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Star Gate


0 · 545 views · located in Arcadia Station

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


Birthed in the explosion of a star gate.
Tattoo of a potato on her ankle.

So begins...

Star Gate's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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The explosion began, white hot waves of stargate undulating outward. Light itself knocked space ships on their side, entangled in one another instantly as the molten heat engulfed them. It wasn't just heat, though, flames licking at the blast radius even before the shine of destruction faded. Though many buildings nearby weren't flattened due to the sheer force of the space port managing to catch most of the blast, pieces of rogue space port caterwauled at the structures. Fires shot outward, some catching on to other buildings. An orange glow cast outward, smoke rising from the blast zone.

It's hard to say when the stargate ended and when Star Gate began to exist, but it was somewhere between the Big Sister and the call for help. Suddenly everything was white, then yellow, then orange. It was clear nothing in the immediate vicinity had lasted the impact of whatever had been.


Without even realizing it, a thought formed. The thought would realize, in due time, that it was attached to a form. A small form, a form that wasn't entirely there. A form which would be called Star Gate. For now, Star Gate sat where a stargate once was, not feeling much of anything at all. Star Gate wasn't sure of much besides essential existence. There was far too much chaos to discern the luminescent form of a not-quite child from the dancing fires and white smoke, even for the child.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
The cataclysmic blast from the stargate had caused Aiedail to lose her grip on the silent child for long enough for Galvin to grab him and take cover beneath his cloak. The force and intensity of the blast cast the android backwards, though much of the energy was absorbed by her shielding.

When the smoke cleared, she pulled herself from the wreckage, battered and broken - much of her outer shell had been decimated. With each unsteady step she took, however, the damage seemed to be repairing itself. The smart nanoparticles that formed her were refinding their places and reconnecting themselves together. Before long, she had largely recovered full functionality, albeit looking a little worse for wear. Full repairs would have to wait until she could return to her ship.

The android surveyed the damage to the spaceport in dismay, wondering if the WCPD officer would have survived the blast. She was probably in trouble, if she had. Her scanners kicked in, and she quickly located the position of her target and the civilian that had appeared on the scene just prior to the explosion.

With her communications now unjammed, she patched herself into the WCPD frequencies that were going wild after the explosion. 'This is Aiedail of the Terran Militia. The explosion at the spaceport was the result of the destruction of a Stargate! The situation which led to that destruction is currently contained, but I would like to request the immediate extraction of a high-priority suspect to receive medical attention and be placed in a secure holding. This will enable me to remain here and dispense aid to the civilians affected by the blast.'

Aiedail finally turned to Galvin as she approached. "Are you alright?" she inquired, "I'm astonished you were able to survive that blast. I must examine that cloak at a later date to ascertain the technologies behind it!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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Jim was waiting for something that would distract people from noticing him walking through the spaceport with his cargo. If he was going to get it to sol tower he needed he needed a distraction. As soon as the explosion happened he knew that his distraction had arrived, Shadow was waiting for something like a cargo ship drop off so that he could just stroll along beside them as if he was apart of their operation. He had gotten more than he asked for.

As he landed he found an area which had not been touched by the blast, behind the crowd of people surrounding the explosion debris. Jim simply popped out of his ship with a large backpack, locked his ship up then moved in between the crowd to ensure no security cameras could follow him, nobody knew who he was but he knew it wasn't just security who had access to the cameras.

Jim noticed that an emergency exit door had been blown off, he looked through the door and noticed the exit had been demolished by the explosion and the corridor had caved in. 'damn' he thought. Jim made his way through the crowd again and noticed an exit that was being used by emergency teams and exiting crowds. Jim moved quickly and smoothly into a group of people leaving.

As soon as he got out of the spaceport he realised the masses of police, keeping his cool he just acted like any other person leaving the port pulling down his hood so that he that didn't look suspicious. He then entered the crowd looking at the blast pulling up his hood once again. 'wonder what happened here' he thought. Jim looked at his watch, 'I better wait and find out, they wont pull me up now i'm on the other side of the space port. Plus there is no way i'm leaving my ship without knowing that this place won't blow up again'

Jim felt the weight of the object in the backpack start to get to him, it was a not a huge parcel but big enough for Jim to have to use a large backpack to hold it in. He never asked what he was carrying just where he needed to take it. ' This better not take long' he thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

There was something here and there was something there, though telling the differnece between the two places was something another all on itself. Still, they pulled at her. Her, yes? She was a she, not just an it, and everything around her was on fire. Many, many unfamiliar shapes were licked by the flames. Silently she sat, watching, existing, being. It wasn't until she heard herself breath that she realized she was in fact here. Not just watching, but a part of whatever was going in.

Sounds of movement, and a pattern of sound. Voices, the word came from nowhere and she embraced it. Voices carried around and towards her, but they weren't for her. She ignored them and continued to sit and watch. Then, she stood, without realizing she could. Looking down, she was't suprised to see a body, but didn't necessarily expect it. Did the sight please her? What was pleasure anyway?

She breathed again, a small figure standing at the core of the destruction. She didn't know that. To her, she had been birthed into a world of fire. It was quite nice. Warm, welcoming. If it wasn't for the troubled shouts every now and again, this would be a heaven. What was heaven?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jo_Tunn
After many, many long months at space, the fear some "pirate" Bartly Crash lands his borrowed escape pod onto Terra. The haggard looking leprechaun hops out and smooches the ground. It takes him a while but finally he notices notices the crowd of people further away and goes to investigate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

Galvin looked at the child, then at her. "This is big. And I doubt you would want to, the cloak's technology would probably fry your processors if you tried to analyze it". He took deep breaths, exhausted and tired from the explosion knocking him back. He heard some ambulances approaching. "This tech he has. Some of it is stolen Pandorian Alliance tech, Rift Grade, Military Grade, High Tier stuff. Its illegal to have outside the Pandorian Alliance without a permit. You could call any branch of the Pandorian Alliance, but likely, you will get redirected to one of three departments. The Taskforce, the Pandorian Service of Intelligence, and the Pandorian Service of Trade. The first two would be more likely".

He looked at the child now. "This level of tech is some of the best well tracked and protected. IF someone has their hands on this...well, the leak should be the least of your worries. There is some Pandorian military tech that they outlawed for very good reasons. If they have access to it...then there is no imagining what they might have planned".

Galvin looked at the sky. He muttered to himself "This is why I retired". But to be truthful, he left because of what happened to his wife, and because he could never make it up to his daughter. He left for a new beginning. He looked back at the child. Your a victim in all this. Someone is making you do this. I can feel it. Now I just need to prove it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

Galvin looked at the child, then at her. "This is big. And I doubt you would want to, the cloak's technology would probably fry your processors if you tried to analyze it". He took deep breaths, exhausted and tired from the explosion knocking him back. He heard some ambulances approaching. "This tech he has. Some of it is stolen Pandorian Alliance tech, Rift Grade, Military Grade, High Tier stuff. Its illegal to have outside the Pandorian Alliance without a permit. You could call any branch of the Pandorian Alliance, but likely, you will get redirected to one of three departments. The Taskforce, the Pandorian Service of Intelligence, and the Pandorian Service of Trade. The first two would be more likely".

He looked at the child now. "This level of tech is some of the best well tracked and protected. IF someone has their hands on this...well, the leak should be the least of your worries. There is some Pandorian military tech that they outlawed for very good reasons. If they have access to it...then there is no imagining what they might have planned".

Galvin looked at the sky. He muttered to himself "This is why I retired". But to be truthful, he left because of what happened to his wife, and because he could never make it up to his daughter. He left for a new beginning. He looked back at the child. Your a victim in all this. Someone is making you do this. I can feel it. Now I just need to prove it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Elizabeth McCarthy Character Portrait: The Silent Child Character Portrait: Jim Thorn Character Portrait: Star Gate Character Portrait: Galvin Moriarty
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"The advice is duly noted, sir!" Aiedail said, nodding her head. "Though I lack much information on this Pandorian Alliance, I will be certain to bring it to the attention of the Terran National Government, who may be able to submit an inquiry regarding its possible distribution."

She smiled, apparently still in good spirits despite the explosion. "I shall take the suspect into custody, now, discretely so as to avoid interference from those who sent him." Aiedail moved to fasten a pair of energy-cuffs to the unconscious child for the sake of security, before lifting him in her arms. "I will transport him personally. Your assistance is much appreciated in this matter."

The setting changes from Wing City Spaceport to The Robotics Lab

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Gate
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Every light in the room grew brighter, and from that light emerged a glowing girl.

"Woah!" She looked to the others here, "Where's this? I do hope I'm not interrupting much, it's ah..." hard for her to control sometimes.