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Marine Infantry Corps

The bread-and-butter of UCONs Military Apparatus, the Marine Infantry are a well-known and well-respected outfit in the Multiverse.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by AzricanRepublic


Seated in the closer arm of the galaxy, the Coalition is one of the largest governments to emerge from Scatter; a planet of war and conflict.


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So begins...

Marine Infantry Corps's Story


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; High overhead, the din of airjet engines reverberated through the air as the chopped-down M99 Annihilator sped along the rooftops. Attached to the eight jumpseats fixed to the body of the VTOL, the marine skirmishers let their feet dangle helplessly above the city as a second modified Annihilator shifted in on the right flank of the approaching UCON marine Quick-Reaction-Force.
"Eyes on op-site -- Bravo-Yankee, load 'n go, you know the drill," A marine Sergeant commanded as he slammed a fresh magazine into the MR-24, the heavy rifle shifting back into his grip as he adjusted the combat-scope of the weapon. Beside him, the marines appeared to have a similar armament; high-caliber weaponry and plenty of explosives.

"Pathfinder Six One this is Joint-Command, we have confirmation on Aschen casualties in the sector -- specifically Gambits. Mission objective is to secure the tavern, eliminate any hostiles and extract Aschen counterparts from danger immediately. Full-Fire is authorized, over."

The setting changes from Space to Gambit's Bar


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High overhead, the din of airjet engines reverberated through the air as the chopped-down M99 Annihilator sped along the rooftops. Attached to the eight jumpseats fixed to the body of the VTOL, the marine skirmishers let their feet dangle helplessly above the city as a second modified Annihilator shifted in on the right flank of the approaching UCON marine Quick-Reaction-Force.
"Eyes on op-site -- Bravo-Yankee, load 'n go, you know the drill," A marine Sergeant commanded as he slammed a fresh magazine into the MR-24, the heavy rifle shifting back into his grip as he adjusted the combat-scope of the weapon. Beside him, the marines appeared to have a similar armament; high-caliber weaponry and plenty of explosives.

"Pathfinder Six One this is Joint-Command, we have confirmation on Aschen casualties in the sector -- specifically Gambits. Mission objective is to secure the tavern, eliminate any hostiles and extract Aschen counterparts from danger immediately. Full-Fire is authorized, over."


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; The first Annihilator swept low above the street situated near Gambits, the Scatterran airjet zooming over the Aschen IFV before the VTOL stalled itself above a rooftop. The first skirmishers raised their weapons and scoped Gambits before identifying the massive black mass moving from the alley into the deeper labyrinth of Wing City.
"Hold up Pilot, I got a visual on a possible target -- Pathfinder Two, we'll handle evac'ing the Aschen, you put a tag on whatever that thing is." The marine Sergeant commanded before the Annihilator eased its way onto the street and pulsed the massive plasma-thrust engines low before the Sergeant hopped from the jumpseat, and waved the skirmishers toward the Aschen IFV.
"This is Pathfinder One Six -- we have an evac bird incoming, courtesy of Vanko. You have haul riggings on that IFV right? A Cricket could pick that thing up easy."


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; The marine Sergeant nodded before returning to the Annihilator, a team of four marines moving in with their Aschen counterparts to secure the bar before someone tossed an IR flare into the street and awaited for the Cricket heavy transport to arrive on location. After which, they would fix the Aschen IFV to the rear-boom of the airjet.

"Alright, evac is inbound -- ETA ten minutes, lock positions and hold your ground, marines."


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; High overhead onboard the ESW airjets, the crews of the Aruka VTOLs worked quickly to identify the signature location, which was currently arrayed in a brief spread across the entire city. A collection of loose mesons and energies collecting soon to be directed toward the Aschen supercarrier overhead.

"Get the Aschen to cease fire now, that signature is jumping with their electronics." A technician shouted, quickly reaching for the channel to a stolen radio set in the bar.
"This is Sparkplug to all civilians -- I suggest getting in doors and close to the ground immediately and stand by for further instructions."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Side Alley


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; The growl of engines soon flooded the streets as the first of countless spotlights began to trace up and down the street, projected from the turrets of the roving armored vehicles that rolled down the street. Flanked on the side by a trotting team of four marines, two to each side, the armored spearhead of the 65th Armored's Delta team blitzed the bar in a steady sweep across the entire city. The first of several marines poured in through the alleyways, flashlights painting Ari and her slumping form in a bathing telescope of light. The first of several marines would aim the weapon, the audible click of their weapons sounding through the bar as the first Paklam soldier of the 89th Division stepped forward.
"Stay on the ground and do not move -- Nikova, check the readings," The Paklam commanded, the dual chevrons of the Sergeant rank atop the emblem of the Paklam as he neared the prone form of the woman.

The setting changes from Side Alley to Gambit's Bar


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; Outside of the bar, arrayed in a line of face-mask encumbered marines, the team of marine riot police waited with their batons fixed to their sides. The heavy, flaring barriers of their T-14 energy shields threw a deep blue hue over the platoon of marines arranged outside of the bar in a slight crescent formation -- beyond that, the first of several Claymore AFVs bearing the insignia of the Marine Police Battalion rested with their headlights and turret-lights deployed, great cones of light bathing Gambits. As the marines prepared themselves by interlocking their shields, a Police Sergeant began to trot down the line, closer to Gambits than the rest, as he barked orders to the conglomeration of riot police.
"Section six Division nine -- Use of force inactive until command from myself alone, nothin' but a peaceful demonstration, boys -- front seat to democracy in action." The Sergeant yelled, his voice strong enough to penetrate through the ruckus into the bar itself.


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; Suspended over the rooftops in a constant hover, the dual Vulture's sat as immobile sentinels guarding the Coalition skies. Fixed on a lattice work jumpseats and belts, the three-man team of snipers were strapped to the hull of the aircraft. To provide reconnaissance, and pinpoint sniper fire when needed. As they marine marksmen swept their zones, the first Paklam identified the friendly squad of marine infantry on a rush towards the rear of the bar. As one team overwhelmed the side alley, the other was poised to strike directly into the rear of the bar.
" ... Highball to Authority, we have eyes on marine infantry moving to secure, over."


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; Vanko hauled the communicator to his jaw as he called into the handle. Vanko's voice was certainly an impressive echo over the entire city as the intricate network of broadcasting modules and speakers beamed the words of the Commandant of Terra throughout the city. His message was similarly broadcasted to the countless ships in orbit, the positions of the Aschen and Romans quickly being hailed by the in-bound force of Coalition Navy starships.

"What ever violence we must commit, we must commit in the codes of war; lay down your weapons and surrender, or you will meet the paradise you are so desperately fighting for ... Admiral Cain, your Tauron compatriots will be allowed ten minutes to disarm themselves and prepare to join you onboard your starship, in chains. Admiral Titus of the Galactic Roman Empire, conflicts on the planet's surface have rendered your location a dangerous vicinity, you are advised to travel at your own discretion."


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; Vanko dropped the communicator, letting it dangle from the ceiling on its cord as Vanko crossed his arms behind his back and inhaled at the situation arrayed on the holodisplay before him. If the Aschen were planning to fight, Bankovich had a nearly six to one numerical advantage alone, and the Commandant was well aware of Bankovich's itch to return the favor. Vanko tilted his head back as an alarm sounded somewhere far overhead.
" ... 'n the hell was that, Lieutenant?" Vanko requested, shrugging his shoulders as the lighting in the situation room returned to the standard and the Lieutenant responded.
"The Aschen targeted Center 9, Commandant, radiological sensors display multiple nuclear ordinance active." The Lieutenant responded, Vanko simply chuckling to himself.
"'nd how much of it is ours?" He inquired, the Lieutenant shrugging his shoulders in an ironic realization.
" ... About ninety percent of it, Commandant."
"You have ten minutes, Chairman." Vanko remarked before severing the communique, stepping away from the holodisplay. Outside, the Saudi Arabian sun beat intensely.


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; Vanko, still locked with his hands behind his back, rolled his eyes as the Aschen communique flooded the situation room. Buried underneath the sands and winding dunes of Saudi Arabia, Vanko had remained confined to his little section of earth for the majority of his stay on Terra; Vanko himself having only been to Wing City once or twice. Stepping forward to the view screen, Vanko shrugged his shoulders as the video and audio linked in tandem with the Aschen systems, data being offered to provide a holographic representation of Vanko instead of the flesh and blood recluse.
"You have my undivided attention, Chairman, but I'll remain on-helm at Center 9 until this situation is resolved and my officials return to me with convincing evidence."


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; Vanko rolled his eyes, his shoulders sagging through the khaki fatigues as he spun on his heel and stepped away from the main communication platform, speaking over the railing nearly ten meters below to the array of specialists operating Center 9. Bankovich was on quick dispatch nearby, the Habea just cresting the distance between Terra and her sole moon in a slow sweep with Force 6 from the installations around Saturn.
"Admiral, maintain with the Habea. You're not needed, you dumb tin-can riding tool." Vanko remarked as he pulled off his headset and reached from his coat, and pressed a finger on the elevator leading to a recreation room that was nearby the surface of the planet.
"Center 9 to Solace, this is Commandant Vanko. If you've got any pretty lights for me, you should use 'em now. I'd better not lose my house slippers in this ... "

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dead End


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Marine Infantry Corps stood with his arms fixed behind his back, his race reserved into an irresolute facade as the Taiyou Empress faded into existence several meters away. Commandant Vanko remained silent as Commander Shaw paced before them, while Vanko was due to represent the Coalition, there was much suspicion within UCON itself that there was an alternate agenda beneath Vanko's TCCA.
"Last I recall, Wing City was under the vigilant jurisdiction of Major General Medeen and the 89th Division ... though there was absolutely no explanation as to why Tauron nationals arrived to the aid of known combatants riding in vehicles stolen from a Tripartite base."


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Marine Infantry Corps let the corner of his mouth tug into a smile as Vanko inhaled sharply. The TCCA, by the treaties of the Tripartite, inherited the majority -- 82 percent -- of the planet in the agreements of the Tripartite. In the later days of Regievko's office, General Vanko was elevated to the rank of Commandant and granted the governorship of an unrecognized Terran colony.
"They have been additions I have taken to ensure security and stability throughout the region -- What the Aschen do to lure the Halos, park a starship in orbit and let it get pinged by anti-ship-fucking-particle-cannons, provides the Halos nothing but a free target, and my administration nothing but paperwork. The warp-jamming devices are the creation of Bankovich himself, the network of course, radiation emitters that broadcast on all frequencies of energies at intervals capable of inhibiting the existence of even the most primitive of faster-than-light travel,"


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; Vanko remained in his position nearby the table, before the Commandant reached forward form his coat and placed a small holographic displayer onto the table. It remained inactive as Vanko spoke, his arms returning to his side beneath his heavy coat. Rohnfeld had long ago left Vanko to himself in the matters of Terra -- Vanko and the TCCA was a small island of Coalition power far from UCON territory. Rohnfeld recognized that Terra needed a firm, strong commanding official to maintain the Coalition's dominance throughout the galaxy; whatever insubordination this individual would create was of ill concern to Rohnfeld, something both the Aschen and Taiyou would be aware of if the Counter-Balance had not been blinding and cluttering the information coming in, and out of Terra.
"An admirable stance, but negligible -- recall that the TCCA is the only force recognized by the Terran Defense Force, on this planet. What I have done is installed precautions to maintain your people's wrecklessness, Commander, and substantiate the defense of your slowly growing influence after your civil unrest in this galaxy. We -- not only you and you, but I as well, are in a very tense point in this entire galaxy; what moves around us, not only Halo but simple dissent alone, is enough to topple not only our seats on this world, but the very head of our respective nations if left unregulated. My methods are invasive, Commander, but my methods provide results."


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; Vanko chuckled to himself, reaching forward and tapping several keys on the holograph to activate a video panel to the left that sprang to life. The scene a repeating loop of a starship ascending from orbit amidst a lone Terran starship; upon closer inspection, the fleeing ship could have been identified as a Scatterran freighter by its simple bulky design.
"Havok escaped custody less than four days after his apprehension -- The Coalition had no clue the Aschen had even moved on Havok until the Aschen launched the operation itself ... Havok has slipped out of the system, onboard a Red Halo freighter that had pilfered the Treshker Data Banks several months ago -- their considerable abduction of information was star data of Aschen territory. I remember dispatching the information to be addressed quickly, though I never heard anything of it ... " Vanko deactivated the video, leaving a slight trail of light before Vanko tapped the display once more an a line-fixing of a Coalition meson turret sprang to life.
"There are nearly six thousand of these located across the planet's surface. While the Aschen have occupied themselves 'aiding' the Americans, Red Halo has installed nearly 10 meson turrets in Canada, along with nearly 200 in south American alone. These "sovereign governments" have opened their doors to international terrorists in their final hours. Terra is no longer a valid successor, and is now mine." Vanko remarked dryly, zooming closely to inspect the rail-array of the meson cannon.
"Whatever equipment you have should be diverted to these weapons instead of 'helping' the people on this planet. I am trying to remove this vermin, while you shovel the shit that sits on top of it."


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; Vanko waved one hand from beneath his coat, signifying that the holodisplay had valuable information the Commandant would be privy to share. Stepping back toward the wall, he placed his hands beneath his coat and awaited for his inevitable flash back to Center 9.
"I'll confirm this information immediately -- on behalf of the Authority, ladies, have a nice night." Vanko remarked in a dull voice before his form shimmered from an unidentified source, the sudden flare collapsing on the Commandant before he was teleported back to the Center 9 through a Coalition Mass-Transit Array.

The setting changes from Dead End to Gambit's Bar


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; " -- A state of emergency has been declared under the Authority Command, civilians are requested to remain in doors and out of the streets --"

The loud, monotone voice flooded through the street as the Coalition IFV turned left at the intersection and continued down the street past Gambits. Escorted on either side by a patrolling team of marines, the Coalition soldiers were equipped with complete military gear, the patrol was dead serious. As the Claymore rolled past the tavern, the dual-cannons of the IFV swiveled into the air to allow the large speaker to blast the message to the tavern.

" -- A state of crisis has been declared by the Territorial Authority, all civilians are instructed to remain indoors and away from windows, and maintain contact with local TCCA personnel."


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; With a loud groan, the mass of the Claymore rolled to a stop outside of Gambits. Attached to a trio of similar vehicles, all bearing the pale-green color scheme of the Territorial Command, the group of IFVs directed their spotlights onto the bar. Light carved through any open windows, as the tell-tale clack of idle weaponry could be gathered from outside the bar. Then, the first Coalition marine pushed through the open door, with his weapon slung over his back, he appeared unarmed. Identified as a Lieutenant, the marine inspected the patrons with a steady eye in silence before several other marines passed into the bar.
"None of 'em like a Belk ... Think Vanko was right?" The Lieutenant remarked under his breath as the two marines followed their Lieutenant's survey of the bar.
"Maybe -- This is Team 1, the bar is clear, Commandant."


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; The Lieutenant took a seat directly beside the door, using a chair from a nearby table, and nodded to the marine before he turned on the television set. The three marines fixed themselves to the grainy images coming from a news broadcast intensely; depicted was an obvious Scatterran channel, several other images of explosions and the Marine Infantry Corps insignia.
"Turn it up, you've got the right channel," The Lieutenant remarked quietly, the marine responding in tandem by increasing the volume of the television set.

" ... Have confirmed multiple reports of a Belkan invasion through the Razorbacks, a long-contested region of Coalition territory."