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Monika Davis-Sheffield

The Leader of the Federation Fleet and also known as Eos Paradigm, Liberator of Terra.

0 · 295 views · located in The Coalition Empire

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Prose, as played by RolePlayGateway


A nation under UCON that is primarily made up of non-Scatterran Immigrants into the Coalition that settled into the Azrican Corridor.

So begins...

Monika Davis-Sheffield's Story

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Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
“Grand Admiral, we’re receiving some sort of communications from deep space. We are unable to pinpoint the exact location of origin.”

Monika Davis-Sheffield curled a hand around her chin and raised a brow. She stood up from her seat and paced along the deck of the A-4A-1 Lexington Concord. It was the commanding starship of the Interstellar Fleet on an orbital trajectory around Eden Prime, the hub of the Federation.

“What does it say,” asked Monika. She gestured for the communications engineers to begin decoding or opening the data packet. Their hands furiously began to work moving holographic consoles and screens as Monika supervised.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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"We are the Arraen Technocracy, we pursue knowledge in all its forms and begun searching for other life. If you are reading this message and would like to reply, simply input your message and remove the attachment we have placed to signal the packet to return to us. The attachment is a gift from us to you, its a blueprint for a nanobot designed to function like an advanced white blood cell, but will go after tumors as well. Once you remove the attachment the packet will return to us. We hope to hear from you." The message fades and the image of the ruler Alarren Vorgal sitting at his desk fades as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
“Replay the comms,” Monika ordered as she continued to pace back and forth along the bridge. The message had been interesting. It had been a while since a non-UCON nation had contacted the Federation.

“Record this message,” said Monika.

“Greetings Nation of Arraen. You communications packet was much appreciated with the nanobot technology attachment. We are The Federation under the United Coalition of Organized Nations. My name is Grand Admiral Monika Davis-Sheffield. I command the interstellar Fleet of The Federation. Please state your directive and any requests of the Federation.”

Monika nodded to her crew. The packet was extracted and uploaded onto a console screen. The grand admiral walked over to the holographic display hovering over a conduit and placed her index finger against her lips. It was a beautiful technology and one that the Federation had not yet mastered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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Another data packet entered the star system minutes later and waited to be opened as the other had. The packed seemed slightly smaller and with no attachment as scans would detect.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
“We’ve got a response, Grand Admiral,” Quexis replied to Monika. He swiveled in his seat and stood up. The packet was uploaded onto the main display.

“Scans show that it hails from the same origin.”

“Open it.”

“Roger, Grand Admiral.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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The image of Alarren comes on screen and he begins speaking, "We have received your coordinates and have dispatched one of our vessels to meet you. They will not attack unless attacked. The Captain has been instructed to allow your people on board so that you may learn about us."

A massive object would be detected on any deep space scanners at this moment. The ship moved at incredible speed, much faster than light. It would not be long before it reached its destination.

"We have shared our knowledge and ways with no other species that we know of, my people are excited to meet you. May our nations coexist in ways that lead pushed us forwards."

The message ended and the object had already reached the star system's edge.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
"Object detected at FTL speeds on trajectory for our coordinates, Grand Admiral," Quexis said to Monika. A tracking holographic display blinked onto the main screen.

"Grant them permission to enter our spacial territory," the Grand Admiral ordered with a wave of her hand. "And contact the ambassador. Randy Herner will want to speak with our incoming guests. He is the Minister of Terran affairs after all." It was subtle but Monika narrowed her eyes. She disliked the man.

"They will be arriving any second, Grand Admiral."

"Where are they?"

"Already at the edge of Regnant System," Quexis replied.

"That's our system," said Monika. The Chief Comms Engineer nodded. He was in disbelief, too.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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The massive ship came to a slowed drifting orbit over the planet. The ship was huge, from the surface it had a length the diameter of the moon, but it's actual size was more of the length of its radius. The ship sent a message saying, "we have journeyed great distances to meet you, we wish to have you come to our ship. The coordinates for the designated hangar has been sent. We look forward to meeting you in person."

A swarm of fighters patrolled the ship's perimeter in case of attack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
Image Oniad was a small planet on the far reaches of the Regnant system. It was mined for precious minerals crucial to colonizing other systems. The Lexington Concord was floating on the planet’s orbit, following it. It was a massive star ship that could rival the size of smaller space stations.

“Incoming comms,” Quexis reported to Monika. The Grand Admiral nodded and waved a hand.

“They are requesting that you join them on their ship,” the chief engineer said with a questioning and suspicious tone to his voice. Monika’s eyebrow quirked in curiosity.

“Open Comms Link with their ship,” the Grand Admiral ordered. A few seconds later and the two ships had an open line between them so that both commanders could speak in real time instead of through messages.

Monika Davis-Sheffield stood in front of a holographic screen which would be project across the comms.

“Greetings. I know that you requested that I come to your ship but I cannot grant this request. The Lexington Concord would be more than welcome to have you on board our ship. Seeing as this is our territory I am sure that you can compromise and comply with our request,” said Monika.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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"We will comply, our wish to have you onboard our vessel would be to show you our ship and see if our people could teach you anything new to benefit your species. We understand now that we could learn more from you. Our Representative and his guard will arrive shortly to meet you." The communication closed.

Tharren Helvus, diplomatic representative of the Arraen Technocracy, waits patiently while the remote controlled soldiers were connected to by their child operators. The ship had taken only a few minutes to cross the gap of empty space between the two starships. The pilot flawlessly landed at the designated landing zone.

Without warning the bot-soldiers poured out of the ship and took defensive positions with weapons out but lowered. When given the confirmation it wasn't an ambush waiting for them, Tharren wasted no time exiting the ship and waited at the end of the ramp to be greeted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
Randy Herner was not aboard the Lexington Concord in person. Instead a projected hologram of the man stood waiting beside Grand Admiral Monika Davis-Sheffield. He was as clear as day aside from the white-blue coloring. There was a grin on his face as the newly discovered nation’s representative stepped onto the deck of one of the Lexington Concord’s docking bays.

“Welcome to the fringes of the Federation,” Randy said with wide open arms. It took all that Monika had to not vent him out of the bay. A slight twinge in her brow was the only signal that she was annoyed by the Minister of Terran Affairs.

There was also a representative of UCON present in the gathering. It was a Hykan capsuleer pilot by the name Braig O’deen. He was a scatterran man and stood head and shoulders above anyone else in the room, otherwise he looked human, just disproportionally so.

“I am afraid that I will have to ask you to leave your escort here unless they are willing to disarm themselves completely,” Monika said to Tharren Helvus. “There are no weapons allowed onboard unless soldiers of the Federation.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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The bots stood upright, reached their weapons over their backs, and a series of claw like machines pulled the weapons apart and scattered the pieces across their bodies to be additional armor.

"I hope this is satisfactory." The representative said as he approached.

As he grew closer his appearance could be seen much better. The left side of his face was covered over with artificial transplants that linked to his brain. Both of his arms had been replaced with artificial limbs containing cybernetic implants dotting his arms almost randomly in appearance. His torso was mostly organic, save small implants projecting out where his heart and lungs would be. Last his throat had a device fused to his flesh on either side. When he spoke there was a slight, but noticeable, electrical hum to his voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
“It will do,” Monika said before she turned over business matters over to Randy .

“Ahh. Well, as I said before, I and the Federation are most pleased to meet you. Welcome,” the hologram of the minister stated. “You will have to forgive me. I was not able to attend the meeting due to the circumstances of how fast you were able to travel.”

“My name is Randy Herner, and I am the Minister of Terran and Foregin Affairs,” the mousy looking man said to Tharren Helvus.

“Ain’t much of a looker, is he?” Braig said in a low whisper to Monika. He got a reprimanding look in return.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Akiyo
"I understand. You're species is the first we have encountered. If we had known the speeds of your vessels we would have arrived at such speeds so your people could prepare. We hope the nanobot design we sent you isn't something your people have already created. Disease was one of the first impurities my people cleansed. We would love to see your ship, tell us of your people and their ways. We will collect all you will allow and share it with the rest of my people. In trade we can share what we will allow with you."

Meanwhile in the large ship a room, one of many for the same use, had children ages 8 to 14 each at an Operation Station that sank into the ground. In these bowl-like cubicles each child had a system of controls and machines surrounding them. Hanging down from the ceiling to each cubicle was a series of cables attached to a helmet that wrapped around the child's head and allowed them to see through the eyes of the bot soldier they controlled. A tube slid into each child's mouth on a surgically made slit and fed them without impeding their abilities to talk. Although they primarily spoke through their cybernetic implants so each could share information with the whole squad faster than it took to open their mouths. Speaking with their mouths was used when talking to an officer in the room as they were on a private net for working together without interruption.

They watched the organics around them and kept a close eye on the hologram, relaying every spoken word to a back up system as the Representative was doing too.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
“We are very thankful for your gift. A cure to cancer? How marvelous!” Randy Herner exclaimed. He clapped the tips of his fingers together.

Braig snorted from his nostrils. There was a massive rift between those who were in politics and those who were militant. Politicians were nothing but children in the eyes of the fleet. There was obvious tension between the two branches of the nation.

“Come, come, come,” Randy Herner said to Therran Helvus. “Let’s give you a tour of the Lexington Concord! Do keep in mind that we can’t show you everything. The Federation has technologies that we like to keep to ourselves like any other nation, you know.”

The group made its way out of the bay and into a corridor. There were holographic diagrams on every wall depicting some odd language made up of short hand symbols instead of English or Trade. As they walked through the starship, Randy explained a very small portion of the Federation’s history.

“Eos Paradigm was The Liberator of Terra. She encouraged Terrans to stand up for themselves while under Aschen oppression. The Aschen glassed our Homeworld. She became a symbol of hope and vengeance. This eventually led to the Terrans establishing themselves into two governments. One stayed on Terra in the Sol System and then some of us, the smart of us we believe, came to UCON out here in the Azrican Corridor.”

“Actually, that woman happens to be with us right now,” Randy said as he stopped and turned to smile at Monika Sheffield. She nodded to the politician.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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The representative turned to Monika and said, "Our history is fully of people such as yourself. It would be an honor to add a full neurological scan of you to our archives, our operators would benefit greatly from it."

Tharren looked back to Randy and added, "We would be happy to share what you would need to quell any threats the Aschen Empire or any other empire could be to you. We understand your confidentiality towards the inner workings of your ship, but I am curious. What engines do your ships use? We detected shielding on your ships as well, what kind of shields are in place? I ask because I have been ordered to ensure the first species we encounter will thrive and expand. The Council of Knowledge has just agreed unanimously that if any such invasion were to befall your empire, we will aid you however we can."

Several hundred billion souls were focused on every sentence received from Tharren and the alien species he spoke to. There was no work, no moving, just figures standing still across multiple worlds. Every trillionth of a microsecond the entire population's Data Net was updated. By the time Tharren spoke a word his entire empire was aware of it. The weight of his words was heavy on his shoulders as the Council of Knowledge would send instructions or phrases. The operators on the large ship were fully focused on the new species and their ship. Every detail was taken in and analyzed. The body language of the aliens was quickly debated and agreed upon before the humans would blink.

"Analysis shows they don't perform regular neuro scans."

"They will find those words odd and may become suspicious of him."

"Tharren if the aliens are offended by your request to scan the female named Monika, retract the statement and share the importance and regularity of it in our culture."

"Yes Councilmen."

The conversation over their Net took place within the blink of an eye. Tharren pulled up the information needed to properly explain the significance of scanning.

"This species speaks of war and conflict with other empires."

"We will preserve at least one empire of these species."

"They would better serve us as we protect them."

"They haven't needed us in all the time they've been around. They would see us as oppressors."

"We will help them and make them in our image so that we may maintain our own. All agreed?"


The Council of Knowledge voted unanimously in favor of aiding this new species they'd discovered. The process took seconds, but the update sent to the Data Net was soon old news as information from Tharren's meeting would update very soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alarren Vorgal Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
Randy Herner looked at Monika nervously and chuckled uncertainly. The Grand Admiral clasped her hands behind her back and said what the Minister could not.

“I am afraid that I will have to decline that request as well. I am the Grand Admiral of the Interstellar Feet. I am sure you can understand why it is important that what is in my head stays there,” Monika stated plainly.

“As for our ship engines, we use electromagnetic ion engines or Hall Effect Thrusters. We also incorporated space folding technology in order to reach the longer distances between stars or systems with Alcubierre Drives. As for what kind of shields we use, well, that I cannot tell you either for security reasons. Most of our technology is highly guarded. It is best to steer away from those questions.”

“Indeed, Grand Admiral,” Randy Herner chimed in with a nervous laugh. “B-But we are more than willing to share our history with you and culture. We have such a thriving culture! It is absolutely spectacular!”

The setting changes from The Azrican Corridor to The Coalition Empire

Characters Present

Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
Monika Davis-Sheffield, better known as Eos Paradigm and Liberator of Terra, remained quiet as the men discussed politics concerning her homeworld. Every time the woman thought of the state of Terra it made her furious. It had taken every ounce of her life had been given to birth the Terran National Government.

Now Eos Paradigm was ashamed and embarrassed to call herself a Terran. Many of the Federation Terrans felt the same as well. There were countless bodies beginning to call themselves 'Edenites' due to wanting to disassociate themselves with Terra altogether after absolving into UCON.

Monika was one of them.

“I agree,” said Monika after Kalimos spoke. She stood up from her own seat and folded her hands behind her back. The focus of her eyes were on her shined boots as she paced back and forth.

“There is an abundance of evidence that the TNG is not pressing forward with a focus on civilian sectors but rather their military. I have gotten reports of how insufficient this military is as well. Troops trained too fast or inadequately. The fear of oppression is still very strong in the Terran government and that fear alone is driving their motivations.

“The Federation embassies have also been quiet on Terra. There has been no outreach from the TNG to the Federation for any aid whatsoever, even though we are their big brother ally,” Monika explained to the gathering of men in the room. There was a clear distaste by the expression on her face.

“As to why the TNG has been quiet and not come seeking aid from the Federation is a mystery. There had been several reports from our embassies located in Wing City and other sectors on Terra of terrorists attacks throughout the planet. This alone shows the incapability the TNG has to even properly defending themselves despite their shiny new toys.

“So what is the TNG doing with the billions that was sent to Terra. Are they really expending it on upgrades to their military or perhaps those new developments are a white wash? I cannot really believe that the TNG would be that wet behind the ears to waste it on militant research and testing instead of proper training and stabilizing their civilian charges while terrorists run amok in their states.”

“Now, I am no politician but a tactician,” Monika confessed to the room. “I would think that after suffering the Galatic War the TNG would want to efficiently use their new military in order to quell any uprising in their states in order to solidify the foundation that was laid by my very own hand.

“The most alarming news from Terra sent to the Federation is how quiet the TNG has been since its establishment. There are rumors spreading that Terra is being run more by its military than by its politicians. The TNG has been silent despite the faulty activity of its military.”

Eos Paradigm stopped her pacing and sat down into her chair again.

“That leaves us with the question of what is happening within the TNG, if it still exists. We need to know if there is someone to motivate or if the entire federation government has fallen into anarchy due to neglect of its elected officials.”

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Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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In a cramped office room several kilometers away in Coalition City smoke hung against the ceiling, while a holographic projection against a wall ran through streams of imagery and audio on an accelerated speed. A young Americ planted his feet on the back of the chair in front of him, stubbing out the last cigarette before looking through the sheaf of papers strewn across the table amongst digital and holographic technology.

“Whoever the stupid fucks are that insist on keeping paper copies should be fucking shot.” Jacob von Rossa remarked coarsely, the Americ loosening the tie of his suit before laying the transcripts on the table. Across from him Edmund Nelson took a manila folder, clutching up the other papers as he brought them to his lap.

“Hard to believe people use a pen and paper.” Nelson’s voice was a sarcastic tone, the middle-aged administrative chairman nursing a cigar. Adjusting the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose the man used one thumb to flip through the parchments.

“Since it’s the paper this has came in on is the only reason it hasn’t reached Dauch already -- “ Another young suit, a Tarsan named Marshal Ellokt, shrugged his shoulders and dropped the handfuls of paper in both palms onto the table.

“Don’t even get me fucking started on what Dauch will do when he sees this.” Nelson wore a sick grin on his face while drawing one paper in particular and holding it underneath a light. “I’m just glad those ‘emergency powers’ are done with now -- you pussies couldn’t even handle any of this shit under Regievko.”

“Oh yeah, that’s great. Hark back to the old days when you could knife someone in the neck and just say he looked at you wrong when a fucking powder keg’s about to go up again.” Marshal ran his hands through the dark brown hair and held the back of his head. “First things first is this violates the previous protocol for the Local Region.”

“What, ‘stand back and let them all cut each other up and then we stack up the survivors and let ‘em do it again’?” Edmund’s gritty tone caused Jacob to tightly close his eyes and lay his head back.

“Hey look because you and those DM fucks thought it was a good idea to arm a bunch of hut-dwelling guppies against a fucking fascist empire doesn’t mean we’re obligated to clean up all the other shit you did outside the Garden.” Marshal pointed with a quick finger as he came away from the projection.

“What you want is the verification from Supreme Command. Shit like this won’t be moving around from a bunch of junior officer’s datapads.” Edmund replied shortly, replenishing himself with a glass of water, and continued staring down his nose. “Considering Petros was blindsided by this it’s safe to assume this idea is from the War College gameboard.”

“The War College at Tarnasius?” Jacob inquired as he laid the chair back onto its feet and turned his torso at the table. Reaching at a stack of copies he tried to look across to Edmund’s hand before spotting the heading stamp at the top of a page. The Military War College of Tarnasius still used parchment and ‘the traditional ways’ as an homage to ancestry and the past, but the ancient ways sat beside the most technologically advanced machine of war to ever fight across the galaxy.

“One and only, the Big Five under Gold Skies. Those crackpots in the Gaming Room work from all angles though, Dauch will just be flipping at guard dogs doing what guard dogs do.” Edmund said as he brought the cigar from his mouth. Placing the sheaf of paper into the manila folder he reached across the table to hand the folder to Jacob, a disgruntled Americ rising from the chair and taking a pair of car keys. “They’re still probably at the event center miling off drinks to this shit, go ahead and bring this to Petros and we’ll stay here keeping things on track.”

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Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Monika Davis-Sheffield
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#, as written by Prose
Monika knew that her spoken thoughts were more centered on the state of Terra. It irked the woman so much to know that she had risked everything to end the oppression. All her sacrifice had been for nothing. She had broken rules, her morals, and people. The image of a face surfaced in Monika's mind and she pushed it away.

The holographic displayed more scenes of destitute civilians being uncared for by its federation government on Terra. It made Monika's teeth grit. There were times that she had to remind herself that she controlled the entire Federation Fleet and was no longer a citizen of Terra. And yet it was far too hard for the woman to sit there and watch what was happening to those that had been her people.

An idea breached her moral compass. Monika knew that Terra could be stabilized if the planetary government was overthrown. She knew she had the power to overwhelm the fat politicians that were abusing their seats of power. Each of them were turning blind eyes and deaf ears on the citizens.

If the Federation was allowed to swoop in to seize control then Terra would finally reach stabilization. That, however, was completely out of the question. UCON would never allow the Federation to pull such a move, or at least that was what Monika believed. Due to her reputation amongst the Scatterrans and various xenospecies in the Garden, she was not about to make a fool of herself in front of them all.

A decision was made inside the woman's mind despite better judgment.

There were always groups on Terra attempting to throw Terra into anarchy and chaos. If they received funding from an anonymous proprietor it could be the edge needed to tip the scales. A shadow government could be set up but if Monika was caught then she would be prosecuted and sentenced to life in the Apparatus—not exactly a Sunday picnic at the park.

But there would be no need for a shadow government if it was seen as the Sol Terrans attempting to create war with the Federation. A motive would be easy to conjure. Sol Terrans were uneasy with Edenites. The feel of abandonment could be exaggerated and used as a factor to create—

Monika folded her hands in front of her face and stared blankly at the table in front of her. Her eyes narrowed as the possibilities rolled through her mind. What the men in the room were speaking about did not even reach her ears. She was so intent on creating this plot inside of her mind that those men were nothing but a haze in the background.