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Melody Kuroyami

"If my dreams were caught, a darkness would reveal not only the past battles I've fought, but too the memories I keep sealed." - Melody after being asked if she wanted to buy a dream catcher.

0 · 603 views · located in Hayslem City Universal Port and Dock

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Floor


The stream of souls is unkind around here...
✔ Story-driven, casual scenes, conversation, relationship-building ~ serious combat, masochism  ✘ illiteracy, self-insert, overcompensating


Can you hear it?

"If my dreams were caught, a darkness would reveal not only the past battles I've fought, but too the memories I keep sealed."
- Melody after being asked if she wanted to buy a dream catcher.

"My name is Melody Kuroyami. I used to live in a small village in rural Japan, until one day disaster struck and destroyed my hometown. I was only little when I fell witness to the slaughter of my people, blood and fire the sigil engraved into our precious lands. I was taken in by a mysterious band of travelers that came among the destruction. Never will I forget the pact I sealed, nor the words my master spoke. 'We won't give you protection. We will give you strength.' I proved my worth by murdering a bandit that was about to take a child's life. She never made it, though the tale of her death is one I'll save for later. If I were to go over how the life I saved perished, perhaps I'd lose myself once again."

"The human race understands the most complex of things. We've discovered life in the deepest depths of the ocean and handcrafted bacteria to our benefit. Yet with all these wonders, how come nobody has ever managed to understand me?"

"It wasn't easy to be the new face in town. Especially for a society as secluded as theirs. Everyone carried their weight, so soon they questioned whether a girl as young as me was worthy of being there. My mentor had seen what i could, yet the others remained unconvinced. Perhaps I was wrong, but I could've sworn there were jealous gazes in the crowd, as if I had taken the time of their master away. With no place to go and a tense air, one of the people suggested me taking the trial of flame. My mentor heavily refused, saying I wasn't ready, but I agreed to take the trial. The next week was spend training with my mentor, who noted steady improvement in my skills. I was a natural, I had talent and the rest hated me for it. I will never forget his words. 'To sense what is beyond a person means not to listen to what they say, but to what they are. Control this and you will find truth.' On the day of the trial I was taken to the heart of the mountain, deep inside the underground tunnel system with nothing but a katana and a purple gemstone. When I said my farewells my mentor came to me and whispered: 'Melody, forget not what I taught you. Listen to not only your own heart, but the heart of the very mountain and you'll find truth.'

"If I were to perish another monster would just take my place."

"They sealed the passage, as tradition foretold, leaving me in the darkness of the caves. Deep down deprived of light I had to count on my other senses to see, from the vibrations in the ground to the slivers of sound. All around was information broadcast. I simply had to listen. Soon my first obstacle revealed itself, the growls of a monstrosity alerting me to fight. I don't know what I fought down in those caves, nor how it got down there, but perhaps I'm better off not having caught a glimpse of its terrifying visage. Halfway through my fight I realized something was off, the blade of my katana breaking only moments after hitting the creature. After careful and keen observation I determined that it was, in fact, sabotaged by my peers. Filled with rage I slayed the beast with my bare hands, venturing deeper into the cave before hopelessness settled in. Where was I supposed to go? What should I do? Only then did I close my eyes and listened and I could hear everything. The flow of the earth's energy, the magma deep within the mountain and the signs of life even deeper within. The monsters, the people further off that I called my own and something absolutely terrifying. Of all the presences I could sense, the most evil and terrifying one came from the village that send me here."

"In the search for power, not only did I lose those I held dear, but I also lost myself.

"This evil was one I had to slay, yet without a weapon I wouldn't stand a chance. An idea came to mind, where the gemstone- an artifact I was supposed to learn about in this journey- could be my greatest weapon. Deep inside of the mountain I sought the energy of the earth, searing magma my goal while I built a furnace out of stone. I found the flow of the river inside and made it clash against the fire of the mountain, crafting a blade made out of metals gifted from the mountain and the gemstone I was given. I created a hilt, using stray materials and my leather belt. This katana is a key part of my story, the turning point, the weapon that I'd ultimately use to kill an evil unknown: Betrayal. A week I kept in those darkened cave and in those days I slowly learned how to see perfectly in the darkness. With my new-self-taught skills and hand-crafted weapon I left the cave, returning to the people who set me up for death with unparalleled determination for the truth. If only I had understood what my master truly meant with those words."


"My whole life I've been trying to understand the people around me, but only now I realize, I've been trying to understand myself all along."
"Don't forget... that kindness can sometimes bring forth an even greater sadness."

So begins...

Melody Kuroyami's Story

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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#, as written by Floor
Of course, such peace could hardly last long for the young satori. An unordinary thought. A loud one. Multiple ones. Crackling, distorting, indistinguishable noises ripping through the air until it finally came to a stop. A single thought replaced the racket, walking slowly over the side of the beach and towards the sayori. Time stood still... the way it did before... Bare feet stepped through the cold sand, weapon resting peacefully on her back while her headphones quietly murmured the same lyrics. For a brief moment the lonesome girl had been a connection to the unrest beneath these soils. Involuntarily, of course, though that hardly bothered the girl.

You get used to the occasional stray souls screaming for your attention. Her eyes slipped up, scanning the unknown entity before her. Nothing unusual, which in a city as erratic as this one was absolutely not usual. With thirty feet between them she came to a halt, hand extending while her head tilted, eyes locked onto the one before her. It's like I'm sleepwalking. A moment passes, the girl hazily staring down Are before...

"... You haven't seen a large boat, have you?" the schoolgirl asked, simultaneously being a five minute walk away from a freaking harbor.

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami crossed her arms, squinting with a hint of distrust. "Ah, you fell for my clever little scheme." Despite her smug tone, Are would probably notice the girl was making up everything as she went along. Babbling every little thought that came to mind... it was almost a little 1-dimensional, one could say. "See, we're close to a harbor, there's boats passing by constantly." Allegedly. Melody actually hadn't seen any yet. Probably had something to do with the fact that transportation and portals was far more effective than sailing over a magic infested sea. Magic infested sea with demons, at that.

"Therefore, I have determined," her tone became dull, serious and cold, "that you, stranger, cannot be trusted. I ask you to leave the vicinity immediately. I will not allow your evil schemes to take form." Despite her serious tone, the girl was full of hot air.

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami her eyes pierced through Are like a sharp knife, fists clenched as heat began burning into her mind. Her heart rate rose, her entire being hummed. In a split second her cool and collected demeanor changed into a fuming wildfire devouring everything in its reach. Her stance became stern, her shoulders tensed. With gritted teeth and crimson red eyes, a sign that her power was gathering, the schoolgirl barked at the satori with pure, undistilled rage.

"I'm seventeen! I'm not a child! STOP CALLING ME THAT!"

For a moment the air became as tense as the girl herself, a faint whisper echoing through the still air around her. It was unnatural, the way one might forget the sounds of the sea in the eerie stillness that followed the aftermath of her verbal outburst. Like her words carried weight, despite how easily they could-- and perhaps should-- be mocked.

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami had to take a step back. So she did, both figuratively and literally. A deep breath followed, where the rage boiling in her system, screaming to OBLITERATE that which stood before her was dulled into a mere rumble. Like a bad stomach ache, the schoolgirl endured her otherworldly desires in favor of answering the satori. Ah... her mind was a mess. The way she switched from rationality to pure emotion could only be described as the short attention span of a child.

"I go by many names. Some I'd rather not have you know... for I'd have to k-" she stopped herself, faking a cough and clearing her throat thoroughly before continuing, "I'd have to kindly ask you not to tell anyone. Uhm. My name is. Uhhh... Melody. And I am, let me make this completely clear, not a child thankyouverymuch."

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami truly was a creature to behold. Now that her anger was quelled, she took a more casual posture, contrary to her previous... attitude. Really, she almost seemed like a different person. Her eyes weren't even red anymore! Also, fun fact, Melody has had her headphones on the entire time, which by normal human standards would be considered pretty rude. Maybe the weird satori creature didn't think much of it though.

"... I am Are. You are Are?" At that point Melody just started giggling out loud. From murderous volcano to snickering schoolgirl. If anyone in this city was erratic it was this anomaly of a person. "Are you kidding me? What Are you on about." She was enjoying this way too much. Enough to just ignore the whole exploring other cultures thing. Multicultural communities were way too forced nowadays anyway.

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami was having a bit of trouble coming up with more Are jokes. Turns out, there Aren't that many. Yeah, it'll never get old. With a far more relaxed stance Melody made sure to act as nonchalant as possible, remnants of a far more confused and fearful state surfacing in her mind on the odd occasion.

"Yeah, it's a pretty out there name. And I guess? I don't really know what I'd be do-..." And just like that, her mind registered the clever little quip Are just threw at her. Silence filled the air once more, where red tainted the girl. "Did you just call me a child again?"

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Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami was planning on freaking out about it, but ultimately, it was a simple angry misunderstanding. With a loud huff she regained her fragile composure, foot stamping onto the wet sand below her. Just as she was about to speak, a sudden change in pace appeared, a loud screech rupturing through Melody's mind. Her hands reached for her headphones and soon she collapsed to her knees, teeth gritted. The girl was visibly strained, the noise slowly simmering out as her thoughts and demeanor became harder to read... They became more stoic. Dull.

"Ah... turns out, I'll freak out about something else right now..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Floor
Melody Kuroyami was scared of listening. If she did listen to whatever roamed underneath these strange grounds the outcome couldn't possibly be pretty. Every day she spent in this city she'd feel it barely, yet for some reason today it was way worse. It felt as if.. as if...

"Do I look okay? I mean... gah... you wouldn't understand." A single hand covered her face while cold water caressed her knees. It barely bothered her. Her mind ran rampant, yet a solid trace of fear was undeniably the winner of her internal battle. I must vanquish the evil within... why tonight?.. what if I lose control... where is this coming from... please, please be quiet!... I must consider my options... I am afraid. Thoughts echoed through her mind, until eventually her eyes darted off into the distance. "Tell me, Are, is a person guilty of the good they didn't commit?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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The Fem Scout exits the bus and tosses the driver...a shining yellow key. With a quick reload of her prized Scattergun, she set foot into the new area and looks around rather nonchalantly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Oza Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

The bustling streets of Hayslem City were alive and well in this city, with all sorts of activity going on. Aliens, mystical creatures, the occasional spirit, robots, some draconoids, a few elves, a number of hobits and children, or un-children, or shapeshifters. But it was far more complicated then that. Robots that were wielding magic, elves with robotic prostetics, the city had a variety of different characters and shapes to it. And right here, this was the entrance to it all. Everyone and everything just seemed alive here, alive, interesting, and full of adventure to explore. Space ships, aircraft operated by magic, sailboats, all were making its way here.

IN addition, a vibrant amount of activity was on the newspapers and the news feeds, as another Sola Arkan concert was announced, the popular pop idol that was causing sensation across the nation. There were also still some followup reports on the latest investigation into the signs that indicated the awakening of a new Demon King, or the revival of an old one, as well as various traffic reports, immigration stats, and recent stock changes. Valkier industries was apparently producing a new line of robots that went on the market today, and Seldine Industries was working on a revolutionary magic formula that would help increase efficiency and portability.

"And I am telling you, the new XG63 Guitar will do wonders for the performance" Oza, or "Oz" by his friends, mentioned to his companion, who seemed to be wearing a rather thick cloak in daylight, almost like he was a vampire. But actually, he was Sola Arkan, the very pop idol mentioned in the news, trying not to draw attention to himself.

"I know, I know" Sola replied, keeping his voice down. "But I love my Nezerak 44. It was my first guitar, and I dont want to abandon it so easily".

"You are really sentimental over that, aren't you?"

Sola gave Oz a playful wink. "Its part of my charm. Now, I should probably get headed towards the beach soon. They want to do a whole bunch of shots. More exposed, the better. Apparently less is the new more, again".

"You know you love having fans and putting on a show".

"More in the theater then on the beach".

They seemed to be casually chatting as they were walking along, that they got a bit distracted and did not realize they were walking right towards some people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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The Fem Scout decided to cause a little mischief. She raised her scattergun up high and fired a shot into thee sky, the loud fire shattering anyone's quiet easily.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.00 INK

 “ "BOOM BABY!" ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Oza Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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0.25 INK

The moment that she did that, all of the nearby security around this transit area became alerted, and various civilians went and ducked for cover, or raised barriers, as several guards wearing power armor and carrying heavy weapons appeared.

They were armed in the latest of tech and software, and quickly surrounded the culprit.

"Attention Civilian! It is illegal to discharge firearms in public areas unlawfully! You will cease and decist at once, and you will pay the fine for such unlawful action!" one of them announced, as their weapons were locked and ready. Oza and Sola, who looked at this, decided to avoid involvement right now, given the danger of the situation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami
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The Fem Scout put her arms up in the air and put her weapon down. She wanted some action but fighting an entire batallion by herself wasn't something she was used to. "Alright alright geez. Call off the fuzz."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Melody Kuroyami Character Portrait: Yume Kotori Character Portrait: Azren Yoshido
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0.00 INK

The Fem Scout nods, slightly uncomfortable. "Uh right...listen, I'm not really allowed to say my name otherwise Mann Co would be huntin' my ass down so just call me "The Scout." And...ain't ya a little too young for...whatever it is you're doin', pipsqueak?" she chuckled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jaxon the Bandit Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Oza
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0.00 INK

The Fem Scout growled. "I'm from Boston, alright?? If you've got a problem with me, big freakin deal. I'm just like that! Enough with all the death threats ok? Do ya want me to blast a hole in your skull? Just lay off, ok?" she shook her head once the blades disappeared and began to walk away, holstering her Scattergun and now pulling out a can of BONK! Atomic Punch, opening the top and taking a quick sip.

"I'm just bein' me. I'm a chick of action, none of that cutesy mushy crap."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jaxon the Bandit Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Are Ruisha Character Portrait: Oza
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0.00 INK

Are Ruisha looks around confused before slinking away quietly...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jaxon the Bandit Character Portrait: Peter R. Sheffield Character Portrait: The Fem Scout Character Portrait: Sola Arkan Character Portrait: Rhia Nemesis
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0.00 INK

Peter falls out of the aperture, about two yards from the ground, which could be said that he wasn't quite expecting. He lands on the floor with a 'thump,' cracking the tile. He slowly pushes himself up, getting onto his feet.

This landscape seems utterly alien to him, not just after being in the surreal landscape that was the Aether.

He wonders if he's ever seen anything like this, a city, and comes up empty handed.
He dusts himself off and starts walking.