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Okina Matara

Majestic Absolute Secret God of the Backdoor

0 · 1,456 views · located in The Ruins

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by IIRawWriteII


ImageOkina Matara Is presumed to be a Youkai but she claims she's a god.

Okina is one of the Youkai Sages. Those who helped create the land of Gensokyo. She has two servants, Mai Teireida and Satono Nishida, who work for her.
In her legend, she is referred by the "Matara-Jin"

She is usually located at the "Land of Rear Doors".

As long as you have that door of the seasons on your back, any battle between us will be nothing more than a farce!
- Okina Matara

She acts like the traditional god in stories. Punishing those who disrespect her, and blessing those who venerate her. Though she is the "Hidden" God, She wants to stand out and make herself known to everyone. She is rude to her servants but she also seems to pity them.

The Ability to make a backdoor on anything:
The title is literal. She can create a magic door on the back of anything. This enables her to travel anywhere, and to any person. She can also use it to transport something to somewhere else. These backdoors connect to the realm called the aforementioned" Land of Rear Doors". Because of this people can utilize the doors Okina makes to find her.

Because she is the amalgamation of variations of legends, she shares some abilities with the variations.
She has claimed to be able to make feats like making Youkai effortlessly and recreating Gensokyo in its entirety.

Back Sign "Halo of the Absolute Secret God"

Drum: Like in her legend, she owns a drum that she beats to help her servants dance. Though it seems the Drum has no more purpose, seeing that they can dance without its help.

Dialogue Colour: #800080

Current Arc

Okina Matara belongs to Zun and Team Shanghai Alice.

So begins...

Okina Matara's Story

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Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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”Interesting... But there is only one way to test skills.” Okina replied

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Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"Yeah, if you can talk you best back it up with actions. I mean, I am can do both but of course I don't make fights first. Waste of money, but when people shoot you first then it becomes personal." Russian shrugged as he replied taking another swig of his wine.

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Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Okina thought of an idea. "Why don't we have a duel?" Okina suggested. She wasn't going to make a difficult challenge, just around a fraction of her strength would service. She was starting to grow fond of the man. Perhaps if all the townspeople were like him she might spend a long time in the area.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"A duel? Jeeze, never heard a word like that in like forever. It's always 'I'm gonna kill you' or 'I'm gonna rob you blind' or whatever people say these days. Hell people usually only say 'let's fight' but...Wait...Not to sound like a coward because I'm far from it but what's in it for me? I usually don't do things like this for free. I mean, my style of combat involves a lot of money." Russian spoke. He was not against the idea, but he rather not dent his pockets in the process.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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”Oh well.” Okina said.
She could just find another person, not like he’s the only one that could fight.
”I do plan on going soon, so do you know any locations of interest?”

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Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"Well the only things to see on this planet are the cities, I mean there are small places like this but I say the cities should interest you. If not there is always going to areas that are hostile areas like that...Shadow Legion controlled area, heard its going to be a real war. Probably my chance to get hired to fight." Russian replied as he took another swig of his wine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"Those do sound a bit interesting..."
It was probably the third time he swang the wine bottle. Not like it was important though.
"Well I thank you for your time. But I must be off." Okina said standing from her throne.
The chair closed up and disappeared. "It was nice while it lasted."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"Eh...I guess I can say the same. It's actually pleasant to hold a civil conversation without being shot, stabbed or attacked for once. Well, cheers then." Russian raised his bottle of wine in the air before taking a swig from it.

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Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Shut. Okina had already left in a backdoor.
She didn't drink any of the wine, leaving it beside Russian. The wind blew steadily and smoothly in the shore breeze.

The setting changes from Eastern Seaboard to Dead End


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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While the action was going on, whoosh. Another one of Okina’s backdoor s had opened in a back alley. She was told by someone to look around the area, due to wanting to explore the place. Though Okina’s mode of transportation was; unconventional. The light slightly lit the dark alleyway, reflecting on the dank puddle and bottles. Though it wasn’t distracting enough from the loud gunshots and the intensity of the moment. She stepped out without any care regardless.

She looked around the scene unfolding in front of her. Quickly putting another door in front of her, sending the shots into a void. ”Hmmm. Not the best introduction into a city” she said uncaringly. Looking around again, she eyed a number of troops pinning a whaat appeared to be a woman down. Curious, she forced the troops to the wall with some shots of her own. Shooting out bullets was very common where she came from. So it was effortless for her to knock them out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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The sudden entrance of someone else caught her off guard prompting her to point her gun at this new person while placing her free hand towards this new ...girl? with blue electrical arcs jumping between her slightly spread fingers.
"who the hell are you?! did the Shifters send you after me as well?" she growled with a good deal of hostility her eyes narrowed slightly as a magic circle formed in the air in front of her gun as she switched it to full auto from burst-fire in preparation
"Who sent you? speak now!" her breathing was smooth but her black hair was a disheveled and tangled mess as her hood had fallen down revealing amber colored eyes with slitted pupils and slowly rotating solid black six pointed stars rotating in the whites of her eyes. her posture as a whole was fully aggressive presently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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"You can step down. I just decided to peek around here." She said, dissonantly calm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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She stared at this person for a good while before turning her gun towards her now unconscious pursuers the weapon in her hand disappearing in a flash of blue light replaced by a handgun which she walked up to them with and meticulously put a bullet in each head with a snarl "When will these idiots learn not to mess with me?!" she exclaimed in an angry tone before taking their guns and melting them all down with a glowing hand before shaping them into rods of alloy and stowing them somewhere in her cloak she then searched them for anything valuable took the rest of the gear and tossed it all in a pile before putting a hand on the ground in front of the pile resulting in it all disappearing into a ripple in the air shortly after then incinerating the remains with an intense ball of fire lobbed over her shoulder that left nothing behind but ash a large scorch marks and spots of melted pavement as she turned to the person who seemed to come from thin air with the immediate and assured threat dealt with and taking a deep breath causing the slowly rotating stars in her eyes to fade but remaining tense "who are you and why are you here?" She demanded in an icy tone gun still in hand


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Okina examined the process she use to incinerate the remains. She thought it was a little brutal, but Okina quickly forgot about it. Perhaps she could have a chat after the action, though it didn’t seem like she wanted to have a friendly one seeing that she was currently in a battle. She decided to stay. Wanting to know more about the situation, she did want to see how formidable the citizens of the place were.

”I just walked in here because of the sound. ” She said. Lillith probably wanted a more descriptive response, but Okina wasn’t going to go into detail in this situation. The sound of more footsteps started filling the bend around the corner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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She cursed profusely in various languages "More?! why in the world are they suddenly gunning for me so badly?!" She exclaimed as the gun in her hand was replaced by a blue orb that was quickly stowed away as she pulled out some phials with a pulsating sickly green substance in them which she tossed in the air where they began to float just above the spot where the bend which the sounds of feet was coming from she then pulled the dumpster in front of herself with a wave of her hand "Come and get me ryak'na ! " She bellowed with a snarl in the direction of the sounds "may you all rot in whatever version of hell you believe in!"
with that she pulled the orb from it's cage once more with it being replaced by the SMG from earlier being leveled towards the dumpster with one hand while the other glowed a dark violet with a whispy aura coming off it that matched the faint glow that was beginning to surround the dumpster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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as more people came running into sight she spared a half second to make sure they werent the police before gesturing with a falling hand and the phials dropped on them releasing a gaseous fast acting pathogen that caused people whom came in contact with it to drop to the ground screaming in agony as their veins became swollen and black until dieing while the rest would find the dumpster hurtling at them at a decent clip of 40 MPH "DIE!" Lillith screamed firing a whole magazine in the direction while sweeping the gun left to right


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Okina was also reaching for her spellcards as a means for defense.
While Lilith was mowing down the troops from the front, she flew up in the air casting
a card. She started shooting bullets at the horde, helping Lilith in the mowing.
Although they didn’t kill, they did hurt, and that was enough.
The flurry of lights rained down on them. Taking out many of them.
She finally started finishing the attack when she saw enough of them on the floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Lilith glared at the remainder and shot them in vital areas multiple times before strolling over and crushing their heads underfoot and grinding the remains hatefully before stooping over one who was in the middle of bleeding out her eyes glowing with a golden light as she started to emit wispy lines of black smoke off her body to try and scare the man as she pried his helmet and visor off him "I want to you to go back to wherever you came from and tell your friends to stop coming after me so that I don't have to break any more families. I do not take any pleasure in ending this many lives but I WILL NOT let any more attacks on my person come without dire consequences you people have been hunting me and dying for months now and I'm sorry to say that no amount of money the Darkshifters offer you is going to be worth dying for because your death is all that will come from hunting me. i haven't lived for eons off of charisma or cunning I've survived because I seldom let anyone live to hunt me twice. remember this and never let me see your face again because next time you won't get out of it alive" After she finished speaking her hand glowed removing the bullet lodged in the mans abdomen and closing the wound before yanking him to his feet and shoving him towards the exit with a glowing gemstone quickly merging through his clothes into his back.

As the man stumbled away she then turned her head to the other still living folk among the rest of the bodies and quickly put them out of their misery. Collecting their gear before incinerating the bodies and turning to Okina "whatever your reason for being here thank you for the assistance" while saying this she broke all the collected gear down into it's component materials and wringing the blood and other bodily materials from it before storing it away and walking away from the now destroyed alley which sported numerous new blood stains craters bullet holes casings ash piles and scorch marks as well as a now runied dumpster and wall "I hope gambits bar is open because i need a drink badly" the gun in her hand reverted to an orb and the orb was stored in it's cage where it was suspended in the center with a faint glow


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Whoosh. Another door opened in the wall beside Okina.
”It appears it is.” She said confirming Liliith’s want. She took a small look inside.
The light lit up the dark alleyway from the brick walls to the dirty puddles. Small amount’s of noise polluting the air in the place. She could eye various people in the bar, talking and chatting. Slight gushes of air poured from the door.
The gate was opened on one of the door into to Bar, so no one was surprised that a sudden door appeared.
”Is this the place?”

She stepped in the door, making the first step on the laminated floorboards.
”You can step in.” She said, taking more steps in.

The setting changes from Dead End to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillith Schmitz Character Portrait: Okina Matara
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Lillith gave the gate a cautious look before carefully stepping through and looking back with a look of appreciation
"these rifts are surprisingly stable, how long did it take to learn to make them so well?" she prodded the side of the doorway with the tip of her right boot carefully before remembering why she wanted to come here and looking to the bar she pulled out a leather bag from somewhere within the depths of her cloak and withdrew a handful of 3oz pure gold coins with the image of a skull snake wrapped around it once mouth opened and tongue going to the left if held in the proper orientation. the symbol of the exact same faction that was currently trying to have her killed for reasons known currently only to herself. she shoved the bag back to wherever she pulled it out from and walked up to have a seat at the bar ordering a bottle the strongest liquor she could get with what was in her hand and a glass to pour it in

"Thank you for making the trip here a bit shorter. I'm not entirely certain the jackasses that were trying to kill me didn't have an ambush set up on the way out, and I'm honestly not in the mood to kill anyone else just because they were dumb enough to come after me" She said with a small smile towards Okina before seeming to ponder something for a few seconds "Pardon, I'm not sure if we did this already and forgot about it while fighting but I suppose now we would have a better opportunity for it. I am Lillith Schmitz, may I know your name?"