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AKA Darth Krath, member of the Dark Council, daughter of the Sith Emperor

0 · 2,225 views · located in Rings of Krath

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita





Sonyjae's father through blood was originally the Sith Emperor, Vitiate, but now reborn as Emperor Valkorion; the former Emperor, slain by Sony herself, now inhabiting her as a Force Spirit, all his power and knowledge is now hers to command as she sees to use it.

So begins...

Sonyjae's Story


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Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Awinita
Not even on this planet two seconds and she hated it to Zakuuls core and back! Eternal Empire be damned she thoughtas she struck down yet another miscreant trying to attack her. These jerks were worse then those stupid justicars she had to face on Coruscant the year before! At least she was able to repair her stuff and get off the damned planet at the last second.

But that was nothing compared to this Bantha Dung heap. The Sith launched a volley of lightning at a nearby miscreant trying to take her down from afar, the man spasmed briefly before falling to his death a dozen or so meters below as his body jerked with electrical power.

Now then, why was she there ? Blood red eyes looked about carefully. Well, this was gonna hurt for sure. It was time for some fun, lots of it She smiled, and started in the direction she felt the Force being strongest in the form ofd Aryell Kendlav. Vibrosword in hand, the Sith Lord cloaked herself in the Force, and, while unseen, moved stealthly through the Undercity


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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Aryell was about to say something but then she felt a ripple in the force. a darker one yes. but still another force user. she gripped the long hilt of the lightsaber and looked around, detracted by the new presence it seemed to come from everywhere. she was in great need of a new master. she knew she still had much to learn. multitasking with the force is hard enough for her in a peaceful setting. her sense of awareness isn't as good as it should be. and she wanted to learn more about both sides.

"hello? she yelled down the ally as the feeling grew stronger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Obake
A homeless man was pushing his stolen grocery cart through a scarcely populated underground subway station, wheeling several black hefty garbage bags filled with scrap metal, dirty clothes and other old trinkets he appeared to have collected while wandering the city. The hobo was wrapped in an old tattered brown shroud or blanket which covered his entire body, even covering his head like a hooded cloak. He kept his head down, concealing his face as he pushed his lifeless grocery cart out of the well-lit station and into one of the dark subway tunnels. Once he was in darkness, he would look behind himself to make sure he wasn't being followed before pushing his cart off to the side and disappearing into one of the dark corridors inside the subway tunnel. He was heading for a most unusual place far beneath Wing City.

As he came to the end of the corridor, there was nothing but a brick wall in front of him. The homeless vagabond would turn to look behind him again, making double sure that nobody was following him before he turned to look back at the wall. Although it appeared to be a dead end, there was more to this deep dark part of the corridor than met the eye. The hobo started feeling over the blank wall with his hands, as if looking for something. Soon, he found was he was searching for. He pushed one of the loose bricks deeper into the wall, suddenly causing the entire wall to move. A secret pathway appeared as the brick wall slid open sideways, revealing a dark metal stairway down into the hidden depths which led directly to the Undermarket.

As the aimless wanderer stepped through the doorway and down the metal staircase, the brick wall slowly slid closed behind him and the bricks re-aligned themselves as normal so that nobody on the other side of the wall would see this hidden entrance. The hobo had abandoned his stolen shopping cart and was now heading down to the Undermarket, slowly and carefully watching each step he took so as to be sure for certain that nobody would notice him. Once he finally reached the lowest level to the market place, he was not at all alarmed to see the commotion and chaos that had ensued all around. There was a blazing fire that appeared to cause quite a stir in one area, but a team of experts seemed to be struggling ceaselessly to control it. By now, people had been running in circles looking for an escape but there were not enough exits. As the homeless wanderling made his way through the carnival of vagabonds, freaks, mutants, rogues and ruffians, he seemed to blend right in. He tightened his old tattered brown blanket around himself and continued walking in a seemingly aimless direction.

It wasn't long before the hobo had stumbled on to one of the other streets of vendors and made his way to a row of garbage cans in a nearby alley way. He noticed a young lady who appeared to be carrying a lightsaber. The homeless man stopped and began watching Aryell Kendlav from beneath his hooded shroud, staying well hidden in the shadows away from all the commotion and pandemic caused by the blazing fire. There were a couple of other vagabonds and ruffians gathered together by the row of garbage cans, all dressed similar to him with their ragged pants and smelly jackets, tattered outfits and worn out blankets. It was the perfect disguise for someone who actually wasn't homeless at all. Obake, the double agent, had come down to the Undermarket specifically to gather supplies and trade information for the dark prince whose ship had carried him back to the Smuggler's Route, but now he had something else to consider as he glanced at the young Jedi.

Obake had kironic abilities but he wasn't Force sensitive, at least not in the same way Aryell was. Obake wasn't carrying a lightsaber with him. He wasn't a Jedi or a Sith, thus he did not have the stereotypical attire that the Jedi and Sith normally would have worn. Obake was something else, entirely different from anything the young Jedi would have ever seen before. As he pretended to dig through the garbage, Obake peered out from beneath the hood of his old dirty blanket and kept a watchful eye on Aryell from a considerable distance away. He was spying on her quietly for some strange reason, though it was unsure whether he was actually looking at Aryell or at those around her. He continued to rummage through the trash, being very careful not to give away his identity by looking suspicious or drawing attention to himself. After all, there were a few droids who had heard about Obake's attack on Ascendant and were now looking to assassinate him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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As the young Jedi called out into the empty alleyway, as if there was someone there, Jeremy's track of thought was broken; his dark blue eyes flicked back to stare at Aryell, his head slightly cocked to the side as he stared at her with a look of confusion. "You crazy or something? No one's there." Jeremy stated, slightly worried about associating himself with some crazy woman or something like that. That is, until an alert popped up on his visor; it had detected movement not that far off, slowly heading closer before coming to a stop. However, this was in a different direction to where Aryell was calling out to. A second being? No, if there was two, another would have come up, perhaps Aryell had some ability to sense those who mask their presence with magic or similar.

And so, out of habit, Jeremy quickly pulled his rifle from it's clip on his armoured kilt. Quickly pointing it towards the row of garbage cans, his finger ready to pull the trigger. "Alright, Aryell. There must be some assholes coming at us, mind focusing on the invisible man you greeted?" He spoke out, his voice showing hints of annoyance as the two's little chat was rudely interrupted. Jeremy was going to ask Aryell an important question after all, a small call to assistance.

"Get out from there with all limbs on show. I don't want to have a single tentacle or whatever forms of limbs you use hidden. Understand?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Awinita
Sony smirked, perfect, the guy in the armor couldn't pick her up, and she saw no probots in sight. She watched the two, the Jedi sensed her, what the Bantha shit was a Jedi doing out there in this backwater of a world ? The Sith wondered before stepping closer. Ignoring a nearby man digging through a dumpster the woman had seen too much of it on Nar Shaddaa and Zakuul to stomach. To her, surviving was the key. And all she needed to do was eliminate one last onbstcle. Her former Master. Darth Zash was going to fall.

Her latest.... Attempt, to eliminate Zash had presented itself in the form of a single Holo recordering of a robed being Sony had never seen in her life before. Which in turn directed her to this backwater world which she already hated beyond belief. In fact if it was up to her, she'd rather, much rather, be frozen solid in carbonite for Arcann to drool over. Nevertheless, she watched the two, one guy berating her... rather unintentional target, a random guy digging through the refuse. Yep, just like Nar Shaddaa, orZakuul undercity.

She moved two steps to her left when the man with the viser called to the man digging through the refuse, great, at least he was not yet talking directly to her, only the Jedi, the other Force User, had to be a Jedi, could sense her there, but not see her. She observed quietly the events unfolding before her. So far so good


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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#, as written by Obake
Obake was rummaging through the trash, spying on Aryell and her associates from a distance when all of a sudden, one of them pointed a rifle in his direction. Obake continued to rummage through the garbage, sticking both hands into one of the garbage cans to conceal them. There was another bum sitting against a wall next to the trashcans, but he appeared to also be non-responsive to the rifleman's gesture, due to a case of having been passed out drunk with a beer can still in his hand. As Obake stuck his hands in the trashcan and started fumbling around for scrap metal, he very discreetly pushed a button on his wristband. Oddly, nothing seemed to happen at all as he appeared to ignore everything around him.

A small group of flies would emerge from the trashcans, buzzing around very swiftly in small rapid circles before taking off in all different directions. Seeing the blinker on his wristband, Obake clicked it off before pulling a metal curtain rod out of the garbage and whacking it on the street corner. The blinker had informed him that the oxygen level was low in the entire Undermarket as a result of the fire that had engulfed the place. People were still panicking and running in all directions, ignoring the rifleman in the alleyway even when he started yelling. Obake remained calm and wiped his hand on his sleeve, reaching into his blanket and pulling out what appeared to be some sort of asthma inhaler. Taking an injection from it, Obake was able to breathe better. At least for a little while. He was still a little concerned for others.

Other people around him were slowly suffocating, although most of them didn't even know it yet. As he continued to rummage through the trash, Obake coughed lightly and pulled an old pair of shoes out from one of the garbage cans. Obake was not Force-sensitive, so he wasn't aware of the Sith who had been walking behind him. It wasn't until a moment of listening and observing quietly that he finally realized that Aryell was looking for someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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Vercerigo noticed a tall guy and and a...Sith Warrior(?) yelling down a dark alleyway. Did they not see the huge fire...?
"Hey!" He yelled. "I don't know if you've noticed, but this place is about to go down in flames if we don't get more people with us! Get over here and help!" He pointed at the fire. "Crazy fire here," He pointed at the arsonist who had collapsed, "and a crazy lady over there. Both of them need to be taken care of." He clenched his hand and extended it toward another fire. "Derelinquamus eam, ignis infernalis!" He yelled, before running toward the arsonist, leaving the two to ponder his words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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Aryell turned. she slowly gripped the long hilt of her lightsaber. she was losing awareness now that the oxygen was getting low down there. she noticed the man in the dumpster. and i seemed that the presence in the force was near there. she walked over towards the dumpster. smoke began to fill the area, partially blinding her and causing her to cough, and rely on her less than reliable sense of force awareness.

she grit her teeth and walked forward. the presence grew stronger but still she didn't see anyone. she heard rummaging in a dumpster then the man named Jeremy yelled out at the dumpster. she quickly unsheathed her lightsaber, which it's twin red blades opened with a snap-hiss. she coughed again. slowly walking backwards to get out of the line of probable fire. her red lightsaber glowed lighting up the entire ally. "i know you're still out there!" she yelled to the sith this time, "please don't make this hard. i don't want to fight."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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  1. Possible double post

    by Obake

0.00 INK

Aryell turned. she slowly gripped the long hilt of her lightsaber. she was losing awareness now that the oxygen was getting low down there. she noticed the man in the dumpster. and i seemed that the presence in the force was near there. she walked over towards the dumpster. smoke began to fill the area, partially blinding her and causing her to cough, and rely on her less than reliable sense of force awareness.

she grit her teeth and walked forward. the presence grew stronger but still she didn't see anyone. she heard rummaging in a dumpster then the man named Jeremy yelled out at the dumpster. she quickly unsheathed her lightsaber, which it's twin red blades opened with a snap-hiss. she coughed again. slowly walking backwards to get out of the line of probable fire. her red lightsaber glowed lighting up the entire ally. "i know you're still out there!" she yelled to the sith this time, "please don't make this hard. i don't want to fight."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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Jeremy's attention was grabbed by the automatic application of a gas mask, a form of defence built in to the armour when oxygen levels have depleted below optimum levels. Of course, this action quickly caused Jeremy to look around, he was well aware of the fire going on in the background, but didn't expect oxygen to lower so drastically. As if he had forgotten all about the 'threat', Jeremy had returned his weapon to it's clip as turned to some man calling out to them. His words were rudely said as he attempted to order the two into helping with the fire. Like Jeremy even cares.

"Your fire, your problem." Jeremy replied as the man ran off screaming some unintelligible words, must be madness from oxygen deprivation.
"This is getting annoying, just find your damn invisible man now." He groaned as he turned back to face Aryell who was still calling out into the alleyway. Expecting some kind of answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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Brand had recovered now, and had noticed that, while most people were trying to get away, there were a few still here. Apparently, whatever they were up to they were willing to take the risk of being near the fire. They certainly didn't seem eager to help. The woman with the robotic equipment who had frozen most of the fire was now carrying the arsonist, who had thrown a few more capsules, and Vercerigo had shouted some words Brand didn't remotely understand.

He didn't have time to dwell on any of this or organize his thoughts, because the first thing he did (on impulse) was launch himself forwards with a blast of fire behind him, straight into the main fire, or at least what was left if it now it was running out of oxygen.

Standing in the midst of the flames, he wasn't harmed. On the contrary, the remaining flames began to swirl around him, growing smaller.

When he had finished absorbing all of the flames that hadn;t been frozen, he turned to Vercerigo, completely out of breath.

"Gotta...get...some air in..." he gasped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Awinita
Sony smirked, This place reminded her so much of Zakuul. Possibly too much. People were panicking over simple fires. Wonderful. She ignored the others her focus on the Jedi, She moved closer, but just out of reach of the staffsaber, her own doublebladed vibrosword drawn but unseen she stayed just out of reach but well within the Jedis senses.

But now she was between Jeremy and Aryell. Which was going to make for many interesting things happening for sure. She chose that time to sheath her vibrosword upon her back before letting the force cloak drop away, revealing a rather beautiful woman, with blood red eyes, and what looked like a mess of scars on her face, arms and chest. Well built, her hair was bright white and long. She had what looked like a beauty mark on her lower lip and her eyes looked as if red eyeshadow was pretty much slapped on when it was in fact the Dark Side corruption.

The woman, clad in a black and gold outfit that revealed her midift and kept her arms bare was a looker for sure. Yet she had an air about her that said she was something or someone important, after taking down her old Master, yes, that would be the exact case indeed. "On the contrary" The woman said in a sickly sweet sounding almost singsong voice. "I am everything but a man." She said with a smirk.

She raised a hand and tapped her chin thoughtfully whiler still looking to Jermey she said sweetly, "How about you lower your weapon, we're all friends here and its possible you're looking for something yes ? Or perhaps, someone ?" As she said the later part of her question she turned to face Aryell, why did this girl look familar ?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Obake
Nobody seemed to notice that the asthma inhaler Obake had pulled out earlier was in fact, not an asthma inhaler at all. It was an oxygen injector, a device which pumped oxygen directly into his blood-stream, allowing Obake to breathe even in some of the most unlikely conditions. As he leaned back against the wall near a corner of the alley way, Obake's entire figure seemed to be clouded by the blackish grey smoke caused by the burning embers which lingered around after the fire had been extinguished. The smoke only helped to disguise Obake even moreso than his deceiving costume, even enough to detour Aryell away from him as she drew her red twin-bladed lightsaber, extending its neon blades with a sharp hiss.

Obake had been cloaked in an old dirty brown blanket, tattered with holes and covered with stains. He did not appear to be much of a threat to anyone as he fumbled around with an old pair of sneakers he had found in one of the nearby garbage cans. His entire face had been concealed, but his utonium-based facemask had a high-tech visor which allowed Obake several different types of eyesight which seemed to adjust automatically.

As the smoke became more dense, his visor switched to a smoke screen which allowed him to look through to the characters on the other side. Obake was still watching Aryell and Jeremy very discreetly, not saying anything as Obake suddenly noticed another person on the scene. It was Sonyjae, who had walked passed him earlier and was now standing in-between Aryell and Jeremy, saying something that Obake could not hear from a distance. The cackling embers from the blazing fire had caused a distortion in the sound waves, making it difficult to listen. Obake was not aware that Sonyjae was a Sith, nor was he aware that Aryell was a Jedi, but he knew that Aryell was force-sensitive and that she was carrying a lightsaber. Seeing the reddish blades on Aryell's saber, Obake assumed she may have been a Sith's apprentice and instead turned his attention on Jeremy.

With a clear visual of everything but no distinguishable sound to inform him of what they were saying, Obake was anything but unprepared for this mission. Nobody had seemed to notice the flies that had emerged from the trashcans earlier as Obake was rummaging for scrap metal. These were no ordinary houseflies. They were the same etherine powered bug-bots that Obake had used previously on Flora to spy on the entities there. Etherine was a powerful energy unlike electricity or mito-chlorian forces. The bugs were made of evrite and utonium, much like Obake's spacesuit, making them unaffected by the smoke and flames as the tiny u-flies circled around from up above the area, watching everything with their microscopic sensors. As some of the u-flies would buzz around the Undermarket to scan the vicinity, others would hone in on the small group in the alley way. This would allow Obake a better chance of hearing everything that was being said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Hadriel Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Obake Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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0.00 INK

Vercerigo watched as Brand absorbed the remaining flames, and frowned when Brand spoke to him in a haggard voice, telling him he was out of breath. He seemed on the verge of collapse, and Vercerigo stepped forward, placing a hand on Brand's shoulder to steady him. He then swallowed and spoke in a low voice, "Salutem Halitus." Healing Breath. This should help Brand recover his breath, if that's what the problem was. "Just sit down, Brand. You've done more than your fair share here." He said, eyeing the arsonist slumped over the Robocop's shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui
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The Sith's sudden appearance in front of Jeremy was something to make him jump, a normal human reaction. However, there was a certain reflex Jeremy had gained over his past, a reflex that had prevented his death uncountable times in battle. Just as the woman had finished her words to Jeremy, asking him to lower his weapon; the World-Jumper did quite the opposite. Using the stock of his assault rifle, Jeremy quickly swung his weapon to strike straight against the Sith's nose with a large amount of force.

"What the fuck are you doing here? What do you want?" Jeremy demanded, as he returned his weapon into a position where the barrel pointed toward the woman's face. "Are you with that woman? The bitch that messed with my device to throw me in his unregistered place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Awinita

Sony reeled backwards a few paces, her nose broken in six different places. Oh man did it hurt! A hand went to her face, pulling it away she saw the blood, and bits of bone. Well, Jedi Poodoo! She thought, focusing she cast dark heal on herself, it hurt a bit, but using the energies from around them she managed to slowly rebuild her nose.

Finding herself then staring down the wrong end of a blaster rifle barrel, Zony figured to play it cool rather then not. She never made to get her own weapon, "I could ask you the same thing" Her right hand held her nose as it continued to bleed as she used the Force to heal herself as much as she could. "I'm here looking for someone, then I felt her through the Force. and now, you whip me ?" She was a Sith Lord after all, not yet a Darth, but still.

She shook her head at his question, then instantly regretted doing so as her broken nose hurt like hell. "Only stuff I mess with is other Siths plans at the most" She said, she had no idea what he meant, messed with his stuff ? How could she ? She had no idea who he was!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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0.00 INK

Jeremy struggled to understand the strange woman as she covered her nose, obviously doing something he had never seen as the flow of blood slowly decreased at a faster rate than normal humans. Then again, she could be one of those aliens that look human. Although, she does seem to be playing off the reflex pretty well, even with the gun pointed between her eyes. Then again, what she's saying is making no sense.

"Of course I hit you, you suddenly appeared." Jeremy replied, his voice filled with annoyance as the woman continued trying to play it off all cool and that. "How about you stop talking crap and just tell me. Are you with the bitch who threw me here?" He pushed his gun even closer to the sith, insinuating that he really wasn't someone to mess around.

"Or I'll just paint the walls with your brains."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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0.00 INK

After feeding on that group of assholes Sin decides to take a walk to clear his head. Walking down alleyways and empty streets was boring enough, but at least it was better than being coup up in his ship. Sin let lose a sigh at the thought being in that ship again.
Out of no where Sin heighten nose pick up a smell of blood not far where he was at. Feeling a little bored he stared tracking that smell to the source and found it in the alleyway next to where he was at. It came from a girl who just got wack in the nose by a very angry man. Sin would have left it at that but after looking over to the guy a little more he notice that he carrying a sword and he could sense that he is somewhat powerful.

Feeling little better at the though of facing a opponent with a sword was better than flying through space in ten-can. Cloaking himself with the shadows around him he began walking to the two. Sin was mere paces away when he heard the man said,"Or I'll just paint the walls with your brains." Thinking he might as well wait until the man is done with the girl before he ask him about how good of a swordsman he is. Still cloak in shadows Sin leans against the wall behind the the two waiting for him to be done.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Sin Asphodel Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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(soooo sorry i haven't been around for awhile i've been busy doing things with school ending soon and all)

Aryell regained herself from the smoke. she felt another presence enter the area that she couldn't see. Then Jeremy punched the sith. and yelled out, "or i'll just paint the walls with your brains." she went cold. She force dashed towards them, closing the gap between them in seconds. she jumped between the two holding her lightsaber hilt in one hand. she jumped in between them. "Stop!" she yelled. Aryell was majorly surprised at the moment. she probably just made a dangerous enemy trying to save someone who could help her. but it was all in best interest. she groaned. Thinking like a sith again. as if i need that life back, she thought to herself. she stood her ground. staring Jeremy in the eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonyjae Character Portrait: Jeremy Lingesui Character Portrait: Aryell Kendlav
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#, as written by Awinita
Her nose was still in pain, again she cast Dark Heal on herself to heal her broken nose, finally the healing was done and her face looked normal, before she had been whacked in the nose for that matter. She was about to speak when the Jedi, had to be a Jedi looking for guidance at least ? Seemingly came to her rescue, Oh what I wouldn't give to have Tuve with me right now, that droid is helpful Sony briefly thought as she felt her nose once more, there, no more nose bleed, no more pain.

She still never went for her weapon on her back, the doublebladed Vibrosword had a crystal like a lightsaber, it gave it greater cutting energy and in a sense helped her own abilities as well. Thankfully the Jedi never lit her saber, yes her Vibrosword was Force Enhanced to withstand a lightsabers strikes, but Sony was not wanting to risk anything to face down a blaster rifle that could break her nose when swung around at her face so skillfully.

Finally she spoke, "I cloaked myself in the Force, to be unseen and unheard by all including most technologies unless they are of Gree design in which case I'm bantha fucked" Sony said, she crossed her arms over her chest, her outfit left much to the imagination as to how much skin was exposed, for a Sith Lord, that was a lot. She started to shake her head again but stopped, "No" She said instead of shaking her head, "Whatever brought you to this backwater world I will never know. its nothing like Zakuul or Coruscant or Taris"
