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Yun Yun

Variant #47458

0 · 157 views · located in Kazzei Plains Force Temple

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


*NOTE: "Timelock" is the TVA term for "update"

So begins...

Yun Yun's Story


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Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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#, as written by Awinita
The alley was a long one, and parts of it overshadowed by gantries and pedestrian bridges. A door opened and a woman left what looked to be the back of a yoga studio, but then again in the low light it could have been the back of a casino, or even some place else. It didnt matter.

Her stomach growled, Yun Yun sighed, it had been only a day or so since she had found a place that didnt ask questions to her apeparance or method of money. or for that matter why she wanted a room that overlooked an alley path. And she still hadnt found a decent place to eat.

She went down the alley, passing an occasional bum or two who resided on the street, a few groups of people were passed by too. She had no idea someone, or rather several someones were tracking her, she had no idea who was tracking her or why. She only knew one main thing.

She was hungry.

She was somehow a danger to many others, but she was hungry. the less she spoke to someone the more chance she could get away from who was tracking her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

Blending in...that was one of the core tenants of being an assassin. You needed to know how to dissapear. Using that logic, you needed to also know how to spot someone who is trying to blend in. Zii always excelled at that.

The random person walking by, the little girl pickpocketing the couple who passed by, the yoga studio student who is cheating on her husband and always leaving at the same time of night...Zii clocked it all, eerily familiar with the happenings of the night.

She noticed a peculiar person with seemingly haggard steps, defintely slower and messier as a person trying to be inconspicuous. Zii moved with silent steps, using a technique to step so that she quickly moved nearby this person. Within at least 60 ft. She could clock the appearance alot better. She could even hear the stomach of this lady growling.


Upon closer inspection, Zii noticed this person observing around ever so subtly. Zii knew this was a great opportunity. She quickened her step to approach the quite pretty looking stranger dressed similar to herself.

"Hello. Im Zii. You got a min?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
She came to a fast halt as Zii spoke. unsure of what to do, Zii was the first or rather third person that day to speak to her, most people she had seen or tried to speak to her soon quickly left her alone, as if there was something off about her.

But as she turned as Zii spoke, Yun Yun got a good look at the other woman. Her stomach growled and yet something about Zii put her off, and yet, felt somehow the same ? Looking at Zii she saw that their clothing was similar, but not identical, where Zii had accents of green, Yun Yun had small accents of pale white. but otherwise was wearing nothing but black.

Yun Yun had to play it safe, so she said somewhat stiffly, "Maybe,.." It was mostly true, she did have a minute, all too many of them, but she was also hungry, so food was first order. Her stomach growled again.

With that she said "Perhaps this can be asked over a meal ?" She suggested, pointing towards the nearby Solarian diner that had a entry into the alley, they sold rather good food there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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Zii was thrilled but didn't show it. She now had exactly what was needed in order to make the gig work in her absolute best favor. Someone to blend in with. Only this time, instead of the blending being done with a co-worker, it's a total stranger. To be honest, she always felt this was far more fun and fairly more efficient as a means to make disguises work for herself. She like talking to people and helping strangers anyway. That's what got her master to pick her up as a protege in the first place. Zii smiled at the stranger and pointed towards the wall right beside the door to the back entrance of the restaurant that was suggested to her.

"Well of course, however if we are going to into here from the back...we have to use the special entrance for the Unseen VVIP's."

Zii sauntered over the wall next the door, and whispered in a runic language that left a subtle sickly green glow in the air, escaping from her mouth and then floating to the wall. The wall shimmered subtly in the shifting lights of the alley. A breeze started to flow subtly from the wall, followed by the savory scent of food.

"Follow me."

Zii began to walk into the secret entrance. The hallway to the restaurant was lined with soft glowing crystals that were red and orange and gold. They floated in a retro looking sconce that seemed to pay homage to a bygone era. IT was alluring, juxtaposed the modern looking art that covered the wallpaper in a seamless way. The art moved and changed and shifted. Beautiful scenic picturesque portrayals of castles in highlands. Breezes of wonderful flowers and trees as the seasons shifted from moment to moment. Crashing waves on the coast of a beach. Modern flying ships across vast seas and deserts. With each step, they saw another wonder, until finally greeted at the end of the hallway by a short stature woman who was dressed in a red and gold hostess outfit. Elegantly inlayed with what looked like quarts across her neckline and earrings made of beautiful ruby. She greeted the two with a bow.

"Welcome to Solarian Fusian, where the wildest dishes come in the simplest forms. Zii, I see you brought a guest this time. Surely you would like the middle table nearest your mark?"

Zii's eyes twitched as she looked at her old friend, the nametag reading "Traysie" in embroidered quartz.

"Yes, and the usual should be sent as well. Advance over some bread to my table alongside half a dozen turtle avocado rolls please."

"Of course Madam Zii, I will always be honored to serve you. Lydia will guide you upstairs and to your table." Traysie smiled ever more brightly than before and gestured to move past the curtain that obscured the main room. A nice lady in similar height and beauty awaited them just past.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Well, there was little if any sense of walking through the front door if one didnt want to be known. Yun Yun had no idea whatsoever that there was a back way into the place. So when Zii said to follow her, she looked both ways up and down the alley, she didnt see anyone. she stepped into the secret entry behind Zii

the interior was unlike anything she expected either. she was taking it all in when Zii and another woman spoke. Turning towards Traysie, whose name she couldnt understand as written, Yun Yun suddenly found herself wishing she had kept her original clothing.

Table nearest her mark ? Yun Yun briefly wondered, she then mentally shook her head, it was not her place really. but the smell of foodwas overwhelming and Zii as she had introduced herself, had agreed to her talk over a meal offer. but it seemed that Zii was paying.

As it was, Yun Yun herself was flat broke. Well, she did have a handful of whatever money she had back in the Jie Ma Empire. but she wasnt sure if gold translated that easily here ?

Turtle what ? Yun Yun then thought. Looking from Traysie to Zii, while still unable to read the formers name, she wasnt in that place long enough to learn the language really. There was confusion clear in her face, she wouldnt mind some sort of noodles to be sent either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

The two were lead through a huge and gorgeous dining arena. It was sectioned off with bamboo and glass here and there. There was also what was clearly different incantations that enchanted the materials of these barriers, because sound would penetrate certain areas and in specific directions, but not others. Walking past one stall, it was opaque on one side but moving a certain angle away, either visible or invisible. Truly a wonderous display of craftsmanship to create privacy and aesthetic. Floating crystals and wax candles danced about the hall in the air well above the guests, and wind would be felt chilling and ventilating the entire establishment.

They rounded about into a staircase that led above into a more quite area where the more important guests were. A table in the middle of a yin-yang formation of tables was empty. With bread, butter, gochujang/balsamic/fish sauce mix all ready and waiting. There was a server who was already waiting with water and what seemed to be a bottle of alcohol. Zii sat as the hostess walked away with a bow, and before she could get a word out...

"Two orders of Solarian Pasta with fish, beef and veggies are on the way in 5 mins. Your choice of high valley grain rice wine is already here and of course, infused water." the waitress stated before pour two glasses of water and two glasses of the wine, before curtsying and leaving.

A barrier of glass went up as the waitress moved out of the space, and everything went eerily quite as Zii looked her stranger/friend in the eyes. Deeply gazing with a smile. The entire scenery shifted to what looked like and outdoor area with an open air stall a few feet away. A chef spotted Zii and tossed what looked like fresh pasta into a pan, preparing their dish. She asked:

"So, what's you story...or rather, what's your name?" She dipped some bread in the sauce and bit it whilst waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The smell of the cooking handmade pasta filled her nose, and briefly made Yun Yun shiver in excitement. the wine was something she hadnt had in weeks, it smelled so familar and reminded her of home. But, given the state and design of the place, it made Yun Yun feel severely under dressed, and yet Zii acted that it didnt matter. The people here knew her and therefore dress code apparently went out the window.

Snagging a pair of chopstyicks, it was her preferred way of eating pasta, she used the chopsticks effortlessly, like an inherent skill really. She speared some bread and dipped it after Zii had, and was about to stick the tantalising morsel into her mouth when Zii asked her question.

It made the former Sect Master pause, she at first did not know how to reply. But then she said, "Do you always begin conversations this way ?" But then it was true, Zii was asking her name, in a manner of speaking. She forked the piece of bread into her mouth and briefly let it linger before chewing and swallowing. Finally saying after a minute of quiet. "Yun Zhi" she said, using her typical most common alias she was used to using outside the Yunlan sect, which was also known as the Faction of Mysty Clouds, Which had been disbanded for nearly two months. "My name is Yun Zhi"

Now came the story, that was complkicated because she didnt quite remember.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

Zii knew that this was a conversation that required a bit of grace, given the forlorn look on Yun's face once answering the question. Actually, even before that, the look of nostalgia at the rice wine...she seemed to linger on it before going after the bread with chopsticks.

"Well, only for the special folks of interests do I care to go to such lengths. With that sort of suspicion, you must have had it need for long words Yun. I can sorta guess where you might be from. This world attracts many of those who are lost or just looking, from all over the multiverse. You must be from an old empire given that accent and grace with the sticks there."

Zii gives a look to the left as a waitress comes by to promptly place two plates with duel rows of the pre-mentioned rolls. They smell decadent and sweet with a hint of fresh fried pastry. Two divine and succulent looking sauces came with it, giving hints on an onion varietal alongside a spiced note, at the tip of the nose. Zii grabbed her chopsticks and dipped before crunching down.

"Look, I'm here on a mission. I can't disclose what it is, but I can say this. Before this meal is over, somebody is going to die and I'm going to move very fast to disappear. So, you don't have to tell me your full story now. But you'll need to move fast with me, or simply go back to running from whatever seemed to be chasing you..."

Zii looked to her right this time, spotting her prey, but the chef indicated at her from the same direction. A perfect masking of her gaze. He starts finishing the preparation of their dishes. Zii finishes chewing and then polishes off two more rolls and sips the wine, allowing just enough time for Yun to think and respond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Yun Yun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
She had it rough indeed, she merely snickered softly in response. Another few seconds of quiet eating was had before she simply said. "I was raised in the Jie Ma Empire. After my sect was disbanded I chose to leave it on my own." She had been planning only to leave the Jie Ma Empire, maybe find a place to settle down and not have to constantly worry of blood fueds.

A mission ? She wondered, she give a brief sigh and sat up at the table. "That is just it. I do not know exactly what it is, or who it is, that I am running from, or why." She said truthfully. She had no idea who Hunter C-21 was, or why he was so adamant at the time to capture her when they briefly fought on that shuttle at the spaceport.Customs came to her rescue at that point.

It was the mention then of the Mission, someone was to to die before their meal was over ? But she was starving and had no way to pay for her food! "You're an Assassin ? One of theirs ?" Meaning the guy, Hunter C-21's people; the turtle rolls arrived. Those looked good.

Finally it was time to taste the wine, wine she hadnt had in weeks. As their waitress left their table she also couldsmell the pasta cooking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

The tall figure, each step muffled and deliberate, emerged through the doorway and now stood erect in the open air. With hands casually clasped behind his back, he strolled forward with an unwavering rhythm. The gathering of people, perhaps a few vagrants, instinctively made way for the peculiar man-like form, their eyes briefly meeting the enigmatic gaze from his vague eyes.

"This reality... is divided into classes. There are those who possess much, and those who possess little. The latter is kept low, and the former strive to maintain their elevated status at all costs," he mused aloud, his voice carrying a detached contemplation. "Not like the wandering sands, where all are made low. Curious," he remarked further. OttO continued to move forward, a silhouette of peculiar grace against the backdrop of the mundane world, a transient visitor from realms that defied the conventional order.

He extended his hand, brushing it against seemingly empty air, revealing to his discerning eyes a series of silvery cracks that extended in a single direction. A realization struck him—a trail, a path leading towards a... now what is it called? With a momentary pause, his gaze settled on a man in worn clothes sitting against the alley wall. Kneeling before the man, OttO loomed over him. The man, clutching a cup with a few curious coins, trembled and dropped it as the vague eyes of the masked figure bore into him.

"Alms, is it?" OttO inquired with unwavering calm, tilting his head. The man, gripped by panic, could only offer incoherent utterances. OttO delved into his bag, rattling something in his right hand before seizing the man's wrist with his left and pulled him forward. An unseen and silent exchange transpired, the man felt something had... left him. OttO then placed something in the man's hand before releasing him. "Ah, yes, a diner, thank you. For your troubles, I think, will benefit you well."

With that, OttO departed, leaving the man exhaling the breath he had unknowingly been holding this whole time. Peering into his hand, the man discovered a marvel—a violet light emanated from three uncut purple gems, warm to the touch and radiating their own unique energy. Jewels formed from beyond the confines of the ordinary, and, for as much as he cared, seemed quite valuable.

Resuming his poised stride, OttO stood just outside the Solarian diner. Another wave of his hand, and he peered through the cracks in time, confirming that they indeed originated from within the establishment. The subtle dance of silvery fractures unfolded before his discerning eyes, weaving a tapestry of temporal irregularities that beckoned him. Fascinating, I must make sure this phenomena is... nurtured, not halted, he thought to himself. He then looked over his shoulder, sensing an unseen observer. Surely they haven't already— no no, it is far too soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

Zii munched on the rolls as she contemplated the information she just received. It's one thing to be on the run and not know who is chasing you. It's whole other thing to be on the run and from a great empire. Even so, it's still pretty common in these parts. This is the place for waywards, princes and princess; they were all the kinds of folks that roll through here. So Zii was fairly disappointed to find out such a tired story. Well, maybe not SO tired of a story, given the peculiar aura Yun gave off. It was effervescent and ethereal, something a bit beyond her level complete expertise. But Zii knew enough from her master and his magical friends to know that there was few points of discovery to make concerning Yun's origins.

"Jie Ma Empire huh? I've never been, but I know a few who are intimately familiar with it. They love to boast about the qi-refining techniques or the stupid medicinal pills they have to digest. It all feels inefficient to me."

Zii snapped her fingers, and a bright green orb of energy made a small pop, as it sparked in and out of existence right above her fingers. This let out a brief wave of energy that was only noticeable to the most extremely perceptive types of magic wielders. She set up and ignited about 5 different types of magic in that instant.

"I reaaaally like efficiency. Hence all the set-up it took for me to do that just now. Finish your food quickly now, for the job should be done once I confirm everything in 5 mins."

She waited a beat, snacked on the last turtle avocado roll that was on her side, and the wait staff promptly subbed out her plate with the pasta dish. They set aside Yun's portion too, even though she was eating much slower for such a starved person. Zii nodded at the chef, as the chef threw a thumbs up and bigger smile than before, at Zii. The waitress who replaced the dishes watched the exchange and before leaving, curtsied at Zii.

"The bill is taken care of, thank you for your continued patronage and work, Zii." the waitress said in a seductive voice, clearly indicating her crush on Zii.

Zii smirked at the waitress and looked back in the chef's direction. She saw the silhouette of bodies moving just beyond him. She could see that her task was done, far more easily this time than usual. Nothing went wrong with the pre-setup triggering of spells, enchantments, and runes. So, she decided to check just by triggering the detection rune that is attached to the very building itself and would give her the chance to scope out any weird energies and secure her escape route.

That's when it happened...she sensed the most out of place anomaly she ever sensed in her 300+ years on the planet. It was like sensing a void in space where it shouldn't be. It even moved, and it was headed to the establishment. Zii played it calm. She knew that something like that always had a reasonable explanation and usually was followed closely by her master's freind. Or at least the clone of that friend. Either way, she didn't have to worry. She just needed to finish the job by leaving and securing her own safety.

"Listen, if you want to come with me, it'll likely be safer than whatever you are doing right now. Plus, maybe you can help me sleep for once by telling stories of how some kid surpassed all of his seniors in less than 20 years of cultivation. Haha!" Zii laughed as she crossed her legs, looking more relaxed than ever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

Heralding continued to view from a distance away, between the dimensions. He was curious about what this being had to offer upon this word. But he didn't expect to witness the remarkable way in which it navigates the alley and the language so...naturally. People carved a path for it, and they made way for it, in a trance. Almost out of primordial fear or unseen higher reasoning. It was worth following this being quietly. Heralding made note of its speech and mannerisms as it navigated the vagrant on the street of the alley. Eventually pivoting towards the hidden underground Solarian Fusion restaurant. Truly one of his favorite places, because he helped to fund and design bits of it.

Heralding watched the being stare at the back entrance for the VVIP, seemingly knowing exactly where the exclusive need-to-know entrance is. Now that was baffling. The only ones who could see through that veil should be upper dimensional beings with a natural ability to see through forces of nature itself. Which says something about its innate build and genetic make-up.

"How very curious..."

At this point, Heralding wanted to meet more of these beings. But that thought came to a halt when he noticed fluctuations of magics being triggered. Given the low vibrational density of those spells, he could vaguely guess what was happening. But the true worry came when he felt the vibrations of detection magic following up 5 mins or so later. He could deduce at that point that something wasn't quite right. Especially given the trace of magic having the innate signature of Zii. She always had a light and cautious touch when it came to magic deployment, so he expects her to be able to sense the being. Even if she likely cannot tell what it is. He would stick close in case his help was needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Yun Yun tried to keep her emotions in check as Zii said she knew of the Jie Ma empire. She was about to reply and mentioned that she had chosen to leave of her own free will when her speaking of others knowing about it and boasting about their abilities and how ineffcient it was. Yun Yun went oddly thoughtfully quiet. How to explain it without sounding like a prude.

Or worse, a Jie Ma instructor ?

As their main dish was presented to the table, Yun Yun dug in, not like a ravonus starved woman, no, she was refined and she wouldnt let her starvation get the best of her. That said, she had to eat quickly, she had no idea how time worked. Five minutes was normally a turn of the hourglass.

she swallowed and observed, with some interest as Zii produced her magical ability, briefly she thought of doing the same thing. Instead she refrained from giving herself away. If that damned man tracked her as far as the spaceport, it meant he knewshe was somewhere in the city itself.

She saw Zii suddenly briefly go stiff as her senses went off. Yun Yun was about to ask if Zii was alright when she felt it too. she put up a few more mental defenses.

She finished a bite of the really good pasta, and was taking a sip of her wine when Zii spoke to her about going with her. It was a good offer to do such a-- gerk Suddenly Yun Yun choked briefly on her wine. Xiao Yan ? After a brief coughing fit that lasted a few seconds, Yun Yun managed a soft almost as if in a dream, question.

"How do you know of Xiao Yan ?" Just thinking about him made her giddy. And yet she had chosen to leave the Jie Ma Empire to continue her own cultivation. Instead.... well, stuff came up and suddenly she was here. whereever here was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows who Xiao Yan is, if they have any care about historical chinese fiction. This kinda story was pretty typical in Douluo Dalu, and Wu Dang Qian Kun, or The Great Ruler. But again...never visited any of them. Although, The Great Desolute Empire sounded nice in its time when I read about it."

Zii shook her head whilst shrugging, hinting at possibilities. She polished off her pasta after that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Yun Yun simply looked at Zii in confusion, what in the world did she mean by that ? Nothing of what Zii spoke of made any sense to her. Where she was from, Zii knew of because of books ? That wasnt possible was it ? Then again Xiao Yan did say he was from another planet, a green and blue ball really, at least his soul was.

She too soon finished off her pasta. This was all too much. food and wine she hadnt had in weeks since she started to leave the Jie Ma Empire. The other places apparently that Zii mentioned, Doulou Dalu, Great Ruler, and Wu Dang Qian Kun didnt ring any bells, so to speak.

The food done, Yun Yun set down her chopsticks. Watching Zii and her abilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO
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0.00 INK

Zii realized that at this point, Yun was needing more context. The best way to give all that would be needed to confirm all of the variables, was to show it. From her misunderstandings on the fictional world, to whatever is chasing her. Everyone here needed more information.

"Not here. I'll show you." She answered to Yun.

Whatever that presence is, it doesn't feel...correct. It's better to back away from that for now. More to the point, she needed to confirm the completion of her mission. Best way to do that is to speak to her accomplice, but comms are off inside this building. So she needed a work around, or just to go outside.

"I think it's time we left. Remember what I said about moving quickly?" Zii smirked as Yun watched intently.

She clasped both hands briefly, as if shaking hands with herself. A iridescent glow began to emit from them, before quickly shifting into a kaleidoscope of colors. Before anyone could blink, the scenery melted away until they were in another hallway. Similar to the one they entered, but this time, several blocks away in a different building. This was the teleport anchoring location, that still connected to the Alley, but in the opposite direction by a mile. A quick escape was always needed for the very very important people.

"Let's depart." She said, as she walked out of the door into the same alley, but a mile away.

"Mic Check. Grim, how'd your end of the mission go?" She said into her comm, as she walked with steady strides towards Main Street for the plaza.

"Without a hitch. Good job. Our mission is complete. The Chef and Establishment gives their regards."

Zii smirked, knowing that everything went right. It was time to go and meet up with her master. But she also wanted to make a pitstop at a library or bookstore for Yun. Seems like the right thing to do to answer her questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Very briefly as the scenery shifted around, Yun Yun stumbled, one second she was seated at a table, next thing she knew she was standing in a hallway similar to the entry of the eating place. it wasnt as hard of a transfer, the Jie Ma Empire Academy had similar technologies to ensure safety of the students.

Taking Zii lead, Yun Yun nodded to her, following in step, heading towards the main road. the precense felt weird, almost unsettling as if it shouldnt exsist, but somehow did. But thankfully it was fainter then it first was. As the two walked along the narrow alley Yun Yun was briefly confused as to how Zii was speaking to another person, and then the person answered her ?

She had to remember she had seen other people doing similar things already, When she initally started running she had crashed into a man on his phone talknig to his wife. Thankfully the man convinced his wife that he just had an accident, but when he tried to speak to Yun Yun at the time, she had taken off.

But now as they neared the mouth of ther alley, the strange precense that felt unreal, yet real, was still faint but also still strong. She looked at the road, a look of slight confusion at the technology on the road, cars, trucks, vans, what looked like a street going train too.

This place was confusion. Looking around at the mouth of the alley, Yun Yun asked simply. "Where do we go now ?" She had a place, it was small the man allowed her to stay as long as she needed, rent free, all because she fended off a gang of thugs. But she couldnt risk it, not now. Not with that strange somehow stronger presense in the alley behind them


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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0.00 INK

A moment of hushed tranquility enveloped the onlookers as OttO stood there, a towering figure frozen in time. Patient and silent, as if anticipating an appointment or a rendezvous, he held that position in still anticipation. After a while however, he moved, head tilting to the side as if in reaction to something only he seemingly could see or feel.

"Ah," he uttered, a soft exhalation escaping behind his mask, as he delved once more into his bag. From its depths emerged a strange knife, its handle a simple construction of wrapped cloth, but its blade, looking like a shard of a mirror, shimmered with an ethereal silver glow. As he gestured with the knife, it left behind a lingering distortion in the air, reminiscent of a heat haze on a scorching summer day.

"Are you observing carefully? Witness," he uttered to seemingly no one as he glanced over his shoulder. With deliberate precision, he stroked at the unseen, his hand moving like a surgeon seeking the precise spot for an incision upon a patient. Then, in a swift, fluid motion, he thrust into the air itself, a silvery streak trailing behind as he cut through the very fabric of space. The ethereal display unfolded like a masterful artisan with careful strokes, forming a sizable fissure in space. He then gracefully bowed and paused, noticing something.

In his wake, the peculiar avian figure from pursued with elegant grace, executing a mesmerizing parkour routine around the onlookers, bounding against the walls of the alley. The ornate cloak flowed through the air like the wings of a bird in flight. Onlookers were bracing and ducking as she effortlessly bounded over them.

"Ah, swan, you and your master are far too behind," he murmured cryptically. With that, he stepped into the fissure's embrace. The bird-like figure, swift and determined, launched ethereal bladed ribbons toward OttO in a desperate attempt to seize him. Yet, before her very eyes, the rift sealed shut, leaving her breathless, her bladed ribbons recoiling in vain. A frustrated utterance escaped from what would otherwise have been a delicate voice, echoing within the metal mask. She then looked towards where he could have gone, tapping her feet impatiently against the concrete.

Caught in the gaze of the spectators, she scanned the faces around her, spinning in a slow circle feeling their collective attention. Unease stirred within her, even behind her mask was evident in the unsteady rhythm of her breath and stagger. Unable to bear the scrutiny any longer, she sun down, and wrapped herself as much as she could within the folds of her cloak, as if finding solace in its embrace. Swiftly, she began to move, running away trying to fixate on her mission.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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Heralding watched as the new figure chased after the being that he was tracking. He knew that he was noticed. But he also knew that, just like a shadow in the sun, just because you make out the outline and figure the cannot tell everything there is to know about the depths of what lies beneath that darkness.

At least, that is what it would have felt like to the average upper level being. With the extra spells casted earlier. It would feel closer to looking at a mirage in the desert, a vague understanding of what one THINKS is there, what they believe it to be. Heralding would be seen and felt as an oasis in the distance. Vaguely identifiable, but in the end, a trick of the sun and heat. Heralding placed multiple identical selves to watch and observe. With the same capabilities and presence as himself. An ancient technique that was likely lost to time.

Heralding kept a hive mind psychic link to each one, instead of allowing for complete free independence like he normally did. He didn't want any variables in his reconnaissance, so no conflicting personal decisions this time.

Out of the 4 clones, 1 was made. He didn't think that was bad odds. So he continued to split them into different distances and followed from different angles, with different cloaking techniques overlapping the dimension walking he was currently doing.

"Truly remarkable, there is a pursuant of such a creature." The original exclaimed.

"Yes indeed, I would surmise that such a deity could not exist without consequence." Clone 2 stated.

"What deity? Such assumption cannot persist given the advent of detected nature." Clone 1 rebutted.

"The detected nature is one of a-" Clone 3 tried to start.

"Void." The original answered.

"Yes...but also, something primordial." Clone 3 responded.

"So THATS why you sense divinity instead of simple nothingness." Clone 1 lamented.

"Perhaps." Orginal responded.

"Perhaps indeed. Let continue pursuit. Everyone, stay vigilant." Clone 2 proclaimed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zii Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Yun Yun Character Portrait: OttO Character Portrait: Cordelia
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Zii was quite happy about the next things to be done. Completely focused on the library she remembered. She felt like there was a book store somewhere, but she couldn't remember if it was still there after their announcement a few weeks back. Maybe they never opened, for now she didn't want to waste time looking. So she made a beeline for the Wing City Library.

Just as she had the thought she could relax, the void-like presence dissapeared from her senses. But not right before a different and yet similar presence briefly appear and dissapear as well. Now she felt like she truly couldn't relax.

But what was there to worry about if they were gone?

If she was that neglectful and undeligent, she would have died a long time ago.

She continued on, keeping her guard high. But with the same smirk as always, she just sped up her steps through the Main Street.