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The Warlock

A mysterious man with a connection to the occult.

0 · 300 views · located in Government Center Second Floor

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by LordAedric


The Warlock is a mysterious man with malevolent intentions for life of all kinds.

He has handsome, commanding features and sports a devilish goatee. He sports short, jet black hair that is swept back and well maintained. His eyes are a dark crimson in color. The warlock himself stands at just under six feet in height with an average body build for a man of his apparent age. ( 28 ) He is dressed always in a modern 21'st century business suit, it color being a dark, almost black shade of blue. He wears black business shoes and carries around a cane around with him despite no apparent need for it.

In conjuncture with the above, The Warlock constantly emits an aura of dread, one that can be controlled intensity wise. This can range from no outward presence at all to an innately horrifying feeling.

The Warlock can be described as an individual who desires power over everything else. During his beginnings in the lands of neverwinter and his crusade against a malevolent being known as the King of Shadows. Appearing as a disgruntled young man who begrudgingly worked for the greater good, The Warlock was in fact, creating and solidifying his own power base, his pawns oblivious to his true intentions. He even went so far as to seduce an elvish druid, making empty promises of redemption to her at every turn. Unfortunately for the world, The Warlock was successful in his battle against the King of Shadows and was subsequently trapped in the ruins of the temple as they collapsed after the titanic struggle.

It was there that the warlock was found and introduced to new lands and civilizations, as well as a dark truth regarding the warlock himself. Through his new adventures, The Warlock learned that he was a " Spirit Eater ", a being that feasted on spirits and souls. He was hunger incarnate and in his quest to stop his newfound power from consuming him, The Warlock slaughtered droves of powerful beings and entities, even going so far as to consume the lingering essence of a dead god. Eventually, The Warlock would further unravel the mysteries of the events surrounding him and his curse. At the climax of these events, The Warlock came face to face with the " Faceless Man " the embodiment of the hunger that was afflicting him. The two spirit eaters proceeded to fight a massive battle located within a dreamscape, The Warlock triumphing over his predecessor in the end. While many wanted him to release his predecessor from this fate and ultimately abolish the curse as a whole, The Warlock instead opted to devour the faceless man.

Having now mastered his hunger, the power, The Warlock was free to do as he wished...He proceeded to devour his old comrades and lay waste to many realms. Things grew desperate as deities gods from other realms, banded together into a mighty host and attacked the Warlock. The outcome of the battle is unknown to many and only two things are known for certain. The Warlock was never seen again and there weren't many deities left.

In actuality, The Warlock survived the attempted attack, Now stalking the realms.... ( commonly used abilities )

As a spirit eater, the Warlock is an extremely dangerous opponent, especially against spiritual or soul based targets. His abilities include the eating ( destroying ) of spirits, souls, and even elementals. Advanced techniques and control methods allow the warlock to become an embodiment of the hunger he controls or even spiritually eviscerate someone with a touch.

Equipment: Silver Sword of Gith: A collection of shards that when formed together, create a deadly blade from another realm. The SSoG is an outsider slayer of uninmaginable power, it also possessing the ability to severe the astral chords of mortal beings ( the thing tethering the soul to the body ).

So begins...

The Warlock's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: Sullen Marines Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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Exiting the speakers office located on the fourth floor, A man clad in business attire casually makes his way toward the source of the awful racket from earlier. He looks around, cane held tightly in his left hand as he surveys.

" A shame...I didn't even get to watch "

He pays little attention to the scene unfolding, preferring to wallow in his own self pity from the looks of it. Something would be off about this man however, should one look at him. At first glance he was human but, even a human with no training in the occult could sense something about the suited man, something possibly....malicious?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zab
Another man would approach behind the first one. Though shrouded slightly by the building's inner design, something seemed, well, off. His skin was definitely Caucasian, but the upper half of his face seemed to be shrouded in some unnatural darkness, shielding his nose and up from sight. Even with advanced technology, his face would be indiscernible, as if that was his face, darkness included. A faint outline of a butler-esque moustache, however, could be seen. He bore a suit, plain and simple, with both of his hands behind his back. Grasping one hand with the other, he walked towards the other man's backside after moving out of a nearby doorway, moving to the other's left hand side. His head seemed to drift towards where the action was happening.

"Ah, it does seem that you are a bit too late to participate in the fun."

His voice was of an average quality, sounding at an age that placed him somewhere close to around 60 years of age. Though this more gruff voice, it would appear that his voice was being kept down lower, as if to only apply to the other man standing before him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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" I suppose that is just how things are....You think they'll tell us to leave? Perhaps we should involve ourselves? "

The man speaks to the new arrival with very little concern for privacy it would seem, his words quite capable of being heard by anyone within the vicinity. He casually raises his right hand, sliding it into his coat, withdrawing a cigar mere moments later from an inner pocket. Without even moving, He further addresses his apparent associate.

" Got a light? I seem to have left mine back at the office "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zab
The older male figure would reach into his right pocket with his right hand. Grasping an object, his hand comes up and out of his pocket, revealing a silver lighter with a red-and-gold top. With a flick of his wrist, the lighter's top half opened up in the traditional way. Another flick of his thumb along the lighting wheel would cause the inner wick to light itself on fire. A slow hand moved the lighter's flame to the other's cigar, setting the tip of it alight.

Withdrawing his hand and flicking the lighter closed, the older man proceeded to put the lighter back within his right pocket, and he resumed his former position of his hands behind his back, one grasping the other.

"Well, that choice is up to you, yes? I doubt they could do anything you wouldn't want, anyway."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
The Terran Guardians stormed onto the scene, gauss rifles trained at the forward as they searched for Carolina. Given that the Spartan had camouflaged herself to look just like the other marines, there was no way they could immediately tell the difference.

That said, Guardians DID have on-screen scouters that would allow them to track her energy-signature eventually. Carolina was safe for now, but not for long.

"Corner round the back!" they shouted, quickly storming out of the room.

As they left, a tall, broad man in a grey suit approached Warlock and Dravor Lash.

"Gentlemen," he implored them, "please, this is not a safe area. I insist you come with me away from all this chaos..." He smiled at them both before introducing himself. "Parliament Chairman Rubano Malijin of the Terran National Government, at your service." He bowed at the waist. "Please, follow me this way."


"Buckle in?!" Randin screamed. He was already holding on for dear life. How much worse could this ride get? "You need to pull over NOW!! You are performing some SERIOUS traffic violations!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
"Can't" Puma said over the loud roaring of her motor, "No brakes!" She tore down the road towards the highway at just under 300KMH. She took a turn on two wheels and nearly plowed clean into a office building had she not taken the left at 73rd street and hit the open manhole and in a heartbeat was barrelrolling down East 73rd Street towards the highway as behind them a massive explosion occured as a MAC round plowed into the pavement. "Hopefully I'll be seeing Lopez in one piece." Puma mumbled as she zoomed down the street

Carolina noticed the Marines with their weapons as they began searching the rooms in the area. She paid no heed to the new comers however. Her primary goal was to get Endless Summer and get out. But someone had to fuck up the plan and delay her. Which resulted in the completely stunned up marines standing and laying around in the hall.

'Agent Carolina, I must inform you of the chances of getting out of here unnoticed by these underprepared soldiers are decreasing at a rate of .98 with every passing minute. The scanners they possess track unknown energy sources.' Endless summer said through her internal helmet comm network

'So what else is new ? Odds ?' Carolina asked. Thankful that her armor was soundpoofed unless she wanted to speak to the other soldiers.

'Exactly 61 percent chance of being descovered by one of these marines. Even while using the Terran Battlenet, the chance is not fully decreased.' Endless Summer replied

'Using the battlenet, can that increase our chances of not being descovered ?' Carolina asked.

'In the battlenet there are orders for certain groups, they are heavily encrpyted. It may take some time to get through them. Through the Battlenet I may be able to mask our energy signature as an offical Terran energy source for their power armor.' Endless Summer said.

'Just tell me what the odds are when you're done' Carolina grumbled. She acted like one of the Marine soldiers as they checked the rooms carefully.

'Done, chances of being discovered have been lowered, our chances of being undiscovered have increased from 38 to 71 percent. Orders are jumbled for these marines. Something of a bomb set up within this building complex.' Endless Summer was a busy AI.

'Drop a NAV for me, I can disengage it. Maybe even warp it out with the teleport grenades.' Carolina said, a second later the NAV point appeared on her HUD. Perfect. Along with a countdown timer.

'Done. I have also included a countdown timer. The make and construction of the explosive device is unknown, yet it is very perimitive. I suggest teleporting the device into space, or a open area, or deep within the sea if possible.' Endless Summer was running calculations of what could occur should something go wrong.

'Not enough time to dunk it in the sea; I can however teleport it out. Until then, lets act the part of one of their soldiers.' Carolina loved it when she got to act like she was part of her enemies team. In recovering Endless Summer, those that delayed her became her tempoary enemies. They got in the way. But none of them were killed off. Just, frozen in place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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Sizing up the chairman, The Warlock simply nods his head casually, bringing his cigar up and to his lips a mere moment later. Puffing out some of the smoke, The warlock looks around one final time then back to the Chairman.

" Agreed, The rank-and-file can take care of things here. Forgive me, I've forgotten my manners. You may call me Alistair Smith. "

With that, The Warlock simply awaits to be lead elsewhere, uncaring of whether or not the Chairman would be aware of his covers status in society. This alias was a renowned capitalist, one with a questionable yet effective code of ethics when it came to business. As he waits, The Warlock steals a quick gaze at Carolina in her disguised form, an amused, spine chilling grin forming upon his face for only a brief moment. As he looks away, he ponders internally at the hilarity of the situation unfolding.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randin D. Kaye Character Portrait: The Pretty Puma Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Agent Carolina Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
The frozen marines had begun to thaw, and the battalion was now headed towards the Office of the Prime Minister to look for a non-existent bomb. Of course, the TNG military frequency had an AI of its own, one that would eventually be able to detect the faulty orders and trace it back to its origin. Carolina, perhaps, did not have as much time as she thought she did.

Rubano, meanwhile, was leading his guests safetly down the grand hallways of the Government Center.

"You must forgive the attacks, Mr. Smith," he said, "Terra is quite an oddity of a planet, as you doubtless know. Super Saiyan showdowns and massive battle-royales are the norm, I'm afraid. We try and keep order as best we can." He looked to Warlock. "If you do not mind me asking, what are you doing here in the Government Center? Perhaps there is something I can assist you with?"


"Well when we stop," Randin growled, "IF we stop, I am going to slam you with a traffic ticket SO BIG you'll have to sell yer'own engine to pay HALF OF IT off!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: The Warlock Character Portrait: Dravor Lash
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0.00 INK

" Ah, I've come to lend my "support" in matters pertaining to just what you described. The Oddities..."

Smith stops, letting forth another puff of cigar smoke, closing his for a moment to savor the brief event.

" I Think we should talk elsewhere but know that my offer includes a very generous sum of funds and support. "

The Warlock had played this game for an extremely long time. His face was home to a half cocked, superior than the average man grin. He could have an agenda as no true businessman wouldn't have one, a way to profit from the investment at a later date. The question was however, Would his offer be heard?