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Svegdir Staghelm

Svegdir Staghelm is a Norse explorer.

0 · 607 views · located in Dracos Valley

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Sigurd_Hring

So begins...

Svegdir Staghelm's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Redcross Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Kawli Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Hopi Character Portrait: Kassandra Tierdath
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As the light, and the smoke from the sudden flash-bang settled, and receded, a figure shimmered in front of Danegh as she stepped out of the thick foliage. The air shimmered, like sunlight on water before reveling a strange figure in a form fitting, sleek, and slender suit of armor with a glossy black faceless visor.

There was a hiss, and a series of whirs before the glossy visor of the helmet retracted, and opened up to reveal a young woman with piercing blue eyes, and raven black hair, her hawkish facial structure also betrayed her hardened nature as the helmet, and visor retracted into the suit's shoulder.

She eyed Danegh for a moment, as she slid her disruptor rifle over her back, and attached the weapon with an audible click, before she took a step forward, looking around for a moment.

"Are you okay?" She asked. The light began to glint off of her suit, as she briefly glanced around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Redcross Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Hopi Character Portrait: Kassandra Tierdath Character Portrait: Erin Solis Character Portrait: Liren Amakija
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Danegh was down on one knee, diverting his eyes from the blinding white light as the small pack of Xamoraptors darted off into the thick brush, startled by the sudden flashbang which had exploded right in front of them. Danegh was dazed and disoriented for a moment, but kept his hand on his spear whilst touching the ground so as not to lose his bearings entirely.

As the light receded, Danegh looked up to see a shimmering figure walking towards him from out of the foliage. The sunlight glimmered off of the slender figure as she approached, wearing a suit of armor with a glossy black visored helmet. Danegh could see that the figure's shape was familiar and had a humanoid appearance. But it certainly wasn't anyone familiar to him, and the armored figure appeared quite alien, like a person from a totally different culture or civilization.

As he gazed up at the stranger in front of him, placing a tighter grip on his spear, Danegh's fight or flight instincts were starting to kick in. He had heard rumours back on Gaia about the dokkalfar, a powerful race of dark elves who were known to attack humans and other elves alike. Although he had never seen one in person, he was already accustomed to sea elves, and he knew how dangerous such races could be. He watched cautiously, preparing to pounce.

Suddenly, however, there was a loud hissing sound as the figure's visor opened to reveal a more humanoid face with blue eyes. After a few seconds, the visored helmet retracted into the suit's shoulder, and Danegh could immediately tell that it was a woman with raven black hair. She quickly flung her disruptor rifle over her shoulder and stepped closer, looking down at him.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked as her strange unfamiliar armor glimmered in the sunlight. Danegh loosened his grip on his spear and stood up slowly, looking at the woman with confusion. He was utterly speechless, and had no idea what was going on. Had this stranger been the source of the distress call? That certainly didn't seem to be the case just a minute ago. He glanced at the opening in the bushes where the large bird-like creatures had been just moments ago. But where did they go? Danegh began to wonder to himself whether he was alive or dead. What was that bright blinding flash of light? His mind was overwhelmed with several questions as his heart started beating quickly and irregularly.

But the armored figure wasn't the only person who seemed a bit foreign and out of place as Danegh stood up slowly to face her. He himself had long free flowing light brown wavy hair with a curly beard and short mustache, and hazel colored eyes and bronze or ruddy skin. He was wearing a bright blue long sleeved shirt tunic with an open laced collar and brown baggy legged trousers which flared loosely before being tucked into his high blue wool socks and skin boots. Underneath his tunic, Danegh appeared to be wearing light armor, or a silver chainmail vest of some kind as the metal collar shimmered in the sunlight beneath his curly beard. He had several necklaces made of gold and silver, including a Mjolnir hammer pendant which hung down loosely over his chest. On his left breast appeared to be a patch or tag of some kind, showing a runic symbol which denoted his rank and duty within the Empyrean Norse Empire, and in his hand he was carrying a silver spear with a single small hook on the end.

The woman would only have seconds to absorb the Norseman's appearance, however, before he suddenly ran away from her in the opposite direction, deciding to flee from the area rather than make conversation. He quickly turned and jumped into the bushes without saying anything, apparently being frightened away by everything he had just witnessed. He didn't even bother to scream in fear. He just bolted, having no idea exactly where he was or even where he was going. All the surprised man knew at that particular moment was that he had seen enough. Danegh didn't like this new fertile planet after all. He just wanted to go back home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Redcross Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Kawli Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Hopi Character Portrait: Kassandra Tierdath
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sifsand
The ground near Danegh would begin to shake. This was no earthquake, but something far more significant. Before his eyes, he would witness the biggest animal in the land. It was massive, dwarfing all it stood by. The dinosaur was known as a sauropod, its long neck stretching into the sky. Each step it made would cause the ground to experience aftershocks, which wouldn't be unusual for an animal weighing 200 tons.

This was no ordinary sauropod however, this was the titan of the land. In comparison, Danegh would be no bigger than its toe. It approached the norsemen, its long neck craning down to get a good look at him. There was wisdom in this animals eyes, it understood who he was and recognized he was not a threat. It opened its mouth and groaned, the sound capable of penetrating his very being.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Milo Redcross Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Kawli Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Hopi Character Portrait: Kassandra Tierdath
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sigurd
"Danegh was already spooked by the Xamatoraptor... no, that doesn't sound right... the Peloronychus," Birger Torvesson wrote in his journal, taking a second to hit his pipe before he shaded in the description of the characters that Danegh had described... "Xamayos seems a fitting name for this land, though I assert from what an abundance of reptiles I've seen near our camp that we should call the place of our settlement Dracos Valley, and ourselves, the Dracos Valley Vikings, the first Empyrean Norse explorers to sail across the Milky Way rivers of Audumla and post on one of the sky chariots, gazing back at our own world Gaia as if she was just a fleeting stjorn." Birger finished his entry before closing his notebook and placing it into his bag, securing it under his seat and settling into his adjustable chair within the backseat of the convertiboat as everyone else climbed on board.

Karvi-1 was preparing to leave the area suddenly. Svegdir Staghelm had ordered everyone in his small crew to abandon the unfinished settlement and return to the karve lifeboat, undoing the rooftop of their temporary lodging and sliding the long narrow vessel back down the slope of the hill into the shallow water. Jonah Marksberg peered out over Lake Dineasair looking for any danger in the water as Borstein climbed into the convertiboat, followed by Danegh who was still trying to explain the mysterious woman in strange clothing, the voice-mimicking raptor and the enormous sauropod dinosaur with its massively long neck and legs. Svegdir Staghelm rushed everyone to be quiet and get in as he fastened his seat harness and used his key crystal to start up the boat. Once everyone was seated, the armored convertible rooftop slid shut and encapsulated everyone inside the cab. Jonah checked the readings on his dash panel and gave Svegdir the thumbs up, signaling that all systems were good. Hitting a few colorful glowing neon runic buttons and symbols on his display screen, Svegdir initiated the levitation sequence. Soon the convertiboat began to lift up out of the lake and rotate slowly, hovering above the water. It gave off an invisible energy field which distorted the air around the floating craft, giving off a very low barely audible humming sound.

The search team had completed their mission. They had gathered more than enough information to proceed with the next phase. It was time to report back to base before the situation became too dangerous. Svegdir wasn't taking any chances. He grabbed the steering wheel and proceeded to pull back on the steering colum, causing the convertiboat to tilt upwards and face diagonally towards the northern sky horizon. Without wasting any more time, the small almond-shaped silver vessel suddenly bolted into the clouds above the Grigori River at nearly the speed of light, leaving only a brief glimpse of an image trail behind it as waves of water splashed around the lake's surface where the craft had just launched from in the blink of an eye. At least the Norse explorers had found a place to camp. Even if their crude settlement were to be destroyed, at least they had a good reference point where they could return later with more men. But the small crew aboard Karvi-1 were holding valuable knowledge and information which they knew needed to be reported back to Jarl Goffre Alvisson, who would then commission the Karvi-3 to ship it home to the Empyrean Sea Beach on Gaia, where King Halfdan would give them further orders. It was a delicate operation which required teamwork and survival tactics which Svegdir knew.

As the convertiboat ascended above the clouds, it sailed through the sky silently, hovering towards the Stjornhestr mothership which sat floating majestically within the planet's exosphere. Wolfgang Yorisson and Kelsey the Healer were just about to gather up their own crew for Karvi-2 and rendezvous with Staghelm's gang on the surface when all of a sudden, Svegdir Staghelm appeared with his crew, their silver vessel moving forward quickly towards the Stjornhestr before slithering and winding slowly upon its approach to form Svegdir's signature docking sequence, informing the captain Jarl Goffre Alvisson that Karvi-1 was still being piloted by the same crew which took off in it. The craft was permitted to land and once the docking bay vault doors were sealed shut behind it, the chamber was depressurized and the gaseous oxidation process began, hissing and releasing gases into the docking bay area so that the crew could breathe as they exited the convertiboat, its metal rooftop sliding back slowly to reveal the five frightened passengers within. All of them looked like they had been to Jotunheim and back.

The setting changes from Dracos Valley to Empyrean Sea Beach

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Maegan Davenport Character Portrait: Toh Shirong Character Portrait: Thorvald Asvaldsson
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0.00 INK

Days turned into weeks, and after a month of continuous politics, foreign trade and networking, the gnomish commander Cloud Wrestler walked into the prince's chamber one day and reported that the Stjornhestr had returned from a distant planet. Apparently, the ship's entire crew had survived.

The entire kingdom was of course excited to see the return of Jarl Goffre Alvisson and his crew, with Svegdir Staghelm and Borstein the journalist right beside him. King Halfdan the Great welcomed the Stjornhestr's crew of Norse cosmonauts personally, greeting their company dressed formally wearing a royal purple cape with a crown of purest gold. The king congratulated them on their safe journey and presented the jarl and each karl with a golden medal, granting the thralls on their expedition with enough silver pennies to buy their own freedom and change their clothing colors. Halfdan then threw a feast, giving a toast to Jarl Goffre and his shipmates.

The king's royal council wasted little time in collecting Birger's maps, writings, and notebook full of drawings to be copied and made available to them. Halfdan the Great's kingdom was beginning to seem more like an intergalactic empire than a small Norse colony. The Empyrean Sea Beach formed its borders, but the entire island itself was it's capital. King Halfdan then commissioned another quest to the stars. Only this time instead of sending just one starship, the king decided to launch all 3 of them. It was a small armada, but a force to be reckoned with. Initially Goffre Alvisson and his team refused to return to Xamayos, still unnerved by what they had discovered there, but King Halfdan pleaded with Goffre and offered to give the Stjornhestr's crew more supplies, and an even better payout than their first mission. The jarl and his cosmonauts agreed, and soon the Stjornhestr was back on its way to the distant planet of dinosaurs, monsters and megabeasts.

It wasn't long before the smoke from the wildfire on the mainland reached the area where it could be seen from the island. The sea elves reported to King Halfdan that the Argosians had returned to Ellaria and had set the Great Forest ablaze. It wouldn't be long before the forest's native inhabitants came pouring into the shores and asking for sanctuary. King Halfdan was not one to turn them away. His empire was expanding as he gazed out into the great assembly of humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, and other magical races who had somehow come to serve him. Eventually he knew he would have to make a decision to help their Iskjerne Viking cousins to fight off their oppressors, or to help the Argosian foreigners to conquer Iskjerne Bay in order to expand his own intergalactic trading network.

The setting changes from Empyrean Sea Beach to Pagourano


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm Character Portrait: Birger Torvesson Character Portrait: Stjornhestr
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0.00 INK

The Stjornhestr had left Xamayos in a haste, and it seemed that the space faring Empyrean Norsemen would never return to such a hostile and foreboding planet full of dangers. Weeks went by without any exciting activity, until one day, the large Viking starship appeared out of the darkness once again, entering Bastion IV's exosphere and orbiting around the mostly mysterious planet like a miniature moon or artificial satellite, only the Stjornhestr was crafted by dwarves and reinforced by elves using magically embued metals which made the modest sized longship harder to detect. It remained relatively dormant in Bastion IV's airspace, orbiting the planet slowly for nine days and nights before deploying the Karvi-3.

Only this time, the small pod-like convertiboat didn't descend towards the Dracos Valley, and it wasn't alone. Karvi-1 and Karvi-2 descended behind it so that all three scouting vessels formed a strategic flying bird formation with Karvi-3 in the lead. Jarl Goffre's crew had discovered another anomaly on the planet's surface, and this time it wasn't their own settlement that they had left behind in Dracos Valley, but some strange land formations in the mountains further up. Just like last time, Jarl Goffre and the Stjornhestr's engine team stayed with the longship, while Svegdir Staghelm and Wolfgang Yorisson piloted the smaller vessels down to the planet. Kelsey the Healer and Birger Torvesson also accompanied them, along with Borstein, Danegh, and several others.

They were better equipped for their second space exploration, if not only because the king of the Empyrean Norse Empire had to bribe them all to return to the planet after what happened last time. The Norsemen aboard the Stjornhestr had an onboard mini-ecosystem with native livestock and horses from Gaia, which would make easy prey and a delicious meal for predators like the one that Danegh had witnessed. Now wealthier since their return to Gaia, the Vikings came better prepared with weapons and armor. Although they still had the same basic spears, swords and axes as before, they now had a sidearm. But it wasn't a knife or dagger. It appeared to be a rudimentary type of pistol or firearm. It was a new model weapon that Goffre's crew had engineered aboard the Stjormhestr, based on an old familiar Argosian pistol that the Empyrean Norsemen discovered on their own beach a long time ago.

King Halfdan the Great had sanctioned this project himself, and Goffre Alvisson was fully aware of the secret missions and experiments taking place on his own starship, but nobody else on board the Stjornhestr knew about one of those secret missions until now as they examined their new handguns, holstering them at their sides and clutching their golden axes as they buckled their seatbelts and the convertiboats descended towards the Savage Peaks, before heading into Pagourano to investigate the strange artificial structures which were visible from their small mother ship high above the atmosphere, almost appearing to Jarl Goffre to be some sort of spaceport that wasn't very well hidden, but unintentionally designed to be seen by aircraft.

Were these voice-mimicking bipedal reptiles or dragon-like beasts capable of building a spaceport? Each man had his own thoughts and opinions, or personal beliefs which they kept to themselves as the three karves sank into the mountains, flying in tight formation between the peaks as they slowed down, gliding over the the large artificial wall which Birger the mapmaker had brought to Jarl Goffre's attention. The wall wasn't really that obvious, but Birger had a keen eye and was able to spot it from a rocket-distance away. None of the Vikings noticed the small village as they flew over it, for everything around them was covered with snow, the wind was cooler and foggy as the warm clouds from the valley sank and settled into the mountains, creating a haze on the vessel's windshields.

The setting changes from Pagourano to Pagourano Spaceport

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Maxim Heath Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm Character Portrait: Birger Torvesson
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0.25 INK

Three small almond-shaped silver skyships hovered slowly over the frozen landscape, having no thrusters or exhaust systems and making no noise as the 25-foot-long space pods approached the Pagourano Spaceport, gliding over the mountainous tundra before slowly descending in a V-shape delta formation. These aptly named 'convertiboats' did not bare markings and appeared to have no doors or windows, but were completely silver and metallic, belonging to the Empyrean Nordic Empire of Gaia and designed for these kind of surface expeditions. Karvi-3 was in the lead, with Karvi-1 and Karvi-2 trailing close by at its flanks as the three Nordic convertiboats descended towards the large open landing pad, hovering quietly to a slow and graceful stop. None of the convertiboats had wheels, skis or landing gear, but instead appeared to levitate a foot or so off of the landing surface without any need for additional landing gear. Like hovercrafts, they just hovered above the landing pad without budging, as if held in place by some kind of electromagnetism or magical energy.

All at once, the bimini-like visored silver rooftops on the small karve-sized skyships began to open and slide backwards like plates of metal scale armor, causing the convertiboats to take on a more familiar shape which looked extremely similar to three very small Viking trade ships, just like the karves you'd find drifting in the rivers and fjords or roped to water docks. It was clear from their appearance that these convertiboats were not just spacecraft, but also doubled as watercraft which could be oared, steered or even completely submersed underwater. Each convertiboat had 12 passengers, making 36 crewmates altogether between all 3 karves. This was a considerably small leidang, as the remaining 10 convertiboats had stayed in port, docked aboard the Stjornhestr along with the other 464 passengers who had remained in orbit above the planet's surface. Svegdir Staghelm, Jonah Marksberg, Birger Torvesson the Mapmaker, and Borstein the Benevolent stepped out off the deck of Karvi-1, accompanied by 8 other Empyrean Norsemen in strange uniforms.


Svegdir, Jonah, Birger and Borstein all wore lace-tied V-neck blue longsleeve shirts with baggy trousers. Svegdir and Jonah wore silver vegvisir necklaces, while Birger and Borstein wore mjolnir necklaces. Four of the other Norsemen from Karvi-1 also wore blue uniforms with silver mjolnir necklaces, while the other 4 crew members from Karvi-1 wore green uniforms without jewelry, signifying that these were thralls or servants and not freemen like the others. Svegdir Staghelm also wore another necklace with a purple crystal skeleton key pendant, and among all of the Norsemen who had arrived with him, Svegdir was the most prominent and easiest to spot, for he was the only Viking in the entirety of their whole crew who was wearing a horned helmet. All the rest of them wore simple dome-shaped helmets with nose guards or basic half-visors, cloth beanie-like snowcaps or no headgear at all. Some had spears and pikes, some had swords, some had axes and shields, and some were completely unarmed. Birger Torvesson carried a leatherback parchment journal or art book, while everyone in blue uniform also carried a sidearm pistol in a holster on their black leather belts.

Wolfgang Yorisson, Kelsey the Healer, Danegh the Daring, and 9 other passengers stepped out of Karvi-2, likewise in appearance. As karls, all three of them were wearing blue uniforms. Wolfgang and Kelsey had vegvisir necklaces, while Danegh and the other karls wore mjolnir necklaces. All of the 12 crewmates aboard Karvi-2 were armed freemen in blue uniforms, and nobody in their group was wearing green, for there were no servants among them. Kelsey was holding a white briefcase with a blue triquetra symbol entwined with double serpents upon it, signifying that it was some sort of first-aid kit or medical case for apothecary work and witchcraft. Apart from all the others, Kelsey also wore a blue hooded cloak, common among witches and female Norse healers. They too were also armed with various weapons and different kinds of personal armor, and each one also carried a small pistol as a sidearm in holsters attached to their belts.

Finally, the 12 crewmates aboard Karvi-3 stepped out on to the landing pad. 8 of them wore blue uniforms while the remaining 4 were unarmed servants in green uniforms. Of those in blue uniforms, 2 of them wore vegvisir necklaces while the other 6 karls wore mjolnir necklaces. Everyone with a vegvisir necklace was either a pilot or co-pilot, while the rest of the posse served as part of the greater space navy. The Empyreans were a tall and muscular, fair skinned human race with various different eye and hair colors, hair styles, armor and headgear. Most of the men had beards with various beard styles and mustaches, while most of the women had longer hair, some wavy and some braided or styled in different forms. Interestingly, many of the Norsemen carried axes and war hammers of 24-karat gold, which had been fashioned by the Strandvergar or beach dwarves, or swords and spears made of 99.9 fine silver, forged by the Sjóálfar or sea elves in their home kingdom. Likewise, these strange newcomers wore silver and gold armour imbued with Dwarven and Elven rune magic.


The people in blue clothing wore black or brown leather high-top shoes with lacings around their ankles and grey baggy pantlegs, each one having a golden arm-ring on his or her left arm close to the shoulder. The thralls in green uniforms had brown pants and straw sandals, or walked barefoot without any regalia, armor, weapons, arm-rings or jewelry at all. Everybody else was nicely adorned with various colored gemstone rings and necklaces, body piercings and tattoos, some of them having small leather coin bags, superstitious trinkets and amulets devoted to various gods and goddesses or land and sea spirits. Some of them even wore the silver cross of Hvitkristr, the symbol of the new religion that some of the Norsemen had adopted over time.

There were bags of supplies and luggage aboard the convertiboats, and some of the crewmates had brought animals with them as well. Staghelm had 2 hunting wolfdogs similar to the Ellarian spitz. Wolfgang had a red-tailed hawk or falcon, while Kelsey had a talking raven which only had a very limited vocabulary. As the Empyrean Norsemen stepped out on to the landing pad, they gazed at one another before looking around at the unfamiliar spaceport, taking in the cold fresh air and the scenery around them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Lewis Character Portrait: Maxim Heath Character Portrait: Norg Fungona Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm
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0.25 INK

Gromp had been gone for far too long, which was troublesome. The likes of gnomes were the least likely to go missing in the wilds of Xamoyos what with all the monsters and creatures with big-ass teeth and-

rrRRRrmpCHCK Norg Fungona revved off his motorbike and hopped off. His heavy boots barely made a sound on the packed snow as he stomped his way up and through the entrance to the spaceport.

"Whas'r a convention 'er someshit?" Norg said louder than he meant to. Where the hell did all these people come from, and what business did they have here? Had someone started a tourism business over night, and how come he wasn't in on a piece of that pie? And where was Gromp to rake it in on gun sales?

Norg let out a low, long, whistle as he took in the viking ship. A slight breeze ruffled the furs of his hood and tickled his ear. Norg twitched at the itch, then noticed another vessel with people coming out of it. Incoming in the background was yet another ship - this one seemed to be a shipping carrier of some variety.

The setting changes from Pagourano Spaceport to Gaia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Dyew Character Portrait: Ra'Zahr Character Portrait: Symir Urthador Character Portrait: Alana Character Portrait: Aurora Urthador
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A small collection of ships appears over Gaia, slowing to a stop just outside of the atmosphere.
The ship is the CU Cheerfulness, a ship in the Oberon's Colonial Expeditionary Force, and it's escorts. They have come to explore Gaia, and being slightly aware of the magical composure of Gaia, have a crew equipped for such.
The dropship readies in it's hangar, and the five crew members board it, performing a quick prayer for protection. The crew of the small ship, prepared for their one-way trip, brace in their seats as the ship is dropped into the atmosphere.
The ship momentarily turns red as it burns through the atmosphere, then cools as it enters, streaking down towards the ground.