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Linda Perrault

0 · 466 views · located in Astrius Academy Girls Dorms

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


People who are often involved in Origin, generally living there, doing business there, or such.
Students, Staff, Alumni, all involved past or present are listed here in the records.


Information coming soon


So begins...

Linda Perrault's Story

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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
Out of the corner of Therion's eyes a girl appeared, she had a tray of food, which was similar to what Cliff was scarfing down, only in this case it was just a pile of raw hamburger, fellow students seemed to give way before her as she walked. Apparently recognised as someone important, when in truth she was just a foster child of the Rosetta Royal Family.

She had tackled a werewolf, on accident, her feline side had dominance over her personality, and anything shiny was a good target. And that included, above all else, laser dots. To which she had fallen from the ceiling to Cliff's lap. the end result of course was detention, it was partly worth it, but Traf had also said for certain parties to apologise to one another.

Another student came up next to the young girl and offered to take her tray for her, after all, even a foster child of the royal family had to be treated as royalty too right ? Even though Linda insisted on carrying her own tray, the older girl insisted just as much, Finally Linda gave in and directed the servant to where Cliff and Therion were seated while she herself went to get something akin to red bull, monster energy, and everclear mixed together.

Three ounces of Everclear, three ounces of red bull, and three ounces of monster {all plain flavors}, the end result made a small mushroom cloud from the cup pbefore simply bubbling madly. Only a werecritter could drink it and not get high as a cloud. Stepping up to the table as the other student set the raw hamburger {shredded, uncooked and still bleeding} Linda stood at the table briefly, debeating wether or not to speak. Finally her mouth and brain worked at the same time and she said simply to Cliff

"Im sorry for tackling you in class. I... I couldnt control myself." She was red in the face, bits of fur was also seen, beautiful dark fur on her face. "According to my parents my feline side is more dominate and I cant keep it under control as much as I would like." It was clear she was young, maybe about fourteen or so. But she had the body of a young woman, still quite beautiful to begin with. Pale green, dark turqiouse, and blue was the colors of her clothing, a very pretty dress, fit for a princess. Literally.

Then she did something possibly stupid, "I'm Linda, May I sit with you two ?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Sepokku
Therion couldn't help but make a face when some random girl came over with a tray of food, especially considering he didn't recognize her, and thus she was probably not a very skilled practitioner. The girl was older than him too, so she had no excuse, and a visible sneer spread across Theri's face as he stared her down. "Go away please, you're ruining my meal." The older student looked offended, and set the tray down, right as another student came up to them.

Oh? Oh no, no no no no no no no. Not another were-creature. Cliff was enough to deal with, I don't need to be chasing TWO animals through the woods in an attempt to get them to class on time. Theri felt light-headed, and barely heard the girl apologize to his roommate. However, the magi did hear her ask if she could sit with them. The thought of dealing with the two, who he assumed would fight like cats and dogs, suddenly made him very tired. "Ask Cliff, I think I need a Red Bull." With that, the boy stood up to grab an energy drink.

The can popped open with a light fizz and Theri quickly drained it in its entirety. That morning had been particularly tiring, not only did he have to retrieve Cliff, they had also been ambushed by a Cyclops. Not only that, he still had to help High Wizard Traf with Rune-work. It would be a precious few moments before the caffeine took hold and the magi slowly made his way back to the two were-creatures. Curiosity, or perhaps dread at the thought, took hold of Therion and he finally asked as he made it back to the table. "Do uh... Do you also shift unwillingly when it's a full moon?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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Cliff looked at her with a puzzled expression when she mentioned tackling him, as he had nearly no recollection of those events. Werewolves tended to remember less when they were hungry, or when they were in a feral state, so he had no idea of this happening. Also, he was being bribed with food, so he was pre-occupied.

So he whispered to Theri a simple question. "Did that really happen? Just how hungry did I get...wait, I vaguely recall trying to eat something and then someone stopping me. Did I try to get food from her or something?"

Incidentally, Cliff was usually very careful not to cause issues like being late and such, because there were certain members of his clan who disliked Cliff had gone to Astrius to learn and were not getting homeschooled inside the clan like the others. This had happened numerous times in the past as well though, but people were people and got weird like that.

Anyways, Cliff had zero memory or emotions towards this girl, though he felt like instinctively she might be an enemy, but decided to let that go for now. "You can sit wherever you want. Anyways, Theri, I think after this we have a class on Origin's History, taught by someone named Milo, and then also a course on Practical Magic for Daily Life, right? Or, am I getting the schedule mixed up? I am sure the first one is right though, but I cant be certain about the second..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
"Thank you" Linda said simply taking a seat across from Cliff, with Theri between them, basically. She started into the raw meat. It didnt help much she was basically royalty, the result of two powerful werecat clans on Origin merging and resulting in her being born, which made her something like royalty, but she hated the title.

As Cliff asked his questions to Theri, Linda got a dcloser look at the werewolf, and the magi. Boy boys seemed nice enough, Linda herself had none she could call a friend or someone close. At least other then servants. So when Cliff asked about the next set of classes she wracked her own brain for what she could remember of her daily set up. She was supposed to have a free period before Practical Magic for Daily Life with High Wizard Traf was it ? History never was her strong point so she had chosen the free period over that class. Thankfully for what she sought to learn allowed her to do so.

She nodded then as Cliff asked if it happened "Yes, I tackled you trying to get a laser dot. So it wasnt food no, I tackled both of you actually now that I fully recall it" It was true, Linda had tackled Cliff, but then Cliff reascted and she then pretty much trampled Therion getting away from Cliff at the time.

She then sighed and took a long drink of the red bull, monster energy, and everclear mix. Finaly she said "We uh.... we got in trouble too. High Wizard Traf gave us detention." She looked directly at Cliff as she spoke, Therion could confirm that for sure. There was something off about Cliff though, was it because or the lunar cycle ? Recently she'd gotten sleepy during class, if it wasnt for Traf using that laserdot, Linda would have conked out in the classroom facedown on her desk.

The good news was, cats didnt snore

Then came the explosion of smoke and what smelled like food. Linda chirped in startlement as Traf was suddenly standing at their table, with a tray of what might as well have been a half dozen McDonalds Big Mac {medium sized} meals and a HUGE ass mug of {what else ?} Coffee, the high octane stuff too

Traf seemed nochaklant as he peeked around his massive Mug "You three mind some company ?" These three would be perfect for the next task and learning session!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Sepokku
The effervescent drink bubbled to the surface of Theri's stomach and he covered his mouth with a fist to stifle a belch. The newcomer, Linda seemed nice enough, and she was definitely one of the more capable students. Cliff asked him an innocuous question, and Theri couldn't help but reply sarcastically. "Yeah, I seem to recall something like a dog chasing a cat right into a Therion, or something like that...?" It almost sounded like a joke, and he would have giggled had he the energy.

The magi slammed his head onto the table, in despair at Cliff's correct reminder of his schedule. "Ugghh don't remind mee, I always fall asleep in Origin History class." The statement was punctuated by him hitting his head on the table, out of frustration, a few more times for emphasis. "I came here to become stronger, not hear a long-winded dissertation on how this ugly rock came to be." Truly, it had to be the magi's LEAST favorite class, though that isn't to say he found ways to enjoy it every now and then.

As Linda started drinking her monstrous concoction, Theri let out a low whistle from pursed lips. He didn't bother to say anything about it, rather he was at a loss for words that she so casually drank the liquid mess. "Yeeah, uh... Yeah I think High Wizard Traf said you two have detention." As if summoned by his words, Traf appeared in a puff of smoke and, "Burgers!" Theri levitated one of the burgers into his hands, "I was so focused on grabbing Cliff's bribe I forgot to get something myself."

Usually he wouldn't dare take food from Traf without asking, but it had been a long day and Therion was feeling a little risky. Besides, the High Wizard had asked for his help, certainly some cheap food wasn't too much recompense, right? Therion simply smiled, the crazy wide grin he always got when abusing magic for no good reason, and began to wolf down the burger.

"Not at all," came his reply between mouthfuls of burger. Theri pulled water from the air with another spell, delivering a drink of water to his mouth, clearing his throat in the process. "Are we still on for that rune-work later?" There was always something to be learned about what NOT to do with runes when it came to Traf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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As Cliff listened to everything, and heard all the stories, have gave a sort of cold stare before shrugging it off. "From what it sounds like, just Linda should go do it. Or the teacher, for being the cause. I dont like being punished for someone else's actions. Trust me, when you have over a dozen siblings, it becomes a thing...ah, for the record, not all of them are blood siblings. Its just that anyone close in age inside the clan consider each other siblings. So I have a lot, and of course they all like to put blame on others, so I have no intention of taking punishment when I am innocent".

He said that adamantly while having a perterbed look on his face, as if he remembered something annoying. Which he had, actually. This had reminded him he got blamed for something really bad, and then got a really bad punishment from his clan...being locked outside, naked, and had to sleep in an actual werewolf sized doghouse with a collar. But, he had no intention of sharing that moment. Ever.

"Mmmmmhhhmmmmm.....delicous and good bribe..." he said, as he ate food to improve his mood. And then when Theri brought up the history of Origin class, it was Cliff who sort of came as a savior.

"Yeah, usually its super boring, talking about decades of kings taht did this or that, or about the other governments doing stuff, but...this topic is one that even I find a bit interesting. I hear, we are going to have a history lesson on a topic of the war with Demon King Millen one thousand years ago, and that stuff. They might even go into detail about the information regarding the abilities of Demon King Millen, many of which are still unknown and unclassified. I think it is some special type of magic myself...I wonder what kind though?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: High Wizard Traf Uchini Character Portrait: Cliff Lyco Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
Linda had to smile towards Cliff, "I.... 'Im an only child" She said after a moment, deep brown fur covered her face briefly as she blushed as Traf took a seat, nodding as Theri snagged a burger or two, it was why he got a few of the meals anyhow. Where he went only Traf knew

However Traf spoke towards Cliff as he munched on a overcooked shard of patato "You my dear werewolf were naked in front of class, therefore, that mereits your detention, Linda has acknowledged the reason for her punishment, but dont worry, it wont be fore more than an hour in my office!" Traf sounded jovial of the whole thing

In truth he wanted to learn more of werecreatures and how two different breeds, werewolf and werecat, got along when alone in a trashed office together.

Linda was scared of history for all intents it was outside her six year old feline brain. the fight with the last demon king, the possiblities of his magic. And what that could spell for the werecat princess was something she didnt want to think about. So for that moment she was really thankfully she took a free period during history class, she needed those naps

Traf then nodded to Theri "Of course young Maji we can do this together now or after classes end for the day, you may pick the time" Traf told Therion kindly, at this point he was more the old fart who forgot where he put his hat. Kamakazi was actually perched on the thing and it was even on his own head!

Soon Linda was done eating and with a nod towards Traf she asked "Can I meet up with Cliff at your office when detention starts ?" She had to fight herself from yawning, eventually losing badly she yawned like a cat would, nice a wide, which alllowed everyone at table, well, just Cliff and Theri, as Traf was too busy inspecting the inside fo the coffee mug for that last drop, to see razor sharp feline teeth within the human, for the most part, girls mouth.

Traf simply nodded, With that Linda said to the two others "I'll see you guys later." She she still had a shy smile on her face. Maybe Linda could be a good friend for the two ?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
It took her about ten minutes, but when Linda finally managed to dodge around Mr Punchy and get a bearing on where she was gonna crazy for her nap she went to her bedroom, which was more or less a broom closet sized room with a bed and a window leading to where she normally slept outside in a gazebo in the parkland below the Girls Dorms.

But as the werecat closed her door she heard.... chewing ?

Was someone eating ? She didnt recall food being allowed in the girls dorms, sure she had seen other girls eating food from the cafes across campus, but even then she hadnt dont it herself, Better to err on the side of caution and not do something. But the sounds of someone, or something, eating, came from, of all places....

The girls bathroom

Oh sweet Mother Moon Linda thought please dont let it be a boy sneaking past Mr Punchy again She stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light, who was eating in the dark ? "Hello ?" A soft meow instead of human speech was said. Linda for all intents at that moment was both confused and slightly scared. In a more human voice she asked "Anyone in here ? Eating in the bath is...." She faltered when she caught sight of Spud in the shower......

Or rather the bar of soap he was chowing down on White isnt gonna like that The werecat thought, White was one of the Mean Girls all schools had them, big cliche group, White was the leader of the pack and they refuised to even acknowledge that Linda even existed. At least until that last New Moon and Linda had chosen to spook the absolute hell out of the so called Mean Girls only meeting in the park that rudely woke her up at the time

Seeing a nine foot two inch tall bipedal cat complaining about being rudely woken up by loud music of a frat party at first made everyone laugh, until Lindas feline side took over and she somehow sent one of the party members to the medical wing on sheer accident.

Her mind went back to the present as Spud continued chowing down on Whites bar of soap "Uh.... hi ?" Linda said croching down to balance on her heels to get closer to Spud. "Are you lost ?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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Two pairs of ears fluffy on the underside flicked up then turned toward at her presence as it was busy eating the soap. While he'd been eating the bath bar spud foamed at the spine through his gills but didn't seem terribly perturbed. He smelled strongly of mulberry now if not from the small mountain of foam behind him. It wasn't watery the foam was thick and heavy as if the bar itself had been microwaved. Hit pivoted around and the white foam could be seen still extruding from his back illuminated by his rose-colored glow.

The small creature's face opened wide in excitement and one could see the rose-colored noise inside scouring the inside of his mouth for bits of soap. The teeth were black with some pattern of the arcane emerging from within them. His digestion process had a similar sound the pink noise giving him the faint audio of a fireplace. He waved his small arms webbed toes and digits clearly seen.

The voice was youthful and fearless its eyes full of rose stars, "Nope, Humankind! Big Worm knows! Big Worm knows! Spud eat dɐos! It is sticky! Want better food now!"

The fact that the bar labeling meant something when it wasn't upside down appeared to completely lost on Spud. Even though it had pronounced the word exactly mirrored.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
When Spud looked at her and spoke Linda out of reflexes backed up a half step before falling on her own butt with a chirp, thankfully only Spud was there and was more interested in proper food. Yeah White wasnt gonna be happy, but as far as Linda was concerned it wasnt her fault this time.

It called me humankind ??? the werecat wondered in her head confused at what the little.... thing meant, she was at the dorm for a nap not to feed something. She only had one free period, which was fourty minutes, enough to catch fourty winks for sure, maybe even eighty if she was lucky.But the way things looked, she doubted as much as fourty winks thanks to this creature, if she was lucky White was at history period at that moment, but then her luck wasnt that good to begin with.

Linda thought a moment, maybe she could take him to her gazebo outside ? Without thinking it she stood up, her turquoise green dress reached her feet nicely and was very pretty, which made many a man after her hide for marraige proposals, all of which were turned down. This thing called itself Spud, and it wanted better food, but what did a Spud eat ? The voice sounded male, so Linda figured Spud to be a male.... something

She went to the door and closed it, locked it as well, in the case that White showed up and somehow thought Linda was responsible for the wrecking of the soap. "What kind of food does a Spud eat ?" the werecat asked

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Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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Spud took a deep breath then stuck its webbed thumb in its mouth. Its cheeks puffed out as it blew hard the small cheeks bulging out. Flakes came from its back at first then a snowstorm of dried soap foam from its spine gills. Most of the tile behind it now coated in messy spackled clumps of white fluff. In a sense the creature had to clear what could be poorly described as 'lungs' of the former white goo to consider eating proper food. The mulberry scent intensified with the snowblower of propelled material.

The small knee-high creature's ear-fluff grew deeper as it paid more attention to her speaking. It climbed up a wall as she fell on her butt and the spread-eagle critter just arched its bodybackward to gawk at her with a smile upside down. Along its back the gills furled and spread in a rapid pulse showering the remaining soap in white dust toward the floor.

Unstrained and less bothered by her fear it spoke at her from the position, "Angry fur things! Tried to eat Spud. Spud ate it back!"

It made a fair mimic of the angry stray dog it had eaten on Gaia, "*BORK**BORK**BORK* Spud crawls inside. Animal was tasty!"

Then it crawled up the divider wall raising the two webbed fists with a mouth spread with a toothy excitement making noises of burning pine, "Ate tall pointy leaf! *cracklepop**cracklepop* Climbed up top!"

It shrugged the rose-star eyed creature making noises of a laden tree limb, "Dead humankind on string. *creeeeak* Tried eating head nails. head nails not tasty. No not tasty."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
Linda looked sick as Spud explained what it ate, he ate a barking thing ? Then she recognised the sounds of burning wood. Ok so that didnt exactly answer her question. Now eye level as he had climbed up the wall a bit and after she had locked the bathroom door she went to the door and listened, nobody, perfect she had a clear shot to her gazebo.

But then her luck always sucked so she wasnt gonna risk going out into the commons room of the girls dorm with Spud in hand, sooo She went to the window, it was large enough when opened for someone to exit that way, uopn opening it she saw her gazebo, her bedroom so to speak, only a few dozen meters away.


She turned back to Spud "Im not sure if that answers my questions, But.,.. What about stuff outside ?" Sadly when the window was opened the sweet smell of ROCKS {sand stone, limestone, possibly some gesalts too} wafted through the window and directly into Spuds .... nose ? {did he have a nose ??} "Im heading outsidse through this window, as long as you dont eat my gazebo, I think you'll find it better then a borker or a tall pointy leafs"

She said nothing of the dead human though, just the mere thought of doing such thing made her sick. She quickly unlocked the bathroom door, but as she did so she heard the voice she was hoping to avoid entirely. There was no time to wait for Spuds reply! Without thinking it she snagged up the strange soap eating dragon thing and pretty much dove out the window, Transforming slightly as she did so her tail snagged it and it slid closed just as White started to enter the bathroom

There was no way Linda was gonna get MORE detention by getting into a unwanted fight with White

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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At first removing Spud felt like trying to dislodge one of the tiles. Its surface while not burning felt like a hot tub with whirling inner vibration that periodically thumps from behind its velveteen skin. When its webbed feet instinctively planted on her dress to transfer it didn't seem likely they would easily let go from there any more than the tile. Microscopic threads of pincers grabbed onto comparatively huge cords of dress just as well as tile as equally rough to them.

Its tail was no less sticky and though it glowed red hot wasn't more than room temperature outside. It wrapped around her waist pointed forward as Spud was. Its hands detached last as she pulled Spud free its gills to her chest to put its webbed sticky hands on her forearm. The gills pumped slightly if they were free though it still smelled of mulberry and something else now. At close range if one could sense it the creature breathed out a faint raw magic from those rose-lit slits. Raw power often adding the air smell of octarine and burnt tin as some strange expression in the mind when raw magic tries to earth itself.

A ragged-pitched titter came from SPud with a wide toothed smile as she lept from the window, "Hugs for Spud! Spud fly!"

As Linda careened down from the window Spud flapped his small arms very fully engrossed her questions forgotten, "Flap flap Spud birdie!"

Spud didn't seem to have bones as its plush velvet hands repeatedly thwacked Linda in the chest every so often.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
It was cute quite honestly, Spud was, in all angles, innocent as heck. Linda couldnt help but smile as he flapped his arms happliy, a few times whacking her in the boob directly, it was a bit painful, As heavy as he was hooked on the tile in the shower stall she somehow managed to get him with her out the window Before White entered.

Of course they both heard White clearly shrieking in the bathroom of her soap being destroyed. Out of relfex as she darted for her Gazebo, Linda covered Spuds mouth, at least what had ot be his mouth ,for all she knew she was covering his butt. Then again his tail was wrapped nicely like a belt about her waist and even then he wasnt too hot to the touch

But her hands were burnt a bit, inso far that her paw pads had formed to counter the sudden burning of flesh. Quickier than thought possible by the werecat they were easily out of sight of White when the Mean Girl gfot to the open window. which meant thankfully that Linda could set Spud down on the rock she normally used for a pillow.

Gently lifting his tail from her waist Linda held up a hand as Spud still flapped his arms cutely "Easy little guy, easy. Its alright, it... no no shush, shuu shhh" Linda said frantically then as her hand went to his mouth as he looked about to mimic White from the bathroom. She bent down to her rather well kept bed, build of sod, some dirt, and a few nice smooth stones it did the job of a good bed with the thick leather blanket, it made for a good bedroom that gazebo now that Spud could see it.

Linda set Spud on her rock pillow, the smooth stone glittered like broken glass. his feet held onto her dress somehow until he let go enough for her to set him gently on the rock. There were no tears in the cloth as it resettled on her body at that moment. So they were out of Whites crosshairs, that was good.

It was then as Linda reformed to proper human appearance aside from her slightly burnt hands still bearing feline like leather pads on the palms of her hands edged by dark fur as she gently stroked Spuds back. Finally she simply asked, clearly confused "What are you ? You're too cute to be an experiment here"

So much for her catching 120 winks

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Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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As soon as Spud heard White scream he turned and a hand was placed over his mouth. The breath she restrained had that same scent of burnt tin and octarine. Then with it came one muffled girly-pitched *MMMMRRRRRRRRRRRFFFF* as Spud accurately mimicked the howl. The burning to her pads wasn't as much ignition as the very top layer of her skin being separated into its constituent components. Though once the yelling stopped, at least as far as Spud could hear, it turned both pairs of ears up to look at Linda and the burning stopped.. As close as she was Linda could see The outer set of ears blew the threads in and out as Spud breathed. The front of Spud's snout had no semblance of nostrils at all just a smooth pattern of faintly undulating rose pinpricks.

His gaze followed Linda when she walked away from the window and padded over on two ungainly legs its short arms dangling, "Zhou! Spud is special. Big worm makes Spud!"

As the glowing tail swished along the wooden floor it scuffed the boards smooth as the webbed fingers pointed to shrubbery outside, "Go big green! Big nasties. Spud leaves big green."

It pumped its fist as a flurry of red lines flail at the air along the horns as the small barnacles capture errant hairs from her hand, "Follow big red! Find mutablekind!"

Its back was as fluffy as the rest of it and the gill-flaps pushed against her hand. The swishing tail had made a shining polished surface of the gazebo

"Eat now?", the toothy matte-eyed grin asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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#, as written by Awinita
Linda winced as Spud pretty much burnt her right hand to well past crispy, but thankfully the regenerative abilites of werecats was going to kick in as soon as she fell asleep. Which sadly wasnt going to happen any time soon. Spud's tail was polishing the floor of the gazebo quite nicely, it was, now that Linda really thought about it, the cleanest that the Gazebos floor had ever been in as long as she had it.

"What exactly can you eat ?" It wasnt like she had anything readily available for him to chow down on.... a second passed andbefore Spud could answer Linda corrected herself "What exactlky do you want to eat ?" She sat on the low bench which also acted as her bed, made of polished granite and steel whool. a mattress of a sort laid upon it neatly.

the gazebo was, afterall, Lindas bedroom, her dorm so to speak. Linda examined her burnt hand, the leather pad of a cats paw clearly visible a dark leatherpink hue quickly fading into the burnt patches of the pads, each length of finger also had a bit of leather pad. Reflex alone ensured her claws wherent harmed.

Then she had a confused question, and an even more confused expression "Zhou ?' Why did that name sound familar ?

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Character Portrait: Zhou 'Spud' Myrkul Character Portrait: Linda Perrault
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0.00 INK

Spud put its webbed hand to its chin with a sucker noise. Its spine-gills fluttered with rapidity while it thought about what could eat. It had considered eating some of the shiny structured things all over but Spud thought they were too spicy. Rocks were soft and easy to eat.

The small black creature spun around and slapped on two webbed feet toward the edge of the gazebo. The red pips on its sout flaring in waves while swiping back and forth from rock to rock. Two black ones get a smattering of unified flares of pips as Spud qualifies their complexity. Two stubby arms bend down to grab them then web-footed slaps waddle the small creature back with dark basalt stones. Matte eyes look to the big rock then to the small ones then it waddles over to her bed to gingerly place the rocks down with a small bend of the knees.

A maw full of teeth gleaming with runic patterns it pointed to the rock, "Soft foods! Shinies hard! Bigger Spud then stronger teeth!"

As an answer to her question it pointed a small finger to her, "Humankind!"

It wasn't correct given the fuzzy hand, certainly, but unlike the other servitors it actually was a child. It had a bit of growing to do.

Then pointing to its head and patting its chest, "Spud is Zhou! Different though. Spud grows."

Both webbed hands reach to the ceiling as the matte-skinned creature bounces on its feet as if it could demonstrate growing. The pips on its snout and the spine-gills flaring through excitement.