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"Bounty hunter extraordinaire, technological genius, and hero of wars. All in my own words"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Specmarine


Name: "Russian"

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Personality: Russian is a laid back and carefree individual. He is also very intelligent and fond of weapons and machines, he makes his own weapons, mech suits, gadgets, plans, and is capable of hacking into most security systems.

Equipment: Russian's equipment varies heavily but his most used items include: A single modified bolt action rifle, a device on his arm capable of projecting a shield or hacking, a padded uniform based off of a soviet soldier back in a world war, a captains cap, and multiple devices capable of transforming into mech suits or humanoid robots. He also has multiple connections alowing him to call in supply drops, reinforcements, old allies, etc.

History: From what "Russian" could remember about his past, all he can remember was kidnapped by a group of masked soldiers and hauled off inside a truck. The rest of his story began after waking up in a stasis tank in a facility which appeared long abandoned. From what he discovered from old documents carefully preserved he was chosen to be a test subject for the "New Human R.U.S.S.I.A.N" program. The program was a government funded project which would create a super human type of soldier, a soldier capable of making rash and tactical decisions, create and improve on new weapons, better reflexes, unable to age so he can learn and remember every battle he has encountered, but he can be killed like a normal man. The project seemed to go belly up when he was supposedly dead and dumped into a stasis tank to be later recovered for genes.

From then on Russian has lived for a very long time, he has become a bounty hunter and taking on dangerous missions, fought against other genetically enhanced humans threatening to conquer earth, managed to assemble an entire army composed militia and space battleships against an entire alien species wiping them out, participated in an intergalactic space war and help said side win, and even had a relationship with a human-cat hybrid.

Notes: Is terrified of Nekojhins(cat girls)

Spaniard: Old freind
Lake: Aquantince
Echo: Intimate relationship, considers her a cool friend.
Hadriel: Wants to murder him, nothing much here
Shiro: Wants to bring him to justice, nothing much here

So begins...

"Russian"'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Preparing to dock the rustbucket she called a ship, Daisy sighed in pure relief, once the clamps locked on, early on there been some tense moments as they navigated through some broken up debries surrounding the area, but that merely encouraged her belief that this was haul of a lifetime. Her crew was made up of her, the pilot and leader, Rei their guide and skilled in her own ways and couple others, really she just handed money to people hoping they would take it. Most seemed unaware of Jarrako Downs but one who seemed in the know point blank refused it. Of course this had not discouraged herself being more encouraged, everything spoke of this being a haul of a lifetime, and no ghost stories or proclaimations of unknowns was going to stop her. Nonetheless, it had been difficult to navigate through this field, and once or twice she had almost crashed, but almost was not a crash, so a win in her book.

Many would mistake Daisy, for being competent, yes and no was the best answer, whereas she could fly pretty damn well, when it came to the actual practical smuggling stuff, she was rather well clumsy, often tripping up, activating self-destruct sequences or worse alerting people. It was not she tried to screw up, but she was just a klutz, this of course caused major issues at the best of time, and many a frayed temper... Or singed eye-brows or near-dying...

Daisy may be clumsy in real life, but when it came to flying a bird, she generally got in and out without much trouble, still the utter silence as she activated the space stations electronics via her console and checked the oxygen levels, she spoke back to the crew, "We are now arrived at our destinations, Jarrako Downs, once formally a huge space station, now our haul of a life time, remember you see it, is yours. The only thing I want is whatever caused that bleeping anomaly on my screen, that is mine. Anything else is yours." pausing she added, "Oh and note this place O2 levels are fine, as are the systems so no space suit required, but take a respirator just in case." again a pause as she cleared her throat to reveal the big fact, "We are the first here, if things turn as well as I desire, we shall be in the big money after this..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Money wasn't so much of an issue for Rei, she was largely comfortable enough as it was thanks to her own adventures, but on one hand she couldn't really pass up a haul as rich as this. The abandoned station promised hard to find electronics and other potential ephemera for use in barter or trade. "Just keep your pants on Dais.." Rei muttered in exasperation. The woman had been so impatient to get over there, that she'd hit quite a few objects in the debris field, and nearly rammed the ship into other things in her rush to get to Jarrako.

"Take an emergency suit just in case. We don't know how stable the airlocks are, or how good the O2 sat is." She added as a suggestion while most of the crew was currently groaning and moaning about Daisy's piloting skills; most of them space sick from the crazy maneuvers that the other woman had used. Rei herself was a little nauseated from the turbulent flight in, and hoped that their pilot wouldn't have the same ideas for navigation on their way out.

Unstrapping herself from the seat with it's webbing in the ship, Rei made her way over to the airlock as she waited for it to match pressures with the abandoned station. She just hoped that the other's electronics hadn't failed, even though she was sure that they had been made to last quite some time out in the harsh conditions of space.

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to Chiron-Delta


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Tidus Khaine Character Portrait: Colleen MacFadden
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Being yelled at can do many things, but in this case it did knock Colleen out of whatever she had been in, let's say frustrated anger combined with utter stupidity. Still Mac had broken through whatever hold had been on her and immediately she replied, "Okay here's long and short of it Mac, there is Helga and I, Helga fighting an Aschen, I am monitoring a ship from a dude calling himself the Russian he is according to the scans on my suit drilling into the ground near the base. There is other stuff but gist of it is that anomaly is causing strange shit to occur... I can define what it is entirely, but it made me hack the anti-aircraft defences which is why they started firing, thankfully the orbital platforms were not activated, although with how things are you may want too..." with that she awaited the yelling and screaming, while sighing, "Actually can we shoot down that ship, I can paint a target on it with my electronics if you wish."

Once more waiting, she would patch through to Helga, "Look if worse comes to the worse, we have orbital cannons they could be used on the Aschen ship, it could well take it down... damn the consequences... also that thing, anomaly, it appears able to alter or influence people... thus why what happened, happened... thing is I am in control again. I am likely going to paint big red target on this ship, and shoot it down, leaving the Russian without any means to escape... after that I shall head to where you are."

With that she switched off her intercom and began to input coordinates from her scan of 'The Russian's' ship, basing it on the information and sending the data to Mac, "There is the information, input it to some of our defences and blow thing out of the sky."

The setting changes from Chiron-Delta to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Seth was relieved to say the least when the ship docked. He had not been entirely prepared for space travel. His body had only just started getting used to it when they had begun the approach to the Jarrako Downs, which wasn't the most pleasant experience. He found that he much preferred near misses and possible death when he was the one controlling what ever vehicle was hurling him towards them, he didn't have experience flying in space, but he wasn't sure if approaches were supposed to include things like 'near misses' and "the looming feeling of death"... He could tell he was getting hooked either way. Space was dangerous. He liked dangerous.

It was the biggest reason he had come, out side of the chance to make a ton of money, he thought he might find a new adrenaline rush out here. He had spent the vast majority of the upfront payment getting himself equipped for such a trip, and he decided that regardless of the reassurance that the atmosphere was fine he might as well wear the suit. It wasn't some big bulky heavily armored thing so his mobility wasn't going to be hindered very much, besides that it had integral fasteners for various things which made bringing his other things easier. He closed the suit up and attached the helmet one of the fasteners. Honestly, deep down, he kind of felt like a bad ass, but then he always did like getting new gear.

He made his way toward the air lock, seeing the others, "If I didn't know any better I would have thought we were trying to see just how much damage this thing could take before it gave up." he smiled a sly grin and laughed. "Who's ready to make some money?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

After flying on the rust bucket of a ship, Russian and the others soon docked at their destination. Now he was an experienced mercenary, doing lots of jobs just for some money but this was the first time he was asked to do a smuggling operation. Clearly he was not suited for a job like this but it was relatively simple, at least it should be simple. Gather some object, sneak said object to an area that has outlawed said object and deliver it to people willing to pay lots of money.

For the entire ride he had been maintaining his favorite rifle, and old fashioned, bolt-action rifle with just five rounds per clip, however he used many different types of ammunition finely crafted by hand to give him some surprising firepower, but truth be told he could not handle the recoil of any automatic weapons unless he was in a mech. Speaking of mechs he did not have a mech with him for this job since sneaking around in a giant stompy machine would be pretty hard to do, instead he had lots of equipment with him such as portable shields, some gun drones, a oxygen mask, some extra food and water, and a large backpack to fill it full of anything he found.

As soon as he heard the announcement from the pilot of the ship that they were ready to disembark, he made his way over to the airlock to meet with the others. "Well since we are going to work together for an unknown amount of time I believe introductions are in order. The names Russian, pleased to make your acquaintance. And you good sir, I am very much prepared to make some money!" He chuckled as he gave his rifle on last look over.

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to Chiron-Delta


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Tidus Khaine Character Portrait: Colleen MacFadden
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Helga grimaced as the monster rose from the earth bellow. She held her spell as the arcane and eldritched energies that flowed from her hand and the surrounding areas continued to form more complex spellwork. It was with every intention that she wanted to destroy such an abomination on life and as it made its way towards Colleen and Mac's location. The Witch Hunter was not focused on anything else other than the destruction of such a thing before her and as Tidus took his shot there might have been an end to her chapter.

"Helga, snap out of it, you stupid witch!" Her shadow jumped out from underneath of her and in an instant cast its own spell enforcing the barriers that protected Helga thus far. Ghast smirked like the devil as the 20mm broke through the initial barriers only to stop as Ghast raised his left hand enforcing the slowing of the projectile to a sudden halt.

The gunfire broke Helga's concentration causing the spell to fizzle and distort the space around her changing the land into a fertile green field that extended outwards several meters only to then freeze in an instant causing no harm to anyone or anything.

"Not today soldier." Ghast taunted as it shrunk back into Helga taking on her shadow once more. Helga herself looked over to Tidus and grimaced. "We need to take that thing down!" Fully turning herself towards the soldier and making her way over to the armored hulk with little fear her in soul.

"I don't care if your xenophobic nature is telling you to shoot me again! Fuck it all if you do but I assure you Ghast would hate for his vessel to be damaged beyond all repair!" Helga raised her voice as she continued to make her way over to the soldier. "Tell whoever you have that is incharge to blow that thing back to fucking Hell if they so wish. Obviously it is a danger and I can examine the remains later!"

It was then that she heard the transmission from Colleen only to feel even angrier at the notion of turning on such a super power. A poor move on any souls part that thought they could withstand such a military might especially when they were on a rock that was not all that important. "Colleen! You know I have grown attached to my fucking body! Turn those damned weapons towards the fucking behemoth that is making its way towards your prison!"

The setting changes from Chiron-Delta to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Exiting the cockpit she dismissed the looks before removing her shotgun from shelf nearby. Cocking it experimently. The shotgun did not of course fire bullets, it was instead capable of firing a disruptor type beam. Ambling over confidently, although in her usual style, once on the ground she immediately tripped over; flying to the ground with a thud. Groaning, she quickly picked herself up, checking everything before standing with the other, "Sorry, someone left something in the way, did not notice..." Pausing she once more checked her body for any bruises and kicking viciously away the offending object which had caused her to trip, "Also you do realize there was ton of wreckage to navigate, just be glad we made it..." once more she cocked her gun, "Okay, since we don't anything about this, let's stick around until we get the power back on, fortunately the control room is very close by."

Moving away she walked over to some storage area, stood on tiptoes and dug in the compartment, until her hand managed to find them. Pulling them all out, in a huge mess that fell on top of her, she once more got up, groaning, "I'll clean this up later..." once again standing, she picked up the intercoms and flung one at of them, "Very expensive, very good communicator, they have built in heat signature sensors in them, this is how we shall keep in communication and also prevent ourselves getting lost..." well despite being clumsy or overly confident, at least she had thought of the obvious. Nonetheless, in short succession, she had tripped over something in the way of her and then had a huge pile of stuff fall on her, which she later proclaimed will tidy, oh boy.

Once clear of the pile, she again cocked her gun grinning, "Remember that anomaly is mine, otherwise, let's do this!" pushing the button to release the door, she peered into the dark tunnel, "Any ghosts here?" her voice echoed back, but nothing else followed, "Guess they are dead."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Rei didn't bother to introduce herself to the other two at the airlock, and instead looked looked at Daisy with mild annoyance as the woman tripped to fall face first onto the deck of the small shuttle, then proceeded to bury herself under another pile of gear. "I hope that thing isn't loaded..." Rei said, voice dripping with sarcasm. It appeared that whatever safety the gun possessed was the only thing keeping it from going off when the other had tripped. While she really didn't know Daisy terribly well, if at all, she was starting to second guess how good of an idea this whole thing would be.

Because while hard to find electronics, components, and other things would fetch a nice price at market, Rei questioned what else might be there to greet them. "It's more than likely something that's going to eat you anyway." She said chuckling at her own dark humor. The anomaly didn't interest her, and to be honest she was so far only mildly curious. "Of course they're dead, no one lives on a derelict." Rei added rolling her eyes, as she watched the other peer down the gangway into the station. "For your sake I hope the gravity generators are online." She muttered pushing past the other into the dark.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

"For her sake I hope the gravity generators are offline." Seth grinned. He had seen clumsy people before, but this might be something special. He didn't check a weapon, maybe it was naivety, he did bring one, but he didn't really expect to be getting into any gunfights on a derelict space station, so it stayed in it's holster in one of the half dozen or so cargo pouches that were attached at convenient spots on his suit.

He looked over the communicator before discovering that his suits built in mic and ear piece could be paired with the unit. "Nifty." he mussed as he made a couple of adjustments before hooking the communicator on a fastener where he could easily get to it if he needed the head sensor, his helmet could give him the display but he didn't want to keep that on if he didn't have to.

The causeway seemed stale, but Seth supposed a sealed off ship floating around in space wouldn't have the best smelling air. He stood next to the Russian for a moment, staring down the causeway, "Seth, Libanori. Buy you can call me "the Italian" if you want... just you though, it would be awkward if anyone else did, unless you happen to know a lot of "the Italians" already that is..." It was dry humor, dry humor for dry air. He stepped forward, unsure of what he expected to find, but hoping the trip would be worth the experience.

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to Chiron-Delta


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Tidus Khaine Character Portrait: Colleen MacFadden
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0.25 INK

Hearing back from Colleen was nothing short of a miracle. He listened through his helmet now, being fully prepared at this point to disembark from the confines of the prison. Patching his voice to Colleen, he spoke calmly. "Alright, now that you're actually paying attention, we can do something about this. I'm staying inside as long as I can to run the defenses, as well as making sure we don't have a full blown riot in here. I need you to focus your attention on whatever the hell that thing is making it's way toward the prison, we don't have time to fight this many battles at once. For god's sake woman who taught you how to prioritize? I'm deploying assistance, try not to let it get ruined."

Shifting his attention to his main control area, he input the codes necessary to reroute the exterior defenses so they weren't blindly firing at god knows what. Instead he focused them on the incoming vessel, the one marching it's way toward the prison, the one emitting the...fear.

All the anti aircraft defenses ceased fire momentarily, swiveling on their bases to the new coordinates, a low hum emanating from within before they opened fire. The collective force of the assault would me much more effective now that it was actually aimed at something!

Flicking to a different program on the controls, he input the codes for his own personal side project, The W4RD3N. Initiating the auto pilot he locked it on to Colleen's position. "You've got incoming Colleen, it's a friendly, the thing I mentioned to not let get ruined."

With that he made his way for the main prison chambers, to ensure security was still acting accordingly, and things in his prison hadn't gone completely to hell.

From within a sealed surface outside the prison walls, a launch sequence began. The doors slid open, revealing a some thirty foot gap in the prison wall. It also reveled a fifteen foot mechanical being with no pilot. From within it's sealed dome cockpit, the machines beeped to life, prompting the machine to move forward. A bulk of faded crimson emerged, it's legs moving fluidly on their own, prompting little lag time between steps. "creating energy field..." a robotic voice echoed from within the construct as it lurched forward, a glisten of light manifesting in a ten foot radius centered on the construct before disappearing. "primary combat functions...ready.."

As the weapons throughout its being hummed to life, it made it's way quicker to Colleen's location. "detection grid...activated" Picking up on her exact coordinates, it paused for a moment. "gravity fluctuation systems...ready"

Suddenly, the construct was slightly airborne, lingering for no more than a moment before soaring higher, further away from the prison toward his target. Traveling a short distance before coming to it's mark, settling down surprisingly precariously next to it's ally, a low hiss projecting from it's various limbs, it almost appeared to be looking down at her. "ally...confirmed. begin protection protocol 8-4-1...initiated."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Tidus Khaine Character Portrait: Colleen MacFadden
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0.25 INK

Although the threats of demons and blood crazed maniacs were very much present in facility 104, Russian was interrupted by an alarm going off in his mech suit, warning him that there was something locking onto his ship. "Now I have more things to worry about, very fantastic." He grumbled as he fumbled with multiple monitors inside his mech suit and began patching into his ships controls. "Password: GEZdaf80outaere, Initiate program intermediate evacuation." With that the ship began to lift into the air, bringing the landing gear back into the ship before activating shields and self defense weaponry before making its way back to space. Hopefully the ship would hold on long enough to get out of range of the anti-aircraft weapons.

Russian now annoyed that they were indeed planning to blow up his ship, decided to curse the people, especially that woman talking to him. Pulling out his radio, he began to talk on the local frequency so most people would hear him. "Oh cool, go ahead and target my ship with your weapon systems. You know what missy, I could care less about what happens to the planet. Have fun with the demons, blood crazed marauders, and whatever the hell is moving around on the planet. Oh by the way I am inside your supposedly maximum security prison, facility 104 was it? And I am currently busting the prisoners out. I wonder what your bosses would say and do I wonder? Maybe they would dock everyone's pay and send you all janitor duty. Anyways screw you all and screw all of your organizations. This is Russian, not wishing any of you luck. Also great security, it sucks."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Helga Rotfeuer Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance Character Portrait: Tidus Khaine Character Portrait: Colleen MacFadden
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0.00 INK

The Vessel continued it's approach to the prison, taking no more notice of Helga or Tidus as a man would a seed planted at his foot. It did however take notice of the new Ship signature warping in directly over it's head. A cold voice issued from the vessel, echoing across the landscape. "Analyzing new signature... Threat Level minimal, Pilot potential Moderate."

The Reverence and Bloodied Spirit would both then recieve a transmission. "Attention life forms, for your own safety, you are to remain at distance from this planet. You have potential, and must not be harmed. If you do not comply, your safety cannot be garunteed." The image which would display on the appropriate screens and panels would be that of a raid haired woman with four ice blue eyes, which hold no warmth. There would be no mouth on this entities face, nor nose, only the four eyes positioned around a Green marking in the middle of it's face. How it achieved speech could not be discerned.

The Natuna would then proceed to ignore the new arriving ship, and continue on it's way to the prison. At the point the defenses activated and fired, the vessel would raise it's right hand and gesture, as if to grasp a doorknob or handle. The shells fired from the bases defenses would then flash bright green, before vaporizing into streams of energy, which then flow into the open hand of the Natuna. "Hostilities will not be allowed." The vessel spoke, before raising it's hand upward, bringing with it the energy. The cascade of power then split into mulitple streams, each one forming into a solid jagged shard, though of what could not be known. These shards would then fly forward, each one about 20 feet long and 5 wide along the bevel, and seven score of these there were, a veritible blizzard of blades. This 'storm of swords' would crash into the side of the base, striking the cannons and defenses from which first issued the matter what provided the energy for this retaliation. But then, if one were of the mind to take notice of it, a strange occurance happened. Each shard then flashed green, and in a 60 foot radius bubble around each flash, all the physical matter that had been contacted would also flash green, before it too vaporized and streamed towards the Natuna and the orb sitting within it's chest.

It is in this manner, that the Natuna would disable the presented defenses of it's target. The vessel continued along it's trajectory, each stride bringing it closer and closer to it's goal.

And still, that sense of dread would take hold of one's heart, should they chance to see that core again. The wiser, or perhaps more intelligent life forms would make the assumption that whatever was in that core must be a great and terrible thing, to instill the instinctual and primordial reaction it did.

The setting changes from Chiron-Delta to Facility 104


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Natuna Belladorei Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

All at once, for what seemed both a single moment, and an endless eternity, all was still, as though frozen in time. In this timeless moment, the very fabric of reality itself seemed to vibrate and ripple with whispers. Among these whispers was a voice, it was both clear as water on crystal, and yet impossibly difficult to understand. All who listened would be strained in their minds, as they tried in vain to comprehend, and yet they could not help but know what the voice spoke.

"The power of creation lies at your feet... When chaos erupts around you, hold to your reason, and find me...."

An image of a massive, humanoid form, the center of which shined with bright green light would impregnate the minds of every mortal creature within the facility.

"Find me... And take your freedom, and the powers of a god...."

The weaker minded among the facility would begin screaming in madness, their minds broken by the entity. Even the stronger willed would find themselves taxed by the effort it took to simply listen to the words. And if any thought to try probing or taking over the entity themselves... Nothing but ash remained of them.

Then it was gone, and everything was as it had been. But the Impression had been made, and all who had been effected suddenly felt a growing sense of dread, as though some horrible force was getting closer to them...

The setting changes from Facility 104 to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Russian watched as Daisy, the woman who came from the cockpit of the ship flopped onto the ground after tripping over a strange object. He did his best not to burt out laughing, but he did let out a soft chuckle. "Great, there is a klutz tagging along with us, as long as she doesn't trip and fall on the stations self destruct button, we should be fine regardless." He spoke while still suppressing his laughter.

After his small fit of laughter he watched as Daisy began to rummage through some kind of storage area before tossing them some strange device and explained that they were a very expensive communications device so they could keep in contact, they also had a built in heat sensor. Pretty fancy for a communicator he thought to himself, he also had a faint hope that they could keep them after this was all over, the more stuff that could help him survive, the better. His thoughts were soon again replaced with laughter as he watched a waterfall of objects begins to fall on her. "This is like something straight from a cartoon, I'm sorry but this is too funny!" He erupted into laughter before quickly clearing his voice and stopping completely.

His attention now turned to Seth who had introduced himself, and also told them that they could call him "the Italian". "I will keep that in mind Italian. But we should get a move on, no telling what will happen to miss Klutzy pilot if we are not there to protect her from falling, and judging how she fell twice within a few minutes...It would be safe to keep an eye on her. Not that I'm worried for her, just worried she might fall into an alien nest and wake it up." He told him before following Daisy outside the ship to begin their search of the derelict space station.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon Character Portrait: Tabbi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tabbi
She walks on of what she only thinks are remains of a space station "i think i can study here" she said mumbling "it wont attract the anyone unless there are still people aboard this wreck" she says while floating into the station "i think ill be able to get some tech off this joint or not if i don't i'll be unlucky" she looks in her HUD to see if there's any oxygen but she keeps looking for salvageable materials she couldn't help to see some people in the distance but she kept her distance as she kept on salvaging for tech

The setting changes from The Jarrako Downs to Facility 104


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Natuna Belladorei Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A flick of the wrist was all it took and a sword of red light formed from her right disc. it was time for a hell of a party, and Lake was ready to host it. A massive creature lumbered into view, screaming something in a odd langauge. The power armor the Chaos marine wore was stained with ages of blood and other defilements, but Lake did not care whatwsoever. Instead, she focused her timing

They needed a path out, and from the sounds of things, the way out was barred up above, getting off the planet by going deeper. She needed two things, a computer network terminal, and a broken lightbulb. But for the moment she focused instead on survival, when Vigil introcused himself she nodded. "I am Lake, ytou must be my target to escort out of here. I wont ask what got you into this place though."

Prison guards scrambled as alarms suddenly roared to life indicating a massive riot going on as perhaps a dozen mutilated creatures swarmed through a huge gaping hole in reality not far away and fell into the prison, Some of them were massive armored freaks. Carrying weapons Lake could have killed to own one or two of if given the chance. It was the sight of the weapon alone when she activated the hardlight sword method of her identity disc.

History about to be rewritten indeed.

But there was something else on Lakes mind right then.

"Where is a Pepsi ?" As she voice her thought, a Digitalis window snapped open and a Pepsi landed in her left hand, open and ready to drink. Gotta love the Grid she thought. She had been there only a scant few times though. So this was one of those times the thought patterns were most helpful. Once she was done with the caffine, she relaxed her stance a bit.

She looked, if one really gave it thought, like a Adeptus Soritia's Hospitalier; all on her own, and ready to kill. She threw the left hand disc, it shot off, leaving a faint vapor trail as she darted forwards towards the nearest massive monstrocity of a Chaos Space Marine. Slamming into the thing like a frieght train on steroids. Her identity disc she had thrown returned to her just barely in time to cut the hand off her target before she ducked the swing of the massive chainsword. She wanted that weapon, the Chaos Space Marine screamed something she did not understand when she danced out of the massive creatures reach

Oh this was going to be so much fun!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Vigil Character Portrait: Natuna Belladorei Character Portrait: Anima Character Portrait: Atelier
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0.00 INK

"Yup...As much as I hoped is was not them, it is them." Russian muttered a sigh of annoyance as he saw the hulking armored figures of chaos space marines emerging from portals in reality. Adorned with skulls, covered in red suits of power armor, remnants of age old blood from a poor sap killed however long ago, and finally the all to familiar mark of chaos. they were Khorne berserkers from the World Eaters Legion, a nasty bunch of lads that used lots of melee weapon from chain-swords to chain axes, of course they used ranged weapons but more often then not they are either heavy bolters or some other large ungodly weapon that could take out most anyone foolish enough to stay out of cover.

As he primed his mechs rifle, something began to whisper inside his mind. No, it was not the voices of chaos, it would be more subtle then this, it would gnaw at the back of your mind and before you knew it you were going crazy. It was something else entirety that much he knew for certain, suddenly an image appeared inside his mind showing him a massive humanoid figure whic shined a bright green light telling him to find it and obtain the powers of a god.

After that event was over he just sighed. "My mother taught me never to listen to crazy voices in my head, and this is not the time to be acting like the way I am. Also, hey Vigil, looks like we are your soldiers in metallic and red dressed armor." He spoke before hearing a bloodcurdling shout from behind him yelling "Blood for the blood god!" Or something like that. He had been around them long enough to understand their low Gothic and high Gothic language and without any further delay he aimed his rifle directly at the head of the chaos marine and fired a single, armor piercing round, right through the eye lens of his armor possibly splattering his brains on the wall behind him...if it wasn't due to the mans helmet not being penetrated by the bullet. "Damnation...I forgot how resilient that armor is...maybe I should have nicked that bolt gun while I could..." He muttered to himself as he chambered another round, this time a more powerful armor piercing round and blasting yet another marine through the head and blasting right through his helmet. "Good thing I know how to craft bolt ammunition."

The setting changes from Facility 104 to The Jarrako Downs

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Huffing rather embarassed she immediately responded, "Oi, I got us here, don't worry about myself. This ain't my first rodeo. I may appear blinkered, but I promise you I am totally competent." glaring at the guy calling himself the Russian she immediately marched down the walkway gripping her shotgun. Unlike others she was prepared, because the stories of this place had hardly endeared her to the place, as well as some of the reactions. That being said, most agreed if people could survive it would be a haul of a lifetime, although from her perception the place was totally abandoned. Perhaps the logs would fill in the information, main control room for the station was fortunately close.

Bending down next to the door blocking the passage to the space station, she quickly unscrewed the hatch and gave a cursory look over the controls, to see if she could understand them. Despite her best understanding of tech, this was beyond her level, so immediately she went over to the group, "The door been deadlocked. I never seen tech like this, anyone got skills for hacking doors or at least getting us through. We can't go anywhere until that dead lock is removed, I promise you that." currently inside the passage that would lead to space station, she could see out the glass, and see the floating debries and wreckage, so many different types. Some of those may be worth checking later, especially, "Holy shit." she exclaimed louder than intended, "LOOK! OVER THERE... That is a Macluan Warship right over there... not recognizable, but if you look at the cannon, and go down you can see the insignia... I have only ever seen pictures of them, that one looks not too damaged, the weapons alone are demanded on black market." having lost focus, she continued to marvel at the graveyard in front of her, "My friends, we have hit the jackpot."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Rei could tell that this was going to be a taxing trip, if only because of Daisy's ADD and klutzy behavior. She just hoped to whatever god or even gods that were out there, that the woman didn't accidentally shoot, kill, or maim anyone. "Sure, you're as competent as I'm sane.." Rei commented blithely. She wasn't so sure why Daisy was worried about the station, but then again there might actually be some zombie or alien horde waiting to enslave them or eat them; either one might be interesting.

Rolling her eyes as Daisy shouted and practically salivated on the glass in the close confines of the passage tunnel, Rei just glared at the woman who was currently trying what little patience she had. "Yeah but you'll have to get through it's defenses, without hitting any of the debris..." She pointed out as she pushed past the hyperactive woman to take a look at the door. Surveying the door, and the systems attached, Rei saw that while the locks had mated up this door wasn't as willing to be opened. "Hm... typical outer rim tech." She muttered pulling a small cord from her pocket and attaching it's minuscule connector to the white bracelet like device on her wrist and the other end to a small port in the door's control unit.

"Five minutes, and the lock should be tripped."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Seth Libanori Character Portrait: Daisy Weldon
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0.00 INK

Look at the cannon, go down and you can see an insignia... "Yeah, nope." Seth was fairly certain he was looking at the hunk of metal that Daisy was referring to, but he certainly couldn't make anything of it. Of course he had no idea what a Macluan Warship looked like, you could park one in front of his flat and he wouldn't have a clue what to call it, other than big most likely, but then most things were big compared to his flat.

He continued staring out the window into the vast openness of space as they waited for the door to open. There were all manner of debris hanging around the station, the warship was certainly not alone. He pondered the practicality of getting himself a ship, something small and fast of course, maybe if this trip really did turn out to be lucrative he would make a couple more and save up for one. It certainly would add a certain 'piece de resistance' to his garage back home... certainly would be an interesting conversation starter, and of course the ability to fly, in space, well that's worth the price of admission of course.

He started absentmindedly drumming his thumb on the railing, staring off into oblivion, day dreaming of picking up women in a space ship...