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Uriel Spencer

A once cursed man who now has something he seeks.

0 · 2,246 views · located in The Undermarket

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


Uriel Spencer


Full Name:Uriel Spencer
Nicknames: Ur to some who know him best but would still like to be called by his first name.
Prefered Names: Uriel
Aliases: Uriel the Restless.
Titles/Honorifics: Lord of Night, and Master of arms

Gender: Male

Main Species:Human
Sub Species: Ancient Mortal.

Apparent Age: 38 years old
Actual Age: 5469 years old.
Birth Date: August 7th

Sexual Orientation/Preference: Heterosexual
Marital Status:Single

Skin Color/Shade: pale white.
Markings/Scars: Were there was none now a single scar runs deep across his face moving down from his left eye to his lips.
Tattoos/Piercings: None.

Weight: 123 pounds
Body Build: Muscular, like that of a swordsmen but a little less in build than most.
Disabilities: None.

Eye Color:Pale Blue.
Eye Wear: None.

Hair Color: Black but with a slight tinged of red that is not noticeable in the dark of night.
Hair Style/Length: past his shoulders down to his midsection
Hair Wear: none

Languages: English, French, German, Hungarian, and bits and pieces of the native languages that are apart of Terra.

Family/Relatives: What family that Uriel had left is now dead and gone from the world which has left him rather bitter sense he has obtained what he wanted for so long now. At the news from one of the Dead gods that his son had been slayed in battle by a wolf with certain ties to a certain family Uriel promptly destroyed the plan that he had help visiting. Upon arriving back in the real world he found his sons ashes and moved those to the graveyard within the city kept safe under lock and key.

Personality and Other Characteristics:

Overall Personality: Quick and decisive when the need arrives for such but rarely acts on his own unless a clear path has been set before him. Dark and secluded from the world at times Uriel will tend to stay away from others who he has no interests with.

Goals/Ambitions: To take what is rightfully his in the world.
Life's Ambition: To sit over the world known as Terra and keep it in eternal darkness.



Prized Possession (Emotional/Personal Value): Uriel has in his possession a timeless blade, a dagger some would call it, that has been at his side for the centuries that he has lived. This dagger is made of the refined ores of his homeland and the metal takes on the appearance and feel of mitheral. Besides that the dagger has a small depiction of a single tree upon its flat.
Prized Possession (Material Value): Uriel has two pistols which are a custom design all of his own which he calls the Gale Ordinance, or a GO-7, which has several customizable rounds that can be used depending on the situation at hand. Several of the different forms of rounds consist of Gale Rounds, Alchemical silver bullets, and for the special the Spark Mages. Each of these bullets has a specific effect and can be altered in advanced if the need arises. The Gale Rounds are effectively normal bullets just with Uriels insignia upon the butt end of the bullet and can only be modified slightly due to several design flaws in remaking the bullet due to the already heavily transmuted materials that are consumed upon making the Gale Rounds. The Alchemical Silver rounds are really special as they provide a warhead of silver dust that ignites in fire as soon as it hits its target; the silver still remains afterword as to leave a reminder on the person who was shot with the round as it leaves scars behind. Finally the Spark Mages round are something of a master piece as each round when fired gives off a large thunderous crack of raw energy for every shot fired.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Primary Weapon: His two GO-7’s
Secondary Weapon: His dagger which he keeps around his right ankle.

Side Weapons (Throwing knives, chains, and etc.): Uriel has come to a point in his new life that just carrying around three weapons does not have the same impact as it used to. Now the former vampiric lord keeps on his possession two “Gate Bound” sheaths, each sitting right above his two holsters for his pistols. The Gate Bound sheaths hold a number of daggers that materialize to his hands when he is in need a little extra help.

Racial Traits and Abilities

Gifted Strength
-Uriel when he drank from the blood of a fallen elven deity was granted his vampiric strength when he became human as It was a parting gift when Nimsirril allowed the vampire to feast from him when he was about to pass on into the Fray. The gift was passed on to Uriel when he learned of the gods knowledge as to the location of the book that he was seeking and in turn Uriel promised to give onto the elven deity a body as to roam Terra and seek out his people.
Gifted Speed
-During his journey into the realm of the dying gods Uriel needed to feed once more to stay tangible in order to continue his journey and came across a god of death who was taking up old souls in order to keep itself going. Uriel begged and pleaded and in turn when he grew to groveling and praising the creation before his eyes the being told his name to the vampire and allowed him to feed off from him to receive a blessing of his speed when he came to achieve what he wanted. This gift was granted onto him once he acquired the book and handed a page to the god of death. Now Uriel can move as fast if not faster than before when he was a vampire.
Granted Mortality
-When Uriel read from the book of truth he was granted the choice to become mortal once again and to walk among the humans he once fed from in order to have a normal life. Due to the power of the old tome Uriel sealed the pact he made and became a mortal man but found that he still held all of his life experiences and powers so long as he held onto a piece of the book.
Cursed Blood
-As when he was still a vampire Uriel can still learn information from the blood that he consumes but as a human drinking such things can make one sick.
Illusion Mastery
-Uriel in his undeath was a master of Illusion spells and as such was able to conjure the most complex maze to confuse the senses to the simplest things as creating a floating orb made of light.
Book of Truth
-The book of truth was torn into three halves, each containing some form of divine origin enhancing or aiding in some way. Uriel tore one half of the book as it contained the lore of magic and its original origin to a young wizard named Roy Cullens. He himself still has the other two halves consisting on the knowledge of godhood and another on the secrets of both life and death. Both are extremely useful and consist of text that are not only mixed in knowledge but can illuminate on other things.

Personal Background:

Work in progress I swear.

Prized Possession (Material Value): Uriel has two pistols which are a custom design all of his own which he calls the Gale Ordinance, or a GO-7, which has several customizable rounds that can be used depending on the situation at hand. Several of the different forms of rounds consist of Gale Rounds, Alchemical silver bullets, and for the special the Spark Mages. Each of these bullets has a specific effect and can be altered in advanced if the need arises. The Gale Rounds are effectively normal bullets just with Uriels insignia upon the butt end of the bullet and can only be modified slightly due to several design flaws in remaking the bullet due to the already heavily transmuted materials that are consumed upon making the Gale Rounds. The Alchemical Silver rounds are really special as they provide a warhead of silver dust that ignites in fire as soon as it hits its target; the silver still remains afterword as to leave a reminder on the person who was shot with the round as it leaves scars behind. Finally the Spark Mages round are something of a master piece as each round when fired gives off a large thunderous crack of raw energy for every shot fired.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Primary Weapon: His two GO-7’s
Secondary Weapon: His dagger which he keeps around his right ankle.

Side Weapons (Throwing knives, chains, and etc.): Uriel has come to a point in his new life that just carrying around three weapons does not have the same impact as it used to. Now the former vampiric lord keeps on his possession two “Gate Bound” sheaths, each sitting right above his two holsters for his pistols. The Gate Bound sheaths hold a number of daggers that materialize to his hands when he is in need a little extra help.

Racial Traits and Abilities

Gifted Strength
-Uriel when he drank from the blood of a fallen elven deity was granted his vampiric strength when he became human as It was a parting gift when Nimsirril allowed the vampire to feast from him when he was about to pass on into the Fray. The gift was passed on to Uriel when he learned of the gods knowledge as to the location of the book that he was seeking and in turn Uriel promised to give onto the elven deity a body as to roam Terra and seek out his people.
Gifted Speed
-During his journey into the realm of the dying gods Uriel needed to feed once more to stay tangible in order to continue his journey and came across a god of death who was taking up old souls in order to keep itself going. Uriel begged and pleaded and in turn when he grew to groveling and praising the creation before his eyes the being told his name to the vampire and allowed him to feed off from him to receive a blessing of his speed when he came to achieve what he wanted. This gift was granted onto him once he acquired the book and handed a page to the god of death. Now Uriel can move as fast if not faster than before when he was a vampire.
Granted Mortality
-When Uriel read from the book of truth he was granted the choice to become mortal once again and to walk among the humans he once fed from in order to have a normal life. Due to the power of the old tome Uriel sealed the pact he made and became a mortal man but found that he still held all of his life experiences and powers so long as he held onto a piece of the book.
Cursed Blood
-As when he was still a vampire Uriel can still learn information from the blood that he consumes but as a human drinking such things can make one sick.
Illusion Mastery
-Uriel in his undeath was a master of Illusion spells and as such was able to conjure the most complex maze to confuse the senses to the simplest things as creating a floating orb made of light.
Book of Truth
-The book of truth was torn into three halves, each containing some form of divine origin enhancing or aiding in some way. Uriel tore one half of the book as it contained the lore of magic and its original origin to a young wizard named Roy Cullens. He himself still has the other two halves consisting on the knowledge of godhood and another on the secrets of both life and death. Both are extremely useful and consist of text that are not only mixed in knowledge but can illuminate on other things.

Personal Background:

Work in progress I swear.

So begins...

Uriel Spencer's Story


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would look around still holding onto the picture only to begin to wonder on where the small child would have vanished to. He knew far to well that she was not safe and sleeping within her bed dreaming dreams that where already lost to himself and he also knew that she was not in the gardens of the city as she lived within the far reaches of the hills but her scent lead him here and he was shure that she was amongst the crowd.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would look at the women, her scent was not new to him but at this point he did not care. Uriel would begin to search her eyes only to shake his head at his chances of finding the poor child. "A relative, a child who I have been watching for some time has come to this city for reasons not known to me and I fear she may have something that can harm her."


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would watch the women only to then feel his hunger come back only to let himself lower his head as to hide his features within his hood. " Her name is Elizabeth, a child of only six and I do not know who or what brought her to this damned city. The only thing I know is that she possess a family heirloom and with it her life is in danger." Uriel would push the picture of her forward on the table. "She is here and this much I know."


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would walk into Gambits scenting the girl he was looking for only to look around and still not see her amongst the ilk known as the Patrons of Gambits. Uriel would step up to the bartender and remove a picture from his trench only to show the man. "Have you seen this girl as her life is in danger." The picture would be of a small child around the age of seven with dark curls of hair that fell down past her shoulders. Uriel would turn to look around the bar and her scent was strong but as much as he scaned the bar he could not find her. "Elizabeth, Elizabeth where are you?" Uriel would call out amongst the crowd of patrons within the bar.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would continue to look around for the child only to begin to feel his hunger begin to grow as he has not taken care of himself for weeks now trying to find this girl. Uriel would pull his hood even further to cover his facial features as to keep other from seeing his hunger as his eyes would continue to scan the bar for the small girl only to not see her amongst the crowd.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would suddenly walk into Gambits only to notice the situation at hand and would begin to smile. "Another of my kind trying to build up on a family, sad but something that I am not unaware of." Uriel would begin to reach for his pistols only to laugh as the fox child had a trick up his sleave that was most intertaining to watch.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would grip his two pistols only to suddenly remove them from their holsters and take aim with such speed as to fire two shots with his standard rounds from his guns at Terresa only to begin to rush the women with the intent to kill. "Sorry but I cannot allow another clan to subside me and my own family!" Uriel would begin to laugh like a manic man as he would suddenly jump up as he got closer only to let out two more shots from both pistols at the female vampire.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would suddenly land only to quickly unload his current layout of bullets to move up to his second tear of rounds only to stand still and take aim once again firing several rounds which when thay would make contact on or around the women they would ingnite in red flames.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
"A Legion?" Uriel would suddenly begin to laugh even more as he would take a step back and contineu to fire at the women taking several more shots before he would reload each of his pistols moving up to the final tear of ammunition that he had only to laugh. "I find your presence in this place to be, disturbing, these are my grounds and I will force you out!" Uriel would suddenly begin to run towards the women picking up some speed as he would take aim with a single pistol and fire a large thunderus crack of energy at the women. The streangth alone from the shot would be enough to push any being back andeven knock out a large beast in a single shot. "Let me show you the Ultimate Vampire!"


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would allowTerresato use her shield to give her the leverage needed to send him flying and with that she made the ultimate mistake and with that Uriel would fire several more shots at her back while in mid air.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would walk over to the women through the water and mist that filled Gambits and would point his pistols down upon her only to smirk. "Then you will suffer and burn for eternal glory then." Uriel would place two shots at the womens head and neck and another two at the womens heart and stomich.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would lower the pistols to his side seeing as the other of his kind had vanished but a new situation was at hand as the water that filled the bar was going to ruin his shoes. "Who in the hell brings this much water into a bar!" Uriel would holster his pistols only to then look around through the fog only to shake his head and take a seat upon the counter of the bar only to keep dry.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would look up from his spot at the counter and turn to see a dog enter the bar only to smile and lower his hand down to the ground floor only to call for the animal. Uriel could not rmemeber the last time that he had even been around a dog, or even seen one alive within the city but this one was something special. "Come." Uriel would call over the hound as if expecting it to obey his command.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would keep his hand low to the dog only to suddenly reach over to the animal and rub the dogs ears playfully. "You are a very handsome animal."


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would smile slightly allowing his fangs to show slightly only to let out a sigh. "A good dog indeed." Uriel would countinue to rub the dogs ears only to think for a second. "Are you hungry boy?"


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would smile at the dog only to stand up and get behind the counter and into the kitchen only to walk out with a small package of meat in hand in which he would open and place infront of the dog. "Enjoy my friend, it is on the house."


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would smile and as the dog would begin to place a paw upon his lap."You are a very interesting animal." Uriel would state as he looked at the dog only to begin to scratch behind the animals ears and would smile ever so slightly.


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would take note of the werewolf only to shrug the lesser beings pressence off from his presence only to laugh and look at the dog. "Relax boy this mongrel is no threat to me."


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would look at what the dog dropped only to reach down and read the name that was upon it. "Dashmic?"


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer would rub the dogs ears again only to shake his head. "So your name is Dashmic, what else are you hiding from me." Uriel would suddenly look at the welp of a werewolf who was now on the floor. "Typical beast."