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Wrathgar Shadowhide

"Break all of it down, Break down tha damn world, I'll rebuild it myself!"

0 · 522 views · located in Wing City Business District

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by duramon


Wrathgar Shadowhide


Full name: - Wrathgar Shadowhide
Alias/Nicknames: - Wrath
Gender: - Male
Species/Race: – Tindrani/Fenrian.
Nationality: – Rune
Birth Date: - 30/October/489
Age: - 47
Zodiac Sign: - Scorpio
Descendent(of): - Terral Súlfr, Syrah Súlfr
Current Residence: - The Broken Throne
Job/Profession: - Mercenary,Bandit, Leader of The Scarred Legion.
Title: - The War-Torn Wolf
Allegiance/Alignment: - Chaotic Neutral

Height: - 7ft 6"
Weight: - 180lb's
Build: - Heavily muscled
Eye Color: - Amber
Hair Color: - White
Handedness: - Ambi-dexterous
Skin Shade/Color: - White fur
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: - Large scar across left eye, Several large claw scars on right fore-arm and shoulder. Missing thumb and index finger of left hand and many sword scars across back.

Sexuality/Preference: - Straight
Relationship/Marital status: - None
Family/relatives: - One Brother. Felren Shadowhide
Sanity: - Insane
Friends: - None
Mental Skills: Strategist and expert trap maker.
Likes: - Balance, Power, Killing Humans.
Dislikes: - All Humes, "Good" people, "Bad" people.
Hobbies: - Making various traps.
Personality: – Find out via Role-Play.

Weapons: – Two large piercing claw's are attached to his gauntlets, One which is wide and has varying barb's and hooks along its length to catch weapons and the other which extends upward's and seems to be a Some-what Curved and hook covered blade. Both of the claw pieces can be covered in magical blue flames and various other elemental effects,aswell as having the ability to grow or shrink as Wrathgar sees fit.

Wrathgar also has a large battle-axe he occassionaly lugs into battle. The massive thing look's crystalline in nature and is a cyan blue, it seems to be a mix between a greataxe and a Great-maul and works to devastating effect. Hard to break but slow the weapon once broken can be used as an explosive with all of the various shard's impaling or sticking into the target and blowing apart with pure elemental and destructive power.
Combat Attire: – Ussually seen in simple leather pant's with a leather harness. Wrathgar don's heavy and well-made battle armour. The armour is black with varying sections and lined with Enchanted Gold to ward-off damage. The shoulderpads are hooked for catching enemy's weak blades and the armour comes complete with his claw weapons,a blood-red cape and various gems to ward off differing types of damage.
Accessories: – None
Miscellaneous: – Unknown

General/Preferred Style: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Hand-to-Hand: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Weapons Style: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Special Abilities: – Randomized/Unpredictable

Chant Magic: - Randomized/Unpredictable
Rune Magic: - Randomized/Unpredictable
Elemental Magic: - Randomized/Unpredictable
Psychic Magic: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Conjuring Magic: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Enchantment Magic: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Space/Time Magic: – Randomized/Unpredictable
Arcane Magic: - Randomized/Unpredictable

Relationship Status: – None
Family: – Living: Brother Deceased: Father,Mother and Sister
Known Languages: – English, Tindrani, Fenrian.
Proficiency(Affinity): – Trapping, Combat, Strategy.
Personal History/Background: - Hidden
Clans (Family Clan or Otherwise): - Shadowhide, The Scarred Legion.

So begins...

Wrathgar Shadowhide's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide Character Portrait: Stabby/ Chop Chop
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#, as written by duramon
For a moment a blur of dark-grey and gold could be seen across the frozen land-scape. A shimmer of armour atop a frozen pine followed by the clink of metal behind the clown. Finnally a voice sounded from seemingly everywhere at once.

"What bring's ya here?, Undead folk? If you're looking for a fight you've found one. You entered mah huntin' grounds. If you live,maybe you'll just get to call them you're own." It echoed, Followed by an animalistic Lion's roar as a pentagram of chain's tore through the snow. connected by hook's to the base of each tree,which had been expertly left alone to form the pentagram. Leaving the clown sitting in the middle as an aura of blood and the smell of brimstone filled the air.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide Character Portrait: Stabby/ Chop Chop
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A large smile was planted on the face of the clown, who after thinking, decided he'd call himself Stabby, as he turned quickly to meet the beast, Finally something to kill.

He stood up, the blades in his stomach clanking against each other, pulled a hook attached to a chain with each hand, and jumped on top of the nearest pine, landing with a heavy thud and jingling. "And just as I thought there'd be nothing to kill. Outstanding timing!" the clown shouted in pure excitement, throwing the hooks towards the wolf's face, holding onto the ends of the chains.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide Character Portrait: Stabby/ Chop Chop
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#, as written by duramon
The hook's simply clanged against part of the pentagram, just as a hail of ice shard's rained from above,followed by a pentagram shaped lightning rune rose up from below. A clank of metal sounded behind the clown, a distraction that could not have been anything but him standing there.

Or so it would seem, Moment's later before either the storm or the rune could reach the clown a green length of what seemed to be steel would be flying toward's what assumedly at this point would be the back of the undead thing's head. No hint of the weapon's arrival, it's wielder or even the flesh-rotting enchantment that had been placed upon it. An enchantment designed to poison and melt away the undead.

The roar sounded again, shaking the very tree's and the snow around the area with it's ferocity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide Character Portrait: Stabby/ Chop Chop
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Stabby turns around attempting to swing a heavy punch at his opponent,only to find that the beast wasn't there. Feeling a piece of metal pierce his head the undead clown attempt's to make a saving movement but stumbles at the last moment,as the enchantment erodes and tears apart his flesh. The rune and the hail of ice tearing apart his freakishly large body until nothing but a black-crystal is left. A crystal that simply thumps into the snow below.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
A wolf-like being seemed to meld into existence from the tree on the other side of what he had hoped to be a field of battle. One Clawed finger lightly tapping the chain attached to it as he strode over to stand before the crystal. The trap de-activating as each chain sunk back into the ground with a thud. Anyone nearby would have noticed the trap anyway,it was flashy once it went off after all,you'd have to be blind and deaf not to notice the thing. The trigger however,was a different story.

"Ye were a dissapointment fatso, But ye'll have yer uses. I know you're master and I've done my research, I'll have him fix yer undead arse up and make ya better. Then maybe ye'll be of damn use to me! Eh?, What'dya think of that ya idiot?" He yelled at the crystal that was now placed in his open palm. Laughing heartily as he teased the zombie clown. He knew the thing could hear him,this was not the first time he'd found one of these crystals, He'd already tracked them back from various other monstrosities to this Theodore Stein that seemed to make them and let them loose.

That man was going to make him an army. The clown was just another officer to be added to his rank's. The tree-shaking roar erupted from his maw once more, the soundwave blowing away and tearing apart the snow around him as he dissapeared once more in the blink of an eye. He would re-appear a shortwhile later in a far off place,with the little black crystal and it's creator. A good haul for a single trap.

The setting changes from The Frozen Pines to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
A terrifying roar rumbled down the bustling street. It's origin unknown as several spikes of metal began tearing through the large crowd that ussually inhabited the stretch of Wing City. Each of the four spikes had something unique about them, one was soaked in magical flames, The other sparking lightning through those nearby the wounded or dead. All of the pieces were far too long to have been carried here unnoticed,and yet here they were growing longer still as time passed and harming more of Wing City's residence.

The roar sounded once more as the spikes stopped moving,they had rebounded across various wall's and post's and formed a five-pointed star in the centre of the large street. Some form of a Wolf rising up from it's center. His grey and hooked armour glinting in the sun, the gold plating that rimmed the magnificent suit shining unnaturally bright for someone who had shown himself to be a creature of the dark.

The roar erupted from his maw again and the spikes continued their assault.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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A hand jerked out, trying to smack the flaming spike from the air to the ground, though the man behind the mitt wasn't hopeful. He was tall, herculean really, at six foot four with broad shoulders and a top heavy build like a body builder. He was a titan of man, and he looked unhappy at the violence that suddenly broke out. Down right miffed. Actually he was pretty scared, but he was putting on a tough face. This was like something he had never seen before.

Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan stood firm where others retreated, puffing out his purple jacket-clad chest and facing the appearing Wolf. "Hey, you!" he shouted, raising a hand and pointing, "Are you the one responsible for this?" He remained painfully aware of the carnage breaking out around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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Charles' pride was greater than his fear by far. His hand raised to point once more as he struck a firm pose with one foot forward. "I accept your challenge!" he called out in a booming voice, "And I will rise triumphant from this fight!" And with that he marched forward. Just a normal muscular dude about to try and punch it up with a demon wolf monster. Totally normal. No tricks up his sleeve whatsoever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
The beast turned to the one who had accepted his challenge. He arched his body backwards and unleashed another roar from his maw, before walking from his place in the pentagram,over one or two body's and a piece of rebounded spike to stand before the being. Cracking his knuckles and spreading apart his leg's to give him balance.

One hand beckoned for the man to make the first move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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"Get reaaady for some high impact maneuveeerrrrs!" Charles shouted as he broke into a charge forward with both hands raised, palms open and fingers curled, one hand slightly higher and one slightly lower both with a gesture towards the centre. It was the patented MacMillan technique, copywrite Charles MacMillan. He wasn't about to let some animal-guy stand him up in a fight!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
The beast hadn't been nicknamed Wrath for nothing. He did not move from his position as the grey tinge of his armour turned into an emerald green in an instant, The wolf himself moving his hand's forward to copy his opponents move. He intended for them to lock into a contest of strength, and with his armour strengthening and hardening his skin and muscles along with the strength he had gained from year's of fighting in the wars of his time. He had no intention's of letting this brute win.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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Unfortunately for 'Wrath', Charles wasn't about to jump into anything too stupid. He may have looked and talked like a generic muscle man, but where he excelled was in his fighting. High impact, low damage, all show all the time! So when he came to lock hands with his opponent, grip clenching down right he grinned, then suddenly dropped his entire weight backwards, looking to roll over his own shoulder, and toss Wrathgar up and over on one foot. It would be a mostly harmless manuever if it worked, at worst causing the wolf demon to hit the ground hard after being thrown.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
The wolf growled as he felt himself begin to be lifted off of the ground,He would be thrown alright but not without any resistance. Whilst the two were still locked by their hand's Wrath would unleash a little surprise on his opponent. Two metal spikes each with a green tint. A tint that hinted at poison. Would launch rapidly through his gauntlet's and more then likely into his opponents hands, Unfortunately also more then likely he would pierce his own hand in doing so but atleast he had the antidote.

"Time to play big man!" He would roar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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Charles let out a cry of pain as his hand was pierced with two spikes, jerking away in a roll and quickly scrambling to his feet to check the wound. "Whatever happened to the purity of unarmed combat?" he demanded, wincing at the blood dribbling from his hand. He had no idea about the poison. "You are an opponent with no honour, and I'm going to take you down" He was taking this opportunity to talk, because if there was one thing he loved to do in the middle of a fight, it was talk. It went back to his wrestling background.

"I'm going to lay down the Crunch on you!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
The wolf crossed his hand's across his chest and snorted. Staring down his opponent as he talked of honour.

"Honour doesn't win fights or save yer city. It get's ye killed and then no matter how honourable ye were you've done nothin but be another corpse for the pile. Another body for them to mourn over if they even live. Yer honour is useless. So bring it on ya sack of meat." He taunted, The spikes retracting back into his gauntlets with a thunk as he raised his fist's once more,the spike coated in lightning rebounding off a nearby wall and flying towards his opponents back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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Oh now that was it. This guy wanted to play bad guy? He was going to get all that came with it! "I'm about to lay down the smackdown on your ignoble asshole. There will be beating like you never imagined!" And with that he charged, well aware aware of the incoming lightning behind him. Half way into his charge, though, something changed. Charles next footfall was very very heavy, the ground practically cracking beneath his feet as his flesh suddenly turned solid.

Solid stone, that is.

His clothes ripped and tore as his muscles suddenly seemed a little bigger and Charles went from being two hundred pounds to eight hundred. A solid stone man, rushing forward to engage Wrathgar. But despite his sudden surge to superhuman levels of strength, he still wasn't about to start throwing punches. In fact, if anything his defensive, showy, throwing style of fighting was still in play as he looked to bullrush Wrathgar and bait out a counter-strike from a limb so he could grab it and throw the demon wolf for a wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Darien Blackdagger Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Arya's Seraphim carrier flew close to the ground, whipping about dirt, old newspapers and just about everything people left when they began to run from the cybernetic zombie horde that had descended on main street not long ago. Not only was that, but now apparently a battle between people with superpowers had broken out.

"On that roof!" Arya yelled, rushing to the cockpit to point the pilot in the right direction. A large group of people had taken refuge on the roof of nearby apartment building, it was likely that the building itself was overrun or falling apart due to the fighting on the street.

The helicopter approached the roof, Arya, a few Invictus Elites and a few NPA Enforcers on board reaching out to pull as many people as they could inside. "How many left?" The pilot asked, "Just a few more." An Invictus soldier answered, but as that same soldier turned to grab what he thought was an injured woman he was met with the face of one of the mindless killers.

"Shit!" The soldier shouted, reaching for the revolver on his hip. Before he raise it up the cybernetic zombie was pouncing him. The gun went off, bullet slamming into the back of the helicopter pilot. The pilot, also being an NPA Enforcer, was armored, but the pain he felt only for that moment caused him to jerk his body and lose control of the helicopter.

The helicopter spun around, it's back end clipping a building. Again it spun, the pilot trying to take control once more. But, the damage was done. The helicopter was spiraling out of control, coming down towards Charles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Dante Romero Character Portrait: Charles 'Crunch' MacMillan Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
The wolf had somewhat ignored the horde for now, Infact he had been so enamoured with his own murdering and fun that he hadn't even noticed them. Although the helicopter caught his eye,it was alot harder to ignore a falling aircraft then it was to ignore a shambling horde apparently.

The wolf let out a high-pitched whistle and leaped back as far as he could with his nimble feet. Summoning two clockwork giant golem's from the ground as back-up. Another two monstrosity's to join what was becoming quite the party, or to atleast be a shield from the incoming helicopter and stone man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Draco of the Shadows Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Darien Blackdagger Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

The shadows of the area started to quiver as something moved through them. Soon a Dragon appeared from the shadows on top of a nearby building that seemed to be safe enough for the time being. Not that he couldn't handle his own. He wasn't weak, he wasn't completely all that strong either, but he was strong enough to defend himself when necessary. And to him that was enough to give him some sort of peace of mind, if only a little.

Scales as black as night, eyes a dark forest green, Draco of the Shadows had arrived to the scene and looked at what was happening with a cautious curiosity. Some of his attention was towards the Horde of Androids who were fighting the local militia/police/etc. while another small portion of his attention were on the giant metal flying things that he was not familiar with, and finally, the rest of his attention was on the battle between some sort of wolf and stone man. They seemed to be the bigger threat here.

Of course, one couldn't truly blame him for thinking that way, he was over a few million years old (most of that time spent dead) and felt like he could take on the entire world. But that was not his intention, not in the slightest. He was merely observing at the moment.

"I simply can't understand the reason why humans are always trying to either kill each other, or other races, or why other races are doing the same." he thought aloud to himself. "I know Dragon's are no exception, but still, other races, (humans especially from my own experience) just love killing each other." he finished his thoughts with that for the moment, looking around the scene again.

He would not help anyone unless asked, this was not his fight. He turned and headed for the nearest shadow big enough for him to use on the roof. When he got to it, he disappeared within it, and reappeared on another build nearby that seemed much more stable than the one he was previously on. He flapped his wings gently to stretch them out, and his tail twitched behind him. He felt...something odd about this place. This city, it felt off. He had always felt it, but it was stronger than before this time. Though that was probably the air being disturbed due to the Seraphim carrier flying so close to the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
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#, as written by duramon
The wolf gave a mocking salute to the rest of the fighters,even to his dear dim-witted stone friend. Melding into the floor as he whistled a happy folk-tune. He would be heading to where the bunch of these thing's were thickest. Where he could smell these stupid things pouring out from, His giant golem's would stay behind, thumping large metal fists into groups of zombies like the brainless pieces of junk they were.

The golem's completely ignored their masters foe and even the helicopter that had gone down, simply hammering fist's and stomping iron legs ontop of the horde. Eventually the first was pulled to the ground by sheer number's,torn apart and turned into nothing but scrap as the other fought on oblivous. From a nearby roof a few of them had begun jumping at the golem,one or two finding purchase and tearing out the giants core,its head. The body thumped to the ground heavily, these cyborgs could seemingly even take out the iron giants with their sheer numbers.