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Tyrant Wyrms

The collective consciousness that is the Tyrant Wyrms.

0 · 808 views · located in Mountain Side Temple

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Questionable Object


Tyrant Wyrms are large drake-like beasts with mottled white, grey or black scales, they eat primarily carrion or diseased creatures.
Upon their backs running parallel on either side of their spines rows of bone pistons constantly pump and belch out a sickly blue smog which also flows from between their jaws with every rumbling breath.
Down the centre of their chests they have a set of teeth going from the base of their neck to the bottom of their ribs like a macabre zipper.
The vast majority of Tyrant Wyrms have a variety of brutal and numerous scars on their bodies.
Their horns, of which there are six, curve and coil about themselves to form a crown-like structure.
They have a crocodilian head with all of their crooked sharp teeth always exposed and their eyes glow brightly either blue, red or purple.

The older a Tyrant Wyrm is the more emaciated it is and the more purplish black their smog is and the more pistons they have on their backs and splits and breaks in their scales constantly ooze a black mire when they become very old though they become even stronger.


Wyrmlings are simple pack hunting creatures, nothing like their elder forms, technically, living breathing beasts and little more intelligent than an average dog they are spawned from the mire that their elders create from their persistent presence, growing as an embryo within the corrupted earth before eventually digging themselves out. Tyrant Matriarchs greatly accelerate the rate that these embryos develop simply by proximity. Wyrmlings while mostly unintelligent obey the orders of their elders without pause.

Tyrant Wyrm adults have learnt the beginnings of the Black Verses, becoming attached to the collective subconsciousness of the rest of their kind, shedding their life and pack mentality, becoming unliving monstrosities of corruption and destruction and being much more inclined to dwell on their own away from others of their kind, only working together with others when either a greater power than the Wyrms themselves command them or a particularly ambitious Great Tyrant rallies a group of them.
On the very rare occasion several Tyrant Wyrms will aid each other in raiding and destroying a holy site that a single one of them can't handle alone.

Most Tyrant Wyrm adults will take on a "title" which also shows what they're more capable of.
Dictator Tyrant Wyrms are more muscular and hardy than the average Wyrm, able to take on even larger dragons with relative ease, their smog has a more acidic effect than mind affecting, the Mires' they dwell in are better at draining the strength of non-Wyrms.
Vizier's are physically weaker than most of their brethren but are more capable with the Black Verses, using them to tear the minds and spirits of even the hardiest foes apart, their smog has less of an acidic effect but is very good at clawing into the minds of undead and can raise the corpses of those they breath over, the Mires' they dwell over are more likely to raise undead.

Great Tyrants are terrible elder versions of Tyrant Wyrms, they have plumbed the depths of the Black Verses and even added to them with their own variations, colossal and cruel they are the one thing all Tyrant Wyrms aspire to be.

Tyrant Matriarchs are very rare variations of Great Tyrants that grow even larger than any others of their kind and have the ability to spawn armies of Wyrmlings when they decide to nest within the earth.

All adult variations of Tyrant Wyrms are technically undead, unaffected by death magics or unholy magics designed to harm neutral or holy entities.
Wyrmlings however are living creatures and are affected by all the same things other living beings are affected by though they are immune to non-magical disease.


Wyrms are prideful and cruel, they care for nothing but themselves and the acquisition of power and territory.
The greatest kindness a Wyrm will give is to ignore something.

A few Wyrms will create packs lead by colossal, ancient Tyrant Wyrms known as Great Tyrants.
These beasts will often lead their kin on invasions of worlds, looking to claim new and unspoiled territory even if it is already claimed by another race.

Tyrant Wyrms are drawn towards places full of life and energy despite being creatures of darkness and death, they feed heavily on life energies and groups of them will turn entire landscapes into disease and death filled brackish mires, twisting and corrupting whatever life they don't consume and causing what does die to rise again in unlife being mindlessly bound to the will of the Tyrants.


Tyrant Wyrms never carry any equipment but they have other abilities at their disposal.

The smog they exude from their bodies at all times is a necrotic poison that they can use to rot living things from the inside out.
When a Tyrant Wyrm is in an area for a long time the earth and atmosphere around them slowly starts to change into a hostile mire, they can consciously accelerate this process if they desire though it takes considerable effort and often they have to enter a state of hibernation.
Tyrant Wyrms have an incredible regenerative ability especially when they are within a mire created by a Tyrant Wyrm.
The Wyrms are able to raise the dead as mindless thralls with relative ease and those who die or whose bodies become engulfed in the Wyrm's mire will naturally rise to wander the Wyrm's mire to hunt for life and end it, attacking invaders indiscriminately.

The ultimate weapon of the Tyrant Wyrms are the "Black Verses" that they use to twist reality and shatter the minds and bodies of their foes. Tyrant Wyrms are immune to the effects of the Black Verses but if someone uses the Black Verses against them it stuns them momentarily and interrupts their own Verse.
Of course a non-Tyrant using the verses is suicidal as it has terrible, terrible effects on their mind, body and soul.

So begins...

Tyrant Wyrms's Story

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Something rumbled deep and loud, accompanied by the sound of smashing concrete and screeching metal, a constant mechanical clanging and hissing like a churning engine, a loud bang and the sound of something being torn from stone preluding the noise of something crunching and snapping loudly like twigs.
The noises ceased as the boy screamed, a slow rumble growing close to the small compartment before a cacophonous crash caused the compartment to shudder before it was jolted out of its space in the wall, the young boy face to face with a large crocodilian head with mottled white scales and six massive black horns curling about like a great twisted crown of bone.
Its red eyes roved over the small boy, snorting out of its nostrils with a puff of blue smog.
"Well... This is an unexpected discovery." It spoke in a coarse thunderous voice and inhaled, seemingly inspecting the child's scent. "What is a living doing in this place of the dead?"

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake was utterly shocked by the strange creature that pulled him out. He was almost as afraid as when he was trapped in the small, confined space. "Wh....who are you?!" Thats when he crawled back over to the closet, and he felt his chest. One thing is that he needed to find his stuff. The second thing is is that he thought he remembered getting shot, twice in the heart, once in the head. But nothing was there...

"I...I don't know...I thought....I thought I was I dreaming?"

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The beast snorted and twisted away from the child, obviously not having any interest in him.
"I am Heirydos, a Tyrant Wyrm of Decretum." The monster rumbled, its scarred body rippling with countless muscles as six pistons of bone on either side of its spine pumped and churned, belching out blue smog that collected at the roof. It slammed one of its great claws into the wall and tore out several compartments, sifting through them to collect the bodies and snapping them up in its wide jaws, a puff of blue smoke exiting it's mouth every time it opened them.
"And no, you are not dreaming." It said in a bored rumble, crunching down on bone and stale flesh. "I am very real and you seem to have just recently come back to life." It snorted and twisted back to the boy, revealing a long line of teeth like those in its jaw running along the centre of its chest almost like a kind of macabre zipper. "Why and how I neither know nor care. I am eating here." It returned to its meal, its thick tail sweeping across the floor and smashing several trolleys and racks of medical tools, one of its glowing red eyes locked on the boy despite it's declaration of disinterest as it pillaged the passed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake quickly entered the closet. "What is going on?" he thought. However, he had managed to find his clothes and such. As well as his audio recorder, backpack, and journal. He got dressed, then exited. Instead of messing with him, he decided to just leave, and made his way towards the door,when he accidentally triggered the Audio Diary on the way out. "Log 193, subject unidentified. Some strange mutations noted, but I can confirm subject is dead. Sealing up subject into freezer 7...." Freezer 7 was the one Jake was in. This caught his attention. "...According to sensors, he had some powerful essence on him. I will preform autopsy in the morning to learn more...".

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake looked over at the recorder, as it then said "We found a strange mark on his right hand however....." Jake looked at his right hand. There was a mark there, clear as day, in some sort of language. "...end log".

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The Wyrm's head twitched as it heard the recording echoing through the halls to room, it's crackling chewing ceasing for the duration as it turned slowly, impossibly quiet as its pistons ground to an almost halt, hissing slowly. It swiveled it's bulk around and inspected the boy with it's red witch-light eyes flickering in it's socket.
"You..." It purred quietly, a black ball of mire rolling out from between it's dagger teeth to stretch and hit the floor. "The essence the mistress wanted... You were it..." It stood, raising it's hind legs to stand tall before crouching low with a ground. "The undying essence of an regenerator... Come to me and I'll make sure you don't suffer..."
The piston's along it's spines began to pump faster as it stalked forwards, it's muscles rippling beneath it's scarred scales as it growled long and low, belching even more necrotic smog into the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake began to back away, scared. "What the...I think your mistaken....I couldn't be...umm..." He said, backing away, through a door and into the hall. "Just....stay away!" He said, running up the stairs and finding himself onto a platform on the outside, with various rails and such going between various platforms, walkways, and streets. He noticed something in his pocket, and took it out.

It was a Skyhook, used to ride the skyrails. He looked back behind him, worried if he was still coming...

The setting changes from Antongrad Seaside Towers to Golden Vale


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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms
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Deep within the hills of the Golden Vale, during one of the short nights of the solar eclipse, a disk of black and red energy opened wide within the plains, roiling and hissing with abyssal energies. The surface of the disk of energy stretched out slowly with a sickeningly fleshy sound then burst open with a wet ripping, pouring out a thick black mire over the golden grass, saturating the soil with the corrupting liquid.
As the last of the liquid poured out of the portal a few small entities of dark flesh and chiton fled out of it, screaming into the dark as large draconian beasts with great pistons of bone churning and belching blue smog into the air as they roar and below, their great claws sinking into the mire as they leap about the hills, tearing into the soil and pulling bones and bodies of old battles from the earth and devouring them ravenously, roaring at each other and fighting over particularly large bundles of buried carrion.
A shimmer rippled through the mire oozing about the portal as the wyrms hissed and rumbled deep within their chests, turning their six-crown-horned heads towards the portal as a massive Wyrm tore through the rift, its pale white bulk, oozing black mire from countless scars across its body at the rows of pistons upon it's back pumped out a constant pillar of purplish black smog and the rattling breath poured waves of the smog across the grass and mire, the golden grass blackening and liquifying beneath it's corrupt breath.
The beast's crocodilian head turned slowly, it's flickering purple witch-light eyes roving over it's lessors as it stalked forwards, its massive scythe-like claws tearing up the rotting earth beneath it, the last of it's massive swaying thick tail just leaving the portal before it collapsed on itself with a thousand whispering wailing voices as a few lesser demons tore through the collapsing window and out into the night.
The Great Tyrant bellowed into the darkness as the eclipse began to slowly pass, light returning to the vale and the other Tyrant Wyrms joined in the call, unleashing an echoing scream of terrible oncoming death.

As the roar ended, two of the smaller Wyrms burrowed into the sides of the hills closest to where the portal had opened, hiding themselves within the fertile soil as the others spread out in groups of two or three bounded out into the vales and the two largest of the lesser wyrms fell in beside the Great Tyrant, following it as the massive Wyrm lumbered forwards, it's flickering eyes locked upon the nearest centre of life, a small farming village unprepared for the mighty beast and it's terrible appetite.

The setting changes from Golden Vale to Antongrad Seaside Towers

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The beast roared as the boy fled, snapping down it's jaws just behind him and charging forwards, bellowing and slamming into the wall and forcing open the doorway to force it's bulk onto the platform, looming over him and exhaling the smog over him, the mist searing his skin. "Don't run, you'll only make it worse..."
The platform creaked ominously beneath the monsters weight as it stalked forwards, it's jaws open wide.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake looked as the creature approached him. "You...just...get away!" he yelled, and then began backing up to the edge. However, various police came out of the entry way, telling the beast to get away from him. Jake looked down below him, and was scared. Not quite at the situation then at what he was thinking right now...

"Just....leave me ALONE!" he yelled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The beast growled at the police lined up with their cars and their sirens, opening it's jaws slowly before a single bone chilling word exited it's mouth, the word seemingly meaningless but carrying the weight of a thousand agonies.
"Shallok" It hissed slowly and a shudder ran through the officers some of them crying out or clapping their hands over their ears. "Daroon, hassiano albena'ao asoriani." With every word that excited it's mouth it's smog twisting and coiling about it as officers fell to their knees, screaming as their ears bled and they curled up and cried.

A terrible pain creeped up in the boy, in his mind and his body as the beast inhaled to speak once mroe but was interrupted as the platform beneath it's feet creaked loudly and snapped, collapsing beneath it as it roared, digging it's claws into the concrete and steel to keep itself from falling.

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Felt this pain, and fell off the side...

...and into a pool of water. A hoveryaht was passing below, a large one, and it had a built in pool. He fell two stories, but he lived. He swam up to the edge of the pool when he saw the platform crumbling.

He went over to the pilot's area, and put it on full speed. The captain, or owner, or whatever was passed out with two bottles of whiskey, and another empty bottle of Scotch. He attempted to get it to go at full speed, though he had absolutely no idea how to work this thing.

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The Tyrant Wyrm pulled itself up onto what was left of the platform, roaring at the boat and glaring at the water then shrieking as the platform completely collapsed.
The Wyrm pulled itself from the rubble and gripped the edge of the quay bellowing and looking apprehensively between land, the water and the boat, it's tail lashing and smashing a few cars, judging the distance.

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake looked around, hoping for something helpful or good. He saw various police passing him. He looked over the edge of the boat, and the water REALLY far down. He looked back at the creature, tryign to catch up. "What is going on?" he asked himself, before hearing someone else comming up from the lower decks of the flying, hover boat....

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The Wyrm seemed to finally make up its mind and leapt at the boat, sailing over the water and colliding with the side of the yacht, digging it's claws into the side of the boat, listing it hard to the side with it's weight.
The steel of the ship screeches as it began to climb up the side of it, slipping and scrabbling away from the water, snarling and snapping it's jaws as it hooked it's forelimbs over the edge of the ship, its eyes flaring with fel light.

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake ran over to the side of the ship, looking over the edge. "Too far down to live..." he noted, and then looked at the Wyrm. It kept itself up on the boat, and it didn't seem to like water. But what was he supposed to do? Flip the boat upside down...

Thats exactly what he did. He ran back into the control room, strapped in, and turned the freaking boat upside down so gravity would pull anything not secured into the water. "I SAID GET AWAY!". The way he turned also caused the pool water to splash around, but that was not as important as the big ocean...

It then occurred to Jake that he did know how to drive a flying boat-thing. He could not remember how or why though. He never remembered being on one before...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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The Wyrm shrieked as the airborne ship tilted, scrabbling against the surface of it as tilted, losing its grip and bellowing as it slid off, leaving massive scars in the metal as it dropped, plummeting towards the water and hitting the dark surface with a roaring splash, as it disappeared beneath the surface with a roiling froth as it flailed desperately to reach the surface, bubbles of blue mist bubbling up in great bursts, slowly decreasing until it completely halted, a light blue mist sifting away from the surface of the water as the Wyrm disappeared into the watery abyss.

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Character Portrait: Tyrant Wyrms Character Portrait: Jake Bohm
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Jake watched as the Wyrm fell into a great abyss. He then docked the ship at the nearest docks, and looked around. Now, he had to figure out what just happened, and how he was alive...again...the answers were there somewhere. ANd he planned to find them...

The setting changes from Antongrad Seaside Towers to Cursed Wood


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A deep rumbling echoed through the dim woods as a sound of heavy footfalls from something large and quadrapedal approaching accompanied by a constant rumbling and hissing of something mechanical, a bluish purple smog pouring slowly through the trees, crawling across the ground and curling about the roots of the ancient trees, a sound like tearing and snapping wood echoing as the rhythm of a running beast drew closer, growls and roars beginning to echo between the boughs as it came closer, the rolling blue smog growing thicker.