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Uhtred the Godless

"You will tell him that Uhtred the Godless is in a mood to kill."

0 · 1,421 views · located in Iskjerne Bay

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Sepokku


The Empyrean Norsemen have the remnants of a space-faring kingdom on small planet in local system; they originated on the moon of Gaia in an obscure arm of the Milky Way and sport a Raven banner.



Stolen from a pillaged village as a boy, Uhtred was adopted by the leader of the tribe and raised as a true Viking. It was said that on his tenth birthday, a flock of crows came to bear witness and proclaim that he would bring great death. Now he is a feared Viking warlord, one that the is infamous in the Iskjrne Bay for his ferocity and willingness to go against superstitions when it benefits him. Uhtred is skilled in combat and warfare, having lived it all his life, and often warlords who hear that Uhtred is marching on them begin to lament and beg the Gods for mercy.

Now twenty-eight years old, Uhtred has amassed a sizable following. When he's not pillaging or selling his services for gold, he enjoys a good drink, nice music, and the company of beautiful women. With a mind for war, and physical prowess to match, Uhtred the Godless is a force not to be trifled with.


So begins...

Uhtred the Godless's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: Erling Snake
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Dibble peeped out from behind a mushroom and stared pointedly at the strange man, making his way closer in flicks of movement, until he was just about sitting on the guy. There was a squeak-like the sound mushrooms make in your teeth when you eat them- which was the small winged creature addressing the much larger man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: Erling Snake
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: Dibble Dibble says,
 “ That one! That one's poison! Won't kill ya but, hoo, last human I saw eat one, hooooooyeeeah! ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Ljosalfar
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0.00 INK

Dibble moved hastily, swatting at the colorful bug. Giants in the sky, humans forgetting common knowledge- and now the bugs, too?! Dibble knew there was something extra odd going on- what with the sky turning pink- but this was another level!

"Poison! Hoo! Dumb buggie! Man! Hey! Man! Hey!"

Dibble attempted to shoo the dragonfly off, completely oblivious to the tension of the men. Dibble squeaked out frantically to everyone about the mushroom, reminding them all in a flurry that these ones were not the safe ones.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.50 INK

Dibble sensed a great decline of spirit, and called upon Gaia to do something!He quickly flit over to near the ringed fortress. What was happening in the bay was horrible to a creature like Dibble. Humans were so confusing! So fickle!

A snow began to fall, for it was not Gaia who heard the call of Dibble but Eras. As the hearts of the vikings beat slower, so did time, a colder and colder wind blowing from the north harsh across the bay. Dibble curled beneath a mushroom, entering a deep slumber, the power of Zephras stronger than any mortal poison.

Time appeared to stand, the snow still in the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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Takao peered his head out of the great mead hall to survey the bodies, this was all very strange to him, and he pulled his coat closer to try and stave off the cold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

The khroniktans cautiously moved through the bay. They ignored the cold for the most part, the minor enchantments in their armor staving off the worst of it, and inspected the deserted village. Thabo moved like a ghost, his boots leaving nary a trace in the snow or dust. Mafsha, sword drawn, poked his head into a longhouse and grimaced at the bodies.

“No wounds,” Thabo observed. “Weapons still in their scabbard. I don’t see any signs of a struggle, either. Either something killed them all at once, and quickly, or this was some sort of mass ritual suicide. Magus, are you recording this?”

“Yes, sir.” The rokin wizard said, gesturing to the orb floating at his side. “I am also detecting some strange arcane readings. There’s some sort of temporal anomaly… like a time stop spell, but it’s suffused into the atmosphere. I will do what I can to protect us from it.”

The wizard tapped his staff on the ground, and the arcanium orb mounted on top glowed with faint eldritch energy. A pulse of magic emanated from it, forming a transparent white dome around the party that kept most of the strange magic at bay.

“Sir!” Mafsha shouted, pointing towards one of the larger structures. “I think I see a survivor! He doesn’t look like any of the natives.”

“Must be our target. Approach cautiously and stow your weapons. We don’t need to spook him.”

The party of aryites, plus one rokin, slowly approached Takao.

“Hello!” Thabo said, speaking into a translator. “My name is Inquisitor Thabo of the Khroniktan Alliance. We have been sent as an extraction team for you and your Taiyou associates. We mean you no harm. Are there any more survivors?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

Snow bounced off of the Khroniktans as they moved through the bay, little frozen droplets spinning out into the air as if gravity had stopped existing. Zephras didn't seem to touch them so much as they were able to grip the rest in the bay. This angered Zephras. The bay grew colder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

At first Takao shrank away from the imposing creatures, who were just as alien to him as the other inhabitants of this world. Strangely enough, they seemed to speak his language.

He stepped out of the mead hall and into the outside, pulling his jacket once again to try and stave off the cold.

"No." Takao answered simply, pointing to the bodies all around them. "Only two, Princess Yukiko, and Director Miyagi went to the mountains to try and find a way back through the gate, here I am the only survivor." Takao replied, taking a tentative step forward. So it seemed he was finally going home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

Takao hurried quickly towards the others, stumbling over bodies, debris, and rocks embedded into the ground. He waited quietly for their next move, but he paid close attention to their words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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  1. What was edited?

    by barney_fife

0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
*edited for clarity*


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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Arcane energy built up, an electric hum buzzing in the air. The crystalline orb on top of the wizard's staff glowed with a brilliant light.

"Commencing leapfrog jump in three... two... one."

There was a flash of light, and one by one the party of khroniktans vanished with a small pop.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Mafsha Sandrunner Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

Mafsha panted as he slid to a halt at the edge of the village. It was cold, far colder than what he was used to in the plainslands and deserts of Arydia. He had heard rumors of the violent blizzards that crowned the Rok Mountains, but he had never been there personally.

The everlasting flame tugged at his heart and led him further into the abandoned town. Half-frozen bodies still littered the streets, forever preserved by the biting cold and strange magic that permeated the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

High in the sky there was a rumble, the sound of a thunderclap, and the strange rolling of the clouds above. The ornately constructed Mizuho shifted, slowly gaining altitude, and disappearing from view.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army
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0.00 INK

Hundreds of vikings paused from their labours and looked up towards the skies just in time to witness a very strange phenomenon. Thick heavy clouds rolled across the snowy winter sky, followed by a low rumbling sound which sounded like thunder. There was a loud thunderclap, followed by a feint flash of light which looked very similar to heat lightning when viewed from Gaia's surface. But the great heathen army was never aware of the Mizuho's presence high above, and were oblivious to its existence. To the vikings, it seemed like a more natural phenomenon or weather occurrence, and one that most of them were actually already quite familiar with. The vikings soon went back to work as if nothing had happened out of the ordinary. In fact, they started working faster and harder now that it seemed there might be a possible storm approaching. Prince Ivar was sitting on King Sigurd's throne inside the mead hall, listening to the musical melody of the tagelharpa over the skaldic poetry and mythical songs recited by his court poets. There was a large central fire in the middle of the mead hall, which kept everyone inside warm and toasty while they filled their horns with mead and danced in celebration of Prince Ivar's successful voyage.

Just outside the great hall, however, thousands of Norsemen were hard at work, constructing new walls and ramifications for the old ring fortress. Ivar's engineers had already narrowed the scarp or hill that the mead hall rested upon, and had started to build around it, adding the foundation of a temple and a keep, with temporary ramps and bridges setup to allow traffic in and out as the new stone wall was being built. A few paths were cleared out with plows and shovels, but otherwise it was extremely cold outside, with mounds of thick and heavy snow which were knee-high and difficult to tread through. Still, it was not enough to stop the hardened vikings as they worked together like thousands of ants in assembly, using their superior strength and numbers to accomplish great things even during the midst of a cold spell. Queen Aslaug stood alone on top of a frozen burial mound, watching Fulgar Thornheim and his crew as they approached the mainland. Aslaug was in plain sight, standing still as a statue whilst still holding the horn bugle in one hand, while clutching her long elmwood walking stick with the other. Her long blue catskin dress and black feathered cloak would wave and flow with the chilly wind, her wavey red hair and almost otherworldly bright blue eyes staring silently at the strangers in the distance, no doubt noticeable to Fulgar's crew. At the base of the mound, a circle of hooded women were gathered around and huddled together in a circle, spinning and weaving threads and making spindles of yarn to be used for future purposes.

By now, many of the workers and slaves in the open fields had already started to find and collect small artifacts left behind by the warring parties and viking nations from the previous settlement. Arrowheads, broken spear-heads, silver coins, bone beads and other trinkets. Lagertha's shield-maidens patrolled the area and kept a watchful eye on the slaves and thralls to make sure they didn't steal anything, or covet any weapons they might find. Ubbe Ragnarsson and his ulfhednar were still patrolling Iskjerne Forest when they stumbled upon a certain ash tree which seemed to have a bearded man's face carved into it. There were a set of 3 nooses hanging from the branches of this sacred ash tree, and someone had painstakingly taken the time to carve runes into its trunk. Ubbe examined the markings while scratching his neck. "What do you suppose it means?" one of the ulfhedinns asked him. "I'm not sure. Copy them down, my brother will know what it means" Ubbe said, before walking away to go look at some of the other trees in the forest.

Meanwhile, the berserkers had made some new discoveries as well. One of the sons of Ivaldi came running up from the mines to inform his father of a certain small hole in the ground, which upon further inspection appeared to be some kind of hidden cave entrance. Ivaldi reported the find to Bjorn Ironside and his small den of berserkers at the watch tower. Bjorn in turn sent a rider to the mead hall to go inform Prince Ivar, who was still drinking and feasting and having a good time. Bjorn Ironside also summoned more of his own personal guards to the watch tower, deeming it to be a great point from which to conduct a nearly aerial survey of the kingdom below. Prince Bjorn had seen Fulgar Thornheim's vessel arriving from the north, even before they had reached the docks, such was the view from high up in the watch tower. Again, however, the berserkers thought little about it. After all, it was only a small crew, not exactly an entire army. The vikings were no strangers to having visitors back home, and so there was very little need for any of them to feel alarmed now that they had found new land. On the other side of the small inlet of Iskjerne Bay, however, Volund the Smith had made some interesting discoveries as well. At the top of the long stone carved stairway into the mountains, where Iskjerne Forge was located, Volund found the broken remnants of some strange foreign inventions and dazzling purple crystals. All of the round egg-shaped stones were cracked, save for one of the crystals which had a very feint pinkish glow to it. "Well that's interesting," Volund said, sticking the crystal into his pocket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Fulgar Thornheim looked up to the thick clouds rolling in across the sky and accelerated his progress towards the Great Hall. He feared he was too late, but the happenings in the settlement seemed quite normal...

Vikings moved freely throughout, a seemingly lively population. The entire army was settled in the harbor, so what of this summoning? Had something happened in Sigurd's kingdom which warranted the call of the ancients? Why were the warriors all still in the town, with no sign of threat on the horizon?

Fulgar had questions for Sigurd, the great immortal King of the South. Furrowing his brow, he pressed onward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

 “ uh ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

Indisla The Beautiful looks around unfamiliar with anything she overheard the women talking ad scoffed continuing to look around


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Caesarius Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: The Ulfhednar Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: The Svinfylking Character Portrait: The Ljosalfar
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0.00 INK

Upon a small ridge overlooking Iskjerne Bay, Livia Caesarius was watching, through a high-powered expandable telescope. She was not pleased with what she was seeing below, teeth grit in anticipation.

She was wearing the clothes for the conditions, with the last reports describing the bitter cold, she opted for a pair of heavy hide trousers, worn with a purple tunica, and heavy lorica segmentata armor, comprised of high strength carbide steel woven into thick, treated leather, reinforced with a kevlar backing.

The heavy, dark red hooded paenula cloak provided some respite from the bitter cold, and the fog had lifted slightly, allowing her to get a view of the settlement below.

She stood up, heavy synthetic mukluk style boots crunching into the white snow, as she turned around to her Vexillarius, or the standard bearer.

"I was under the impression that the barbarians here had committed suicide, yet there is a city, and fortifications. How do the Taiyou expect us to recover the body of their Prime Minister? I did not bring enough men to lay siege to this place." The Legata said with a modicum of irritation.

The Servant brought her a waterskin, and the Legata took a generous swig of the warm liquid, which was kept with the Contubernium's pack mule.

The Decanus, with his purple, and black feathered plumage upon his polished galea helmet watched the events in the settlement below with close interest, they were all Praetorian Guard, as denoted by their indigo colored shields, with the golden bull standard of the Argosian Empire.

Livia reached into a small leather pouch securely fastened to her Lorica armor, and produced a pair of leather gauntlets, with ornate symbols carved into them. It was an ancient Argosian magic that was refered to as Heraldry, or symbology, the use of symbols to effect magical spells. They seemed to resonate with Gaia's magic, shimmering with an iridescent indigo hue.

"Let's go."

The sound of the cornu horn cut through the thick fog, the eight soldiers, and two servants formed up into a phalanx position, with the Vexillarius, and Livia at the front, and the servants, and the pack mule at the rear.

Slowly they began to march down the hillside, towards the city ahead, the standard of the Argosian Empire fluttering in the wind, with the words LEGIO I CAESARIVS embroidered in gold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

Indisla The Beautiful stands there unsure is she continue walking or stand there


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Sigurd Hring Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Uhtred the Godless Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Army Character Portrait: The Svinfylking
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Fulgar Thornheim stormed angrily out of the Ring Fort, eager to see what the commotion in the town was about. Stopping to talk with one of the villagers, he called to Indisla The Beautiful.

Hey! You over there! What's going on here?
he demanded of the woman, who was clearly minding her own business as if things were all well in the bay.