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Shadow Phantomhive


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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by shadowthelost


Height: 5 foot 2
Hair Color: Navy blue
Eye Color: Silver
Strengths: Hand to hand combat, soul stealing
Weaknesses: Boys her own age, becomin collared

Personality: Strong and willfull-minded, Shadow Phantomhive is a complex mirror image of her older brother, Ceil. Yet there is something odd about her...

So begins...

Shadow Phantomhive's Story


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Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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The strange masked figure that entered Gambit's quite suddenly with a scythe strapped to its perfectly straight back did not announce its presence as to the bar's drunken patrons as there was no need for such a worthless act of attention seeking; nor did it care to announce its purpose. Beneath the feminine figure's heavy black leather combat boots icey silver webs of light began to form; every silent step was accompanied by black raven feathers that seemed to fall from its cloaked body. Approaching the bar it rummaged deep into darkness, producing at last a neatly creased 5x5 maroon card with "ASSASSIN FOR HIRE" written in bold white letters. Quite suddenly lights nearest to it began flickering, a glass which the bartender had been carrying shattered into millions of microscopic shards, contents spilling out in a dark puddle. Tarot cards depicting the Fool being hanged by Death showered down in endless torrents from its cloak...the figure then spoke, but not in any form of a distinguishable accent...a single chilling line."The Jester which you will come across sooner or later has been resevered."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive Character Portrait: Marcus Character Portrait: Mia Arabella Aryx
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
While waiting for Gabrielle to reply to her latest text, RenĂ©e found herself gazing around at the other patrons, noting a female speaking with what appeared to be an android at the bar, though she wasn’t completely sure what he was. Of course she noticed the woman was flirting with the bartender to get free drinks. Making a mental note to talk to her sis about the ‘keep, she just shook her head and went back to glaring at her phone. Gabby finally responded with a single “Fine.”, which was incredibly infuriating. Counting to ten in order to keep from throwing her phone, she glanced towards the steps, wondering what Liam was up to. If he knew what was good for him, he would be in the bath getting clean, but the way her day was going, he probably hadn’t even stepped into the bathroom except maybe to ward it.

“At least no cops yet
” her voice was quiet as she didn’t particularly want anyone else to hear her comment. The bartender noticing her look his way brought her over a bottle of vodka, sitting it down in front of her before returning to the others. Just nodding her thoughts, she began to drink the booze, ignoring the thoughts that she shouldn’t be drinking right then.

When an individual suddenly appeared inside of Gambit’s, she glanced over towards him or her, she wasn’t sure which. The figure was masked and had a scythe, but that didn’t really bother her. It wasn’t the first time someone like that popped into the bar and it wouldn’t be the last time. Speaking of popping in, she finally noted the familiar man named Bigsby and wondered what brought him back to the bar. Returning her attention to the newest occupant, she squeezed the bridge of her nose when a glass shattered, probably thanks to the stranger. It was the words spoken that truly caught her attention and she snorted softly,

“Yeah, right.” Her voice was loud enough for the stranger to hear and she shook her head, still drinking the vodka. She did note the card however and figured someone would probably hire the individual, but that was up to them. As long as no trouble was caused in the bar, she didn’t really care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumierre Lacopt Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett Character Portrait: Beast Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
Three figures filed into Gambit’s bar in a bit of a flurry, the door swinging wide as a gust of rain-drenched wind blasted in behind them. The one at the head of the pack, a slight figure who had a cowl draped haphazardly around her neck, glanced back to her companions, meeting the eyes of the one man who was in accompaniment.

He had his hand firmly wrapped around the upper arm of the second woman, whose appearance was far less put together than that of the other woman. Her pale, scar-marred face was downturned, eyes drooped from apparent exhaustion. It seemed as though the man behind her was the only thing keeping her from hitting the floor.

"Cavis, take her to a booth would you?" The first woman said, pulling back her hood and marching towards the bar counter. Her long, white hair was disheveled from the weather, but it certainly didn't detract from how overwhelmingly lovely she was.

That was about the moment when Shadow spoke.

Lavender eyes flicked to the figure, one singular brow lifting as she tentatively approached them.

"Excuse me," she said, ignoring the warning glares Cavis was sending her way. "But, you wouldn't happen to have any medicinal supplies tucked away in your feather-laden cloak would you?"

The girl in their company was injured, and refused magic for healing. It was a frustrating scenario.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumierre Lacopt Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett Character Portrait: Beast Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

The door to the bar opened slowly with an immensely sodden man walked through his clothes tattered with what looked to be various blade cuts and whip marks on his back. This man took his time entering retaining an erect figure to show no sign of faltering or dropping dead to the floor in his blood soaked attire. His direction aimed at him setting down next to the fireplace, his sword in one hand aiding him in settling to the floor of the bar as he let out a small grunt of frustration at his wounds as he sat. From within his shirt he pulled out white bandage cloth rolled but even it was wet more so with water then blood. He began wrapping up what he could.

"A fine mess you have gotten us into Tatsumasa. If you would of only had not let them capture us we wouldn't be in this predicament we are now." The man seemingly mumbling to the blade on the ground next to him as he continued bandaging himself.

Aisu even ignored all that surrounded him as his eyes finally began to close to which he fell straight back on the ground asleep mid wrapping of the cuts on his feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumierre Lacopt Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett Character Portrait: Beast Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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"But, you wouldn't happen to have any medicinal supplies tucked away in your feather-laden cloak would you?" The figure mocked, snickering darkly. "Her fate is sealed for my cards have depicted her death," It replied grimly shaking its head. "Do not waste your time with such matters." It held out its gloved hands palm side up offering a regular pair of faded red dice, one in each hand. Its strange mask seemed to become contorted into a twisted sadistic smile as if it knew what was to occur next.
"Pick one and roll it," It explained in a dark tone. " not pick wrong or she will become rather ill quite quickly with no cure."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumierre Lacopt Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett Character Portrait: Beast Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
RenĂ©e was growing increasingly agitated as the minutes ticked on, mostly because she was worried about her little sister. She was also beginning to wonder what was taking Liam so long, but she didn’t want to leave the bar until she was sure things were calm. When others came into the bar, she shifted her gaze towards them, noting one was injured. Sliding to her feet, snatching the now empty bottle of vodka, she headed behind the bar, tossing it into the trash before kneeling down behind the counter. As the female went to ask the masked stranger for medical supplies, she was busy digging around for the kit that was somewhere nearby. As soon as she grabbed it and stood back up, she heard the stranger’s comment and snarled. Walking back around, she headed to the female, holding the kit out in front of her,

“Here are some medical supplies. Don’t listen to anything that fool is saying. She doesn’t have to die.” Shooting the masked stranger a glare, she moved in between the two, smiling at the pretty lady.

“Miss, I am warning you, stop with your nonsense or I’m going to throw you out myself.” RenĂ©e turned to the individual as soon as she mentioned something about picking a die, her eyes flashing bright red. As if things weren’t bad enough, another injured figure stumbled into the bar and promptly passed out on the floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

"How rude of you Renee. If I do recall, family of yours is very, very sick. I could take them if you'd like or perhaps ease their pain?" The figure offered kindly, tone shifting to something of a sweeter nature. "It must be...difficult not being able to be there for them."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Snorting, RenĂ©e made no comment about the fact that is woman knew her name. That didn’t matter to her, because if anyone asked around, it would be something easily found. No, that wasn’t important. What was important was that this person was possibly stirring up fear in the other patrons. They had just had a fight or two happen and she wasn’t about to let that happen again. Dropping both arms down to her side, she let them hang near her pants pocket, prepared for anything that might happen. The female’s next few words didn’t do much to phase the eighteen-year-old either because her family wasn’t sick.

“Sorry, you must be thinking of someone else, because no one in my family is sick. What is rude is you telling that poor woman that her friend is going to die unless she rolls the correct dice. That’s not cool.” It was difficult to keep from crossing her arms, but she wanted to be able to react in case she was attacked. "I don't want a fight, but I'm not going to just stand by either."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

The figure nodded as if it clearly understood Renee. "Ah, forgive me for my abrupt bluntness," she said at last. "In case the desire to know why I have uttered such fatalities has surfaced I will answer this at once; I am simply a fourtuneteller of sorts as well as a travelling merchant of what you beings would consider dark arts. And as for my name?" She laughed at this guesture laughter dark and hollow. "You do not need to know. I sell death. I offer life with the roll of a dice."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
“You’re pissing me off, chicka. Death isn’t always certain, I've proved that many times. Keep your comments to yourself and stop trying to trick people into doing something that you probably control. I know your kind, fortune tellers are full of shit.” RenĂ©e narrowed her still glowing red eyes towards the death seller as the woman called herself.

“Consider this to be your last warning. I am not someone you want to mess with.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Jaxon Dregg Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

Jaxon turned his attention to where Renée was conversing with an odd patron. He decided to hang back at his post, as the situation seemed to be more or less under control. This particular individual was, however, beginning to get somewhat disturbing. Jaxon hoped they'd just knock off the obnoxiousness and go about the evening without causing a scene.

He kept his eyes trained on the bar, just in case he was needed any time soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Jaxon Dregg Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

(See second post)


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Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Jaxon Dregg Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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The figure stood rooted to the spot, a look of sadness crossing her strange mask. "I...I come, seeking solace..." She said at last, lowering her head in what appeared to be an act of shame. "To offer what services I can...very well, I will leave you as you were." Her voice, now lowered to a near whisper seemed to be laced with depression. The ice beneath her feet became colorless as the young merchant silently proceeded out of the building, hurt. Why couldn't people be...nicer? What remained of this strange patron was an odd web of black liquid covering what ground she had placed her feet upon. When the doors at last swung shut behind her, several glass bottles shattered spilling their contents everywhere.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sangrei Friedn Character Portrait: Jaxon Dregg Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
“God damn it!” RenĂ©e growled after the figure left, making her look like the bad person despite the fact that she was moments ago acting sinister with dice. Glaring at the bartender who was cleaning up the mess, she all but stomped out of the bar after the stranger, slamming the door behind her. It didn’t take her long to catch up with the individual and after sliding in front of her, RenĂ©e blocked her way.

“You made sinister comments towards my patrons about how one of them was going to die unless the woman rolled the correct die. That is NOT seeking solace. Furthermore, you broke several of the glasses and bottles and you need to walk your ass right back in there and pay for them. If you stop with the death shit, you’re more than welcome to stay, but I will not let you trouble people that are already worried that their friend might be dying. I will leave it up to you, but either way, you’re paying for the damages.” Crossing her arms against her chest, RenĂ©e took in a deep breath, forcing herself to calm back down.

“Come in and pay and stick around to have a few drinks. Relax a little, hell, take off the mask and just enjoy yourself, alright? I’m sorry for upsetting you, but I don’t like people that spout off death nonsense.” RenĂ©e turned back around and walked right back into the bar, allowing the stranger to make the decision on her own.

Letting the door close behind her, she glanced around the bar and shrugged towards Jaxon. She was glad a fight didn’t break out, but as tense as she was, it might still happen sooner or later. Starting to sit back down, her gaze shifted towards a male that looked awfully familiar. Tilting her head, she made her way over towards where he was sitting, snatching the drink that was being brought towards him in the process. Setting it down in front of him, she smirked and slid down across from him.

“It’s been a while, hmm?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK


" I do not even have funds to carry out what you are requesting," Shadow told her hesitantly. "I just...can't an orphan scrap a few bucks anymore?" Before the young girl could finish Renee had already vacated. "Well screw you!" she muttered under her breath. Screw the whole lot of drunken ignoramuses. "Expecting someone who can't control WHEN glass breaks to pay for it - obviously there's something quite wrong." She felt as if she might end up breaking down. Town after town after town, city after city but no one wanted to display even a solitary shred of mercy. Not a single scrap of silver was earned, or ever had been. "It's just wrong!" Shadow sunk down onto the ground in a sort of managled, dirty remnant as off in the distance more glass was heard shattering. "What have you done, Levi?" she asked herself. "What in Artes's name have you done?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

Shit. She'd forgotten her...scythe. But how could one forget such a tool? It was only a simple manner of silently slipping into Gambit's, sneaking into the bar area, grabbing the tool of her trade. Yet best laid plans of beast and men often go astray for sitting right where Shadow had accidentally "misplaced it" was an odd man who she could have sworn to have seen him...somewhere before. Noticing a large bag of coins sitting beside him she gently grabbed the bag only to drop her scythe...heavy metal smashing against her foot.


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Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

The sheathed blade is quickly put next to the girls neck as he looks up at her with his still bloody and slightly bruised face. First of a look cold,demeaning her for thievery and a look of intrigue at the scythe which he lifted his own foot placing it on top of it. Aisu did not wish to kill someone he did not have to or had no reason to. True he would be just to cut off the hand she now stole with and lash her as were the old ways.

"You would steal something that does not belong to you?" His stern accusing face looking back from behind the sheathed blade at her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

"B-but...the mine," The masked female stammered, beginning to tremble. "T-The coins...I'm sorry....I'll give them back...j-just don't hurt me, please!" Why did she HAVE to steal? Why...being an orphan of couse wasn't ever easy yet Levi seemed to dig herself deep holes...similar thoughts crowding her mind. Why couldn't people be...nicer?" Not a single scrap of silver was earned, or ever had been. "It's just wrong!" Shadow sunk down onto the ground in a sort of managled, dirty remnant as off in the distance more glass was heard shattering. "What have you done, Levi?" she asked herself. "What in Artes's name have you done?"

This flashback made Levi's body stiffen, silver eyes widened in fear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

The sword resting on the girls shoulder snaps back with a quick twitch of Aisu wrist and it's once more resting on his leg. The foot holding down the scythe is lifted off rather slowly Aisu looking back down at the now rather odd turn of events happening to the girl.

"Yes the scythe is yours and you're welcome to take it. The coins belong to neither of us and shall remain to the patron that returns for them. Now compose yourself if you would. This kind of acting brings shame upon yourself and any family you might have. If you all you need was help then I will do what I can." Aisu's voice gruff and lacking most of the strength it should of had for a man of his size.

He shifted in his seat to a better sitting posture as he looked down a bit concerned now at the girl and the sound of glass breaking in the distance.

"What have we gotten ourselves into now Tatsumasa." He mumbled to the sword which did not reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sangrei Friedn Character Portrait: Jaxon Dregg Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell Character Portrait: Aisu Character Portrait: Shadow Phantomhive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Pulling out her phone again, she shot Liam a text, telling him to hurry up and to come down for a while. The text would automatically go to the phone that was in the hotel room, something she had set up when she first moved in to make sure Gabby could get a hold of her no matter where she was. RenĂ©e shifted her gaze from Sangrei over towards the man who had previously been passed out. He seemed to be waking up and if she wasn’t mistaken, the girl from before had reentered the bar. Watching the two interact had her frowning and she realized that the strange girl was just that, a girl. Feeling even worse and having a feeling the child didn’t have any money, this affirmed when she tried to steal coins from the man who had her scythe, RenĂ©e decided enough was enough. Glancing back towards Sangrei, she smirked towards him,

“Actually, my younger sister and I are running this place for our pops. Hold that thought, I’ll be right back.” Sliding to her feet and resisting the urge to pop him in the nose for whatever reason, RenĂ©e moved over towards the masked girl and the stranger who had her scythe and was at that moment accusing her of thievery.

Upon really looking at the situation, she realized he had told the girl she could have her scythe back. Pausing, she turned towards the girl, frowning a little. “Hey
 hey, it’s alright. I was a bit short with you earlier. How about I get you some food and something to drink and then maybe if you’d like, you could go up to my suite and wash up? Let me make things up to you? Just please
 stop making glass shatter. If you decide that’s something you’d like, just come over to where I’m sitting and let me know, okay?” RenĂ©e’s voice was calm and soft, trying to make up for earlier. Smiling, she walked back over to Sangrei.

“Now, where were we? Oh, right. I sort of, not really, kind of died right after I left you. Did you even go to my funeral?”