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"Okay, Im not pretty, I give you that, but I got plenty of much prettier things in my pockets"

0 · 2,495 views · located in Eat Out - Tierge's Resturant

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Long Lost Lius



Theme: Irresistible

A shady man.. That much is for sure, His face is scarred in a way that could not be possibly made by humans, His armor is composed by several layers of pockets hiding all kinds of trickery. He is widely known across the slums and bars inhabiting this world, few tell of him as a hero most a theif some an arrogant prick, But really who believes rumors?

Yet The rumors speak a lot of truth, There Is few criminal gangs or mob bosses that do not posses some kind of relations with Makthus. Usually it is small things, Like threatening someone, kill some troublemaker or just provide general support. The one things all the criminals have in common is the mutual combination of fear and respect for the man. His list of crime is often double the amount of entire gangs. And the fact that none of his contacts can claim they have ever witnessed him fail at a job

He is often speaking loudly without hesitation as if he has done this for years, which he probably has. Still he is quick to take a liking to~
As for equpment the only visible is the Ornate Longsword strapped to his side, other than that, only imagination can tell what hides in his many pockets maybe its just some cheap Not-In-Working-Condition shell of an grenade, Or maybe its actually live! Who knows? Its doubtfull even he knows
Makthus has for as long as anyone has known him been in the many slums and dirty corners around this world, Even as a child
His parents is much of a mystery even to him, But that does not seem to lower his Cheeky deamenor.

Still Makthus has never been one to turn down fights, He is actually known in the bars mostly for the huge fights he starts, His True strength lies within a forward battle between blades, Rapid almost mad movements combined with his many tricks makes him an incredibly difficult fight.
Yet his weakness is quite glaring, Losing focus, Its easy to put him off, Make him laugh in the middle of combat.

Yet he has one dividing factor, the huge claw shaped scar located directly across his face, The reason for this scar is unkown, But for the strong ones who have faced Makthus know very well that there is something very pecuilar about it...

So begins...

Makthus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: The Adeptus Astartes Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin
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The shieldbearer nearest to the building forcefield took rounds as he felt the itch stop as nanobots left but nothing happened to the field. His assault wing was busy firing at thugs shooting pellets at all directions. Some of them heavy slugs. As pale sections grow on their carapace the shield bearer felt a hail of cannon rounds tear into armor a few into the upper layers of thick high soldier skin he whirled on the threat pounding his shield to the ground. The plasteel held but was heavily damaged and the shield generator itself was still struggling back to life having took hits of its own. The tips of the high soldier's legs curved to make more contact with the ground with sprays of milky flourocarbon blood from under armor from the hail of fire. It jumped upward with one side on impact in a melee throw of an opponent of equal size. Trying to use strength and the opponent's own momentum against the scarab with the shield as some protection from impact. The high soldiers could throw cars in 1g if suitably riled.

The other shield bearer and his Assault wing took another tactic. They were pinned down under stony cover of a piece of building pushed to one side of the street. Under assault by scarab cannon the weakened shield bearer struggling to restart his generator took a cannon shot through a damaged spot into its blade arm, sawtooth mount, then smashing the remaining momentum into a bright white welt that squit milky blood. He wobbled and shook his head to reorient his thoughts as the Assault wing seeing the hit instinctively flap-stowed his gun upside down on his back to clasp the column instead. In a burst of strength and hailing fire scraping furrows into the top of his thorax he hefted and punted more than a ton of stone cover toward the oncoming scarab by strength of blade arm.

Jaunt took a direct approach clambering from cover toward Makthus. Curving to intersect an abandoned car Jaunt smashed the side panel in with his head a blade arm pushed the car tires squealing head of him. As he passed dead bodies along his way he claimed them with his halberd of an arm shooting forward to fastball chunks of the once-living toward his target with heavy weapons. At least Jaunt assumed those covered in the disgusting scent of blood and not moving were dead as he couldn't hear anything over the screaming of tires. Periods silent strong-armed hops of the car to bypass heavy cover punctuated his travel across the battlefield.

Smudgie, having regained his wits enough to stand flipped over. There was a small detonation of magic as a curious metal moss appeared from an impact where his body ejected the fragment into new road crater at his side. Smudgie felt drained but things hurt less. He reached back, there was a fuzzy hole but he didn't think he was bleeding. One of his legs was numb but he could see it still moving to try and keep him upright. He would have to see a medic to replace the nerve. A small calibre bullet pinged off of his head and helmet. Bad people now though! Coming from everywhere! Healers later!

Smudgie started shooting a hail of poisonous flechettes from his pistol though his aim wasn't very good in the first place his shaking hands from the pain made things worse. Center mass! Center mass! It's what they said so that's what Smudgie did! He would make a good war scream but the nanothings had broken his transceiver. Of the several dozen shots that Smudgie's fully automatic pistols made only several found a mark. Hits to unfortunate neer-do-wells would scream painfully as the flourocarbon blood was most definitely not a good thing for them in of itself. Then some broke out in a red moss across their skin as the Elysium simulacra in Smudgie's blood took effect. Some of the magically inclined found themselves screaming in incoherent tongues as it crawled across their mind and spirit. Both of which a thing that was debilitating to further hostility.

The setting changes from Sol Tower to Eat Out: Patio


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al
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1.00 INK

On the wall, a poster, recently put up, read:

Grinning Ghoul Extravaganza Spectacular!!!
Join your host Cassius Countdankworth for a Cabaret and Burlesque show that you will never forget!
Why not enjoy a free spirit or two while you enjoy the entertainment? Which will include: pole dancing, fire juggling, knife throwing, acrobatics, singing and dancing, all performed by some of Terra’s finest beauties.
Starts 10pm on Saturday 1st December at The Grinning Ghoul! See you there!


The setting changes from Eat Out: Patio to Eat Out - Tierge's Resturant

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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0.00 INK

On the wall, a poster, recently put up, read:

Grinning Ghoul Extravaganza Spectacular!!!
Join your host Cassius Countdankworth for a Cabaret and Burlesque show that you will never forget!
Why not enjoy a free spirit or two while you enjoy the entertainment? Which will include: pole dancing, fire juggling, knife throwing, acrobatics, singing and dancing, all performed by some of Terra’s finest beauties.
Starts 10pm on Saturday 1st December at The Grinning Ghoul! See you there!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Nerio Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss Character Portrait: Hayden F Walker
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0.00 INK

There was a new regular at Eat Out. It wasn't unusual for restuarants to have regulars or new ones at that. However the amount of money or favors required for someone to frequent this establishment were extraordinary. Such to the extent that a regular could not show up for a month or so. Yet this newbie was here everywhere day for the last two weeks. And like clockwork she was here again.

A tall, young oriental woman. She was dressed plainly, professionally but she walked with a degree of elegance that was not normally seen even in the higher echelons of the business world. She seemed delicate but the observant of security of Eat Out would have seen the scar on her right shoulder on previous visits. Sufficient to say, there was evidence of mystery. This woman was more than she seemed and her frequent visits meant she was either someone powerful or she had friends in high places. This was enough to get the attention of some, the caution of others, but apparently it was not enough to get Tiegre's.

With every visit, she sat herself down as though she owned the place and when the Host came to her, she charmingly would say.

"I am here to do business with Mr. Di Gun." .

There were explanations, excuses, and many courteous apologies extended to her.

"I am sorry, Miss. Mr. Di Gun is elsewhere today. We cannot say when he will be back. I am certain you understand.".

Was today's excuse. Yet she seemed unphased.
"Of course I understand. Mr Di Gun is a very busy man. I am willing to wait here until he comes. I an certain you are all capable of catering to my needs as I do...for the 14th time, yes?".

The Host kept his composure despite the frustration he felt. Perhaps that dissatisfied her because Yu Yan went on.
"I am sure the staff is delighted! Another opportunity to redeem themselves after so many consecutive disappointments. I look forward to tasting your efforts.".

Conveniently enough, after every visit a review would make it on various sites on Eat Out's service. Needless to say, they were less than favorable and they were obviously from the same little miss that had requested for Tiegre's presence everyday.

"There was a man whom his peers called the Sleeping Dragon. I want something to drink that reminds me of his noble character and genius. Alcoholic of course. I will think of what to eat as I wait.".

The Host bowed and retreated inside where he could vocalize his frustrations and prepare the others to fufill Miss Yu Yan's outlandish requests.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Nerio Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss Character Portrait: Hayden F Walker
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0.00 INK

Larc was moving quickly, absolutely floating (literally and figuratively) through the large kitchen. The first kitchen of many inside the restaurant. This was Kitchen 1, and it housed a staff of 26 people including the cooks and head staff members. Waiters of the highest efficiency moved in and out like erratic clockwork. Matching paces of everyone as needed. Orders where flying in through ear pieces and holograms. Making for each section of the kitchen to manage time and cooperation in the best way possible.

This was a kitchen bustling with precision and cleanliness, and the temperature was turned all the way up to 11. There was a concentration of magical energy permeating through the kitchen staff that was palpable and visibly purple. One Sous Chef - Alexer - was cutting a bundle of red chives and sliding the finished ingredients with the 'mise en place' for the table presentation over in Section c4. There was a table in need of some spicy garnish next, and they would have it brought. A spice mix was ground, and then hand mixed within the next 47 seconds.

"Slide to table, SA c4 chives and spice mix is en route." was tersely spoken to a waiter on standby, Alexer was already back in motion taking on a precision cut of veggies for another special garnish finish, since it was to order and needed to be done with temperature and texture in mind. The staff moved without a second's notice. Instantly snapping into motion. It was a 'blink and miss' type situation. The red chives and spice mix disappeared in the blink and would arrive in the back section the fancy elegant restaurant within seconds.

"I have a reoccurring customer for Chef. One miss Creed." was spoken from an expediter. Instantly, everyone froze for half a second, before snapping to attention. The staff waiting for Larc's order.

Larc would turn to the kitchen.

"Area's 2 and 3 focus on the current orders coming in. SA c4 is handled, that was the last big order. I need Sous Chef Alexer to task your team on the Provolov Lamb Rack, with Ah Jus Blue Turt. Uriel, make a veggie medly of the heavens, and Yithurk, start that fricking cocktail RIGHT NOW!" Larc blurted out with energy and a new smile.

He turned on his heels as the staff snapped in to thier new ordering, it was audible even. Every little clang, had purpose, the purple mist that was floating throughout the kitchen turned blue and bright. The staff was motivated, and they wanted to meet Larc's expectation. 8 staff members were rededicated to making a single dish, a special one. It would take a total of 5 minutes, but it was 5 minutes that would utilized everything that the staff knew up until today to make happen.

It was, after all, a dish that Larc himself sourced the ingredients for and invented. A take on traditional Terran cuisine, made to be similar to an off worlder's tastebud. Larc focused for moment. He closed his eyes and began chanting. Within 4 minutes, 60 seconds before the dish was meant to go out, there was a beverage half mixed and prepared in front of him, still in the mixing container. There was no glass. Instead, a beautiful assortment of red sand, green ice, blue ice, and some gold liquid inside of a syrup pouring bottle was placed in front of him.

Larc opened his eyes and moved his hands quickly, swooping over the sand instantly. The red sand melding and shaped from the heat and magic coming off Larc's hands. It would form a beautiful ornate plate, octagonal in shape, about size of a standard plate but with upward curving corners. It would be completely see through, with a red glassy tinge. It would have electricity running throughout the glassy plate. Giving it sparks and hues of blue, gold and green. Larc would move to the next item, the two pairs of ice. He would pic up his favorite knife and go to work, moving so fast and with precision, it would take only 10 seconds to complete, he would infuse the knife with life energy and magic. Each ice block was carved into two halves of a dragon-like structure that would hold the liquid of the drink inside, they would be combined to form one dragon of green and blue. The halves would combine in such a way that it would appear as if the tail of the dragon were holding up the spine of the glass at the bottom, whilst the arms and head were holding a chalice like cone shaped vessel for the liquid. Entire structure was difficult to describe, for it was a dragon from an ancient tribe he knew. It was pure art. Most of all, it was alive. The dragon on the glass would move a little and adjust itself, as if waiting for the liquid.

Larc looked over his shoulder to see the 5 cooks bringing various parts of the dish to the red plate he created. Just as he grabbed the golden ambrosia in the syrup pouring container, he had a green fruit in the shape of an orb placed inside the mouth of the glass dragon. The glass dragon seemed excited by that. It held the orb as Larc finished shaking the cocktail and poured a beautiful frothy red liquid into the glass. The glass dragon began vibrating in more excitement. Now, everything was ready. A waiter staff was at his side before he finished the thought. He waved her off.

"I'll be delivering this myself." Larc said, and turned on his hills to head out into the beautifully ornate restaurant. The interior was bright and filled with gold and lavish styling all around. Larc made a beeline for miss Creed's table, his Staff of Ygg would shift from the corner of the kitchen float/fly to catch up with Larc's feet that were moving fast. Two staff members of the waiting team would be holding the main dishes and the drink on elegant black waiting trays.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Nerio Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss Character Portrait: Hayden F Walker
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0.00 INK

Larc strode/floated to the other side of the table and took a seat in a practiced smooth motion. He pulled the seat out and the seat would magically pull back in, perfectly catching him in just the right position. His Staff of Ygg would float over to his right side, changing colors once more to a brighter beige cinderwood color. Clearly intrigued, it would would look as if it was swinging in a small motion from side to side. Larc would look steal a glance at his Staff of Ygg before shifting his gaze back to his guest.

"Hello my esteemed guest - Miss Yan. I can only guess the reason you have been coming here is because you can afford to enjoy our food daily! I would be honored, only except my staff members informed me that they have not managed to satisfy your palate. Disappointing to say the least. I take great bride in my abilities." Larc would began. His waiters would have flanked the table by now, two on each side. One of them would have placed the dragon styled chalice on the table already. The liquid inside would be red, with a layer of froth at the top that would appear to be sprinkled with flecks of gold, upon closer inspection however, one would notice that the entire top level of froth was actually shifting with swirls of lively gold. Like a golden snake in the liquor.

"I decided that I would see for myself all the things I need to know. The truth of my esteemed customers continued presence and request for a Di Grun, the capabilities of judgment towards my food, and whether I need to shut down my services for an intervention. I will not tolerate poor service." He finished. It would be clear through the extremely toothy smile and the measured tone that his expression showed his exact feelings of amusement and pride. A scary expression it would be too. Di Grun's were all born with a mask of darkness over there faces, the only thing visible would be yellow orbs for eyes and sharp pointed teeth that would show when smiling. Through magic, they morphed their fangs to look like normal teeth, but there was one in the family did who not mask his. Larcierge Di Grun was unfiltered among his family and kin.

The little dragon on the chalice, as if on cue, would slither further atop the chalice and aim its snout to the sky. It would blow a 3 foot flame upwards. The flame would be green in color, giving off a very infectiously calming and overwhelmingly invigorating area of effect, instead of the heat of normal. It would surprise everyone, including the waiters.

Larcierge would smile even wider however.

The fruit in its mouth would shine and even brighter green, sparkling and glowing, before being dropped in the drink by the little dragon. To which the dragon would maneuver back down towards the bottom of the chalice. It would inhale once more, then breath a gentle chilling breath of blue mist to cool the bottom of the chalice, keeping the optimum temperature where its supposed to be.

"Before I answer any questions about the famous legendary Sleeping Dragon of Ancient China, nor inquiries of intent/desires any further, please...let us have you drink. I shall indulge with you out of respect. As one should." Tierge said, and one of the waiters will place a chalice made of beautiful black obsidian. It would also look like glass, similar to the one Yu Yan would have. The same waiter will pour a brown liquid that one could assume was a small batch special. Larc would move when Miss Yan moved to sip.

Of course, he and all the staff noticed the man appearing through doors suddenly, but the table had his full attention. Someone would greet the customer withing seconds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Nerio Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss Character Portrait: Hayden F Walker
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An impeccable dressed staff woman appear next to Alexis, greeting her with a big smile.

"Hello ma'am, how may I seat you today? We have a couple of seats in the common area, we have two in the VIP section and one private room viewing of Kitchen 2 available. The private room comes with a surcharge. But there will be a dedicated team making your food, and you get an exclusive menu of the original dishes curated by the Chef of the Week."