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Josai Toye

A spy for the Nazuan Rebellion, undercover as one of the Subaltern's maiden devotees.

0 · 1,260 views · located in Trashtown

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen


"How far must I fall?"

Picture belongs to Eve Ventrue.

So begins...

Josai Toye's Story


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"Oh, well..." said Josai nervously, elbowing Mabon in the ribs. "Well? Show them. Show them that we're not Supremacy spies!"

Mabon grunted, reaching a hand into his coat. He pulled out a small badge. Upon it was printed the orange and blue symbol of the Callandaline, the rebellion's symbol of freedom. A catlike animal with a tail longer than its body.

"We are with the Trashtown Rebellion. This should be proof enough."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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Josai and Mabon exchanged glances before the spy gave the behemoth her eyes.

"...a second wind."

Mabon sighed in relief. At least one of them had remembered it. "This old brain isn't working as well as it used to, Jo." he said to the spy. She closed her eyes briefly and laughed.

"It's alright. That brain's worked a lot longer than it's supposed to."

Then, both rebellion members looked toward the machine expectantly. "That was the right one, yes?" said the spy.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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Not for the first time did Josai and Mabon glance at one another before looking toward the young woman. Josai lowered her arms and cancelled the shield around them, and Mabon jammed his pistol into his belt.

"You are...Laluna?" asked Mabon, his blue optics disappearing and relighting as he blinked. "Quite a defense system you've got going here. I can't say I blame you for being careful."

Josai placed a hand on her hip, tilting her head to the side. "Wow. That's really something."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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Josai's mouth fell open, and she looked at Laluna as though she were truly a ghost. "Ashonda's group would love you." she breathed, blinking as the mecho-biologist looked over Mabon's robotic arm.

"You'd be so useful to us! If you can work with things such as these- by spirits, we need more, with the things you have to offer, you might help tilt the entire war in our favor!"

Mabon chuckled, shaking his head. "Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are many different parts to this war, though there is no doubt this Miss will be a great contribution. So your father was associated with the Supremacy, was he?"


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Laluna
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Laluna's expression turned to that of surprise as her gold eyes widened at Josai's eagerness. Such attention was odd for the teen as she hadn't seen people in a little over two years.

"Erm, well I dunno about turning the entire tide of a war, per-say. But I'm sure I could make a small dent."

Upon mention of her father, Laluna's demeanor shifted to a grave expression, her eyes holding a cold stare the seemingly pierced into the glow of Mabon's.
"The Supremacy murdered my father."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Laluna
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Both Josai and Mabon became quiet at the mention, the woman's arms wrapping around her shoulders, Mabon's eyes aiming toward the ground.

"Unfortunate," said the cyborg veteran. "I am very sorry to hear that, Laluna. The Supremacy has its ways of taking from the people it is sworn to protect." He held up his mechanical arm, then pointed to his head. "They took my arm. They took my mind." He gestured to Josai.

"They took her parents, as well. And her home. That is why we are part of the rebellion. While we cannot reclaim what has been lost, we can build a new future that will offer us something bright to look forward to."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Mabon Character Portrait: Laluna
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Comforting was something the teen had been without since before her death, since she last saw her father. It was strange to receive such from the likes of Josai and Mabon, though Laluna appreciated the sentiment.

"We're all orphans of war." muttered the teen as she remained still.

After a moment, Laluna shook her head and used a single mechanical hand to wipe away a forming tear in her eye. After which, she'd look to Mabon.
"My next question is... When do we leave?"

The setting changes from Misrana to Trashtown


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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Josai and Mabon had traveled a far ways with Laluna. After taking the Eruka to the port, where a large Train Eel picked them up, they had gone to Zanzaria and took another Eruka the rest of the way to Trashtown.

Everything had gone so smoothly. Mabon couldn't believe it. It was suspicious. Not one soul had trailed them.

Coming to Trashtown, Josai took a breath, riding Tyst, her feline ATW, down the streets. The large cyborg cat climbed one of the many mountains of garbage and leaped from one to another. No one in Trashtown seemed human. Every person passing by had either horns, tails, or perhaps they were the large golumni, or the smaller malemni running around the place.

The ground was made of pressed trash, and from above, it didn't look like anything but that. Trash. It didn't seem flat, and it didn't stand out. Which was perfect. Funnily enough, the place didn't smell. A heavier, thicker aroma was overpowering it, a smell that would normally come off of a candle.

"Home sweet home." said Mabon, watching the crowded streets disperse as several walkers zoomed down.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Sure is!" called Josai from her ATW, the cockpit door folded into the caboose, much like a convertible. Tyst, the black Callandaline cyborg vehicle, with its legs built for stealth and the ability to climb most any surface, galloped down next to Laluna and Mabon. The vehicle was taller than them both.

"The home of the rebellion. Feast your eyes, and be convinced that there's much more beyond what you can see." Josai said with a grin.

Mabon scratched at his chest with a proud smile of his own, blue optics scrolling the city up and down. Several other ATW's passed them in a buzz, causing the air all around them to stir. They all resembled animals like and unlike those that could be seen on earth. And they all had just as many mechanical components as they did physical.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Jax is one of our weapons dealers. He was selling weapons to the Supremacy until Mabon ratted him out and gave him a...ah...stern talking to." said Josai, moving to sit on the neck of her walker. The old veteran thumped his chest, then began to walk forward into Trashtown with a grin.

"We can show you to his shop, but we'll probably not see him for a while. He likes to be up in the late hours, doing who knows what!" Josai held back a laugh. "We'll show you to your rooms, too. And to anything else you want to get your hands on."

The setting changes from Trashtown to The Onyx Galaxy


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Oh, certainly not. I am simply as representative when need be. A person of authority that I follow would be Trashtown's Minister, Dasaliz Rauta." She was also one of the Rebellion leaders, but they did not need to know of the complicated politics just yet.

"We also have another representative here. His name is Mabon. I shall put you in contact with him." she spoke, moving over. Mabon leaned forward.

"You have my attention."

The setting changes from The Onyx Galaxy to Misrana


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Jacob Haley Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Character Portrait: Mabon
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#, as written by Saarai
A large dark blue ship approached Misrana, it was well-armed but didn't seem outwardly hostile. The weapons may have just been a precaution against pirates and marauding soldiers who decided they'd get more out of war crimes than fighting wars. The ship slowed down gradually, making contact with those on the ground.

"This is the Comet, requesting permission to land. We are on official business. Uh... business business. We are looking to offer services to Misrana and it's people." The ship's captain said, "Our employer, Lochlyn Haley, is here to meet with your leadership personally for this business venture."

Lochlyn sat in a miniature throne in the middle of his ship's bridge, peering out with dark eyes at Misrana. He hoped they allowed him on the planet. They had so much potential, he didn't want to waste it by destroying the planet if they refused him.

The attack on the Aschen was only the start. Lochlyn's army of clones, mercenaries, fanatics, supersoldiers, and what some might call monsters was growing with each day. Just a few more pieces to put in place and Lochlyn could take control of the board.

It was going to be checkmate sooner or later.

The setting changes from Misrana to Miserta Kara


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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Her breath felt as though it was being squeezed out of her lungs. She simply could not be running fast enough, either, trying to catch up to the culprit of several murders down in Miserta Kara.

She came to the outskirts of the city, the poorer parts in town, which had thought to be deserted since the attacks first started. Almost since the Rebellion had come to Nahatsu. Upon her arms were a pair of dark Caster Gloves, the wires from it digging into her skin lighting a bright orange, and in her hands was a gun, though it wasn't anything one would recognize immediately on Earth or Terra. Two oval capsules, filled with liquid that had the same glow as the wires going into the woman's skin, were loaded in the top of the gun.

Josai, the spy, looked around at the buildings stacked atop buildings, with an obvious stylish flare, despite the fact that they were falling apart. Though the colors were more faded than when they were in their prime, they were still bright. Delicate, artful hands had worked on these years ago.

But that did not concern Josai.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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This world had a strange scent to it. It was not something this Hunter of the Beast was keen too, but alas, he could not return to the Sanctuary until the Seven deemed his mission a success. It would help, however, if he knew what his goals were this time around. Not even a hint. A word from the Head Hunter, and he was pushed through the Gate into this...confusion of a world.

The Monk's garb was simple, if somewhat revealing. Skin tight, shimmering fiber-ware robes, fluctuating between various colors of the wild worlds, greens, grays, browns. Along the shoulders, hands, and calfs, brighter and less natural colors would flash back and forth, reds, cyans, whites, violets. The man's mask was a sleek visage of a fanged beast, an eerie blend of natural danger and technological marvels. Standing on shambling rumble, his vision flickered to infrared and motion capture...

...Something was moving, faster. Running. Perhaps...a time for a chase...


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai's hands tightened on her gun, trying to find where the culprit was hiding, and then she turned her head.

She turned her head, froze, and nearly dropped the gun altogether. What she saw before her had her jaw dropping. Someone- something- had simply materialized before her eyes out of a...portal?

Before she could even do anything about it, the culprit had stepped out from behind a wall, suddenly firing at her. She tried her best to dodge the bullets in a roll, and though she mostly succeeded, a bullet had passed right through her hand, causing her to lose the weapon she had been carrying. With a cry of pain, she got to her feet, blood oozing down onto the ground from her hand. She gripped her hands regardless, and the glow from the wires extended to her palms. She retreated behind a building. She screamed several profanities to the man in a language native to Misranans, but foreign to anyone else. It sounded sharp, rude, like a profanity. She changed her language for a brief moment.

"Who are you!?"


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Translators were a wonderful thing. And thanks to the Beast's opposition to the Tower, his Sigil was allowed the gift of speech, even if something else was sacrificed. "A travel warrior and scholar of the Seven Sigils. Perhaps you have heard of our order, blood scented woman?" When he spoke, the fang like carving moved naturally, almost too naturally, with his word.

The smell of combat, even if it was minor combat, made his eyes widen behind his mask, his suit now the colors of war, reds, blacks, oranges, and golds.

From his perch, he ran down so shouting was no longer a necessity. His strides were long and agile, scaling the almost sheer cliff, downward, in the blink of an eye. And even sooner, dodging a hail of fire from a scared, cornered prey, he was beside her, his voice a mingled, but understandable, mixture of grunts, growls, hisses, and chirps. "Do you need assistance, female?"


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai was...speechless.

She did not know much about the universe outside of Misrana, and though she had seen many strange things, had met humans far out of this world, she had never seen anything like this man.

"...what makes you think that?" she asked, holding her bleeding hand to her. She looked out from the side of the building right in time to see the culprit whip out a much larger gun with a two inch barrel. Her eyes widened.

"!" she screamed at him, booking it from her place, through a side alleyway that carried her away as the shot was fired. The bullet, itself, posed little threat to them. It's what the bullet unleashed once it had been fired.

It exploded as it zoomed toward the spot where Josai had run from, and a wave of energy presented itself in a blast of green light. Something landed heavily onto the ground, causing it to shake. The energy tightened and formed into something worthy of being frightened of.

It was a great beast, must have been thirty feet tall, made of the energy it had exploded from. It carried a resemblance to a dragon, but lacked wings. The deadly claws and tooth-riddled maw, however, was frightening enough. The fact that every inch of its body burned like fire was another great reason to stay away.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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The Beast cocked his head to the side before being practically blinded, shielding his eyes from the blast. It was...bright...

However, what Ornin saw next was something incredibly exciting.

The creature of fire and energy, how it was a marvel. It wasn't something he had ever seen before, a prey he'd never hunted. This was why he was sent here! It had to be! Slay a monster, return home for a Feast and Fire ceremony! Become the Third of his Sigil!

His suit flared to life. Wings of solid yet flowing energy, blood red. Arms sheathed in the same energy, claw like covers arms and legs. A tail, spiked, detailed with both fur and scales! His screen blacked out, as did his HUD, so that his vision was natural, if tinted to block out the blinding lights. Running was not an option. Ornin charged, a great roar in his throat.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai had scaled one of the tall buildings when she spotted the man facing off against the Spirit summoned from the bullet. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head again. He was crazy!

"Hey!" she called to him, blowing her cover entirely. "Hey, get out of there! There's other ways to-"


Bullets sprayed at her from the side, causing her to duck low onto the roof. The beast, with a snarl, swiped at the monk with its fierce, fiery claws, trying to melt away his armor and swipe him back.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Whatever energy the beast was made of, the kinetic energy from the impact would be absorbed, channeled into his own fist, allowing him to strike with a rather impressive counter attack, attempting to gouge the beast's throat with a snarl.

The actual impact itself would probably be lead to some broken ribs, bruises, though it did nothing to stop or even impede his stride. Right now, the suit was pumping steroids, natural and otherwise, pain suppressants, and pure adrenaline. Ornin would not be swayed. He had a creature to kill.

And boy, was he grinning like a madman.