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Yodjryn Akeri

Lead researcher aboard the Void-Seeker science vessel "Endless Horizons".

0 · 361 views · located in The Black Cube

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Questionable Object

So begins...

Yodjryn Akeri's Story


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Character Portrait: Aegero Hissania Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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Aegero grunted in surprise as Artemis spoke up but remained silent as he spoke, finally saying when he finished to someone elsewhere around, "Contact the Dios Narda and tell them the Endless Horizons is cleared for Phasing." He cleared his throat again, talking directly to Artemis. "Well I guess that's useful to know though our initial scans of your vessels gave us the impression you're not exactly inclined towards the Magical natures, perhaps our own Divine and Arcane techniques may shed some light on the nature of this device... Though the hollow nature of it is concerning... We don't exactly have a good history with massive ominous boxes..." He grumbled something in his own language before speaking again in an understandable language. "And nay, friend, this old enemy is of no concern to you, they are contained upon a blasted and war torn world and we are closing the noose on them quickly. They will be no ones concern soon enough." He said this with a sense of conviction in his voice.
He spoke once more as the dark orb the small formation of ships was hovering around sparked brightly, flashing.
"Ah! The Endless Horizons has arrived, right on time."

A great blue disk, the same as the ones that had heralded the arrival of the other ships formed beside their formation though this one dwarfed even the largest of them, the disk lowering to reveal a massive interlocking set of domed platforms and colossal struts and girders holding orbiting spheres of steel and fixed disks with dark spires rising from them, all built around a black orb, grey and purple lightning arcing constantly over its surface, an incandescent purple shield wrapped around the dark sphere with several large struts running from the complex structure to the shield.
This ship was more of a monstrous space station than anything else.
"This is Yodjryn Akeri, lead researcher of the Endless Horizons Void-Seeker, at your service." A germanic and feminine voice spoke into the connection between Aegero and Artemis. "I appreciate you allowing us to bring our vessel to this mystery of the cosmos."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aegero Hissania Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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The Pandorians began organizing another, unused part of the massive Space Station built around the cube to have use. "All right, then. We are organizing some space for your work. In the mean time, I will get you up to date....". In the mean time, Raelora made a request back to high command for more resources and more military vessels.

The setting changes from The Black Cube to Corridor D


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Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri
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The setting changes from Corridor D to The Black Cube


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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The Aeon vessels lazily flew towards the massive cube, the various purple crystals glowing brightly as they moved, the smaller vessels leaving behind long contrails as the military craft flew in formation around the colossal void-seeker as it moved itself in position next to the Pandorian space station.
"I should warn you," Yodjryn spoke up on the open channel. "There'll be a few more Void-Vessels coming through the Phase Anchor shortly, purely logistical vessels I assure you, just supply ships so we can set up operations with you properly, also we won't be able to commit all of our resources until we have confirmation of approval from one of the Dios Narda. Bureaucracy and all that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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"Yeah. But without all that, you could have the rise of a Dictator" Artemis noted, and informed the station of the new arrivals. In the mean time, he began having them be caught up on everything they found, including the symbols that do not match any language of any race. And the fact it exists on every plane of existence in the exact same spot. The Station built around it might have been a giant city, with some space and then the cube at its epicenter. Thought, it did not actually engulf it, as you could still access the cube easily from space.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Giselle Monroe Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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Artemis looked back at Giselle. "Sorry, apparently, a giant fleet just phased in out of nowhere. Anyways, now...." Thats when he realized something. "Do you usually randomly teleport to Space Stations, or the middle of space? Ever?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aegero Hissania Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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"Nay we do not usually teleport to random space stations." Aegero replied. "Only to those that are exceptionally noisy and house impenetrable puzzle boxes of cosmic mystery..." He chuckled quietly as more ships of similar design to the Void-Seeker though considerably smaller, a few of which seemed to be comprised solely of interconnected domes filled with all manner of greenery, entire forests suspended in their bubbles. "But alas I must make my way back to the rest of the fleet... From what we can tell we cannot spare a single ship for this particular excursion though we will be sending a few other military vessels to babysit the Endless Horizons.... For security reasons..."
Although Aegero was not visible, a smile could be heard in his voice as he spoke. "Anyway, I bid you farewell, friend." And with that his ship and those escorting it was engulfed once more in a pair of intricate blue disks from the top and bottom, rising and lowering to meet in the middle, the ships completely disappearing from view.

"Well..." Yodjryn spoke up as the Void-Seeker began to orbit the cube slowly. "Any particularly important information we should know about this thing before we start prodding it? I don't think we want it to start prodding back, yes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aegero Hissania Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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"As far as we know, it has no way of harming us. But those countermeasures may just be waiting for someone to crack the first layer. Additionally, it seems unaffected by all forms of weaponry. So, we better hope it won't attack us...".

"Oh, and there are unknown symbols on one side of it, and just one side. They don't translate into anything, because apparently they are not in any known, or unknown, language. And it exists in every dimension and plane in the exact same spot. Anything else you need to know?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron
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Yodjryn hummed to herself as Artemis spoke, hrming as he finished. "No I think that is all for now... Though I can't help but note that the substance that this cube is made of seems very similar to something we are familiar with..." There was a slight static and the sound of footfalls and the background noise changed slowly, sounding like Yodjryn was walking with the transmitter in her hand. "Its an odd substance found in Negative Energy Planes known as Voidstone, immensely durable, absorbs almost all energies that come in contact with it, looks like perfect, reflectionless obsidian when observed... Its basically as far as we can tell, nothingness compressed into a solid form, extremely rare. If this cube is made of Voidstone of all things... Then I really feel like what ever's in there might very well not be meant to be revealed..." She cleared her throat and the sound of footsteps came to a stop, a slight hiss in the background noise of hydraulics. "Someone or something went to an awful lot of trouble to make whatever this is... Whether it be a prison, a gateway, a library... Or a weapon..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron Character Portrait: Daravis Gervana
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"Very good, perhaps send some of your scientists over, so we can use our join forces to figure this out faster" he noted, then opening a channel to one of his scientists, a codebreaker, telling him to get onto the channel. "Now, unfortunately, I have a big event to deal with, so I will need to go, but I will have one of my top scientists, and an expert Codebreaker. Daravis, your online..."

Daravis was connected now, and asked "Have you ever seen these symbols before?" He showed them unfamiliar, archaic scribbles, that might have been written by someone with bad handwriting and then moshed together to make it some unintelligible scribble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Artemis Bayron Character Portrait: Daravis Gervana
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Yodjryn hummed thoughtfully, speaking a moment in her own language to someone off screen, who replied quietly, sounding confused. Yodjryn simply shook her head and all but glared at the symbols. "Some of these seem... Almost familiar....Both to our own language and several other languages... Mostly old languages. But I assume you were already aware of that... However..." She pointed at a particular character near the side. "That is a rune often used in binding spells, though on its own it doesn't really do anything but with other runes of the sort it could be used for any variety of magical binds..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Daravis Gervana
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"Hmm, maybe..." Daravis noted, listening what he said. "Both of your own and several others. Heh. Like one big language soup mashed together..." However, that's when he thought of something. "Wait, that's it! I got it!" He quickly ran to his computer, and brought up the full picture of the symbols, writing a completely new program from scratch in a matter of minutes. He then began running it on the symbols.

At first, nothing happened. Then, slowly, parts of the symbols were taken out. These parts were actual words, letters, and symbols. But it was more then that. Each word was written in a different language, or multiple languages, but all of them known. It was not written in one language.

It was written in EVERY language!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yodjryn Akeri Character Portrait: Daravis Gervana
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Yodjryn strode along one of the many hallways of the orbital ring surrounding The Black Cube, a heavy, tanned leather coat covering most of her body, a large bag slung over her shoulder, the weight of its contents forcing her to lean slightly to one side as she walked, a hand being occupied by a pane of crystal mounted on a portable mana point, the large metal cylinder glowing softly with a soft pinkish light and the other hand scratching at the green tinted skin of her cheek before pushing a lock of auburn hair that refused to stay in her pony-tail behind her ear.

The scientist strode into one of the laboratories, placing her bag on a free counter and giving it a pat as she unslung it from her shoulder and placing the Info-Pad down next to the bag then walked over to the viewing port in the room, leaning close to the thick glass to peer at the gibberish flowing over the immense polygon suspended in space.

"So..." She began in her thick accent as she returned to her bag and began unpacking several items from within it, everything from a large box of chalk sticks to a rather bizarre copper microscope. "Any new developments on this cosmic anomaly of yours or is it still making out to be the biggest and most complicated puzzle box ever conceived?" The Aeon gave the younger Pandorian an appraising look, here almost black irises making here pupils look far larger than seemed natural.