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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


The Wench's Trident is led by Captain Robbie Wings and his notorious first mate Jess Thresher. No sea shall go un-sailed!


Name: Mi'Sava
Nickname(s):Godling, Incubus of Man, Traitor of the Gods.
Gender: Male
Race: Halfblooded
Age: 23
Birthday: August 6, 1990
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Skin Tone: Pale
Devil Hands: When someone is granted a God or Devil hand they are granted with the extraordinary ability to channel that force through their very actions. For most it is through throwing punches or channeling that energy to proform acts of supernatural might. However it is extremly rare to be granted two of these arms and Mi'Sava happens to be lucky enough to be able to warp the spacial time around his finger tips to devistating effect.
Versatile Spellcasting: Though Mi'Sava is not as adept as others when it comes to spellcasting he does understand the basics of minor energy manipulation and how to affectivly use it. Though of course a majority of the magical affects he can do require the use of a catalyst.

General Attitude: (ex. rebellious, loving, or rude)
Attributes: (ex. conventional, adventurous, or constructional)
Social Endowments: (ENVIRONMENT your character grew up around)
Good Traits:
Bad Traits:

Terminal Illness(es):
Physical Problem(s):
Mental Problem(s):
Abnormal Condition(s):
Glasses or contacts to enhance vision:

Personal Life
Current Job(s):
Other money making method(s):
Current Home:
Room-mate(s): or other person(s) living with him/her:

Personal Interests
Favorite Subject:
Favorite Pass-Time(s):
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Food:

Closest Friend(s):
Notable Friend(s):

Personal History
Relationship with Mother:
Relationship with Father:
Relationship with Other Family:
Past Memories:
Significant or LIFE CHANGING EVENT(s):


This is where the character's biography can be typed. It can range from a paragraph to several pages depending on how long you desire it

So begins...

Mi'Sava's Story


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The sound of a jolly commotion could be heard moving down the street towards the famed bar known as Gambits and in it came with Rakasta with several well dressed ladies under his arms. 'Captain Mi'Sava, tell me more." One of the blonde haired woman spoke just to giggle slightly as she looked up to the cat pirate who gave a rather toothy smile. "Mi'Sava wonders, are you thirsty or perhaps maybe coming here with you ladies was a mistake." The lovely ladies underneath the pirates arms would look hurt at what the cat pirate had said but Mi'Sava would continue to smile and laugh a little. "No ladies you misunderstood Mi'Sava as I would never turn away your fine company." Quickly the pirate would glance over to one of the bartenders tonight just to give a simple nod as the women that he brought would keep close to him as he would laugh at his luck. "Mi'Sava will take a ,white tower, brandy and my company tonight will take your finest bottle of rum with two glasses." He led his two companions over to a booth and took his spot in the center just to roll his neck and allow it to pop twice. "have I ever told you two about the finest air vessel of its kind and I am its greatest captain..."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"You must have some amazing stories to tell Captain?" said one of the ladies that the pirate had brought in and that one question summoned a rather pleased expression that fell upon the Rakasta pirate. "Mi'Sava has sailed through the seas of Terra and through its air and I have to say the most interesting story I have to offer is seeing whales fly through the air." Mi'Sava stopped his story as he had escaped the worst of the snow storm outside but made note of the man who just walked in only to give him a rather simple nod just to then laugh as their drinks arrived to the table. "


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The serving girl would turn to give a level gaze with the man named Joseph only to nod and placed the drinks upon his tab. "Captain Mi'Sava, he is so nice, that man just payed for our drinks!" the blonde of the two girls would seem rather excited by this but Mi'Sava just nodded as he was not going to turn down a free drink. "Mi'Sava is grateful but he wonders why someone would have the generosity to pay for the drinks on this day?"


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"MI'Sava does not care much for the troubles of others but if there is free drinks then everything will be alright." The Rakasta pirate spoke only to take his White Gold just to take one of the pouches he was carrying just to pull out a strange white substance just to take a pinch and add it to his beverage just to down it and let out a sigh of relief.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
One of the two ladies would begin to look at the time just to lean over and plant a kiss upon the Rakasta pirates furry cheek only to then whisper into his cat like ears. "Mi'Sava is somewhat sad that you must go but if you must then I will grant you that pardon." The woman smiled and made her way out of the bar just to stop and wink at the pirate just leaving him with the other lady he had brought in. "Captain Mi'Sava tell me what a girl would have to do in order to keep the your attention?"

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Bluff


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Upon the horizon a rather large dwarven vessel made of stone and copper bands would begin to approach with a massive ring of pure fire surrounding the ship, its guns were hidden by the copper panels but a lone Rakasta was standing upon the helm of the vessel just to smile and watch as his workers went on with their duties. "Mi'Sava very much likes what he is seeing today, even if it is cold, Keep up the work!" The Rakasta Pirate shouted as he began to leave the ships helm only to look back at the arcane ring of fire and shake his head as he reached into a satchel that was at his side only to take a handful of what appeared to be sugar and lick it up out from his hand.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Mi'Sava was about to take on another handful of the sugar just to then find that one of his crewmen were standing around as if awaiting to say something of grand importance, "Out with it, Mi'Sava does not like to wait for anything to long boy." The Rakasta pirate spoke as he just placed what he had scooped back into the pouch only to then smile as the young man pulled out a telescope made of bronze and handed it over just to point out in a general direction. "So silent but I will bite." Mi'Sava whispered as he looked through the scope just to see another ship that appeared to be of Terran make. "Well it seems that we are no longer alone up here. Get the wizards ready and the magelock cannons loaded. I want a full battalion hidden as I will stay topside. Mi'Sava wants the goods secured and I do not want to find a single barrel destroyed!" The Rakasta just handed the scope back over to the young man and watched as they all began to scuttle off and take their position leaving their captain topside with a hand sitting upon his pistol that was holstered and another upon the rapier that was still sitting in its sheath.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Mi'Sava continued to await for the other ship to grow close enough only to keep his eyes locked upon the closing vessel and it was a good thing that his first was within earshot bellow to relay orders if that was needed. The Rakasta pirate continued to hold his ground and could hear the arcane ring behind him give out a rather loud roar as the fire elementals that were bound to this ship began to feel restless.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"New world tech, Mi'Sava likes." The Rakasta pirate would walk over to the bow of his ship just to smile revealing his sharp teeth and his tail would begin to sway back and forth as he waved over to the other ship just to turn his head back to were his first mate was stationed. "Hold on those cannons and prepare my quarters!"


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Mi'Sava has seen much in his time as a captain but this is something." the Rakasta spoke and his ears would twitch all the while a small boy would walk up from bellow the stone deck just to stand with his head lowered. "Sir, the table is clear. We had to move the woman you had been sleeping with last night off from it." The young lad spoke in a rather nervous tone but Mi'Sava would just laugh and wave the group to follow him to his quarters. "Mi'Sava is pleased. Go tell Arvwn to let you have extra rations tonight as a treat on me then." Mi'Sava spoke as he walked over to the steps just to turn and look at the group. "Mi'Sava apologizes for his rude behavior. Come let us drink."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Mi'Sava stopped and turned to look at Archer and then the bottle just to take it and look it over. "Mi'Sava has hear much about this year, very good." The Rakasta spoke just to wave them on into his quarters which was a rather large room with a grand oak table in the center and a stone bed built right into the ship. The room was filled with all kinds of luxeries and a few kegs sat upon a large desk were there was a map of the region and several gold coins and paper money from different regions stacked in nice neat piles. "Take a seat. Mi'Sava knows that it is always nice to have company."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Mi'Sava is very proud of this vessel, The Stone Cask. A fine ship if I do say so myself." Mi'Sava looked back at the door as the same boy had brought up several tankards upon a silver platter only to place them before each of the guests just to then walk over to the captains stash and pour the Rakasta a glass of White Gold. "Mi'Sava is very proud of that one as he knows this cats weaknesses." The captain of the ship just shook his head and began to smile as he looked upon his guests. "What can Mi'Sava do for you?" he asked his question quickly followed by reaching into his pouch he carried only to get a handful of sugar just to devour it and then have it followed by the brandy that had just been poured for him. "Please tell me about yourselves."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Mi'Sava is pleased to hear you have names." The rakasta pirate just waved over the young boy who had served them their drinks only to hand him the puch filled with the sugar and then had him fill his cup with another shot of brandy. "Mi'Sava figures that one could say that i'm also just passing through. Running an errand for a dwarven noble makes for a good profit if everything is successful." The cats tail would continue to sway back and forth as he brought his gaze over the entire group that had joined him but his two different colored eyes stopped on Saerine. "Interesting company you keep. Mi'Savva thinks that things were not always so well."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Killing cats is always bad, not for business, but the entire crew suffers." Mi'Sava began to snicker to himself as the young boy filled his drink once more and with that the Rakasta would down it just to suddenly have his ears perk up and turned his head to the back wall near his bed as if seeing something. "It seems the lower portion of the ring is acting up again." Mi'Sava spoke as the ship would begin to tilt slightly but promptly corrected itself leveling out as if nothing had happened.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Mi'Sava just looked at Rorke tilting his head allowing both of his eyes to gaze upon the young man. "Do you know of arcane airships that run of elementals bound by words long forgotten? Have yous tudied under dwarves who have perfected the art of runecasting or elves who shaped the first ships of this kind using the magic wood and the bound promises that they have sword to keep?" Mi'Sava continued to smile and shake his head. "Mi'Sava thinks for another time perhaps. If you fail Mi'Sava will loose his ship from this altitude and a broken ship is no good to anyone. She would be very displeased with being killed by a fault of another and by my own words no less on allowing someone who is not familiar with her workings to try and help." Mi'Sava was not trying to be mean to the young boy he just came across to many downed ships like that. "You may do well to find yourself a teacher who is familiar with such concepts if you have no experience with my ship."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The ship would begin to act up once more but it was not as noticeable as the first time and Mi'Sava just shook his head and stood up from his chair just to get himself another drink as he shoed his servant away. "Mi'Sava wonders if the boy has had any formal training along with the other two who follow you." The Rakasta pirate turned his gaze back to them just to instead down his drink in seconds before filling it once more. "Our ship wizard has spoken of an academy in Wing City but I have only been there once or twice and have never seen this tower."


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Then you need to seek out a wizard who can train you then." Mi'Sava was being rather blunt to the poor kid who claimed to be self taught. "Mi'Sava is no spellflinger but he knows of a wizard who owes him a rather large favor due to a screw up on my sugar." The Rakasta glimps at the darker one of the three magikers that were present but went to scrounge around in his desk. "Mi'Sava knows a few actually but it is your choice as to who and see about a more formal apprenticeship. One is named Aemenion Elenelon, an elf who will stab you in the back given the chance, A dwarf named Immund Coppertop, and then there is Roy Cullens. Roy is a bit young but he owes me due to the screw up." Mi'Sava spoke just to down his drink once more and fill his cup up again. "Mi'Sava knows full well that there is little in this world that is sacred anymore."

The setting changes from The Bluff to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The cold winds within Wing City provided no comfort for those who were out within its harsh element but within the halls of Gambits everything seemed alright. The door to the bar would slowly open and in walked a Rakasta hailing from the savage coasts only to wear a rather large jacket that trimming fell down past his waist and stopped behind his shins while the outfit he wore beneath jacket was unknown due to how the fabric of it was tightly kept shut with several buttons and a fur covered hand. "This cold does not suit Mi'Sava well. Mi'Sava thinks that he be needing something to warm up me spirits." The Rakasta spoke to himself with a feline accent that almost sounded strangely familiar to anyone that had been upon the savage coast. Slowly the feline made his way across the empty bar just to place an order for a bottle of Revilers Rum and the paper that covered the news in the city and its possible downfall due to one handsome cat.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The cold winds within Wing City provided no comfort for those who were out within its harsh element but within the halls of Gambits everything seemed alright. The door to the bar would slowly open and in walked a Rakasta hailing from the savage coasts only to wear a rather large jacket that trimming fell down past his waist and stopped behind his shins while the outfit he wore beneath jacket was unknown due to how the fabric of it was tightly kept shut with several buttons and a fur covered hand. "This cold does not suit Mi'Sava well. Mi'Sava thinks that he be needing something to warm up me spirits." The Rakasta spoke to himself with a feline accent that almost sounded strangely familiar to anyone that had been upon the savage coast. Slowly the feline made his way across the empty bar just to place an order for a bottle of Revilers Rum and the paper that covered the news in the city and its possible downfall due to one handsome cat.


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Character Portrait: Mi'Sava
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
It was apparently obvious that Mi'Sava had to have been blind to miss everything that had been going on but when he rubbed his eyes upon recieving his order from the bar the Rakasta just simply shook his head and looked down to his small belt pouch that held his addiction. "Mi'Sava should cut back a little." and with that the Rakasta pirate reached into his belt pouch only to pull out a small bit of crystal that appeared to be rock candy only to devour it and let out a sigh of relief just to then down half of the bottle he had ordered. "Good times."
