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A blacksmith-turned-swordsman who is employed by one of the Patronus and works to become a member himself.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Daimayo


A group of battle-hardened veterans. These legendary champions came from all walks of life before banding together in the defense of Terra.



Black hair that runs down to his shoulders in a rather unruly fashion. His eyes are a dark brown colour, and he has a muscular but fairly skinny build.

Kento's normal clothing generally is a roughspun shirt with an open neck, that is useful for when he is working in the hot conditions of a forge. He wears dark, durable trousers and shoes.

Alias: None
Age: 22
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lb.
Race: Human


Although naturally light-hearted and prone to seeing the humour in a situation, Kento is also very quick to become serious when the situation calls for it. He has morals which leaves him disliking killing, and he will not kill an innocent, however if innocent lives are threatened or the person in question it truly evil, he will not hesitate in ending their lives.

Despite being a Blacksmith, Kento is possessed by a feeling of wanderlust; The blacksmith can satisfy this somewhat by moving his forge from city to city, but the only thing that seems to satisfy the young as much as a finely-crafted blade cooling in his hands, is the sight of a new land stretching out before him.


Kento has a decent set of blacksmithing tools, and the smallest of these tools is kept in a pouch at his waist instead of at his forge, although the tools that he has are only enough for small repairs.

If he expects trouble, Kento has set aside a set of armour for his personal use - it glints a metallic green in the sunlight, and although well built, it is heavy for him to wear still. Despite the full-plate style of the armour, it has been designed rather craftily by the man to be easy to take off and put on, the full armour only requiring 4 or 5 minutes if he hurries, and can be done on his own. Though the armour is good at deflecting most average physical attacks, it has no magical properties and therefore offers very little defense against a magical assault.

As a weapon, Kento wields a long, thin blade that he himself made -and personally considers his best work. The metal he used to forge it required nearly a year's earning to afford just enough for his own sword, and after days without rest or food, keeping the metal hot and layering the blade to make it ever-sharper, he created a sword that any general or duke would be proud to wear. It's metal seems to shine slightly, but like his armour boasts no magical properties. Despite this, it can cut into a boulder without chipping or denting due to it's own hardness and sharpness.
Kento keeps the blade inside of a plain, leathe sheathe, both because he can afford little better and to ward off potential thieves.


Kento worked as a helper for his blacksmith father when he was a child, and learned many things from him, the older man a respected blacksmith in the city that they lived in. When he was 15 however, a sickness swept through the town, killing many including his parents. Leaving his home behind, Kento eventually found his way to an old man who was formerly a soldier, until the loss of his leg forced a career change to that of a scribe. The old man taught Kento to read and write, and housed him. Eventually Kento was taught the basics of swordplay as well, and upon the death of the scholar, Kento used the money entrusted to him by the man to found his own smithy. - and he has become skillful enough through hard work in both swordsmanship and as a blacksmith to carry some small amount of renown in the area that he travels to.

So begins...

Kento's Story


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#, as written by Daimayo
I dont know how to switch rooms.. >> *fails* this new chat stuff still confuses me


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#, as written by Daimayo
((.. wait. I'm in the other room.. >> ))


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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento looked up from his drink, eyeing the being that came into the bar. Looking around and realizing that they were the only two occupants, the swordsman took a small sip of the water in his mug, clearing his throat. "Hello, friend."


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#, as written by Daimayo
stepped in quietly behind the noisy barbarian who had been ahead of him in entering the bar. His hand resting easily on the hilt of his sheathed sword, he walked towards one of the quiet areas, resting against a wall and taking in the varied and powerful-looking forms that filled the room.


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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento Breathed a sigh, taking off the decorative spirit-like mask he wore.. After a moment, the man put it under his arm and walked to the bar. "Could I just get water?"


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento blinked, looking across at the strangely-dressed woman who'd spoken. Did she just.. mimic him? Drinking from his glass, he sized her up... He'd never seen the type of clothing that she was wearing, he couldn't even tell where she was from. "Odd." he muttered, turning back.


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
"Er.. no, no.. I don't want to fight you." The swordsman made a face.. Her voice was strange. Perhaps an accent? "You just made me curious is all." Everyone here was very different, this girl didn't even strike him as human. "You're different from what I'm used to seeing."


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento paused for a moment, setting his mask on the bar table. "Well... for example.. I want to know where you come from? You speak very differently from what I am used to." She actually reminded him somewhat of the wooden dolls that he'd seem some performers use in festivals, very stiff. It made him think that perhaps she was controlled by some sort of magic. And her armour.. was strange. He finally turned his stool towards her, ignoring the fight going on nearby. This was more interesting.


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
scratched his chin, curious about her strange answer... and becoming less and less convinced that it was possible that she was even human. At the moment though, he didn't mind talking. "Well, I suppose I like to wear my weapon out in the open because it might mean that I don't have to fight as much." He shrugged. "People wear their weapons for different reasons, but it's usually to look strong... I wear mine because few bandits would think of confronting a well-armed man, and so I'm free to travel where I like. If I show my weapon, most people avoid fighting me. Do you understand?" He bit his lip. It was getting noisy in this bar.


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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento chuckled. "Yes, they are... and being forced to fight those seeking battle is part of why you need to be as strong as the weapon that you carry." Taking a small sip of water, he continued. "So it's a choice I suppose we all need to make. I don't feel like I need to hide who I am from everyone, so I carry my sword. Some might choose to conceal it for their own reasons." This was a very philosophical debate.. he hadn't expected this. The man chuckled. "I didn't really expect a debate in... well, a bar."


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
"Well, if you want my name.. It's Kento." He smiled to her. What a strange woman. "If you want to know who I am.. I'm just a swordsman who doesn't like seeing evil things done. I help where I can, and move on. Try to make this world a bit better I suppose." Shifting in his green armour, he took another drink. "You're not.." He paused, wondering if it would offend her, but it seemed thus far that little could possibly make her show any emotion. "You're not human, are you? Could I ask who you are?"


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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento rolled the name in his mouth "Celinka..." It was foreign, but he liked it. Seemed fairly familiar too, though that was likely just because of the many names he'd learned over the years. "Maybe.. maybe I seem familiar because I remind you of someone?" He shrugged.. "Or perhaps you've heard of me. Of course- i'm not famous or something.. But I've travelled very far, and in a wide variety of places. You may have heard my name that way.." He digested her knews that she was a 'mechanical construct'.. he'd heard of something like that, long ago... people made of steel, who moved and looked like humans without any magic to speak of. The idea had seemed ridiculous at the time.. but now he wasn't so sure.


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
"I'm glad..." The dark-haired swordsman smiled at the girl. "Freedom of thought is a very important thing for any being, mechanical contruct, human, or otherwise." Finishing off his water, Kento wiped his mouth and set down the mug. "Was.. brother important to you? He gave you free thought as well?"


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#, as written by Daimayo
ran a hand through his hair.. he couldn't help but feel sympathy for Celinka, despite her being a construct "I am sure that he's searching for you, too.." And I could help, if you like." Shrugging, he put a coin on the bar table, paying for his drink. "Is brother the only name you know him by? I travel a lot.. and if you like I can ask people about it as I go. Perhaps if I find him I can point him in your direction."


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#, as written by Daimayo
"It's okay." Kento shrugged. "I know your name... and if he's looking for you too, that's a start." He could also investigate that East Branch place that she mentioned, although he'd never even heard of the majority of the things this girl mentioned - so there was a good chance that it was very far away. "I wouldn't worry though... you and I both have an eternity to look, if we need it." He smiled, a finger tracing the edge of his spirit-shaped mask


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#, as written by Daimayo
"You'll find him, Celinka." He stood, replacing the smiling spirit mask on his face. "I have to keep going before nightfall. Perhaps we will meet here again though? I'll help you in any way that you need." His hand resting casually on his long sword, Kento looked down at her. "You're not a bad person.. I can see that through this mask of mine." He tapped it. "And so I know you'll find what you're looking for."


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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento walked into the bar, looking around.. this would be a decent place to stop for now. He took off his mask, keeping it in his hand and running a hand through his hair with a sigh, before walking up to the bar and sitting down.. "Water, please.."


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
Kento stepped into the bar, taking off his mask now that he felt it was safe. "Ah.. " He looked around at the other patrons, and was rather surprised at who he saw. "Celinka.." The swordsman said quietly, looking at Cyan. She was with a pair of people, perhaps this meant that her personality was finally showing through more? he slowly made his way to the group, listening to the conversation quietly


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
looked at the other man as he stepped up to the other three. Surely this wasn't her brother? Blinking, he looked back towards the woman he'd met before.. the 'construct'. The one he'd made a promise too. "Celinka... I'm sorry, but I've yet to find any word about brother.. but I haven't stopped looking." He smiled at her. "Are these two friends of yours?" hearing the other man's comment, Kento couldn't resist smirking. "You're out of luck, friend.. at least with her." He took it that they had just met, then. After a moment the swordsman looked at the other girl... a pretty thing, but he hadn't been close enough to hear what she'd said, so he had no idea what she was like.


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Character Portrait: Kento
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#, as written by Daimayo
was used to the flashy entrances at this point, fairly ignoring the new patron, his attention on the man now... "I take it that the curse wasn't kind to your body, then?" The swordsman ached to put his mask on ... to see what this fellow's true intentions were, but he was trying to keep himself from relying on it too much.. this would be a test.