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The Forsaken One

"How shall you die?"

0 · 415 views · located in The Hidden Glen

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by DiamondJack


Name: Shane Talon
Alias: The Forsaken One
Age: 18
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 180lbs
Weapons: Metal Claws
History: Shane was once a happy boy until he was killed by his father at the age of 6. But this was not the end of Shane Talon. A demon found the body of the young boy's body and put a reviving seal on his chest. This drove the boy insane and the boy slayed his father and never stopped killing since.

So begins...

The Forsaken One's Story


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A scream was heard outside and then the sound of metal hitting metal. After a long while half of a young woman, more specifically the top half, was thrown into the bar. Soon after the other half was too. Then the monster that caused this damage stepped through the door to the bar. The monster had a hood over his face that came from a vest with no shirt underneath. He was also wearing blue jeans. The most noticeable characteristic of the monster was the glowing ring on his chest, either that or the claws that were dripping blood on the floor of the bar. This monster had a name, it was the Forsaken One, or as some knew him Shane Talon. He moved to the counter and jumped up onto it. He then looked around, many patrons, ripe for the killing.


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The monster hopped down from the counter and walked towards the vampire feeding on his kill, pushing past Blood Hawk. So this what the humans called vampire. His first encounter with a blood drinker. He did not have the urge to kill this creature, he only killed humans and some species of alien. The demonic force that pushed him to kill, but only the non-supernatural. Two voices spoke in unison out of Shane's mouth, "You like blood hmm?"


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The Forsaken One simply poofed to the other side of the body in a wisp of blue smoke. "I killed her because I was told to," this time only Shane spoke. "If you don't mind your business I will tell him to kill that small child over there," said the demonic voice. This man was clearly not entirely human, then both voices spoke to Mika, "If you like blood, watch for me, where I go, blood follows." The monster then simply poofed away in another wisp of smoke, this time he was sitting in a chair about ten feet away, cleaning the blood from his claws.


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What wonderful sport! A woman ran down the street screaming, she tried to get into many buildings and failed each time. On a roof top a monster watched her, for this monster was her tormentor. The woman finally found Gambit's Bar. She ran frantically into the bar screaming for help, she was in the middle of her third scream for help when two sets of metal claws ripped her in half, straight down the middle. After the woman fell in two there was the monster. The monster stood there with a sick smile, almost as if what he did pleased him. The monster was known as The Forsaken One, or Shane Talon as he was known as a human. The monster then went to sit down and clean the blood off of his claws in the corner of the bar.


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The Forsaken One began to clean the blood off his claws. He then noticed that Rihan was looking at him, as well as the small child he thought about killing last night. The purpose for which he was revived barred him from killing children and supernatural beings. So everyone here was basically off limits except for the young Spanish woman, but he had his kill for the hour, so he would wait for a few hours and then get another kill. Shane walked to the bar after his claws were clean and he said, "Give me alcohol, I do not care what kind."


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The Forsaken One raked his claws against the counter and laughed under his breath. Poor girl didn't realize that Shane knew exactly where she was. 25 kills was enough for an evening. If he wanted to kill either Abbie or Hans they would be dead already, no human could stop him. But then again he could not kill Abbie, he would not be able to due to the forces that revived him. He needed alcohol so he drank like a fish.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Ruins


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The monster raked his claws on the walls of the ruins making a sickening noise. The monster was stalking the two people within this ruin. He then noticed the scent of a human. The monster noticed Satina. He let a roar out that was almost sure to make any sane human run, he would not let a cowardly human ruin his fun. He was going to have some sport.


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The monster approached Satina and roared once again. He was going to make her run. If not, he would simply go for the girl and force Satina to spring into action. No sane human would trade a child's life for their own. He could not kill the child of course, but Satina did not know that. Let the games begin.


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The Forsaken One spun around on the top of his pillar. He was safe and happy, either that or insane and bloodthirsty, both felt about the same to him. He ignored the horse, "Come on, you know you want to little miss." Shane was glad to be on top of the world on his ruined pillar. He then jumped straight for Satina, claws aimed for the throat.


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"The fun is no longer in this situation," Shane frowned. He then poofed into a puff of smoke, "I will be back for you some other time, enjoy your lives while they last." The voice of Shane seemed to be more demonic than ever as it faded away.


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The setting changes from The Ruins to Gambit's Bar


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Many died on Halloween. This included Shane Talon, The Forsaken One, or so the people of Wing City thought. It was all over the news that "The Serial Killer known as The Forsaken One was killed last night, he was shot by a member of the SWAT team after the suspect killed 1,029 people in a massive slaughter." The killer was not done. A scream was heard outside a young woman ran into the bar, "The Forsake One is Back!, The Forsa..." The last scream was cut off. Three sharp claws stuck through the woman's mouth and she died almost instantly. There stood the monster that the news lady said was dead now stood in front of the patrons of the bar, scarier than ever.


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The Forsaken One smirked at Aerilyn, "Try it, no mortal weapon can hurt me." Blood dripped from the monster's claws. He then looked at the rest of the patrons, no one worth killing, saddening. He was still raging over the whole being shot thing. He calmed himself and ignored the rest of the patrons, he needed something. The demon that revived him was demanding that he start to collect souls to remain imortal. He negotiated with the demon that he would collect ten souls, he had five. He sat down at the bar, "Alcohol, any kind."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Hidden Glen


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He had found her again. The monster had come across her by chance. The prey that refused to die and stay dead no matter how many times he killed her. Shane had recently found a black demonic horse that let him ride it. The horse looked much like any other horse aside from the red eyes and the blood red mane. He began riding forward, just out of sight of Abbie and Spyri, he was however within earshot. His horse watched just as carefully as he did. Shane was going in for another kill any time now.


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The monster rode forward. "You think you're so smart?" Shane smirked. Suddenly his white eyes turned a dark red, "I have amended the restrictions on Shane, since I want your soul, he can kill you and any of your friends," A demonic voice said. Shane's eyes returned to normal, "Your move."


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The Forsaken One got off of his horse and began walking toward the two, "Can all horses roar? How about eat someone alive?" His horse began trotting toward Abbie as Shane stopped walking. The monster let his horse begin its attack process, "Oh and little girl, My horse is a demon." The horse began running toward Abbie and Spyri. It ran like a wolf, and jumped straight for Abbie's neck. The horse had long sharp teeth, hard as diamonds. "Enjoy your feast My pet," Shane said with that sick and twisted smile of his.


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You still there lost?


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Character Portrait: Sasuke Uchiha (Akatsuki) Character Portrait: Terra and Golem Character Portrait: Lily Mayflowers Character Portrait: Andrew Greentail Character Portrait: The Ringmaster Character Portrait: Blake Arondight
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The Hidden Glen was peaceful and quiet. It was near the midnight hour and the moon was full, its bright white haze illuminating the otherwise dark forest. The moon seemed massive as it hung in the night sky, its large round form being mirrored and reflected off the surface of completely calm, still black waters. Being farther out away from the nearest cities, away from all the dust and light pollution, here the stars twinkled and shined ever so brightly like tiny little blue shimmering diamonds in the sky. There were no clouds to be seen, and peering up from the large clearing in the trees, this was the perfect time and place to go stargazing. Although it was very late, the moonlight made it somewhat more possible to see in the dark by casting a dark blue silhouette over the forest, making the treeline more visible for anyone who might not have a lamp to see. Of course, many nocturnal critters happened to be active in the forest at this time, and occasionally their eyes would reflect the moonlight also which caused their eyes to glow in the dark. Raccoons, foxes, possums, deer and other creatures roamed around quietly at night as green lightning bugs hovered around and flickered magically in the dark with the serene and natural sounds of croaking frogs and toads, and chirping crickets.

The Hidden Glen seemed like the perfect place to go camping as a single shooting star fell over the night sky, adding a more surreal view to the already peaceful and dreamy setting. But the dark forest, despite its appearance and stillness, was a place that never truly slept, as many animals were just now starting to hunt. From tiny black ants to hungry fish, winged bats and grub eating hogs, the forest may have seemed quiet, but it was actually teaming with life. If someone was quiet and still for long enough, they might even be able to hear cracking sticks and swaying branches moving in the dark forest from the many stealthy animals that passed through the area on a regular basis. There were snakes slithering about in search of nesting birds, which had settled in for the night. A wood turtle was drifting afloat in the middle of a large pond, as water beetles waded along the surface, causing little V-shaped ripples in the water. A spider was busy spinning its web between two trees, and the dew which had collected on its silky strings began to shine in the moonlight. A wolf's long-winded howl could be heard in the far distance, followed by what sounded like a great horned owl as it called out to other owls using a series of hoots.

Despite its tranquility and peacefulness, The Hidden Glen was a very dangerous place for the unwary and unprepared. Bears and panthers or wildcats lived in the forest, along with coyotes, large alligators and other predators. While most of these animals were very skittish and usually afraid of humans, incidents have been known to happen, and it wasn't uncommon for tragic deaths to occur in the woods, especially at night during a full-sized moon like tonight. Everything was on guard in the dark forest. That is, everything except for a single large egg which suddenly fell from the sky, as if it had been dropped from the air by a large night bird, slipping from its talons in mid-flight or perhaps dropped on purpose due to its weight. The large egg fell through the trees, bouncing and rolling over several branches as it tumbled to the ground. The egg rolled along the grassy leafbed before hitting the trunk of a huge willow tree and coming to a dead stop, nestled within its thick winding roots among the foliage. Miraculously, the egg didn't even crack or break, and apart from three parallel scratches along its surface caused by the talons of whatever had dropped it, the egg appeared to be unscathed.

As the moonlight hit the egg's surface, it quickly became apparent that this was no ordinary egg. The most noticeable thing about it was its size. The egg, although having a typical oblong round shape like most common birds and reptiles, was about the same size as a 60 gallon wine barrel and weighed nearly 600 pounds. It had a very thick, dark grey plated surface covered in diamond-shaped rocky scales which overlapped similar to fishes scales and helped it to blend in with the rocks and foliage. An egg which had scales, now that wasn't something associated with most reptiles and birds, especially among the species which lived in the surrounding forest. This could only mean one thing. The egg must have come from somewhere else. But from where? And how did it get here? Was it still alive? And if so, what kind of embryo was it carrying inside? Was it a bird, a snake, or maybe a large crocodile? Could it even be a fish of some kind? Or perhaps the creature that dropped it did so after realizing that it wasn't an egg at all, but just a very large rock. Only, if that were the case, then it certainly did look like an egg of some kind. Rocks don't usually look egg-shaped or have thick scaley armor around them. Nope. This was almost certainly a dragon egg. But where did it come from? And what kind of dragon laid it? With nobody around to hear it fall, see it land, or stumble upon its well hidden roost in the dark forest, the perfectly quiet little egg kept its secrets. At least for the time being as it sat completely motionless between the tree roots, resembling a fallen seed pod or dark fossilized fern on the leafbed...



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Character Portrait: Sasuke Uchiha (Akatsuki) Character Portrait: Terra and Golem Character Portrait: Lily Mayflowers Character Portrait: Andrew Greentail Character Portrait: The Ringmaster Character Portrait: Blake Arondight
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One year later...

If one could fast-forward the clock, they could watch the seasons change over and over again. Nighttime turned into twilight, which turned into dawn, which turned into midday, which turned into dusk before turning into night again. The luscious green summer forest soon turned over to the dead brown leaves of autumn which whitened during the winter, blossoming with fruits and flowers during the springtime, only to return again back to summer. A full cycle, a flashing glimpse of one whole year focused on the same spot throughout each and every image, showing what was to become of the large black egg, still nestled cozily against the base of the aging willow tree, protected and hidden by its tangling roots in the soft rotting foliage.

Although it was large enough to see plain as day, it resembled a rock or ancient plant fossil, and blended in beautifully with its surroundings, at least during the summertime. The four changing seasons had effected the egg somewhat. It had rolled slightly from its original position during a small flash flood caused by a mildly terrible lightning storm. The egg had been subjected to a small forest fire as the willow tree it was hidden under was struck by lightning. Even though the egg sat dormant on top of a natural nest of red hot burning coals covered in flames, it did not cook the fetus inside. The egg appeared to be fire resistant, or perhaps even fire activated as the fetus began to twitch and show signs of life like a flapping shrimp. At that point in time, the as yet unhatched baby dragon was actually the same size as a shrimp, swimming inside a large eggy fishbowl of nutrients, proteins and vitamins. It didn't even know where it was, and experienced no effect from the waking storms.

As winter came, it had snowed for two days straight during a nasty blizzard which killed most of the trees and covered the ground with a blanket of heavy snow. The egg was camouflaged naturally by the sheet of snow which had collected on top of the egg shell, but the fetus inside the egg did not freeze. Instead, the colder temperatures triggered another genetic process in the creature's body. It started to change genders, just like some reptile fetuses had a tendency to do. As spring came, many rodents, snakes, frogs, insects, squirrels and raccoons would find the large egg and use it as a stepping stone, jumping on top of it in order to run up the willow tree, which was already growing back strong. But even the pressure from the weight of a mountain lion still wasn't enough to crush the lifeform inside.

After a whole year of these exciting changes and events had passed, the egg never moved or changed size. But the little baby dragon inside the egg kept growing bigger and bigger. Now it wasn't a tiny little shrimp anymore. The leech-like embryo had developed into a large wyrm or serpent, which continued to grow with each passing moon until finally it grew two eyes and four legs and started to resemble a soft-bodied salamander. Our unhatched infant was now over 3 feet long from head to tail, roughly the same size as a small monitor lizard. Slowly but surely, its skin began to toughen and soon the baby dragon inside the egg started to develop its first boney scales, taking on more of a reptillian appearance that wasn't so soft or slimey.

It grew its first tiny little baby teeth that were as sharp as a needle, and tiny little claws the size of hawk talons and as sharp as cat claws. Soon, fleshy flabs would appear under the armpits of each forelimb, connecting the animal's elbows to its body like a small pair of sails or fins. They were far too small to enable the baby dragon to do anything but swim around faster, but these small flappy membranes were actually the first makings of tiny little bat-like wings. Right now, however, they just looked like lizard gills, and were not nearly developed enough to enable the dog-sized dragon to glide through the air, let alone fly.

They did help with one thing though besides swimming. These gills acted like little bags or kites for catching wind and providing enough lift that, if the hatchling was to run at full speed, it could potentially achieve a sense of temporary bipedalism before landing on all fours. This would help the defenseless little tetrapod to run even faster for small distances on its two hindlegs, giving it a darting edge over much larger predators. It was a useful evolutionary advantage, and a necessary one, for it was possibly the only defense the poor little creature had. The dragon's internal oil sacks helped it to navigate underwater to such a point that even inside its dark gooey shell, the tiny little larval dragon was already smart enough to determine up from down as it swam around in circles, slowly feeding on its own yoke while continuing to grow bigger over time.

Finally the summer had returned, along with the heat and rain. The rising temperatures caused the unhatched baby dragon to mutate and change genders once again in direct sunlight, only this would be the last time it did this, as the dragon slowly evolved to another stage of development which no longer enabled the gender changing process. Finally, the dragon's sex had been determined. It was to become a male dragon, and this would determine the rest of the animal's life as it continued to mature. The egg was getting soft now and ready to hatch as the outer shell began to change colors like a fruit that's been ripened.

The dragon's small, fragile body was now strong enough to meet the new world. It would finally stand a fighting chance, albeit a very small chance of survival in the wilderness, but a small chance nonetheless. However, it did not hatch. Although it had been a year since the egg was incubated, and it was now time to hatch, it had received no care. It had been neglected to the forces of nature, and while the baby dragon inside was very much alive and healthy, it was becoming a late bloomer. The temperature of the egg had not been carefully regulated like it should have been, and the four-legged beast inside was still underweight. So it continued to hibernate under the weeping willow, lest it become a dwarf dragon and too small to fulfill its intended purpose. Rather than hatching which would risk stunting its own growth, the baby dragon instead lay dormant inside its egg and did nothing, allowing the time to pass.


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Character Portrait: Sasuke Uchiha (Akatsuki) Character Portrait: Terra and Golem Character Portrait: Lily Mayflowers Character Portrait: Andrew Greentail Character Portrait: The Ringmaster Character Portrait: Blake Arondight
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As the time passed and days began to change, so too did the unhatched infant dragon. It had slowly evolved and developed nicely into something which looked very similar to a gliding lizard, only much larger. It's oil bladders started to mutate and become gas bladders, while it's gills became gliding membranes. It's lungs grew bigger while it's toes and claws grew longer. Finally, the tiny dracodylidae was ready to hatch. It wiggled around and twitched quietly, pushing its slightly curved elongated snout against the egg shell from inside its pink, gooey veined center.

At first there was a crack, and soon the egg shell began to break away as the tiny forelimb of a dog-sized reptiloid reached out from between the cracks, curling its talons and hooking on to the edge of the busted shell. Then another hooked claw appeared, gripping the egg's outer shell as the scaley dragon lifted itself up. The egg's lid rested on the creature's head as it poked its face out, it's large round golden snake-like eyes simply menacing and frightening to behold with their diamond-shaped black pupils and slanted, scaley brow ridges. If ever a slimey salamander could look evil or dangerous, it was now, as it tested the air by tasting it with its forked snake-like tongue. It was obvious just from its appearance that this animal was a carnivore.

But even predators have to partake in the race for survival at some point. The infant dragon's natural borne instincts took over, and within moments, it managed to break free from its heavily armored egg shell. It didn't seem like much, but the struggle to get free had left the little baby dragon exhausted and tired. It crawled out into the world for the first time since its conception, and proceeded to rest between the protruding roots of the old willow tree. Although its scales were harder now, its flesh was still soft and slimey, covered in a protective layer of mucus which gave off a pheromone that would temporarily ward off predators. However, the baby dragon was still brittle and weak with soft skin and cartlidge-like hollow bones. Breaking free and hatching from the egg was tiring and the baby dragon had no choice but to rest afterwards. It would bask in the sun and dry out, allowing its body to absorb the sunlight and warm up, giving its heart and lungs the boost needed in order to get its blood pumping. The dragon's skin was sandy in color and semi-transparent like a newborn gecko. Although it had claws, its talons were still soft and very small, more useful for climbing and digging than for hunting or fighting off hungry wildcats.

After a few minutes, the newborn's claws and skin had dried out and hardened wonderfully. The large lizard reared its head up for the first time, and like a frog or gecko, would almost comically lick its large round golden croc-like eyes with its blackish purple, forked snake-like tongue. It was tasting the air, and becoming more familiar with its surroundings. The baby dragon could already smell other animals from over a mile away. It could hear their footsteps with its false ear lobes, located behind its eyes where it still had gills. It had a rounded snout and looked almost cute, if only for its small size and disproportionately big eyes, tiny cat-like claws and itty bitty webbed toes. It croaked its throat, or tried to, but no sound was presented by the creature's tiny call to its mother. It couldn't even chirp, for its body was still developing and the baby dragon had not yet learned to use its vocal abilities. It tried again as it's neck bulged, but again to no avail. Soon, it began to crawl or slither on all fours, taking its very first baby steps. It started to crawl along the forest floor, leaving the natural nest it had been in between the roots of the still burnt but partially green, old thriving willow tree for the first time in its entire life.