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Malgerius Corven

A knight of the Realm who is something more than a simple sword for the King's Land.

0 · 439 views · located in Norde Keep

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


A band of adventurers that were chosen for a quest that started out for mere stones through deceit. Nightfall is coming to Gaia with the Second Rising of Eras. The Champions will either plunge the world into darkness or bath it in everlasting light.
A nation on the continent of Siv'en. It is led by a King and six Jarls that rule the six districts of Skyfall from the Exalted Mountains down to the Empyrean Sea. Their numbers are large and their armies are mighty.


A knight of the realm




So begins...

Malgerius Corven's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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#, as written by Marcus
"The Lady Eloise Porenia, of House Edenhelm, was to have me accompany her throughout the grounds in order to discuss possible ways to allow the people to truly know your love and wisdom my liege." The answer was given quickly as a young man dressed in a courtly blue tunic with dark brown leggings and boots strode into the hall whilst his hand sat easily upon a sheathed sword that rested loosely within its scabbard. The young knight in question was none other than Malgerius Corven, an upstart who had offered his sword and given his sworn duty to the Rightful Ruler of Skyfall. The Knight simply lowered himself onto a single knee and kept his gaze low to show both respect for the monarch before him and the company that was present.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: The World Spirit Of Gaia Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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The King was not entertained on the dayof the Oracle's execution. The rains had yet to relent. He wanted it to be a somber affair, but this wasn't quite what he was talking about. The sky could have kept from weeping on this day. The King was about to take his power back. He would snap it from the neck of the woman, strangle it from her need be.

Many were in attendance, waiting for the Oracle to be brought up from the dungeon. They were going to hang her indoors. This was a first.

A cat slipped in with the mass of peasantry. This would be the first, and last, time many of them saw the inside walls of Norde Keep. It was for a morbid occasion and half of them weren't for it at all. They protested the King behind closed doors. To do so anywhere else would be suicide, if today wasn't example enough.

"All Rise!" Trumpeted fanfare announced the King's rise. The room quieted. King Paul Elupitser sat a little straighter. A long, uncomfortable smile swallowed the crowd. He looked specifically for the apple of his eye.

"Today the Truth will be revealed!" He bellowed, a bite to his words. Where was she?

"There is nothing to fear so long as I sit on the throne!"

Thunder clapped and lightning cracked above. A ripple of glitter undulated across the entire planet of Gaia. Almost invisible to the naked eye, but nonetheless a sign that Gaia wouldn't go down without a fight.

The World Spirit of Gaia herself appeared to the one. She was a leaf in a tree, a whisper on the wind, a falling rock, the pattern of the rain. If you were lucky enough, she appeared to you in a dream. No matter the approach, the message was clear. There were few worthy of her blessing, and there was only one here in Norde Keep would receive it. Malgerius would for a moment sparkle.

King Paul Elupitster narrowed his eyes. He, being one almost immune to Gaia's call, having had drank from the wines of Eras, didn't see the twinkle as it danced up Malgerius. For a moment the man stood larger than life- that was all the false King noticed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: The World Spirit Of Gaia Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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#, as written by Marcus
The patrons and nobles of the court who stood and murmured their thoughts to one another filled the throne room with a sense of terror filled awe and nervous anticipation as the executioners set up their devices to hang the oracle before the king and his throne. Many of the nobility wondered at this macabre spectacle only to ponder if this course of action was truly necessary for their divinely chosen ruler or if it was even the right course of action.

"I heard the oracle speak ill against our king. The nerve she must have to speak of descent so openly."

A few of the nobles begin to grow restless as Malgerius stood among them. The knight kept to himself as he listened more intently to the conversations around him with greater interest. Surely the King saw the signs of change within his realm that hinted at something for greater and darker than just a few bad omens. Hell, King Elupitser couldn't be this blind in his rage to do something so brash, even this had tobe in poor taste for the monarch and his court of nobles.

"Trophonia, a loyal member of this court, never uttered a word of perfidy....I believe she speaks only truth..."

Again the muttered words of a few nobles caught his attention as he allowed his left hand to fall simple upon the hilt of his peace-bound sword. The Corvid Knight simply remained still as his eyes began to wander from the king to something else entirely within the room. The World Spirit of Gaia herself, the blessed lady of his dreams, had taken the opportunity appear before him as the sound of the rain from outside began to fall even heavier upon the castle roof.

"Are we cursed for our actions? Do we even...."

Another noble spoke only to be cut off as the King silenced the room. His lordship spoke of how he was blessed as long as he sat upon the throne and proclaimed his right to be the only defense his people needed in order to protect them from any coming darkness. Malgerius took a single step forward as the Word Spirit herself beckoned him forward to action. Sir. Corven seemed to find his bravery easier than most of the nobility as they bit their tongues in silence while he took a single deep breath and began to make his case.

"I object to this mockery of what is known!"

Malgerius Corven held his ground against his king and felt his own hand grip the hilt of his locked sword. White knuckled and full of what could only be considered a sense of pride in his loud objection against the king. The young knight was now seen and heard as people could look upon his tunic with the kingdoms colors running across its fabric. He was the image of bravery for some in this dark time and change for others as he took yet another step towards the kings throne and the executioners.

"You speak of how there is nothing to fear for so long as you sit upon such a lofty throne! Yet you act cowardly and plan to execute one of your most loyal advisers, a seer no less who only brings you the truth of our world and its dangers that you seem all to keen on ignoring."

A few of the nobles began to mutter and gasp at the display shown before them but none could see the World Spirit as she continued to look upon the Corvid Knight and the actions that had been meant to be. Malgerius took yet another step as his fingers made their way to the strings that bound his blade within it's scabbard only to glance at each of the armed guards and other knightly members of the court. Sure he was outnumbered and the odds had been placed against him but this spectacle could not be allowed to continue.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: The World Spirit Of Gaia Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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"Oh," Brishen burped at the knight's objection, thankfully his burp faded into the mutterings of of all present in the court. As the strings of the peace tie fell apart beneath the Corvid Knight's fingers Gaia closed her eyes. She slipped into a slumber ever confident in her Champions. Gaia was in their hands.

Tromphonia's cackle rose above the gasps of the crowd. Her keepers tousled her violently. She spat at them, grin never fading, even when one returned her spit with a hefty blow. The crowd gasped again as Tromphonia glared at the King. The Oracle wiped a smear of blood from the wicked smile on her face. One of her teeth had been knocked loose, and she played with it with her tongue.

The presence of the World Spirit was not lost on Tromphonia. She had heard her call, answered her call, and was going to pay the price for warning the people of Skyfall of Nightfall. Oh yes, the sky would truly fall. She raised a brow at one of her keepers as the windows darkened. Skyfall Citadel was plunged into a preemptive night as a great shadow was cast over it from above the clouds. Tromphonia let out one strong hah! receiving a kick from one of her keepers to the gut. The Oracle retched. She hoped he did it again, maybe this time she'd lay waste to his shoe.

As the last bit of light faded from the windows the voices in the chamber took on a new type of sound. They were louder. They echoed more. Sireth noticed first, but nobody noticed that the cat noticed and he wasn't about to speak up about it either. Tromphonia second, but she had nothing to say anymore. Brishen noticed too-if only for the cat Sireth who had pointedly gotten a claw stuck in his pant leg to call attention to the sudden change.

The rains had stopped.

King Paul Elupitser's knuckles grew white as he gripped his throne.

"How dare you!"

He trembled where he sat, raising his head high but staying seated to glare down his nose at the Knight. The Crystal Crown of Skyfall glimmered atop his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: The World Spirit Of Gaia Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm
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#, as written by Marcus
The rain stopped but the Corvid Knight did not. He actually took yet another bold step towards the man who claimed to be his king and felt his grip upon the hilt of his sword tighten more.

"No, how dare you, you sit upon this throne like a demagogue asking us to sit back whilst you execute one of the more loyal members of your court! And for what exactly?!"

Malgerius Corven did not turn to rally the room of nobles but instead continued to confront the king and belittle his gilded position of power. Many of the nobles who sat and watched the spectacle had to have been filled with both awe and disgust for the boldness of the knight and yet many had to have thought the same.

"You call yourself king but I depose your rule! You are not fit to lay claim to any domain either land or our hearts and I deny you like The World Spirit denies you!"

It was with those words that Malgerius broke his peace bound sword from its sheath and allowed the steel blade to find its point towards the tyrant before him. He was only one man against his former king and the men who swore their lives to the crown but it didn't matter. What was evident that something had changed and Skyfall was in dire need of aid.

Among the nobles who stood and watched a one eyed man in dark finery began to move through the background as to get a better look upon the events presented before him. Many of the king's loyalist members began to mutter about this brash young knight whilst a few even whispered their approvals over such actions. Regardless of the outcome the leader of the Obsidian Hall would not act outright to break his disguise as he waited to see what would happen next. After all times would be changing and soon the prize for the city of Skyfall would soon be his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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King Paul Elupitser shoved himself to his feet, teeth clenched, hand on the hilt of his own blade. Still down his nose at the knight he aimed his dagger of a gaze.

"There is no World Spirit," The King spit at his unloyal subject who dared to defy his rule and denounce his seat on the throne.

"And you," He drew his own blade and leveled it at the Knight below him, "Had best apologize while I have the good humor to spare your life. Surely one such as delusional as you, one who believes the lies of the Oracle, the false prophecies, isn't of clear mind to act in such a way," there was a snickering and an uncomfortable shuffling in the room, a smirk pulled at the corner of King Paul Elupitser's thin mouth.

"Stand down, fool."

In the back of the room Brishen had scooped up Sireth, barely realizing what he was doing, as his eyes were glued on the scene before him. Brishen did not like the spillage of blood. Sireth did not like the smellage of blood; his tail was half puffed at the tension in the room.

One of the ladies leaned over to whisper to Lady Eloise Edenhelm about how lucky she was to have evaded the King until this point.

The setting changes from Norde Keep to Whispering Woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jorn Gareif Character Portrait: The rat Character Portrait: Brandon Killman Character Portrait: Kel'Var Character Portrait: Sybbil Vallade Character Portrait: Braigneth: The White Hand
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Character Portrait: The rat The rat says,
 “ ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jorn Gareif Character Portrait: The rat Character Portrait: Brandon Killman Character Portrait: Kel'Var Character Portrait: Sybbil Vallade Character Portrait: Braigneth: The White Hand
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The setting changes from Whispering Woods to Norde Keep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The Corvid Knight took his king's words as all the invitation he needed. With a trained step forward and both hands gripping the hilt of his sword's hilt intently for the purposes to put down the mad monarch Malgerius would begin what some would consider the first act of rebellion against King Elupitser.

"Ready yourself!"

Malgerius shouted as he brought his sword up high and around his head only to come crashing down upon the demented king. If Paul could not recognize that the world spirit had always been present within the world than it was more than clear that The World Spirits champion needed to intervene and find another who could wear the Crown of Skyfall and rightfully rule it's people and the lands bellow.

Many of the nobles gasped and looked in both awe and terror at the scene that was falling before them. Even the Lord of the Obsidian Halls himself could only help but stand back and watch as each move from these pawns fell right into place. David Trapspringer continued to move through the crowd of nobles and guards to get a slightly better vantage as to enjoy the show while it lasts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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King Paul Elupitser was so far gone in his pride, so far gone in believing his right to the throne, that he could do little to avoid the attempt on his life. He wasn't a fast enough swordsman, and he wasn't a strong enough man. The blow landed him on the shoulder. Malgerius's blade cleaved deep and shattered any hope for the King to even try to fight for the throne. Crimson bubbled, burst, and ran from the wound. His dark clothes were quickly blackened as the life drained from the King.

A near maniacal cackle rose over the din of the crowd and their reactions. Tromphonia's chains rattled as she convulsed with mirth. Her Keepers seemed at an impasse as of what to do next. One had his hand on his hilt, ready to draw and fight. The other seemed braced to turn tail and run.

The moment the blade of the Champion broke the flesh of the Damned there was a palpable shift in the room. As the Crystal Crown of Skyfall tumbled from the head of the King the grip of Eras over Skyfall was lessened. Those perceptive enough would feel it and know- The Champions of Gaia had risen. In the back of the room, a cat yowled.

Four loyal knights drew their blades as the King fell back onto the throne. He reached to feel the wound with a trembling hand as he did, arm and shoulder hanging grotesquely down. The knights began their approach, spreading wide. Two ladies, a medicine woman, and a monk of sorts all rushed forward to tend to the king. The monk was robed in black and red, his head was bald, and he shot Tromphonia a glare before he began to fervently pray over the King. Tromphonia glowered at him, bowed her head, closed her eyes, and began praying up a storm on her own to the Spirit of Gaia.

The doors were shut, the entrances guarded, and there was a wailing from half of the ladies in waiting as they realized they were trapped in the room with what might soon be a corpse-and their uncertain fate. One of them fainted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Malgerious after landing his blow and watching the king crumple before him. The young knight's sword now stained with royal blood found itself readied once more as the loyal knights to the king began to step forward.

"I Malgerious Corven, former knight to the corrupt despot before you, will accept any challenge of combat!"

He waited for the first of the knights to make their move whilst he kept his eyes upon the enemies before him. Meanwhile within the crowd of nobles David Trapspringer continued to move unhindered by the crowd only to have his eyes land upon the crown that fell to the ground between the king and the knights.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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Despite the monk's fervent prayers King Paul Elupitser's life continued to slip out with his blood. The King attempted to choke something out to the monk, grabbing a fist full of his robes and yanking him close with the last of his strength. He released the monk with a deathly grimace. He sputtered and the blood bubbled over his chin, ran from his nose. His eyes were bloodshot. His clothes were ruined.

He had one move left in his life, and what he chose to move was his arm. He raised it up and flopped his hand on his head. The crown was gone. King Paul Elupitser's face twisted into the ugliest of shapes as he brought his arm down again. His elbow knocked on the throne, his forearm extended out, and his hand tightened into a point. His finger aimed at Tromphonia. His eyes popping out of his sockets. He opened his mouth to order her death. A gurgle rose from his throat, followed by a waterfall of crimson. His eyes shifted from Tromphonia's proud nonsmile to the spot above her head. to the spot above the door, to that one rafter on the ceiling.

The sunlight suddenly returned in the windows and it danced on the glazed eyes of King Paul Elupitser, who was dead.

As Malgerious Coven accepted the challenge of the Knights of the King the crowd hushed and withdrew from the front of the room. Tromphonia again began her laughter.

In the back of the room a cat continued to howl and howl, hating the smell of the dirty King's blood, hating being trapped in this room, and knowing that outside of the Norde Keep was even worse for wear than in here. But no, the doors were not going to open - especially not for a cat. Brishen had thrown Sireth to the ground unable to take his fish breath complaints. After all that meowing, Brishen almost wished Sireth would go back to doing that weird thing he did where he talked like a person did. Almost. But Brishen wasn't worried about that right now. Brishen had seen the crown go flying. He knew it's worth -a lot- and there was something about it that struck his interest. Maybe it was a life of ease and comfort?

"Long Live Gaia!" Tromphonia piped from her knees, her eyes fixed on the dead King, not taking them off of him or his face for a second. The Monk in black and red swore and quickly threw a cloak over the dead King's face before anyone could memorize his visage in death, or see. It was too late for Tromphonia, she would literally never forget what she saw for as long as she lived.
And she was going to enjoy every moment of it, and she was going to burn his legacy to the ground.

"Let us see the King!" Tromphonia spat at the monk, who shot a murderous gaze in her direction. His eyes flashed and he bared his teeth at Tromphonia, looking her keepers dead in the eyes. The one cracked, turned tail, and ran. He was quickly absorbed into the crowd. The other, hand still on his hilt, didn't hesitate for a moment. Tromphonia now locked eyes with the Monk. There was a reason he would not let them see the king. It was in this moment she realized that because of this, everything may have been in vain. If nobody saw, nobody would know, and Nightfall would come, and all would be for naught, and that was that.
It was too much for Tromphonia of Skyfall.
The people had to know!

The first knight stepped forth and leveled his blade at Malgerious Corven. His name was Edart Yolette, and his armor was quite shiny. He wore no helmet, most didn't while in court.
"Hah! Corrupt despot? Does he not see his own reflection in his blade? Long live the king!"

"SHOW US THE KIIIIIIIIIIING!" She released a guttural screech as the corrupt knight approached Malgerious, so hard it hurt, visibly shaking and struggling to her knees.

Tromphonia's eyes flashed all the way open before settling into a narrow glare. She didn't take her eyes off of the monk even as the blade slowly slid out from between her ribs. She maintained eye contact even as the blood bubbled in her own mouth. She struggled back the coughing as the blood filled her lungs, finally breaking eye contact to hack in the face of her executor. Bright red spittle freckled his entire upper half. Enraged, he plunged his sword into Tromphonia again. She grabbed the sword and looked him, too, dead in the eye. A chill ran down his spine. He couldn't look away as the light left her eyes. Her executioner danced backwards as her corpse collapsed on the blade, dumping her to the ground.

Edart Yolette took the moment for what it was. He tucked his elbows, took a side step, and aimed for the hands. He swung the sword at Malgerious Coven, grounding his weight but staying light in his knees.

Sireth howled at the door to be let out. Brishen snaked around the edge of the crowd to his own effect, inching as well towards the crown, unaware that another had the same idea- and had it sooner. Tromphonia lie executed on the ground in an expanding pool of blood. Her eyes were open, still gazing towards the throne, where the King lay assassinated. His face was still covered, although the medicine woman was hovering a little too close to the shroud for the Monk's comfort.

The executioner raised his bloody blade and brandished it at the crowd, lest anyone get any ideas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Malgerious did not respond but simply caught a glimpse of Sir Edart Yolette's attack and was only barely able to take a step back bringing his blade up to catch the oncoming steel from landing a true blow. Many of the nobles gasped at the sight of more combat and as the executioner did his dirty deed many more cried out in shock and despair.

"I honor you with this fight Sir Yolette……."

Malgerious began to grunt as he would attempt to push the blade back and up creating an opening so that he could either attempt to end this quickly or put the knight on his ass if need be.

"Though I wish it was on better circumstances!"

Meanwhile the one eyed David Trapspringer continued to watch the events unfold only to allow his gaze to fall upon the lone crown that now lay beyond the crowd and past the executioner who acted as a dangerous barrier for the nobles. There was however something that could be done and it only took the leader of The Obsidian Halls a few steps behind the crowd of nobles and away from there current gaze only to change his form into that of an elven woman with long flowing robes and an air of grace and nobility but the appearance of a scholar.

"Enough of this!"

Elio The Wise shouted in a rather commanding voice that seemed to echo with power of both the arcane and something else. The black dragon in the guise of this elvish scholar began to make its way through the crowd and towards the executioner and the combat that was happening before the crowd of nobles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Awinita
It was easier than expected. Her brothers were right. The rooftops were the perfect way into the keep. So lightly guarded if that. there were however only three guards she had to worry about who were in her path and had to be slain without a sound. Their bodies hidden just enough to take a bit of time before someone went searching for the deceased. But the elven woman with pale blonde hair by way of powerful illusion magic had to briefly recall how easy it was to get that far.

The first guard was directly in her path. he never heard her coming. Without a sound her hand reached up, and a thinner than paper edge cut his throat cleanly. She guided him to the rooftop and laid him quietly on the ground, closing his sightless eyes as she briefly sheared his belt for a pouch all guards had, sadly he only had one diamond and two garnets on him. one of the guarnests were flawless and she smiled. Leaving the gold as she had far too much in her own belt to worry of carrying more she headed for a door in the first tower.

She heard shouting, Guards apparently did not have good hearing. Then she remembered, the guards were human for the most part.She snuck up on the second guard and focused carefully, there were two more guards and an alarm bell in her view. Well that made sense. Mentally steeling herself the whiteharied ebony skinned woman darted forwards and disabled the alarm bell, sadly a guard spotted her, ducking behind a pillar she waited for the guard to come closer.

When he was close enough her tagger once more found flesh as she jumped out from behind the pillar and stabbed the man, pulling him with her and setting him silently against the pillar, once more gently closing his eyes and searching his belt, finding only gold. Growling unhappy at no gemstones the Drow signed at the dead man "cheapskate" before sneaking off.

Her final target was guarding a door she needed to use to get inside. He was in the way and occasionally turning left, standing in the way and only turning to his left, a complete circle. Well, he had to die for sure. His back to her, she snuck forwards without a sound. Keeping just out of his line of sight. Finally as he looked once more towards the door she struck. The guy having no idea how she got on the rooftop to begin with.

Standing upon a crossbeam briefly taking in the scene before her she thought back on the brief conversation she had as a child with her parents and brothers shortly after the destructiuon of a certain rival House.

"That gem crown is a true mythic item" her father had said. "Why is it mythic ? Nobody has ever stolen it and gotten away with it"

"I will steal it" Miyo said, or rather signed to her parents.

"You ? Impossible!" her father thought it crazy.

"Dear, your daughter had her tongue removed and the house that did it her brothers destroyed, you should thank her that we'ved rid ourselves of a hated enemy already and moved up in the council with that destruction" Miyos mother, Matron Lurune said. the male Drow waved her off.

"I will prove it to you father, that gem is stealable" Miyo signed, her brothers agreed, Miyo loved stealing gemstones of all kinds, rarely going for the gold or anything else of value.

Finally nodding she found some shadows and sneaking down without being seen was easier than she had thought it would be. She thought it was going to be hard to do, but as she neared the ground she had activated the illusion. The nicely tanned skin of a visiting Elven noble with pale blonde hair, dressed in a dark dress that looked more like something seen in combat, had the guards never looking her way as their gaze was locked on the fight before the throne.

Entering a group of nobles and Miyo spotted her target. Briefly she wondered why the King sat in such a manner. The king is dead ? Perfect that makes this easier.... her gaze landed on the crown. but only for scant seconds as the voice filled with magic seemed to radiate across the assembled nobles. Thankfully the Illusion held and Miyo, using the name she had given the door guard of Lady Lurune, was unaffected, for the moment at least she faked it. She begain mapping out the room. Once she had the gem crown she had to get away.

All it took was thinking five steps ahead. Right now, she was at step six.

But there was still step one to worry about. Step two however had moved up the list, she had to get around the other Elf. But something tingled at the back of her neck....

This was most likely going to go sideways, fast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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The Court at Norde Keep froze as a voice demanded that of this they had surely had enough. Edart Yolette, momentarily distracted, didn't quite catch Malgerious's move and was left fully open. Brishen had made his way almost to the front of the crowd when the demand was made, and swore to himself as his progression towards that shiny crown was put to a halt.

The room was a hush, and despite most of the court descending into silence, a loud meROOWWW of a cat continued to pipe on at the door. Sireth. Wanted. OUT.

After a moment, a meow, and a heartbeat there were shouts coming from far off in the Castle. Three of the knights who stood to defend the Crown broke formation and surged through the crowd. Ladies lifted their skirts and fainted, men staggered back- what had invaded the Keep, and how? They each swore to be the one to find the intruder - for the three were all hungry for blood. There was something about the corruption of Eras that gave a bloodlust like no other.

As they slipped out, Sireth hot on their heels in his own escape, someone else slipped in. Perhaps nobody noticed them, but the sudden absence of the yowling cat had many looking about. Still, the focus of the room remained between the Crown, the corpses, and this sudden elf who demanded all cease.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Sireth Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The Knight who struck down his mad king and was about to land a blow against Sir. Edart Yolette but the booming voice also cought his attention as well.

"You all bicker and squabble like children fighting over a toy next to their mothers Den!"

The Elvish woman began to stride forward towards the crown with her hands steepled. Elio the Wise made her way through the crowd with discerning eyes looking upon each noble that was present and every guard who seemed to grow more tense by the passing seconds. The High Elven woman even allowed her gaze to fall upon yet another elf who had made their way into the current affair.

"Interesting, I didn't expect another from our nation to be present? Forgive me my lady but I don't think we have the time for proper introductions."

With those proper and practiced words out of the way Elio made her way towards the now still Knights and looked upon the crown before her only to slowly reach down whilst the guards now began to rush out of the chambers as something else was afoot.

"You squabble over such trivial things and yet I know the pain in your hearts. The loss of your king for example is the most perplexing thing here and yet do you imagine that he wished for more blood to be spilt within these halls." The Dragon in Elvish guise smirked slightly as she produced a fine cloth and usedit to pick up the crown only to present it for all to see.

"Sir. Malgerius Corven, the Corvid Knight, is a strong contender for the crown as the Spirit of the World itself obviously left her glow upon him and yet when I look upon the slayed king I don't even see the lingering essence of our ladies presence."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The reply the Elf woman gave however was not spoken, sign language, in the com,mon form, not Drow form, was used to kee pthe Illiusion active. "My apologises" Miyo signed to the other Elf woman, "Due to a magical incident I am unable to speak" Everyones eyes were then locked on the crown as the Elf picked it up with a cloth. That gave the Drow exactly the opening she needed hanging at thje back of the nobles was easier than she thought. Everyone focused on the crown, even the other Elf.

Miyo disappeared using another Illusion, dropping her original Illusion for complete invisiblity. She then moved forwards unseen to where she needed to be. Finally there she lifted the crown by an unseen hand, using her magic unseen and made it dance just out of reach. Before it disappeared entirely.

Where had it gone ? First the Elf wanting everyone to stop fighting and stand in silence over the dead king held the Crown aloft upon a cloth, and now it was.... Gone

Who took it ? Where was the taker of the crown ?

Miyo knew she had a chance, but she had to time it right. Quickly scanning the crown with her journal crystal she had to move quickly to hide it, somewhere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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0.00 INK

"She can't talk", whispered a Lord to his Lady, referring to the second elf in the crowd.

You couldn't hear the guards and knights outside of the throne room over the murmuring crowd; they were quite busy out there looking for the intruder. As for the Crystal Crown of Skyfall everyone knew the legends. The power of the crown. The way the Gods could speak through the crown. The protection of the crown as well - which did Elupitser no good. The elf had picked The Crystal Crown of Skyfall up with a cloth, gently. Edart Yolette's knuckles turned white as he gripped his sword. This guy, for the crown? What were they talking about, a glow? Elven magic was exactly the sort of strange Edard wanted nothing to do with. He was visibly enraged by the suggestion that the Corvid Knight was chosen for the crown. What nonsense! Absolutely not! A filter of red crept in around the corners of Edart Yolette's eyes. They glassed over as his brow descended.

Sir Edart Yolette had been trained extensively to do the complete opposite of that which he attempted next. While everyone looked at the crown, he made another try for the Corvid Knight, twisting to stab him in one of the known lethal regions. His eyes were visibly red at this point. The true mark of those corrupted by Eras. The Corvid Knight was no King! Gaia did not choose him!

"Witchcraft!" Screeched a lesser educated citizen from somewhere in the crowd. The crown, it was floating in mid air! Those proficient in magic rolled their eyes, but began to eyeball one another in the crowd. Was it you? Was it you? Such a bold move. They were starting to get ideas- ideas about ruling a Kingdom.

Brishen stopped his sneaking and began to back away towards the door.

"SHUT THE FRONT DOORS" Shouted someone still with a sensible head on their shoulders. The doors to the throne room were hastily shut as the crown levitated above the hands of the Elf. Brishen backed into a guard, who shoved him off. He regained his balance and huddled with the rest of the crowd, but refused to watch the Crown- his superstitions getting the best of him again. Was this all part of the plan?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Do you think most elves are mute?"

Murmured another noble as Elio, Sir. Yolette, and Sir Corven stood around the dead king. The wisened elf simply held the crystal crown before her and looked upon its beauty only to clear her throat and compose herself as she began to look directly towards the Corvid Knight.

"The crowns rightful owner sits before us and........"

Elio found herself cut off by surprise as Edart showed his true colors and attempted to strike at the True King of Skyfall. The Corvid Knight simply brought his blade against the surprise attack but was not quick enough as Sir. Yolette found its mark on the young knight's side. Elio herself seemed to stumble back as the crown was torn from her grasp by an invisible force only to marionette the crown around before everyone before it seemed to vanish into thin air. The Elven sage's eyes quickly seemed to glass over as she began to use detect magic across the crowd and around herself in order to find any trace of whoever or whatever decided to take the throne from her grasp.

Two of the guards by the exit quickly complied with the cries to close the door while that outside on the walkways above overheard the commotion and began to turn their attention back towards the throne room itself. As for Malgerius he stumbled back clutching his side while his other hand onto his trusty sword.

"So you suffer the same corruption as our false king?"

The Corvid Knight groaned in pain but gritted his teeth and held his sword at the ready. He knew he needed to end this fight quickly but it was a shame that such a well-known knight would fall so easily to evil and darkness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Houpetorlivaij Character Portrait: Brishen Character Portrait: Trophonia of Skyfall Character Portrait: Eloise Porenia Edenhelm Character Portrait: King Paul Elupitser Character Portrait: Malgerius Corven
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0.00 INK

The monks quickly worked to remove the King while everyone was distracted. A few ladies fainted and the entire room was in an uproar. Brishen was shoved forth by a guard, who grunted at Brishen.

"Where is it you think you are going?" The guard looked Brishen up and down with a snarl after locking the door, grabbing Brishen who didn't bother to fight back. His heart was beating. Why and how did he ever come here? Who on Gaia wants to watch an execution anyhow?!