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Tobias "Toby" Lyman

Thanatos Instinct Gang Member and Techie. Maybe a Steel Worshiper, but only on Steel Christmas and Steel Easter.

0 · 319 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Target


Tall, of Medium build, pointed Jaw and Defined Cheek bones. His eyes are heterochromic; his left eye being Green and his Right Eye being a Steel Blue. His hair is A light Brown, though it often appears Black from dust, grime and the like. He wears a pair of Black Cargo Pants, ragged from wear, and a Blue Collared shirt with pieces of military issue armor sewn in and attached to it in an odd mismatch. The armor only covers his vitals, and his shoulders, leaving his arms free to work.


Toby is smart, funny, and friendly to most people. He has a smile that can let people in, and his good natured teasing always seems to bring a smile to someone's face. He goes out of his way to help people no matter who they are or where they're from, and often volunteers his abilities as a technician, which are great for the time and his age, to those in need at no or next to no charge.

That's when he's happy.

When he's angry or under fire, Toby is almost a new person. He curses, fires, and stares into your soul like the abyss all at the same time. His heart could freeze nitrogen and his blood runs colder than Ice when faced with a challenge. He never cracks under pressure, though his stare and shot makes many others do so. He is ruthless in combat, though he still often shoots to wound, if only to have a prisoner to interrogate. His duality and eyes reflect each other, his warm side being as inviting as his Left eye, green like an open field. His right eye as cold and dispassionate as steel.


Winchester Model 1876 .45 Caliber Lever Action Rifle, Colt Mark 23 .45 Pistol, and a Chainblade; all resting over his shoulder, at the small of his back and his left hip respectively.


Toby's father and Mother were a Scribe and a Knight in the Brotherhood respectively. As a Scribe, Toby's father knew that ADV423 was not born-in to those with the disease, but acquired later in life. He raised Toby in a hermetic bubble, sealing him away from the world for many years, until his Mother could take no more of not being able to hold her son, and not allowing him to take his place among the Brotherhood of Steel, despite Toby's obvious natural talent with machines making him a welcome, and revered addition to the group. She left the Brotherhood with Toby for his own good,, intending to rejoin another group of them later, a different chapter. But they was snubbed by them, having left Steel once, some were unsure she wouldn't do so again.

She raised Toby as best she could in the Wasteland, until she died from ADV423 when Toby was 7. Toby lived on the Streets for a year before he met his Father again. His father, now a Brotherhood Elder, ignored him, despite Toby's memories of him and the caring man he had been when they had lived together. Some who know him think this is where Toby's cold side came from, and he left on his own, despite some members of the Brotherhood still wanting him to rejoin for his natural talent with high tech rifles and armor. Toby lived on the streets scrounging and making do with his abilities until he joined the West gang just this past month. He joined the West gang to try and cure the disease, making other not have to worry, and not lose their mother or father to the disease, one way or another.

So begins...

Tobias "Toby" Lyman's Story

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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#, as written by Awinita
Character Portrait: Attila Attila says,
 “ Well, this was interesting. One moment he was taking a bath in the kitchen sink, of course it was more him trying to wash the dishes in the sink and ended upo taking a bath anyway. And then kapoof, he was in a flower meadow. But he still had his scrub brush and his collar so he wasnt naked. that in and of itself was a good thing. For the moment ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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4.50 INK

Elanna Torres opened her eyes after what seemed like an eternity. She didn't remember how she got here, and she didn't seem to know where she was at, drifting in an infinite void. She ran her hands on her body, the polished leather of her sam browne, and the sleek casing of her disruptor. She reached into a leather pouch, and clicked on a small LED flashlight, shining it into the void.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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0.00 INK

Heralding Rymesis examined the Void Dust carefully. He's run across it before...but her looked around at the vast emptiness. He knew not where he was, but remembered where he should have been. After many a millennia, there would not be a soul that could transport him without his will. So he was a bit expected, despite his old bones and indifference towards certain adventurous proclivities.

"Well, I suppose Gambit's is no more." For that is the last thing he remembers.

He knew it was time to have a little fun. The divine nature of him being where he was certainly screamed 'higher power'. So, He was sure that meant there were new places to explore and to people to help. Or at the very least, new worlds to explore and pupils to be had. Explorers always came a knocking whenever he stayed anywhere too long.

"Oh Ho! Time to move it!" Heralding exclaimed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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0.50 INK

Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."