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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama

Resurrected from an assassination attempt, he fights to reclaim the throne.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife




Taiyou Empire of Greater Niihama

Identity Particulars

Full Name: Nobuo Tatsu Takayama
Former Names: None
Aliases: None
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Niihama City, Niihama, Taiyou Empire

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Taiyou
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 195
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Scars, Marks, Piercings, and Tattoos: None.

Contact Information

Current Permanent Address: Imperial Palace, Niihama City, Niihama Prefecture, Niihama, Taiyou Empire
Seasonal or Other Addresses: 3-2-22 Yamagatsu, Yama-Shi, Yama Prefecture, Niihama, Taiyou Empire
Work Address: Imperial Palace, Niihama City, Niihama Prefecture, Niihama, Taiyou Empire
Former Permanent Addresses: None.

Personal Profile:

Degrees Earned: None
Educational Institutions Attended: Home Schooled
Occupation: Emperor of the Taiyou Empire
Former Occupations: None
Religion: State Shinto
Political affiliation: Political right
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Languages spoken: English, Taiyou
Citizenship: Taiyou
Smoking Habits: Cigarettes
Alcohol Usage: Yes
Illegal Drug Usage: None
History of Significant Health Problems: None.
History of Mental Health Problems: None

Criminal History:

Arrests: None
Criminal Complaints: None.
Indictments: None
Detainers: None
Traffic Offenses: None


Father: Yoshiro Takayama
Mother: Sakura Takayama
Siblings: None
Spouse: Kendra Takayama, Keiko takayama
Children: Yosho Takayama, Yukiko Takayama, Sakura Takayama, Shimizu Takayama, Aeka Takayama

General Ichigo Muketsu, Taiyou Military
Yoko Kayabuki, Taiyou Prime Minister
Motoko Kusanagi, Section 9
Daisuke Aramaki, Section 9

(Profile Format is copyright Ylanne S. 2010)

So begins...

Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama's Story

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The Limo continued to drive through the city until it reached the Coalition FOB, the two towering King Ono mechs thundering towards the FOB as well. stepping over the walls due to their towering stature and keeping watch over the Limo. Once it came to a stop, the two multiped tanks flanked outwards, and two Sudden Transports pulled up alongside the Limo, their bays deploying to reveal squads of Imperial Warriors, all of them forming a corridor to the entrance of the main conference hall. Blaring loudspeakers screamed in Taiyou at the soldiers, blaring propaganda at them, while the Royal Family were being carried on the backs of Taiyou servants upon their Sedan Chair, with Yukiko in flowing Kimono behind the pair, Major Kusanagi, Prime Minister Kayabuki, Admiral Yamamoto, Takara Sato, and Shinzo Nagama all were following the Emperor, once they reached the doors of the FOB, two Taiyou approached the Emperor's Sedan chair, they got on all fours, one sitting slightly lower than the other, while a third climbed upon the two, making a human staircase as the Emperor helped his wife down on the backs of his people.

It was then the servants kept their heads lowered, holding the tails of the Emperor's Kimono, which was a solid black.

He took a few steps forward before he sized up the Scatterrans before him, he looked to his left, then to his right, as Kendra and Yukiko came to the man's side.

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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama slowly raised his hand then swiftly brought it across his daughter's face, leaving a brilliant red hand mark before he scolded her in Taiyou for a moment.

"You will speak when spoken too... know your place." He sneered before he turned back and then bowed to the General. "Young kids these days, they do not know their place." He said, before turning to Kayabuki.

"Have there been arrangements made for our meeting?" Nobuo asked.

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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama cleared his throat. "Prime Minister..." He said, returning with his reply, before introducing his own group. "My beloved wife and Empress of the Empire, Kendra Takayama, this is my Prime Minister, the esteemed Kayabuki Yoko, before you is Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, Shoguns Sato Takara, and Nagama Shinzo, and of course, my daughter, Takayama Yukiko." He said, his english crisp and clear, with a hint of a Taiyou accent.

"We are eager to learn more about your world..." He then paused. "Something other than what the Ministry of Information has briefed me on, Scatterrans aren't as scary as they look, in person, though they are large in stature, they have the builds of warriors, and I am certain they posess the skill to match."

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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama made a face as the others turned to leave, then his face quickly turned to a scowl. "The nerve." He said to mostly himself, and as the Emperor seemed to visibly get angry, every Taiyou standing there was suddenly visually nervous.

"It has been decreed that her past crimes are absolved, did your world not get the memo?" The Emperor said calmly, seemingly not even uttering a cadence of hostility.

"I come extending tidings and generosity and the representatives of your world scoff and leave, Yamamoto-san, I believe our business is concluded here." Nobuo said calmly as he turned to leave.

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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama growled after retracting his hand. "Do not second guess me again, Prime Minister, know your place as a woman in the Empire, not even titles absolves you from your place as my subject, I have been shown an affront, I will take my leave."

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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama glared at Cranford. "I am sure, urgent matters require everyone's attention, though I am wondering why they blocked out this time to suddenly depart, perhaps my Propaganda ministries were not all that... incorrect." The Emperor said as they stepped into the Command hub.

"What is a Cookie?"

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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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I think I'll post that it suddenly went dark.

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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama inclined his head. "No, thank you." He said somewhat half-assed. Then he turned to the conference table, and then Drulovic. "Hmm, interesting." He said before he was shown a place to sit, with his cabinet and family gathering around him. Finally the Emperor spoke up.

"I came here to discuss the issue surrounding Hataf and it's threat to the Empire, I think Drulovic, you mentioned that the group plans on attacking the Empire, how did this information come to light?"

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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama spoke up. "What Aschen Technology does Hataf have access to?"

The setting changes from Government Center to Niihama


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Niihama City was a massive, bustling multi-layered city, with skyscrapers stretching thousands of meters into the sky. From the skies, Sector Five looked like a gleaming modern neo-tokyo type of city, it was night time, and the city was filled with flashing neon lights displaying various advertisements, and massive screens flickering and flashing advertisements in full video, massive LED screens and holographic displays.

Several lights shone upwards, illuminating the 2,500 story edifice of glass and steel that was the Niihama Government center, the Administrative building of the Taiyou Government, and nestled atop this towering monolith of concrete, glass and steel, was an ancient looking building that seemed out of place from the rest of the city, flickering torches and ancient wooden architecture denoted the Imperial Palace, of course the leading Taiyou officials were offworld, attending a meeting in the massive space station where the politics of the AXIS Galaxy was decided.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Commandant Goku Funaho remained silent as he went over the command routines of his ship. "Everything seems to be going as planned, no errors in this sector." He said as he went over the screens. The Shokaku ship
was a hulking white and red mass of metal and weaponry, lazily drifting through the empty void of space, with a small contingent of Minekaze class ships, all of which displayed upon a three-dimensional holographic projection in the center of the Reverence's CIC.

"Commandant, one of our airlock actuator systems are reporting some kind of error, I'll send an engineering team to take a look at it." The Lieutenant said, and the Commandant offered a quiet nod. "Go ahead, it's probably just dust jamming again, get it actuating though." He said, and as soon as the order was dispatched, a small engineering team was dispatched to the nearest airlock.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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A handful of Taiyou engineers finally reached the Airlock actuator, silently they brought out their tools before one of them noticed molten metal bubbling and churning as the hull was being cut. "What the..." He said to himself as he reached for his pistol, then he backed up.

"Commandant, we're being boarded by pirates or something, something's cutting into the hull!" He said into the intercomm, and the Commandant replied.

"Are you sure? This close to Niihama?" He said on the intercom.

"Please, send soldiers! They're cutting the hull!" The engineer shouted.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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Alarms had already been set off, and the red flashing lights betrayed a military response with several soldiers armed with riot shields and MX Kinetic carbines.

"We have an unidentified breach, they're going to be breaching in five." One of the soldiers said, grasping their weapons and waiting for the breach, weapons pointed at the gash as it widened, and sparks began to pour from the hole.

"Here we go." One of the soldiers said, ready to engage.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The soldiers hid behind their shields, which bore the Imperial emblem and was made from a strange molecular stable alloy, of course the Soldiers had engineered the shields to resist various weaponry, they weren't confident that it could resist whatever Hataf was going to throw at them.

"They'll be coming through soon." He said, waiting to see something come through the hole.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The Disruptor II bolts seared towards the shields of the Taiyou soldiers, but things just got a little more complicated, as the bolt of energy struck the shield, a sharp 'ting' was heard, and the bolt seared back and struck the walls, of course the fire that came from the Taiyou pinged harmlessly off the suits of the Hataf. A stalemate for the moment, of course, the ones without shields were burst into flurries of ash.

"Aschen!" A Taiyou soldier shouted as he unloaded his clip into the combat suits.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The Soldiers continued to try and hold the defense, while lights dimmed to a dull red and flashed with white strobes, and the blue flashes of disruptor energy, and yellow muzzle flashes from Taiyou weapons.

There was a formation of Taiyou between the Hataf, and the bridge access causeway, with the Commandant maneuvering the ship through the maze of Taiyou ships.

"Mayday, Mayday, we're being boarded by Aschen attackers, request assistance from all available ships, be it known our ship is compromised." The Commandant hailed, before he turned to two of his Lieutenants.

"Set the emergency self destruct, ten minutes." He ordered, and then punched his code, and the two Lieutenants punched theirs, before all of them lowered their heads.

"Tennoheika Banzai!" They shouted, before they donned combat armor and MX Carbines.

In the halls, as Hataf poured from the ship, the Taiyou would bravely hold their position, before the initial guards had their weapons run dry.

"Tennoheika! Banzai!" A Sergeant shouted, and as if every Taiyou in that hall dropped their weapons, shields, and ignited beam Katanas, they then shouted...

"Banzai!" And began to charge at the Hataf, almost like a human stampede, with one of the Taiyou slicing a Hataf clean in half, Combat skin and all, before being vaporized by a Disruptor shot.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The Taiyou that charged forward were cut down in the suicidal attack, but things seemed to get harder and harder for the point team at the entry point, of course the Stealthed team had no resistance, with the Taiyou heading down to the distraction point.

The Commandant adjusted his vest and racked his weapon, staring at the sealed blast doors that separated the Bridge, from the approaching Hataf squad.

"Emperor guide my hand with your divine will." He said calmly.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The Commandant watched the approaching Hataf on various monitors, and the counting down self destruct, turning over a table, he narrowed his eyes and waited for them, waiting for them to approach.

I just need to hold them off long enough for the Self destruct.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The Commandant waved several Bridge crews around as they set up their weapon emplacements, one of them mounted a 12mm cannon against the table and racked the high powered machinegun and waited for Hataf to breach the door, checking his watch.

"Two minutes until core detonation." He said, narrowing his eyes as the door began to glow as they cut through the door.


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Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama
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The hull continued to be thrown asunder as they coagulated on the floor before them, Men hid behind their shields and they waited, one of them grasped a frag grenade in his hands, throwing on his Banzai bandana.

"Emperor guide my hand." They said and once the door was blown open, the Taiyou threw a hail of fire, before the ship suddenly began to list, what was the blackness of space, was now white fluffy clouds, as the ship continued to list, and then it began to free-fall uncontrollably through the atmosphere.

Artificial gravity began to fail, and suddenly, the ship began to nosedive and everything began to fall from around. The force of the atmospheric friction would also threaten to dislodge the Aschen ship from the stout Taiyou hull, systems registering a sharp hull temp increase. If they didn't detach the ship, it would disintegrate.