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"Okay, Im not pretty, I give you that, but I got plenty of much prettier things in my pockets"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Long Lost Lius



Theme: Irresistible

A shady man.. That much is for sure, His face is scarred in a way that could not be possibly made by humans, His armor is composed by several layers of pockets hiding all kinds of trickery. He is widely known across the slums and bars inhabiting this world, few tell of him as a hero most a theif some an arrogant prick, But really who believes rumors?

Yet The rumors speak a lot of truth, There Is few criminal gangs or mob bosses that do not posses some kind of relations with Makthus. Usually it is small things, Like threatening someone, kill some troublemaker or just provide general support. The one things all the criminals have in common is the mutual combination of fear and respect for the man. His list of crime is often double the amount of entire gangs. And the fact that none of his contacts can claim they have ever witnessed him fail at a job

He is often speaking loudly without hesitation as if he has done this for years, which he probably has. Still he is quick to take a liking to~
As for equpment the only visible is the Ornate Longsword strapped to his side, other than that, only imagination can tell what hides in his many pockets maybe its just some cheap Not-In-Working-Condition shell of an grenade, Or maybe its actually live! Who knows? Its doubtfull even he knows
Makthus has for as long as anyone has known him been in the many slums and dirty corners around this world, Even as a child
His parents is much of a mystery even to him, But that does not seem to lower his Cheeky deamenor.

Still Makthus has never been one to turn down fights, He is actually known in the bars mostly for the huge fights he starts, His True strength lies within a forward battle between blades, Rapid almost mad movements combined with his many tricks makes him an incredibly difficult fight.
Yet his weakness is quite glaring, Losing focus, Its easy to put him off, Make him laugh in the middle of combat.

Yet he has one dividing factor, the huge claw shaped scar located directly across his face, The reason for this scar is unkown, But for the strong ones who have faced Makthus know very well that there is something very pecuilar about it...

So begins...

Makthus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Silently Celia cheered for Makthus as he addressed the entire bar while clapping slightly. "He's so manly." She murmured under her breath as she watched the robot's response. The woman stiffened in mild shock when Zigurd made a full punching motion and stumbled back a few steps, walking into Flynn. Instinctively she turned to see who she hit with a worried voice, "Oh, oh my. Sorry, oh so-" Celia paused as she recognized the now conscious creature. "Makus, it's the monster! It's alive, or awake or, well, here!" She cried with a happy grin, pointing at its face proudly. Her head turned back to face the robot and Makthus, still pointing. She wasn't sure what to give her attention to more: the active robot or the strange creature. It was all too much to decide.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Makthus gave the entire scene a long glance switching from the seemingly malfunctioning robot back to the strange creature "Again Celia, monster is quite rude.. oh well" He raised his voice again looking out over the customers "okay everyone! Nothing to see, there is no fight! Get back to those damn drinks. "Okay Celia, there, the floor is yours" He quickly flashed a mean smile towards both the robot and the creature... "You are free to ask whatever you want to know about them" He smiles wide


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Flynn backed up her third eyelid flicked hard across in irritation. Her voice in common sounded softer by far but still rather fluted, ♪I'm not a monster! I just woke up! I thought this was a human settlement but there's more different races here than I even knew of!♪

Flynn tore the dessicated flesh from her chest with a wet crack. She discarded it backing to the side of the door.

She eyed Celia from an cover, ♪Thane knows some of you already. Particularly you. It figures I would pick a loud angry place to sleep!♪


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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"Haha! I told you it would take offense!" Makthus sat down at the table directly behind him, Grabbing the drink on it drinking it without a single look at the fluid inside "And please, This is Wing city you are in, Goodluck in finding some place outside that isn't loud and angry!" Makthus leaned forward in his chair assesing all the interesting new personalities that he had found.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Celia was at a lose for words for a brief moment. Given a stage to talk on was all too alarming and she found herself glowing a deep red blush; however, it was short lived. She continued her argument with the creature in a more questioning manner. "So, wait, wait. If you're not a monster, what are you? Are there more things like you? Do you-" She paused and leaned in closer to the stranger, "Do you eat people?" She blinked, slightly concerned and almost hopeful. Celia wouldn't say it was a good thing but it would be an exciting thing. This bar could become a hunting ground of sorts, but then again her mind was getting the best of her. The world need peace, not the excitement she was currently clawing for. Her attention wavered back to Makthus who had turned back to the drink. That was another idea for a distraction: drink herself into a stupor and see where the night took her. It was her first night after-all, it was a good time to lose all inhibitions. She would mull on it a minute more, after she knew if she was in danger of being eaten. Some things demanded spryness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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The saurid tilts her large eyes at Celia considering the question odd, ♪ I'm a child of the Red Lady my people aren't from around here. My name is Flynn the Volitale. Are the people you need eaten now dead? I only eat dead meat -- I'm not a spiker!♪

Flynn looks around the corner at Mathus, ♪You don't have a Voidbrood forming in here, do you? I don't eat old dead meat. That's for bleeders.♪

A cobalt blue metallic sheen can be seen between her neck feathers as she stretches. A fine dust showers from between the black lengths from grey fuzz underneath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Makthus immidiently downs his entire drink, For a short moment his face twists in disgust before he quickly regains himself "I guess if you want to find dead people then Wing city would be one of the best places, There is always some kind of fighting going around here..."

His eyes gleam for a moment "Do you eat.. Human meat, So to say" He crosses his arms giving Flynn a questioning Look while raising one of his eyebrows "Becuse walking around telling people you require human meat would get you in all kinds of trouble... Trust me, Ive seen it before." His eyes are clearly focused on Flynn, But they divert now and then to Celia in an uncertain way


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Flynn points down and her crest rises, ♪We eat the dead we don't kill people to eat! Well unless they try to kill me first. No sense leaving it to waste. There's nowhere to bury ours like you. Nobody wants a voidbrood swimming in from underneath!♪

A snort of air and she adds, ♪*Hrf* I admit I was curious. A thief tried to stab me earlier. I bit him and he wouldn't go away. So I made the male go away.♪

Pointed blue tongue stuck out while she remembers the repellant taste, ♪ *nyreeegh* The male's blood tasted like spikers. What do you people eat?♪


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Makthus listened closely to Flynn with an amused look "Voidbrood... Sounds like something you would find out in the far-off worlds.." He stands up again taking a few steps towards flynn his eyes analyzing her

"And I understand, Wing City-theifs arent the most tastiest of things... So i suppose that you are new in Wing city? Why would you come to this Slaughter of a Town?" His eyes widen for a moment as he turns around facing Celia "Actually I could ask you both that question, Celia, Why are you in Wing city?"

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Undermarket


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness
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Upon reaching the Parking lot, A sudden sharp voice escapes from the direction of the Motocycle, It appears that a man is sitting on it, Watching him approach "You know... Its very rude to just go around killing people" The figure leans forward into the light revealing a scarred, smiling face. The scar is terrifying, covering his entire face, Its shaped as a claw so Its clear that he was not injured by a human "There are plenty of people that closely observe The Undermaket, They dont really appreciate someone stepping on their toes" His smile suddenly widens "But its nice to have a new pawn in the game"

He leans back once again obscuring himself in the darkness "Still... Some people really wont appreciate that i allowed you to murder on their grounds... So what do you say, How should we deal with this predicament?" Even with his face completely hidden, You can almost feel his smile trough the shadows


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness
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Onyx eyes narrowed when he heard the voice but nothing showed on his face as he paused under the light his black hair hanging loose down his back and hands still in his pockets as he stared at the male sitting on his bike, uncaring for the fact that the claw marks that marred his features were those not of the human variety. "Even if it seemed rude, a job is a job. You go where the Mark goes. Even if it's the Undermarket." he stated coolly his voice smooth and liquid, almost haunting in its own way. "I've seen people go where they aren't meant to go and still succeed in doing what they were meant to do. Now if you don't mind, please remove yourself from Shadow." his onyx eyes were like black chipped ice.

"Who say's I'm a pawn in some game?" His question seemed to echo as he stood there watching him, his lean muscled body in a loose stance that belied the fact that he was quick and deadly. "How about you forget this little set back in the Undermarket and walk away. I really don't care what other's think about me following my Mark into such a place and leaving him for dead. Specially considering the bastard wasn't a Member of Undermarket."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness
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The figured leaned back a tiny bit it seems he is looking towards the sky instead "Hoho... How cold you are, Really Like a deadly assassin. Those eyes you posses are easily what you would call, Spooky" The same feeling, Like his smile is cutting trough the darkness, Appears again "But you see, The guys in the Undermarket, The Head-Honchos so to say Really dont like some random guy killing their business, So i cant just ignore you.. That would endanger me aswell"

He suddenly stands off the Motorcycle brushing himself off "Shadow eh? nice one" He walk towards you revealing himself. His equipment seems almost.. Medieval, A heavy tunic made out off fur and leather and a Longsword strapped to his side, he seems to posses no other weapons.. Except from the suspiciously many pockets covering his armor "So let me ask again, How should we deal with this predicament? His smile remains as big as ever


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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#, as written by hoen
The undermarket was an interesting prospect, a haven billed as a bazaar fit for assassins, thieves, smugglers, and even the stray scholar. Hoen Naith found himself chasing a lead on some half-forgotten tome that might serve to further his quest for knowledge. A black ivy cap tucked low shielded the upper portions of his face from passersby as Hoen made his way through the undermarket. Just a few minutes shy of his destination Hoen's false eye, capable of viewing the bloodflow of those around him, caught glimpse of a fresh cessation of lifeforce. Ever the inquisitive predator, Hoen made way, casually, towards the fresh cadaver.

A blood mage always needs materials. And Hoen, like the rest of his guild, can only manipulate the blood of the dead. So, barring his gut to avoid the situation entirely, he approached the tight space where our fresh corpse lay. In the moments before guards became alert and just after Sandar made his egress Hoen began the extraction process. Rather quick. A slice here and there and the blood would flow quite readily into the few empty spheres Hoen was able to present. An easy transaction, and worth it in the long run.

The lead could wait. It was probably a dead end anyway. Hoen was unfamiliar with the area as a whole, but he knew enough to gather that anyone willing to kill in the undermarket might be a heavy enough hitter to know somebody who would actually get some traction going on his quest for knowledge. So he calls upon his false eye again. Who among this crowd is excited? Whose adrenaline is pumping? And among that lot, who is attempting to leave the undermarket?

It took very little time to identify Sandar among the sample given the criteria. A pursuit. Casual. You don't want your mark to know they're being followed, least of all if they've just murdered somebody. Minutes pass.

"Who say's I'm a pawn in some game?"

Words bounce across the surface of an otherwise empty parking lot. Who is this man talking to? For now, Hoen, the inquisitive sleuth, ducks behind a group of nearby parked vehicles to observe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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A sigh slipped from Dark as he brushed his hair back from his face, which a sudden gust of breeze had blown it across his face, obscuring his features for several seconds, his thoughts twisting around everything the male before him spoke of not really caring that his voice or his words were cold and hard. His life wasn't normal, it never was from the moment he was born and only a very select few knew of that. And yet it never really kept him down. Thus this man didn't really worry him considering he had dealt with worse than him. "That doesn't matter to me. The fact my Mark entered an easy place for me to finish my job, was quickly taken. Thus he is gone and my account has doubled in greens. Sorry if my job has put you in 'danger' but that's not my business."

He shifted when he stood off his bike his eyes narrowing as he watched him walk towards him, taking in his looks and his attire calculating each step he took as well as filing away what he saw even as his onyx eyes flickered past him to his bike where he kept his weapons. 'Crap.' he thought as he looked back at him a sigh slipping from him as he shook his head. "What do you want?" he asked his face blank and his voice clipped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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  1. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Long Lost Lius

0.00 INK


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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As soon as Sandars eyes flickered towards the bike The mans smile widened "You have no actuall weapons on ya, Am I right? Only what you used in the Assasination. So you are in a pretty tight spot..." For an incredibly short moment his eyes flicks past Sandar instead focusing on the Vehicles behind him, His gaze then immidiently focuses back to him

"You are telling me that my well being isnt something you care about, then you apologize about putting me in danger.. You are quite the inconsisted killer" His gaze suddenly darkens as his smile twists sadistically "And you think you are so scary~ Do you have any idea how many badasses there are in wing city?" He leans forward in a hostile movement "You are so going to die" He giggles slightly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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Dark smirked metaly at hearing his words knowing this man didn't knowing him personally let alone what he was truly capable of doing. "Sorry to say, but I'm not that....weaponless." he stated as he shifted his body in to a loose but easy formation that allowed for a combination of attacks and defensive motions a smile curving his full lips as he smirked, catching his own motion indicating behind him and sighed. "This is going to be even more of a complicating affair." he muttered as he shifted once more to be able to see behind him as well as the male before him.

"Sorry if my words upset you, Scar. But truthfully your well being isn't my business. If you can't defend yourself to your higher ups than that's no business of mine." His onyx eyes glittered as he flexed his fingers his body fully loose, not even tensed. "I may not be the bad ass as you speak of but I know how to keep my own ass safe. Killing me....well that wont be easy." He stated with a slight chuckle that was chilled and hard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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#, as written by hoen
The conversation between the two strangers had peaks and valleys. Hoen caught the peaks.

"You are so going to die"

Apparently both these men were predators. Which of them knows more? Probably the stronger of the two. Hoen's problem then became how to pick a side while knowing very little about either.

"Gotta spook one of them..." He mumbled to himself while fiddling with his belt.

Several spheres, capped with cork, hung from his belt like so many grenades. They were filled with blood. One such sphere would find itself in Hoen's hands, cupped delicately like a wine glass while he weighed his options. Should he engage? He scanned the area, looking for any elements as yet unidentified.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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The man stance suddenly loosened as his twisted smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared "Scar? What a... fitting name..." He laughed a genuine laugh before scratching the back off his head "Its not really that I cant defend myself from them, Its more that it will be quite the pain to have every underground loyalist after my throat" He crosses both his arms his smile completely back to normal

"Atleast we have both noticed your Mysterious companion, Right?" He nods sligthly towards the Vehicles behind Sandar "He seems interesting enough, Atleast enough to fend off our Death Battle for a while?" He takes a few steps back giving Sandar some room, But places himself between him and his Bike "I suppose that he is either with you about to attack me, Or he is just as much of a stranger to you as he is to me?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Black Darkness Character Portrait: Hoen Naith
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Noticing how the male seemed to flip back and forth between amusement and hostility Dark shrugged his shoulders as his words registered and he straightened ever so slightly though his body was still in a slight imitation of his stance earlier. "Glad you like the nickname. Suits you considering the scars on your face." he stated smoothly, onyx eyes watching him. "Why would they bitch and moan about a measly weak individual who couldn't even defend himself, let alone be defended by his men, whom he hired to keep him safe. What's the point of protecting a measly weak individual?" he asked, the wind picking up just enough to send his hair into his face as he stood silently.

A frown marred his strikingly lovely features that always had others calling him feminine which irritated him quite a bit, and made many people think twice about calling him a female to his face. "Yeah I noticed him. Even securely latched orbs make a soft distinctive sound when they clink together. Specially with someone who can't seem to stand still." he stated as he brushed his hair back over his shoulder before snorting. "He isn't a friend of mine, nor is he with me. Figured he was your back up if you lost." he stated with a shrug.