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Lochlyn Haley

A man of few words and of many secrets. He is the leader of the Jupiter Corporation terrorist group

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saarai



Conqueror. Physical god. Destroyer of worlds.

Real Name: Lochlyn L. Haley.
Title(s): N/A.
Alias(es): None.
Age: Exact age unknown.
Birth Date: 1970 - 1975
Zodiac: Unknown.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Race: Caucasian. English.
Species: Unknown.
Occupation: Terrorist.
Place of Birth: Somewhere in England.
Hometown: See above.
- Current: Jupiter Corporation terrorist group.
- Prior: N/A.


Like all people, the man known as Lochlyn Haley does have a history. One longer than most people have. It's the details that have never really come to light. The official story is that Lochlyn Haley is an English businessman who found himself going down the path of supervillain. Maybe for greed. Maybe for power. Maybe out of anger. No one really knows.

Lochlyn and his Jupiter Corporation made a sudden appearance in London, England in the year 1991. They suddenly had holdings in Africa, America, Europe and eventually other planets and dimensions. Their intense devotion to philanthropy betrayed what lay beneath the surface of the Jupiter Corporation and Lochlyn Haley.

Horrific experiments and a private army were eventually exposed. While many of Haley's lieutenants were jailed, Haley himself disappeared without a trace.


Lochlyn demonstrates the ability to fly, an somewhat uncommon trait in many non-winged beings. It's implied that he doesn't actually fly as much as exert so much force when he jumps that it could be seen as flight. He also heals instantaneously from any damage he sustains, if he takes any at all. The limits of his healing abilities have never been properly tested by the general populace. Only Lochlyn knows how far he can go.

Listed below are his more unique abilities:

- The First Circle: This ability allows Lochlyn to use just the sound of his voice to make people feel no passion, no emotion and at times no hope. Making them slow and sluggish or even just a liabilty to themselves. For fighters and warriors they'll fight without passion, seeing no point. Entertainers will not entertain as they should, feeling as if it was waste of time.

- The Second Circle: With this ability Lochlyn taps into the most carnal desires of those around him. Lust takes over their bodies and clouds their judgement, taking their mind off of a fight or whatever else is going on around them in favor of their lust taking control. For some they cling to the nearest person, for others they'll try to seek out a lover.

- The Third Circle: This ability causes people to give in to their addictions when used by Lochlyn. Sometimes it's an overindulgence of food and drink, other times it's an addiction to drugs. Few people are able to help it once it takes control of them.

- The Fourth Circle: Lochlyn causes people to give in to their desire for material things. They give in to their greed with dangerous results. Some are even incited to violence because of this man's ability.

- The Fifth Circle: With this ability Lochlyn can cause a being's anger and wrath to come to the surface. Many times it can become irrational and not be aimed at anyone or anything in particular. Other times it can be very specific anger, causing fights amongst close friends and family or people who otherwise would not become violent.

So begins...

Lochlyn Haley's Story


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Nadhara Vane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
He nodded, "Unfortunate. You are a beautiful woman." Lochlyn said to Nadhara, "One can not say I didn't try." He continued, keeping up with the woman as they approached the exit.

When Nadhara stopped Lochlyn kept walking awhile longer, then stopping to address the woman. "I do hope there is another visit for me." He said, "I do enjoy looking if I can't touch." The Englishman said, flashing a quick smile. It was the only facial expression he had shown that wasn't completely neutral or focused.

"And let us hope you aren't wrong about your Idol, or at least, let's hope your leadership allows me to help." He said, turning to continue away from the building. "I will be seeing more of you, Nadhara."

"Soon." The man added, before eventually departing from the area to head back to his ship.

The setting changes from Triumvira to The Garden Zone


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
The Janus drifted into The Garden Zone, the large ship appropriaately imposing. It's make and model matching no known nations or organizations. The vessel was as alien as could be. Those onboard the ship weren't as alien.

Crewmen all aboard the ship keeping it running smoothly. Other than it's size, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Seated in a chair in the middle of the bridge was a man in a dark blue suit. His expression unreadable, ever-stoic in the face of travelling into an unknown region. There could be anything, anyone, just waiting to attack. But the man seemed to have no care, he didn't relay orders to his people.

The ship just journeyed further into the region.

"Hail all that you can from UCON, and anyone you can find that's nearby." The man ordered, "Are you sure we're in the right place?" A bridge officer asked, "I'm sure. Hail them. Continue on. The further we get towards planets the better our chances of finding peopl instead of space junk." The man explained.

"Same thing to me." An engineer joked.

"Attention all vessels, military forces and, or, local governments. This is the Janus under the command of Lochlyn Haley. We request an audience." The bridge officer said. The hail being sent out everywhere it could be with their limited knowledge of the area. Someone, somewhere had to pick up on it.

The hope was that it wouldn't awaken space Godzilla.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

In the blackness the Garden was a different, almost otherworldly stretch of space. Despite an abundance of traffic and communication’s activity the area around was particularly empty, known amongst the inhabitants of the Garden as a dead sector: there were countless thousands of these that dotted the entire region. Though as the ship made itself known something from the other side of the shores was listening intently.

“Greetings traveller, standby … “

The automaton must have been a custodian in the border spaces: several lightyears away sensors could reveal the small buoy-like installations hanging in the emptiness in a long line that stretched in either direction. As the border buoy seemed to thrum to life with fresh energy powering it’s arrays, a signal from thousands of miles away reached the buoy from a nameless planet somewhere in the Colonial Sphere.

“This is the Federal Border Installation, sector Ragian. Custodian AIs operate along the installations and take charge of the responsibility with trade and travel.”

The janitor intelligence continued on, seeming to wait for one last confirmation before another flickering signal came back from the installation. “Your request for an audience can be granted, as well, there is a Star Fleet escort readying to bring your vessel to a Deep Water station a while away.”

When the AI ended, it closed the communique while it was replaced by a flesh and blood human being. Starchy white walls reached around from a youthful, uniformed sailor and a blue-suited, official-looking man bearing the small flower and tortoise-shell insignia of the Bureau of Government Affairs.

“Welcome to the Garden, this is Karl Yanost, Chairman of the Artifex of Tasiji. The border installation raised an alert with us and has prepared a communique to the Federal government in New Emypria. If you’re in need of docking or a station, the Star Fleet is preparing to receive you -- in the meantime the Custodian mentioned your request for an audience, we’re not the Supreme Assembly here but, we can provide you any correspondence you need until a Federal represenator can reach us.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Well, would you look at that. There's more than space junk." A bridge officer said, "I need whatever specs you can get me on the ships that approach. Don't be alarmed if there's things we can't outright see. That's why we have sciency people." He continued. "Sciency? I'm guessing this is why you aren't one of them?" An engineer asked.

"Quiet." Lochlyn said, falling quiet himself as he listened to the spoken by Chairman Yanost. The man wasn't exactly who Lochlyn was searching for, but he clearly had a line to the people in charge. It would do.

"Indeed." Lochlyn said to Chairman Yanost, "I am Lochlyn Haley of the Jupiter Corporation." He introduced himself with the same stoic tone as always, but something about how matter-of-factly he spoke may have come of as unnerving due to the fact that he didn't take the time to list off anything that made him important.

It was hubris, confidence, or naivety.

"I come with a warning for your government." Lochlyn began, "I warn you now that your worlds will burn. The threat comes from the inside and the outside." He continued, "Lesser men will light the fire, greater men will burn or embrace the flame."

The crew of the Janus turned their attention to Lochlyn as he spoke. They weren't quite sure what he doing. They were used to being left in the dark, but knowing the plan would help them to know what their role was.

"I will say more when I have a proper audience. Escort us where you would like. I can wait." Lochlyn told Chairman Yanost.

"I have waited this long."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

Onboard a lone heavy cruiser the bridge was steeped in darkness as the radio communique played, while the crew listened in silence. A grey-uniformed Star Fleet officer stretched his knuckles against the railing and loomed out over the bridge under him.

"Have the Task Force appraised of the situation, what are they doing at the Deep Water station?" The ship captain asked, glaring from a holographic video of the Chairman. Two or three meters away a hologram of a large deep space constellation sat over a holotank with other vessels making various insects around the tiny hive-like speck in space.

“They’ve moved to Condition One.”

The captain turned his back on the hologram, to see the vessel’s weaponry diagnostic scrolling by on the main airscreen. The cruiser was at the far flank of the patrol force using the Deep Water station in the borders of the Coalition. Typical of the border patrol, the Apparatus Customs Executive were onboard and also operating several of the SD-3 boarding ships collared with the ship.

“Then we go ahead and follow, we’ll see just what the Chairman can pull before Regional comes in.”

“By all means, Mister Haley, if there is a warning we will all be certain to hear it.”

The Chairman stood alone and only fidgeted with the cuff of his suit for a moment when the sudden turn came. Clear or not to tell he was a remedial official that was merely in the building this day on the planet some lightyears away. “The military forces will go onto a standby on protocol -- something the people on this planet can’t control, it’s beyond us but, we’ll still be able to communicate without any interference.”

Around the chairman the personnel continued on with business as usual, though they boosted communications and transmissions while coordinating with several of the other space-bound bodies beyond the planetary system.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn's right eyebrow moved a quarter of an inch upwards before settling back in place. The man wasn't amused. Not one bit.

"Karl, was it?" Lochlyn asked, "I was clear in my words. I will not say more until I am with a proper audience. Your president, king, emperor, prime minister. That is a proper aduience to me. Unless the military is the real power." The man continued, making a shooing motion towards the crew on the bridge with him.

At least half began to leave, the other half still waiting to see what was going to happen. They were confused by the man's actions. It didn't seem to be in his nature to provoke a military power in such a way.

"Whoever is in charge, I want to meet with them. If not face to face, ship to ship." Lochlyn told Chairman Yanost, "The Janus is not equipped for war, only for it's own defense. Shields and small weapons for the criminal type with access to their own spacecraft." Lochlyn said, hoping to assure Yanost that the vessel, large as it was, was not a real threat as is.

"Sending specs over the proper channels now." A bridge officer said, sending proof that all Lochlyn said about the ship was true. "Roughly one and a half kilometers length-wise, nearly one as far width goes." Lochlyn informed the chairman.

"Only this ship's nuclear power source could be of any threat, but I hire the best engineers to ensure that it only does what it's meant to do."

The setting changes from The Garden Zone to Syntori 8


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
*One Week Prior to Niihama Negotiations with the Taiyou*
In one of the corporate buildings the board of Sullen Enterprises was gathering. The meeting was unexpected most of the members had their hands full with trying to deal with a financial crisis and attempting to reign in the chaos caused by the Taiyou efforts to make a blow to the SEC. And to further the turmoil President Holiday had authorized the war on the Cybrans. Many were skeptical of her decision but they all knew war is what would drive their profits.

President Holdiay stood before the board, her normal demeanor was changed she looked taken a back and a bit tired the transition to leadership was still weighing heavily upon her.
"I'm sorry to call you here on such short notice, but due to recent developments I feel this is of the upmost importance. There has been a recent purchase that I'm sure all of you are aware of that has constituted this meeting. Lochlyn Haley CEO of Juniper Corp. has bought the largest sum of stocks to date. I cannot tell you his intentions as I do not know normally I would suggest we make an effort to stop this but given our current status I have invited Mr. Haley here to discuss his motives first as you all know these are difficult times and I urge you all to take this into consideration. " Holiday said.

After she finished a small chuckle could be heard from the corner of the room where a Luke Sullen the former President and CEO of the company sat. Though he was imprisoned being the founder he had an entitlement to come to the corporate meeting. Beside him sat a younger version with brown eyes and dark hair and the former heir to the company Josiah Sullen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn stepped into the room, donning his usual dark blue suit and trenchcoat. Expression as unreadable as it always was. "My intentions will be made clear." He told the board, "As you all know I now own the majority of stocks within the SEC. I understand that you have been having economic hardships, my purchase of such an abundance of stocks will only help you." The man informed the board.

"I now have stake in this planet, and it's government. I will be providing in the near future ships, weapons and manpower to protect my assets, which are also your assets." Lochlyn was making a case as to why he was going to be the SEC's savior. For all intents and purposes he was, and he knew it.

"What I do won't cure all of what plagues you, but it would help, would it not?" He asked rhetorically. No one in that room could deny that they needed to plant their feet before trying to hold the line against the Cybrans and any other threat.

Anyone who didn't know was going to be convinced if Lochlyn had his time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
The board listened to Lochlyn with a series of mixed emotions some looked utterly taken aback others seemed enlightened. Damion and Holiday looked reserved while Luke sullen had a smirk of amusement across his face.

"Well Mr, Haley under normal circumstances I would call this a financial coup but given our current status I cannot see why anyone would be interested in buying Enterprise stock. I must say I commend your efforts. Given our current situation I see no reason for us to be against this." Holiday said before pausing, "Does anyone have any statements before we move on for questions?" She asked.

A plump man placed his hands on the table he was still a firm supporter of Mr. Sullen and he was clearly enraged. "Lindsey!This is corporate sabotage and you know it! He is doing just what you have done to weasel your way into power how can you stand by and do this!" The man said before turning to Lochlyn.

"Why would you offer this why buy stock when our company is clearly failing it's only a matter of time before we are just another colony of the Taiyou or the Cybrans." He stated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
The stoic Lochlyn turned to address the man that had spoken up, "Call it whatever you want to call it." He began, "But, do not dare believe I will let this planet, this government, fall into the hands of the Taiyou or Cybrans." Lochlyn said, then turning to address the others.

"Do you all wish to bow down and kiss the feet of invaders, or would you like to welcome a man that will keep you free?" Lochlyn asked, "I am that man, and I vow to keep you free to do as you wish. Be it financial coups, or military coups, or whatever else you want to do." He said, "Whether you trust me or not, know in your hearts, or your minds, that I am your preserver." Lochlyn finished.

The blue-suited man turned his attention to Holiday, "This does not mean I wish to take your place. But, it would be wise of you to allow me a chance to do what I need to protect my new assets." Lochlyn told the woman, "The SEC will not fall today."

"I promise."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
It was clear most of the board was silent and listened. The contester merely sat back down he knew he would have no voice in this fight not that there was anything to vote on in the first place it was clear that Lochlyn could do what he wanted with the amount of stock he had bought.

"If there are no more statements or questions then I move that the meeting be concluded. The board as in agreement but on the way out Luke paused as he was nudged by the guards. " I like your style." Luke said with a smile that said he knew all to well that there was something else behind this man's motives.

"Mr Haley would you mind staying a minute? I would like to have a word in private. " She said as the others filed out of the room. She knew the board was only so useful.

"Damion I want you to go get General Williams and brief him on this meeting." Holiday said to one of the board members as he walked out. Once they were all gone she turned to Lochlyn she had an intrigued smile on her face.

"Thankyou Mr. Haley for accepting my Invitation to speak, I must say you are very convincing, but the board only goes so far as I'm sure you know it is those with the most power who truly run things." She said.

"Would you be open to further discussion? I can have some dinner sent up? Or drinks. " She was clearly acting reserved, she knew all to well this was too good to be true but it pleased most of the board members.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"What more is there to discuss?" Lochlyn asked, moving to take a seat. "I'm fine without dinner or drinks for the time being." He informed the woman, "And, it's not about being convincing. All of what I said is truth. You're in danger of being a colony of the Taiyou or Cybrans, that's if they let you live." Lochlynsaid.

"I am going to make sure you live free. You have my word. My word is my bond." The man told Holiday.

"I can not tell you just how I will make that so, but I do hope it isn't done over a stack of corpses." He added, the man wanted to avoid too much fighting right now. Especially when the SEC wasn't at it's best and his forces weren't where they needed to be yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"Well with the amount of stock you have bought you have some real weight here now. I want to get to know my highest stockholder, at this point I have to thank-you for what you are doing. I do know what you say is the truth but if you are going to be moving Juniper forces into SEC space I think we need to come to a bit more of an understanding. "

"I think we both have similar lifestyles, You're going to come in here as the savior and save us it's going to be very public and the population will fall in love with you I know that. I've done that. You can do that, I'm willing to work with you to save this company confederation and it's people but I want to get one thing clear. If you make any attempt to ruin me or my family or cross me you will regret it. " Holiday said her face cold she wanted to trust this man but if he was anything like Luke or herself she knew there was a snake beneath all that charm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Ruining you, or your family, would serve no purpose but to indulge in sadism." Lochlyn informed Holiday, "I am no sadist. Your life, your family, is in good hands. When all is said and done you just might reach a higher greatness than you've ever known." The man continued.

"Maybe not. I am no oracle." He said, "Anyways, our first course of business is business as usual. Continue as you were, my people will start moving into the city and on the planet within the week. With them they'll bring scientists, engineers, and technology to improve the quality of life here." Lochlyn told Holiday.

"Cybernetics, mostly. I prefer those I'm protecting to live long healthy lives if it can be helped." He told the SEC leader. It was clear that despite any ulterior motives Lochlyn might have had that he cared sincerely for people, even if he wouldn't be admitting it to Holiday anytime soon.

"If I do indeed hold the real power, I'll need to get in touch with you soon with standing orders on how we fight, and end, this war and any others."

"And, we will end them. Permanently."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Holiday listened closely as he said this but as she listened something was too good to be true about this. "Hold on there who are these people?" Holiday asked Lochlyn, "Are you speaking about ,military forces and or security forces? Because I will have no such thing. As for those described I can permit but I will need full documentation of course. " Holiday said.

"Mr Haley I was speaking figuratively, we can make this work but you do not command me or my people. If you are interested in assisting in the war to protect your assets then I can have General Williams speak to you on how you can incorporate a defense force. If you are wishing to provide us assistance then I believe we can work on the Cybran threat. If you wish to assist with that." Holiday said.

She was starting to regret this something deep down told her to fight this but what could they do. If Lochlyn pulled his stock it would be the final blow to the SEC the entire nation would crash and the Cybrans or the Taiyou would surely conquer them. At least with this she would have a chance but here she knew it was possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Then take what I say as suggestions, but I highly advise that you take them to heart if you want there to be an 'us' to defend or assist." Lochlyn said, "I have other things to do." He said, standing up. "We will speak another time." He told the woman, nodding in respect to her before he turned to leave.

"You would do well to understand, you only have as much power as the people allow you to have." The man said before finally stepping out.

The setting changes from Syntori 8 to The Garden Zone


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

“We will be more than capable of providing you communications with the First Executive, but there are protocol to a situation like this -- there is a militarized border between your location and the first Federal junctions office.” Karl said dryly, watching the uniformed men around him before returning his attention to the camera display. “Unfortunately I can’t grant that an audience with them will endear any more accomplishment. You may just be better off speaking with the military in that regard anyway.”

Meanwhile throughout the control room the personnel continued about their duties, some in communication with the military craft and the Deep Water station nearby. Though the border was still a distance away, the planet was governed as territory that might as well have been the border itself. “Rest assured that any warning from beyond the Garden is one taken in consideration."

The Chairman looked off the screen once more as a telephone rang, a dispatch from the Deep Water station arriving. However many trillions of miles away, Star Fleet officers were gathered in a protected chamber in the bowels of the station with a telemetry display in front of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Give me a moment to consider." Lochlyn said, falling silent. He wasn't considering a thing, he had already made his decision as soon as he heard Yanost. There were some appearances to be kept for the sake of the plan, or to make the Chairman feel like he was in charge.

To Lochlyn no one was in charge but himself. Things went the way he wanted them to go.

"Fine." He finally said, "I will meet with your military leaders, I will tell them what I know and can prove." The man told Chairman Yanost, "And you will do something for me in return. What will be determined soon enough." The man said, flaunting confidence, or arrogance, in the face of the chairman.

"I would like that we do this as quickly as humanly possible."

The setting changes from The Garden Zone to Sullen Enterprise Space

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Several large ships began to enter the SEC's territory, there were at least forty of them in total. Each one at least a few thousand kilometers long and nearly a thousand wide. Whatever, whoever, these ships carried they were large, or in large quantities. The ships were heavily armed with several different kinds of weapons, whoever built or modified the ships had made sure they were prepared for anything the ships could encounter while travelling.

Or for anyone they could encounter in battle.

The ships were slow on their approach, but didn't seem inherently hostile. They could have been wary of any defending forces or holding cargo they didn't want damage by going too fast into any space debris along the way.

They'd prove themselves friendly by sending out a hail to all those nearby and approaching, the hail in form of a message from their commander-in-chief.

"My name is Lochlyn Haley, I currently hold the most stock here within the SEC. These are my ships, and my crews, to protect my assets, but they are also at the disposal of any military leaders who think they may need some extra firepower or menacing ships to patrol an area."

The message from Lochlyn concluded and then would repeat itself, maikng sure there were no mistakes. That everyone got it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Grand-Moff Tarin Character Portrait: Damion Teller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Surprisingly there was no ship response to the ships entering the space instead a transmission was sent a few minutes later.

"Attention Mr. Haley this is Grand-Moff Tarin regional oversight for this sector is under my command. We were told to be expecting you. I have orders to ask you to divert your course to Belta Station it's a few systems in and I can provide coordinates. I have alreadly Alerted Mr. Teller of your arrival and he would like to greet you personally aboard the station to discuss how you can best assist us. Please be advised your ships will be subject to scanning, as previously stated we will need full papers for all of your crew. "

It was clear that Tarin and other Military personnel had been fully briefed on the situation. Lochlyn may have great financial sway with the SEC but it was clear that did not curtail to his people or employees the customs process could be lengthy but obviously that was what they wanted.