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"Ready to rumble?"

0 · 540 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Mr. Crow

So begins...

Shing's Story


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Character Portrait: Shing
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Hope I'm doing this right

The setting changes from The Observatory to Main Street


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Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Sahlie Bikan
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#, as written by Script
A flash of brilliant golden light illuminated the street a short distance down the slagged street, and for a brief moment the air warped around a clear stretch of road. The flood of light faded after a moment to reveal a small group of figures standing in the previously empty space. The jump from the Temple was slightly disorienting for those inexperienced with teleportation, but having used it for many years, Elante barely hesitated before stepping forwards to survey the situation. He frowned at their somewhat vulnerable position and the state of the road, glad for his relatively thick boots.

"We should spread out and do what we can to help anyone that needs it, focus on protecting civilians and people in trouble rather than on taking the offensive," he said, casting a glance back over his shoulder at the rest of the group. "If anyone wants to join me, I'm going on to the business district to find Aeryn."

"It looks like a dragon flew through here," Shelby exclaimed. The scorched and melted street was still giving off heat. "What could have done this much damage?" All around them were the charred and littered bits of molten slag from what remained of the cyborgs unfortunate enough to be caught in the Reverence's attack.

"Maybe that?" Tahlia asked as she pointed up at the Reverence looming overhead.

"Void take me, we need to get off these streets if they're firing down here," Shelby replied. "What are they thinking bringing a Reverence down into here?!"

"It's the damned Aschen, what do you expect?" Dryden growled.

"Burn me if I expect anything but insanity from anyone this side of home," Talren muttered, "I'm convinced if most people in this bloody world had half their wits about them we'd barely have to lift a finger."

"Is that a mob moving towards us?" Tahlia gaped. "What in the hell is going on out here?" she asked.

Talren threw up a hand in defeat, "I told you! Everyone's bloody mad!"

The echo of core, core, core rang out over even the sounds of battle until you could feel it reverberting right to your bones. In one direction the cyborgs were re-gathering en masse to start their own march back down Main Street, and in front of the approaching mob from the other direction were soldiers and a line of mechs setting the place alight as they went. The cyborgs had been pushed back but a sea more awaited to retake their place if the position wasn't re-claimed swiftly.

"Light. We'll be in a meat grinder if we're caught out here when these groups hit," Shelby told the others. "Go on Elante, we can handle ourselves here. Anria, Cináed, Sahlie, Talren and Tahlia. Get to that blockade and find out who's in charge here and where they most need our assistance. Everyone else with me, we need to get clear of this area. Get to the outskirts of the combat zones and get as many people evacuated as possible before the fighting reaches them."

Elante nodded his head, "Good luck, watch each other's backs." he said, before in another flash of light, he was gone.

"You heard the woman!" Anria barked, voice booming heartily from beneath her helmet, "Move, and show any undead monstrosities that cross our path the business end of your blades!" The tall and broad-shouldered woman hefted her halberd and set off at a run.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Talren Cathos
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”Oh my… How wonderfully intoxicating!” The rumble of a myriad of gunfire and explosions overwhelmed the beat of his heart. A lustful sensation drew to the very tips of his fingers. His shoulders wriggled in a giddy fashion, before he hugged his chest to contain the feelings within. Only his eyes could escape the illustrious orchestra of madness, and peer above into the ashy night sky.

Denizens of Ásgarðr,” A manner of spite twisted the tongue, which voiced his commands. “Be wary.” It was the very epitome of an insult, and warning, to the otherworldly beings who claimed a higher throne.

“Proxies, I trust most of you have kept a surviving distance from the tactics of these aggressors?” The inquiry dispersed electronically to the canals of several ears. With the scope of an eagle, smiling eyes ogled the blazing ground in search of the enigmas.

In a general sense, the word ‘proxy’ refers to someone or something, which is a reliable substitute to act on another someone or something’s behalf. To act, one must be able to react; a reasonable number of the proxies, as they were defined, had escaped the confines of the destruction caused by the erratic soldiers. Meanwhile, everyone else wrestled with their grip on life, and the rebellion they so vigorously showed in the beginning.

Masked faces and hooded figures charged the streets with guns and bats in hand. They screamed as if it was their last moment to live. Soon blurred vision, and an infallible ringing from the explosions caused them to recognize the bodies of their comrades being blown across the street, and splattered onto the sidewalk. Some of the rioters cringed away, while others threatened any oncoming zomborgs with a spray of bullets. Several threw ‘Molotov cocktails’ at the hordes of zombies; the cocktails had been simple jars of gasoline with a flaming cloth at the end. The first to surrender his life to the cause was the speaker of the mob. His megaphone lay somewhere underneath the clashing scores of human and zomborg.

Countless bodies of the rioters had all but evaporated in the ignorant mayhem of missiles, gunfire, and supernatural fury of the so-called “protectors” of this city. One being, of whom stood amidst the grand scheme, had long realized an undeniable truth of humanity. He had taken part in this claim several times. What was it? What did all humans desire so much? It was something, in the purest sense of the word, ephemeral. This drive in every man, woman, and child; it builds kingdoms, it destroys nations, and it inspires every living human to create a new life.

“We all knew what this conflict would bring. Well… maybe not all of us.”

Any one survivor’s eyes would reflect the Aschen Reverence, and bare a spiteful glare toward their fallible approach; after the ungodly blue column of light struck down on the masses of zomborgs a wicked ringing had invaded every conscious human’s ear. The scattered horde of civilians had been assisted by what they truly feared and hated: The Aschen. Out of the ‘Thousand Core’ riot, over two-thirds had perished in the uproar of battle. Hundreds more were injured, and on their way to being mauled. All former predictions of how these people were destined for death the moment they made their choice had, in fact, been proven right. Perhaps, the enemy of thine enemy is not thine friend?

“And, so I see they make their appearance. Oh, what did I say, Mammon? They’ve never known how to keep their noses clean.”

The proxies hid in the shadows of the buildings, and fought each encounter of rabid zomborg on their own, or simply ran away to another crevasse of Main Street; shops, bars, alleyways. Many retained their own unique prowess of how to deal with such things. Each one was subtle. Some were mutated animals or humanoids, others were shifters. Some were even the everyday prospect of an average human being. The variations of these proxies did not falter under any means of scrutiny.

”Tom-Bear, gather your team. It’s time to infiltrate the buildings. Secure the ground level, if you can, but I want a body to set up a fifty degree perimeter of c4 on the interior mid-level of each structure. Ping back, if you need any assistance.”


Three figures traveled south of the blockade, while keeping their distance from the main fight. A large figure, who seemed more burly and fit to head the vanguard, had kept to its post of snuggling a half-mile away from the edge of combat. Two of the figures, men, lagged behind the larger leader of their pack. Vicious zomborgs, which lay ahead of the men, were left shredded by bullets. However, a few of the undead had limbs ripped off, or their bowels gutted. By first glance, it would appear their bodies were mauled by something with more animosity than themselves.

As the beam of light had literally paved the way, the small party came upon an alleyway, which led to the intersection. “Damn, man…” A hooded man panted restlessly, as he skid to a stop behind his bulky companion. Another masked man followed behind, and all but collapsed for a breath of air. They were both hunched over with palms on their knees, as their hearts vibrated in their chests. “God… You’re faster than you look.”

“I’m a mutant, you dumbass.” A distinguishable male voice reverberated in the alleyway. Every articulated syllable uttered by the deep tone of this thing’s voice caused the men’s backs to arch with fear.

“Yeah, but you’re… a pan-“ The hooded man had begun a stuttered reply.

“Shut up, and follow me inside. Damn sacks of meat and metal will fist pump your sorry ass holes, without me, so do as you’re told.” The enormous body huddled alongside the wall of the alley, and stepped out in the open corner of the intersection. A pair of round, black ears twitched at the roars of the zomborgs ahead of them. Then, with the vexation of a spotlight, the golden flash caused the figures to flinch away, and shade their eyes. A giant, black paw commanded the men to stay still. There they stood on the very edge of the alleyway, nearly fifteen yards away from the group.

Without a glance to the men, the fur ridden proxy directed his stubby claw for them to march toward the building across the street. “Don’t stop.” He growled in a low whisper; his upper lip curled to convey his certain authority over the humans. It would only be a couple minutes, before they reached the other side. With each step they took, their toes curled with tension. They were armed, but lugging explosive materials was one route for a good sweat. These individuals desired no interaction. As they crossed to a half-way point of the street within a minute, the large, ebony and ivory mass of a beast began to shuffle from the edge of the alleyway. He trotted along, as if he were as small and hairless as his subordinates, as if his feet carried no such tons of body weight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Talren Cathos
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As Ki paused on top of a building, his ears twitched when he caught the sound of voices. "Two humans and a..." he frowned as he lifted his head slight and sniffed the air, his slit gold eyes widening when he smelt the musk of another feline. Moving with stealth long born, he moved towards the edge of the roof and looked down his eyes seeing through the darkness of the ally way a gaped for several seconds when he saw the large male.

(*)Holy shit!(*) he though even as a grin curved his lips. "Born or mutated?" he wondered as he moved closer, his eyes trailing over the figures below ears twitching and tail flicking behind him, but never once kept his attention just on those three, since he also saw the shambling zomborgs nearly 15 feet where the three were slowly making their way towards the other building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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#, as written by Zarhara
As the small force of Mechs marched toward the cyborg a flash of flesh darted out from the shadows a dull grey light could be seen and a high pitched could be heard. The figure raced by a Mech and it fell and it repeated the process until only one remained. It easily dodged the heavy robots weapons. Then the figure raced through the barrier past the troops and down the street. It ran much faster than the average human but not with superhuman speed either.
General Williams had been walking down the street by the SEC marines when he got reports of his Mechs being dropped. He was about to send a few marines forward when a skinny figure raced by. He caught the figures face in the light and immediately recognized X279.

"STOP HIM! SEIZE HIM!" He shouted to the armored Marines. About six of them raced after the figure their armor enhanced their speed and immediately caught up with him. X was close to the square now but suddenly he made a miscalculation and was backed into a corner at the front lines. Behind the lines Zombies approached while SEC marines leveled rifles to X's head.

Out of the Shadows Zeban sky appeared. "Don't kill him, Mr. Sullen wants him alive." He said in a dark voice to the marines before turning to the boy. "We have been hunting you for months and when our resolve began to falter you land right in our hands. Fates funny isn't it?" He stated laughing knowing the young man could not respond to his queries.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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Sighing softly Ki leaped from the building down to the ground and moved towards the zomborgs, his eyes slit gold and his tail lashed behind him. He grinned when they saw him and moved towards him. Sliding to a sudden stop, he twisted slightly and lashed out with his tail, twin shlinks echoing as his scythes popped out and heads rolled as bodies fell with wet thunks. Those still standing soon lost their heads as well as his tail lashed back around before flicking and sending blood everywhere before sinking back into the ball on the end of his tail.

He looked back to where the three had been and hoped to met the feline some day but knew he didn't have time to wast as the soldier on his back twitched. "Lets get you some help." he said as he leaped forward and once again raced down the street, leaping burned cars, dead bodies and skirting around larger pockets of zomborgs. Sliding to a halt, Ki's head cocked his ears tuned towards a shout and shifted slightly before leaping in that direction. Only to skid to a halt when he saw several large armored suits and gulped as his tail lashed out to strike into the side of the building to keep him from slamming into one and froze where he stood, slit gold eyes locked on the mech's while his ears twitched and he shifted ever so slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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Before she knew it, she felt herself falling. The girl with the red hair was still looking at the sky, but from far up. She twisted her hips, allowing her whole body to turn around so she could face the street.

Her jaw dropped.

She was as high up as the sky scrapers. No! Far higher! But it was not as she had thought it was. There was death and war on Main Street. People pushing back terrible machines. Soldiers. Soldiers? Gunshots. She could hear them even in her fall. She spread her arms and frowned, slowing her momentum, if just barely. She concentrated on the scene before her.

Airheaded would be the proper word, huh? Iso grumbled to herself. She reached for the watch around her wrist, but paused when she felt skin. Her expression became panicked.

Shit! I left it on the counter!

As she swiftly approached the ground, she closed her eyes and flickered out of existence once more. When she flickered back into the world, she was in the middle of the commotion. She whirled around, looking towards the army of...of...

...zombies? Machine zombies?

Her heart raced. She wasn't prepared for this! Not right now! One approached her, and as she whirled around to run she was met with a man holding a gun. Time slowed for all but a second as she saw his finger press down on the trigger. She was gone long before the bullet left the barrel, one moment there, the next moment in a nearby alley, on a fire escape, falling onto her back in an uncoordinated tumble. She curled up, teeth gritting as the air was knocked out of her.

What was I thinking? She got up, pressing her back to the wall. Those blue eyes swept over the chaos of the street once more.

Oh, right. I wasn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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It might have been chaos on the the blood and bile soaked Main Street of Wing City; and of course all one could hear was the battle that was being waged on the long lane of pavement. Guns firing, people screaming, fires raging, and machines going haywire and don't even think about the smell of the area as the dead lined the ground.

This was most likely hell on earth from anyone point of view, but it was about to get worse with the arrival of ten very large and bright yellow troop transporters. Their giant fifty inch wheels coming to a screeching halt and the back doors flung open with a loud metal thud.

A few waves of people in bright yellow hazmat suits came rushing towards the battle. Guns in tow. And one of those hazmat suited maniacs climbing the top of one of the vehicles and pointing out towards the mob of zomborgs.

"Halt out, Bitches! We got Zombie Ass to kick the Center of Disease Control style!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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On top of the rooftops nearby, several bandits had devised a plan to get the drop on the forces fighting below in the streets. Several of the bloodthirsty criminals occupied several buildings, each of them facing one another. Loading up crudely made crossbows, obviously made from whatever was handy at the time, the various men on the rooftops proceeded to create a small zipline system across the buildings, some of them directing up to the rooftops, others directing into various windows.

Chuckling a bit, one of the many bandits strapped several grenades to a zipline, shoving them on their way, the grenades becoming unattached to the zipline when it was above the center of the street, resulting in several grenades falling to the earth. Once the initial barrage of explosives were dropped, the bandits then strapped themselves to the zipline system, sliding building to building, taking potshots or lobbing grenades at the chaos below, all of them taunting and teasing. "NEVER SHOULDA COME HERE!" a voice with a southern accent might yell, or "I'm gonna blow you into GUM!" another might yell, obviously fearless in their attempts to salvage from the resulting carnage. They came to this planet to get rich, not wuss out, after all...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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#, as written by Nemo
Paragon leaped out of the way as column of plasma slammed into the street, his jump carrying him hundreds of feet into the air, propelling him high above the city. He looked down at the now-scorched pavement, scouring the area for any signs of the cursed wolf...

From his bird's eye view over the city, Paragon could see neither the werewolf nor the remains of any Terran citizens left in the carnage of the Aschen assault. Despite their glitzy entrance, they had been careful, which is was more then could be said for some of these crazy 'defense' forces. Still, it looked as if the tides were being stemmed. Heroes and soldiers flooded in from every direction, defending their homes and families with their powers, weapons, magics or plain old human courage. It looked as if there weren't many zomborgs left 'alive' on Main Street. Victory seemed imminent for the forces of order on Terra.

With the werewolf out of his hands, Paragon threw back his hands, gliding through the sky on the ends of his cloak. He veered left, resolving to follow through on his earlier lead and find the source of these monstrosities... though he curiously descended near the building that the three armed soldiers had entered not a few moments earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Saarai
The cybernetic drones kept coming, even if they were in smaller numbers. In reality their numbers hadn't decreased, they had just scattered. Main Street was just one area that these enhanced corpses were. They were in alleys, in buildings, on Sol Avenue, in the slums, the woods.

Victory wasn't imminent at all. The false hope that the dwindling numbers on Main Street itself was going to be ruined sooner or later by the revelation that all these people had did was secure part of one street in a big city on a big planet.

It wasn't time to pat themselves on the back, it was time to step up their game if they wanted to clean house and rid their planet of these scientifically abused monstrosities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Zarhara
General Allen walked away from the Scene with X279 Leaving Zeban to handle that mess. He knew this was only a partial victory in their hands. Something nagged him that this was only the beginning. The source of this madness still needed to be found but it seemed to him this needed to be contained. Soon he found the NPA and Terran small command post on the street and walked up.

"My name is General Allen With the Sullen Enterprise Corporation I wish to speak with whom ever is leading the Terran operations." He said loud enough to stop the chattering of Terrans.

Meanwhile X279 was cowering in a corner a scared look on his face facing three massive rifles of SEC marines and a demon. Zeban still in demon form chuckled.

"Boy your fun is finished here. It's high time you returned home, But see you destroyed our newest product and Mr. Sullen isn't going to like that. So here's the deal, I can tell some how you have realized your potential. Fight these things and let us show case it or maybe I'll just kill you hear you've cause so much damage already..." He said before he sensed a being behind one of the Armored Marines. Zeban spun around turning to face Shiro Ki.

"This is none of your business!" He said in a dark voice. X279 looked up at the man almost pleading for assistance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Shing
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#, as written by Tiko
The sounds of gunfire and fighting had begun to fade into the distance as Maria sat up among the scattering of broken glass. Once more she found herself brushing debris from her body, though this time without weapon nor clothes at hand. Her untimely transformation had left her clothes and weapons either destroyed, or discarded back at the alley.

She wouldn't have minded laying there a time longer to recuperate, but there was no telling how long the lul in the fighting would last for. It would seem another had similar thoughts though as she detected a faint chill upon the air. Goosebumps ran along her arms and she felt the light feathery touch of snow melting upon her skin. When she looked up her eyes had once more regained their wolfish amber hue, and there was a feral intensity reflected within them.

There was no mistaking the source. One did not forget what it felt like to stand within the presence of a god, nor would she soon forget what it felt to have one brush up against her. It was intoxicating. There was balance too found within Lobos' gift - a balance Maria oft warred with. The wolf-mind stirred once more, and with it came strength and fortitude, but so too did she retain her clarity of thought. It was the careful balance that all Ulfhednar strive to maintain, but few could claim as the affliction takes hold.

The cyborg threat it would seem had been pushed back deeper into the city and off from Main Street - time enough to get herself reequipped. Shaking bits of broken glass from her hair she rose to her feet and made her way across the room. She took care to avoid the worst of the broken glass as she grabbed up a discarded leather coat from the counter - left behind by a fleeing employee perhaps. It wasn't much, but it would suffice.

Throwing it over her shoulders she secured it by the belt around the waist as she began to rummage for a weapon of some sort. There didn't appear to be much in the way of options, but then again any object in the hands of an Ulfhedinn was a dangerous weapon.

She was crouched down behind the counter digging around within it when she heard the crunch of glass as someone tread within the store. She rose to her feet to face whoever had entered the building and her wolfish eyes searched them each in turn. It was Shing that drew her focus though as she picked him out for the leader of the group.

She hadn't seen anything quite like him before, though he looked vaguely akin to the Berserkir of G'ael, albeit it fluffier and less ferocious. Looks could oft be deceiving though. The Berserkir had an aptitude for the balance that the Ulfhednar warred with, but their ferocity was legendary.

Maria's senses were highly tuned with Lobos' essence still swirling through her and she could smell the explosive components over the stench of ozone in the air. It was a scent she knew well and it left her riled with the wolf-mind paced restlessly through her and her eyes remained unwavering as they stared the group down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Charlie Munroe Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Coming up the street from the business district was a large silver pickup truck, men and women sitting inside and some sitting in the back. They had guns in hand and a few even waved towards those manning the barricade on their end of the street.

"We need to make it look more convincing." Romero said, "What do you mean?" The truck's driver asked, "You're about to find out." Romero answered, giving a mental order to his horde of undead cyborgs. A few in the area began to converge on the truck, lunging at the men and women inside and riding in the back.

Romero knew he was in no real danger, and he wouldn't care if he was, the suited man just sat stoically as his mindless drones pulled a few of his own people from the back of the truck. Tearing them apart as their comrades, in confusion, fear and anger, opened fire.

"Jesus, open fire. Clear a path for them." Lennox ordered, Invictus Elites and NPA Enforcers stepping past the barricade to open fire on the hordes attacking the truck or that might be deciding to turn their sights on the rest of the area.

It was amazing that anyone, anything, could get out of the de facto no man's land that was the business district, but stranger things had happened in Wing City, on Terra.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

The towering mass of four hundred twenty-one pounds stomped into the confines of the grandiose structure; an escalator to the right, which led to the second level, away from the ground lobby continued to operate, unlike the bloodied bodies piled at the top of its stairs. The two men at the bear’s side looked on at the comical, though very sickening sight.

“I see an elevator. Let’s go, huh?” The masked man pointed up to the second level to let his comrade confirm.

Shing’s dry leather nostrils sniffed the air, as his eyes expanded in interest. He had captured an unusual scent; a scent not uncommon in this territory. “Nose knows,” He snarled, before he turned to spot Maria just ahead, as she stood behind the counter. His nose twitched, once more. His ears saluted a flittering motion in the air. The panda shook his head, which caused his rolls of fur to weave like the opposite crash of two waves. “Ya’smell like a bitch.” He saw red, which left his mind to ignore what the wind had let land.

Neither of the men stifled a glance toward the woman, as they kept a steady pace to their right to reach the escalator. The rise of the electronic stairs was unusually slow for an escalator. In a closer view, the oozing bodies of victims could be seen at the top, as the bare metal edges grazed the tangled flesh of a fleeing victim. The hooded man took notice, and began to shake his head at his masked companion to signal his distaste of the ‘dirty work.’ “I’ll be glad to block off the street, Shing. These creatures are such a pain!” he called back to the panda. He might have grinned, if the situation called for it.

The two maneuvered through the tattered books, and industry magazines. A flickering fluorescent loomed overhead. “Hey, Jim,” The masked man began to observe the lobby. There were posters of models, male and female, dangling from the ceilings, catching the outside breeze like stylish sails. “This place…” He continued.

“Yeah, what about it?” Jim, the hooded man, glanced around at the trashed interior of the building. They both kept their pace, sidearms holstered, and duffle bags roped over their shoulders. He felt something soft crush under his boot. His eyes lingered down to see a pink silken bra entangled around his heel. “Nice. It’s a C cup.”

“Jim, it’s like… The biggest ‘Maria’s Mystery’ I’ve ever seen.” The masked man tapped Jim’s shoulder, as he spun around to scan the rest of the high ceiling. It appeared as a giant cylinder with multiple levels of lingerie, and other risqué apparel.

“I can see that. After death blows over, I can only guess how many call girls will ransack this place.” His lashes fluttered, as he kicked off the bra, and cuffed his arm to escort him back on the journey to the stairs beyond. They were just ten yards away from the escalator.

“Yeah, well they won’t have much to suck out, after we give this place a blow job. Haha Get it?”

“Bro, just help me reach the next level.”

“So, what the hell? Are you a survivor?” Shing huffed, as he narrowed his eyes at the red head. Bits of warm snot spouted out from his nose like a vapor. “I’m just asking, because you sure don’t smell like a human!” His growl rumbled through the all but empty corridors of the store. The two men came to a halt; all the while they had been trudging through articles of fashion, Shing had continued to stand at attention and inspect the woman. They whipped back around, hands stuffed into their jackets, as they gripped their side-arms. “We’re only on the first level, and he almost killed me.” Jim shook his head in relief to see nothing that seemed out of the ordinary, except the ginger woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
A harrowing echo transcended the ominously empty building; a cold and reverberative sound that seemed to linger far longer in the rooms of the abandoned structure then its comparatively quiet intensity should have allowed.

The nature of the sound itself was impossible to discern. Some strange three-way hybrid of stone cracked with an iron hammer, a panting human whisper and the squealing of a hog slaughtered quickly with a sharp knife.

It was the sort of sound that was impossible to mistake for the wind. Impossible to find some logical, disarming explanation for.

It was the sort of sound that only monsters make.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Maria's gaze shifted from Shin to the men moving towards the escalator and back again. Something about these men riled her. A predatory instinct perhaps, or just the attitude the men were exuding. Her nostrils flared at the scents assaulting her over the stench of ozone and blood.

After a moments deliberation she stepped out from behind the counter to place herself between the escalator and the trio.

The fighting had moved on from this area, but the situation in the city was still intense, and yet this trio seemed unperturbed as they went about their business. The fleeting thought that these three were involved in what was going on was enough to leave her suspicious, and the gear they were trucking further lent to her wariness. She remembered well the destructive capability of explosives.

"Identification," she bit out, her northern accent thick as it marred her words.

The feral gleam hadn't left her wolfish eyes, and the rush of Lobos' lingering essence was invigorating, intoxicating even.

She nodded to the materials the men were lugging as if to emphasize her meaning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: People Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

“Identification?” The masked man whispered to Jim. They both glanced between Shing and this mysterious woman. All eyes followed the woman in scrutiny, when she bee-lined her way between them and their goal, the escalator.

“I wonder what her problem is.” Jim cocked an eyebrow, as he found himself looking over the woman.

“You know, it’d be a kicker if this was like one of those movies where the hot chick has nothing under her coat.” Jim’s masked companion had begun to chuckle, while Jim couldn’t help but spare a grin, himself; his more primal tendencies caused Jim to sprout an imagination.

“She has a real attitude, though.” Jim nodded further in conclusion.

“Shing looks angry.” The masked man relaxed, and let his hand down from the grip of the gun. He straightened up, and nodded ahead to the escalator, which was less than two yards in front of them.

“Donny, Shing always looks angry. He’s the universal opposite of everything Panda.” Jim shook his head in contrast to Donny’s signal. There was concern about being directly between a bear and its woman. “But, we just met the guy not eighteen hours ago, so this could be his type of gal.” Jim continued, the sarcasm littering his every syllable.

Shing gripped his sub-machine gun, when his eyes met Maria’s animalistic glare. ”Get your ass scootin’ along, woman. It ain’t safe here.” A slight snarl choked his words, as his fluff laden brow dipped in confusion. His stubby fingers wrapped around the grip of his sub-machine gun. A rising aggression toward the woman’s body language was apparent; he hadn’t moved from his spot, the whole time, though. His sights were set on what he deemed a crazed female. His beady black eyes never left Maria, until the disturbing cry of a creature rattled throughout the spiraling structure. ”Told’ya it wasn’t safe,”

“Keep moving, monkeys.” He nodded toward Jim and Donny. The great Panda had finally shuffled after them, but not before shaking his head at the woman and her unruly demeanor.
“Bitches be crazy, yo.” Donny mumbled to Jim. The hooded man didn’t regard his companion on this note, however. His focus on the woman was maintained by Shing’s own unyielding stare.

“I wonder if she really is… No, couldn’t be.” A slight of Jim’s thoughts had escaped. The three began to draw closer to the woman, but obviously in a direction yielding away from her person, and toward the escalator.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Daniel Johnson Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Maria made no move to shift her position to allow the pair a clear route to the escalator as she continued to keep herself positioned between them and it. The woman was clearly on edge, and the wolf-mind was prowling restlessly behind her ambers eyes. Maria wasn't the most stable of individuals even under the most ideal of circumstances - let alone in the midst of such destruction and chaos.

The scent of the explosive components stung her nostrils, a scent she remembered well from the building she had been trapped within only a few weeks prior. The aggression she was gleaning off the trio added to the unease of the situation. They in no way looked to be affiliated with any of the local law enforcement agencies, or any of the known mercenary groups. Nothing about this seemed right to her and she warred with her primal instincts to walk away, and her human rationality to stand her ground.

Movement beyond Shing drew her gaze momentarily.

With the cyborgs pushed back from this region of the city the street had been largely cleared for the WCPD and other city officials to make a push to sweep the area for survivors - both cyborg and civilian. The thudding of boots and shouts passed the building by as uniformed men and woman began to search the streets and buildings.

Pushing the wolf-mind further down Maria gave a loud shout for several passing WCPD officers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Daniel Johnson Character Portrait: Danielle Kalter Character Portrait: Shing
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The thudding of boots was accompanied by the sound of heavy clanking, faintly audible amidst the group of WCPD passing by the building's opening. Hearing Maria's shout Danielle, the source of the clanking footfalls, came to a halt, catching the arm of the nearest officer to halt him with her. "I think I can hear someone in there," the solid-metal woman stated, gesturing inside. "Watch my back and stay close in case there are stragglers."

Still brandishing an automatic rifle despite her enhanced physical form (after all, who wanted to get up close and personal with the undead unless they had to?) Danielle advanced carefully into the building with several WCPD officers at her back. "Hello?" she called out, "Who's there? This is the WCPD, we have cleared the street and you now can and should proceed directly to the nearest evacuation point." There was a brief pause. "Do you require assistance?" she added as an afterthought.

"This place looks like it got hit hard," officer Johnson told her. He had his pistol drawn but it was pointed down towards the ground as they moved into the building.

A moment later Danielle's call was answered by one of Maria's own.

"Maria Raghild," she called out, her accent thick. "With the Invictus."

She didn't much look like a mercenary given her current state of dress which included nothing more than a coat that barely afforded a measure of modesty. The look in her eyes was hard as steel though and she nodded towards the pair lugging explosives through the building.

Danielle glanced between the barely-clothed Maria and the men opposite her, taking in their armament and the unusual baggage they were carring with them, along with the obvious tension between the two parties. "I want all weapons kept lowered and this situation explained immediately."

She gestured with her gun towards the group of men, "I know who she is now, but what about you?"