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"Bounty hunter extraordinaire, technological genius, and hero of wars. All in my own words"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine


Name: "Russian"

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Personality: Russian is a laid back and carefree individual. He is also very intelligent and fond of weapons and machines, he makes his own weapons, mech suits, gadgets, plans, and is capable of hacking into most security systems.

Equipment: Russian's equipment varies heavily but his most used items include: A single modified bolt action rifle, a device on his arm capable of projecting a shield or hacking, a padded uniform based off of a soviet soldier back in a world war, a captains cap, and multiple devices capable of transforming into mech suits or humanoid robots. He also has multiple connections alowing him to call in supply drops, reinforcements, old allies, etc.

History: From what "Russian" could remember about his past, all he can remember was kidnapped by a group of masked soldiers and hauled off inside a truck. The rest of his story began after waking up in a stasis tank in a facility which appeared long abandoned. From what he discovered from old documents carefully preserved he was chosen to be a test subject for the "New Human R.U.S.S.I.A.N" program. The program was a government funded project which would create a super human type of soldier, a soldier capable of making rash and tactical decisions, create and improve on new weapons, better reflexes, unable to age so he can learn and remember every battle he has encountered, but he can be killed like a normal man. The project seemed to go belly up when he was supposedly dead and dumped into a stasis tank to be later recovered for genes.

From then on Russian has lived for a very long time, he has become a bounty hunter and taking on dangerous missions, fought against other genetically enhanced humans threatening to conquer earth, managed to assemble an entire army composed militia and space battleships against an entire alien species wiping them out, participated in an intergalactic space war and help said side win, and even had a relationship with a human-cat hybrid.

Notes: Is terrified of Nekojhins(cat girls)

Spaniard: Old freind
Lake: Aquantince
Echo: Intimate relationship, considers her a cool friend.
Hadriel: Wants to murder him, nothing much here
Shiro: Wants to bring him to justice, nothing much here

So begins...

"Russian"'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Natuna Belladorei Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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Energy seemed to surge around Vigil as he stood his ground. His cloak ebbed and flowed, seemingly disregarding gravity and physics. Things were quickly getting out of hand, an inmate was practically torn in two by one of the soldiers, who turned it's attention toward the three of them. The thing was lumbering forward, clearly confident in its own victory. Vigil turned his sharp eyes on the approaching suit of armor and raised his hand, energy pulsing like bone and vein, flexing as an orange spark appeared. Each time his hand flexed the spark grew as though he was fanning a flame, until there was a sphere of flame around his hand, then he thrust his hand forward.

The Marine began to scream. Partially due to his own blood lust, but partially due to the sudden burning in his suit of armor. Vigil kept his focus on the thing, now charging toward him with chainsword raised, pressing his hand forward as if against some unseen resistance. The energy between his eyes sparked and cracked, his cloak rose as he gathered his strength, and punched forward again, his open hand outward. A second flame ignited and shot forward, hitting the chaos marine full in the chest. This caused the marine to stumble in it's charge, and scream ever louder, but it continued forward. Vigil kept his hand extended, continuing to focus on the fire within the marines suit as he raised his own sword, it flashed with a sudden glow as he stepped forward to meet the crazed enemies assault. He threw all of his remaining strength into the swing as he parry'd the violent downward stroke of the marine and stepped to the side. This, along with the still constant burning, caused the marine to finally fall forward to the ground. Vigil's right hand shifted and the fire went out, replaced now by a great weight pushing down on the marines back. With his enemy's movement slowed Vigil moved quickly to his back and thrust his sword towards the seam below the helmet.

He was quickly beginning to find himself torn between the events occurring around him and his distaste for being directly involved in combat... "Perhaps finding a way out of this place sooner rather than later would be prudent." He mussed out loud.

The setting changes from Facility 104 to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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At the mention of a door blocking their path, Russian spoke up. "I can easily get that door open, just give me a minute or two and that door will be open like a jar full of...cookies?" He started but he watched as Rei pushed past Daisy and began to hack the door herself. Was it just him or did she just steal his thunder? Whatever it was he just sighed and looked outside the window, curious when he heard Daisy shout in surprise.

Looking outside the window Russian couldn't help but whistle and marvel at the sight of the old warship. "Interesting ship, you said it was a...Macluan Warship, am I correct? Well whatever it was its gotta be worth a lot of money if we can bring some of its components with us but atlas...if only I had brought some sort of towing ship, I could easily get that ship working at full efficiency. If I get the materials of course, military grade stuff is expensive."

Suddenly something hit him in the head, not physically but mentally. He said Warship right? Then why on earth did the previous owners of this station abandon a multi-million dollar warship? "Hey Daisy, your like the captain of this expedition right? Do you happen to know who owned this station? Or better yet why do you think anyone would leave behind a very expensive warship for scavengers like us to ransack it. I mean if they were in a rush sure they would leave it behind, but what emergency would warrant leaving behind that ship behind? Even if they were under attack the enemy would take it with them. Perhaps the people on this station mysteriously died and whatever killed them is still on this ship and lurking in the corridors and has probably sensed us and is planning some sort of ambush to give us tea and cookies." He laughed playfully even though he had just pointed out something which would set some fear in the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Being interrupted from her reveries she coughed awkwardly having been expected as being seen as the leader, but not expecting it at the same time, nonetheless she turned her face from the scrap of a lifetime and gave a shrug, "It's rather why I want to look at the logs of the station, perhaps it could help fill in the blanks. I do know these details in its golden age, the station had visitors and ambassadors from all the old nations. It was meant to be I believe a neutral diplomatic zone. No one quite sure what happened, of course there is theories the most common being that someone brought something highly infectious on board and to prevent spread they barred all doors. Of course this is only one historian's theory. It is in essence an enigma." noticing the looks she slapped her face, "Oh god, you don't think that is the first thing I checked. I checked for any pathogens with my scan when docking, there is nothing although I still want to see those logs or maybe this anomaly is part of the equation." giving half-hearted shrug she took a breath, "I admit I am in this for more than the money, after all I am descended from one of the older nations, like way back. Barely noticible except when you examine my blood."

Sighing she pulled out a device from her pocket, it appeared to some sort of automatic note-taker, a rather flimsy device, but popular with the Journalists around the systems, "Anyway, I am sure answers will be provided once we reach the control room, although from here on in, the doors will be even tougher to crack open. People can get in here fine, but they rarely get elsewhere as the door to control room is utterly impossible to crack, thus why I wanted two expert hackers or crackers. Anything can be broken open and that control room has answers to century long questions."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

"The Macluan's were quite the race with military prowess, rumor has it that they were in negotiations with this particular station for trade and things were going good until someone insulted someone's mother." Rei said with slight snicker as her voice floated up from where she was hunched over the control panel at the door. "It would be a hell of a scrap, but good luck getting past it's weapons... if they're awake." She added as she watched a complex ream of code scroll by on a small holographic display projected against the nearby bulkhead wall.

"Developing nations will pay a nice price for hell class weapons. You know the sort that are eager to show their own how well they can defend themselves against larger nations in acquisition attempts." Rei continued with a slight shrug as she pinpointed the weakness she was getting ready to exploit. "Alright, gentlemen, and lady. Prepare for open sesame!" She said with a grin as the group heard the locks begin to cycle with dull, halting, and grinding; hinting at the century or longer's worth of disuse.

"Next one's yours Russ." She said looking back over her shoulder at the group.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

More stale air. It was the first thing Seth noticed as the door opened. He hadn't realized air could feel so stale. The door creaked and jolted as it opened, almost like it was protesting being woken up for this task, but finally it was open. Seth took a lost look at the openness of space, and turned toward the darkness of the stations interior.

There were few lights, mostly small, all dim. None of them put off enough light to see by. He flipped on a light that was hanging at his chest and light filled the space before him. Everything looked strangely clean, there was the thinnest layer of dust covering everything, but in the closed station once everything had settled there was nothing left to accumulate. "No doubt lights and circulation are in the control room." He mussed as he looked around casually. "Unless there are mechanical controls somewhere?" if they could get the lights on before trying to get into the control room it would make things easier, if they could get the ventilation working it would make things more comfortable, he kept his eyes peeled for anything that looked like it might control those systems, but didn't get the feeling he was going to have much luck. He saw a few panels that looked like remote access for the lighting but when he tried them nothing responded, they would have to find a sub relay or master control panel to get the remote access system back online.

"Keep an eye out for danger high voltage marked doors, hopefully we can get into the lighting system if we find a sub relay." He continued into the station slowly, "I told you all we should have made reservations..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

After hearing the two ladies theories on what happened to the station, Russian soon turned his attention to the door as it opened. "Well thanks for letting me get the next locked thing, now let us proceed onward into that very dark corridor. I'm sure that's safe!" He exclaimed as he followed behind the others into the dark corridor and un-slung his rifle and turned on a flashlight.

As he walked through the corridor he made sure to make sure each room with the door was open was clear and not filled with some sleeping aliens. Instead all he found in each room was rubble and old terminals that were long since broken, nothing even worth salvaging. There was one thing he hated about corridors, if they got flanked they would have nowhere to retreat which was unsettling to say the least. Of course he may just be paranoid and thinking of possible situations that may not happen to them.

"Jeeze...could have picked some sort of alien hive and it would be less creepier then this place. Maybe we should make our way to the stations armory or storage bay, it must contain some loot that we could snag. Afterwards we can head to the stations command center, get some info about this place then get to this strange reading that the captain discovered."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Finally entering the innards of the colossal space station, she pulled out a hand torch from her pocket and shone the beam in front of her, from what she could see this appeared to be a loading bay, which likely meant nearby was the hanger. Technically she find the entrance to this, open the main door and go back to move the ship, but it was a huge hassle and the ship was safe. Besides who knew if the hanger doors worked, although this thought did bring a new one to the forefront, "If that warship still outside, it is probable if we can open the hanger doors there may be some landed ships we could salvage from, in fact since Russ you were interested in that stuff, once we get power back on from control room, you can see what you can find in the hanger. Although tell us if you find any Macluan Tech contact us." shining the light down the passage, she too could notice the thick stale air, and found herself breathing through her nose rather her mouth to prevent coughing, "Let's see schematics I saw, suggested the control was assessible from here..."

Pausing she started walking around to further inspect trying to be sure of the layout, or even trying to find manual light box, after a bit of searching she discovered it near some old crates, checking she broke the lid before rerouting the power and in a flash the lights went on, lighting up the room.

The room was in utter chaos, boxes strewn everywhere, blaster burns covering the walls and ceilings and finally to make this display complete a skeleton with extreme damage to their back, more blaster abrasions. Ignoring this, or choosing not to comment, Daisy, saw a huge door that was obviously the control room, "There it is, I am going to search these crates while you guys handle the blast doors."

Carefully she approached one, and first unsuccessfully tried to rip the lid off, sadly she did not have much upper body strength, so brute force would not remove the lid. Glaring at the inanimate object, she huffed annoyed before, looking to her gun, grinning, and immediately switching the mode of the shotgun to quick burst. Once done, two loud blasts would be heard, as the lid was utterly obliterated.

Once the wreckage cleared, she peered in ignoring all safety concerns and immediately her eyes widened in surprise, "Guys there is some sort of mineral in this one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

"Oh you're welcome, and don't worry sweetie, it's probably as safe as an asteroid field." Rei replied with a lopsided, lazy grin.

Following Daisy and the others through the station towards the main control room, she coughed and hacked as she struggled with the stale, dust filled air. "Likely will be more than just Maculan tech there, looks like this was some sort of refueling stop for chemical based drives." She said as she paused to rub a bit of dust off a nearby sign with multiple languages. With it's red lettering and arrow, it most likely directed persons towards a mess or other important office.

Looking at Daisy and then the blast doors, she shrugged and motioned towards Russian. "After you." Rei said, slightly curious as to what the contents of the crates might be, as mineral didn't really tell her anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Seth switched off his light as the power came up, grateful of the improved situation. He wouldn't have much luck with the door to the control room so he continued to meander about, trying to figure out what some of the labels on a crate meant when Daisy blew the top off another causing him to jump around in surprise. He certainly hadn't been expecting her method. "Well, remind me to call you if I ever need something highly explosive or fragile opened, eh?"

He peaked inside after the smoke cleared when she exclaimed that there was some sort of mineral in the crate. "Oh, interesting... mhmmm, uh huh..." He made a point of looking at the stuff like he had seen it before, running his hand around the crate a bit in a show of examining the contents before finishing. "So what the hell is it?"

He then realized that having no idea what the stuff was, he had no idea if it had been safe to touch... but he wasn't dead and his gloves didn't seem to be melting away at the moment, so he assured himself it couldn't possibly be that bad.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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0.00 INK

Z groaned, not unlike the pile of metal she had slept upon, as she rolled off of last night's bed. Rubbing her eyes, she hopped onto the ground with a soft thump

She passed what was left of the fight last night. Rusty stains that were not rust, newly scorched metal blending in with the old, thick claw marks that could almost be from swords, sword marks that could've been from claws and a single crossbow bolt, imbedded in the skeleton of an old ship.

The previous night was the first sleep she'd gotten in months. And so, nine hours, many sleep-deprived remarks, and some not-so-thought out flirts ago, she got into a fight. Two big, burly men who were half angry at flirts directed at their girlfriends, half confused at the very same flirts directed at them, had dragged her away, beating her like a sack of potatoes. They probably thought her dead, but she was just so hard to kill if you didn't know what she was. Rubbing her back, Zenoch made a mental note not to get in fights. She also noted the sound of approaching footsteps as she backed into the shadows.

She could just not fight, she could be peaceful.

But that was just sooooo hard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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0.00 INK

As the lights switched on, the paranoia that welled up in Russian dissipated as quickly as it came. Maybe it was the warming aura of the light? Oh who was he kidding, it was now because he could now see more than a few feet in front of him. If he can see an enemy coming from a longer distance then he had no fear because he could easily gun them down before they even got close enough.

While he was thinking, Daisy told them that she was going to search some crates while they get the blast doors. Since Rei told him he could hack the next thing he leaped next to the door and pulled out a strange device that was attached to his arm. "Now lets see what type of security this door has..." Mumbling to himself, a hologram floated about his device and he gave a small whistle. "Military grade security, must be some good loot in there to be locked tight by a blast door. I can get it open in no time." He then began to furiously move his fingers all over the holographic display, and in just half a minute the door clicked but did not open. "And like magic, the door is unlocked. But now its time to find out what Daisy found!" He exclaimed before going into the room where Daisy had gone into to open the crates, curious about the mineral she found.

Entering the room, he moved to where the others had gathered and peered into the box. It was definitely a mineral, but he had never seen this type of mineral before. "I say we take it with us, might be valuable, or durable enough to make some type of armor with it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Clearly not paying complete attention, Daisy scooped her hand into the crate and dug out one of the aforementioned minerals. As she weighed it in her hand, she gave one wry smirk at Seth, "Maybe it is slow acting..." nonetheless she continued her examination. It was really rather light, but appeared hard and dense. Yet the weight did not correspond to the actual knowledge she had. The one she had in her hands, gripping tightly was almost very dark purple. whereas others inside were brighter. Including some being magenta. It came across less carbon-based and more like quartz.

As she examined the rock, her perspiration was so plentiful it suddenly slipped out of her grasp. Quickly she tried to catch it, half-juggling before it finally fell. The woman assumed there would be a crash and covered her eyes. Instead it merely fell. No damage, nothing. Picking it back up sheepishly, she resumed her examination after rubbing her hands over her suit. Not as fragile, but still sharing characteristics of it. Being she had no prior knowledge to actual Geology she could only make empty guesses based on what she knew, and what her eyes saw.

Regarding the one in her hand she decided to try something, but first replied to Russ, "It certainly appears hardy and capable of handling any abuse, but let's see what happens when I do fire at it." not awaiting an answer she started the process.

Carefully she placed it upon an un-open crate, switched the mode of her shotgun to shorter radius and fired once. The blast did nothing to the rock, but damaged the lid. In fact the blast had not even left a heat burn upon it facets. Puzzled she stared over it before pulling away.

Once more she tried again, aiming carefully, and watching, the beam appeared to pass through it, but not tarnish or fracture it's appearance. In fact the very rock appeared to have temporarily displaced itself when anything could damage it. Strange, but not impossible to imagine. Though, considering how light it was, it could in theory make very good armour, although how did it actually work?

Shrugging she then approached fresh crate, and fired again, destroying the lid and this time discovering weapons, but none she could name or even comprehend, "Oi, everyone there is some freaky-looking weapons here. Nothing I seen on the markets, not even Aschen tech looks this fucking strange..." drawing one up, she examined this, while awaiting the door to be opened.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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0.00 INK

"Woah, go easy on the throttle there Dias!" Rei complained, her ears ringing from the second gun blast. "Don't blow us all to hell and back with that thing." She continued to complain as she walked over to observe the contents of the open crates. "Weapons and... purple moon rocks. The weapons are probably worth something, but the rocks look worthless." Rei remarked picking up one of the many purple hued minerals present in the crate. "What the hell were they doing with these anyway?"

The minerals weren't exactly normal fare for a space station, even one that acted as a refuel stop and small trade hub. "I say we figure out what these weapons do before putting them on the market." Rei said as she picked up one of the weapons from the crate, dusting off the soft organic packing that had cradled them for the past however many years. "While I enjoy a double cross as much as the next one of us, I don't like business problems."

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to Facility 104


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Lake didn't hear Russian grumble of who just joined the party, she was in the heat of battle. Swarming the CSm she targeted with a deadly dance, the massive creatures armor was no use against her speed and strength. Not to mention her identity disc which now appeared thicker then normal as she put it into one single disc and stabbed directly into the massive and VERY diurty CSM's armor, derezzing a hole in the thing she stabbed her right arm into the armor and wrenched out the things heart, easily dropping it to the ground as the chaos marine screamed and with the last of its life fell over dead as Lake stepped down hard on its heart, squishing it into oblivion

reaching down she picked up the chainsword, a dull red hue, it was a huge as fuck weapon in her slender clearly much smaller hands. But she didn't give two fucks whatsoever as the thing started up. It sounded like a chainsaw, or like that Drillerbot she had to contend with in New York one year with the Autobots. But it didn't matter as she ran headlong at one of the most massive ugly things she had ever seen.

A Chaos Prince.

She did however over the din of the chainsword, hear Vigil recommend an exit strategy. She smirked and replied simply "Find a broken but not completely destroyed lightbulb, and a network terminal, and I can get us an exit path!" She ducked the sweing of the massive creature and just chucked the chainsword at it. stabbing into its gut before withdrawing her identity disc and splitting it into two.

Now the party truly began as she jumped the massive creature!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

"Alright, find a lightbulb that has not been crushed to dust and a network terminal that has not been destroyed yet...I heard of stranger plans." Russian spoke as he chambered another round into his rifle and shot another chaos marine straight through his head, easily putting down the deranged maniac.

"The fool thinks he is safe in his armoured shell, we shall crack it open and drag him from the remains!" A raspy voice belonging to one of the marines yelled out from behind him. As he turned around rifle at the ready, he saw a trio of chaos space marine havoks, each holding an auto cannon which were all aimed at him. Russian quickly ran to the nearest piece of cover as the trio embedded their feet into the ground, giving them the support they needed to rain death on his position without having the recoil affect them.. "Come out and die coward, let your blood satisfy Khorne!" They taunted as his cover was quickly being shredded.

His attention soon turned to the massive creature known as a chaos prince, a human who has ascended to demonhood. "Can it get any worse than this..." As he spoke he saw a portal open up in the distance and a group of five chaos terminators appeared in view, three of them armed with a reaper auto cannon and the other two equipped with lighting claws. "I stand corrected, it can get worse then---" before he finished speaking his mech suit suddenly began to shake as the trio of havoks that were blasting his position destroyed his cover and we're now blasting away at the Russian's shield. "Oh screw off!" He turned to face them, his shields rapidly depleting.

In response to to their attack, he launched a volley of missiles from the mechs shoulders and turned the trio into nothing but blood and viscera. The situation was growing worse, more marines were surely coming to participate in this fight which meant that they had to find a lightbulb in a futuristic prison which probably stopped using light bulbs centuries ago. It soon dawned on him, he could just make his own lightbulb, it was like making a cup of noodles for him.

Running to a new piece of cover, he began to open up compartments in his mech suit and began to grab materials needed for a lightbulb. He had also decided to put his mech on autopilot so it would do the fighting for him. "The things I do for money..." He muttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

Light bulb. Network terminal. Vigil was not entirely sure where he was expected to find these things, nor how they would give them a path out of the prison, but he felt there was little else to do but attempt to get Lake what she had requested.

The marine he was standing on convulsed and spasm'd for a moment as Vigil removed his blade from it's spinal cord. He looked around, the Russian had taken cover, Lake was doing battle with a massive, thing, Vigil decided to attempt to find a network terminal. He made his way quickly toward a wall and followed it to the first opening he could find. To his surprise the hallway had yet to be touched by the violence occurring behind him, he set off cautiously, unsure of what to expect.

A number of turns later he was halted by what looked like a pack of dogs feasting on, what he could only assume had been an inmate or guard. Vigil stopped dead in his tracks and didn't make a sound, he was eerily quiet as he watched the beasts. They were hideous and massive. Deciding against wanton violence he turned and made his way silently down the opposite corridor which lead him to a heavily secured single door, clearly used for guard access. He pressed his ear to the cold steel of the door, listening intently, he assumed that with all the commotion more guards would no doubt be dispatched to augment other security measures. He focused on the material, the metal, the molecules, using them as a physical connection he soon heard the other side of the door. Something was coming.

Heavy metallic footsteps. Many of them.

Then he heard the door begin to unlatch. He tucked himself into a small alcove and fell to the floor, almost as if the person inside the cloths had completely disappeared, and slowly the cloak itself seemed to blend in with the floor. The door opened and six guards emerged, they were some sort of android or robot, clearly heavily armed and armored. They paid no mind to him, seemingly set on destroying the hounds on the other end of the corridor, which suited Vigil just fine. As they passed the floor behind them seemed to shift, but the door closed and there was nothing.

Vigil stood up, seemingly out of the floor, on the inside of the door. He looked around him, a number of signs pointed to various official locations, but one caught his eye, Network hub. He set off.

The place was surprisingly quiet, apparently most of the sentient personnel were occupied elsewhere, though he did have to dodge a man running to some unknown part of the prison. Finally he came to the door he was looking for. He went to open it, but stopped, he had no use for the network hub with out Lake and the lighbulb, and for now he had a more pressing problem, the security door did not have a manual override that he saw. He would have to break back into the prison proper in order to let Lake know he had found the network hub...

The setting changes from Facility 104 to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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"Aye stunad!" Seth jumped as Daisy blasted the top off a crate right behind him. "Guarda dove cazzo sei riprese che cosa!" He shook his head and hands quickly, almost comically, in a full body motion as he took a few steps to the side. He began to laugh a bit at himself as Rei took one of the strange weapons out of the crate. He wasn't sure if he wanted much to do with selling weapons, that kind of thing never seemed to end well, but if he was honest neither did deep space scavenging if the movies were any indication.

"Well if we could find out what they do with out shooting them anywhere near my ass, that would be great." he laughed again, but still decided to talk a bit of a walk further away, his nerves were still going and he didn't want to start hearing voices, he had been doing good for a long time.

He wandered a bit, looking at labels, some he could read, many he couldn't, he stuck a few things that looked valuable in a pouch, and a couple of things that simply interested him. He noticed a couple of areas where the lights hadn't come on, various crates and boxes were stacked about. He decided to open a couple for himself, though he planned on not using a firearm to do it. As he approached one he had a strange feeling, like he heard something, or saw something.

"You've watched to many movies Seth..." He reassured himself, "Nothing has been living on this hunk for years." He continued towards the box removing a pry bar from a satchel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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"That that is one tough rock, I call dibs on one!" Russian exclaimed as he grabbed on of the strange metals and shoved it into his bag. Well looks like they are having some luck, first they find some strange metals that seem to outright resist conventional firearms to the point that not even the blast marks were left, but now... "There is also a crate of weapons? Man things are getting good!" He spoke yet again as he walked over to the crate and began to examine the weapons.

They were definitely old with dust covering each one of them, he was interested. Depending on how powerful they were he could use it in the future, maybe even use the weapon as a blueprint for another weapon. Whatever the case he took out one of the weapons, dusted it off, then checked the clip for the ammo it used. The weapon he held in his hand was definitely a rifle in design, and the clip he held was glowing green. Curious about what it fired he slammed the clip back into the gun at took aim at a piece of scrap metal on the floor and took aim through the weapons scope. The scope was advanced indeed, it began to track the other around him and what type of armour they wore. 'Pretty advanced weapon if you ask me, still curious to know why they why they abbandoned crates of these weapons." He then pulled the trigger of the rifle, launching a ball of green plasma at the metal melting it almost instantly. "Looks like this weapon I have fires plasma, not a fan of energy weapons but this will be useful nonetheless."

After testing out his weapon he began to look at more of the crates scattered around the room, looking at labels for anything that interested him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Zenoch "Z" Apollyon
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#, as written by Rulke
When the moronic galoot fired the gun and completely melted the panel, she almost face-palmed.

Glancing back at the door she glared rather annoyed, "Oi Russ the door is still shut, until that Control Room is open we can't do anything so stop playing with your toys and instead get that blasted door to open up. I promise once you do I can check the crew's manifest as well equipment and item manifests. Then we can find out a lot of big questions." pointing towards the door with scowl on her face she shivered, the heating was still not on, perhaps she could, maybe?

It would at least be something useful with that she approached the box she had used to operate the lights and began to try and understand them, commenting quietly to herself as she did. Nothing too extreme nonetheless the heating seem to be controlled via vents and something had blocked them or jammed them, still maybe with some tinkering, perhaps that could provide certain answers? Sighing she carefully coordinated her fingers over the electronic components and screen in front of her, it did show something blocking those vents, "Guys, don't know what it is, but until we get into the control room there will be no heat. Because for some reason the vents that provide heat are jammed, and it seems to be effecting multiply areas of the space station. In the control room I could perhaps completely run a process to clear everything. Though I am still unsure what could be blocking them, these vents are pretty damn sophisicated tech." pausing she took a breath running her hands through her hair in frustration "Rei you recognize any of the tech from this small panel? It shows layout of the vents and all the areas blocked, there is no real pattern."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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Rei frowned as Russ as he open fired with the weapon at a random chunk of metal with the newly found weapon. "Good job genius, why don't you put us all through explosive decompression." She grumbled thinking a new rule needed to be made. "When you pick up the weapons, don't bloody fire them immediately." Rei stated pointing to the two men, who always seemed to have other ideas. "Get the door open and then we'll play with the toys, mkay?"

Glancing over her shoulder as Daisy called her name, she made a face again. "Should have dressed warmer then sweetheart." She commented off hand, though would soon admit she herself was a bit cold in her heavy jacket. "Not that sophisticated, just.. different. It's Tarsian.." Rei remarked peering over the other woman's shoulder for a moment at the small electrical panel. "Hm.." She muttered as she stepped in to take a closer look. "If we do this... this.. and this..." Rei mumbled, hands working nimbly across the screen before peering to look at the electronics again. "In all honesty, it's pretty old tech. If my guess is right, the station probably has some sort of fusion plant keeping it running." She continued as she worked through the system to try and find the right commands to open the vents.

Short of ripping the panel out, she was hitting a dead end. "Stupid...horrible... out modded.." Rei grumbled looking at the screen in annoyance.