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Josai Toye

A spy for the Nazuan Rebellion, undercover as one of the Subaltern's maiden devotees.

0 · 1,261 views · located in Trashtown

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen


"How far must I fall?"

Picture belongs to Eve Ventrue.

So begins...

Josai Toye's Story


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Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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"That would be most unfortunate, ma'am."

The gravelly voice reminded one of water over boulders, rough and wavering, but holding the promise of once being smooth, even dream-like. The man it belonged to was a broad-shouldered, fit older man, with a salt-and-pepper mustache and deep, bottle-green eyes. He smiled at Josai once, before nodding to the two outsiders and waving towards the Kamakina in an offhand motion. The riders remained wary, but visibly relaxed as the man approached the three, his hands folded behind his back.

"I apologize that I haven't been able to meet with you sooner, ma'am, sir." He said, once he was close. "My name is Romeo Es-Hestos, and I'm in charge of this planet's well-being."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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#, as written by Nemo
"Well. This is remarkably convenient," Austin smiled, attempting to flat-out wretch the disruptor pistol from Nagala's hands with a quick jerk in the direction of her trigger finger where the grip was weakest. He didn't trust her with it. "Go on, Sheila. Shake the nice man's hand so we don't all die." He smiled warmly. "Glad to see some hospital authority. I was beginning to worry that Misrana was ruled by walking animal motorcycles."

He took a step back, nudging Josai's shoulder and hopefully murmuring low enough for only her to hear. "Ohway is the anmay? Is he with the izardlays?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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"He...controls them, Austin," whispered Josai. "He's probably one of the stronger people on this planet. He controls its defenses- didn't you hear him?" Josai went pale. Why was he in Trashtown? This couldn't be good. Something very big had to be happening.

"It wouldn't be wise to even try running. Trust him, though. I don't believe either of you will be killed..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Sheila Nagala felt Austin try to jerk the weapon from her grasp, so she responded with a quick and sudden jerk away from him, pulling the sleek weapon from his grasp and putting distance between the man and herself before she swiftly holstered the weapon.

"Likewise I do not trust you with my sole means of defense, Terran." She protested, before she turned to the strange man, inclining her head and extending her hand. "Admiral Sheila Nagala, The Fleet of Inner Knowledge of the United Aschen Empire." She said, turning to Josai.

"Now, if we could kindly find a way to communicate with my ship, so that my Executive officer knows I'm safe." She then glared at Austin. "I'm guessing that Hitchhikers will be escaped convicts, Mr. Marshall, but per the Armistice, I am extending the offer to return you to Terra."

She narrowed her eyes.

"Only this once, though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Romeo watched the two of them interact for a long moment, intelligent eyes watching their interactions quietly. "If I may interrupt, ma'am," he said, cautiously, "I have a pressing matter that I would need the both of you to answer. The convenience of my arrival here is far more than a passing interest."

He glanced to Josai for a second, before addressing the two strange Terrans. "On Misrana, we have a very strict policy regarding outsiders on our rock. It appears that the two of you have circumvented that, and this is a problem that I forsee having unfortunate complications."

He glanced towards Sheila, addressing her face to face. "We will deliver a single, encoded missive, with no communications, informing your fleet that you happened upon our planet through no violent means. We'll drop the both of you in a neutral location, to be picked up at a time and place. If that's agreeable, I'd like to know the specifics as to how you got to this planet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal cleared his throat. "Perhaps here isn't the best place to be discussing this, Mr. Es-Hestos." He gestured towards the lizard-men. Though relaxed, the rockets mounted on their frames still looked quite menacing. "I'm sure the admiral and myself would be more then happy to answer any of your questions. Perhaps we could just... take it down a few notches?" He rubbed at the back of his neck, smiling bashfully. "Sorry. This is all a bit much. I imagine the admiral here was sleeping soundly in her bed before she was literally dropped into this planet. You can imagine her confusion."

He looked back towards Josai, noting the concern on her face. "Hey. Hey you're coming with, right?" His voice was calm and collected, peppered with a subtle distress. Why was she so pale? This was perhaps the most alarming thing of all. Josai was usually so coy and confident, seeing her caught off her guard was as alarming as having a knife to the throat. "I don't want you go away." He meant that. Josai was the closest thing he had to a friend on this planet... and besides that, he was rather fond of her. He reached out, touching her hand gently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos Character Portrait: Terriga Vel
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Josai stepped forward to answer Romeo, but her mouth clopped shut. Instead, she turned to speak to Austin. Just as Mabon and his assistant, Terriga Vel, rolled up within a rather large ATW with plate armor stuck all over its body. Instead of rolling over on two wheels, it had four. Large as a van. Horns lining its back. They climbed out from the cockpit, hopping down.

Mabon greeted Romeo with a nod, and Terriga remained silent. "There is...a disturbance?" the general asked him. He looked toward Nagala with two eyes glowing beneath his hood.

Josai let out a breath of air. Her hand clasped around his wrist. " isn't my place to leave here. It doesn't seem like I've done much, but I'm needed here. As much as I'd like to come, I've got my allegiance to the rebellion."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Sheila Nagala shook her head while being addressed by the strange man. "Believe me when I say I have no desire to be on this pathetic planet." She said, glancing to Austin. "I was asleep in my bed and suddenly I wake up here, not my ideal way of sleeping but it happened." She said, resting her hands on her weapon.

"All you need is send a communication to the Platform where my ship is docked, no need to notify the fleet. My Ship is in orbit above the planet getting repaired. Or were you not made aware of that?" She said, looking to Josai and Marshall. Then She turned back to Es-Hestos.

"A neutral location isn't needed, simply passage back into orbit to the platform where my ship is docked would be sufficient, furthermore I have no reason to justify myself to you, Passage back to my vessel immediately would be nice, after which we'll be pulling out of orbit and departing from your planet. I'll be sure to inform the Divine Shadow to quarantine this star system as well." The Admiral added, clearly upset from the hostilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Romeo raised an eyebrow, his arms folding slowly over his broad chest, keeping his gaze locked on the Admiral. "It is most curious," he said, slowly, "that the very same cycle as your fleet shows up, toting around hostile words, you are suddenly beamed onto this 'pathetic' planet without warning. Nevertheless, I would hate to expunge our extremely limited fuel supply when a simple transport is enough."

The leader of the Misrana defenses was stoically avoiding watching Josai, now, as the words about the rebellion passed her lips. He turned to Mabon and Terriga, his arms straightening at his sides, giving the former a rare smile. "I apologize for my abrupt appearance in your neck of the woods, old friend. Could I ask you a favour of transporting Admiral Nagala to the docking port? The gentleman too, if he so wishes. If it is too much a burden, I can call my own men."

He paused. "Though I am aware that their taste in allegiance might make you... uncomfortable."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Josai's eyes closed.

Well, that was that, wasn't it? Good while it lasted, at least. With one final glance at the back of Austin's head, Josai turned, then began to leave.

There was work to do.

Mabon nodded to Romeo with a, "Yes, sir." and turned to call several ships down. All of them Arrowheads. All of them stolen. They were the only vehicle the Rebellion had currently that were small enough to park within Trashtown and could manage trips to space.

"They are on their way, sir. Not five minutes, now. And, yes, well, you're right. Our own forces will do fine. We're much more than we appear, remember."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Sheila Nagala regarded the man for a moment. "Believe me, the Empire had nothing to do with me being here. If that were the case, we wouldn't be so obvious about it." She then turned to Josai, and she thought for a moment. "I'm extending an offer for you to accompany me, and I'll find a way to return you here." She said, heaving a sigh and extending what little humility she had.

She then turned back to the strange man as she called it. "Isolating yourselves like this is the reason we're so hostile, Isolation breeds Xenophobia, granted an Aschen is not exactly someone to teach about Xenophobia, but there's a grand universe out there, and the Empire is open to diplomacy, the Shadow has stated personally that he would like to see your world on the International Stage." Nagala said calmly, sliding her hands in her pockets.

"Now, Regarding the trip to space." She turned to Austin. "You be on your best behavior when you're on my ship." She then turned to Josai, and then Mabon, and then the other man, before she inclined her head. "The Empire is interested in dialogue with your government, ignoring that wish for diplomacy may ultimately culminate into hostility, and further isolation of your world."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Romeo smiled. "My dear Admiral," he began, "we have been in many talks with many different governments over Misrana's long and battle-scarred history. Each have promised us a great many things, and each have failed to understand that our one desire is to simply exist. We have no requirements of the Shadow that he can only fulfill by turning his back upon Misrana and forgetting he ever happened upon it. We have no wish to be on an International, Intergalactic, or Interversal stage, and this shall not change with a simple talk to government."

He waved a hand. "But you and I are indeed not people to discuss such things. The General and his company have work to be doing, and I'm sure you're eagerly waiting to see your own ship."

The stolen Arrowheads descended, and Romeo gestured towards them. "When you return home to your fleet, and when the ship is ready, your governing parties and mine will have an interesting chat, I'm sure."

He smiled at Austin. "I do hope you've enjoyed your brief stay, the both of you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal rolled his eyes at Nagala. "Yes, mum'. I won't touch the china or play ball in the house, either." His hopes briefly spiked as Nagala offered Josai a position on the ship, but practically quickly quenched his happiness. There was no way Josai would be able to come aboard. She had too many ties here. Duties of her own.

Austin met eyes with Romeo, his gaze stern and cautious. He'd seen this type of man before... the kind of man who's unchallenged power was outweighed only by the secrets he kept. This was not the sort of man that honest people trusted. That said, Austin was far from an honest man. "I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay on your planet, sir." He nodded, his tone strangely cold and distant. "You do the rest of the Multiverse a disservice keeping it locked away in the shadows."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon
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Josai did not look back. She couldn't handle a prolonged goodbye. She just held up a hand in dismissal.

"Thank you, but I couldn't. I'm already on a new mission." she replied, just as Tyst, her own ATW, rolled up as the dark blue motorcycle she could easily mimic. She slung her legs around it, pressed her hands into the handle depressions, and was off like a bolt of lightning.

Mabon gestured to the Arrowheads, which were a sleek, black version of their names. Doors slid open for Austin and Nagala.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Austin Marshal Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Romeo Es-Hestos
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Sheila Nagala looked to Austin, and then back to the Arrowhead before she started towards the door, she then quickly and promptly secured herself in the seat and waited for Austin to join her. Once he climbed in, she would wait, and during the flight into orbit, the woman would shake her head. "Empire's signed an Armistice with the TNG, Terra's sovereignty is secured by the will of the Divine Shadow. We've defeated the Coalition and allied with the Belkans, a majority of the Galaxy belongs to either the Empire or the Belkans." Nagala explained, bringing the TIB Agent up to speed. "Our military was devastated but we won. We have a new Divine shadow who is a bit more moderate than our old one." She added, looking up as she waited to draw close. However if anyone was listening, the Arrowhead would likely pick up a powerful wide band communication coming from the ship.

"Alert, Alert, This is the Reverence II 'A Psalm Every Day' AHSC AI Castiana transmitting a priority one Shaw Protocol message - Our ship has come under attack by Hostiles and we're requesting immediate assistance, we're compromised so utilize extreme prejudice." The Message repeating.

The setting changes from Trashtown to Misrana


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Laluna
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The thick, lush forests or Chasate did not agree with Josai. The woman had been tangled in several vines, attacked by large insects, and had the morning's precipitation coating her from head to toe in water that slid from broad leaves that grew on the trees above. She was scratched, she was tired, and she was disgusted.

"Did you say that this person was close, Mabon?" complained the spy, peeling something wriggly and many-legged from her hair with a sneer.

The old general chuckled from behind Josai, taking down his hood to reveal an old, worn face. He raised a thick, robotic arm and cut down a few vines in front of them using a Rataan blade. "No. I said that she lived somewhere in the woods. I do not know if we are close enough. But we shall see, soon enough!" he snickered, walking past the diva, who rolled her eyes.

"You owe me a weeks pay! I had to give up a lot for this trip!"

"Like what? Your precious little Terran pet?"

They argued all the way up a small hill, which would give them an excellent view of what was ahead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Laluna
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The one in which the pair sought lived in what was known to be a small town, before the forest reclaimed the land. A small settlement to act as a sort of junction between major cities in which travelers could stop for break, fuel, or feed, their vehicles, and dine themselves. However, as time went on, the junction was bypassed due to nontechnical leaps that allowed the semi-organic vehicles to travel faster and farther, thus turning the settlement into a ghost town.

After many years, and many desertions of homes and businesses later, the forest would reclaim that which rightfully belonged to the trees. One can still see parts of structures that had at one point served a purpose, now thick in vegetation. As the pair crested the hill, they'd come to see a series of unnatural cubical shapes that stood barely from the vegetation.

A series of structures of white, or was once white, coloration. They were covered in mildew, moss, vines, and some even had trees growing out from within.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Oh! Great. More forest! Just what I need." complained Josai, head rolling over her shoulders in misery. Mabon put his hand on her shoulder, then shoved her into a bush. She went flying with a yelp.

"You've got to learn that life isn't about the garbage piles of Trashtown, Josai! Misrana's technology was meant to allow this-" He held his hands out to gesture to the forest, "-to grow! To live. To flourish! I can only hope that greenery will overrun Trashtown once more. Like it did a century ago!"

"You're that old?"

"I'm that stubborn." Mabon replied, shoving her toward the old, grown over abode. After a few minutes of walking, they finally made it to what seemed to be...a door. Mabon, the old general, made sure that his pistol was on him. Josai made sure she had on her caster gloves.

"Is...anyone here?" Josai chirped.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Oh! Great. More forest! Just what I need." complained Josai, head rolling over her shoulders in misery. Mabon put his hand on her shoulder, then shoved her into a bush. She went flying with a yelp.

"You've got to learn that life isn't about the garbage piles of Trashtown, Josai! Misrana's technology was meant to allow this-" He held his hands out to gesture to the forest, "-to grow! To live. To flourish! I can only hope that greenery will overrun Trashtown once more. Like it did a century ago!"

"You're that old?"

"I'm that stubborn." Mabon replied, shoving her toward the old, grown over abode. After a few minutes of walking, they finally made it to what seemed to be...a door. Mabon, the old general, made sure that his pistol was on him. Josai made sure she had on her caster gloves.

"Is...anyone here?" Josai chirped.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Now, now, we're just trying to be cautious. We're not armed with much!" cried Josai, holding her hands up to maintain the shield. "All I have are shield capsules, I swear! And he's armed with just one gun! That's hardly a threat to your..." She looked around, eyeing the mechanical creatures around them.

"...many friends."

Mabon grunted and aimed at anything that moved. "We look only for Laluna. We would like to recruit her, and offer a less...isolated place for her to work. Somewhere with a few more resources. Somewhere she can put her work to use."