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Raschiel Sakatitae

A charismatic business person struggling with their identity

0 · 427 views · located in Millenium Plaza

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by PastelHarmony


These Swimsuits turn invisible when worn, but they also turn gender specific parts invisible as well, allowing for clean innocent nudity, and full body tans.
These Shieldbraces can be found only on Origin. They project a hardlight shield in front of the user when activated using a combination of magic and tech.
These clothes are made of a material stronger then steel, and forged using nanotechnology as they were being enchanted at the same time. They provide far greater protection then standard variety armor.
The latest Pulser Glove design, this thing has a large amount of auxillery functions, more then the X2, including a portable scanner, lifesigns reader, and Hazmat Shield Generator.
This counts as an ID, pamphlet, map, passport, notebook, and all around useful item. Some people also put in research ntoes for plasma energy, summoning rituals, and robot designs in here. They are enchanted to be invincible.


If you asked someone what they thought of Raschiel, they would probably say, "He's a conniving snake but puts on a great show." If you asked Raschiel the same question, he'd probably say "I don't know. I'm starting to think I never did."


Raschiel is a 24 year old businessman who stands at about 5' 7" and weighs 131 pounds. He runs a company called Orgil which provides a social media service through a combination of technology and magic. In his childhood, Raschiel was raised by lower-class parents who didn't participate in his upbringing. He learned math and psychology on his own, obtaining a scholarship as a business major. He acts aloof and materialistic but has insecurities about his impact on the world and what his identity truly is.

So begins...

Raschiel Sakatitae's Story


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
"So, Raschiel..." Therion looked around the Academy, "Where to?"


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Raschiel turned, replying with a slight smirk. "Oh, I'm just wandering around." He was about to ask how the black-haired youth knew his name, before remembering Orgil's recent mainstream success. "Are you a student here?"


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
Therion let his shoulders roll in a non-committal shrug, "Alumni. Academy Board sent me to make sure you have everything you need." Raising a palm to his mouth to hide a yawn, he continued, "Feel free to wander, I was told you're cleared to go almost anywhere in the city."


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Raschiel examined the strange man, noticing his indifferent demeanor. Experimentally, he tuned his voice about 7% warmer and 5% more respectful. Though this person was younger than him, he was certainly nothing to be trifled at. "Okay. Well, Mr. Alumni, what can I call you?"


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
Raising an eyebrow, Theri briefly contemplated what he had done to get saddled with this responsibility. “Judex will do fine when addressing me, sir.” His voice reflected an effort to appear respectful to the Academy’s guest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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"So formal, Judex. Please, there's no need to call me sir." Ras tilted his head to the side, chuckling internally at Judex's annoyance. Instinctually, he wondered what the stranger thought of him, self-consciousness kicking in before he could control it. His voice softened as he continued, adding, "Ras is fine."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
"Uh..." Usually Academy's guests were stiffs, and Ras's nonchalance took Therion off guard, "Of course, Ras sir." With a slight bow, the Magi continued, "Well formality aside, I am to ensure you have an easy time of navigating the city today, and Spyder will bite my head off if I give you a bad impression. So where would you like to go?"


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Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Ras laughed lightly, pleased that Judex seemed to be warming up to him. He took a moment to think before replying, "Well, I've been meaning to visit Millenium Plaza. There's supposed to be a cafe around there. Have you heard of it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
Therion nodded happily, there was indeed a cafe there and it had excellent chai. With a grin, he started to make his way to the plaza, "I'll lead the way. You should try the chicken panini if you're into that sort of stuff. The sun-dried tomatoes really pull the whole thing together!"

The setting changes from Astrius Academy to Millenium Plaza


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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"... Wow." Ras smiled despite himself. After living in downtown Hayslem for years before migrating to Corranus Lane, where Orgil HQ was located, he was finally seeing Millenium Plaza for the first time. It was funny, actually, how long he had taken to simply walk down the block and encounter the life overflowing from every corner of the area. Maybe it was how this place contrasted with his meticulously controlled life, or maybe it was the busker singing the same lullaby he could still recall his mother singing, but Ras felt a certain sense of joy welling up inside of him that hadn't been present for a long time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
"... Wow." Therion leaned against a lampost, hands in his pockets, watching with an entertained smile as the CEO of Orgil took in a sight that the Magi considered quite ordinary. The humdrum daily life on any part of Origin was lame in comparison to some of the things in the Dreaming; though Chai was a close creature comfort when he needed something to ward off banality. "The cafe is just ahead Ras, sir."

Starting forward, he made sure to match his pace to the Academy's guest, on the off chance someone who meant him harm was lurking nearby


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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"There's no need to call me sir," reminded Ras as he fell into step next to Judex. Noticing his slight shift in behavior, Ras wondered if the Academy Board had really thought he required a bodyguard. An average, non-magical guide would have been fine for the purposes of helping him navigate the city, and Judex was obviously anything but. He sighed inwardly; there had only been one assassination attempt, it really wasn't a big deal. Regardless, he planned on enjoying himself today, thoughts settling peacefully as they drew close to the cafe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
"Right, Ras." It felt odd referring to the CEO by such a familiar term, but he had experienced odder things and quickly adjusted. "So is there any validity to the rumors that Orgil collects your data through their social media platform?" Perhaps he should have waited until they had ordered to ask such a loaded question, but he really didn't want the conversation to last long enough to ruin his drink.

The logo of the local cafe was quite charming, as far as Therion was concerned, the cutesy rendition of a stylized cup of coffee was simplistic but pleasing to the eye. It always reminded him of the dirt chai lattes that Spyder makes. Luckily enough there was only a single person in line when they arrived, "You can order first if you're ready, I might get something new..." The menu had changed... what the heck was an upside-down Matcha Frappuccino?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Ras looked down at the menu, taking a moment to acknowledge Judex's question. They did "collect information", though he grimaced at calling it that, but people weren't usually keen on acknowledging the nuances. Still, it would be good to address the problem. They really should have a press conference about that- Ras made a mental note to bring that up next meeting. He replied honestly, "Well, all social media companies collect information to an extent. But we don't use it like most people assume we do. To be completely truthful, our main goal is to have people stay on our site longer. More time means more ads, more ads means more profit." He shrugged in a perfectly rehearsed casual gesture, waiting for Judex's response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
Waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, Therion explained, "Oh it's no skin off my back, I don't use the service, personally." In reality, there weren't many sites nowadays that didn't collect some sort of data; the only thing differentiating between malicious or not was what data exactly. It was all a bit too complicated for him, and as such he did his best to stay away from it all, perhaps that was why the board had chosen him, rather than someone who carried around electronics.

"I was just curious I guess. Still not sure if I should buy a phone and use social media myself." He smiled brightly and approached the counter, "The usual Ma'am." The barista rolled her eyes but didn't say anything as she started to make the order. "I have a line of credit set up here, through the Academy. Order whatever, I'm going to write it off as a business expense anyways "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Ras laughed lightly, glancing at Judex. It was true that magic could be used as an alternative to technology, but most people had phones anyways, including his only two of his friends. They also used Orgil, so it was nice to level the playing field for once, if only slightly.

"I'll get whatever you're getting," decided Ras. He added, "Getting a phone depends on your lifestyle, I guess. Obviously, I enjoy them, but I tend to be more of an introvert so communicating through a screen is easier."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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#, as written by Sepokku
"Make that two!" He called after the barista before walking back to wait with Ras, "Electronics make me a little paranoid, to be honest." He couldn't help but think of the scientist who had turned him off to all things technological, "I know someone who can talk to machines." A frown slowly grew across his face, "Scary stuff." He shuddered before laughing, "If only people knew how much data the average phone collected."

He hoped his attempt at levity hadn't backfired, "They're certainly convenient, but I would have to buy some sort of lead box to keep it in when not in use." A contemplative look flashed across the Magi's face for a moment while he thought of the logistics.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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Ras quirked a small smile at Judex’s frown, brushing it off at present. “It is pretty scary if you think about it, I guess.” He folded his arms, wondering what type of person would talk to machines. He supposed it was possible, but it seemed such an odd field to pursue. Then again, he couldn’t really talk.

“Well, lead is pretty heavy so you might not be able to carry around a box of it. And half the reason people get phones anyways is to show it off.” He gave a small chuckle.