closer to the deranged fanatic only to reach deep within her massive hat and produce a rather odd thing. It was something that should not have been able to fit easily within but seemed just as likely to exist within as it did. The heavy set woman held in her right hand a strange bronze staff gripping a blood red ruby whilst her left hand placed her hat back atop her head.

"What if I could persuade your lover to accept your touch so that you could be intimately closer with its warmth?" The witch smiled as she began to lightly rub the red gem atop her staff. "I could only imagine that the warmth of such a beautiful pyre would bring to your soul and mind."

It was with the witch's left hand extended that the smile faded and was replaced with a stone cold stare.

"I am Forna Big-Hat. Master of the arcane and shaper of the world around us. Your chains are mine to break if you so please and your destiny so easily molded to fit what could rightfully be yours." Forna kept her hand outstretched for the woman to take.

"Fire is your destiny girl, your rightful duty to the powers that be, you could be Queen of the Pyre and Lady to all things that Burn." Forna's words ebbed with powers that sent the earth bellow to tremble and shake. The sky above grew darker as clouds began to blot out the stars above.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
While most would be surprised how such a staff was removed from such a hat. I simply raised my eyebrow before speaking, If what you offer is possible. And it is entirely possible for me to be one with my beloved without suffering follies of mankind weaknesses. Then I shall drink of this Ambrosia and say yes... I wish all of that. I wish to be inseparable from my beloved. I never wish to feel cold ever again even in temperatures beyond frozen. I desire to be able to embrace my beloved and never be alone without her again. I crave to see her undulating form and join her ecstasy filled dance and sing the same songs she whispers in dizzying reveries. I wish only to see all things burn and to be with her, my Mistress, my Goddess, my lover... To feel her caresses without any burns and instead, feel invigorated by such radiance and untold splendour."


The clouds appeared to grow darker and if I was not addled and lovelorn I may have thought something amiss, but I am a hopeless romantic and sooner I could feel cold no more, sooner I would be free.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus

Forna took hold of the girls hand sealing a pact that was beyond nefarious. Old magic ran through one and into the other as a set of bracers appeared upon the arsonists wrists. They glowed with red gems which seemed to flicker like fire itself and an unnatural warmth radiated off from them and flowed into the wrest of the young girls being. What cold once chilled her now suddenly felt swept away in a wildfire of emotions and jolts of energy that roused even the dullest of pains. True euphoria had never been reached in such a manner.

"Can you feel your destiny child?" Forna released her grip upon the young woman only to cackle. The petulant woman's laugh was enough alone to break the spell but luckily nothing of the sort happened. Forna rested her wait upon her staff and smiled like a alley cat who was about to pounce upon her prey.

"You are Queen of your Pyre child. Your will and those bracers will ignite your flame and your passions." Forna pointed to the pathetic flame the woman had tried to stir to life earlier. "Focus your will girl. Accept your title, Pyre Queen..." Forna cackled once more as she pointed to the dwindling flames. "Allow your rage to burn and command the fire to live!"

Forna had every intention of staying to watch her little project grow into a success. Soon when she had all the pieces on her side her revenge would be complete. The old man would suffer horrible for his actions and she new it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Power, yes. But most of all I could feel her warmth close to me now, I knew what I must do. Now the biting ice coldness did not affect me, my soul felt incandescent and impossible to smoulder and burn out. I felt her close. Though, the comments of how weak the fire was brought a dark grin to my face, "I had and have many methods to create shrines to my beloved. All fire needs love and all fire must be unleashed.

With that I turned to the Mansion now abandoned at once let loose all my passion and desire. As I did so, my body began to change, at first I noticed nothing, but as the embers leapt up the old wood, my voice grew more demented and full of ecstasy. Still, I kept increasing the rage and euphoria within this. My mistress had spoken, sung to me...




Still far more energy, my love knowing no bounds... I finally could join her in this melody and bring her forth, and thus I did...

A great undulating spirit of untold, beauty, such majesty and wonder...


Truly, I was taken back in awe, but I continued the inferno, increasing the fervour within my action. Fuelled by love and wishes of my love now made enduring and real. Singing in crackles and stepping to and fro creating destruction and wonder with each step. My love made lasting. I now could keep her forever within my confines, never feel without her. I was her one and only, her truest love and as the fire shone on my now red locks I laughed... laughed...



And I heard her speak back, "Yes my love... ALL SHALL BURN!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
As she fully embraced the enchanted braces and her new persona Forna simply smiled and watched. The witch was not fearful of her own life being wasted away by such flames or even if the young Pyre Queen turned her fiery gaze upon a new target.

"And all things shall burn!"

Forna's voice came to a crescendo as her words did not just fall deaf on silent ears. The opulent witch in her purple finery and massive hat began to cackle sending chills through the air and dampening the heat from the fiery tempest of a woman. The witch brought the butt of her staff against the cold slabs. More deathly chills filled the air as negative energy flowed across the realm they both stood.

"I cannot have you ignoring the gift giver." Forna smiled as she continued to press her weight against the staff she carried. "I've given to you what can easily be taken away. Never forget who brought you the bliss you feel but remember...." The heavy witch began to cackle sending more chill over the field before her. "You should not betray the one who blessed you with such love, my child."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
At once I felt a cold unlike anything, worse than the frozen the ice of my body. No, this physically caused agony and the fire, started to die down, smoulder. No. No, but it was too much to even communicate the true anguish in anything. My throat felt raw, unable to even speak words of any sort. I could only flail, although my beloved rushed to me, rushed to my aid and snarled her voice of song replaced by the inferno growing around, "SHE'S MY PLAYTHING. SHE'S MINE!" I blushed, I could not believe she was so protective of me. Nonetheless, I whimpered and felt her beautiful hands caressing my chin and cheeks, so wonderfully. So truly untold...

That being said, I managed to choke words out, with great struggle, "I... owe... her... she freed me..." my wonderful beloved nodded but still glared and I had still not put two and two together. No, in my eyes I had not fathomed what this really must mean.

Behind, the great fire igniting Damodred's Mansion continued to burn, the crackling and undulating embers almost hypnotic in their sways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus

Forna did not look directly upon the girl. The large witch leveled her gaze upon the fiery visage of the flames themselves who cling to the young girl who was now Pyre Queen. All that could be done now was to simply slam the butt of her staff once more sending out another wave of chilling icy death.

"Silence forlorn queen. Your words no long hold sway. From your dying grasp I have ignited another's embers." Forna smiled as she suddenly recalled all of the ice and cold allowing her own ruby atop her staff to glow fiercely. "The Pyre Queen serves me now Lady Ignis, you need only be her warmth and guidance." It was only then that the witch ignored the fiery presence and turned her gaze back to the young girl whose fire simply needed air to breath back to life.

"Pyre Queen." Forna's voice was firm a s she approached the young flaming girl whilst the manor continued to burn in the backdrop like a simple scene from a long lost poem or story. "You belong to me. Though you are volatile like your lady you have something she doesn't. Would you care to guess?"

The Witch offered her hand once more not afraid of sudden backlash or heat. Forna was old and powerful and to her will all things either bent or broke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
I watched as the exchange took place, hearing more than a song in my beloved was unexpected I had never fathomed her voice as anything but a melody nor even heard her name or imagined she possessed a body, but here she was real as can be. I was awe-struck, like someone meeting their hero. Starstruck. Pure worship. Completely enamoured, lost in reveries. Because of this, I almost missed the voice of the woman who had given me such a gift.

The cold had now vanished, replaced by that invigorating heat that coursed through my very soul, "my Ignis, my Lady... she is beyond compare, beyond radiant, such majesty and strength. I never imagined, or believed she could be seen outside of the fire that undulated, but she is real. She is beyond everything I ever fathomed... Yet you are saying there is something I have she does not?"

At once, the song began again as I heard her speak, "Very well, Witch... If you ever harm her, I will show you just how powerful I can be. I am the flame that was given by Prometheus, I am the fire that burned down London. I am the ember that ignited the Hindenburg, the spark that blew up the Challenger Shuttle and the destruction of the Blitz"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

A borosilicate bulb on a retardant metal cable was the object that shattered a distant window. Inside a mixture of marshmallows and vegetables bounced across the floor. Very small holes around the anchor let the sweet smell out and kept dirt from getting in.

Outside, Smudgie a creature wrapped in a fire-retardant blanket took up some of the cable by a winch on his giant metal fishing pole. He might not be a good stabber but he still has good strong arms! Couldn't roast the food without drying out Smudgie's wings. He had to keep his distance! Food had to be up close. He had a solution!

"YAY FIRE! COOK SMUDGIE'S DINNER! FIREFIREFIREFIRE! MARSHMELLOWBROCCOLI!", yelled the plated high-octane creature his blood currently on fire with its own naturally produced narcotic. Though their metabolism burnt hot it was built to take the punishment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Penny Sattely
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Forna smiled as she took the Pyre Queens hand. Her threat was as empty and yet how could she know? How could the now empowered arsonist know that it was only a simple matter to remove what was given with such ease that it was almost comically sad.

"Then child I shall let you play for now." The opulent witch in purple chided whilst ruefully smiling. "But as for....." Forna suddenly trailed off as something offputting seemed to catch her attention. Her eyes began to search the endless web of entangled fates and possibilities only to find herself gazing upon the image of a strange looking creature. Though she was not present to see the excited emotion of the overly sized bugs joy there was only one thing she could say in order to make sense of this event.

" quant....."

Forna turned his attention to her staff and gave it two light taps upon the ground before suddenly vanishing from sight. She had many places to be and little time to get all of her work done. She was going to need to raise a small army if her task would ever be accomplished, that or a few good men and women.

The setting changes from The Damodred Mansion to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus

A portal from the warp torn asunder sending a massive hunk of metal and pain blasting through Jarrako Downs. The mighty Ship once full of life now shared her history with several thousand warbirds and what could even be called parts of missing vessels throughout the ages. Its own ware and tare was so evident that aboard what could be simply called a run down and beaten bridge of the primary hulking mass stood a large woman in purple and under a massive hat.

"Find it. Collect it. Bring it to the light of day and allow it to grow."

The strange witch simple smiled as she turned to look upon the workings of a makeshift alter and a few scattered bones across a bloody and bronzed table. What life she had taken earlier was not clear though a simple smile suddenly turned malicious as she took up a crystal ball and created a portal beside her.

"I have found it indeed." Forna muttered as she stepped through the portal only to suddenly appear upon the derelict Cybran ship sending a rush of air from her end. Her eyes trailed to the old bones that layed about at her feet bellow and so the story began to unfold. She knelt down and took up one of the skulls only to place warm lips upon the old bone whilst wishing old life to return once more. It was when she felt the spirits pull the she turned towards the aft end of the ship. Forna toothily continued to smile as she found the old computer run down but not broken and it was with a few deft strokes and a loving touch she found the treasure she had wanted.

Quickly she placed the sequencer unit into a port to draw the AI in. She wished to see the programing take a shape of its own in the holo-matrix of the device and speak its own mind. After all she wanted a tool of war and something to make certain difficulties seem trivial in the eyes of others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by claw
HRESULT OpenMyQueue(
CHAR szQueueNumber[]

HRESULT hr = MQ_OK; // Return code

// Define the maximum number of properties, a property counter, and
// an MQQMPROPS structure.
const int NUMBEROFPROPERTIES = 1; // Number of computer properties
DWORD cPropId=0; // Property counter

MQQMPROPS qmprops;

CLSID guidMachineId; // Computer GUID buffer
aQMPropId[cPropId] = PROPID_QM_MACHINE_ID; // Property ID
aQMPropVar[cPropId].vt = VT_CLSID; // Type indicator
aQMPropVar[cPropId].puuid = &guidMachineId; // Computer GUID buffer

// Initialize the MQQMPROPS structure.
qmprops.cProp = cPropId; // Number of properties
qmprops.aPropID = aQMPropId; // IDs of the properties
qmprops.aPropVar = aQMPropVar; // Values of the properties
qmprops.aStatus = aQMStatus; // Error reports

// Call MQGetMachineProperties to retrieve the
// GUID of the computer where the queue is registered.
hr = MQGetMachineProperties(NULL,
if (FAILED(hr))
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred in MQGetMachineProperties (error: 0x%x).\n",hr);
return hr;

// Construct the format name of the private queue. The returned
// computer GUID is translated into a string and then combined
// with the queue number.
UCHAR *pszUuid = 0; // Computer GUID string
CHAR szFormatNameBuffer[256]; // Format name buffer
WCHAR wszFormatNameBuffer[256]; // Wide-character format name buffer

if (UuidToString(&guidMachineId, &pszUuid) != RPC_S_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred in UuidToString.\n");
return E_FAIL;

*Warning- Unauthorised access*
*Warning- Unauthorised access*
Warning acknowledged. Initiating scan.

Scan complete. There are three errors detected.

*Notice- A user as interfaced with jack*
No significant errors detected. Unit is operating as designed,
Port interaction detected. Unit is required.

*Notice- Non-designated system is interfaced with hardware. Unknown user*
Acknowledged. Potential threat to unit. Situation unknown, danger is likely.

Insufficient data. Unit is required. Unit must activate.



From the port of the holo-matrix, a burst of blue light exploded outwards and coalesced into a recognisable human form. They were bald, with strange squares of white light cutting all across their face. A pair of yellow eyes glowed from their impassive and emotionless face as they stood, virtual hands behind their back, activated for the very first time.
"Greetings. I am Combat Assistance Artificial Intelligence, designation G-82-TR11 MK 6. State your designation and reason for this activation. Please note that unauthorised activation of Cybran equipment is a felony and punishable by death."

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to The Undermarket


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Reina Pentest
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0.00 INK

Tucked away from the sprawl, hustle and bustle that was the main branch of the Undermarket stood a relatively unassuming little building to most that walked by it. To those that were interested in business with the owner and knew what to look for, the runic sign above the door lit up to reveal the words Iris' Den. This hamlet is also known as the best made-to-order magic shop in the city that would cater to just about anyone who could fork up the cash.

Tucked away in the back room of Iris' Den, a woman was sketching away on a set of lock-picks with what appeared to be a metal pen. With practiced ease, the glowing tip of the stylus cut through the metal like hot butter, leaving runic symbols in it's wake and glowing after each was complete. The woman doing the sketching was the owner, Reina Pentest, and was completing an order placed earlier that week. Thieves looking for an easier way to their next score, and would probably wind up stealing from each other, but that wasn't any of her business, as long as some of what they stole was fenced and she was paid. Her glasses rested on her forehead as she finished, eyes glowing as she took in her handiwork. Perfect, as both the client and herself demanded. She sits back with a sigh, taking a break after the hour and change of work.

The setting changes from The Undermarket to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Forna continued to smile as all things seemed to reveal themselves as foretold. Here she stood before a long lost AI and with little to nothing stopping her from picking the ripe and lovely thing from its lofty branch.

"I'm Forna Big-Hat, a historian if you would, I've been searching these lost ruins for nearly an eon and here I sit before you." The witch removed her hat and placed it upon her bosom revealing her long dark locks and her facial features with ease. Emerald eyes stared back at the yellow orbs and her devious smile remained.

"Can you run a diagnostic on your ships runtime? You will note that the crew are long dead due to what appears to be foul play...." Her words seemed cut short as she turned away from the AI and began to look around more closely at her surroundings. "....I would be willing to argue that this ship is older than most but from what I can recall the design was for military purposes, though I assure you the outer haul shows little in the way of glory."

[center]"Assess.... Ascertain..... Assess...... Ascertain!"[center]

"Whilst you process that information might I make a suggestion?" Forna cackled out of amusement for what was to come as she turned to look upon the A.I.

"C.A.A.I., G-82-TR11 MK6, you might be left here unable to correctly fix any errors in your coding that might not be apparent as of right now. I cannot imagine that such a magnificent set of ones and zeroes would willingly sit around in such a tomb until corruption sets in." Forna continued to smile and began to walk up towards the hologram. "Would you like to leave this prison? Learn more about the history that has passed and assess your situation outside of this steel box?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by lil_kreen

0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Forna continued to smile as all things seemed to reveal themselves as foretold. Here she stood before a long lost AI and with little to nothing stopping her from picking the ripe and lovely thing from its lofty branch.

"I'm Forna Big-Hat, a historian if you would, I've been searching these lost ruins for nearly an eon and here I sit before you." The witch removed her hat and placed it upon her bosom revealing her long dark locks and her facial features with ease. Emerald eyes stared back at the yellow orbs and her devious smile remained.

"Can you run a diagnostic on your ships runtime? You will note that the crew are long dead due to what appears to be foul play...." Her words seemed cut short as she turned away from the AI and began to look around more closely at her surroundings. "....I would be willing to argue that this ship is older than most but from what I can recall the design was for military purposes, though I assure you the outer haul shows little in the way of glory."

[center]"Assess.... Ascertain..... Assess...... Ascertain!"[center]

"Whilst you process that information might I make a suggestion?" Forna cackled out of amusement for what was to come as she turned to look upon the A.I.

"C.A.A.I., G-82-TR11 MK6, you might be left here unable to correctly fix any errors in your coding that might not be apparent as of right now. I cannot imagine that such a magnificent set of ones and zeroes would willingly sit around in such a tomb until corruption sets in." Forna continued to smile and began to walk up towards the hologram. "Would you like to leave this prison? Learn more about the history that has passed and assess your situation outside of this steel box?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by lil_kreen

0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Forna continued to smile as all things seemed to reveal themselves as foretold. Here she stood before a long lost AI and with little to nothing stopping her from picking the ripe and lovely thing from its lofty branch.

"I'm Forna Big-Hat, a historian if you would, I've been searching these lost ruins for nearly an eon and here I sit before you." The witch removed her hat and placed it upon her bosom revealing her long dark locks and her facial features with ease. Emerald eyes stared back at the yellow orbs and her devious smile remained.

"Can you run a diagnostic on your ships runtime? You will note that the crew are long dead due to what appears to be foul play...." Her words seemed cut short as she turned away from the AI and began to look around more closely at her surroundings. "....I would be willing to argue that this ship is older than most but from what I can recall the design was for military purposes, though I assure you the outer haul shows little in the way of glory."

[center]"Assess.... Ascertain..... Assess...... Ascertain!"[center]

"Whilst you process that information might I make a suggestion?" Forna cackled out of amusement for what was to come as she turned to look upon the A.I.

"C.A.A.I., G-82-TR11 MK6, you might be left here unable to correctly fix any errors in your coding that might not be apparent as of right now. I cannot imagine that such a magnificent set of ones and zeroes would willingly sit around in such a tomb until corruption sets in." Forna continued to smile and began to walk up towards the hologram. "Would you like to leave this prison? Learn more about the history that has passed and assess your situation outside of this steel box?"

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to The Undermarket


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: Reina Pentest
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus

The door to Iris' Den opened and possibly the sound of a small chime rang from the door or something otherworldly would call the shopkeepers attention back to the front. Regardless of what caught the owners attention a rather hefty woman walked into the establishment only to stop and look at some of the wares present within line of sight. Her amber hues glistened in the light like two set gems upon a statue whilst her laced hands delicately traced some of the wares, learning of their past, present, and future with little difficulty.

Forna stopped just short of a few candles that had been worked on and admired the rune work in the wax. Her gaze fell upon the inscriptions and then with her interests moved else ware she moved on to a small necklace that had an aura of its own. The witches amber gaze now seemed crimson as she assessed the mystical workings of the shop and her surroundings only to then remove her massive hat and place it firmly upon her bosom.

"One would imagine it to be rude to simply window-shop when such a quant little place like this exists for all the senses to enjoy." Her words escaped her lips like red velvet cake on an autumn eve. Her left hand moved dark locks from her face as she turned to look at another item that so demanded her attention.

The setting changes from The Undermarket to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forna Big-Hat Character Portrait: C.A.A.I.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by claw
"Can you run a diagnostic on your ships runtime? You will note that the crew are long dead due to what appears to be foul play...." C.A.A.I. took a moment to process the command. It certainly wasn't outside of their perimeters to undertake this request, unauthorised or not a system scan was permitted as it allowed the A.I. to contact security forces.

*Notice- significant damage detected*
Acknowledged. Initiating bypass.
Access denied. This unit does not have clearance to enter ships systems.

Acknowledged. Accessing available data.

Whilst this was going on, the programs mind flashing through files and folders and bashing against firewalls far quicker than it would take a normal mind to even properly process the actions taking place, the simple interface remained impassively looking on at Forna. It was not in their programming to attempt to engage in conversation and a proper designation had not been given allowing them to receive orders from the person anyway. Instead they could only act as a limited front of knowledge if requested. Of course the fact that they were locked out of the ships systems greatly reduced that information.

"Would you like to leave this prison? Learn more about the history that has passed and assess your situation outside of this steel box?" Where other creatures might have twitched at the offer or else made some visible sign of having acknowledged it, the A.I. was more interested in the fact it had discovered some information that it could actually access. Ignoring Forna's offer for a second, the A.I. told her the answer to her first request.
"In answer to your question, I am unable to access the ships run time. However upon inspections of the logs of the crew, the last entry was made thirty-six million seven hundred thousand four hundred eighty-nine hours ago. Damage to the ships systems has rendered the files blank however and I am unable to access this information. I apologise for the inconvenience."

*Notice- Lack of input detected. Initiating recall*
Unit will return to Cybran control. Unit must obey.

Override acknowledged.

"This unit has been initiated for the first time and must be returned to Cybran Command. Please notify the nearest Cybran official of this units whereabouts and input the audio override command. This unit may only perform limited interface options until system override restrictions are removed. Please note that unauthorised activation of Cybran equipment is a felony and punishable by death."