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A Ragatran mage, one of the new age of casters!

0 · 1,666 views · located in Eat Out - Tierge's Resturant

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen


An organization of slayers made to prune the troublesome within the population of demons, vampires, werewolves, and other supernaturals.
Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


[Under Construction]


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Ragatran Mage

Appearance: Nerio is a bright young man with ash blonde hair that falls right below his earlobes and a face that is only vaguely effeminate, what with his pointed chin and bright eyes. He has a lean build and typically wears anything from leather jerkins and breeches to normal, modern day t-shirts and breezy button-downs. His hands are somewhat calloused, the cause of years using various weapons to fight.




    'Holy' Spells: Nerio dabbled constantly into the lighter magics, which often gave the other Ragatran a reason to prod and tease him...that is, until they found out he was quite gifted with healing magic.

  • The Paladin's Threads:Nerio summons golden threads to his fingers that can be used to patch up wounds and cleans them of infection. Not only that, but he can thread it through clothing, as well, to enhance their defensive properties. If he gets creative enough, they can even be used as a weapon against the undead and those who use dark magic.
  • Minor healing: Just as it sounds, this allows for the mage to heal bruises and small cuts.
  • The Warden's Spires: White spires of light will fall down from the heavens and either pin down or surround the target, either defending them or caging them. It can ward off the undead and defend against many spells and attacks.
    The second level of this spell, 'The Warden's Prison', takes up so much mana that Nerio has almost never used it. It completely empties his mana reserves from being full. There is nothing more morally challanging than the unguarded mind of a mage, a nascent or unprepared magican that falls into the effect of this spell finds themself stuck in a cage of white light, pale steel, and golden bars. While able to enclose individuals, it is also able to lead people on a morale challenge, posing problems in their minds.
  • Blade of Light: Allows Nerio to unleash a blade of light that flies at the target at an incredible speed. This is part of the Ragatran's 'swift', destructive combat' strategy, much like Fei's Mana Sphere's.

Pyromancy: Though a small-fry in this area, what he can do he does well.

  • Searing Flame: A lance of fire, the Searing Flame can inflict a lot of damage when it hits something directly and can even set objects it passes by aflame from it's heat. Highly accurate, but difficult to use as it is a first rate combat ability.
  • Spiral Blaze: Slamming his palms on the ground, flames will erupt outward in a fiery tornado from Nerio, flaring up with a radius of up to six feet.

Arcane Magic:

  • Mana Split: This makes it so Nerio doesn't have to exert too much physical energy while he fights, using mana reserves that he has pocketed away, instead.
  • Pulse Point Extending his hands outward, Nerio will let off a pulse of energy that can throw back an enemy with frightening force.

    Light Geomancy:
  • Mold: Allows Nerio to manipulate the earth and create structures. None of them are powerful, nor are they big, but it's good enough for hiding out and shielding one from the elements.

The image is not mine, and belongs to Lineage II.

So begins...

Nerio's Story


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A familiar aura that some patrons in the bar might have noticed flooded Gambits, filling the air with magic. Right after, a young, blonde-headed boy came in, wearing a brown leather jerkin and a pair of light breeches. On his head was a white hood, though it didn't extend so much that his face was hidden. Indeed, his young features were visible, from his bright yellow eyes to his pointed chin. He looked around a bit, frowning, before he sat next to some strange girl with a doll at the counter.


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The blonde-headed mage hadn't ordered anything yet, no. He was busy doing about three things at once, though it seemed as if he were only staring at the table with his arms crossed. His face was awfully serious, what with his brow wrinkled and his mouth tightened into a thin slit. He placed his foot on his knee and grunted, tightening his crossed arms grumpily. After a while, the trance that caught his eyes broke, and he looked up with a look of...oh, what was it? Panic? Surprise?
Whatever it was, it faded quickly, and the young man straightened his back and leaned his elbows on the table.

He felt a shiver go up his back, and turned his head to the side to find Porkette.
It was looking at him. He didn't like that. "Your doll's awfully creepy," he said to the girl, not even giving her a good look-over.


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The young man was a mage, so he was full used to strange this such as this, but it was still a little unnerving. He kept his eyes on Porkette, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, you say that..." he replied, punching in an order. But for some reason, I feel like she's just going to try and kill me.
Of course, the Ragatran mage was too prideful to think that anything could kill him anyway, but there was nothing wrong with caution. He lifted his eyes from the pig to take a good look at Ersilia for the first time, and that just caused him to crease his brows even more. "What are you?" He asked quite rudely.


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"Like me?" Asked Nerio. He certainly wasn't human. At least, he didn't see himself as one. He was a mage, one of the Ragatran! That was more than any human could possibly even wish to be! And, of course, their pride exceeded most others, as well. It was horribly evident. "So you are a mage? Because I certainly do not feel any magic coming from you." he scoffed, picking up his drink as it came. It looked as innocent as water, but it certainly wasn't what it seemed.

"I am one of the Ragatran," he stated with gusto. He should have thumped his chest in the act, but did not. He settled on drinking whatever was in his glass, instead. "So tell me again, what are you?"


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Nerio did that


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"Ersilla? Is that your name?" Asked the mage, uncrossing his arms and taking a sip of his drink. For a second, his lips pursed tight for the sourness of it, but soon returned to normal. He enjoyed the taste, as strong as it was. He glared back at Porkette, a look so cold it could have frozen her over.
Oh, Nerio wished he had that kind of magic!

"What was...'Papa?'" He asked curiously.


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"Then it's...alright to meet you, Ersilla. You can call me Nerio," despite the man's previous haughtiness, he seemed to adjust when it came to the submissive. This doll of a girl seemed rightly too kind for a place like this. She was being watched over by an animated object, after all.
And damn if it wasn't so creepy, the same way the Ragatran witch that liked to use dolls for her experiments! "Human...well, sorry to say, but you don't look very...very..."
That might be the wrong thing to say.


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Something was instantly familiar to Nerio about this situation. He gave Ersilla such a concentrated look that it almost hurt his eyeballs to do so. "'I want to be a real boy'," he murmured. Where had he heard that? There was a was a history book. One his mother had given him as a child.
Nario's lips suddenly brightened into a smile. It was the first one he'd given that night. "Like Pinocchio." He said simply.

"So, he told you that you were human, hmm?" He wanted to try something, see if he could make her unerstand.


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"Well, it's quite obvious you're real," said the mage, scratching his chin. Was that stubble he felt? Oh, joy. He shifted to turn towards Ersilla and took another long sip of his drink. "But you're not human. Here, look," he said, reaching out to take her arm and hold it out. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the crook of his own arm. Obviously, the joints were different.

"You see? But that's not anything bad."


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"There's nothing wrong with being a doll...person, sure, but you're not human. And there's nothing wrong with not being human!" Stated Nerio happily. None of the Ragatran had a thing for the weak non-magic folk. They poisoned all they could and were more greedy than any mana-grabbing wizard. He snapped his head toward Jared and huffed. "Human souls are disgusting, I hope, for her sake, she doesn't have their kind of mind."


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"They're a nasty kind! They fight one another and slaughter things they see as strange without the blink of an eye. Witches and mages have been their enemies for years, just because we can do things on a whim that they can't," he answered, downing the rest of his drink. A very light fuzz took him over, and it made him a bit more tolerant for it. He deflated from the rant, leaning back into his chair. "They burned witches. Salem trials, y'know? Some only just got away."
Like his mother.

"But they aren't over, either."


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"...maybe not all of them," said Nerio after a long pause. He gritted his teeth and took a long breath. He would never admit that he was a bit human himself, both in nature and in blood. But it was only a bit! And he liked his line It was perfectly fine. "I think maybe your old man had seen a bit too many winters to really do anything bad."


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"He's sick?" He inquired, leaning in to catch her words better. Nerio wasn't a shy sort, not at all. He inquired where he felt without restrictions. "How did you get here, then?" Asked the mage, speaking slowly, as if to a very small child or someone who did not speak common. He watched the little pig scamper off, but said not a word. Everything was strange here, he couldn't question every detail.


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"James, hm?" Nerio did not believe in this 'James' person. Where was he now? Obviously he did something to her 'Papa'. "That's what happens when people get old, kid. They get like that. Humans don't live long, like a lot of us. They die eventually."
And it was sad. And that was another reason he hated humans so. They were delicate, like a glass cannon.


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"Yeah, it's when all your life force drains out," he began, flicking his hands into the air to express something flying. "And doesn't come back. Your body won't move anymore. It can't think. It'll just lay there, empty. That's dead." It was unfortunate that he had to be given this talk, most of his magic being made of of holy spells and healing. Of course, he had very damaging spells as well, but he was the few of the Ragatran to actually dabble into the lighter side of magic.

"And that's what happens to old people."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Eastern Sol Avenue

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As if the young man hadn't stirred up enough trouble with the girl, causing her a world of sorrow and pain. He didn't even expect to see her here. He was walking down the street, dressed, as usual, in his brown leather jerkin and baggy breeches. He had no cloak today, for it was hot, and he couldn't bother with a breeze spell or something similar.

On his way, the blonde looked up and saw a familiar puppet-girl. He nodded at her and greeted her kindly. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here! How are you? You're Ersilia, right?"

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The mage looked at her for a long moment, his own eyes becoming slightly overcast. That was strange for him, because there was rarely a time where he was no overjoyed or annoyed. "Sad, hm?" He said, crossing his arms and flickering his eyes down to the pavement. "What's happened?"
The mage had already guessed, what with her black dress and the discussion they had the other day. Not only that, but she was going to the graveyard. How could it not be so obvious?

"Your...'Papa' has died, hasn't he?"

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There was another long pause as the young man had run out of words, only nodding his head. "I see," he said at last, taking a deep breath himself. What a tragedy. He knew few himself, but it must have struck this girl hard. She hadn't grown up knowing what these things were. "I am sorry. Your Papa must have been a good man. Those types of humans get to go to heaven, at least."

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Nerio squinted his eyes and jut his head forward, as if he hadn't heard the girl right. "Abomination?" He growled, a harsh quality in his voice. "Who's the abomination? I see none in view!" He scoffed, looking to the side and folding his arms again, tightly this time. "Whoever told you that you were an abomination is an ass."

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"An angel? Pah!" The mage threw his hands up in visible anger, scowling all the while. "Who do they think they are? They go and call themselves pure, and then they go and do something like this!" He yelled again, now catching the line of the bruise behind her ribbons. Without any care for personal space or anything of the like, he brought his hand up to her to grab her arm, but with a surprising tenderness. He would them lift it, inspecting the purple and blue splotches. "How did this happen?"