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Oliver Frye

"Just call me Oli!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Mr. Crow


Oliver Frye

Image belongs to Crus777 on DA. No copyright intended. I will remove if asked.
Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Troll

Sub-Species: Terran

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 236 lbs.

Appearance: A tall, robust troll. His skin is green, his hair is grey, and his eyes are a striking yellow. He is not overweight for a troll. In-fact, he is just about as average, and good looking as trolls come; his lump of a belly might say otherwise. He is wise with his words, though most would find him too grimy for their taste. Yes, his hair is slicked back with the oil from his own neck, and the odor of his armpits is a natural cologne; smells like fried chicken dipped in curdled milk. Oli's teeth could use some 'brushing up', as well. Each one of his crude canines is stained yellow from lack of brushing, and lots of spoiled snacks; rotten roast beef, cow hide, chicken gizzard, and all sorts of passticio. He likes to keep a good, charming appearance; however "troll-ish" it might seem. He sports a black tail-coat, suit, contrasted by a red tie. The single prop, which knots together his pleasant apparel, is the black top hat upon his big green head.

So begins...

Oliver Frye's Story


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The fat, rotten green troll sauntered in through the entrance of Gambit's Bar. A place as fowl in perspective as he was. Also, a place any hungry belly could call home, and his tumbly was a grumbly. He place a calloused palm atop his belly, rubbing it ever so often to soothe away the hunger.

"'M so bloody 'ungry!" He exclaimed, as his heels clicked their way over to the bar counter. He snatched up a holo-menu; his eyes darted through and through all the different drinks. "Dammit! Don't want drinks! Where's the bloody nosh!?" He continued to fidget with the confound device; he tapped an oily finger here and there, but he was all thumbs. Finally, he slammed the menu on top of the counter! The sounds of of shorting out elecronics could be heard, as the menu began to flicker to a black screen. He wiped a palm over his face with notable irritability, before removing his top hat, and slapping it on the counter top.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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His eyes flicked up at the sight of the elven woman's hand; his ears perked at the sound of her voice. He gave her a quick once over. He took note of her nametag. This troll inquired within his mind, as to why a bar-tender would be so formally dressed; however, that inquiry stayed tucked away, for fear of seeming too nosy.

A big, yellow, toothy smile was flashed back at the elf. "Well now, don't suppose you might 'ave some rabbit-snake stew, hmm?"


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The troll's piercing eyes glanced down at the note-pad, to maybe catch a glance of her hand-writing. He raised an addressing figner at the elf. "Ye' can fetch me some...." Visuals of the most enticing dirnk came to mind. However, the visuals were lost at the sudeen interruption of a pale, slug like man. The troll then cocked a thumb in the vampire's direction. "Some of whatever Mista' knickers' having over there."


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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A profoundly perplex experssion came about the troll. His nostrils falred, and his elongated ears perked up a tad more. He jammed a green pinky finger into his ear canal; out came a black, oozing wax. Subsequently, he sanded off the wax, smearing it into the counter-top. "Sorry, ye' mentioned blood?" He took a moment to flash the most utterly, yet comediac, expression of disgust; his lips stretched into an exaggerated frown, the skin around his fore-head tightened, and his bulbus green nose crinkled. "How 'orrible, that is." He muttered. He redirected his attntion tot he elf. "'Pose I'll take a... Oh, bother..." He waved an odorly hand at the elf. "Ye' can fetch, whatever ye' like. Long's it has taste."


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli finally noticed the delightfully dressed girl. His yellow eyes, only made a short conclusion of her appearance, though. He didn't bother to take any kind of interest in her. He was too hungry. Famished trolls were a little girl's worst nightmare, but then, she seemed too frail for his appetite, anyway.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli let his shoulders sink into relaxation, and a less confuddled mind was at greater ease. He charmed the elf's polite sentiment with a sagely nod. "Good show, m'dear." Oli shoved a hand into his inner-jacket pocket, and pulled out a woven sack filled with gold coins. "Where I'm from, ye' use these t'pay up." He dangled the little sack in-between his fingers like a bell, before pinching out one, and sliding it over the counter top to the elf. "I thank'ya miss, Fedelia. M'name's Oliver. E'ryone just calls me 'Oli', though." He combed a hand through his greying hair; his hair was quite oily. Oli held out his other hand for a hand-shake from the elf.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli arched a brow, when Fedelia curtsied him. He bellowed out in a hoo-ha of laughter, and retereated his hand to cuff it over his large jaw; he began to intently rub his chin. "Haha, apologize I do, miss Fedelia!" He exclaimed. An embarassed smile swooped over his wet lips. "Didn't mean ta' wrap'ya in a mardy. Do forget sometimes, that I am a bit too mingy for some peoples." He was sincerely oblivious to what actions might seem too vile for others. It was his trolling nature, after all.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Ruins


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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"Bum, ba-dum. Bum, ba-dum. Hmmm hmm hmm~" Oli hummed a raspy, rumbling tune to himself. He had never made way to these ruins, before now. Dry dirt crunched under the sharp heels of his Oxford shoes. His nostrils flared at the sight of this deplorable area. "Somethin' amdist in this lil'pit..." He wiped a hand over his narly green nose.

Suddenly, a scratching, scattering, tumbling noise came about his ears. His elongated ears perked, and twitched this way and that; like radars. His yellow eyes beamed with curiosity as they followed a shadowy figure climbing to the top of a stone pile. There were many of those around.

He slinked his way toward the figure. His lumpy stature did nothing for his sneaking. On his tippy toes, hunched over, and practically frolicking from one bare area to next, Oli was surely a prime creeper; he could be mistaken for some grotesque shadow himself.

"Psst! Oy! 'Oo goes there!" Whatever silence was still abound, he broke it. Surely he did not fear what should be feared.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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His eyes narrowed, and squinted at what was an assumed woman. He took a closer look, and concluded that it was. She was lucky he wasn't hungry. Trolls were irritable mongers when they were hungry. "Eh heh, M'listenin'. What kinda' pro-"

His eyes bulged open at the snap of a whole tree. His contorted into a bizarre expression: His wet lips stretched downward, as his eyelids crinkled, and his brow cocked. "What in the paddy-wack's name's that? Sounds just like meh mummy when she'd gotten angry... Verrry angry."

His eyes shot back to the woman. He took one second to tip his hat, and introduce himself. "Love, m'name's Oli! I feel a bit like piffy, at the moment. Mind tellin' meh what's 'appening?" He was anxious, but still a bit too calm for his own good.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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A briefly precarious stare was enough to establish Oli's astoundment at this scenario. "Right. That... just explains everythin', don't it?" He blinked fiercely at the consistent stomping, and destruction of the poor trees. "Certainly is a big bugger, whatever it is." He nodded.

Oli jogged toward the stone pile, from which the girl perched. He stood directly at the edge. He clasped a hand over the rim of his top-hat, as his legs prepared for a squat. As Oli bent his knees, he let out some loose air, and then suddenly he leapt from the ground, up. He threw his body twoard the girl, in hopes of making for a quick rescue. The troll's arms flailed as green sausages, exhibitting their underarm stink one wave after other. If he made contact with the girl, then she would realize this.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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If the rescue was successful, Oli might land with, or perhaps tackle the girl to the ground.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli's body landed in the dirt, first. He was a well fitted troll. "Bahahahaaaa!" The brave soul released a bellow of laughter, followed by weezing, and a couple of flem filled coughs. He swallowed it, so all was well for the female. He rolled to the side, separating himself from the girl, before cuffing his throat, and sitting up to pat a dusty suit off. "Dear lord, haven't performed meh strength for years. Do believe m'gettin' out of shape." He chuckled, as he looked on to the destruction of boulders displayed just after his leap of rescue.

His hat had left his head, as well. He feeled around for it, keeping a cautious eye out for the monster. It was right behind the green lump. "Eh.. Oh bother... I already forgot ye' name. I was going to ask if you might've seen m'hat anywhere. Hm?" His attention never left whatever was coming.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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His jaw dropped, and sagged in place, as his eyes discovered the towering, black beast. One of his eyes twitched at just how firghtful it was. Now the whole thing was sinking in. His attention was only regathered when October placed the hat upon his head; his thinking cap.

"Right... Suppose I don't run too fast, hm? Think that might be a poblem?" he asked in just a tad higher-pitch, than his normal tone.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli did as she said, albeit he was still sitting in the dirt, not daring to make any movements beforehand; he slowly scooted his body away from October. "As ye wish..."

Oli stared up at her, in awe of the light her hands suddenly produced. He smashed his hands against his large ears, as his face wrinkled through the pain of the screeching. Just after turning his sights back to the snarling shadow to achieve one last look, his eyes squinched shut. The troll's jaw clenched in frustration, but it wasn't too long before the noise came to a halt, and the light, along with the shadow, had disappeared without a trace.

Oli peeked open one eye, allowing it to dart around, before spotting October on the ground. He clambered to his feet, and kneeled beside her. His brow cocked, as he peered around to make for sure there were no more surprises. He tilted his head, and stared down at the girl. An oily hand reached down, and he nudged her shuolder. "Oy. Miss.. Eh... Oh mother of-" He slapped his hand over his forehead, before suddenly snapping his fingers. "Right! Miss October!" He hollered, his voice echoing throughout the empty ruins. "Miss October..." He began to poke her head, this time. Before long, he loosened his tie, and shoved a hand under his shirt into the pit of his arm. "Nice batter'o B.O. should do the trick." The dear green lump was serious, unfortunately. He rolled her over, and stuck two fingers to the rim of her nostrils. Perhaps it would awake her.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli presented a streaking, yellow grin to the girl. "Haha! That I am, m'dear! All because of you! Ye' saved us both, Miss October." he regarded her with a sagely nod, as he gave her a nice pat on the back.

"So... I think the situation bodes me t'ask, who ye' are, Miss October." There was no judgement in his voice. From where he stood, he had no reason to judge anyone. After all, he was the troll.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli continued to nod his head at each of her points. His hand was still placed on her back. Out of habit, he drummed his fingers in thought, along her shoulder-blade. "Well, meh mummy called me lots of awful names, too." He conjured up the memories, and wiggled his head out of relief that such times had passed. "Yes, willy-wanker, prissy queen, sausage nose... All 'orrible, 'orrible things." He snickered. "Now that bloody swig of hellfire is dead and gone. Free champ, I am." He puffed out his chest with pride and joy. A mildy gloomy expression returned to his face. "Never did get to give'er some lil'grand-trolls, though." He shrugged the thought away, and chuckled at his own babbling. "Sorry 'bout that. Usually don't spout such non-sense." He glanced down at the girl with flushed green cheeks.

"Ye' mentioned magic?" He tried half-heartedly to redirect the conversation away from himself.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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"Aw shucks..." Oli turned his head away, facing one cheek to the girl. He was practically embarassed to recieve so much appreciation. "You're quite the putzy lass, yourself. Easy on the eyes, that is." He raised his brows, appearing as if he said something wrong, or simply not right.

Oli cleared his throat. "A-And, ye' are correct." He straightened his tie. "If it weren't for your magic, I'd look much less handsome, than I do now." He gave her a mischievious wink.

"Now," He stepped to the side of the girl, and presented his arm to escort her elsewhere. "Shall we?"

The setting changes from The Ruins to Solinus Sea Eastern Bay

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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli shut his eyes, and inhaled the crisp, ocean air. "Yes, 'tis very lovely, indeed." A grand smile curled about his lips. He was beginning to charish his time with October, as well. He didn't often pay much attention to the bouts of romance, or even friendships, for that matter. He felt a bit easy around October. There was only the present time they spent together. A bliss of innocent travels, and explorations of the simple things in life.

His eyes darted to October, regarding her comment of the Pelicans; he glanced down at her hand. "Well, Miss October those lil'tings are called Pelicans. Can see, though, they aren't much lil'as they tend to bite your fingers with them bloody humungus beaks of their's." He cocked a brow, and narrowed his eyes at the birds. He was quite exasperated toward them, as if he'

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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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He was quite exasperated, as if he'd had a previous encounter with them.

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Character Portrait: Oliver Frye
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Oli pursed his lips, curiously watching the girl. He almost couldn't wait to see what she would do next; he found her child-like reaction to everything to be a most joyous aspect. When she looked back to him, the troll shook his head and smiled. He held back a small chuckle. "Careful, Miss October!" he called lightly, when she walked under the pier, but she appeared to be too fascinated with it all.

And there it was: He immediately spotted the large, white, foamy wave, which soon encompassed the entireity of October. The troll fumbled along through the sand, as he made his best attempt at sprinting toward the girl. "Miss October!" He began to shout, anxious about the tumble she took. He cuffed the rim of his hat, as he ran. Oli's feet were followed by small splashes, when they hit the water. The better half of his pants were soaked along with his shoes. Water wasn't ever the best environment for leather, either.

Acid yellow eyes darted over her person. He shook his head, again, when he finally realized she was laughing. "Oh bother..." He mumbled. "Ya'had me a bit worried, love."