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0 · 548 views · located in Dark Woods

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Symphony


Simply a dragon egg for now, though due to hatch soon. Its breed cannot be determined at this time.

So begins...

Jyrilatic's Story


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Rolling, rolling, stumbling, rolling. Faster, faster down the hill that lead slowly into Gambits. However for the tiny egg it was going rather fast, and wasn't fun at all! The rock slipped over a small rock, skidding out and turning from side to side until it finally hit the edge of someones boot. That someone, was walking into Gambits, and behind it followed the egg. Its hard shell kept it from breaking, however it was getting strangely cramped in the small confined space that it had known for so long.

One might ask where this egg came from, where its parents were and why it was so alone in the world. The answer was simple, its parents had been devastated after the poacher had taken their egg, but there was nothing they could do to stop the wealthy fool. Though the egg had gotten away, rather easily by just rolling along past him, the tremendous roll that lead to Gambits was a perilous one, one that he had survived for now.

Roll, thump, skid. Suddenly the egg came to a halt, right smack in the middle of Gambits main floor. Hopefully someone would notice it, at least it wasn't a tiny little egg, it was rather large in most aspects and one could tell that it was a dragon egg by the looks of it. Its shell was laced with black and golden swirls, of which these kept changing with the growing fetus, almost as if the two were struggling for power.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The egg would roll off to the side as the ninja's tried to make a grab for it, though it would only end up rolling back toward Adiva as the young man tried to put an ear to its shell, and the two would connect. Rolling to Gambits wasn't the greatest idea, and certainly not it's original plan, but the egg was here nonetheless. With a thump and a kick from tiny movements from under the shell, the young boy would hear a subtle amount of moving coming from the egg.

Surely, it wasn't about to hatch, not here, not now. But that didn't mean it wasn't upset with the lack of movement going on, and oh the horrendous noise of all that stepping! Though never the less, the egg had survived again for now, even if several people had almost tripped, stepped, stolen the poor thing. Hopefully it wouldn't hatch at such a bad moment, maybe it would stay in its cramped egg for a tad longer. Though the ifs could go on for nearly eternity, as the egg was a mystery to all at the moment being.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The egg would shuffle as it was picked up, almost thrashing about for a moment before it was comforted, by something warm. Though it wasn't sure what this 'warm' thing was, it was happy it was there, and ceased in its frantic haste. It would move from side to side yet still, the black and golden swirls moving back and forth in an amazing dance.

With the new warmth, the dragon egg would seem almost see-through once it had warmed up enough. In fact, if you held it up to the light, you would be very able to see that there was a dragon living in the egg, and it was rather cramped as of yet. Though this could be thought of as a good thing, it could also be thought of as bad. It could mean it was going to hatch soon, or it could mean that it was going to die soon. Either or, both seemed rather gloomy. No matter how much the dragon wanted to be let free of its containment, it would stay where it was, until it found somewhere safe.


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The egg would roll from side to side, though this motion would also cause it to roll over to one of the harder parts of where it had been placed down. Crack. The loud noise would ring across Gambits, the egg now had a crack in it. A rather large one, even if it was just a surface crack and the dragon still wasn't ready to come out. The crack had served to give the dragonet a little bit more room, but the small creature still wasn't satisfied.

It continued to roll regardless, and surely it would hatch in Gambits if that was what it had to do. It was hungry, surprisingly so, and oh! How it wanted to stretch its feeble wings and fly! To travel in the open 'air' and to 'soar' above the clouds. Though the dragon didn't have a clue what these things meant, it had overheard its mother and father talking about such, and it enthralled the dragonet to an amazing extent.


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With another subtle shove, the dragonet had forced another crack into its side, though along the lines of this, a small hole had formed near the base of the dragons skull where the shell lay. This hole, however small, would show the golden eye of the dragon. With this done, it would stop moving all together, the eye flickering back and forth and blinking rapidly.

It was definitely hatching, here and now. But it was hungry, and without further ado it would move around some more, trying to forcefully break the shell that had contained it for so long. It figured that if it was going to be here for now, and since it was warm, they had better have food. With another heavy shove, a talon along its wing broke through, its already sharp point sticking out as the dragon tried to destroy the rest of it with its beak-tooth which was attached to the bottom of its jawline.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The young dragon would move to the side once more, and with a loud grumble of cracks and snaps, the shell would all of about shatter at the smell of meat. Meat, food, something to quench his needs. Once the green smoke that had encased the dragonet had cleared, it would be shown, on its back with its head trying to strain ever so to get the meat.

It was a male, surely. It had the sleek black scales of its father, with the unders and golden eyes of its mother. Along its jaw line it had two small horns that were golden in color as well, though however small. Its egg-tooth, a small thing on the bottom of its jaw, would drop off soon after, rolling along the counter top for some time.

The dragon was of ample size, nearly two feet in length, and its large leathery wings nearly doubled it in length, with small streaks of gold that ran through them. It was a sight to behold, but also not that great of an entrance either. With this, the young male dragon would try to sit up, though no matter which way it turned, its long wings seemed to get in the way of things and cause it to flip back over onto its back, unable to each the meat that waited so close, so near!


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With minimal effort the dragon had been pushed up to a rightward position, letting his wings be touched for now as he lunged for the meat with ease. He went after the steak first, moving aside all stray scraps to go straight for meat. He placed one hand on the meat, the other on the table to keep his balance as he dug his maw into it, only to be presented with a simple problem.

The poor thing couldn't chew.

He would sit back on his haunches, growling at the meat harshly as he turned to Adiva, however mute the boy may be, the dilemma would be easy to notice.
First things first. How can I eat that?
the words would flow effortlessly form the dragonets maw, his eyes furrowed as he looked for some kind of answer to his problem.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The dragon would lean forward, eating every bite as he cut it, swallowing each whole with ease. After the tenth bite, he was rather full, and resorted to laying down and peering at the man with a quizzical golden eye. The dragon was wondering what to say, and why this creature was not talking and telling him of where he was. Why such a creature wasn't trying to make him feel at home, trying to do everything he could. Sad part was, the poor boy was, but the dragon didn't know it.

I think I shall call myself Jyrilatic. Who are you?
the dragonet would lift itself from the counter top after saying this, moving into a sitting position as he finished making his decision. Yes this poor boy would have a lot to go through to support this dragon, but nevertheless he would have a mighty dragon at his side.

I would like to fly now. The weather outside looks so very nice for flying.
[color=black] A natural instinct of the dragon, to fly. With this the dragon would hop down from the counter, and begin to lumber its way over to the door of Gambits. Most people who happened upon a dragon egg knew what they were doing with it, in such a case they would know to harness the dragon the moment it got out of the shell, and then let it eat.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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From the quickness of the musician, he had gotten lucky. The dragon sit down on his haunches, looking up at the man as he tried ever so much to read what he had written on the eraser board. He reached up, standing on his back legs as he would try to grab the board from the boy. If successful, he would place it on the floor, better for himself to read. He had figured out most of it, his brain working quicker than most as he tried to manage to find out what he needed.

With a shake of his head he would lift his golden gaze back to the boy, regardless.
Oh but I really do want to fly. Ever so much. If you will just let me have one go?
he would plead, though if the boy was stupid enough to make the mistake of letting the dragon fly, all hope would be lost. The dragon wanted to fly, and once he got into the air there wasn't much stopping the creature. Jyrilatic stomped his scorpion tipped tail against the ground, a strange golden band around it seemingly glimmering against the soft lighting of the bar.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The dragon would pull back sharply as hands were put around its neck, yanking back with some force and using its large wings to help. Once it had gotten away it would clamber back up to the counter, curling up there with bleak anger and a snort of golden haze. It was a sad sight, and the dragon really was upset now. In fact, it was rather pissed off on all levels. Some guy, who didn't have the decency to make him feel at home, told him he couldn't fly, and then had the nerve to put his arms around the small dragons neck!

Its always no, no, no. No, no no; no, no.
the dragon would mimic. Since the time that the dragon had hatched, it had already started to grow. From head to tail tip it was nearly two feet and a half in length, though its wings hadn't grown as much. [/quote]I should have stayed in my egg.[/quote] he would muse, hiding his muzzle underneath his wing.


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Jyrilatic would lean over and take a nibble of the meat that had been placed before him, though then he would sit up to try and read the words that had been written on the board. More words he didn't know. More confusing symbols. He would trace a line under each word with his talon, though not enough to scratch it as he figured out what it said.

I'll stay here. As long as it suits you. Though not for long please? I really do want to fly.
he would murmur once again, his tail lashing back and forth as he leaned over the board and took two more bites of the beat into his mouth, swallowing them whole.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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Jyrilatic would pull up sharply when he saw the harness, and the passing of money. Yes, this man planned on placing the harness on him, of taming him and securing him to the very floor boards he sat on now. He growled at the piece of equipment, standing up and backing up a few deliberate steps to put some space between them.

What do you plan on doing with that?
[color=black] he would say, sitting down where he was and raising a taloned hand to wave it in the air in the direction of the harness. His tail would flicker back and forth in anxious movements, a growl rumbling from his chest at all times. Though it was pathetic and not very loud at all, it would get his point across.


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The dragon would think over the offer for a moment, a minute, three minutes. He would then step forward, spreading his wings out so that the boy could figure out how to put the contraption on. He shifted his weight from foot to foot uneasily, looking at him with a hard glare.
Oh alright, get it over with then. But be quick about it.
[color=black] he would murmur under a growl.

The dragon wasn't happy about having the harness put on, but if it meant free-food, who was he to deny? With this he would look longingly at the meat that sat in front of him, waiting for the boy to finish putting on the harness before he ate it. He was starving again already, nearly three feet in length already. He was also tired though, not exactly having all the same energy as he had before.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


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Character Portrait: Jyrilatic
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The whizzing of air over bent wings as a dragon loomed through the clouds could be heard only by the creature himself. His intent golden gaze on the ground below him, which seemed to becoming increasingly close to him. As he tried to flap his wings upward, scooping the air with one wide stroke, he would soar back up and into the clouds, a mere fast moving shadow to all above him.

Jyrilatic had decided to run off against the man who had harnessed him's better judgment. Such a decision had ended up with him in the air, unable to land, and lost. He was ever so lost, having forgotten his way when he was chasing a flock of birds, nasty things they were. Though the ran before he was able to get close enough to ask directions, rude.

With a heaving sigh, which eventually turned into a yawn, the dragon found himself falling below the cloud cover once more, and a simple stroke of his wings wasn't going to bring him back up this time.

With a shuddering gasp he realized he would have to land, one way or another the small dragon would need to make contact with the ground. Jyrilatic was a small dragon as of yet, being only roughly four feet long from nose to tip, though is wing span was considerably longer. He pulled up, trying to find a good place to land. A clearing, big enough to support him at his full size, was just up ahead.

Here goes nothing!
he would shout over the howling winds, and with such he would begin to plummet to the ground. He would twirl mid-flight, his wing hitting a stray tree branch as he twirled to the ground in a very unsuitable manner. With one wing tucked under himself now, he would hit the ground with a large smack, kicking up all sorts of grass and dirt as he skidded for a few feet before coming to a rest, now on his back in disarray.

[color=black] would murmur from his jaws, both eyes closed as he tried to think past the haze


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Character Portrait: Cinder Character Portrait: Abbie Character Portrait: Kaide Character Portrait: Munkwon Character Portrait: Isolde Crystallos Character Portrait: Sieana Tra'thor
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Fagrim marched through the underbrush of the Dark Woods. He leaned on his staff, heaving every now and then from the exertion of the hike. Two companions trailed behind the dwarf. One was a skeletal wolf that wandered to and fro from tree to tree, bones rattling as it prowled, and the other was a tall silent figure clad in body armor. The armored man carried a cudgel at his hip, and he kept a careful watch on the surrounding woods through the tinted lens of a black biker helmet.


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Character Portrait: Cinder Character Portrait: Abbie Character Portrait: Kaide Character Portrait: Munkwon Character Portrait: Isolde Crystallos Character Portrait: Sieana Tra'thor
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0.25 INK

 “ Ack! It feels like we've been trapped in this damn forest for ages, Aegis. Bloody hell... How do we get out of here? ”


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Bloop-5 whirred slowly along, eyes not glowing as bright as they once did.


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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ oh hi ”


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Character Portrait: Cinder Character Portrait: Abbie Character Portrait: Munkwon Character Portrait: Isolde Crystallos Character Portrait: Sieana Tra'thor Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett
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#, as written by Remæus
Alastor McNibmet lifted his head as the newcomer appeared.

Eh?! This place hasn't seen a visitor in years! What d'ye say there, traveler?
he squawked.


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0.50 INK

Mabus Thumbnail manifests in the Dark Woods, assuming a physical form which is visible and recognizably familiar to others. From his appearance, it was obvious that he was a Dark Elf of some kind. He had pale blue, almost gray skin, pointy ears, long wavey jet black hair and shiny golden eyes which seemed to reflect any light in the dark forest. As he manifested out of thin air, appearing in the center of a magical faery ring in an open clearing in the Dark Woods, he heard a voice. Alastor McNibmet lifted his head up to see Mabus Thumbnail stepping forward out of the darkness and into the woods. The individual addressed him in the universal common language, which Mabus spoke fluently. "Hello there, stranger." Mabus answered, acknowledging Alastor's presence in the clearing. "I am Mabus, what's your name?" He asked curiously, amused that Alastor had addressed him casually without any hesitation or fear despite seeing the dark elf magically appear out of nowhere right in front of him.