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Jack Mercer

A Federation Terran who earned his citizenship and is the COO of Daedalus Enterprises.

0 · 794 views · located in Wing City Hospital

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Prose, as played by RolePlayGateway


A nation under UCON that is primarily made up of non-Scatterran Immigrants into the Coalition that settled into the Azrican Corridor.
A Federation Corporation that specializes in Replicant and Cloning Technology.

So begins...

Jack Mercer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

The night had bathed Wing City in blackness, and the orange light of Wing City's streetlamps brought their soft glow on the off white Tech Con Toyota hiLux

The bright white headlamps illuminated the street before her, music playing softly in the background. And the shouts of a young woman, Callandra Henderson rang through the cab of the truck.

"...I don't care what that frak Dominic has to say. Miles Hagan signs my paychecks, and I take orders from him, not his halfwit son." She argued on the telephone, to the voice on the other end.

"Gods damnit listen to me. Dominic can suck a dick. I've got a lumbering operation to protect." She shouted, catching a glimpse of headlights in oncoming traffic. A drunk driver had veered into the oncoming lane, causing Cally to drop her phone and jerk the wheel sharply to the left.

Wheels screeched on wet pavement, and the truck clipped it's rear on the oncoming car before spinning across the street and impacting a large tree on the sidewalk, before rolling twice and slamming, drivers side into a light pole, sending metal shards, glass, and debris in all directions.

The glowing screen of a cell phone skittered across the street, and the truck rest silently on the sidewalk, bearing Caprican plates, and Tech Con's logo on the side.

The drunk driver was long gone, and the unconscious driver of the truck sat slumped in the drivers seat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Jack was walking down the sidewalk opposite of the accident. He witnessed the entire event. When it happened the man was struck dumb for a split second. As the drunk driver peeled off down the road, Jack memorized the plates as best as he could with a quick glance. He took off at a dead sprint toward the white truck.

"Hey, are you alright!" shouted Jack at the woman slumped against the steering wheel. He was at the passenger side and Jack quickly moved to the driver's side.

"Are you conscious? If you are conscious I need you to say something to me, ma'am," said Jack in a clear voice. "Just make a sound for me, alright? Everything will be okay." He gauged the damage done to the woman. Jack stuck his hand in through the shattered window of the driver's side and checked for a pulse on the woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

The woman was soaked in blood, which was running down her forehead and along her cheeks, down her nose and down the front of her uniform. The uniform itself was rather unmistakeable, a light gray military cut BDU top with small golden diamond shaped rank insignia pinned to the collar, a black belt, and BDU pants. All of it was covered in blood and grime.

The woman's pulse was slow, but steady, and she was completely unconscious. Her seatbelt was jammed, and the pungent smell of fuel began to permeate the air.

The truck was completely smashed, almost to the point where it was almost unrecognizable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
"Shit, this isn't good," Jack hissed between his teeth. He knew immediately that this woman was Aschen. There was no mistaking one of her kind. He was a Terran after all. He had stuck in the Federation all his life but Jack had read about them in StarNet feeds.

He smelled the gasoline and cussed again. There could be a fuel leak. It was fine as long as there wasn't a fire. So far there was no immediate danger. Jack had to figure out a way to get her out of the truck without moving her body too much. Good Samaritan Law protected him but Jack didn't want to have the guilt of making a woman paralyzed for the rest of her life on his consciousness.

Jack wanted to open the driver door but it was crushed against a light pole.

"Fuck!" Jack screamed. There was no one else to hear him. He pulled his cell phone out of his jeans pocket and dialed emergency services.

"Jack Mercer. Federation Terran. I've got an Aschen who's been the victim of a hit and run on Main Street. She's unconscious but breathing and with a pulse. There's possible chance of brain hemorrhaging and she's going to have internal bleeding. She took the impact on the steering wheel," Jack informed the woman on the other end of the line. It took a few more minutes to fill in the dispatcher will all the details that he could before Jack hung up.

"Ma'am, I've called an ambulance. I need you to not move if you can hear me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Randin was driving home after a wonderful day, very much looking forward to his date with Alyssa later that evening. Catching up with an old friend over some good drinks was just what he needed after a perpetual six-month spacefaring clusterfuck. It'd been a long time since he'd had amiable company for dinner... or good food, for that matter. Langara was the last place he'd had a real meal, and Kianna was always there... staring at him... watching his every bite.

As Randin drove down Main Street headed towards his apartment, he immediately noticed the crash off to the side of the road. No lights, either. First responders hadn't arrived yet. The detective immediately pulled his vehicle off the asphalt (a meager little volvo that he'd rented out for the month until he could get a new car) and parked it a safe distance away from the crashed Toyota. Once exited, he sent out an emergency beacon from his CADDY to the station frequency and ran over to the mangled truck.

"WCPD!" he shouted, flashing his badge. God that felt good. He looked first to Jack. "Is she alright? Did you see what happened?" As he waited for a response, the detective reached in through the car himself, briefly checking Cally's pulse and doubtlessly gathering the same info that Mercer had. Unconscious. Pulse was low, but continuous. Breathing too. Knocked cold, by the look of it... likely concussion...

...then the pungent smell of fuel hit his nostrils.

"We need to get her out of this car now," Randin said calmly but sternly. He looked to Jack. "Can you help me?" He tried the door, quickly realizing that it wasn't going budge with this hunk of metal in the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

The Passenger side door didn't budge, and as the smell of fuel permeated the air, so did the smell of ozone. Something wasn't right and it showed.

Still no response came from the young woman in the truck's driver side seat, but the smell of ozone and the smell of hot metal continued to permeate the stench of gasoline. Aschen made vehicles didn't have a standard battery, rather a fission battery nestled under the hood.

To the educated nostrils, the gasoline-like smell would be slightly off, Tylium which was far more unstable and yielded a higher energy concentration. The metal colored liquid began to seep at the pair's feet.

Both the woman's legs were broken, and it was clear one was crushed in the driver side door, though worked just right, the crushed leg would come free with little effort.

The smell of ozone got worse.

With enough motivation however, the passenger side door would come free, as would the drivers side back door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
This was not the night that Jack had planned out for himself. Blood pounded in his ears from the adrenaline rush the accident was causing.

"The truck is far too fucked up. We're gonna have to haul her out through the window. I can smell gas and this truck is leaking some weird shit. I don't want to move her body but it looks like we have no choice," said Jack to the cop. He leaned even more forward on the driver's side and tried to unbuckle her seat belt. It wasn't coming undone.

Jack cursed and then reached into his pocket. He flicked open his multi-tool and went to work on slicing through the nylon to free the woman's body. When the belt came free Jack let go of his multi-tool and started pulling the Aschen through the window as gentle as he could.

"She's stuck!" exclaimed Jack. "Fuck, she's stuck on something. Come over here and see if you can get her free." Jack grunted from having to support the weight of the Aschen woman. He could handle it. Her body placement and his was just awkward and it was straining his back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"Easy, easy," Randin said, "don't yank her out all at once. Those legs look broken, which means there's bone shards stickin' in her muscles right now. We twist the wrong way and a vein gets nicked. She'll start bleeding from the inside out." The detective stepped forward, peering inside the driver's hub and testing her crushed foot. It would move easily enough. They could get her out... but how soon?

"Here, you wait on the outside," Randin instructed," I'll free her leg, you just keep her upright like yer'doing. Once she's free, I'll keep her legs suspended in the position they are now to avoid any internal damage." He looked back to Mercer, offering the boy a nod. "We need to work quickly, alright? Quick and steady. You did a damn good job with that seatbelt. Don't buckle now." He grunted.

Randin did not tell Mercer that the faint, musky scent mingled with the gasoline was ozone... a substance that Randin was only all-too familiar with. He did not tell Mercer that the car was literally a ticking time-bomb, that they had only a handful seconds... a minute at best... until the disrupted fission battery combusted the car's Tylium reserves and turned this car into an inferno. He told him none of this while aware of all of it. Maybe that was unfair. Maybe Jack deserved to know that he was literally risking his life for a stranger... that they were all just a few moments away from going up in blazes. Randin would have wanted to know if he was in Jack's shoes. He'd of wanted to know what he was risking.

The detective kept silent and worked.

His hands found Cally's foot, the dexterous fingers working quickly to free it while putting as little stress on Henderson as possible. Once done, he carefully laced his arms under the crooks of her knees and around her lower back.

"Alright, I'm lifting her up. Pull back carefully, y'hear? Nice n'easy. These legs need to stay in the position they are now." The detective was sweating, the sweltering heat soaking his face. He looked over his shoulder.

"Once free we take this girl as far away from this truck as possible, got it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

Still out like a light, she eventually came free, legs like jello as they moved her from the truck.

As they carried her away, the truck caught fire, and then it went up in a blinding fireball and a deafening boom, mushrooming high into the sky with a brilliant yellow-orange glow.

Car alarms could be heard going off in the distance, along with barking dogs. The Truck was on fire, crackling pops echoed out as it began to burn up. But then the entire truck filled with foam in an audible pop, quelling the fire in the cab and engine compartment, and sending thick foam out in every direction, quelling the fire entirely. All this happened in the span of five minutes, from the explosion, to the foam filling the truck.

Once they got her safe, her eyes shot open and she let out a blood curdling scream before passing out in pain once more.

The woman's heart began to race, and she began to bleed rather profusely, but little by little the blood began to slow.

She looked to be rather young, no more than perhaps late teens or early twenties. She was small, petite in build, but her body had sustained massive damage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Sirens echoed off the walls of the nearby buildings as the ambulance came speeding down the street. Jack had never heard such a beautiful sound in his life. The Aschen was in a bad state. There was a great possibility that she could die. Her injuries were massive and Jack knew possible death when he saw it.

When the truck had exploded after the cop and Jack managed to maneuver the Aschen out, Jack had put as much of his body over the woman as possible without furthering injuring her. It was an automatic response. There were not many Terrans that would protect an Aschen like he had but Jack had.

Jack jerked away from the woman when she screamed. Her brows drew together until she passed out again. It was better that she didn't remain conscious. Her injuries were too extensive.

"We've got to get the bleeding stopped," said Jack. He didn't have anything on him that could help. His eyes scanned over the woman's body and then he shook his head. Jack took off his shirt and he pressed the cotton fabric against her bleeding wounds.

Red light danced at the corner of Jack's vision. Finally the ambulance had arrived. EMTs spilled out of the truck. Jack breathed a sigh of relief and nodded his head at the cop.

The setting changes from Main Street to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
The day after the accident Jack found himself back at The Private Eye. He was going to find the assailant that had hit Cally and almost killed her. But in order to do that he needed resources which meant that he was going to have to hire a private investigator. He believed that Wing City's police force was far too understaffed and overloaded. He couldn't trust them just as he couldn't trust the military to protect them from when the Aschen had invaded several years ago.

It was futile to let Wing City or Terra protect you unless it was backed by the Federation. The Federation you could trust.

"Hello, are you Mister Mercer?" asked Alyssa.

"I am," he replied.

"Please, have a seat. This is one of my detectives that will be handling the case, Mister Drake," Alyssa introduced to Jack. The man nodded at Brayden and then took a seat. He looked at his cellphone expecting a call. He turned the ringer on vibration as to not be rude during the interview.

Alyssa also motioned for Brayden to take the chair next to her. She sat down in the plush leather desk chair. There was a simple yellow legal pad and a pen on the desk between her and Jack.

"Would you like to ask the opening questions, Detective Drake?" asked Alyssa.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

This morning, when Bray had gotten out of bed, he was so tempted to go to work in his jeans and shirt, despite knowing that they were meeting a client. He'd dug his suit out of storage though, deciding that he better behave for his first case. Part of him wanted to do it to wind Alyssa up, but he refrained. So that morning, he got dressed in his grey dress trousers, previously white, now a very light grey shirt, and a darker grey jacket.

The only thing he didn't have was a matching tie and good shoes so he put on his white Nike running shoes and found a navy blue tie. By the time he'd made it into the office he still looked rough and scruffy, even in a suit. In his undercover work he'd looked rough but neat and smart. Now he wanted to relax in his clothes. It was bad enough having to wear a suit. The least he could do was wear it how he wanted.

By the time he made it to the interview room, he looked a little disheveled and was shoving his tie unceremoniously down his jacket. He looked at both Alyssa, who he grinned at, and then at the client.

"Hey Jack. Call me Bray." Enough with the formalities.

He took a seat after Jack had and simply opened the folder, glancing briefly at the notes. "So, fill me in on what happened will ya? I just need to know what you saw and heard. Nothing else. Nothing else matters. I don't need this to be a long drawn out story of every little thing you did. Just tell me where you were. What car hit you. What you were doing at that moment. Anything unusual. And that kinda thing. Not that an old woman was across the road. Though, if a guy was shooting at you, feel free to add that in. Something like that is important."

Direct and straight to the point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
"Mister Mercer wasn't the one that was hit. He saved the victim last night with the help of Randin Kaye, a Wing City officer, and now he wants to find the perpetrator," Alyssa informed Brayden in a quiet tone. She righted herself in her chair and smiled at Jack.

"Right," said Jack. "Two nights ago I was heading down Main Street here in Wing City. A white truck with Tech Cons name on it was hit by a black SUV. I was able to get partial plates. They are BT27-90."

Alyssa wrote down the partial plate number. She encouraged him to continue describing the event.

"The SUV took off and the truck slammed into a light pole. Cally Henderson was inside. She's an Aschen citizen and I'm sure she works for TechCon. She was unconscious when we found her. Randin and I pulled her out of the truck before it exploded. There was a gasoline leak and that particular truck is powered by a fission battery. At least that's what Randin explained to me."

"And then the ambulance came and Cally was taken to Wing City Hospital," Jack finished. "That's all the information that I have."

Alyssa nodded and took down some more notes. She stared down at the partial plate number.

"Did you talk to Randin about the plate?" asked Alyssa.

"No. Not yet. I've been busy staying with Cally at the hospital," Jack said to Alyssa. It was obvious since the man was wearing a scrub top instead of a shirt. He had used his shirt to stop Cally's bleeding.

"That's alright. I can get into contact with Randin. We used to be colleages," said Alyssa.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

"Oh yeah, right. Says so here. I just assumed." Bray simply nodded, reading the file while listening to the story that Jack said. "Right. I'm going to get to work on these plates. I know some contacts around that should be able to get results for me." He simply told Alyssa, not waiting to be given a job himself. "I'll have my men on it. I'm sure Randin is a busy guy, but he might have seen more. I'll check the police systems too, maybe it's already on record." He told her.

"Oh... did you notice anything else about the van? Anything unusual that might help us identify it?" He asked Jack as he stood up. He pulled out a card and wrote his work number on it. "Call me if you think of anything regarding the van or if you cross it again in your travels. Black SUV's are common, they might take a chance of hanging around here still."

"You should also talk to Cally. Maybe she got a look at the driver." Bray told Alyssa, calling the shots instead. He was a man used to being in charge, obviously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Alyssa gave Brayden a look that was displeased. He was attempting to call the shots in her agency which did not sit well with the woman. All her life she had been given orders in the station and Alyssa wasn't going to take it anymore. She had built this company and it belonged to her. The woman was not about to allow some hot-shot take it from her.

"I will deal with Randin Kaye and the plates. I want you to go down an interview Cally Henderson if the doctors decide that it is a good idea," Alyssa said to Brayden.

Jack looked between Alyssa and Brayden. There seemed to be some tension between them two of them. Maybe they had slept together or were sleeping together. Jack assumed that's where the work place tension was placed. It wasn't his business so Jack didn't pry further. He checked his watch. Jack wanted to get back to the hospital and check on Cally to see how she was holding up.

"I guess I will leave you the first check, now or ...?" asked Jack.

"Now will be fine," said Alyssa. "Brayden, help Jack process his first payment. I'm going to go make a call to Randin and see if I can't get this plate run."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer Character Portrait: Arros Halgus
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0.00 INK

"I really am sick of people helping the bugger." Arros growled to his squad mate.

"Boss, he can't run forever, we'll get him. It's not like this is the first time he's run away."

"Shut it, I'm thinking!" Arros said as he stared at the man they knew had helped Kael escape.

They had intercepted him and taken him down a quieter street so they could work. If the police interfered, they weren't worried about it, otherwise this interrogation would have taken place on Arros' ship.

"I told you I don't know anything!" The man pleaded.

"You must take me for a fool huh?" Arros said as he paced in front of the man whose back was against the brick wall of a building.

"He asked for my help and I called him a ca-"

"I heard every word you said to him! Don't bull shit me!" Arros interupted while extending a black baton from his belt.

"Mate, you better make this easy on yerself." The squad mate growled.

"I'm not telling you anything! I know who you monsters are."

Arros approached the man with a casual demeanor, but upon reaching him he struck the man across his arms and down the top of his head until the man was on the ground. His combat boot hit hard as he kicked the man in the stomach then stomped on his groin.

"You better tell me or I'll cut you to pieces!"

"You...can' this!" The man screamed between kicks.

"I'm authorized mate, I can do whatever I have to to get that boy back."

Arros grabbed the man by the arm, extended it and glared at him. "I'll do it mate, I'll break your arm. Why you gunna let me do that? All for some kid? You don't even know him."

"He told me about you, about the man who hired you! You're was-" The man was interupted and started screaming as Arros kicked him in the armpit and stomped on the side of his torso while still keeping his arm extended.

"Sir, beating hims not gunna do much."

"We're applying pressure in the wrong area." Arros said as he dropped the man.

The man writhed in pain and backed up against the wall once more, trying to distance himself from Arros.

"We'll do the hand, if that don't work then we'll do his family. Something will make him talk."

"Do you want me to get Mikaet to bring them?"

"No, have him get the bird in the air, we'll take them some place quieter if this don't work."

"What are you...talking about?" The man forced himself to say through the pain.

"Mate, if I can't get answers out of you, I'm gunna have you wife and children brought here. It'd be a shame if their blood was on your hands because you selfishly couldn't give up some punk you don't even know."

"We'll bide him an hour, if no talking by then, go grab his family." Arros whispered to his squad mate.

"Don't! They have nothing to do with this. You don't have to chase this kid, let him run! What's it to you?"

Arros turned back to the man and pulled out a nine-inch blade. He held it to the man's fingers and didn't say a word. He started cutting. When the man tried to recoil his arm, Arros broke his hand with a sharp jerk. The man was screaming in agony while his thumb was being cut off.

"You can make it easy on yourself, just tell me where and I'll let you keep your thumb! I'll ask you ten times, then we go get your family!" Arros shouted and spat in the man's face.

The setting changes from Wing City to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"Don't worry about it kid," Randin eased the boy as he fretted over Cally's blood loss, "there's only two kinds of people that drive fission battery trucks... Langaran bigshots and Tech Con mercs. I'm willing to bet that this broad is packing a healthy dose of nanites in her bloodstream." Sure enough, Cally's wounds began to heal and close, clotting the bleeding. She would certainly still need medical attention, but she was safe for the time being.

Randin looked over his shoulder at the car that he'd almost died in. The fire was put out, but there was still smoke rising in the air from the mangled metal. As paramedics began to expertly lift Cally into a gurney, the detective cast another curious glance at her face. He'd seen her before... but where?

"Damn good work," Randin nodded to Jack, extending his hand, "name's Randin Kaye. I appreciate the help. I don't think I'd be alive right now without it." He nodded towards Cally as she was loaded up into the back of the ambulance. "Neither would she. I'm gonna need you to come down to the station tomorrow and file a report about what you saw... but you should take the night off in the meantime. Get some rest." He nodded approvingly. "You did a good thing here. You should be proud."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

The Ambulance crew would take an unconscious Callandra into the Ambulance, and it would promptly drive off, as firemen extinguished the residual flames.

The setting changes from Main Street to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brayden Drake Character Portrait: Detective Justice Character Portrait: Jack Mercer Character Portrait: Arros Halgus
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0.00 INK

Bray stared at Alyssa for a few moments, his jaw tight, his eyebrows knitting together as he debated whether to challenge or not. In the end he looked at Jack with a simple 'fine' leaving his lips as he moved out of the office with Jack and got the check settled. As soon as he was done though, he was out of the office and on his way to the hospital - first he was going to change clothes though which gave him the opportunity to phone around and ask about a black SUV and some plates. He was going to do secret work if Alyssa wasn't going to allow him to play how he wanted to. He'd do what she wanted, and what he wanted. It was that simple.

He soon got off the phone and was at his apartment. The great thing was that he didn't need a car - well, until he was going to the hospital. He moved inside and changed to a hooded sweater and jeans again, he was only going to a hospital after all, not like he needed to be suited and booted for that, before leaving his apartment again feeling a lot better off in comfortable clothing.

He was just on his way to his car when he heard a disturbance in a nearby alley and frowned. Drawing one of his guns, he moved into place, seeing three people there. He heard the threats.

"I'd let him go, if I were you. And I wouldn't touch his family either or I'll put a bullet in both of your faces. You don't want to mess with me. So I'd do as I say and piss off, before you piss me off." With that, Bray had two guns in his hands pointing at the two men pinning the other man.

The setting changes from Wing City to Wing City Hospital

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin Kaye Character Portrait: Callandra Henderson Character Portrait: Jack Mercer
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0.00 INK

The Hospital was bustling with activity, but the emergency took precedent. The Doctors rushed her immediately into the operating room which became a hectic show to try and stabilize and immobilize her.

Eight grueling hours went by and she was finally placed in the ICU, to recover and slowly and inevitably regain consciousness.

"Ugh..." She moaned as her eyes slowly slid open, the bright lights of the hospital room causing her to squint. Completely immobilized from her injuries, but otherwise conscious.