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Sonia Hughes

The acting leader of the Custodis Lamia and scientist. She is a former member of the Custodis Benevolentia and of the United Kingdom's SIB.

0 · 1,651 views · located in The Palace

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saarai


Real Name: Sonia Marie Hughes.
Alias(es): N/A.
Age: 44.
Birthdate: August 11, 1968.
Zodiac: Leo.
Race: Jamaican-English.
Species: Human.


- Let There Be Light: With this ability, Sonia holds her staff out in front of her and casts out a light that be blinding or even dim. When used in combat, she blinds her enemies so that she can flee from them or leave them open to an attack from a stronger ally.

So begins...

Sonia Hughes's Story


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
"You say that." The English scientist said, "I offer you a chance to work with the Invictus. But, first, I offer you a chance to learn some more self-control." Sonia informed Maria.

"You can be very dangerous, maybe you don't care, but I cannot allow you out there in the world with a rage that could lead to the deaths of innocents." Sonia said.

"Of children especially." The woman told Maria, her tone becoming more stern. "Do you think you can learn to control yourself?"


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
"Invictus, it's Latin. It's also the name of the organization I'm with, the same one who was hired to remove you, the same one who brought you down here." Sonia explained.

"We're many things. Mercenaries, soldiers, bounty hunters, investigators, scientists, doctors, medics, historians, accountants." Sonia began, "Vampires, werewolves, witches, warlocks, angels and demons. Humans."

"Most of all, we are individuals. We make our own choices, but we also look out for eachother."

The woman paused for a moment. "You're an outsider, but I'd like to look out for you as well. You can leave when you want, but I want you to give me a chance to solidify your control over your wolf."


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
Sonia placed a hand against the cage, allowing the door to open. "I don't want you to leave the city, I want you to better yourself." Sonia told Maria, "I can't force you to stay, but..."

Sonia gestured around, "If you do decide you want something more you know where to find me. Wing City, The Palace." The Englishwoman said, "I'll have someone escort you out."

The setting changes from Abysso to The Palace


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
"I was working. What's so important that you have to drag me up here?" Sonia asked as Jade pulled her along, "You have a visitor." Jade told the woman, pulling her towards and then pointing to Maria.

"There." Jade said, "Why, hello again." Sonia said to Maria, "I didn't expect you to be returning." The woman admitted, nodding to JAde to let her know she could go back to her duties.


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
"Good! We can work on your English, best you learn again from an Englishwoman. Learn the proper way to speak." Sonia joked, "Maybe work on your people skills."

"But, we may need to work on your anger issues."


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Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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#, as written by Saarai
"Yes, you control the wolf-mind. Learn to control you. All of you. Outbursts such as the one in this lobby are not acceptable." Sonia said, her tone of voice reminiscent of a strict parent.

"We'll begin soon. First, I want to draw some blood. Run some tests." Sonia told Maria, "What was your name, again?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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#, as written by Saarai
Cameras were set up in Stryfe's office, a small crew to operate them standing by as they waited for the Invictus leader. Stryfe read over a few papers given to her by Sonia, giving the woman a slight nod. "I'll take it into consideration." Stryfe told Sonia, "No, don't just take it into consideration, implement it." Sonia retorted.

"We can do more with good science than we can do with developing or building weapons, new armor, tanks, ships." Sonia told Stryfe, "Think of all the people we can help defend themselves against people like the Aschen." Stryfe responded.

"The Aschen aren't the Soviet Union, Fatin. The Soviet Union was officially an atheist state, the Aschen are a theocracy. Do you really think a few new weapons to give you or someone the advantage will stop them?" Sonia asked, "Please, don't tell me you're this naive."

"Ready to roll, Kahuna." A crew member told Stryfe, "We're not done." Sonia said, moving to leave Stryfe's office as Stryfe herself headed to her desk to get in front of the camera.

Stryfe sat down at her desk, clearing her throat. "Okay, we're going live in ten." The director said to Stryfe, giving the woman time to make sure her black pantsuit was fitting perfectly.

"Rolling in three... two..."

Stryfe saw the red light come on, taking up a serious demeanor for the broadcast. "Good evening, people of Terra and anyone watching from abroad. It's been awhile since I have spoken to you, I've been a bit busy. But, I'm on your TV screens, your laptops and your tablets to assure that in the coming weeks things will change."

"For those unaware of who I am due to my reclusive nature, I am Fatin Alfarsi. I am one of two leaders of the Invixtus along with Mary Munroe. Mary is currently apprehending terrorist and murderer Jacob Haley, she'll be back soon." Stryfe said, leaning forward on her desk.

"Firstly, all of those who I have reached out to and those who have reached out to me. I ask that you come see me here at The Palace as soon as possible. We have much to discuss and I'd rather do it in person." Stryfe said, "I look forward to seeing you, I can't wait." She added.

"Secondly, for you people of Terra, I'm not a citizen. I've avoided becoming a citizen over the years, my position now as your de facto president has been stressful, controversial due to the fact that I am not a Terran. But, like you I have endured the pain caused by evil men and their evil weapons. The Aschen, the Taiyou." The Invictus leader explained, "I've fought with you, my friends and family have died with you." She said to the camera.

"I want you, whoever you are, to step up and endure again if we must. With the organization of the military and polices forces showing some promise, I think it's time we start to focus on government and social issues. I'd also like to extend an offer to you all to join the Invictus and aid from here in whatever way you can if you don't like too many restrictions on you."

The Invictus leader cleared her throat, "As for those government issues, I want those with experience and ideas, past and current politicians as well, to come see me and talk to me personally on the level. I'll listen and I'll do more than everything I can to help you." Stryfe promised, "If there are any social issues you wish to be taken care or paid attention to let me know as well. We can't have intolerance being spread, attacks on someone because of who, or what they are. We have a message to send."

"Everyone from Terra is Terran no matter their skin, or presence of fangs, or wings, height, or weight. A unified, equal opportunity Terra is what I want to leave behind my grandchildren if I ever get to around to having children to make me grandchildren." Stryfe said with a chuckle.

"Those who come to me to join the Invictus, I want to let you know that we are not just a military organization. We have a place for many skill sets, for people to learn things. If your interest is military, we can help you. If you'd rather support us and the people through the culinary arts, we can have you." Stryfe said, "Especially with Taco's cooking."

Stryfe was understating Taco's cooking. Nuke a can of spam and then cook it, you had Taco's spaghetti.

"I just want more people to step up and do what they can. We need you, we've always needed you. We need you now more than ever." Stryfe said, "I plead to you, aid this planet and restore it to greatness. Thank you and goodnight. Stay strong, Terra."

With those words the live broadcast ended, the footage probably going to go into syndication and clips reused by news channels.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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#, as written by Zarhara
General Allen had been sitting in his command vehicle on the outskirts of the city with a few other Joe Vehicles as they had been deciding wether on not to reenter the city to assist in the crisis when he saw the Invictus broadcast on one of his screens. "Scramble a chopper Captain Rudder is incharge of operations until I return and Lt. Jackson your going as my security." Allen said over the comms as he exited the vehicle. Nearby a chopper landed and the General and Lt. Jackson Boarded.

A few moments later the chopper was flying over the city toward the palace. "Palace this is Joe Chopper 34 requesting permission to land, We have General Allen on Board responding to your request for a meeting with your supporters." The pilot chirped over the comm link.
Allen unholstered his pistol and placed it in a storage box he knew that would most likely be taken for security measures. He turned to Will and spoke, "Lieutenant Stay with the Chopper and If I don't return you'll know this was some form of trap though I highly doubt the chances of that." He said chuckling, "It's time we cemented some new allies, allies who share our feelings about our enemies." He said with an emotionless face.

The setting changes from The Palace to Caprica City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Rhea Character Portrait: Takara Sato
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0.00 INK

Inside the newly finished Quorum building of the Aschen Confederation, President Jarrod Kane stood at the podium, the Quorum had assembled to respond to the video released by the Invictus Leader Stryfe.

Brilliant lights shone on the president's face, as the Quorum stood in silence, gazes brought up to the man's face as an adjutant nodded. "Everything's set up." He said, and the President nodded. "We need to be careful not to lump the Terrans as a whole into this." He said, clearing his throat and making several faces into the camera.

The din of the Quorum slowly died down, as the President went over his speach. "Invictus, COG, Lochlyn..." He nodded, then he looked to the camera, while the cameraman made gestures with his finger.

"Tria.. Duo.. Unum."

All eyes were on the president now, the democratically elected leader of the Aschen state.

"Citizens of the Aschen Confederation, and the denizens of all lands and worlds tuned into our channels. I am delivering this speech in a time of great strife for the Aschen people. Our vibrant city, Caprica City lies in ruins, devastated by a cowardly terrorist attack that left many of our people dead, and many more wounded and homeless. This comes at a time when a group on Terra known as the Invictus makes a statement condemning our very people, labeling them as enemies to be purged from Terra. I come with open admonition, we, like yourselves bleed red, fight for our ideals like you fight for yours. As many Aschen have died, as Scatterrans and Taiyou in liberating your world from the oppression of the Empire. I myself am one such partisan against the Divine Shadow.

There is no denying the hardships the Terrans and the Aschen have faced, and the adversity our two nations have thrown at each-other. There is no denying the oppression your people have endured at the hands of alien invaders set on forcing their way of life on your people, establishing governments in their image. Taking away your rights, and your pursuits, your dreams."

The president took a breath, and looked to his words once more.

"The Invictus are not a government Organization, and have no experience in dealing with politics. They are, for all intents and purposes a mercenary organization that does not have Terra's ideals in mind. Stryfe said herself she was not Terran. Can you place your trust in a figure who, does not even represent your people? The only government the Aschen will recognize, is a government established for Terrans, by Terrans. This is why the Aschen Confederation is pledging it's full support behind the Terran National Government, in the establishment and reconstruction of it's own domain. However the Aschen Confederation cannot, and will not recognize any Invictus installed Government, and would scrutinize the democracy put in place."

"Stryfe Alfarsi is a self appointed leader of the Terrans, this is no different than the oppression your people beheld at the hands of the Empire, and of the Taiyou. It would be the patriotic duty of every Terran, to remove this De Facto leadership, and establish your own Government."

"The Aschen Confederation is prepared to fund, and establish a new program on Terra, a Council of Governments for the fractured nations of the Planet, with the aim of fostering mutual dialogue with all governments, and the excision of rogue entities that hold no love for Terra's prosperity."

Kane took another breath.

"We are prepared to meet with each representative of each individual nation on Terra, in the hopes of fostering mutual dialogue, and a convention for all nations to participate in. A true democratic process that will be for the good of all Terra. I implore you, shed the shackles that the Invictus snakes slowly place on you, before it's too late."

As for the coward that destroyed our city, and threatened our very way of life, The Aschen Confederation is offering a five hundred million cubit award for Lochlyn Haley, Dead or alive."

"Thank you for your time, and your patriotism, wherever you may reside. And my fellow Aschen citizens. May the Lords of Kobol guide our just hand, So say we all."

With that, the feed had cut out.

The setting changes from Caprica City to The Palace


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Casren Bistreo Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: UCON
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#, as written by Saarai
Stryfe barely had a chance to start clearing the cameras and other equipment out of her office when the Aschen responded to her broadcast with slander and blatant lies. Stryfe and Sonia watched as President Kane spoke for what was maybe the second or third time, Sonia rolling her eyes at what she was hearing.

The film crew bringing back any equipment they'd need for another live broadcast. Stryfe was serious about this, and it's not like the crew was going to reject more money.

"They can't be serious." The British woman said to Stryfe, "Our rap sheet, their rap sheet, speaks for itself. We've lost friends and family to them." Sonia said to Stryfe, "Reconsidering your thoughts on my weapons program?" Stryfe asked, raising an eyebrow. "I admit... I'm a little afraid, paranoid. The Aschen have done more bad than good for this planet or us, and their words now will surely mean fighting with them." Sonia said.

"I don't agree with what you want me to do, but I understand why you want me to do it. I'm giving you an ultimatum though. If this program isn't over by the end of August I'm leaving the Invictus." Sonia informed Stryfe, "I understand, I can't promise you anything. But, I will try to convince you to stay." Stryfe said.

"If you're not staying to watch the broadcast, tell Natasha I'm giving the order to allow our possible allies to land on the rooftop helipads." Stryfe told Sonia, "I'll relay the message." Sonia said, turning to head to the exit. "And, Sonia, we'll miss you. Think about us before you make your decision." Stryfe called out to the British scientist.

"We're ready." The director told the Invictus leader, Stryfe's eyes watching Sonia as she left the room. "Let's get to it." Stryfe said, taking a seat at her desk once again.

"Rolling in three... two..." The director gave Stryfe her cue, the red light flashing to confirm that she could speak her mind to the world, to the galaxy, maybe even the universe if it took an interest to what was going on in this small patch of it.

"I've already spoken to you all." Stryfe began, "After I did the Aschen leadership, in typical fashion, responded with lies, slander, and what I believe is yet another plot to take control of Terra." Stryfe said, "They say I and the Invictus don't have experience in politics."

Stryfe lifted her sleeve, sliding it up her arm. She tapped lights that seemed to be shining beneath her skin, a holographic screen shooting up to show a long-haired Arab man in military garb. "This is Kroger ibn Haggai, my father, my adoptive father. Former president of Saudi Arabia after elections." The woman said, waving a hand at the screen to display another image.

This image this time was of an white man with short-blonde hair, he himself donning military clothing. "Patrick Horne, deceased, former Prime Minister and former President of the Irish Republic." The Invictus leader said, moving her hand to show yet another image. This time of a dark-skinned woman with brown hair.

"While she isn't a politician, she has experience. This is Sonia Hughes, arguably one of my best friends, a scientist and former SIB agent. She's worked alongside members of the British Empire for years before she joined us and during her time with us. And she's a genius. Smarter than I'll ever be."

With the tap of one of the lights the holographic display disappeared.

"The Aschen speak of their losses 'liberating' Terra. What about your losses when they were the invaders? When they were the menacing empire? What about my friends, my family, Terran and non-Terran alike, dying in the fight against them?" Stryfe asked, "Do our losses, your losses, mean less to the Aschen?" Stryfe asked, speaking to the general population of Terra and all those who fought against the Aschen in the past.

"Hakim Mustafa, my second cousin from my mother's side. He died fighting the Aschen during one of their earlier invasions. I hate them for it. Not just for him, for others, I resent them. I don't hold any love for them. I can't act against because there are rules in place in the Invictus." Stryfe explained, "Despite this.." She continued, pausing for a long while.

"I forgive them." She said, "And I forgive for their lies about me and my people wanting to take over Terra. I don't want to, we don't want to, unlike the Aschen we're doing this for no gain. We didn't ask for money, or land, or this, or that. We chose to do this, I chose to do this." The Invictus leader informed the masses.

"A lot of people might not know this, but I've decided a long time ago that I don't want anything to do with the politics or leadership of this new, reformed government after it's in full swing. I don't want political power, I don't want to make laws. I want to create a better place to live, do business, raise children." Stryfe said.

"If I do not give up any amassed power immediately upon election of a prime minister or other authority figure for Terra, I will step down as head of the Invictus. I give all Invictus watching a clear and direct order to remove me from power in conjunction with the Terran military and law enforcement."

"And, to the Aschen, to the Taiyou, I forgive you. You have nothing to fear from me unless you attack me, my people, or Terra. And even then I will forgive you. But, in the same vein, I and others will remember you. We won't, we have not, forgotten the past as easily as you have."

"I forgive you for that as well."

With those last words the broadcast came to an end and Stryfe let out a huge sigh. "I'm taking a trip." She said as she stood up from her desk, "Where to?" The director asked, "I heard Shintenchi is nice, Langara too." The Invictus leader answered.

"One or both of those is suicide." The director.

"No, my pale-faced friend, murder if anything happens to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Dave Allen Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: The Sentry
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Sonia stepped out of the elevator with the gold colored doors, glancing around the lobby as she spoke into a communication device. "Natasha, Fatin said to allow the Joes to land on the roof. She'll be getting to them soon." The woman said, "Understood. Going to contact them now." Natasha responded.

Sonia caught sight of the man who had entered, raising an eyebrow at his presence. "Can I be of any help?" The Englishwoman asked as she approached Robert, "You don't seem like you're here to rent a room or put in a job application. I can tell, I used to be a cop, basically. Military police, actually." Sonia told the man.

"Anyways, how can I help you not hear ramble on about my life?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Dave Allen Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: The Sentry
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"Oh I'd love to hear about your life so long as it's over dinner." Robert cracked a smile as he turned just a tad face the woman that addressed him, instinctively extending his hand to shake.

"Hi I'm Robert Reynolds, I saw Ms. Alfarsi's broadcast on the television not too long ago and felt that I should offer my services." Rob took a moment to smooth out his suit and folded his arms behind his back. Military eh? Interesting.

"What branch of the military were you in?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Dave Allen Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: The Sentry
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#, as written by Saarai
"Sonia Hughes." The woman introduced herself, taking Robert's hand in her own to shake. "Army. I was technically infantry while part of the Royal Military Police." Sonia told Robert.

"What services can you offer, Mr. Reynolds? We only have your word, for now. What can you actually do?" Sonia asked, "We could use as much help as possible keeping Terra out of the hands of those who would rather conquer and dictate."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Dave Allen Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: The Sentry
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"Well let's see.. genius level intellect, adept in mechanics, architecture, machinery, tracing energy sources, cybernetics, robotics and computer science." he replied, "Oh and I have the power of over a million exploding suns at my disposal."

He raised his arm to cough into the nape of his elbow. His smiled broadened as he waited for the woman's response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Dave Allen Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: The Sentry Character Portrait: Yuri Khaitz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Yuri received the comm from the Invictus to land on the roof and guided the chopper down landing on one of the helipads. "General Lavanding clear you're clear." He said with his Russian accent seeping through only slightly.

Dave Allen unfastened his belt and swung open the helicopters door, as he exited the aircraft onto the roof. With him he held a small brief case and he had his single pistol holstered on the opposite hip.

Will sighed as Allen left to go to the meeting so he unbuckled and pulled down one of the small tables. "Hey Yuri wanna have a little wager?" He Asked as he removed a pack of cards and a box of cigars from his pack. The Russian only smiled before getting up to join him in a game of poker.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Dave Allen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Natasha and several Invictus soldiers met the Joes on the roof, waving them over to the doorway they just stepped out of. "I'm Natasha Zolner, I'll be your guide down to Fatin's office." Tasha told the men, "Follow me." Natasha told the Joes, gesturing for them to follow her into the building.

Down in the lobby Sonia listened to Robert speak, "You can probably help on two fronts..." She told the man, "I've been needing people to test some experimental tech, people who aren't... squishy." The Englishwoman told Robert, "I could also more brains down in the labs. And... with your power, if anything goes south we can always throw you into the battle to handle it."

"What are your abilities, if I may?" Sonia asked the man, gesturing for him to follow as she walked away towards some seats in the lobby. "Like, how do you harness that power? Energy dispersion? Strength? Telekinesis? Psionics?" Sonia asked as she sat down, the scientist in her taking an interest in the man and his power.

Nina approached Gabriel and his men at the gate, gesturing for the other Invictus to let them through. "It's all Gucci." Nina told Gabriel, "You probably don't remember me. We met once in Gambit's." Nina told the man.

"Anyways, The Big Kahuna's up in her office, there are others showing up to meet with her as well, but she can speak to you all the same time. I think that was the plan in the first place." The Serbian-American soldier explained to Gabriel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Dave Allen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Will placed down his cards as he heard the squeal of the motorcycle. "Somethings up." He said to Yuri from the roof as he looked around for binoculars. He reached over and looked down as he noticed a limo pull up and a man escorted inside. "More guests I'm starting to wonder if Allen might need some back up in there..." He muttered as he holstered his pistol and straightened out his uniform to look presentable Yuri threw on his flight jacket and zipped it up.

Both men exited the Chopper and jogged to meet Allen and the other Invictus at the stairs.

Allen watched with a raised eyebrow as Will and Yuri joined him but shrugged it off, though he was sure nothing would go wrong it never hurt to have a few extra pairs of eyes and ears around. "Thank-you Ms. Zolner." Allen said as the trio followed her into the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Dave Allen
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Robert nodded to her request and sat in a seat next to Sonia. "Well you see, the same Super Soldier Serum used on Steve Rogers was later made thousands of times stronger." He explained.

"I stumbled upon this serum in a lab thinking it was drugs, and when I took it, I was transformed." He had no shame in his past, and often spoke of it openly. "Strength, speed, photokinesis. There are too many powers to list."

Though he hoped that a situation that required him to use his powers never arose, for fear of losing control again. "Though they come as a double-edged sword." Robert continued, "You see, using the upper limits of my powers causes a.. malevolent persona takes control of me.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Nina Sekova Character Portrait: Dave Allen
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"Nina?..." Mr. Ereb pondered for a moment. "Nina... Nina.... Ah, yes! Nina! The young lass from the Invictus group that patrolled the bar on occasion. Yes, I remember you. How have you and your posse been? I presume by 'Big Kahuna' you mean Miss Alfarsi. Very well, my associates and I shall remove ourselves to there post-haste!"

Mr. Ereb made his way through the building, flanked by the two Alpha Troopers, and eventually came to the door of Stryfe's office. Agares, the Alpha Trooper with the katana, knocked on the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Anodyne, The Ripper Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Nina Sekova
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"I see. I hope you can keep that in check, or at least maintain a balance when using your abilities. I've seen people like you, people with abilities. Calm like the rest of us, but there are things that set them off. PTSD, women being hurt, jabs at their egos." Sonia told Robert.

"Do you have a big ego, Robert? I ask because the Invictus pride themselves on no one person being bigger than the group." The Englishwoman said, "But, in this case, in the case of Terra, no one person is bigger than the planet. If you have a big ego, Robert. I ask you now, check that shit at the door or get out."

Natasha lead the Joes down to Stryfe's office soon after Gabriel arrived, the door swinging open to reveal Anodyne. The woman, clad in her usual orange armor and black jumpsuit, stepped aside for Gabriel and the others to enter.

"Please, take a seat." Stryfe said to Gabriel and Dave, gesturing to the two chairs in front of her desk. The Invictus leader leaned back in her own seat, watching everyone who entered the room who wasn't one of her people. Taking in as many details about them, where they stood, how they stood, how they walked.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?"