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"All hail the empire!"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Specmarine, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Spaniard

Gender: Male

Age: Ageless

Personality: Spaniard is a humble, patient, and just man. He has an undying loyalty to Spain and will do all he can to protect it, he also preserves the peace in the universe.

Appearance: Spaniard is 6'5" and has a buzz cut and handlebar moustache. When he acts human he wears a leather jacket with fingerless gloves, a pair of black pants and cowboy boots with a black shirt with a imperial logo on it.

Equipment: Spaniard is armed with a Vaquero revolver and pump action shotgun. He also has acssess to a motorcycle.


Spaniard has the ability to fly at will and has inceased strength.

Spaniard can also channel the peace in the universe to fire beams of light that can destroy planets if he so wishes.

He can also regenerate as long as there is peace and can resurrect the dead.

Background: The entity Spaniard was born after the beginning of the universe by the "Grandmaster" who had created Spaniard and his brother to balance the forces of the universe such as violence and peace. Throughout his entire life he has faught his brother an innumerable amount of times. Eventually he met up with Russian and the two both partnered up as mercenarys but eventually his true identity was revealed.

Spaniard also got his name from his loyalty to Spain because one day he noticed that out of all nations on earth, Spain was the most peaceful.

So begins...

"Spaniard"'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Spaniard" Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher Character Portrait: Terror of the Skies
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A few miles away from the plane crash, a man drove on his motorcycle with a police siren attached to it. This man was however not an official officer, he was a man called Spaniard. His job was to patrol the universe and preserve the peace, he also made it his role to help those in need and today was no different. Once he spotted the form of the plane about to crash he was already roaring past traffic with expert precision. He weaved past cars, he drove through each stoplight before any could turn red and he made sure to keep track of his location.

As Spaniard got closer to the crash site, he could see the clouds of black smoke rising in the air. He was hoping that there was not that many casualties but judging by the crash it was hard not to think about how many people could have died. Of course some thoughts raced in his mind, what caused the crash? Was it a pilot error? Malfunction? Whatever the case it was he was going to arrive on scene and tend to any wounded he found.

Once Spaniard arrived on the scene, he saw the entire wreckage of the plane, fire spreading around, wreckage and belongings scattered everywhere, and of course some of the passengers. Some were dead, some seemed to be alive and breathing. He soon shut off his bike and siren before getting off his bike and readjusted his black sunglasses. "Everyone, if you can still walk please get away from the crash site. Gather your belongings and your loved ones then get a fair distance away from the crash site. The plane might explode so I recommend you all to hurry. I will see to the people who are more wounded but for now please follow my instructions." He called out to anyone that could hear him before searching around the wreckage. Most of the people were fine, some coming from inside the wreckage. They had told him that the pilots were dead and many passengers near the front were dead. He knew that searching inside would be a waste of time but for now he had to make sure everyone could walk on their feet.

Looking around Spaniard noticed a woman unconscious on the ground, she did not look severely injured maybe a couple of bruises at most but it looked like she had hit her head on the ground. Carefully examining her it was clear that she was knocked unconscious. Taking out some medical equipment he cleaned the head wound and placed a dressing on it before he pulled out a bottle of water and slowly poured cold water on her face to wake her up. "Time to wake up miss, There are other people to treat so I have to get you moving."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Spaniard" Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher
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#, as written by Sambea
Amabel shot up, holding her head. It was bounding. "Aw, the hell!" She cupped her head, but heard the voice. She turned around to see a man with a handlebar mustache. "Uh, thanks." She said or more like whispered. Her head was pounding. She looked back at the wreckage and gasped. The plane was one thing, but the dead bodies is what got to her. She saw the lady who sat next to her lying on the ground in a non-human position. Her body twisted and cut open.

She stumbled up, looking for survivors. She saw a hostess moaning and well alive. "I...I am going to help." She said to the man who woke her up. She thanked him one more time and stumbled towards the hostess.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Spaniard" Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher
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When the woman shot up, Spaniard nearly jumped in surprise. Its not often to see someone who had been unconscious after hitting their head on the ground to have the energy to get up like nothing happened. He smiled as the woman thanked him but when the woman decided to help he just nodded in approval. "If you wish, I wont stop you from helping the injured but just be warned that the plane will likely explode within the hour with the whole fuel to fire thing." Spaniard spoke as he stood back up and wandered over to a man who had a deep gash on his leg and began to clean the wound, stitch it closed and dress it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Spaniard" Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher
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#, as written by Sambea
The heat from the crash was almost unbearable as she reached to where the hostess was. Her eyes locked on to the mustache man for a second before slowly helping the hostess stand. It was obvious her her arm was broken, the way it twisted in a sick manner. Amabel held back a gag as she got the lady to a safe distance. For some odd reason she hurried to the mustache man, "anything else I can do?" She asked. She was an obvious mess, but she had to do something or else she would be anxiety stricken and make a horrible problem worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Spaniard" Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher
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Spaniard heard approaching footsteps and as he finished fixing the mans leg, he turned around to see the woman asking if there was anything else she could do. "Well there should be more wounded around, so go and check if there are still more people that needs help. If not then our job is done and we should get back a safe enough distance." He spoke before standing up and looking around for any more people that required medical attention but by the looks of things there may be just a couple people left that needed help.

The setting changes from Lady Une Drive to The Dying Sands


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Above The Dying Sands, a small ship landed on the surface of the desert where it began to unfurl into a makeshift bunker complete with air conditioning, automated weapons, and enough room to move around freely. The man knows as Russian brought up his device wrapped around his arm and began to call someone. After a few seconds of ringing a person answered. "This is Spaniard, how may I help you?" The man answered. "Long time no see my mustache conquistador! Its been years since I spoke to you, listen I know this is sudden but I need to get the duo back together...what do you say?" Russian spoke genuinely happy to talk to this man. "Its been a long time since I hear that word...You what what this needs Russian?" Spaniard question and without even answered Russian teliported his partner inside the bunker.

As soon as Spaniard entered the bunker, music began blaring which sounded like trumpets and guitars playing. "Dandandandan! Spaniard and Russian! BWAHHHHH!" The two shouted in unison before giving a manly hug along with a super handshake complete with bro fists of all different styles.

Spaniard was dressed in his leather jacket with fingerless gloves, a pair of black pants and cowboy boots with a black shirt with a imperial logo on it, along with his famous mustache and sunglasses. This man had been with Russian through hell and back. "So...What exactly do you need help with? Must be serious if you wanted the duo back together." Spaniard Questioned.

"Well I actually wanted to get the gang together because it was getting rather boring without you, but as more what I need help with. I need help getting back at someone who at first tried to kill me, but then ran away for reasons I have no idea. From what I gathered she can...Realm jump...I can theorize its the same as Universe jumping, but just a bit different. Now I am going to build a device that allows us to travel through different realms, and after checking her technology I can easily locate her. So I just need help beating her. Sound like a plan?" Russian explained and Spaniard nodded in approval.

Once their plan was complete, Russian began manufacturing a device taking every last detail into account. For Spaniard he cleaned his Vaquero revolver and pump action shotgun to make sure it was in peak condition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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As Russian worked on the realm jumping device, his lone hands fiddling with the wiring and engineering of the delicate machine, a second pair of hands appeared. At first they assissted with handing the tools to the soldier, then jumped in to help with the placing of wires and circuitry. An all too familiar voice accompanied the hands as they pointed out several flaws in the device: "No the wires go here, and you messed up the layout of the circuitboard. Oh and this wire also goes here." The highly dextrous and feminine hands swiftly pointed out the small mistakes, the skin was almost perfect with nails painted white and kept in a perfect shape.

"Do you even know what you're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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As Russian tinkered with the device, trying his best to make sure everything was in place. A pair of hands reached around him and a very familiar voice pointed out his mistakes. "Well aren't you nice all of a sudden...and as for a matter of fact I would have finished this thing without your guidance." Russian stated as his partner seemed to immediately know that she was who Russian was looking for.

Russian thought to reach for his gun, but thinking back to last time he decided to do something else. With a quick click of his fingers he teliported a few feet away from her holding his trust Rifle along with Spaniard who was aiming his revolver and shotgun at her. "You must have some power to know where we were at, I have to congratulate you on that." Spaniard spoke however Russian simply shook his head. "Even as time passes we never change...As for you picked the wrong man to fight."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Sarah cocked her head to the side, her face showing an inquisitive expression as she slowly stepped back from the two, her hands kept behind her back as she stared down the barrels of their weapons. "Power? I've been watching everyone who's interesting, of course I know where you guys are." She explained to the new individual, his recent actions had been of an interest of Sarah as she silently overwatched his movements for the past few days. Of course, as an Ancient, she could see everything that goes on throughout the Multiverse without even being there.

"Time's not really a thing anymore, to me that is," she shrugged, forgetting the length of time she spent anywhere. It was just a factor lost in the realms itself. "Anyway, I'm not here to fight. I just need to tell you that you're not allowed to make such a device, okay?"

A swift movement of one hand allowed her assault rifle to be drawn, a single electromagnetic shell fired into the device Russian was working on, effectively destroying it. A little smile was given as the weapon was placed back on her waist, one hand raised to give a peace sign as a small smile spread across her face. "Thanks~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"Yeah, I am not going to try and kill you after what you did to me and destroyed a device which cost a lot of money that I can't afford to waste. yeah let's let you off the---Oh for fucks sake die!" Russian took a shot with his rifle, a overload round already chambered in the weapon. He then quickly reloaded and began to fire round after round like the weapon was semi-automatic. Spaniard appreciated the peace symbol, however he was not going to let her go as well. He began to unload his revolver and shotgun at Sarah as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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The first round hit the shield with a large bang as the design of the round forced a massive energy surge across the whole outside of the shield, effectively overloading the generator. The blue tinge that came into view on contact with the round quickly broke apart as it dissipated into the surrounding air. The rest of the bullets fired were met with a wormhole, opened to shield the Realm Jumper as they were thrown to the outside of the Dying Sands, colliding with the ground.

"Now now, you're both ganging up on a poor little woman? You should be ashamed." Sarah spoke over the sound of the firing guns, waiting for the ammunition to be emptied before closing the wormhole. "You two are so trigger happy, can't we talk this out?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"yeah, like how you wanted to 'talk' when you slammed my damned face in the ground just because you wanted to control a guy. You tried to KILL me, if I was any weaker that slam would have killed me. You can see why I rather shoot you than talk to you!" Russian prepared another round but Spaniard quickly stopped him. "Calm down for now Russian, if she wants to explain herself let her. Besides, with those wormholes we can't do much." Spaniard stated and although Russian was ready to fight, she decided to let her talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"Thank you, Spaniard." Sarah stated as she wondered towards a table, hopping on it so she may sit down. Her hands placed by her sides as she kicked her legs back and forth, surprisingly relaxed at the fact that guns were pointed at her. As long as she could stall the two a little longer, the shielding would be repaired and she could work out a counter. But it's not like she wanted to fight anyone, just destroy that device, which was done. Running away was another idea

"I believe I told you about the danger to this galaxy, and you choose to attack me? I gave you advice on what to do." She started, "Where is James?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"You spoke about that yes, talking about James being able to do that. Keep in mind that you till attacked me, even when a galaxy is in trouble I never let go of a grudge easily. Because my life was in danger...again, just something to hammer in. As for James, while we were on our next destination some creature flew on my ship sent us plummeting to a planet so I used emergency teleport of the both of us. I don't know where he is but I can always locate him again." Russian casually spoke but Spaniard seemed to widen at the whole danger to galaxy. "Did you say danger to the galaxy? Well I am intrigued to know who or what is capable of doing such a thing." Spaniard asked, it was his duty to keep the peace, and if there was something that can threaten the galaxy he was certain to stop it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"You're retarded." Sarah spoke bluntly to Russian as she turned her gaze towards Spaniard, happy that he would actually listen to her calls. Perhaps she should skip the part about making a mistake when transporting people from Shekvrak to the Multiverse, for fun.
"There's this one guy, an alien. He has the capabilities to make the whole galaxy to boom should he reach the centre. I was just asking you guys to help stop him." She shrugged, I'm not allowed to meddle too much in this realm anyway, I'm not the owner after all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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"Jeeze...only a child comes up with that insult. Go read a book that teaches you how to make a better insult." Russian crossed his arms in annoyance.

"It is already my duty to prevent something like this, I will not let let this man reach the center to blow it up. You have my thanks for giving us this info." Spaniard thanked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Sarah smiled at Spaniard, she already liked how compliant he was. Much better than how Russian is, although it is admittable that she did attack him. But that was mainly to prove to James that she isn't someone he can mess with, sadly he's disappeared somewhere else on Terra and hasn't done anything special to pop up in her senses. Perhaps she should hunt down the demonic signal, that should point her in the right direction.

"It's nice to know someone has the intellect to listen to my words," Sarah stated, giving a small glare towards Russian as she spoke the word 'someone'. "Anyway, you two have no way to match up to him alone. You'll need to grab some more powerful people, I did point Russian in the direction of an overlord, but he didn't listen as usual."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Russian laughed when she mentioned they needed someone stronger. "Lady, you are looking at the best mercenary duo that has ever sailed across the stars. We have been there even since earth was still behind the moon! In fact I am the first person to invent spaceships that could sail into the stars. My partner besides me has seen what my genius mind has to offer, and I know that he has more than enough power to stop a single person from destroying a galaxy. We are more stronger than you think, if we wanted something to be very dead we make sure it is dead." Russian stated and Spaniard agreed with him. "Its true, we have dealt with problems much worse than that. I do not use my power unless needed, Russian knows that full well. The two of us can stop any threat be it Demon, God, or a powerful entity." Spaniard added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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Sarah sighed at Russian's words, he was simply bigging himself up to an Ancient, an immortal being who watches and controls the happens of the realms. Co-owner of Shekvrak and overseer of this 'Multiverse' as most natives refer to it as, sadly she can't explain this to the two as it is against the laws to disclose such information.

"And you'll be pitting yourself against another genius, someone who can get control of a situation in seconds, examine and learn everything about their opponent from one glance." She added, trying to deter the two from getting themselves killed, "Just take my words in and acknowledge them. I've seen a myriad of people like yourselves die from this sort of confidence. Besides," She turned to Russian, carefully placing a hand over her mouth as she puffed a small laugh from her delicate lips, "You got beaten by a girl."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Russian" Character Portrait: Sarah Prie Character Portrait: "Spaniard"
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With her words, Russian just lost it. "Oh you wanna be like that? I thought I would be a little more gentlemanly however...with the crap you keep on spouting...I am going to fucking kill you!" He then loaded another round his rifle and shot it at her, however this round was different. When she would go to activate her wormhole he was actually going to command the bullet to go around it. It was a special remote control bullet. Spaniard crossed his arms, with the power of peace nothing would stop him. He then took aim his his revolver not at Sara but to the wall where it would be parallel to her. He then let the bullet hit the wall and it ricocheted off perfectly and changed direction at her.