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Simeon Blackmore

0 · 471 views · located in Blue Moon Cafe

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by SapereAude



So begins...

Simeon Blackmore's Story


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Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: Nephthys Bastia Character Portrait: The Rosetta Dragon Knights Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Eldritch Horror Character Portrait: Azethoth
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"Simeon. Do you think we should get involved?" Phaidra asked. She hoped he said yes. She had been itching to put her Berrettas to good use. It had been so damn long since she had a taste of combat, since she got to hear the sound of heads splitting with the pull of a trigger.

"Not yet. We don't make any moves unless Diana gives us the word." replied Simeon, who was sitting with one leg crossed over his knee. He watched with a straight face as the sky ripped open before their eyes, allowing the horrid creatures from some other plane to spill out into the world they had come to call their own--Origin.

Phaidra grit her teeth in frustration and pounded her fist on the table. This earned her a cutting glance from Simeon, who lifted his glass of champagne above the white cloth as the table shook. "This blows. All she ever wants us to do is recruit and train. What's the point of gathering all these forces and training them if we aren't ever going to use them?"

Simeon kept quiet. She did have a point, but it wasn't his place to question Diana's orders. He just followed them. That was his place. So for now, Simeon stayed in his seat and watched as the city's defenders rose to the challenge presented by this invading forces.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: Nephthys Bastia Character Portrait: The Rosetta Dragon Knights Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Eldritch Horror Character Portrait: Azethoth
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As the valiant Origin Defense Forces and the allied Mauhasinan forces held their own, Azethoth's cracks began to spread throughout the universe, as Eldritch horror began to appear all over across time and space in the Multiverse.

Azethoth himself was a super powered entity capable of consuming entire galaxies, an Elder God from a time before the Multiverse existed. He was intent on consuming everything, from Origin, to the Mauhasinan Homeworld, to Terra, to all over.

And his Eldritch Horrors continued to spew out, attacking anything and everything they could. In particular, one large Eldritch Horror seemed to appear, closing in on the Mauhasinan forces with barriers up and planning to ram right into them...

...and yet, this was stopped by a strange power that rose up from the back! A large blast of magical energy not only pierced the beast, but even sent it flying away outside the city limits so the corpse would not land on the Mauhasinan troops. Perhaps they were so considerate as to thank them for helping the civilians during this strange invasion.

And for the record, Origin had supplied them with books detailing the usual monsters and what not, so had they read them they would know this was unusual even for Origin. In fact, this event would have a lasting impact on the entire Multiverse. And for those who realized, they would be able to guess why it was happening today.

It was Halloween, the day of mysteries and the night of mayhem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Mauhasinan Empire Character Portrait: Nephthys Bastia Character Portrait: The Rosetta Dragon Knights Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Eldritch Horror Character Portrait: Azethoth
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Phaidra impatiently tapped her fingers on the smooth mahogany table in front of her as she watched these horrific creatures run amuck. A curse escaped her rosey lips, which had taken the shape of a pout as panicked pedestrians hurried past them. She could hardly believe what she was hearing! Was Simeon really going to sit here and let innocent people die in front of them? Ridiculous!

"I swear, Simeon. You're always so fixated on following Diana's orders that you can hardly think for yourself. You might as well tie a leash around your neck." Her words were harsh but she knew they were the truth. She didn't believe in sugarcoating the advice she gave. Especially with Simeon, with whom she'd been working for some time now. They were past the bullshit niceties that people used to lessen the impulse of truth's impartial hand.

"It's as if you don't care for anyone but yourself."

"Are you finished? Your rancid breath is making it really hard to enjoy my drink." answered Simeon matter-of-factly. He was, as always, aloof. To maintain this level of indifference in the face of some sort of extra-dimensional invasion and a barrage of scathing remarks required an astounding degree of self-control. Or emotional damage. In Simeon's case, it likely was a messy combination of both.

"Although your nigh-pathological aversion to authority prevents you from seeing it, there is a benefit to law and order. It's what separates us from mere beasts and barbarians."

Simeon shook his head with a sigh. He knew she would never get it. They were just too different. Sometimes it made him wonder why Diana had chosen them to be partners in the first place. The truth was that Simeon did care about the people around him. What he wouldn't give to join the fray but his respect for the hierarchy of their order outweighed his desires and personal sense of responsibility.

He threw his head back to finish his drink. The crunch of breaking bones coupled with an unsettling howl signaled that another of the city's finest had fallen. He sighed again.

"Perhaps a call to HQ is in order." he said.

Simeon fetched his phone from his pocket and dialed the number he had in mind. "Yeah. Put Diana on. It's urgent."


"Yes, Simeon?" chimed the voice of Diana Sævildottir from the other end of line. Her voice was as smooth as a velvet cloth, yet it possessed an air of superiority that incited anyone who heard it to stop and listen.

"There's an attack on Millenium Plaza. Class 5 threat at the very least. With your permission, I think it's best that we join the fray."

There was a brief period of silence before Diana spoke again.

"After thinking it over, I've decided to grant your request. Based on your description, this seems like a suitable event to announce our rebirth. I'll be sending a small regiment of Galguta to assist you."

"Oh, and Simeon, show them what we're capable of."

He thanked Diana and ended the call. Phaidra practically leapt from her seat when he told her the details of his phone call.

"About time. Let's show these ugly bastards that they picked the wrong city to invade." she exclaimed and rose to her feet.

A grin appeared on her face as she was overtaken by an ebullient spirit, birthed from what seemed like an eternity of quiet anticipation. She was finally going to get to flex her muscles in combat, and she didn't intend to waste time doing so. Small dots of blue light began to shine around Phaidra as she employed her abilities. These speckles seemed benign and unimportant at first glance, but those who could detect sources of magic and other arcane energies would promptly discern that these were not ordinary collections of luminescent particles -- yet they sported a different "flavor" from the magic typically used on Origin (and other worls as well).

Guided by the woman's will, these elusive particles coalesced and birthed two rectangular handguns. They were plain in design, comprising charcoal gray bodies with silver trimmings. The only thing that stood out about them was the engraving of the Greek letter Omega on the sliding of each weapon. She took aim at a group of those repulsive creatures that approached them, snarling and groaning all the way, fired more than a dozen gross rounds in the span of a few seconds. The two handguns roared with deafening pops as its potent "bullets", crafted from the strange blue particles that seemingly appeared from thin air, mangled the vile beasts before they could reach them.

Trails of thick, bile-colored blood splattered on the ground and nearby tables. Careful not to get any of the ooze on her clothes, Phaidra quickly sidestepped a glob of the stuff as it came her way. Then, she moved on to the next one.

Simeon stretched his fingers wide to produce a large bowie knife from the same particles that his companion manipulated prior to him. He gripped the blade tightly and rose to his feet, casting his gaze across the city plaza that had been changed into a battlefield. The sounds of conflict electrified him to his very core. So, he sprinted toward the nearest group of eldritch horrors. They were attempting to rip a man apart by his arms and legs. Simeon could see the terrified expression on the man's face as he glanced in his direction. Although his fear had rendered him a mute, it was obvious that the fearful look in his eyes was a cry for help.

And help he did. Unlike Phaidra, Simeon preferred dispatching his enemies with melee weapons in a practice he dubbed "close-contact work". He put his skill with bladed weapons on display by lodging his bowie knife square between one of the monsters' eyes with a powerful throw. Then, he summoned two more to beleaguer the remaining creatures with a virulent combination of stabs, slashes, and physical strikes. One by one did he hack down the preternatural grotesqueries that came before him, and his enjoyment of the battle grew with every successful kill.

The setting changes from Millenium Plaza to Blue Moon Cafe


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Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Random NPC
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  1. If you don't mind, can you add a footnote with links to the referenced content? This will help our Historians moving forward.

    by Remæus

0.00 INK

(For the record, this takes place after the events involving Simeon in Millenium Plaza.)

The smell of cigar smoke loomed under Simeon's nose as he made his way from the cafe's entrance to an empty table on the second level, near the bar. There was a distinct ambience of professionalism mixed with a quaint insouciance nurtured by the jazz band currently playing on the stage to his far right. He sat with his leg crossed over his knee as he enjoyed the soft improvisation of the instruments at play. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. Today had been a long day. Why the Behörde had chosen him to oversee the training of the city's Quincy garrison was beyond him. He detested working with new recruits. Their unrelenting optimism and naivety. Their inability to focus on the most menial of tasks. He would have preferred being on assignment with Phaidra, like they had days ago. This was the duty he was given, however, and he would fulfill it perfectly.

He had worked all day at the local barracks and earned the respite he was due each day when his shift ended. Simeon intended to take full advantage of it, so he kicked back and waved one of the servers over so he could order himself a drink. A young, blond haired man approached the table with a pen and pad.

"Welcome to Blue Moon Cafe. What can I get you?" he said.

Simeon allowed his fiery orange eyes to settle on the man and replied, "Well this is my first time here. What do you recommend?"

The man paused to examine his newest patron. "For you? You look like the kind of guy who would enjoy a Garlic Talon."

"Sounds good to me."

The waiter scribbled the order onto the pad, smiled, and turned to head back to the bar where he could place the order. With that taken care of, Simeon turned to survey the other denizens in this fine establishment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci Character Portrait: Random NPC
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheHaze
Psychic powers are not to be played with. Very few people who refuse to learn that live very long, and those that do tend to make it very, very clear that if the ignorant don't end up taking themselves out, someone infinitely more responsible will. It's an unwritten law, one that just about every psychic can tell you ends up worming into their brain one way or another. They listen, and would very much advise anyone else to do the same.

Sometimes though, things don't go as planned. People fly under the radar, get lost in translation, sometimes they even go even more off the rails at the thought of someone else doing what they can. It can, as has, gotten ugly. Ugly enough that in some places, the grass will never grow again.

Why? Who knows, really. Psychics are always a bit off, and a novice can do a lot of damage on accident just by flexing the wrong lobe. There were a lot of budding psychics out there who didn't make it past childhood. It's a lot easier to run with scissors when you can pick them up with your mind. Some say it's the cumulative strain of making it past already difficult stages of life when you can hear what everyone thinks of you, some say psychics attract neurosis like a lighting rod. It's a little hard to figure out. Humans are complex animals.

Of course, that's not to say that inhumans can't be psychic. Aliens, angels, ghosts, what have you. It's pretty common. The only things people are fairly certain the only creatures that lose out on the psionic lottery are animals. That, everyone can agree, would be a disaster. What sort of cosmic mistake would let that happen, anyway?

That would be answered by, of all things, a cat carrier. It was in a drift of snow, and the occupant was very cold. It didn't know where it was, exactly, but it was ice as far as it could see and it knew it very much did not want to be where it was. It thought thoughts quite normal for a cat in such a situation, like how much it wished it was given a thicker sweater, or how it's ear was itching from a snowflake that managed to drift into it. It very much did not think that it wanted to hurl itself through time and space, but such things generally do not come about by conscious effort. So, when a flash of purple light caused the cold to give way to music, colored lights, and the smell of alcohol, the creature wasn't sure what to do at first.

Perhaps it was the abuse, or the exhaustion, or maybe the smoked fish it was fed being a little too old, but the sudden shift caused a bit of a...fizzle.

The poor woman washing her hands in the bathroom wasn't exactly sure how the hairless cat got in, or why is had a seizure on the floor, but she was very certain the water wasn't supposed to flow into the faucet and that cats eyes are not supposed to be purple and very much not supposed to glow. Still, given that she was a kind soul and that the cat, despite being a little wrinkly, was kind of cute... tossed her jacket over it and walked out quickly. She paid her tab and never touched gin again until the day she died.

After a few minutes of twitching, a pink set of ears poked out from the jacket, wobbled to its feet, and stumbled out of the bathroom between the legs of another girl, who was too intoxicated to share the previous woman's concern.

Sulci dashed out in an unsteady line, bashing her head into a table leg. The jacket that had been trailing from her like a cape settling over the heap, the only sign of the feline being a set of luminous purple eyes darting around like mad.


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Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci Character Portrait: Random NPC
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A part of living in a new place, whether that be a new city, country, or planet even, was learning about the locals. Simeon hadn't been on Origin for very long, but it hadn't taken him a century to learn how different things were here than on his earth. Hell, it was still weird for him to refer to his home as "his" earth. He grasped the topic of the multiverse on a superficial level, enough to help him understand that there were an infinite number of "copies" of his own world and all worlds, but anything more than that gave him a headache.

The biggest difference between his world and this one was the existence of magic and a multitude of supernatural creatures such as vampires and werewolves. Mere myths back home had leapt from the pages of fictions and scripts of hollywood movies and taken their place among the inhabitants of the real world. It still amazed him when he thought about it, and he enjoyed learning about the existence of new creatures and species -- especially if he got to kill the dangerous ones.

Speaking of danger, it sounded like there was some brewing on the other end of the cafe. A scream echoed from the hall leading to the bathroom, prompting Simeon to whip his head in that direction. When he saw the stumbling woman rush into the main room and out the door, he expected some sort of menacing monster to come out shortly afterward. Much to his surprise, or perhaps disappointment, the only thing that came strutting into the cafe square was a hairless cat.

"The hell?" he muttered to himself under his breath. He couldn't figure out what about this harmless-looking cat could have scared that woman so badly. Sure it was kind of ugly, but that hardly warranted such a hyperbolic reaction. He blamed the booze. Speaking of which: where was that waiter with his drink? He stood and approached the bar to find out.

"Seems like you forgot about me." he said to waiter, who was fetching drinks from the bartender as he made them.

The man turned with a platter full of drinks and grinned, "Someone is impatient. I was just about to bring it over to you."

Simeon shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his drink from the tray. Then, he started back toward his seat. "Or maybe I prefer taking what I want." he said, making sure he was still in hearing range when he did. He scanned the room for the cat he saw earlier to see if it was still there. No sign of it. Weird.


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Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci
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#, as written by TheHaze
The small cat shuffled under the table, jacket going with her. It was perfectly comfortable under there, she told herself. She could stay all night and never move and absolutely nothing else would happen. Nope. She was going to cling to this jacket with her life and nobody would take it from her and she would get kicked out or end up hanging from a coat rack and what was that musi-.

Glerk. Thump. Rustle.

The eyes under the jacket flickered back to their usual colors, blue and yellow, before narrowing unevenly and eventually disappearing under the coat as the cat had another episode. It was shorter, less intense. Probably the last one, she reckoned. There was something about the life of the club her brain couldn't handle. Sulci was used to the endless white and the occasional crackling record. This was so much more, not to mention the thoughts. So many, so loud! It was both great and terrible.

The hairless feline disentangled herself from the jacket, kicking it away so she wouldn't be tempted to go back under it. Now was the time for freedom. For warmth. For fun! She would keep her brain in check!

As it turned out, getting onto a table without levitating was harder than it looked. She was lithe and used to clambering up loose stones and perilous roofing, but this table was polished. That just didn't happen back home. After some very inelegant scrabbling, the runty Sphinx made into onto the tabletop.

She looked around, a little bit of pride worming itself into her shaky form. This...this wasn't so bad! Nobody had knocked her off! She had done something in the flesh, and this club (It was club, she was pretty sure.) looked really neat! Even the man at the table was- Oh.

She had forgotten that other people might be using the table. Her mismatched eyes had a hard time looking at the dark-skinned man, nerves forcing them away. Smooth pink tail firmly between her legs, ears flat against her head, she would try and make some sort of adorable sound. That usually worked on the child. The child liked her noises.


Well, that sounded awful. She sounded diseased. She probably was diseased. Malnutrition counted, she was fairly certain, She looked thin enough for it, and not having any hair didn't help.

She didn't know what to do now. Decidedly un-catlike expressions fought for space on her face until they settled into the usual wide-eyed fear. Maybe if she used her brain?


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Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci
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0.00 INK

Simeon, who was once again sitting with his leg crossed over his knee. He held his drink in his hand, whose chilled glass tickled his fingertips as he swirled it around, watching the tan liquor dance inside it. He didn’t consider himself a drinker since he rarely dabbled in the world of intoxicants, but when he did, he liked to try new ones. There was something about refraining from it that made each drink that much more enjoyable. He lifted the glass to his lips and took a hearty sip. His eyes widened in shock as his taste buds were bombarded by what tasted like one hundred cloves of garlic doused in gasoline.

“Fucking hell.” he muttered to himself with a cough. Why in gods’ name would that waiter recommend this drink to him? He wasn’t sure how he should feel about it. Simeon slid the glass away with a scowl marred into his countenance. That was when he noticed the same cat from before struggling to climb onto his table.

“Well hey there, little one.” he said, “What’s your n—”

He cut his words short when the feline made … some sort of noise. It caught him off guard at first because quite frankly, it was an unsettling sound. Confusion eventually gave way to amusement, however. Simeon nearly choked up in laughter as he stared at the strange little animal.

“Definitely wasn’t expecting that.” he commented.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheHaze
Okay, she could make this work. Laughter meant good things, usually, or at least the absence of something bad. The man was probably laughing at her, that was...fair. She didn't have any illusions about that. He did seem to have a bit of a problem with whatever was in that drink. If Sulci had hair, it would've curled like a bad perm. She couldn't fathom why anyone would drink something like that. It probably had something to do with the waiter, whose internal smugness could be felt all the way over at the bar.

Her name, though, was what surprised her. He had asked for her name! That never happened! Granted, she knew exactly two people who already knew it, but still! That meant he cared!

The cat inched closer to the man, de-scrunching as her nerves settled. Her head was still swimming with the music and the smell of tobacco smoke and strong alcohol, and it was beginning to loosen her up a little. She actually started to look like cat and not some scared, unfortunately-proportioned rodent. It felt...nice. She would have to figure out how she got here.

Sulci fluidly stumbled over to the man, quietly wavering on her paws as she stood over his drink. She'd have to respond. There was only one way for her to do that.

Mental communication was actually really easy for Sulci. She didn't know what to call it or what arcane process her brain went through to make it work, but she had nailed down the how of it. All it took was a good flex of the mind and a clear head. Her eyes closed as the cat inhaled and exhaled a shaky breath. When they opened, they were the glowing deep purple that came about whenever she used her abilities.

Her mental voice was feminine, young, and quavering. It sounded pretty pathetic, really, but it was the power behind it that made it something special. It wasn't a message being sent in a neat package from point A to point B. It was a ocean drain leaking some of its endless volume in a particular direction. The stutter kind of ruined the effect, though.

My n-n-name i-is S-s-ssrrrm.

She huffed in frustration, wrinkly pink forehead furrowing as she gathered her thoughts. She breathed in the scents, heard the sounds, felt herself calm down enough to get her mind back in working order. She was free, and she didn't know for how long.


It was hard for her, but she managed to do it. She was scared, hungry, cold, and confused. Her muscles still ached from the seizures and that woman's jacket had left her skin itching. Through all that, though, she managed to force out the word clearly and strongly. Her eyes focused on the man and flared as her mind found his mind, and entered it.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Synthe Gridd Character Portrait: Simeon Blackmore Character Portrait: Sulci Character Portrait: Random NPC
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Synthe Gridd folded close her writing tablet and packed up. It was about time for her to depart for tour. She would miss these quieter times- sitting in a cafe, writing music the old way.

She paid her bill and left a hefty tip, slipping out before anyone realized who was sitting at that table.