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General Williams

"Victory always comes at a cost."

0 · 1,217 views · located in Ruula

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Zarhara


The UNSC is tasked with defense of Earth and all of her colonies.
A government in the Andromeda Galaxy


Personnel File


Identity Particulars

Full Name: Jim Johnson Williams.
Former Names: None
Aliases: Johnson
Date of Birth: 2510
Place of Birth: Unknown

Sex: Male
Race: Human.
Ethnicity: White
Complexion: Tough.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 200
Build: Broad shoulders
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey

Scars, Marks, Piercings, and Tattoos: SEC Army symbol upper left arm. Scar blind in left eye due to a past battle got a grenade has glass eye.

Contact Information UNSC ARMY COMMAND

Personal Profile:
Degrees Earned: Military History.
Educational Institutions Attended: ===
Occupation: SEC General
Former Occupations: Classified

Religion: Atheist.
Political affiliation: Democrat
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Languages spoken: English
Citizenship: Yes
Smoking Habits: No
Alcohol Usage: Light
Illegal Drug Usage: No
History of Significant Health Problems: None
History of Mental Health Problems:None

Criminal History: None
Arrests: None
Criminal Complaints: None
Detainers: None
Traffic Offenses: Speeding

Relationships: Not at the moment.

Family Dead
Father: Killed in battle.
Mother: Killed in car accident.
Siblings: None
Spouse: None

Associates: None.
(Profile Format is copyright Ylanne S. 2010)

So begins...

General Williams's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Sullen Marines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Over Mainstreet the sound of engines could be heard over the sounds of war. Two heavily armored assault dropships streaked through the sky. The ships landed before the line of defense and disgorged their cargo, A full platoon of SEC marines in powered armor. "Move it, Move it!" A Sargent shouted to troops as the heavily armored soldiers fell in line. Next to them stood a man in light combat armor and the Armored Sargent and another armored man wearing generals markings. General William's looked around. "Try and locate the operational command here and do not mobilize until vehicle carriers are on the ground understood Sargent. Mr. Sky your with me." The general said as he and Zeban left the formation to try and located the main command in this mess.

As they left two armored freighters began to unload a light armored group and more importantly a company of SEC battle mech's.This group was mostly made up of two seperate models the S-7and Z-5 stood around 7 feet tall bristling with weapons and armor. A few other models were present as well. On Terra this was the first use of these drones in actual combat. Though the SEC was here to help they also liked to use this to showcase their new products. Floating around the military group were recorder drones, filming the entire mobilization of the SEC forces.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vegeshin Kanahashi Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
General Williams looked up as the sky went alight and the streets were almost turned to molten slag. "Bloody Hell they could have vaporized all of us!" He shouted as he renewed his step. Williams continued to make his way toward the NPA Command post. Then he turned to Zeban Sky as they walked two SEC Marines tailed behind them. "Zeban I want you to lead the SEC attack immediately. Those Zombies still seem to be swarming even after that light show, but more importantly we need to have a show of our own weaponry.

Zeban merely nodded and with a flash of light he was gone teleporting back to the SEC lines. When he was there he was no longer in human form but his demonic form. Though the SEC mostly relies on technology it is also well know for recruiting members with special "abilities." He turned to the armored soldiers and spoke telepathically. We are to advance Activate the Mechs and send them forward the rest of you are to hold the line. his voice was dark as it resonated in the soldiers minds.

After the orders were given tech officers inside a mobile relay trucks began to send activation signals. Mechs began to power up and about 20 marched forward. The front rank sprayed flame as they marched down the still cooling street picking off a few zombies. Zeban Watched with an amused smile on his demonic face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Sahlie Bikan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
A flash of brilliant golden light illuminated the street a short distance down the slagged street, and for a brief moment the air warped around a clear stretch of road. The flood of light faded after a moment to reveal a small group of figures standing in the previously empty space. The jump from the Temple was slightly disorienting for those inexperienced with teleportation, but having used it for many years, Elante barely hesitated before stepping forwards to survey the situation. He frowned at their somewhat vulnerable position and the state of the road, glad for his relatively thick boots.

"We should spread out and do what we can to help anyone that needs it, focus on protecting civilians and people in trouble rather than on taking the offensive," he said, casting a glance back over his shoulder at the rest of the group. "If anyone wants to join me, I'm going on to the business district to find Aeryn."

"It looks like a dragon flew through here," Shelby exclaimed. The scorched and melted street was still giving off heat. "What could have done this much damage?" All around them were the charred and littered bits of molten slag from what remained of the cyborgs unfortunate enough to be caught in the Reverence's attack.

"Maybe that?" Tahlia asked as she pointed up at the Reverence looming overhead.

"Void take me, we need to get off these streets if they're firing down here," Shelby replied. "What are they thinking bringing a Reverence down into here?!"

"It's the damned Aschen, what do you expect?" Dryden growled.

"Burn me if I expect anything but insanity from anyone this side of home," Talren muttered, "I'm convinced if most people in this bloody world had half their wits about them we'd barely have to lift a finger."

"Is that a mob moving towards us?" Tahlia gaped. "What in the hell is going on out here?" she asked.

Talren threw up a hand in defeat, "I told you! Everyone's bloody mad!"

The echo of core, core, core rang out over even the sounds of battle until you could feel it reverberting right to your bones. In one direction the cyborgs were re-gathering en masse to start their own march back down Main Street, and in front of the approaching mob from the other direction were soldiers and a line of mechs setting the place alight as they went. The cyborgs had been pushed back but a sea more awaited to retake their place if the position wasn't re-claimed swiftly.

"Light. We'll be in a meat grinder if we're caught out here when these groups hit," Shelby told the others. "Go on Elante, we can handle ourselves here. Anria, Cináed, Sahlie, Talren and Tahlia. Get to that blockade and find out who's in charge here and where they most need our assistance. Everyone else with me, we need to get clear of this area. Get to the outskirts of the combat zones and get as many people evacuated as possible before the fighting reaches them."

Elante nodded his head, "Good luck, watch each other's backs." he said, before in another flash of light, he was gone.

"You heard the woman!" Anria barked, voice booming heartily from beneath her helmet, "Move, and show any undead monstrosities that cross our path the business end of your blades!" The tall and broad-shouldered woman hefted her halberd and set off at a run.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Sahlie Bikan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
The sound of the wind whipping past Paragon's form was all the warning Maria needed. As Paragon closed on his target, Maria coiled and leaped for the nearest building, her claws digging into concrete as she looked back to the shattered asphalt where Paragon had struck the ground in her wake. Hot saliva dripped from her maw as she launched herself clear of the building and down at the strange cloaked figure that had attacked her.

Landing only paces from Paragon, Maria stalked forward with menacing intent. Every coil of her body, and the ripple of her muscle and sinew beneath flesh spoke of the feral grace and raw strength of a predator, while the glint of intelligence reflected in her eyes spoke of a cunning adversary.

A cyborg slammed into her side while she had her focus on Paragon, but she twisted to meet it, and her claws dug deep into its undead flesh before she flung it free to smash through the windows of a street side shop.

Wheeling back about to face Paragon once more, Maria didn't get the opportunity to make a move as the street lit up from the pillar of plasma that struck. It was incinerating abandoned vehicles and cyborgs caught up in its wake, and Maria and Paragon were right in its path. Having been caught out in the middle of the cyborg horde by her fall from the helicopter, it did have the fortunate result of landing her well clear of friendly allies that she might harm in her current state, but it also had the unfortunate result of leaving them in a position at very high risk of friendly fire.

In a moment of pure instinct, Maria joined the cyborg she had flung through the window as heat seared past scorching fur and flesh. Her form was smoldering as she landed crumpled in a heap of broken glass, and her body shuddered as the damage began to knit closed. As the wounds faded so too did her fur. The injuries the plasma had inflicted had taken a lot out of the werebeast and she was rapidly shedding her bestial form.

She roused to the sound of the pounding footsteps of Aschen soldiers running past the building, mechs, and citizens marching to the beat of Core. Core. Core. For the moment though, the street outside was largely clear of cyborgs save for those nearest to the blockade that had been outside of the blast zone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Sahlie Bikan
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0.00 INK

As the Aschen Sergeant barked his warning, Shannon Bennet barely had time to duck for cover as the pillar of plasma seared down to impact with the street. The heat gusted past her position and the stench of ozone filled the air.

"For frak's sake," she muttered as she surveyed the damage.

It had been a reckless gambit, but fortunately whoever was up there was spot on mark as the pillar struck the intersection up ahead. The street further down from the fighting had been swept clear of the worst of the cyborgs; though, dozens more remained that had been safely outside of the blast zone as they were engaged with those near the blockade, but the locals were making short work of them now that the incoming flood had been momentarily stemmed.

She checked the micro-fushion cell in her disruptor rifle before moving out into the street with the other Aschen soldiers and Terran military that were rushing down the street. The cyborgs wouldn't leave the area clear for long, and they had to secure the position if they intended to hold it. Cyborgs were felled by the dozens as the soldiers broke through the surviving zombies to reach the cleared street ahead.

One cyborg reached for Shannon's leg in passing - its lower extremities having been incinerated by the plasma beam - but Shannon quickly finished it off with a single shot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Disdain
Back at the blocade the break in the cyborg flood had the fight for Main Street swaying in favor of those manning the barricades. In a roar of gunfire WCPD officers, NPA officers, and Invictus soldiers were cutting through the remaining cyborgs and laying down cover fire for the soldiers moving out into the street to retake it. Daniel Johnson, a man of thirty-two and a long standing member of the police force was among those holding the line. Popping a fresh magazine into his rifle, he sighted down it and fired off a few more shots that dropped another cyborg.

The bodies piling up in the street in front of the blocade were beyond count, and those still walking were rapidly thinning, but movement far in the distance betrayed the imminent arrival of the next wave if the soldiers didn't secure the street.

Snuffing out the still blazing corpse of a nearby cyborg tentatively with the heel of his boot, Benjamin Davis sighed, nudging the charred body away and wrinkling his nose. It was starting to smell badly of rotting flesh, the piles of bodies formed of already dead flesh swiftly deteriorating as the battle went on.

"Uhg," the long-haired mage grimaced, wringing his hands together and glancing at Daniel, who was adjacent to him in the line. "Did we miss a mass excavation of graveyards, recently? Where does anyone get this many bodies? This isn't what I signed up for."

"Damned if I know," Daniel shouted back over the gunfire. "But I'm sure they'll take your preference into account if they break through the blockades."

There was another crack of Daniel's rifle and another cyborg fell to join its brethren on the pavement.

"Do you think? They don't seem very considerate, to me." Ben replied, frowning and extending a hand outwards to catch an approaching cyborg in a burst of fire that knocked it to the ground where it was promptly finished off by one of the others on the barricade.

"Have you ever tried to give out parking tickets in this city?" Daniel yelled back. "Believe me, these things are far more reasonable."

Ben cracked a smile at that remark, "I suppose you're right. In no other city will you see something escalate from a speeding fine, to resisting arrest and several thousand dollars worth of property damage in the space of ten minutes. That was a fun one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
As the small force of Mechs marched toward the cyborg a flash of flesh darted out from the shadows a dull grey light could be seen and a high pitched could be heard. The figure raced by a Mech and it fell and it repeated the process until only one remained. It easily dodged the heavy robots weapons. Then the figure raced through the barrier past the troops and down the street. It ran much faster than the average human but not with superhuman speed either.
General Williams had been walking down the street by the SEC marines when he got reports of his Mechs being dropped. He was about to send a few marines forward when a skinny figure raced by. He caught the figures face in the light and immediately recognized X279.

"STOP HIM! SEIZE HIM!" He shouted to the armored Marines. About six of them raced after the figure their armor enhanced their speed and immediately caught up with him. X was close to the square now but suddenly he made a miscalculation and was backed into a corner at the front lines. Behind the lines Zombies approached while SEC marines leveled rifles to X's head.

Out of the Shadows Zeban sky appeared. "Don't kill him, Mr. Sullen wants him alive." He said in a dark voice to the marines before turning to the boy. "We have been hunting you for months and when our resolve began to falter you land right in our hands. Fates funny isn't it?" He stated laughing knowing the young man could not respond to his queries.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

Sighing softly Ki leaped from the building down to the ground and moved towards the zomborgs, his eyes slit gold and his tail lashed behind him. He grinned when they saw him and moved towards him. Sliding to a sudden stop, he twisted slightly and lashed out with his tail, twin shlinks echoing as his scythes popped out and heads rolled as bodies fell with wet thunks. Those still standing soon lost their heads as well as his tail lashed back around before flicking and sending blood everywhere before sinking back into the ball on the end of his tail.

He looked back to where the three had been and hoped to met the feline some day but knew he didn't have time to wast as the soldier on his back twitched. "Lets get you some help." he said as he leaped forward and once again raced down the street, leaping burned cars, dead bodies and skirting around larger pockets of zomborgs. Sliding to a halt, Ki's head cocked his ears tuned towards a shout and shifted slightly before leaping in that direction. Only to skid to a halt when he saw several large armored suits and gulped as his tail lashed out to strike into the side of the building to keep him from slamming into one and froze where he stood, slit gold eyes locked on the mech's while his ears twitched and he shifted ever so slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

Before she knew it, she felt herself falling. The girl with the red hair was still looking at the sky, but from far up. She twisted her hips, allowing her whole body to turn around so she could face the street.

Her jaw dropped.

She was as high up as the sky scrapers. No! Far higher! But it was not as she had thought it was. There was death and war on Main Street. People pushing back terrible machines. Soldiers. Soldiers? Gunshots. She could hear them even in her fall. She spread her arms and frowned, slowing her momentum, if just barely. She concentrated on the scene before her.

Airheaded would be the proper word, huh? Iso grumbled to herself. She reached for the watch around her wrist, but paused when she felt skin. Her expression became panicked.

Shit! I left it on the counter!

As she swiftly approached the ground, she closed her eyes and flickered out of existence once more. When she flickered back into the world, she was in the middle of the commotion. She whirled around, looking towards the army of...of...

...zombies? Machine zombies?

Her heart raced. She wasn't prepared for this! Not right now! One approached her, and as she whirled around to run she was met with a man holding a gun. Time slowed for all but a second as she saw his finger press down on the trigger. She was gone long before the bullet left the barrel, one moment there, the next moment in a nearby alley, on a fire escape, falling onto her back in an uncoordinated tumble. She curled up, teeth gritting as the air was knocked out of her.

What was I thinking? She got up, pressing her back to the wall. Those blue eyes swept over the chaos of the street once more.

Oh, right. I wasn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

It might have been chaos on the the blood and bile soaked Main Street of Wing City; and of course all one could hear was the battle that was being waged on the long lane of pavement. Guns firing, people screaming, fires raging, and machines going haywire and don't even think about the smell of the area as the dead lined the ground.

This was most likely hell on earth from anyone point of view, but it was about to get worse with the arrival of ten very large and bright yellow troop transporters. Their giant fifty inch wheels coming to a screeching halt and the back doors flung open with a loud metal thud.

A few waves of people in bright yellow hazmat suits came rushing towards the battle. Guns in tow. And one of those hazmat suited maniacs climbing the top of one of the vehicles and pointing out towards the mob of zomborgs.

"Halt out, Bitches! We got Zombie Ass to kick the Center of Disease Control style!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

On top of the rooftops nearby, several bandits had devised a plan to get the drop on the forces fighting below in the streets. Several of the bloodthirsty criminals occupied several buildings, each of them facing one another. Loading up crudely made crossbows, obviously made from whatever was handy at the time, the various men on the rooftops proceeded to create a small zipline system across the buildings, some of them directing up to the rooftops, others directing into various windows.

Chuckling a bit, one of the many bandits strapped several grenades to a zipline, shoving them on their way, the grenades becoming unattached to the zipline when it was above the center of the street, resulting in several grenades falling to the earth. Once the initial barrage of explosives were dropped, the bandits then strapped themselves to the zipline system, sliding building to building, taking potshots or lobbing grenades at the chaos below, all of them taunting and teasing. "NEVER SHOULDA COME HERE!" a voice with a southern accent might yell, or "I'm gonna blow you into GUM!" another might yell, obviously fearless in their attempts to salvage from the resulting carnage. They came to this planet to get rich, not wuss out, after all...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Paragon leaped out of the way as column of plasma slammed into the street, his jump carrying him hundreds of feet into the air, propelling him high above the city. He looked down at the now-scorched pavement, scouring the area for any signs of the cursed wolf...

From his bird's eye view over the city, Paragon could see neither the werewolf nor the remains of any Terran citizens left in the carnage of the Aschen assault. Despite their glitzy entrance, they had been careful, which is was more then could be said for some of these crazy 'defense' forces. Still, it looked as if the tides were being stemmed. Heroes and soldiers flooded in from every direction, defending their homes and families with their powers, weapons, magics or plain old human courage. It looked as if there weren't many zomborgs left 'alive' on Main Street. Victory seemed imminent for the forces of order on Terra.

With the werewolf out of his hands, Paragon threw back his hands, gliding through the sky on the ends of his cloak. He veered left, resolving to follow through on his earlier lead and find the source of these monstrosities... though he curiously descended near the building that the three armed soldiers had entered not a few moments earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
The cybernetic drones kept coming, even if they were in smaller numbers. In reality their numbers hadn't decreased, they had just scattered. Main Street was just one area that these enhanced corpses were. They were in alleys, in buildings, on Sol Avenue, in the slums, the woods.

Victory wasn't imminent at all. The false hope that the dwindling numbers on Main Street itself was going to be ruined sooner or later by the revelation that all these people had did was secure part of one street in a big city on a big planet.

It wasn't time to pat themselves on the back, it was time to step up their game if they wanted to clean house and rid their planet of these scientifically abused monstrosities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
General Allen walked away from the Scene with X279 Leaving Zeban to handle that mess. He knew this was only a partial victory in their hands. Something nagged him that this was only the beginning. The source of this madness still needed to be found but it seemed to him this needed to be contained. Soon he found the NPA and Terran small command post on the street and walked up.

"My name is General Allen With the Sullen Enterprise Corporation I wish to speak with whom ever is leading the Terran operations." He said loud enough to stop the chattering of Terrans.

Meanwhile X279 was cowering in a corner a scared look on his face facing three massive rifles of SEC marines and a demon. Zeban still in demon form chuckled.

"Boy your fun is finished here. It's high time you returned home, But see you destroyed our newest product and Mr. Sullen isn't going to like that. So here's the deal, I can tell some how you have realized your potential. Fight these things and let us show case it or maybe I'll just kill you hear you've cause so much damage already..." He said before he sensed a being behind one of the Armored Marines. Zeban spun around turning to face Shiro Ki.

"This is none of your business!" He said in a dark voice. X279 looked up at the man almost pleading for assistance.

The setting changes from Main Street to New Terra: High Orbit

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Isoroku Yamamoto Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Nicole Reinhardt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
John was about to respond to the Terrans and the others when her 1st officer alerted her of something. "Captain I have Multiple SEC contact inbound!" He exclaimed.

John Sighed this was a development she hadn't expected. "Alright well I think we have enough solid data on whats going on to report to the Diplomatic team. Plot a course away from the battle and the SEC and jump us to TOC space." She ordered.
Moments after the ships departed another force arrived. It was not nearly as large as the Massive fleets in the area in reality it was just a hastily thrown together taskforce of SEC ships. On the Bridge of the Super Carrier Firelight Grand Moff Tarin and General Williams looked out over the scene.

"Well lets get this over with command wants us up here to please the screaming clients on Terra but this seems like a waste given we are only going to sit here." Williams said to Tarin.

Tarin nodded with an equally glum look but he knew that they needed to make a show for the customers. Currently they had no plans to attack either force in the area this was merely just a show of force. "Get me the Lead Terran ship on the Line" The moff stated.

"Captain Macduff this is Grand-Moff Tarin of the SEC, We are requesting permission to maintain position in your system and if the situation requires to offer evac for our ground based workers for now if you have issues or have any requests I will be more than happy to oblige." The Moff stated he wasn't as No, the ships are close to the land, and with the amount of weapons there, it could blow a vast amount of Volaria up. Anyway, it was part of the plan. as Captain Malcolm had been and it almost seemed if the man had merely stated his intentions.

After the transmission was through Tarin turned and set out another set of directions. "Get me the Taiyou Commander on the Line." He said, He wasn't entirely excited about this and he knew the Taiyou probably weren't going to give him the warmest welcome but he had been ordered by the Vice President to offer a warm gesture.

"Your Majesty, Admiral. I wish I was contacting you both under better circumstances. I do not believe we are aquianted I am Grand-Moff Tarin of the SEC. We are here to provide protection for some of our Terran customers and employees on Terra but I also wanted to convey a message from our leadership. I have been instructed to offer our services to you in this situation if it is within our ability." Tarin said, he was clearly being more formal to the Prince and admiral Yamamoto.

The setting changes from New Terra: High Orbit to Gonthar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
On one of the gonthar highways an SEC convoy was suppose to be delivering standard security droids when the attack came. The lead truck was destroyed and the soldiers providing security fanned out. "We are under attack!" One of the men frantically shouted as the soldiers formed up. These men weren't trained for this type of combat and only fired back modestly.

A few minutes into the fight though something changed when the radio officer chirped up to the squad commander. "Sir your'e not going to believe this but I have general Williams on the line for you." He said as the squad leader opened his comm.

"General what a surprise."

"Cut the pleasantries, I have good news you're getting support the TNG has authorized full support procedures on the ground. I have an orbital drop company that's going to come down right on your position to set up an LZ, but I need coordinates of the nearest base that you can see so we can get some suppressive bombardment onto that thing." He said.

The talk continued for a moment and a few minutes later 4 large ships could be seen high in orbit. Two Ori Class Destroyers came a bit lower than the transports to unleash 6 missiles aimed toward the ground and a salvo of smaller guided missiles ahead of the six.
The larger missiles were short range emp burst effective up to a few 200 Meters they were aimed right for the base they would cover an area up of 1.2km. The smaller missiles that were ahead were unarmed but they wouldn't read that way on scanners these missiles would provide an AA screen for the larger missiles increasing the chances for more successive EMP hits on the cybran base.

As missiles rained down on the base many drop pods from the main transport ships launched. Over all 30 drop pods were launched toward the ground in groups of five. They came in fast each drop pod carried 10 man squad giving a total of 300 SEC Marines imbound. The numbers might have sounded small compared to that of the cybrans but it was all that could be spared at this point. The SEC couldn't risk a large landing nor did they want to the AA was still too strong.

Hopefully they would make it down alive given the EMP and Anodyne's efforts against the SAM's and AA.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

The Cybran warships on the flat ocean started to open fire on the new targets while the smaller starships that were rising from the ocean engaged the Armored Intelligent Mechs. Their lasers hitting at them as hard as they could, aimed to destroy the Mechs, while a vast number of the Cybrans on the land were already getting ready to back into the seas. Godheart and the Old Order members had decided there had been enough killing.

With the arrival of the two Ori Class Destroyers, most of the Cybrans were away, but with the EMP blasts, the robots that were left had stopped working; their circuits totally destroyed. The warships in the ocean started firing at the Destroyers, sending new waves of missiles and lasers towards their targets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Terran Space Navy Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: The Custodis Veritas
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Shields flared around the A.I.M.s as laser impacts hit, and instantly their responses were known, powerful boosters thrusting them in complex evasive maneuvers. Their returning fire was witheringly accurate, attention shifting from the inert drones to active firing units, hammering hyperkinetic slug after hyperkinetic slug to their targets, trailing thundering sonic booms the whole way. Sparrow quickly readjusted its inbound vector, darting back and forth over the waves, advancing ahead of its squad on thrusters tuned for speed.

Fisher Hawk followed in its wake, trading the headlong blitz of Sparrow for a angled route to flank its partner. With the Cybran force having cleared out of civilian threatened areas, drew forth a second gun-blade, unleashing searing balls of plasma bolts from the plasma cannon built into its twinned blade. These secondary weapons traded speed for power, erupting in gouts of solar-hot plasma on contact, while an overhead rail extended and settled into place, hurling rapid fire penetrating shells, each shell containing air-ignition fuel-bombs to scatter, should they penetrate the armored hulls of the Cybran Vessels.

Wildcat and Dragon veered course, the bulky Claymore unit accelerating massively with twin tails of prolonged boosters, kicking up a wall of water to either side as it raced after its support pair, side mounted tomahawk launchers opening and loosing torrents of fast, "lock and blitz" rockets, even as it changed ammunitions from impact to HVAP DU rounds, the thunder of its cannons growing ever louder. The Rifle wafted airborne, bringing to bear multiple long rifle barrels to add more weight to its precision firepower from hull mounted heavy rifles and cannons. Additionally, it opened its more basic artillery ports, launching on skybound trajectories lighter explosive shells to rain down on the Cybran vessels.

Wizel, for its part, was mainly just adjusting its long range bombardment, but was also extending from its frame inner box-like protrusions, each one opening at least half a dozen silo ports. The only unit cleared to carry heavy missile armament, the Wizel carried several hundred Jericho reaction-warhead missiles, which it now loaded en masse, carefully targeted with imaging and signature guides, and let loose.

Each missile raced across the ground for nearly a kilometer before curving towards the heavens, reaching a height of 6kms before pausing to turn, holding position on the counter-grav drive that had brought them thus far. Carefully, they aligned to their targets, the primary Cybran warships firing on the A.I.M.s and cruisers, before unfurling racks of smaller missiles, the prow of each missile extending as the inner warhead prepped for launch. Seven to each launch, each targeting its own point on the enemy fleet. What was initially hundreds became thousands, as powerful thrusters ignited and sent them racing across the sky, brilliant stars with a deadly mission.

Each warhead created a reaction, splitting apart the atomic structure of the target by generating a specific magnetic field that drew away the molecular bonds. Their explosive power was nonexistent, and individually, the damage they wrought was minimal, opening fair sized holes in a target. But stacked in the numbers they were, and with the precision of the targeting queue delivered into their computers from the Wizel, there was a margin of surviving impacts to allow for advanced degradation of the enemy hulls to initiate complete structural collapse, and a secondary margin to generate substantial enough collapse to generate casualties in the Cybran fleet's numbers.

The courses of the four assaulting A.I.M.s adjusted accordingly, not overtly holding back from close range engagment, but there was the hint of a stall in their attack. The timing between events was superb, however, the wide-band, instantaneously communication between the mechs operating on the lower frequencies, the bursts of binary communication virtually ghosts amidst the static.

The setting changes from Gonthar to Belta Station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
*A few months after the Varden Negotiations*

From the station a message was transmitted to Lochlyn's forces giving him the Destination of the station. On board the station Grandmoff Tarin pondered the situation beside him another man, General Williams stood looking out over the SEC forces assembled around the space station.

The normally minuscule taskforce was replaced with three entire battle groups of second generation enterprise ships. Each of the battle groups was headed by a massive Paladin-Class Defender the ship was the largest type roughly around 600 Km long and 400 Km wide. Each of these ships was armed with a primary Axial-Superlaser and carried an armament of Paritcle Accelerator cannons as well.

"This seems awefully Cocky to me Tarin, I would have hidden these things and used them later if things went sour they are after all suppose to be our allies...." General Williams stated though he only got a disapproving nod from the Regional Moff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: General Williams Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
*A few months after the Varden Negotiations*

From the station a message was transmitted to Lochlyn's forces giving him the Destination of the station. On board the station Grandmoff Tarin pondered the situation beside him another man, General Williams stood looking out over the SEC forces assembled around the space station.

The normally minuscule taskforce was replaced with three entire battle groups of second generation enterprise ships. Each of the battle groups was headed by a massive Paladin-Class Defender the ship was the largest type roughly around 600 Km long and 400 Km wide. Each of these ships was armed with a primary Axial-Superlaser and carried an armament of Paritcle Accelerator cannons as well.

"This seems awefully Cocky to me Tarin, I would have hidden these things and used them later if things went sour they are after all suppose to be our allies...." General Williams stated though he only got a disapproving nod from the Regional Moff.