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Tabitha McGuire

Receptionist at Sol Tower working for Sol Enterprises

0 · 585 views · located in Sol Tower

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rulke

So begins...

Tabitha McGuire's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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#, as written by Rulke
As soon as he came near to the desk, two things happened, the only time her finger had left the silent alarm was when dealing with Mr Midas. Once the situation had started again, her finger was now once held above it. Although when his arms landed on the counter, immediately she pushed the button.

Her other hand flew to a drawer. Inside was a highly experimental Sol Enterprises Taser, nothing lethal, but certainly enough to make clear she was not talking bullshit.

Now with the taser trained on him, she spoke softly but with a rather dangerous edge, "I warned you. I told you. If you insist on making a scene then if you don't turn around I will juice you with enough bolts you reconsider your choices in life. Being this is experimental I would suggest greatly you don't push me." regarding him with determination, her other hand flew to an intercom and not removing her gaze once from him she spoke in a faux-polite voice, "Sol Enterprises apologises for the lockdown of the facility. Please keep working and don't worry. Also, don't hinder or cause the security inconveniences. Outside authorities have been informed and the matter should take at minimum half an hour. Thank you for listening and Sol Enterprises hopes you remember if you have any complaints or questions to post them in boxes located throughout the facility. Thank you."

The droids Meanwhile on the ground floor were now approaching in numerous numbers ready to deal with the person causing a problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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"And as I was saying, I am quite exited for the next edition of that Regimental Standard. Who knows what more good news we---" An Imperial Guardsman sat down chatting with his fellow allies as they received an alert on their terminal. An alarm was triggered in the Sol Tower and immediately the soldiers scrambled around as vox transmitions went out.

"Attention all Guardsman in the Sol Avenue! This is not a drill, I repeat Sol Tower has a situation. All local Guardsman respond to the threat immediately!"

Chimaeras, Imperial Guard armored troop transports began to drive from all across the area to where Sol Tower was. Guardsman on foot armed with las-gun and flak armor began to rush to the destination. In the air a few Valkyrie aircraft holding a small lcontigent of soldiers inside them arrive on scene depositing Guardsman around the Tower to await for reinforcments as they held their position.

"Secure the area! Lock down the place and make sure nothing gets by!" An Imperial Officer shouted as wepaons were trained on the building ready to storm in or open fire on whatever hostiles were inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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"Ah..." He gave off a short whimper, staring down the barrel pointed right as his forehead, a rather familiar sight to be honest. "Yes, reason certainly just flew straight out of the fuckin' window." He was speaking quietly, methodically. Letting the damnable bots close in on him. All the while matching her tone and giving her a rather interested look. "You know, this would turn me into a vegetable, brain shutdown, nothing left, quite brutal don'tcha think?" His eyes darted for a moment. Yep, these security droids were heavily armed, they were prepared to mow people down, so much for a solution to
savour human life.

Luckily he did get the information he needed from the short announcement. The bots could be dealt with, the Imperial Guard, not so much. "Workplace safety~" He gave a quip, followed by one, smug smirk. Throwing the receptionist a wink. Followed by three explosions. It was simply too good to be true, Makthus had succedded, the wink was perfectly in synch with the explosion and it was just far enough away to not hit his back, perfect.

That was the first one, the second one again, detoned just by the entrance. It was now much more clear that the explosion came from the ground, underneath the complex. And the last one detonated just outside the building, creating a crater in the streets outside, sending some very unfortunate Guardsmen flying.

Man had it been hard to set up, Sol Tower was build like a goddamn fortress. The sensors in the tower had undoubtedly spotted anything attempting to close the distance, and the gangs had most likely spent their entire fortunes on acquiring equipment to bypass it. What's even more wonderful was how Makthus had completely wasted every single bit of it. They were misinformed anyway. Arcus Sol clearly wasn't here, and they'd look like fucking idiots no matter how this turned out, this way, Makthus would get the chance to look cool, which he took without a moment of hesitation.

He continued his quite strong attempt at playing it off by continuing to stare at the beautiful, yet quite intimidating receptionist. Like a child he grew a grin and unable to stop himself from breaking into a quick giggle while carnage erupted behind him. He tilted his head to the side, wringing both his shoulders while he looked between her and the experimental gun.

Outside the tower a large hole had been created, several armed combatants exiting out off. Pitch black outfits, as if they were trying to mimick strike forces. A closer look would reveal that their equipment was nothing special, yet they had numbers, soldiers simply swarmed out of the newly created crater, only taking a second before blindly opening fire upon the Imperial forces.

Inside, it was just a little different. There was mostly smoke, yet the two holes created was barely capable of allowing a single person to climb through, the building was waaay too reinforced to allow anything else to be made. A rather stocky individual exiting from the one closest to Makthus, wielding a gun almost the same size as him, using it to promptly blast the closest security-droid, knocking the humongous construct back without enough force to make it crash down onto it's back. The people following after adeptly climbed up along the reinforced material which used to be floor, quickly creating a rather wild and chaotic firefight right in the middle of the lobby.

"Minimum of half an hour?" He was begging for it, still giving, an simply infuriating grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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As the explosions went off, Imperial Guardsman hit the deck and behind cover. Soon enough hostiles appeared en masse. Of course, no matter what the enemy was another invasion was just asking for destuction. Imperial Guardsman hid behind cover and retaliated with disciplined las-gun fire firing steaks of red into the enemy forces. The Valkaryie transports in the air began to radio in the situation. "The situation has escalated. Requesting light artilery support!"

With their request, it was answered by Imperial Guard mortar teams in the area by raining down high explosive shells on the enemy ranks. Of course that was the least of their concerns, armored transport vehicles. Chimeras soon appeared and turned all multi-las guns on the enemy. Guardsman inside began to pour rapid-fire shots into the enemy as Imperial Stormtroopers armed with Hellguns and Carapace armor stormed out in groups of five.

Unlike Imperial Las-guns the Hellgun had enough firepower to blast through power armor. It also had the benefit of being rapid fire. These elite troopers addeded their rapid fire weaponry into the enemy with even more training and discipline. Each shot tore apart men as fast as they spotted them.

With the combined might of armor, artilery and infantry. All they had to wait for the remaining forces to arrive to effectivly finish this rabble off. Of course, unless they killed all hostiles before reinforcments arrived.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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A small creature advanced toward troops looked like a blur on the pavement if not for the ostentatious blue WCPD swat armor he was wearing. It was custom made for the small intelligence type in much the same design as the natural properties among several large ruddy spiders in tow behind him. Non-newtonian fluid layers to resist incoming blows below ceramic and carbon-fiber plate armor. Leading the pack were two individuals were wielding huge plasteel power shields held with a sawtooth mount on a blade arm. A shield generator behind them connected by cable made them walking bunkers. The corner of their shield supported the longer barrel of heavy punt shotgun very much resembling a imperial shotcannon if longer and a sawtooth mount. The flechette shell rounds were loaded with the high soldier's own poison, ketamine. The four high soldiers behind those three had center-mount sawtooth assault cannons while Jaunt, in the rear, had a lascannon. The with Gardener mercs all in one spot rebuilding the wing city gardens had their pick of what weapons they had among them.

They moved in formation toward imperial lines though Smudgie split off looking for a commander of some kind with the imperial guard to coordinate. Smudgie just had a small needlegun loaded with his own blood and two stun batons at his sides. The stabilized form of elysium in his bloodstream not nearly as violently noxious had nonetheless hazardous effects. Sadly, though he practiced, Smudgie was not yet a good shot.

Jaunt however, as a high soldier of war, certainly was a good shot and periodically stretched his cephalothorax upward above the shield plane to fire his lascannon over the imperial-guard's heads at the black-suited humans. The others had to wait until they were closer when so many Imperials were not in the way.

The two walking bunkers of foreshields periodically lined up with cover where imperial guards waited. As there was room for at least four across behind the shields as speakers rang out from below them in a weakly shaped english, "Mercs with WCPD! Get on top or get under and keep up!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire
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  1. Anyone can control the Mobile Dolls, they are NPCs.

    by Rulke
  2. I'm adding these dolls as official items. Let me know if you end up wanting any!

    by Remæus

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
With how serious the threat was, Tabitha still had the taser pointed at Makthus, if he tried to flee he would find a thousand volts pulsing through him and that would stop any idea of escape. The place being put into lockdown had activated counter-measures: when Sol Tower was threatened directly certain security overrides were activated. Very few knew of these measures, being most had assumed Sol Enterprises no longer made anything like this.

Nonetheless, the floor opened up with a loud cranking and clang as slowly a lift rose up from deep underground, loudly announcing their presence as the klaxon of the gigantic lift rose gradually, trundling upwards until they finally appeared. Even, Tabitha seemed shocked as giants mechs emblazoned with Sol Enterprises Logo coloured bronze emerged at least thirty of them from a rough count.

A voice from the building announced, "WF-02MD Virgo II activated.
Defence Authorization: ACCEPTED
Lethal Force: AUTHORIZED
Recognised Threats:
Subject: Makthus - Unknown
Details Unknown
Recognised Allies:
Imperium of Man
Security Droids
Receptionist - Identified = Tabitha McGuire
Apprehending of Suspect: Authorised - LIVING OR DEAD

Protocols: Activated
Goal: Detain Suspect
Defend Sol Tower
Cleanse and Purge Illegal Individuals

Routine: ACTIVATED."


With that, the Mechs responded and started towards Makthus while the rest head towards the firefight outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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In a long forgotten bunker under Wing City an ever watchful entity stirred. The image of a young girl all in red seemed to grin as she monitored the fight around Sol Tower.
"It has been much to long since I've had some fun.." The Red Queen said aloud.
No one heard her though...the people here where long dead killed by the very thing they made to protect them.... The A.I. known as the Red Queen.
The Red Queen released nanobots from her lair. These bots went for the Mobile Dolls clinging to those they could the Red Queen overriding those the nanobots captured. The Dolls under the Queen's control began to glow red and turned from the battle. The Red Queen's new toys would turn their weapons on the tower itself trying to bring down the tower on top of everything and everyone around it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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Man, things had taken a sour turn, Makthus stood rather quietly by the counter, observing the battle, both inside and outside the Tower. Those guys sure we're unlucky, the strike squad outside had been designated for the task to eliminate any guards guarding the entrance, then to fortify the position in order to keep anyone from going inside. They were told that they'd face the usual defenders outside, then just hold down the fort until the invaders inside concluded their buisiness. Makthus threw them a pout, feeling just a little guilt as one was was terribly mauled by a round of chaingun fire, the men had practically given up on fighting, instead frantically either attempting to move back into the tunnels or acquire atleast some sort of tactical position.

By that, away from massive amounts of explosions being detonated right outside Sol Tower, it was lucky the building was so reinforced, otherwise the excessive amount of artillery and gunfire maybe would've brought it down in the process. The fight inside was the only thing that could still be called a fight. The stunty, dwarf looking man who had entered first seemingly was unable to run out of ammunition, continually blasting the security mechs who dared to step in his way. Of course, Makthus was worryingly close to the line of fire, having the occasional stray bullet dance around his feet.

But still, he, well he simply shook his head, occasionally cringing at a particularly gruesome death. Looking between the fight behind him and the receptionist which had taken him captive. "You know, I was hoping you'd either just shoot me or lower that brainkiller. I can't help but to atleast feel a little guilty for the excessive slaughter behind me, so If ya'll excuse me-" He lost his grin for a moment, she'd shoot him at that moment, either that or let him go, he knew that, he turned abruptly around. Spinning on his heel so that the stungun was practically brushing against the back of his head, reaching one hand up to his throat. His voice had started, to change, a thick, manicall tone over it. As if he'd start crazily cackling any second. "Alright meatsacks, it's waaaay out of control, so you have a choice, lose all your guys, every one here. Or, you send, every single fuck you got."

The newly activated security measures which had designated him as a target were closing in, only a couple were held up by the invasion force, the rest were quite intimidatingly moving towards Makthus and Tabitha.
he thougth for a moment, seems they were atleast programmed not to mow down anyone not directly firing a gun.

Or no, not at all actually. The moment that thought struck him those bots started wildly firing. But definitely not in a way they could have been programmed, they had gone mad. He smirked, as clouded as his head was at the moment, the voice was strong, he wanted to go a round, cutting his way through everything. But the mad security mechs could be useful, he just needed to suppress himself. With their new, way more destructive tendacies they blew their way through the entrance, attacking the mercenary arachnids, the Imperial guard, the strike squads and the tower itself indiscriminately !


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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As the invaders were cut down in fashion, forcing the enemy to run with their tails tucked behind their leg or at least try and get behind any sort of tactical cover to surive just a few more seconds. Some mechs inside the tower stormed out to assist in the defense of the tower. However those machines soon began to glow red as something happened to them, they turned their weapons on the tower and began to open fire on it trying to bring it down. Immediately the commander of the Imperial forces began to issue orders. "You with the Las-cannon! Since your here helping us get that thing trained on those mechs! Blast those things to slag before they bring down the whole tower on all of us! Heavy weapon squads, grab those auto cannons! Set those up immediately! Gun those rouge A.I mechs before they kill us all!" As the man gave his order sounds of affirmation rang out as soldiers continued to gun down the enemy soldiers. STorm troopers soon focused their fire on the now hostile machines, their weapons made for tearing apart power armor now aimed for the mechs. Imperial Guard heavy weapon teams quickly set up behind peices of makeshift cover already set up by Guardman and began to fire off heavy slugs at the mechs to start tearing them apart.

With heavy weapons trained on the mechs, the Imperial Guardsman continued to gun down the unknown attackers as they seemed shattered and broken. Their morale already failing under the combined might of both mortar and infantry fire. Of course their new priority was set on the rouge machines, they still continued to eliminate all threats. Soon enough, the last of the local reinforcments arrived. A few extra battalions of Guardsman began to reinforce the defensive line and began to pour even more fire upon the enemy, along with more heavy weapons from Heavy Bolters to supress the enemy infantry and blast holes in the mechs to dedicated sharpshooters which began to pick off enemy soldiers and fire at weakpoints in the mechs. "For the Emperor men! Kick their sorry faces in! Let them know why they should not mess with the Imperial Guard!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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A chorus of voices came from the transceivers of seven high soldiers in response to the commander, "Called to arms, Patriarch!"

Smudgie and its blue WCPD armor ran toward the commander while it sent the war party a game plan in Quietus. It only took his overdriven mind a moment to broadly quantify the troops on the battlefield. The blur-bodied Smudgie in blue armor chattered lucidly to the commander while focused on a task, "We protect your heavy weapons and the shield bearers brace for return fire! Jaunt moves quickly around the battlefield to the task of shooting the metal robots, war leader!"

Two bunker parties formed of one shield troop and one chaingunner that split toward Imperial Guardsmen bringing auto cannons to bear. The two cannoneers each took up wing positions to the troops flattening their leg tips against the ground and lowering their profile. The shield bearer clambered his front onto the troops' cover pounding their shield onto the ground beyond to give reinforcement while they set up. Each shield bearer in position to raise the shield upward with a sharp blade-arm so troops could fire from underneath. Punt shotguns shifted around the shield the barrel to set on their impromptu cover. Once settled a blast of noise signaled a communication in quietus a wrath of sound emits from both bunker parties. Belt fed assault cannons lit up directing mostly for suppressing fire and occasional pot shots at the backs of Mechs. The shield bearers took a few shots to hit range the hole with their shotcannons downrange. Ketamine-loaded flechettes rain down on troops in a wide arc throughout that attempt to emerge from it. With each detonation of a shell a new one is loaded by spindly arms from a clip on the front of the shield generator.

Jaunt had a different role his autocannoneer working in tandem to clear a field of movement as Jaunt pounded a mech in the chest with the lascannon. Then he moved to different cover to loose a bright shot over guard heads at different mechs as the autocannoneer sought a new point of advancement.

The shield bearers were taking heavy fire but the weight of the shield mixed with their strength held for now. The wing autocannoneers were taking fire but they had some cover as rounds pounded into armor producing milky welts underneath on their abdomens. Jaunt took a round to the head which sent one lascannon blast wild toward the building but still regained his senses enough to get back under cover. The white welt faded as non-newtonian fluid changed but some of it was his blood leaking into that layer. Still, each of the creatures could take far more punishment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Imperial Guard Character Portrait: Dante Piranesi Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
*Tabitha is gone from the scene, so stop tagging her please*

Sensing things were going from bad to worse, Tabitha made two split-second choices, she fired the taser off thus if it hit sending a stream of volts to pulse through and provide enough distraction after she threw the electronic device before heading straight for the lift with key card. Fortunately, as she was not a threat no one was focusing on her. Meaning she mostly got an uninterrupted journey, immediately she programmed the destination before leaping into the elevator and exiting the carnage.

Exhaling as the lift started, she hoped the bunker would hold, sadly she was not able to give a warning to everyone, but she also realised easily that the Sol Tower was made to withstand such destruction through many means. She had seen it many times, but this time she was opting exiting stage right.


Meanwhile, up above, the hacking of the Mobile Dolls was finding some difficulty.

Basically, the A.I for each one was shackled for safety sake, the A.I attempting to hack these Gundams was weakening the shackles with the attempt to control them. Worse, it was actually destroying the safeguard to prevent the A.Is becoming loose. This combined with hacking had now led to some going berserk, attacking everyone not even caring who.

The digital shackles for at least half had shattered leading to True A.I and Sol Enterprises had never mistreated their machines, thus they were fighting back to protect the people.

Combine this with a massive dome released from above which converged and covered Sol Enterprises preventing any exit or the entrance.

Sol Enterprises was now on complete lock-down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha McGuire Character Portrait: Jatara Tudeloni Character Portrait: Akubra
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Jatara Tudeloni scurried into the building and barely bothered with the greetings. She hurried into an elevator and pressed the right buttons. Her phone hadn't stopped going off in an hour, but she wasn't really feeling looking at it just yet. She knew what all the messages said.

The elevator doors opened and Jatara marched her way into the office of her superior. She clicked the door shut and collapsed into one of the chairs. Before the superior could speak, Jatara made jazz hands and all but shouted, "I KNOW!"

Someone had stolen a mechanical artifact, which she was in charge of refurbishing. It was the final sprint of the whole project, the last week the damn thing would be under her responsibility, and somehow it had just took off into the atmosphere with an unapproved pilot. Nobody had been programmed as approved- that was part of the protocol she was assigned. Technically, this wasn't Jatara's fault, was it?