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The Multiverse

Astrius Academy

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Astrius Academy is not a normal school, but a school for interest, knowledge, adventure, and phenomenon. It teaches people about robotics, magic, lasers, spirits, and all sorts, and it has grades between Pre-School and College, able to handle any and all.

LookingAtPerks holds sovereignty over Astrius Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

6,968 readers have been here.



Astrius Academy is not a normal school, but a school for interest, knowledge, adventure, and phenomenon. It teaches people about robotics, magic, lasers, spirits, and all sorts, and it has grades between Pre-School and College, able to handle any and all.

Although optional, it is highly recommended that all students use the Dorm System to avoid missing any class, and to help build bonds between those they study with. Additionally, it helps with security and safety, and prevents criminal acts such as kidnappings and the like.

They have all sorts of facilities, from those that deal with magic, to those that handle technology, to those that handle what is inbetween.

Astrius Academy welcomes people of all ages into its doors, to prepare them for this world, other words, and life itself. It even has a combat training VR room for that reason, complete with holographic projectors.

If you would like to request special arrangements, please visit Dr. Azler, the Principle of the School.

Additionally, a (hopefully fully updated) Roster of students and faculty can be found here. If you find that someone is missing from the information, please contanct the administrative staff immediately.


The Dorms are split into four sections: Boy's Dorm, Girl's Dorm, Special Dorms, and Faculty Dorms. The two largest are the Boy's Dorm and the Girl's Dorm, which have their own built in community kitchens, fridges, public baths, and Rec Rooms. Everyone has a roommate, and even those who are great like Potential Heroes, prodigies, and geniuses may be here.

Special Rooms are for those with special circumstances, situations, or the reason is deemed important enough. This often includes siblings of opposite gender, who end up in the Special Dorm to stay closer even if it means sharing a room. It may also be rooms with special equipment, or if there is a critical reason they need to live alone. The Special Dorms are also located in the same building as the Faculty Dorms, so seeing each other for baths, morning breakfast, and what not and help each other out.

Now, unlike most schools you go to, Astrius thinks learning is best through practical experience. So while there will be papers, homework, lectures, and textbooks, if one is taking Magic Class, they will be shown how to and even test out themselves practical applications of what they were talking about.

Most classes are flexible in what you can take, but you do have to take some mandatory classes at least and have a certain amount of classes in your schedule. Things like "Physical Development" and all that...but if you think that means normal Gym, noooooope!

A large amount of the school is practical experience and self work, and that includes running experiments, thinking of new ideas, and so on.

Also, students who are skilled enough or capable enough are allowed to defend Astrius Academy from all manner of threats and dangers. Which, surprisingly happens more often then one would think. However, the students and staff are all extremely capable, and even if something bad does happen, it is still one of the best places to get an education, and even not the most dangerous.

This school is probably the most fun school you will ever attend.
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Astrius Academy

Astrius Academy is not a normal school, but a school for interest, knowledge, adventure, and phenomenon. It teaches people about robotics, magic, lasers, spirits, and all sorts, and it has grades between Pre-School and College, able to handle any and all.


Astrius Academy is a part of Hayslem City.

9 Places in Astrius Academy:

11 Characters Here

Lorne Seto [20] Shy and sweet
Lilian Valentine [13] A powerful healer with a dark secret.
Ruby Ellsworth [12] A soft spoken, introverted alchemist.
Petra Meyer [11] "I'mma heal you real good!"
Lady Spyder [6] Spider Demoness of Arcadia
Primaris [5] "In the Alovai's name."
Chara Dreemurr [2] Not much is known about him
Rosemary Valentine [2] Aggressively magic gay pink nurse girl who brags about her mom a lot.
Dr. Roland Schmidt [0] Dr. Roland Schmidt is a Nordic German professor and physicist at the Astrius Academy's science facility and research department.
Sisters Sybil [0] "Sisters three are we, tis the future we Sybil see"

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Available Wares

Pulser Glove X3

94 remaining 100,000.00 bits Buy for 100,000.00 bits »

Salamander Sword

94 remaining 100,000.00 bits Buy for 100,000.00 bits »

The Shieldbrace

980 remaining 1,000.00 bits Buy for 1,000.00 bits »

Pulser Glove X2

1,000 remaining 1,000.00 bits Buy for 1,000.00 bits »

Caster Ring

9,985 remaining 1,000.00 bits Buy for 1,000.00 bits »

Pulser Glove

100,000 remaining 10.00 bits Buy for 10.00 bits »

Astrius Academy Handbook

9,999,961 remaining 0.10 bits Buy for 0.10 bits »

Nanowave Clothes

9,999,990 remaining 0.10 bits Buy for 0.10 bits »

Invisible Swimsuit

9,999,997 remaining 0.00 bits Buy for 0.00 bits »

Are Ruisha arrives, coming from Astrius Academy.
Scout Arl materializes from the void.
Scout Arl vanishes into nothingness, but you get the feeling they are heading somewhere else.
Scout Arl materializes from the void.
Scout Arl vanishes into nothingness, but you get the feeling they are heading somewhere else.
Peter R. Sheffield has arrived, coming from Hayslem City Universal Port and Dock.
Peter R. Sheffield has left the area, heading north towards Hayslem City Universal Port and Dock.
Raschiel Sakatitae has arrived, coming from Hayslem City Universal Port and Dock.
Raschiel Sakatitae buys Nanowave Clothes for 0.10 bits of INK.
Raschiel Sakatitae buys Pulser Glove X3 for 100,000.00 bits of INK.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
"So, Raschiel..." Therion looked around the Academy, "Where to?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

Raschiel turned, replying with a slight smirk. "Oh, I'm just wandering around." He was about to ask how the black-haired youth knew his name, before remembering Orgil's recent mainstream success. "Are you a student here?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Therion let his shoulders roll in a non-committal shrug, "Alumni. Academy Board sent me to make sure you have everything you need." Raising a palm to his mouth to hide a yawn, he continued, "Feel free to wander, I was told you're cleared to go almost anywhere in the city."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

Raschiel examined the strange man, noticing his indifferent demeanor. Experimentally, he tuned his voice about 7% warmer and 5% more respectful. Though this person was younger than him, he was certainly nothing to be trifled at. "Okay. Well, Mr. Alumni, what can I call you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Raising an eyebrow, Theri briefly contemplated what he had done to get saddled with this responsibility. “Judex will do fine when addressing me, sir.” His voice reflected an effort to appear respectful to the Academy’s guest.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

"So formal, Judex. Please, there's no need to call me sir." Ras tilted his head to the side, chuckling internally at Judex's annoyance. Instinctually, he wondered what the stranger thought of him, self-consciousness kicking in before he could control it. His voice softened as he continued, adding, "Ras is fine."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
"Uh..." Usually Academy's guests were stiffs, and Ras's nonchalance took Therion off guard, "Of course, Ras sir." With a slight bow, the Magi continued, "Well formality aside, I am to ensure you have an easy time of navigating the city today, and Spyder will bite my head off if I give you a bad impression. So where would you like to go?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.25 INK

Ras laughed lightly, pleased that Judex seemed to be warming up to him. He took a moment to think before replying, "Well, I've been meaning to visit Millenium Plaza. There's supposed to be a cafe around there. Have you heard of it?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Therion Judex Character Portrait: Raschiel Sakatitae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Therion nodded happily, there was indeed a cafe there and it had excellent chai. With a grin, he started to make his way to the plaza, "I'll lead the way. You should try the chicken panini if you're into that sort of stuff. The sun-dried tomatoes really pull the whole thing together!"

Therion Judex picks up the Astrius Academy Handbook.
Therion Judex ascends towards Hayslem City.
Raschiel Sakatitae buys Astrius Academy Handbook for 0.10 bits of INK.
Raschiel Sakatitae has left the area, heading up towards Avenue of Heroes.
Raschiel Sakatitae has arrived, coming from Avenue of Heroes.
Raschiel Sakatitae has left the area, heading up towards Avenue of Heroes.