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Lindsey Holiday

Acting President of Sullen Enterprises

0 · 517 views · located in AXIS Headquarters

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Zarhara


A government in the Andromeda Galaxy
An alliance of sovereign nations dedicated to peace and progress in the Andromeda Galaxy.


Name: Lindsey Holiday
Age: 34
Occupation: Acting President of Sullen Enterprises
Personality: A true business woman she is always looking to secure a deal and doing what she thinks is best and safest. She often seems warm and charming but beneath the facade she is cold and calculating.
Education: Masters Degree in Intergalactic Business.

So begins...

Lindsey Holiday's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Lindsay Holiday was walking down the hallway surrounded by an entourage of security and other officials when the blast went off. She was immediately thrown to the floor and two security personnel dragged her to a corner. Her commando guard was stunned but began to come to as they armed their weapons waiting for an attack.

"Get the V.I.P. Out of here take her to Point Alpha for extraction. We will deal with what ever comes our way!" The commando's team leader shouted to her body guards.

Lindsay wasn't waiting around and followed her guard to a waiting Knight XV, it roared to life as the doors opened and slammed shut. The squeal of tires could be heard as the armored vehicles was attempting to escape.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Recovery One, I'm picking up movement in the Complex parking structure. Stay on target and I'll pick you guys up when you need me." Puma said on her radio. The engine of the M12 LRV rumbled to life and the massive rig rumbled off. The EMP rocket was once more armed, this time to disable all eletrical devices as quickly as possible. Turning onto a side street Puma rammed headlong into a fleeing armored truck and all but got stuck on the thing upside down before she fired her EMP round and flipped herself upright while at the same time killing the motor on pretty much every single transport in the lot when firing the EMP. now seen as completely driverless, the indestructible M12 trained her weapons on the Knight XV. Projecting her monotone voice into the rigs speaker system Puma said "Protocol dictates that all personell be acounted for. Do not try to leave."

Carolina smirked behind her helmet, perfect, Puma having fun once again. Best ot leave her to it. She heard weapons racking ahead and made sure her own weapon was ready as she moved through the vast halls of the Center. Her motion senors picked up a group ahead of her seeming to wait in ambush. Without her own AI she was unable to use her suits modifications. So she was going to have to make do. Checking her HUD she picked up the NAV point, sixy three meters away. She was almost there.

Hopefully Randin could take care of the local police.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
The commandos got a sensor reading on a single target approaching it was suspicious but then something happened the transceiver with the Armored Vehicle was lost. Ms. Holiday was the primary objective this wasn't really their objective. "Guys go back up the VIP I can handle this person myself. Secure her until additional security arrives." Command lead said through an enclosed comm.

He was thankful he wore his full armor even though in a place like this he looked like a buffoon at least he was prepared. He tossed his primary weapon aside and drew a single plasma pistol and unsheathed a plasma sword. He needed to finished this quickly so he was going to need to go with a less traditional approach.

"Identify yourself and leave now or face deadly force!" He shouted through his audio system.

Lindsay felt something hit the vehicle and hit it hard and soon they lost tech. The driver was unconscious and so was two of her bodyguards. Only Nelson was conscious. "Jeezus whoever is doing this is going to pay for ruining my attempt at reopening trade with the Terrans. Though this was merely coincidence Lindsay assumed the worst and felt this attack was targeting her. Inside they could not hear the call. As the emp hit the car went into safety protocols it was locked up from the outside and all audio was cut. They were in dead water in basically a tank. They had about 2 hours of air if they put masks on but there were only two. Lindsay put hers on and made Nelson do the same the others could suffocate for all she cared they had failed at protecting her and she didn't support that. This was something she had been taught by Luke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
After doing a careful system scan Puma located a open port and projected herself, somewhat broken up at that, on a radio screen of some for. She spoke again. "Do not attempt to leave please. Protocol dictates that all personell remain for questioning. Once questioning is completed, you will be cleared to leave as you wish." The nine and a half inch tall blood red backlit hologram had a strange almost perky voice to her form. That and the massive M12 LRV kept its weapons focused on the Knight XV.

Carolina halted. She heard movement and saw all but one on her sensors. Great. The rest were fleeing. In her helmet's private comms she said to Puma. "Whatever you are doing, right now, keep it up. I got this."

"The pareimiter is secured." Puma replied calmly. "Possible suspects kept for questioning at this time. They look business type, not theft type. I do not think they are Resistence or Rebels." Puma informed Carolina. "Orders ?"

"Just keep them busy, I got work to do, I'll call you when I need you." With that Carolina killed the private comm and activated her voice amp. "Stand down soldier! This is Recovery One. You either stand down and let me pass, or else." She kept quiet on the or else because she was not really in the mood to fight, but to get Endless Summer to safety. As she spoke she shifted from her DMR to her Gravity Hammer. Activating her private comms again she said "Command, this is Recovery One. Locate my beacon and black out the area in a one hundred meter radius of my beacon, lights only."

'Copy that Recovery One, blacking out the area as requested. Do you need assisitance ?'

"No Command, I got this" Carolina said. She then gripped her Gravity hammer, and with a careful check of her sensors, hefted the thing on one shoulder. Ready to throw it like an American regulation football. To the unknown soldier "You are delaying a Recovery Operation, you have two seconds to identify yourself and lend aid, or heads roll. Is that understood ?" Stupid simulation soldiers! the lights went dark. Carolina activated her internal helmet nightvision systems. Keeping her suit lights off at the same time as the hallway went completely dark.

The only light came from behind her in the opening in the wall a few meters and around the corner in the hallway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Before the scene could escalate, however, a battalion of Terran Guardians quickly stormed the perimeter, standing by the commandos and taking aim at Carolina.

"Now, I think YOU'RE the one who needs to identify yourself," one of the soldiers stepped forward, "but down the grav hammer. We have a security breach on this level and you look pretty damn suspicious right now."


Randin, meanwhile, still in the passenger seat in Puma's car and still extremely disoriented, was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

"Did you just blow a hole through the government center?!" he yelled over the rev of her engine, "and what the hell is this?! Why are we chasing this van?! What is going on?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
As the lighrs went out Command Lead "Ivan" switched to night vision. "Recover operation? You blasted a fucking hole in the side of a government building! You have attacked my protectee unprevoked now. We are a foregin on a foregin diplomatic trade mission." He said pausing as he was getting a realtime update from the rest of the team.

Visual on VIP vehicle it's got a truck with a gun aimed at it trying to detain Holiday. One of the Commandos stated. They kept back for now keeping to a secluded balcony they would have to wait for back up to arrive which could be anywhere from 8-15 minutes out.

"You will need to release my VIP, the Sullen Enterprise Confederacy does not take kindly to an unprovoked attack, surrender now or you will be met with force." He stated as he waited, he was getting other reports too a ground security team was inbound and an escort ship was on the way but it was going to be a few hours before any arrival.

As the Marines arrived Ivan couldn't help but smile. He lowered his weapon slightly he would leave this to the Terrans as this was their building after all but if Holiday wasn't released this was going to turn ugly really fast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Collatoral damage" Carolina replied. "Your VIP was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now move." Carolina said before chucking the Gravity Hammer dead on towards her NAV point on her HUD. The Gravity Hammer blasted through two walls, she had as solid vision then on Endless Summer, or rather, the suit that once housed the AI at least. When the Marines arrived Carolina rolled her eyes. Perfect. Just what she needed, more delays. She reached down to her waist and withdrew a cylender of some form. Flicking the activation key the stave streched out a good meter and a half and sparked. In her other hand she had a M9D Magnum pistol loaded with armor locking paint. In this type of recovery operation she wanted her targets alive for questioning.

To the Marines she spoke as she raised the pistol. "Let me put it this way soldier. This is Freelancer business. I'm only here for Endless Summer. Nothing more, nothing less. That is all you need to know." She racked a locking paint round into the chamber and took aim at one of the marines, "You can either aid, or delay me, your choice Marine." Freelancer, ah crap that was a powerful group for sure! In the meantime however on a Private comm Carolina notified Puma to release the Armored Van.

Puma seemed dishartened, but complied with the order from Carolina to release the VIP armored van, the M12 LRV, with a very dazed Randin in the passenger seat rumbled to life and backed up from the disabled armored car, the EMP/GAUSS system turning away from the disabled armored car. The nine and a half inch tall backlit hologram reappeared next to Randin as he asked his question; "You are to aid us in a Recovery operation of a UNSC ONI SecIII Experimental Weapons Devision AI known as ENDLESS SUMMER." Her voice seemed to echo a bit deeper as she spoke. "Recovery of Endless Summer is priority by any means required." She said to Randin

"With primary entry and exit paths blocked to Agent Carolina of completing her mission, protocol dictates that a path be created for entry and exit as quickly as possible." Puma then turned to Randin and crossed her dark red arms. "I am unable to hack into the local network of the government building proper to contact Endless Summer directly. Your job is to aid us by being a liason between Agent Carolina and the local law enforcement groups here. With how you are acting now shows a 18.7% decrease in productivity." Puma said in a matter of fact tone. Puma sent a notice to Carolina that the VIP was free to go when able.

She smirked then. "I suggest getting to work, because at this moment Agent Carolina is currently delayed in completling her objective by fellow soldiers of yours."

Carolina then nodded, "Your VIP is free to go. All I want, is what is in there" She pointed the taser rod in the direction of where Endless Summer was located. "Now, are you going to let me pass or do I have to fight my way through to finish my mission ?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
The marines tensed, not backing down. "If there's something you WANT you can ask for it and we can see if we can get it for you. But we're not going to give you ANYTHING so long as you've got fucking weapons trained on us. Put'em down, and we'll see what we can do about this freelance organization you represent..."


Randin meanwhile, was not making any more progress in understanding why he was here. Even if he COULD help the two of them smooth things over with the WCPD, why should he? How was he to know that these were the good guys? What if they were just in it for their own interest?

He groaned and nestled into his seat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Damion Teller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Ivan listened to the Marines and to Carolina, "Good Choice as for your objective this is a TNG facility so I'd start playing nice with these marines and maybe they will help you." He said. He relaxed considerably but kept a hand on his pistol. This wasn't his op anymore the package was secure.
Two more knight XV armored SUV's approached the scene both were clearly Marked as S.E.C. Out of the Armored Cars filed out security forces.They approached Holidays wrecked car but only set up a perimeter. These things were made to secure VIP'S it was very difficult to get one out.

Then from the sky came another vehicle a hovercar luxury class. It landed swiftly and a man in a suit jumped out and walked over to the vehicle. He held a simple key non electronic it was one of a few but it served a purpose they key was special with a specific magnetic signature in moments he had the door open and was helping Holiday out.

"Damion take over the clean up I'm going to have a word with these people." She said as she walked over toward the Puma and up to Randin behind her the security forces and the three commandos trained weapons on the vehicle. "Excuse me sir a word if I may?" She asked her voice was kind her personality different from when she was in the vehicle. She could have ordered an arrest but she decided against it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Damion Teller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Like I said" Carolina said with a hard edge to her voice, "It was your choice Marine." With that she opened fire. Moving with speed unmatched She fired paralising shots of locking paint as she sung and struck with the taser rod. In moments it was over. The Marines, though stunned, could still breathe, but were unable to move for some time. "I told you, it was your choice Marines, you did it, not me."

She turned towards the lone commando. "Sometimes, I don't play favorites. Other times I do, this was one of those times I do not." With that she stepped through the hole in the wall, picked up her Gravtiy Hammer and then went to the door and all but broke it open. On the other side a figure stood, bathed in soft white light and with data scrolling across his body. No larger then ten inches in hight the strange hologram floated in the air.

Puma put a hand to her forehead, this was going to be a long day. When she heard the voice of the woman however she disappeared from the armrest projection station and then appeared at eye level, her nine and a half inch frame of dark red backlit from behind she spoke, her voice echoing slightly. "Greetings. I am ONI Section III Experimental Weapons Devision AI PUMA. I must apologise for disabliing your transport. Leaving like you were presented a possible theft of important ONI SecIII EWD material that we cannot allow to fall into the wrong hands. Protocolo dictated that I was to disable your transport to ensure further questioning by a Recovery Agent." Randin still seemed out of it. Unfortunate for him, Puma was really just getting started.

Puma then noticed the dust on the woman she was speaking to. "I must apologise again." echoed the AI's voice, "Had I known there were others beyond the wall I'd have waited before opening a pathway for our Agent to complete her mission. With primary and secondary routs blocked, a tertiary route was then established. You were caught in the crossfire. By your exit, it was naturally assumed you were our cuplrit. We see otherwise now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Damion Teller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
The marines returned fire, but of course, they had not been anticipating Carolina's inhuman speed, nor were they expecting her advanced weaponry. In a few moments, all of them stood paralyzed, unable to engage Carolina further.

The sound of thudding metal boots resounded down the hall. More were on their way. Carolina would need to make her escape quickly. Now that she'd fired on TNG troopers, there was no stopping them from doing the same.


Randin could only hold on to his hat as Puma relentlessly pursued her objective. He still had no idea what was going on, but he supposed he deserved this. He HAD gotten into the strange car with the strange woman, after all. He only hoped they weren't doing anything TOO illegal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Ivan watched as the others around him went down. He was left stunned by the woman's speed. He heard more marines coming down the hall but it seemed taking this woman on would be a bad idea. Instead he knelt down inspecting the damage that had already been done.

"Get Holiday out of her command it's not safe there are bogies loose here." He reported as he left the building himself, they would be back he was sure of that they had business to discuss with the Terrans but for now they would leave the Terrans to clean up this mess.

The security officers led Holiday to her vehicle and then the two armored vehicles along with their security team and the commandos left the government center. Damion ensured the broken vehicle was hauled away before he left as well. He didn't like loose ends and this was the only way he would be sure it was taken care of. Then he finally left in his hover car.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

Exiting the speakers office located on the fourth floor, A man clad in business attire casually makes his way toward the source of the awful racket from earlier. He looks around, cane held tightly in his left hand as he surveys.

" A shame...I didn't even get to watch "

He pays little attention to the scene unfolding, preferring to wallow in his own self pity from the looks of it. Something would be off about this man however, should one look at him. At first glance he was human but, even a human with no training in the occult could sense something about the suited man, something possibly....malicious?

The setting changes from Government Center Second Floor to Terra


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"Good Evening People of Terra My Name is Victor Vidal and this is A special edition of Your Universe Tonight: The Sullen Enterprise Confederation Crisis. Here with me tonight is Ms. Lindsey Holiday Now acting President of the Board of Directors in Luke Sullen's place. But before I get into the interviews I would like to give a quick recap for our viewers before we start the interview."

"A few months ago Luke Sullen was the President and CEO of the SEC but in light of recent events things have changed. On a diplomatic Mission to Niihama the Capital of the Taiyou Empire. Upon his arrival there Mr. Sullen was arrested for crimes against international peace and conspiracy to insight a war. The reports on what has happened have been sketchy and fairly unconfirmed but here tonight to release an official statement is President Holiday, Madame President if you would?"

"Yes, First of all Mr. Vidal thankyou for inviting us onto your show. First of all I need to Clarify a few important details before I begin to explain the events. Though I am acting president of the board I am not the CEO. That position along with the ownership of the SEC is still in the hands of Mr. Sullen but he his authorization has been frozen until further notice. The confederation is a corportracy meaning that the Board of Directors oversees the confederation council but all military decisions go through me and the military officials."

"Now onto the events that brought about these charges. Mr Sullen was attacked by a rouge ship currently I cannot release the ship's id but I can tell you Mr. Sullen was attacked. Obviously when asked to conduct negotiations it was unfeasible to send Mr. Sullen personally, so his body guard was sent in his place. This man committed a treasonous act but one that so far has resulted in no harm to the Aschen People."

"I see Ms, Holiday but would you please elaborate on why this would Pertain to the Aschen Specifically."

"Yes this man was told he would need to give the coordinates of a world where the ship could refuel and attack if he did not give correct coordinates then they would terminate Mr. Sullens vessel. This ship was beyond our standing of physics so Mr. Sullen's security officer gave the Coordinates of Langara. This man hoped that this would please the Taiyou but I assure the people both Mr. Sullen ant the entirety of the SEC condemn this man's actions. "

"Thankyou for that clarification President Holiday please stick with us as we take a short brake."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: Kilum Vontaru Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"And We are back here with President Holiday of the SEC and Envoy Vontaru representative of the ZAR sect of the SEC. President Holiday so were you suggesting that the claims made by the Taiyou are the result of a misunderstanding or were you s uggesting something else?" He asked her.

"No I think the Taiyou placed these charges upon Mr. Sullen for a reason but not one of legitimacy. The Taiyou in our opion have no reason to place Charges upon us for something regarding the Aschen. We have heard no word from Langara or on charges they will be placing against Mr. Sullen. The emperor has grounds to take this small event and turn it into a political stunt to weaken the SEC. So I am asking the if the Aschen wish to pursue this trial then I would like to speak with Emperor Mullen Personally."

"President Holiday what about the fact the Luke Sullen's assets were frozen how does this affect the SEC?"

"I believe I will leave that to Envoy Vontaru to Answer."

"Yes, Though much of the Companies assets were in Mr. Sullen's name the SEC still has a substantial amount and we are losing money and our economy is in a total collapse. Much of Mr. Sullen's Annual salary is given to charity providing food for the poor more so our stocks have plummeted as the assets have been frozen and business has ground to a halt. The people are starving, jobs are being lost and though we are doing our best to stay afloat it isn't enough."

"Mr. Vontaru Are you suggesting that the Taiyou's actions have brought upon this chain of events."

"Yes He is Mr. Vidal and So am I, this trial isn't about crimes against peace no, the SEC occupies systems in the Andromeda galaxy we are what is standing in the way of the Taiyou our systems would only serve to increase the empires borders. The emperor want's nothing more than to diffuse the SEC and merge our systems into the Empire."

" I have one Final message Mr. Vidal one for Emperor Takayama, Emperor if the Taiyou do not release Mr. Sullen's assets then I see no way in which we can ever discuss the peacefully, your actions have brought upon the suffering of thousands and I as the leader of the Sullen Enterprise Confederation will not stand for this cowardly act of economic warfare."

"I emplore other nations to reach out we are willing to start business, I will be here on Terra on my Milky way tour for Three more days before I must return to Syntori 8."

"Thank you Envoy Vontaru and President Holiday, it was great to have you on the show and to our viewers on Terra and Across the Universe I'm Victor Vidal until next time."

The setting changes from Terra to Niihama City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
A luxury Sullen Enterprises ship landed at the space port and after clearing customs the SEC diplomatic mission was underway. A small motorcade of hovercars made it's way toward Sector Five specifically to the Government sector. As they arrived a large group exited mostly in suits but two armed guards could be seen moving a handcuffed figure.

Ahead of them Linsday Holiday walked into the building she pondered sending a representative but decided that she needed to conduct this business personally. Plus she didn't trust Luke even if he was here as a prisoner there were too many things that could go wrong too many unknowns. She pondered if they might capture or kill her but pushed the thought aside if they did this it would only serve to anger the international community plus she had nothing herself to hold against the Taiyou.

The setting changes from Niihama City to Syntori 8


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
*One Week Prior to Niihama Negotiations with the Taiyou*
In one of the corporate buildings the board of Sullen Enterprises was gathering. The meeting was unexpected most of the members had their hands full with trying to deal with a financial crisis and attempting to reign in the chaos caused by the Taiyou efforts to make a blow to the SEC. And to further the turmoil President Holiday had authorized the war on the Cybrans. Many were skeptical of her decision but they all knew war is what would drive their profits.

President Holdiay stood before the board, her normal demeanor was changed she looked taken a back and a bit tired the transition to leadership was still weighing heavily upon her.
"I'm sorry to call you here on such short notice, but due to recent developments I feel this is of the upmost importance. There has been a recent purchase that I'm sure all of you are aware of that has constituted this meeting. Lochlyn Haley CEO of Juniper Corp. has bought the largest sum of stocks to date. I cannot tell you his intentions as I do not know normally I would suggest we make an effort to stop this but given our current status I have invited Mr. Haley here to discuss his motives first as you all know these are difficult times and I urge you all to take this into consideration. " Holiday said.

After she finished a small chuckle could be heard from the corner of the room where a Luke Sullen the former President and CEO of the company sat. Though he was imprisoned being the founder he had an entitlement to come to the corporate meeting. Beside him sat a younger version with brown eyes and dark hair and the former heir to the company Josiah Sullen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn stepped into the room, donning his usual dark blue suit and trenchcoat. Expression as unreadable as it always was. "My intentions will be made clear." He told the board, "As you all know I now own the majority of stocks within the SEC. I understand that you have been having economic hardships, my purchase of such an abundance of stocks will only help you." The man informed the board.

"I now have stake in this planet, and it's government. I will be providing in the near future ships, weapons and manpower to protect my assets, which are also your assets." Lochlyn was making a case as to why he was going to be the SEC's savior. For all intents and purposes he was, and he knew it.

"What I do won't cure all of what plagues you, but it would help, would it not?" He asked rhetorically. No one in that room could deny that they needed to plant their feet before trying to hold the line against the Cybrans and any other threat.

Anyone who didn't know was going to be convinced if Lochlyn had his time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
The board listened to Lochlyn with a series of mixed emotions some looked utterly taken aback others seemed enlightened. Damion and Holiday looked reserved while Luke sullen had a smirk of amusement across his face.

"Well Mr, Haley under normal circumstances I would call this a financial coup but given our current status I cannot see why anyone would be interested in buying Enterprise stock. I must say I commend your efforts. Given our current situation I see no reason for us to be against this." Holiday said before pausing, "Does anyone have any statements before we move on for questions?" She asked.

A plump man placed his hands on the table he was still a firm supporter of Mr. Sullen and he was clearly enraged. "Lindsey!This is corporate sabotage and you know it! He is doing just what you have done to weasel your way into power how can you stand by and do this!" The man said before turning to Lochlyn.

"Why would you offer this why buy stock when our company is clearly failing it's only a matter of time before we are just another colony of the Taiyou or the Cybrans." He stated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Damion Teller Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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#, as written by Saarai
The stoic Lochlyn turned to address the man that had spoken up, "Call it whatever you want to call it." He began, "But, do not dare believe I will let this planet, this government, fall into the hands of the Taiyou or Cybrans." Lochlyn said, then turning to address the others.

"Do you all wish to bow down and kiss the feet of invaders, or would you like to welcome a man that will keep you free?" Lochlyn asked, "I am that man, and I vow to keep you free to do as you wish. Be it financial coups, or military coups, or whatever else you want to do." He said, "Whether you trust me or not, know in your hearts, or your minds, that I am your preserver." Lochlyn finished.

The blue-suited man turned his attention to Holiday, "This does not mean I wish to take your place. But, it would be wise of you to allow me a chance to do what I need to protect my new assets." Lochlyn told the woman, "The SEC will not fall today."

"I promise."