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Sebastian Fllynn

Master Thief, Master Mason, Mastermind - Prominent in all fields in the Citadel of Skyfall

0 · 480 views · located in Skyfall Citadel

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Ironman11


A nation on the continent of Siv'en. It is led by a King and six Jarls that rule the six districts of Skyfall from the Exalted Mountains down to the Empyrean Sea. Their numbers are large and their armies are mighty.


Rogue 5 Wizard 5 Arcane Trickster 5


Full Name: Sebastian Fllynn

So begins...

Sebastian Fllynn's Story


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Sebastian Fllynn the loyal number two of the Assassin Lord was casually abide his master's side. He wore an outfit of hugging dark fabrics over a light set of armor made out of a leathery padded material decorated in an alluring design that blended well the shadows. He was casually polishing blood off of Wyrmfang his rapier which shined in its splendor above the streets of the white washed city.

Murder was always filthy business, but they were on an occasion a loose end which the guild could not talk, threat or bribe it to vanish away. "The matter you ask has been resolved." Was all he said as the light weapon returned to his sheath the Wizard then after taking a nearby crystal pitcher of vintage wine to pour the pair goblets that stood next to them. "A drink?" he requested.


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"Something that is not poisonous." Was all that the top lieutenant announced briefly. At the moment that was all that he cared for, doing another detect poison just to ensure that nothing was amiss. Offering the first goblet, the masked thief took a drink of the second relishing its fine allure for the greatest of whiles as his gaze returned down bellow.


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Sebastian Fllynn offered a sharp grin at the request "Well, it seems that buying the crate would not have been a frivolous expense." He prose diligently. Sometimes, he knew the Assassin Lord more than he did himself or what he wanted in taste of wine. A soft chuckle escape his lips before his eyes scanned at the commotion. His attention turned to the departing thief master, what was he up to?


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Sebastian Fllynn grinned some more, now this was brilliant. He admired the beautiful art of manipulation being constructed by his Master as the silent illusionist moved to the stairwell. As he descended downward he conjured a cloak that faded into various altering colors forming a perfect camouflage. When he arrived on the street, he moved in the obscuring garment to blend with the shadows of the street themselves, observing. After all, why waste an invisibility spell?


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Sebastian Fllynn offered a similar grin that mirrored that of the 'dwarven woman'. Remaining astute in the shadows as he saw this warrior fell a trained guard with a single swing. That was muscle the guild could use quite well. That was something he messaged silently to his master on the matter.


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Sebastian Fllynn did such with Message


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Sebastian Fllynn followed suit in finite stealth and guile, the magical infiltrator remained in keen hiding. His eyes scanned a nearby portal of the residential: a window sill. He spied inside with a sly grin at the ordeal pointing over for a new message. "Our new candidate desires a place to drink and reside." he suggested "Why not send him to The Dwarven Stout?" He spell work.


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Sebastian Fllynn heeded the advise well. Caution made him move further into the shadows outside and silently armed a crossbow bolt off a hand crossbow just in case. One could never be less careful, though he held shrewd confidence that David could hold his own if he needed to.


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Sebastian Fllynn writer skipped his turn :3


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Sebastian Fllynn gave a brow, this sounded like some trouble. The cloaked and dagger spy remained silent for now, the lad was already to his hammer. This could turn ugly and wasteful and those were two things that the spellcaster disdain. With diligence grasping along the locket of brass he began to conjure a spell that would plant a mental suggestion in the warrior's mind, hopefully his ability to train with a hammer dulled his mental defenses.

"Think before you act." Was the suggestion he tried to implant, something anyone would naturally consider before acting rashly. Hopefully the spellwork would help in their favor.


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Sebastian Fllynn humbly incurs that the current warrior in front of him has 'Moxie'.


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Sebastian Fllynn knew that face well, the message alluded some trouble ahead perhaps it would end with Wyrmfang tasting more blood? No... If it came down to it he had a feeling that David would want to handle it personally. For all his forthcomings: Personal Pride was one of his daunting or so the spellcaster was made to believe. Without a word a beautiful curved blonde maiden with milky white skin in a dress of rich burgundy material was seen walking out the alleyway, adjusting the bottom of her dress as she passed the street coincidentally that David Trapspringer was brooding along.

'I am by your side.' She would message back as she ruffled her skirt again trying to avoid the wet pavement to drag along the bottom.


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the Street coincidentally that Gaius would have to travel.

The setting changes from Skyfall Citadel to Obsidian Hall


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Character Portrait: Sebastian Fllynn
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Sebastian Fllynn hadn't the slightest clue of what had been going on, only that half of the guild was now on cover up duty with himself included. There had been a huge breech in influence involving the guild of sages in Skyfall and it had gotten so bad that he had to make vouchers as himself instead of Hermes pulling some strings in city government to calm things down. That on top of a dragon attack made the whole damn infrastructure of the city a mess, at the moment all information being brokered about it was finely filtered by Sebastian's for such information would be worth several fortunes.

At the same time the guild leader had vanished, something he personally scrutinize several members of the guild that were suppose to shadow him incase a matter like this occurred. They were suppose to be his bodyguards damn it! Needless to say things were finally cooling down and Sebastian had just finally got word that the Master Assassin had returned rather unscathed after a conversation with an individual that no one could identify.

Diligently, the Illusionist paced over, currently masked as usual as he knocked along the door wondering if the guild master decided to stay at all.


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Sebastian Fllynn entered inward somewhat closing the door. There was a pause as he could see David bathing slightly blushing before brushing aside. There were matters to attend to "We lost a very valuable contact in the records, the lower associates of the ring became rather anxious to hear of Elio the Wise's sudden lapse to hysteria. We invented the fabrication that it was her pursuit of forbidden and dangerous that drove her to madness not her dealing with the guild." He reported "All but the most intelligent of our contacts in the Hall of Sages believed it and those that did not are keeping their mouth firmly shut out of fear."

He undid the laces on his helmet, releasing the cascading wavy black hair, somewhat shaking it about before he placed the helm back along the surface of a nearby table.


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Sebastian Fllynn paused before he moved over to the pantry somewhat pulling out the dwarven winter wine so that he could place it gently in the kettle by the fireplace to warm. What did he know? "Your alias Elio the Wise was intercepted by a shapeshifter of some prowess in larceny and used in a crime spree that was a blatant attack on her public image for a scheme to draw you out and assassinate you." Was what he first figured out which had to be the end goal as all others were somewhat nonsensical "By you being here it must have mean the assassination attempt has failed. Most of the guild believes that Elio has gone mad and those that are higher up and deal in information know that Elio was working for the guild until she was compromised."

He somewhat turned around back to David before returning to the kettle as he continued "The assiliant seems to have taken the face of one Skyfall's former Thief Kings that was presumed dead for a great deal of seasons: The Shadow Stealer." He announced "We believe he may be some matter of arrogant pretender adopting the mantle from a dead or retired master thief or perhaps an opportunist that is trying to bank on the Shadow Stealer's fame. There is a rumor that he is a black dragon as well, though I have reason to believe the two affairs are unrelated."

"A dragon of the black flight had emerged in the skies, authorities are trying to trace it they said it fled to the swamps. They will most likely request aid from their allies in the metallic flights to investigate the swamps, the bog and the city itself which only means trouble for our organization for the next few months. I am acquiring a list of officials which the dragons will be sending to invesitigate, also a high bounty has been placed on the creature's head and that will direct the flow of adventurers to the bog"


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Excellent plan, "I'll oversee the project in the bog, once its running at an operation I deem adequate I'll pass it down to someone I can trust maintain it." After all, what better way to convince the city that there was the threat of a black dragon than the use of major illusion?

He listened to the rest of the speech and paused. Who was Aruso Vlanderfel? He had heard some news and he would have to look into it. "Freelancers are welcomed in Skyfall Citadel, especially those masquerading as dangerous chaotic thieves of legacy." he added in caution. "If we have a name and face behind the mask, throwing him to the guards or simply out right killing him won't be too difficult." It didn't matter what his title was, this Vlanderfel was just another man nothing more nothing less.

He paused as he slowly began to undo some buckles to his armor allowing it to fall to the ground as he approached the tub. "Would you mind some company?" he asked undoing bracers and gloves as he slowly moving to undonn his armor living him in the full bodysuit of hugging silk fabrics.


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Sebastian Fllynn stripped off everything, casually stepping inside the warm bath to be soothed by his waters. He closed his eyes for a moment before he returned back to business as usual opening them. "The return of the Shadow Stealer will diffidently spark alot of attention, I can easily have both of those arranged." Then it came to him speaking his mind.

"You can't do this anymore David. You literally left the scene against the advice of your men to personally seek this man down for vengeance. Without anykind of guard or back-up! Not even the men sworn to protect your life! That could have easily been a turn for the worst if that was in the hands of a much smarter man!" He protested "Your not just a single assassin anymore David! Your a guild master and you have to allow other people to help you if you can make full use of what you have at your disposal." he wanted to embrance him, but he restrained the emotion.

He was worried sick about him, just glad that he came back out alive and alright.


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The naked athletic man shifted his eyes right for David's left eye narrowing slightly. "Your seeing absolutely nothing." The man simply moved to deny a blush cascading along his face again embarrassingly. "With the way you keep acting, I will not have to lift a finger to replace you." He commented back "The guild wouldn't survive at its current state without you, WE need you alive." Who knows how many would remain loyal to me before they jump ship to the others, it would be civil war with no real way to determine who would come out of the mess.


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The Kettle began to boil and the naked Sebastian rose from the bath waters to attend to it. He said nothing with the last set of words, simply glad he could have a moment to relax after a very rough day. Calmly he removed the bottle and a goblet for himself and David somewhat pacing back. "Hermes... I have the lat-" Was all a random guild member announced before he paused realizing he had just stumbled upon two naked men with a warm bottle of winter wine. Sebastian stood there somewhat like a utter fool his face turned completely bright red as the guild member casually closed the door realizing the pair was busy.