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Taretha Rake

An elemental summoner, focusing upon the use of water and air.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Guest, as played by Discipline


Taretha has amber-coloured hair and sea-blue eyes. She has a frail build-- a bit skinny, and even now showing some symptoms of osteoporosis. Normally behind her is a troupe of small clouds, each about the size of one's hand.
She normally wears a royal blue robe and high heels, explaining the clackity-clackity noises she makes whilst walking, although often discards them when in battle, preferring instead a T-shirt, what these queer Earthlings call 'jeans', and a pair of sandals.


In terms of position on the good-evil axis, Taretha probably falls a bit closer to the 'evil' side than the 'good' side. She has a rather sadistic personality, and is very self-righteous at times. Often, she's conflicted as to if she's a 'good' or a 'bad' person. She still tends to look at things dichotomously; "Are you with me or against me?" is one of her favourite lines. Taretha often trusts people too easily and blindly, and while this has made her friends with many people, she's been deceived one too many times for it to be considered a plus.

Taretha has no time or interest in sex. She'd be labelled "asexual" by a psychologist, as it's not that she has some problem that makes her turn away from sex, or that she can't get a man or woman, but she literally was born with no sex drive. She doesn't spend much time thinking about this, either, as she's usually either fighting for her life or running from people who want to either crucify her or make her repent for being a 'witch.'


As a summoner, Taretha obviously summons elementals. Their "summoning" is in fact an enchantment of the matter with her energy. They are controlled to a certain extent by Taretha, but as one goes down the list of controllable beings, her control over them diminishes as they become more and more willful.

Naiads; Sample image -- Image

Why yes, the creatures so fondly called "naiads" by her are merely the water in a glass given temporary sentience. She can summon approximately fifty such separate beings, and merge and separate them at will. Their true power is that she can, with a thought, freeze them instantly, although she can't control water in its frozen state as well. Often, she'll distract an opponent so as to not let them notice that some of her naiads have floated behind them, then freeze them and send them barreling at the back of their head. It's an effective tactic for mortal opponents.

Cirri; The 'clouds' often seen trailing behind her are in fact these, which are charged masses of air. They appear as small clouds of mist. She has almost complete control over these, and often uses them as handfree "tasers"; the eight or so that she can summon barring other summoned creatures can, when used to shock in tandem, bring down an ordinary human.

Water Servitor; Sample image -- Image

These have more control of themselves than the preceding summons, but they still must obey the will of Taretha. Both kinds of Servitors are about the size of a refrigerator. Taretha can use these as guards that will aim water and slush from their own bodies (which will slowly disappear as they use up their water) at attackers. Each attack, if it directly connects, feels like a punch by a rather hefty mortal, and might bruise. Rarely do they break skin though. She can summon four of these at max.

Aerial Servitor; They're pretty much invisible, but they kick up small current of air in their wake. If they could be seen, they'd look sort of like the water servitor, just more effervescent. They're rather willful, and don't have the shackles that bind the Water Servitors. These Servitors can blow rocks up to cobble-size at opponents or blast away incoming debris. The latter also uses up some of the air inside the Servitor. Taretha can summon three of these at max.

Hydrodragon; Sample picture -- Image

The hydrodragon looks somewhat like a Chinese dragon, except made up completely of water. She has a pretty hard time controlling even one, and if she stops controlling them they're just as apt to turn on their former controller as they are on her opponent. The hydrodragon is about an anaconda's length and can float up to 50 ft. above the ground. It can spit out a jet of water with the same force as a fire hose, or fire hail the size of grapefruits from its tail. On a great day, Taretha can control two for about 5 minutes, and one for about 20.

Hurricane; Sample picture -- Image

Despite its name, the Hurricane is more of a dust devil. Taretha has almost no control of it, and it usually just ambulates around as a hazard if she stops controlling it. The diameter of the Hurricane is about 90 ft., and it rises about 700 ft. high. It moves at about 20 mph. It contains no eye, and the farther you get in the more debris is whirling and the faster the speed of the wind is. 100 ft. out, the wind speed will be around 10 mph. 50 ft. out, the wind speed will be about 40 mph. Inside the dust devil might be 90 mph, 100. She can't sustain the Hurricane for more than 3 minutes, and the longest she's actively controlled it would be about 8 seconds. It's extremely, extremely tiring -- the Hurricane is her trump card, and if it fails she's as good as dead.

Taretha has acquired an air-tight, metal canteen strapped around her waist. About a galloon of water is inside the canteen; it's a portable water source when she isn't around water, as well as a quick drink in a pinch.


Her history is revealed in a series of vignettes inspired by songs and classical works in the link. Read it if you want to learn more about her.

So begins...

Taretha Rake's Story

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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#, as written by Awinita
Character Portrait: Attila Attila says,
 “ Well, this was interesting. One moment he was taking a bath in the kitchen sink, of course it was more him trying to wash the dishes in the sink and ended upo taking a bath anyway. And then kapoof, he was in a flower meadow. But he still had his scrub brush and his collar so he wasnt naked. that in and of itself was a good thing. For the moment ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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4.50 INK

Elanna Torres opened her eyes after what seemed like an eternity. She didn't remember how she got here, and she didn't seem to know where she was at, drifting in an infinite void. She ran her hands on her body, the polished leather of her sam browne, and the sleek casing of her disruptor. She reached into a leather pouch, and clicked on a small LED flashlight, shining it into the void.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Heralding Rymesis examined the Void Dust carefully. He's run across it before...but her looked around at the vast emptiness. He knew not where he was, but remembered where he should have been. After many a millennia, there would not be a soul that could transport him without his will. So he was a bit expected, despite his old bones and indifference towards certain adventurous proclivities.

"Well, I suppose Gambit's is no more." For that is the last thing he remembers.

He knew it was time to have a little fun. The divine nature of him being where he was certainly screamed 'higher power'. So, He was sure that meant there were new places to explore and to people to help. Or at the very least, new worlds to explore and pupils to be had. Explorers always came a knocking whenever he stayed anywhere too long.

"Oh Ho! Time to move it!" Heralding exclaimed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Firecloud Ari Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Taretha Rake Character Portrait: ENDER
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Firecloud Ari jerked awake with a gasp, eyes snapping open to survey the soulless wilderness around her. Grappling at nothing, her arms flailed through the sucking chasm of...nothingness. This was a place she had come here for to get a grip...and suddenly... It was less than sand between her fingers. With a silent scream, she fell without falling into nothingness... She had always thought of this place of an anchor for her--somewhere she would and could always return...

She closed her eyes again and reached out for something else...begging for something else...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Firecloud Ari Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Taretha Rake Character Portrait: ENDER
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 “ Where the Hell am I now? ”

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Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."