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Born from a human mother and a demon father, Souless will always be and outcast in both worlds.

0 · 506 views · located in Canti's Diner

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Foxhoundx88


Name: Souless
Galaxy: Bluestar Galaxy
System: Blackhole Cluster
Planet: Asphodel
Nickname: Black Swordsman
Age: looks 19 (374)
Role: Wondering Swordsman/Arcane-Shadow Mage
Race: Human/Demon Dragon
Gender and Pronouns: Male
Sexual Orientation: Female
Racial Characteristics: Light-Skin (White)
Abilities/: Demon Enhance Strength, Speed, Healing, Magic
Shape-shafting (true form) Black Arcane Demon dragon
Clothing: Enchanted Demon Dragon Cloth (Black)
Armor1: Enchanted Demon-Skin Trenchcoat:(white) Absorbs 1/2 enemy hostile attacks{Magic, normal, ecte..}
Armor2: Arm Gauntlet, Arm Module, Chest Plate, Rib Plates
Weapons:(Black) Demon One-handed long Sword: High Magic Resistance Sword that leaks shodows
Items1: Enchanted cloth bag(full/5000-Blood Rubys)
Items2: Sunlight Ring: withstand Sun light
Physical Attributes: Master Swordsman, Master Shadow Mage,
Height: 5-10
Hair: (Black) urns white when in Demon form
Eyes: (Red)
Body: medium-Build

(True Form)


(one-handed black demon long sword) Grim


So begins...

Souless's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Souless heard that this school was the best to go to if you have the gift of magic. After weeks of travel he finally reach the large solid metal gates, and now the hard part is how to open it. Souless looks around the gates thinking he could just jump over it but that would seem a little rude to the people inside, so he decides to simple bang on it until someone opens it.


hitting the gates with his demon enhance strength most likely was a bad idea, but that why he was here to began with to try to control himself and his powers and hoping that someone in there tech him to do so. Let not go to the true-from of himself because that might scared the hell out of everyone in there so he will keep that part of him a secret intill later. like who will open the gate when they see a 22-feet black dragon smiling at them with a row of black fangs, so staying in human-form was best idea for right now


" anyone home?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Domakeo was shocked to find himself quickly pulled to the ground by some form of heresy, it was hard for him to see such a strange binding due to his infra-red sight, but it must be something natural. This old man was getting real annoying at the current point in time, talking down to a prince, restricting his movement and now tapping him with some cocky look of a little shit. He really should think before he acts; although, that tap did something. Domakeo was slowly understanding certain words spoken in the native tongue of this place, what the fuck did that man do?

The rage began to surge through Domakeo's body, the gem -the crown-, strapped to his shoulder began to glow a deep blue as Domakeo gritted his teeth in pure anger while his face turned a deep red. Suddenly, the grass holding him down caught alight in flames which made no difference to Domakeo himself. His whole body was covered in flames as he pulled himself back from the ground once more, wiping the ashes from his body.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Domakeo shouted, his bright blue eyes stood out from his face which began to hold the same looks as lava. With a swift movement of his arm, Domakeo drew his blade. The Vladaminsky longsword, a pure, rare weapon of the Vladaminsky clan. Designed to look like two blades put together, showing a small gap between the two sharpened edges, it was in this gap that the sword's true potential lay in wait to be activated. "I'll destroy this piece of shit planet!"

A small burst of pure energy that resonated at the same frequency as cosmic background radiation pulsed from the crown. Piercing through all matter as if it was nothing before dissipating into the environment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Between the banging on the main gate and the noisy nonsense coming from the fallen Prince Bigsby was unsure of what to deal with first. It was a simple matter of obtaining the right amount of energy and knowhow to deal with a old gate but first the old man would deal with the loud mouthed brat. Bigsby turned his attention quickly and brought his staff about towards the lightshow that was now Domakeo only to smile as he knew just what to throw at the loud brat. A simple illusion was in order.

The Elderly wizard raised his free hand causing the ground to shake before them and the sky to rumble as clouds began to swirl high above and Bigsby's crystal blue hues began to shimmer with hidden powers.


The old wizards voice seemed to echo across the landscape as thunder and lightning filled the sky. Bigsby took a single step forward and held his staff high above his head as lightning arced down towards his implemented tool causing it to spark with electricity of all shades and colors. The Earth continued to rumble about them as stones of obsidian and other materials began to rise up from the ground and surround the two of them.

"For I am Bigsby Big Hat and you are Nothing more than an novice with the powers you wield!"

Suddenly Bigsby slammed his staff once more against the ground sending the stones and large chunks of earth colliding towards one anther whilst spirits of the damned began to rush out from beneath the ground and surround them. Bigsby himself began to glow slightly as he took another step towards the armed swordsman only to chuckle like a demonic prince as the winds began to pick up.

"Kneel and be spared the humiliation you are about to suffer!"

Bigsby smirked like the devil himself as he seemed to master the very existence of life around them. He had little fear of the young man though in reality there was something more devious going on. The old wizard simple sat himself next to the alter and watched as his charade continued to play out. His illusion seemed real enough and though the old man remained within the glamour of his own spell he doubted many of his students would catch on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Rulke
Having been ready to answer after seeing the so-called Prince immediately be thrown upon his ass, despite this having brought a giggle to her, and warm grin, she listened as Master Hoarecrux spoke, "Well depends what type of magic you are doing Master. If you are going for dark then his body while alive could be used in grotesque ritualistic ceremonies. Dead it could be turned into a thrall or mindless servant. Alive his memory could be wiped from where---" immediately things devolved and he stood back up stepping back she witnessed his reaction while Master Hoarecrux merely watched contently.

Coughing she awkwardly continued, "In any event you could wipe his memory. Or myriad of other things..." pausing she stared wide-eyed at him her shield still up, the staff glimmering with powerful arcane energy, "Master, what are you doing to him?" finally the sounds of before registered and she once again spoke up, "Master do you wish me to see who was at the gate?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Souless got bored banging on the gate, so he started walking a little down the read to a tree overlooking the metal gate and sat down on the grass folding his arms over his head after he dug his sword in the dirt next to him. As he sits there he began thinking about his mother again and how he miss her warm smile and soothing words that would always cheer him up when felt sad and alone. Than tears started to fall when his mind went to that night, that night when his father killed her for no reason and spare me.
As playing that night over, and over again in his mind will only make him angry at his own weakness. In a fit of rage the inner black arcane flames manifest around souless body, the flames was't burning anything but they were there.

Snapping out of it, souless began dozing off leaning ageist the tree dreaming the time he spend with mother and hoping one day he will get see her again. It has been a long trip to get here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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With the old man's first actions, Domakeo prepared himself in a defensive stance, holding his blade at an angle in order to counter an attack from any direction. However, all he heard was the old man shouting his threats, attempting to seem bigger than he really is as some other annoying noises occurred around him. There was no source, with the infra-red sight of a Shaki'lyu, such visual illusions designed for those who see with visible light have no effect. Domakeo could easily hear the illusions, but see none of it. In fact, seeing that Bigsby had moved to sit next to the altar like the cocky little she he is just pissed Domakeo off even further.

"You, what are you doing?" Domakeo spoke out, returning to a casual stance as he slowly stepped forward towards the man, ignoring the little girl as if she was just a worm on the ground. "Your little sound party trick ain't gonna hurt me." He had reached the point where he was just sick of this encounter. After all, Domakeo was a lone being thrown from his home, it is natural for there to be hostile actions.

Finally standing before the bigsby, only a few feet between them. The angered Shaki'lyu stared, his sword pointed towards the man, the crown glowed a brighter blue as a small vortex began to circle around his body. "How about you fight me head on instead of giving these stupid tricks."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Bigsby at first seemed put off by the way that the young man seemed to outright ignore the illusionary works. How! Why!? Bigsby simply would not show defeat against the novice. A novice that seemed to outright show immunities and a wonderful little trinket.

"I take it that your physiology makes you immune to most types of illusionary works or it is the trinket you have around your arm." Bigsby simply frowned as he looked at the tip of the boys sword. "You wish for me to use something other than tricks." Bigsby slowly began to rise from the alter only to gently tap the butt of his staff against the cold earth. Bigsby silently began to channel his arcane energies and knowledge as the earth bellow them whispered their content with glyphs that suddenly showed.

"I accept your proposal. But let me ask you something? Do you think you can injure me with that sword?"

The setting changes from Academia Celestia to Canti's Diner


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: LAI Character Portrait: Souless
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The aura in the Canti's Diner change, the room suddenly started to shake and the light from the outside deem like the sun block from coming in the diner. Two blood red cycles appear on floor and ceiling over each other with words not seen in a century. As the magic starting to grow in the middle of these two cycles something was forming there, what looks like a body of young man maybe in his late teens or early twenty's.

Souless stands up from his bowing position in the middle the cycles on the floor with the diner still in chaos and everyone looking at ether with fear or awl he didn't know. With a snap of his fingers the diner returns to normal like nothing ever happen besides the people looking at him. With a look of embarrassment and big smile on his face he spoke with soft voice.

"Sorry everyone I must of took a wrong turn somewhere back there and ended up here." finely seeing where he's at he walk to one of the table next to two girls nodding at them before sitting down before throwing three blood-red ruby's about the size of a golf ball on the table hoping it count as money. With the same soft voice as before he look at the owner who has mixture expression on his face.

"Sorry about all that trouble, i hope these's ruby's will cover the cost of the damage and maybe a strawberry milkshake?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: LAI Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Rulke
Shaking her head she gave a small smile as she tried to figure how to exactly respond. Of course she was not ultimately wrong but it was complicated. Still Elizabeth figured she would attempt the explanation, "You are correct of course, but also wrong. I know of monsters too, the founder of Rapture was pretty much like that. But does not mean all of humanity are like that. They can do great good too, think of those people tested in fields of war who show amazing selfleness and valour. No value on own life as they rescue hundreds even thousands with their act. Humanity can do great things, but also terrible things. You can judge us by whichever is you see correct, but believe me in my experience humans are more amazing than horrifying. I know history shows our barbarism. And believe me I read and studied much of it, but in the end dear Lai humans are extraordinary for instance remember I am human and you are intrigued with me. Can't be all bad can we?" grinning with kindness she was about add more, but then the door opening caught her eye.

The person in question sat themselves down next to both of them. They must have looked an odd bunch, a woman clad in a very old diving suit, a girl asking questions and now this guy, "Greetings, I am Elizabeth McCarthy of Wing City Police Department. This is LAI, I believe she is an A.I." her eyes turned to LAI she seemed almost to resent the new arrival for some reason. It made her wonder just what was going through the mind, "We're discussing the idea of whether humanity is good and evil. I believe humanity is neither, but I also know they can do great good in my eyes and what I read. LAI meanwhile judges the atrocities and thinks we are monsters. What do you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: LAI Character Portrait: Souless
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Lai sighed at Elizabeth's words, of course she would say humans are great, she is human after all. All humans have this superiority complex about themselves, seeing them to be the best thing, always looking to the good things only. This annoyingly persistence view is what kept humans alive, it's what allowed them to succeed in the War for Peace, to succeed in the invasion. Who knows what they're doing now, back at her home that is.

"Humans can be interesting as a source of information, but their nature, it's horrible. I'm not talking or caring about human history, just how they are now." Lai replied, still smiling as she continuously glanced back at the counter, hoping to see her food arrive at the table. There wasn't much time until she'd end up shutting down from this lack of energy. However, a new figure had t rudely arrive, interrupting everything. Lai wanted a friendly talk, some good food, but now this guy had to appear and break the lovely flow she had going.

"And are you human, magic man?"

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to Academia Celestia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Domakeo pulled the face of an annoying delinquent, looking down his nose at Bigsby as he pulled a large frown, staring through a glare at the large-hatted man. A large sigh of questioning was pushed through the mouth of the Shaki'lyu, as he straightened his whole body some more, a natural instinct to make him seem bigger than usual. "What do you mean physiology? There was no illusion, dumbass. Maybe you should fix your node!" He laughed at this statement, somewhat proud that this man seemed to also be lacking in the power of Sa'ooayna. Perhaps that funny thing at the end of his stick worked like the crown, using some other form of energy different to the natural nodes present in all of sentient life.

"You think my blade can't injure you?" He questioned more, giving off a small chuckle at Bigsby's question, "Don't think too high of yourself, it can be dangerous" He finished, stepping back while swinging his blade into an offensive stance, ready to strike now that the man had accepted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Bigsby did not wait to see if the young man was ready or not. Instead of taking up a stance of any kind Bigsby simply moved towards the young man ready to take the blow head on and if the so called prince did strike he would find that past the flesh he would find something other than bone or organs.

Bigsby was not made of weak flesh as he removed what he did not need decades ago. If his crystal blue orbs could not be proof enough then the clinking sound of blade against solid and yet strange crystals could be heard. The large hatted man would then slam the butt of his staff once more upon the ground sending the arcane energies surging upwards through the ground sending several pillars of earth from their feet and possibly into the young man's stomach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Startled at the sudden head on attack, Domakeo raised his blade to defend himself. It wasn't anything he was expecting from such a strange man, he always seemed to be someone who fought defensively. But for a straight on attack, it made things much more interesting.
As means to counter, Domakeo prepared to take the swing of the staff with his sword. However, it seemed that it was slammed into the ground once again, another one of those annoying tricks? No, as was not expected, a full strike was thrown; pillars of earth thrown upwards and straight into Domakeo's stomach. It was lucky for him to be wearing the Selaikah armour, taking most of the blow and preventing any major inner damage as he was pushed into the air.
It was a perfect chance for a true counter to take place, using gravity and his large weight to his advantage as he took a full swing of his blade, straight down onto Bigsby with the expectation of striking the shoulder of what seemed to be his dominant arm.

Bigsby smiled as the young warrior was sent airborn. The old wizard was proud of his little suprise and would not waver to some young fullharty guttersnipe who claimed to be some king. It was when the old man was about to cast another spell that Domakeo's blade landed true, but not against weak flesh and brittle bone. The prince struck solid crystal and something else entirely and did not falter under the weight of the attack.

Instead the old man simply found himself took hold of the blade the prince wielded and glared up at the young man with his crystal blue orbs.
"Charve!" Bigsby shouted as strange arcane lightning jumped from his arms and towards the young prince. The large hatted man had every intention of knocking the young man out cold if possible.

The strange sound of metal against crystal quickly pierced Domakeos ears, breaking the hopes of hearing sliced flesh and screams of agony. Instead, all he could see was the crystal blue orbs which stared back at him. "Oh? You strengthening your skin or something?" Domakeo questioned, intrigued in the acts of the old man.
For what seemed to be simply milliseconds after the word was spoken, a bolt of some unnatural lightning fired from the man's arms, heading directly for the Shaki'lyu who was still falling from the pillar. Luckily, this was obviously a form of energy, something that was attracted by the crown that sat on Domakeo's shoulder, quickly drawing the lightning into its center, absorbing the whole strike.
At the sime time, Domakeo gave a small flick of his wrist, allowing the full potential of the Vladaminsky longsword to be used; a series of irregular blades quickly sprung from within the two main blades, filling in the gap while hoping to cut, or at least push Bigsby's hands away from the sword.

The old man watched as his arcane lightning struck the young man's jeweled crown only to raise a perplexing question which he would bring up later. What brought even more surprise to this little confrontation was the sudden expansion of several blades exscaping from their main host and pushing his hand away.

The crystal did not waver against the force of this opponent and the blue orbs continued to stare into the eyes of the young man. It was in an instant that Bigsby brought his mind and will to full circle as he forced the earth beneath them to shoot up between the both of them so that Bigsby could get some distance as he rose off from the ground using the air to lift him.

The sudden appearance of the earthen wall between the two was not much of a shock to Domakeo anymore, he had learned of Bigsby's tendency to use the earth as means to indirectly attack; or in this case, raise a wall between them. With the Shaki'lyu sight being Infrared, Domakeo managed to gain a quick glance of the man raising from the ground before the wall of earth blocked the view. But that was fine.

As the wall continued raising, Domakeo buried his hand in the side, pulling himself up with it. After this, he slammed his feet into the sides to free up his hand, allowing him to slam his shoulder into the wall, effectively breaking a hole for him to widen and eventually climb through. Now he could see that bastard once again. Now that he was on the other side of the wall, Domakeo used the powers of the crown to increase his brute strength, pushing against the wall with his feet to propel himself towards the crystalline man while ripping yet another hole through the wall at the same time.

"I'm not letting you get away now, you fuck." He called out through a smirk of victory, powering the same arcane lightning he had previously absorbed into his sword, ready to swing the Bigsby's waist as soon as he came into range.

As Bigsby rose higher and higher into the air he gathered his words carefully and brought his hand towards the young man who simply rode the towering mound of earth.

"Keppa Keppa...Ra'Asparulk." His voice seemed double in tone as arcane glyphs filled the air before him taking on the shape of several large circles. Bigsby grinned when the young man seemed to punch through the earthen tower and launched himself forward.

"Barrier, Exist!" His final words sent several beams of light past the young man who seemed to grow closer to striking the wizard only to close off behind him. The spell was intended to hold the young man in place as the light arc would then touch the earth behind him causing it to take form into the cage adding more sturdy bars to hold the man.

Domakeo grew so close to landing a powered strike, using the same ability his father's guard could use to his advantage. However, as he was about to swing his blade, Domakeo witnessed the bright colours of infra-red as the beams of light flew past him, striking the large pillar of earth behind him, only causing a cage to form. "Oi, bastard. I said no fancy tricks" Domakeo hissed, the arcane lightning which pulsed through his blade slowly fading away as the spell lost its effect.

Returning his blade into it's sheath, the crown began glowing a bright blue as a strange green aura came into view around his body. His red eyes seemed to glow bright and brighter as he howled in anger. As if he was some feral monkey, Domakeo grasped the bars which encased him, pulling with all of his strength against such a powerful spell. However, to his misfortune, all that could be done was the severe bending of the bars which quickly returned to their natural state as soon as they were freed.

It would take more than a trick like this to hold Domakeo back, the green aura around him shifted to yellow as he stepped back, adjusting his position to the millimeter within only a few seconds before propelling his body forward. Once again, the side of his body was pushed against the bars, the sheer force of this feral power breaking the bars entirely.

As impressive as the display of strength was Bigsby was not willing to give it anymore thought. Simply the wizard brought the end of his staff towards the cage and could only frown.

"In battle all moves are allowed. It is the very nature of conflict to find victory."

The wizards last words followed by the command to send the cage plummiting quickly to the ground only to crash and scatter. Domakeo would be thrown about by the impact and left broken but not dead.

From the rubble that was left crawled a damaged Domakeo. He was lucky to have the crown activated to prevent any serious injury, only for it to deactivate from the temporary unconsciousness caused by the fall. Now, he used all of his strength, resisting the pain of his melting bones to pull his body from beneath the rubble.
Internal bleeding was a very dangerous condition for the Shaki'lyu race, even something as small as bruising can put a whole life on the line. With only a couple ruptured blood vessels, the Shaki'lyu hormone "Selkanopamine" quickly surrounded his bones. This hormone was an evolutionary weakness, existing to keep the metallic Selaikah bones liquid at the joints for movement. But once this hormone reaches the other parts, these also become liquid. It was only pure luck for the main damage to be in one of his hands, leading to the liquifying of two finger bones.

Pure rage plagued over Domakeo's face, a rage he could never quench until he had fixed himself up, all he had to do was wait for the bleeding to stop, his body would then get the bones back into place. If only he could consciously control his node, then he would be ready to continue at any time.

"You lack the capability to understand why you lost." Bigsby offered as he seemed to descend from his lofty hieghts. The old man first stepped foot on the earth and quickly fixed his damage only to then get back to his students to begin his next leason.

[Written by both me and Marcus]

The setting changes from Academia Celestia to Canti's Diner


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: LAI Character Portrait: Souless
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souless looks away from the question because he didn't like answering that one specially to people he didn't know, taking another look at the girls he decided what was the harm with telling them what he is. Taking in a deep breath, and with a low voice so the staff don't freak out.

"I'am a half human/demon, and in the demon world they call me an Malachai which turn mean destroyer by nature, but i left that life because who wants to be angry all the time anyways."

he wave his hand to dismiss the thoughts and bad memory of the past he began to feel. that why he don't like talking about himself to other people, but for some reason he didn't mind talking to these two girls.

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to Academia Celestia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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Souless was sleeping when he feel someone using powerful magic over the wall waiting after their battle was over, than an idea hit him why they wouldn't open the gates for him. He needs to prove himself to be there, so gathering arcane magic he cloned himself to fight against. Being shadow mage he is able to make multiple shadow clones with the same ability as him. walking to the open area in front of the main gate making sure it close enough for them to feel his magic.

The clone made the first move making a copy of Souless black sword while running at him with blinding speed, by gathering arcane magic at the bottom of his feet he was able to enhance his demon speed even farther. Aiming at Souless legs hoping he would jump to avoid the attack so he can get him with the second attack.

Seeing that the clone first attack was a decoy Souless grab the black sword with his right-hand and redirecting it behind him while charging a fire blast with his left-hand directed at the clone expose back.

The clone was caught off guard when Souless redirect the sword attack, but adapted to his second attack by using the force of the pull to spin hitting the fist size black arcane fire blast across plains blowing up a oak tree with the force of a lighting bolt shattering it into small pieces. Absorb some of the magic from the arcane fire to charge the sword to unleash it when the clone landed in a low stace. rushing souless for the counter strike, ramming him with a force a car crash than slashing at him while unleashing the power gather by the sword into a crescent moon shape blast of black fire.

By jumping into the air at the last min Souless took only have the damage from the ram an using the force of it gain some distance away from the clone until he saw the true attack coming at him in a form of a arcane blast. countering that with only a upward sweep of his left-hand redirecting the blast to the sky using the explosion to blind the clone for a brief moment to teleport behind him an finish him with snapping the clone neck in matter of seconds, seeing the clone disappear into the wind the fight was over. Hoping that battle prove that he belong here to train.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Rulke
Having watched whole thing in front of her with awe and wonder, she had to grin when Master Hoarecruxes easily won without even breaking a sweat. Letting her shield fall she walked over to her teacher and said, "Master, I don't know if you have heard, but there appears to be someone waiting at one of the gates to the Academia. May I be excused to go open the gate. I do believe he won't manage to open it since as you have told us the Academia is heavily warded to protect from any magical attacks. Even some conventional weapons would be damaged if they were used here..." staring with purposeful but respectful gaze she gripped the shaft of her staff and although not extremely tall she held herself with a certain impressive respect. Master Hoarecruxes may even have seen some of the girl's Mother in her. It is possible, as it stood she merely waited for an answer.

Although a fight had taken place, most students here were used to much worse thus most had returned to immediately gossiping about latest stuff they had heard of seen. None seemed at all phased by the huge battle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigsby Big Hat Character Portrait: Aebbe Dmowska Character Portrait: Dextrii Agnimus Character Portrait: Domakeo Vladaminsky Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Marcus
Bigsby gave a simple nod to the girl. It never seemed to amaze him that people attempted and failed to just walk into the academy. Regardless of whatever was to happen next Bigsby sat himself atop the alter and sat his staff off to the side.

"Whenever we are ready? I think we will cover the basics and maybe learn a bit more lore whilst my mind is still fresh."

The setting changes from Academia Celestia to Canti's Diner


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: LAI Character Portrait: Souless
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#, as written by Rulke
Staring at him being so quiet and such Elizabeth rolls her eyes not really truly impressed at his comments. In fact she speaks up with a chuckle, "Oh my, how original. I am a hybrid too, Half Human, Half Adam except I don't have some fucking pretty-boy appearance. In fact my body covered in scars, cuts and even holes that go right through limbs. So save me your pathetic life story. I am a lesbian and look at me who wants to fuck this in front of them. This diving suit is pretty much my prison. So yeah save the maudlin crap. Not all girls going to drop their panties at how angst and full of pathos you are." her pale features combined with those ethereal blue eyes indicated rage.

Nonetheless she continue, "Yeah humans suck, but few of us accept our nature. We try better ourselves. There are millions who devote their life to saving million but you only focus on harm we cause. I was a teacher. You judge us wrongly and without true frame of reference. I understand your point of view of LAI. I just don't agree humans are near as wretched as you think. Yes we have bad 'uns but then every race does. Humans aren't the only pricks in the Universe. We are not even majority of pricks, from my short experience of Police work in Wing City you have 'Evil Outergods, Immortals, Eldritch Horrors, Magical Fools, Monsters and plenty more' Humans can choose to not be evil, these just choose evil no matter what."

After her rant she raised her glass and took long drink of her water, sighing a slight blush strangely in her cheek. Been so long since she had the fire to even challenge people like that.

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to The Obsidian Arena

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Souless Character Portrait: Sigesar Ermelandus Character Portrait: Galanthael, Lord of Rot
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Souless walks in the arena looking at his two opponents and heads to the panel they were waiting at. looking at the landscapes to pick from he decides that a city landscapes would work for him. After making his pick he turn to them and gave them an half-knee to show respect before jumping 10 paces away from them and waited for the arena to change.

As Souless waits he charge up his arcane magic, dark shadows began to leak from his body like slow moving smoke making a shadow-cone with the same ability, and powers as the real Souless to make things even number. They both draw their swords at the same time creating a small gust of wind by the force of swinging down.

"this should be fun" with both of their eyes glowing bright red, they are ready to start the show.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Souless Character Portrait: Sigesar Ermelandus Character Portrait: Galanthael, Lord of Rot
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"Bogs and swamps? hm hm...Ah. There it is." Looking up, he noticed their opponent had already gotten ready and selected their terrain, his ability making two of him presumably to even the odds. Fair enough, though the shadow was worrying...especially considering his own focus in shadowy magic and negative energy. Then again...he couldn't help it, he was in his entirety a shadow with a shadow companion and shadow magic. Lots of fucking shadows.

Pressing the bog to add to the city landscape, pits of bog water and swampy greenery dotted the city, vines climbing the buildings around them to give an 'overtaken by nature' feel to everything. If Sigesar could frown, he would...instead, he sighed through the telepathy. "This is apparently our opponent." He recited, the panel sinking down into the floor to clear the space for them. Stepping forwards to enter the arena truly, the formless shade that he commanded followed along and Sigesar presumed Galanthael would follow suit.

The shade morphed and twisted in place, a mouth forming along with a single bloodshot eye, representing a pure black monster which roared despite no sound coming from its mouth. Despite the lack of sound, the vibrations of its 'voice' could be felt, along with a chilling presence from its body as it was ready for battle.

"This one is a bit arrogant, is he not? Let's be sure to make him feel special and accepted..."