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The White

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


Griddlebone Maradake
The White

Overall Stats



Combat Style

Destructive Capability:

Current Status








Magic Resistance





How much power this character has in terms of strength
and how hard the character hits

How fast this character moves in terms of running to attacks.

How fast this character reacts and realizes.

How well this character is in melee and how well attacks are executed.

How smart this character is in information
and analyzing things, objects, and people.

How well this character uses skills/magic

How much damage or injuries this character can take.

Magic Resistance
How much resistance toward magic this character
can take as well as endure it.

How much stamina this character has to move around.

How much energy this character has to use skills and magic

How well this character is connected with religion/gods/spirits/etc

Personal Information

Full Name
Griddlebone the White {First name: Ghuen'vyrae}
Age Appearance
Early 20s
Life Span
Siamese/Persian mix
The White Lady
Sexual Orientation:
Growltiger {one sided crush}
Mistofelees {best friend}
Relationship History
Has been reported to have a one sided crush on Growltiger
Castle Greyscale
Date of Birth:
2303 AR {After Return}
2 meters {approx 7'2"}
60kilos even
Physical Condition:
Eye Color
Emerald Green
Cahotic Good
Occupation (Main):
Master Wizard
Occupation (Sub)
Master Wizard
Master Wizard
The Vale of Wizards
Jellicle, American English, Galactic Basic
Current Residence
Unknown, wanders
Former Residence
Wizards Vale
Munkustrap: Brother in law
Tantomile: younger sister
Growltiger and his Crew
Pollicles that attempt to kill her. Pollicles that are kind to her or her kindred are treated in kindness
Political Status
Being one that prefers to remain as neutral as possible she keeps from politics as much as she is able
Wizards Vale, Jellicles
Lack of Vanity, Sometimes Gridd as she is sometimes called when focused on a task will forget, or ignore other needs pertaining to personal care.
Demure, methodical, careful
Most Prized Possession (Material Value):
Elderwood staff - self carved
Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value):
Mithril Sword - Given to her upon her graduation
Mean Pollicles
Least Outspoken About:
Most Outspoken About:
Growltiger and his crew
Favorite Word:
Positive Characteristics:
A beautiful white Siamese/Persian mix
Negative Characteristics:
A beautiful white Siamese/Persian mix, with magic


Mithril Sword; A light and deadly weapon in the hands of Jellicle or otherwise. Forged over a fifteen year period the silvery white weapon was designed and made only for Griddlebone to use. It is perfectly balanced for single or two handed combat and very light and razor sharp.

Elderwood staff; a self carved weapon and walking stick that also denotes her post on the Wizards Council. Gridd can also use the staff as a offensive weapon with a sword spell to make it a dual bladed sword whe nthe need arises.
Spells and Magic: Naturally a Master Wizard though also still learning new spells, Gridd can use magic. Her favorite spell is the teleportation and also the coffee brewing and wizard lock spells

Feats/Achievements List


Past History

Family History


Image {Griddlebone's traveling outfit/combat outfit}

So begins...

Griddlebone's Story


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The forest was not exactly the best place, but the feeling of magic in use was strongest there. Like someone had transported from one place to arrive at another, and the arrival site was closer to the cove then to the point of origin. But didn't Misto prefer a nice large house with one skat of a fire going in the heath over woods ? Or was he seriously roughing it in a massive RV ? Gridd had no idea how close to the mark she was on that guess.

The closer she got to the woods, the more detailed she could sense the magic. And who used it was clearly not Misto, but someone possibly just as powerful. Very strange. Conqourer ? Better hope not. She thought. The last thing she wanted to worry about was the Pollicles Patrons being on this world. Staff in hand she struck a well made path and headed closer to the woods.


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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone heard voices ahead of her as she walked, along with some snapping branches ? What the Rumpus was going on ? If it was Misto he was definately getting a tail grilling for sure! She picked up the pace and came around a bend in the path as it rounded a small hill. Coming to a halt when she saw two .... men... Humans. Great, more humans. The furless freaks. She did not recognise either man. And she knew upon both sight and scent that niether was a ceratin conjuring cat. She slowed her pace as she neared the two. She felt weird magic. This couldn't be good.


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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone carefully took in the two before her as she got closer. As far as she could tell so far all humans were in a simple term, small. Oddly so. How tall were these on average anyhow ? A white ear poked forwards as the names were spoke aloud and so freely. Rather then give out her own so swiftly without knowing why she said simply, "One gives their name so quickly. Is that wise ?" She leaned on her staff then, as she did so the black hilt of her sword poked over her left shoulder. She had taken a shower in a natural spring. Using her magic to warm the water into a nice hot shower. Sort of. Now her fur was nice and clean and dry. Thick white fur covered her from head to foot. her tail remained level, moving slowly, carefully. Cautiously.


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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone half smiled, "It all depends on why the weapons are carried." She said, "After all, what good is a Wizard without her staff ? Or a means to defend herself when said staff is out of reach ?" She thought carefully then before saying "To know a cats name is to have power over them. Only a few know my name. I do not give it freely." She said, somewhat advising, and mostly for her own safety. Other then the names of these two, she did not know them, and yet they said their names as if it were saying a simple hello. It did not make much sense to her, after all, she was raised never to give her name so freely else someone figure her true name and try to command her. Only one Jellicle knew her true name. She hoped. "And yet, because you gave me yours, I will give you mine. I am called Griddlebone, the White."


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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"I think it was on how old you currently appear" Gridd replied softly. Her arms crossed as she leaned on her staff, the white elderwood gleamed in the sunlight. She carefully looked the two over. Niether of them her jellicles, and niether looked to be Patrons either. She felt magic from both of them, but niether one was her desired companion. Finally she sighed and said, "Forgive me, but I was looking for someone, two someones actually. If I do not find them and return empty handed, the beloved of one of those I seek will.... it wont be good what she will do to me, I will just say that." The idea of getting spayed with a dull wooden spoon if she didn't at least bring back a letter, or send Munkus back for a weekend, or notice that the Silver Tabby was still alive for that matter. She was in trouble. Finding Munkustrap, and Mistoffolees was her only way out of trouble.


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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone raised an eyebrow, which was not a very easy feat considering her solid white fur, her eyebrows were the same call, so the only way to know her eyebrow even raised was the emerald green eyeshadow she always wore. An offer of help, from a possible Patron. This was thin ice, she had to tread carefully. She snickered, "I've been her nearly twenty minutes, maybe longer. Most of my energy was used to get me here. You try landing in the middle of nowhere with water around you in every direction and a guy with a underwater boat for company." She got herself back under control

She sighed, "Alright look, I barely know this planet, as far as I know, I am on Tellar, as planned. And I have to find two fellow Jellicles, one of them a wizard like myself. I'd use one of my elementals but they're all exausted from the trip as it is." She said.

The setting changes from Forest Border to Alfarsi Gallery


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Munkustrap Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone stepped through the door from the outside. After easily talking her way, with some wizardy help, as Tugger called it the Jedi Mind Trick, which it partly was. The white feline woman looked about, letting her nose and magical senses take in the room. Aha! There was a scent she recognised! Moving with a determined stride the tall white feline went straight to where the drink mixer stood. And came to face with a certain Silver Tabby. "If Demeter could see you now. She'd have a fit for sure."

Of course Munkustrap did not see her right away and there for did not know that it was Griddlebone that had caused the weird storm that morning. He was too focused on mixing some Screaming Hudsons, {one and one-half ounces of Canadian Whisky, a half-ounce of Drambuie® Scotch Whisky and finally a half-ounce of Lemon Juice} to notice her arrival and nearly dropped the one he was mixing when she spoke. Munkus stared for a moment, Blinking a few times before speaking he finally got his mouth working "Griddlebone ? Is that you ? I mean really you ?" At her nod he sighed. "Great, want a Screaming Hudson ?"

She gave him a look that said 'seriously ?' And got right to the point, "Where's Mistoff ? I know he's here, Demter threatened me like she did to him." She said, giving the Silver Tabby a pointed look.

"And here I was hoping Tanto had gotten a little too much bubbly" Munkus muttered downing one of his own drinks. The only affect the drink had on him was that his wiskers curled into mini dreadlocks and a nervous tick started up in his nose. Mostly because he missed his mouth and the drink was overly fizzy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Munkustrap Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Griddlebone heard a oddly familar voice. Oh great. She remained standing by the bar as the Silver Tabby, in a skat brown suit that not even Macavity would touch with a nine meter pole, made a drink and handed it over {Three ounces of Smirnoff 100 proof vodka, three ounces of Mezcal Tequila and one-and-one-half ounces of Everclear; with a note that had the phone number of a funeral home and probate judge} the White feline said nothing as she watched Munkus easily mix the drink and hand it over. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Marty, yep, no missing that bird.

Once Munkus had served the requested drink, he turned to Griddlebone and asked a simple question "If I told you where Misto is, what's in it for me ?"

"I'll let Demter short sheet your bed instead of my frying your tail to kingdom come." Griddlebone replied.

Munkus made a show of loosening his shirt collar. Yeah that was actually a good deal Hepicked up a piece of paper and wrote in Siamese, "When you get there tell him Deme sent you. Whatever you do, don't mention the spoons. Also don't get too close to the red pickup truck. Its a bit moody."

Griddlebone just looked at the Silver Tabby, he drove a pick up truck ? Since when ? He then handed over a key "If you need a place to stay the beds free, I sleep on the couch anyhow. Big RV, can't miss it, the only one on the block at that adress." He said. OK, this was just getting better and better. Great.

"What was that about my older sister ?" Griddlebone then asked Munkus, the Silver Tabby promptly shut his mouth and continued serving drinks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Munkustrap Character Portrait: Rick Hilok Character Portrait: Alexander (Alex) Character Portrait: Griddlebone Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw
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0.00 INK

The music would suddenly change, taking on a familiar note but keeping to the waltz.

A melody built in the Alfarsi ballroom, the orchestra stomping to the occasion with massive sound. As the music galloped up in scale, it filled the hall with anticipation and emotion. The music seemed to jump a key, repeating the rhythm before growing, falling, growing, falling. Then, the strings truly began, leading down as the song surged up.

Suddenly, a shift. The listeners were brought in from a storm of percussion and brass, into a romantic leading melody of string. Zosimos had returned, taking up a position in the corner to listen for now. He waited...And there it was. The strings rang through with their starting melody, falling into his favorite part. He gently waved a hand along with the music, accenting on every third. Nodding his head on the sharps, Zosimos felt himself observing the ballroom dancers as they began to assemble again.

The setting changes from Alfarsi Gallery to Wing City Lake: Beach

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Even though Munkus had given her the directions to where he and Misto were staying, Gridd decided to follow her nose instead. Finding the RV and detective office building where the two wayward Jellicles currently made their home, she had easily caught Mistos scent and followed it. All the way to the beach. There was also the faint scent of Irn Bru too. Oh dear. She exited the thick woods onto a rock outcropping that overlooked the water edge and the beach as a whole, and for a brief heartbeat she was reminded of home back at the 'Vale, Misto's scent was stronger the closer she got. Fresher too. Now where was that conjurer ?

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Silent as Jellicle could be, Griddlebone came to a halt under a tree on the edge of the sand. Misto had been by that place. His scent was even on the tree as well. A glance up and she spotted something that was not exactly natural to a tree, it was black and white. Misto's tail. AHA! Found you! She thought. For a long heartbeat Griddlebone was tempted to give that selfsame tail a yank, but instead she poked up her staff at the tailtip. Maybe a small stactic.... OK not THAT powerrful of a small static shock bolt, Sometimes she overthought things. Mostly when it came to lightning bolts. She sighed softly and put a slender paw to the bridge of her nose as the spark was something more akin to licking a car battery as it went from her staff into Misto's tail.

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
This is going to be a long day. Gridd thought as she watched Misto go full static shock and fall out of the tree. When he twirled towards her she actually expected him to come out swinging. Or at least shouting in confusion at what just occured. But when he opened his mouth and nothing came out, only to shut his motuh and try again and still nothing, Gridd spoke. "Surprised to see me ?" She leaned on her staff in one of those poses, the one that actually said 'When you got it, show it!' She had it. So she was naturally showing it. After all she was nice and clean, and also dry too.

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
She hugged him just as tightly, "You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Demeter threatened to do me bodily harm if I didn't find you two. I found Munku already," She said. The static shock made her mane get some split ends, and also made her tail look like a bottle brush. She'd conjure up a comb later. "Did you know that he's a drink mixer ?" She asked. Then she said, "I'd have found you sooner, but then the transport spell casting took a lot of energy." And it made one skat of a storm too on her arrival. Dropping from fifty meters up onto a muddy beach was not a fun thing. Worse in the heavy rain that came with it

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Nope, The Master cast the spell through me, and Demeter all but threw me into it. It drained my energy pretty good too, I blacked out during transport" Truth be told Griddlebone swan dove into the transport spell for her own safety. But she knew that if she went back without Misto or Munkus, or even sent word that both toms were OK and safe, she'd be in big trouble. As for the Master, Well that was Charumcah, One of the most powerful celestial beings and the Caretaker of their Homeworld. When he did the transport spell or any other kind of spell, the resulting affect on the target location was pretty wild.

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Mhm" Gridd replied. "Munku gave me his spare key. He said he had a copy of it for himself. I think for the moment though I may try to get a place at the Inn in town." She said. Then as a after thought added "As long as there are no Pollicles around." Finally she tilted her head and a ear flicked forwards, "Is that caffine I scent ?" She smelled something akin to Munkus' favorite drink, Irn Bru and then some other stuff. She snickered, "It'll be hard to do that you know, Me being a Master Wizard and all." Though they did grow up together there, "Though you can tell me just what happened to get Munku here. When did he get a pickup truck.... and a RV ?"

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Are you SURE Munkus isn't a wizard ?" Gridd then asked. Giving her friend a 'look' "Because the dang pickup truck HISSED at me when I got to close to it. Munkus' scent was all over the thing too. When did he learn to drive anyhow ? Its bad enough he's mixing drinks." OK so the RV made sense. That was basically their home then. Right ? She then snickered, "Yea,h and who's the one that sent the Silver Tabby here ?" Deme was not very happy about that little detail.

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A unseen eyebrow raised slightly, "I'd rather he sticks to the drink mixing thankyouverymuch." She sighed then and nodded, "Yeah, Demeter's not happy and nor is Cassie. Demeter wants to spay me with a dull wood spoon and Cassie really just wants to know if you're OK. I know the transport spell enough to get from place to place, but this was clear across the skatblasted galaxy!" The stars werent't out yet, that meant that she did not know exactly where Tellar was located. But she knew for a fact that was not their moon she was used to seeing at night that hung in the air. "I might need to wait a while before I can open a link back home." She sounded thoughtful. "When Master cast the spell through me he used most of my power. Somehow I am glad I fainted enroute."

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Yeah, That's a good thing I guess." She murmured softly. She snickered then, "That's right you were at the 'Vale yet." She said. "When I was learning, before I, how did Munku call it, graduated ? One of the classes the other wizards had me choose a weapon aside from my staff in order to defend myself. Of course it was a few years before you came to the 'Vale if I recall it right. When I passed the trials the sword was presented to me after wards. You were there when I carved my staff too. Remember ?"

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Actually. We're on Tellar," Gridd pointed out, "That is where the Master originally picked our acenstors up from, no doubt you remember the stories" She sure did, her anscetor had landed nonetoo gracefully in a mud wallow in the northlands. "Since we're where we apparently came from, humans live here too. I think I could try and implore Cori or Tanto to send it to you. You remember where it last was ?" She remembered Misto's staff, though he'd brought it with him when he came to the 'Wizards Vale.

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Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Hmmm" Gridd said thoughtfully. A droplet of water fell on the ground between them, catching her attention in a half heartbeat Looking first down at the water droplet, then up. "Ah skat" She grumbled as water started to pour in a unnatural storm. It was raining when she arrived on Tellar. But this was unexpected. "I think they heard you. Unless Charry wants to party and send us someone else to join us on this skatblasted planet. We're going to have incoming." She said, her voice rising to be heard over the now pouring down rain and streaks of lightning. The sad part was that she had just dried off from her hot spring shower.