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"Okay, Im not pretty, I give you that, but I got plenty of much prettier things in my pockets"

0 · 2,494 views · located in Eat Out - Tierge's Resturant

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Long Lost Lius



Theme: Irresistible

A shady man.. That much is for sure, His face is scarred in a way that could not be possibly made by humans, His armor is composed by several layers of pockets hiding all kinds of trickery. He is widely known across the slums and bars inhabiting this world, few tell of him as a hero most a theif some an arrogant prick, But really who believes rumors?

Yet The rumors speak a lot of truth, There Is few criminal gangs or mob bosses that do not posses some kind of relations with Makthus. Usually it is small things, Like threatening someone, kill some troublemaker or just provide general support. The one things all the criminals have in common is the mutual combination of fear and respect for the man. His list of crime is often double the amount of entire gangs. And the fact that none of his contacts can claim they have ever witnessed him fail at a job

He is often speaking loudly without hesitation as if he has done this for years, which he probably has. Still he is quick to take a liking to~
As for equpment the only visible is the Ornate Longsword strapped to his side, other than that, only imagination can tell what hides in his many pockets maybe its just some cheap Not-In-Working-Condition shell of an grenade, Or maybe its actually live! Who knows? Its doubtfull even he knows
Makthus has for as long as anyone has known him been in the many slums and dirty corners around this world, Even as a child
His parents is much of a mystery even to him, But that does not seem to lower his Cheeky deamenor.

Still Makthus has never been one to turn down fights, He is actually known in the bars mostly for the huge fights he starts, His True strength lies within a forward battle between blades, Rapid almost mad movements combined with his many tricks makes him an incredibly difficult fight.
Yet his weakness is quite glaring, Losing focus, Its easy to put him off, Make him laugh in the middle of combat.

Yet he has one dividing factor, the huge claw shaped scar located directly across his face, The reason for this scar is unkown, But for the strong ones who have faced Makthus know very well that there is something very pecuilar about it...

So begins...

Makthus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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Suddenly the doors to the bar Bursts open once again, A man stumbles in clearly roughed up, Honestly it appears that he has been hit by a couple of cannons as he stumbles over the bar with a blank expression completely ignoring the others present. He quickly slumps over into the seat close to Old Bones, Clearly satisfied with the the rest. He mumbles something unhearable as he attempts to poorly get the bartenders attention


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Celia was captivated by the display before her. Such a strange thing it was that reacted to her tentative hand. With a glistening smile, the woman cooed happily, "Oh my, it can write? Was a wonderful monster. Can it hear or does it simply read? Do things need ear to hear?" She meant it all in good terms; however, her social etiquette was not always quite so refined. Her hand moved slowly to try and tap the question mark above its head, curious to see if she could manipulate it herself but then a new stranger was welcomed into the bar. Her own mind assumed he too came to see the strange thing that performed before her. So, darting her hand back to her side, Celia whipped around to face him. "Oh I see you've come too. Curious things, aren't they? Well, 'it' I suppose. I wonder if it's only one thing or many things simply together in a bunch or bundle. Do you know?" Her big eyes blinked twice at the strange man, begging for answers. "You do know what I'm talking about, right? Or can you not see it? I've never been known to see things others can't see. Not a power I have, it would seem." Her tangents were growing more in-depth as she found herself more comfortable in the current environment. So many questions and so little time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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The man quickly gave up on his futile attempt for the barkeeps attention, Instead focusing on the woman and strange floating questionmark looking between them, "Wha-.. Hmh? Do you mean me?" The man listened closely to her ramblings before continuing "Okay, okay slow down... What do you want?" He stretches both his arms out in a questioning way giving her a stern look "I have had a rough day, Okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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Celia had prepared a whole new slew of questions when asked what she wanted. Her lips were quivering with excitement, about to explode into a full series of open ended rambling; however, his last statement stilled every thought in her. There was only one simple question in her mind. "Okay but how rough?" Her face had twisted into a crooked smile. "And I mean, in what way was your day rough and not, well, flirting? I think that would be considered flirting, maybe, possibly." She added while shuffling an inch closer to the new man. "Oh and yes. I am Celia Ichor. In case you were curious. Most people don't ask but I thought you might. Hoped you might, really." The scrawny woman confessed rather sheepishly. She had met so many strangers already today that she almost considered herself a socialite at this point - if she had any concept of what a socialite was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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The man continued giving her a blank stare almost looking as sheepishly back to her, He sighes for a short moment "My name is Makthus" He places his hand on his chest "Nice meeting you Celia And yes, My day has been rough" He looks back outside "They really need to Up the guards around here" He leans back against the counter looking at Celia again "I got jumped by some guys outside, Nasty types"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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Celia watched him talk with amazement. She thought him to be one of those heroic types she heard about in adventure novels. He appeared so confident and charismatic compared to the young maiden that sat wiggling in her chair. "Villains then. Well, Makus, shouldn't we bring them to justice? I've alway wanted to bring them to justice, nasty types that is." Celia stated smiling back at him. She had, non purposely, pronounced his name wrong. Sometimes her listening skills were not her greatest feat and thus, would continue to use a fictional name she crafted. Hopping from her seat, tapped the empty chair to get his attention while gleefully whistling, "Oh, yes, we should go right now. I've sold myself to the idea and I can't not follow through. I, being me, would be heartbroken." Her teeth beamed through her thin, withered lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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"W-Wait! Once again, Slow down!" He seems to grow increasingly more tired of the conversation" It was just a couple of thugs, And they just ran like the devil himself was after them, I doubt they are worth the trouble" He gives her a quick look before attempting to call over the barkeeper again, Still unsuccsefull, He sighes before looking back to her. "You do not seem very... "Homestead" Here... I do think you are from somewhere else?" His gaze contains a small amount of interest as he attempts to lead the conversation on a different lead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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Celia blinked twice. "Oh." She stated disappointedly as her smile shrunk away. "I suppose you're right. Rashness is a problem of mine, at times. Many times, actually." The woman mused quietly as she slowly lifted herself back onto the bar stool. Her body now lethargic as it tapped against the bar table. She listened calmly until he had finished speaking.

"I'm from a ways away but that place is gone. My mother's place it was, and it was nice. Well, nice enough. It and her are gone and I remain. They say, well I shouldn't say." She paused tapping thoughtfully on the bar top. "Well, they say I have her illness. A type of mental detriment, although I was told not to tell people. I couldn't tell you why." Her blue eyes flickered back onto the man, feeling slightly less sorry for herself than perviously, "What about you, Makus? You seem to know this place better than I at least. If not for the lack of wave. Ol'Bones waved before he got the drinks here. You may want to try the wave. I think it may be at type of magic." She whispered the end, as if part of a secret, although her face still lacked the full joy it once held.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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As this all played out Makthus Started to smile wide, He leaned in close to Celia just like she did to him exposing the wide claw shaped scar across his face "I am an adventurer of sort" He whispered to her "I have spent most of my life going from place to place seeing things, The story you just gave me is not something to be sad about," He gently shoke his head "Think of it! What is it that you really want to do? Becuse you can do it! So chin up now." He leans back waving big finally catching the barkeepers attention "Yep" He continues to smile wide "Definatly some sort of magic"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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0.00 INK

The questionmark changes like fireflies organizing for a new position. As bits of light flash and move more arrive from the sugar shaker to add more to the swarm. It shows a thin arrow to the door and 'Zzz'. In that general direction a feathered arm can be seen just beside the bottom of the door.

The sugar shaker now emptied just a luminous pile of coarse crystals remains at the bottom. Behind the black glass the rest of the worm reforms into long segments. It points at Celia then raises a pair of pointed hollows from the surface. The surface roils as these new peaks emerge upward from the sea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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Celia was captivated by Makthus's speech. It was laced with hope and optimism that led her too, to smile. Her voice confidently and happily retorted, "I don't know!" Quietly she added, "I really don't know know what I want to do. I could, well, I could do many things, hypothetically, given the right, I dunno, situation? Situation." She faded into a mutter as she mused all the possibilities to herself. Her lips formed words as she trekked to the depths of her mind, too distracted to watch the barkeep. Her attention was then taken by a new amusement: an arrow pointing to the door. Her pale eyes followed their direction with to see the feathered arm just behind the door. While studying it, Celia's mind emptied to one simple thought: want she wanted to do right now, and it was to find out what was attached to that arm.

"It's a trap." She stated calmly to herself before looking at Makthus. "Makus, I think it's a trap but maybe we should, I dunno, go see that thing? It's, well, speaking to me I think." The woman paused to hop off her stool again and take a step towards the exit. When she turned back to see Makthus's reply, she saw the worms point at her and, responding naturally for Celia, pointed back. "See?" Celia declared loudly. Her thin boney hand reached out to tap the man on his knee. "Me, well no, you may not want to go and that's okay. I'll go on my own but I would like for you to come." She tapped his knee twice in an excited manner with a wide, anticipating grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Old Bones
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0.00 INK

Thane from inside the glass sugar shaker twiddled its imitation of ears. Faint dimmed dust loops at the flap to serves as listening apparatus. Motes cycle in and out recording the waves that push them around. Others hold position en masse glowing to convey simple thoughtform to other titles. Unseen but heard smaller subworms turn the metal lid in between Thane and the fringe leading black specks in a spiral around.

Outside the door Flynn's feathered arm was still as the black feathered saurid curled up next to the wall. Exhausted by shedding a husk she'd be out cold for hours yet. The torso around her chest is even still evaporating back into blue ectoplasm so looked like she wore part of a vanishing dessicated corpse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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"Well Well..." Makthus turned around on the seat facing Celia with a glass containing some sort of foul brown liquid "I cannot say that whatever is causing that" He points towards the now fading arrow "Isn't something interesting.. so..." He stands up and in one quick motion drinks the entire glass of really bad smelling liquid inbefore doing a small royal bow "Please lead the way! And show me what adventures you can get yourself into" He smiles wide slightly stretching the scar "I look forward to seeing it"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor
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Celia absolutely buzzed with excitement when Makthus agreed to take on her little quest. Her teeth brightly twinkled beneath her thin lips as she happily retorted, "Oh happy day! Happy, joy, and happy." The hand that had tapped his knee moved to clap faintly as her little feet began to scurry away. Before getting too far along, Celia paused to look back at Makthus. With a sober stare she stated one word, "security," while her hand moved to grab his and tug him behind her. If he rejected her grab, she wouldn't fight it. The brewer didn't dare look back while she weaved her way through the crowd. Bodies gently bumped past her before she neared the door and arrived on the outside of it.

Pale eyes fell upon a large bird-like creature laying mindlessly on the ground. It looked horribly strange to the woman that cautiously stood a few feet away. If currently held, the brewer dropped her company's hand and stepped closer. "Makus, what is it? It looks like a bird but it's not a bird. It's something monstrous. Something, perhaps, unnatural? Is it natural?" Celia mused as she tiptoed forward. Her foot, now pointed, was reached out to tap the beast on its shin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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0.00 INK

Makthus followed obidiently Celia out of the Bar still holding his scarred smile, he then curiously popped his head next to Celias while observing the creature "That is definatly something strange, Have never seen something like that" He suddenly gives Celia a sharp poke in her back "And its not nice to call someone "Monstrous... remember, even if they dont look human they usually still unerstand you..."

Makthus continued exchanging glances from the creature and Celia before hearing the loud crash from the Bar, leaning slightly back towards the door to observe the sudden and quite loud newcomer to the bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Celia was watching wide eyed when Makthus poked her. Immediately she turned to face him with a curious look and placing her outstretched foot back on the ground. "Well, if not monstrous, how would you describe it? Is it an it?" She peered back over to the creature, muttering a slew of thoughts, "I mean, it could have a gender. Most things have genders, or many genders, or something like genders, right? I wonder if it eats bugs. I don't like bugs but maybe it might. It may also like the colour purple." Her mind was rolling away on her when a large crash rang through the area.

Easily distracted, Celia rushed back to the doors of the bar and peered in. "Hit. I think he got hit. Makus, did he get hit?" She asked while searching the bar. Missing the appearance and disappearance of the portal, Celai was simply left with a curious mind to speculate what happened; however, that frustration only lasted for so long. Instead she moved to the fallen man with quick feet. "Sir, sir, were you hit?" She called.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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0.00 INK

Makthus keept looking long faced towards Celia during her entire monologue until she finally rushed into the bar, with heavy steps and a sigh he walked after her pushing the people aside. He stood behind her listening to the questions she asked before sighing again and brushing her aside walking up to the man, grabbing him by the collar and with a slight "Huff" Lifting him to his feet, Brushing himself of as he walks back behind Celia nodding "Please do continue", He looks quite responsive still"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Flynn's palm-sized toe-claw twitched reflexively at contact with her shin. Distantly her glimmer turned as body informs a wandering mind. It did little but turn and run back to her she slept too deeply to personify the astral construct. As the portal opened moments later a glint somehow difficult to lay one's eyes on ran into the field. The Glimmer colored like stained glass moved like a ghost across the road leaving only the sound of footprints. When Zigurd's crash sounded the noise of exploding glass came from outside the bar as well as in it. Flynn's eyes opened and cobalt-veined black slit eyes lock on Celia.

Her native language a function of her syrinx the exclamation was musical and fluted but alien. Flipping to her back her clawed hand slips and said breathlessly, β™«It's not a body I'm just a reacher!β™«

Thane moves quietly forward from the door to just beside Celia's head pointed false ears and all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Celia was amused to see the spectacle before her. With Makthus's help, they were well on their way to meeting a new friend. So, with a happy smile, she watched the robot process what she said. In truth, she was delighted to see someone else who had questions that she often asked herself. "Oh yes, hit. Hit like, someone hit you. Oh well, that's not helpful. Hit like struck, attacked, punched, kicked, pushed, abused, hurt." She replied, gesturing mildly with her hands which were far too excited to stand still. This unknown world had finally become - almost - a familiar place to her. Open and accepting, it appeared, so far at least to be. "I could, well, I could go on forever. But maybe my friend, Makus, should help. He's, well, um, he's more familiar with this type of, well, world." She mused before driving herself silent.

[OOC: Hey, out on the town for the night. Feel free to skip past me! Pretend she silently follows, muttering words under her breath, stuck in though]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn the Volitale Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Celia Ichor Character Portrait: Zigurd
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Makthus continued sighing slightly as he walked up next to Celia, "What we mean to ask is that if any of Of these fine gentlemen!" He gestures wildly towards the rest of the occupants in the bar "Would have the audacity to attack you, and put you in this state that you were previously and probably still are in?" He explains all this irritatingly slow, almost as if he was talking with a room of children.