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The Multiverse


115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Desera, best known as the Southern Islands, has a long and harsh history of combat and manipulation that plagues its books. It's current ruler is Jean II of Marxhill, who has declared himself Emperor of Desera. His wife is Joan the Wise.

hungus_bungus holds sovereignty over Desera, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,208 readers have been here.


General Information:
Desera is a kingdom that is run completely on fishing and mining; as a result, its sole economic value to the other lands of Misrana is trade. Because of this, the occupants of Desera have an active and healthy alliance with all four continents; as to stray from this station would be economic suicide.

Politically, the continent of Desera is unstable at best. While the working class of Desera is comprised mostly of fishers and miners, the socially higher of the lot prove to have much less of a standing in regards to working hard. Every action made in social circles has a reaction; forcing nobles to spend inordinate amounts of time discussing subtext and teaching manners with their children. Titans can rise and fall in a mere instant. The hierarchy is created in two ways; whoever has the most bountiful plots and coin, and whoever is closest to the current king, or papal state.

Religiously speaking, the Deserans follow a single deity, lead by a church that they refer to as The Papal State. It's leader, a Cardinal, preaches to the masses far and wide through a network of tubes. The following of the church is tremendous.

As far as prejudiced natures go in the political spectrum, however, Desera is quite a refreshing change. Any and all races hold varying degrees of power with very little favoritism shown in regard to a race over another. If one were to press the issue, a Deseran would be forced to admit that the Humans have had control over Desera for longer than other races, but the distinguishing factor is trivial and minor, at best.

Military might in Desera is not as fleet-heavy as other continents, but each house in Deseran land has an army of their own, though it varies based upon plots of land that are owned.

The military is traditionally very magic heavy, with rifleman and swordsmen distributed throughout the ranks. Warriors of any renown are not kept away from the King’s army for long; most of the traditional and romanticized warriors are crushed from individuality, forced on the rank-and-file of the kingsguard. Because of the checkered nature of the king’s army, being comprised of soldiers from each noble house, it is not a reliable force when it comes to internal conquest. There have been many times in Desera’s history when the Royal army had disrupted to fight among themselves in the name of one King or another.

Desera is home to all of the races found on Misrana, from Alura to Human. If one was in the market for making coin, then Desera is the place to buy and sell, work your way from farmhand to noble. Players who embark in Desera are players who seek intrigue and a game of royalty and loyalty; where shadowy hands of the king plot his downfall and his continued reign in equal measure.
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Desera, best known as the Southern Islands, has a long and harsh history of combat and manipulation that plagues its books. It's current ruler is Jean II of Marxhill, who has declared himself Emperor of Desera. His wife is Joan the Wise.


Desera is a part of Misrana.

3 Places in Desera:

7 Characters Here

Badsnaga Headfist [23] "Wight, ya gots da teef, I gots da gearz."
ShiroKi [1] Being a half-blood to a mighty race is nothing compared to being a true blood. We are all children to Maja!
Zador Narik [1] A mage who is climbing to the top of mechanical magic.
Akemi"Lordless"Haruki [0] Akemi has silver spikey hair, red eyes, wears a white hoody over a black shirt with no arm sleeves with 3 black belts on each arm and black leather pants with black shoes
Reymund Arnell [0] Reymund is a good, respectable guy. He enjoys travel, reading, talking, and tea. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Aside from the fact that he is abnormally attracted to danger and adventure.
[img] [0] Yes? What can I make you?

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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While the Kaptain and the Mekboy were bust talking, he could see dust trails in the distance. using his googles Gobfang saw a whole group of human vehicles, trucks, lots of trucks. Apparently the group he had killed was supposed to have reported in but since he killed them all they sent out a team to find out. Of course the other orks did not know about that so he was safe. But before he could say anything he heard Badsnaga tell him he had two seconds to get on the bike or they would leave without him. Running at the speed of ork, Gobfang ran back to the bike and took a seat right behind the mekboy. "Floor it ya git! 'Umie trukks, lotz of em!" He called out as she readied his twin-linked big shoota and saw that the dust trails were nearly upon them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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The mekboy snickered as he looked towards the dust trail, gunned the engines and took off at breakneck speed right towards them. The engine roared like canon fire, the thruster burned at max and the side Dakkaguns let off occasional shots without any provocation. Badnsaga looked over his shoulder, shouting cheerily." 'Ay Kapptain. Wot ya says we go crump dem 'umies an' da trukks. Da mehta wood 'elp Da Greensmasha. Be dem fun too!" Why he asked was a mystery, considering they were already atop the human convoy.

"WAAAAGH!" was the only warning giving as the warbike flew directly into the first human truck. The explosion was terrific.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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The second Gobfang saw the bike about to ram the human truck, he also gave one big and hearty. "WAUGHHHHH!" Soon he was engulfed in a fiery explosion only burning the paint off his shoddy armor.

The second the explosion cleared, Gobfang raised his Twin-linked big shooter and began to open fire on a human truck that was trying to shoot them with a large calibre weapon. Of course being a Kommando Nob and being a smart ork, his aim was not so messed up that he would miss a barn when he was standing right next to it. Instead his stream of hundreds of bullets each found their mark in the opposing truck, filling it with hundreds of holes before the truck gave out and spun out of control before crashing into the sand.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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"Sos I ain't fast", Killwakkah grumbled after landing dust, "Ain't nothin fer me ta do if I gotz there first anyhow!"

Then a fireball shot into the sky shining on heavy goggles, "Haw! Therez me orkz now wit a flare! Red'z comin' ya gitz!"

A haggard brigandine on this painboy is flexible and separable. Killwakkah didn't speed up fast but he keeps on going the red made everything heal fasta. Killwakka's robust frame underneath showed tats both peace-like and WAUUGH under armless oilskin connecting the brigandine. Once Killwakkah got to speed the thumpin' got louder and woe betide the poor humie he used to stop with.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

#, as written by claw
The prospect of a proper fight was certainly one to get Gutgor excited. A fight against weak 'umies was likely to be little more than murder as he simply walked right over them. It never failed to entertain him when he stepped on a 'umie head and watched bits of skull go flying every direction. And the idea that there was a whole convoy for him to crush was equally exciting. So exciting in fact that as soon as he caught of said convoy just ahead of them, he lept from the back of the warbike, as well as an Ork could when weighed down by massive armour, just as the warbike crashed into the lead truck. What he didn't do however was factor in momentum, and so he too followed the warbike through the back of the truck which did a surprisingly good job of slowly him down.

He emerged from the burning wreckage of the truck with a roar, just in time to see the second truck go veering off in an awkward spin under a hail of dakka. The third truck was coming straight for him however. He gave the oncoming hunk of metal a grim, toothy grin as he raised his massive powerklaw above his head as just before it crashed into him brought the jaws down on the front of the truck.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Came the might raw as the powerklaw bit into metal. The truck crumpled around where the powerklaw dug through it, as the driver learned to his dismay as he suddenly went flying out of the truck, barely missing splattering against against Gutgor, instead ending up being impaled by the burning remains of the first truck.

The Kaptin shifted his grip and spun the truck over, flipping it over onto its side and walked past the ruined wreck, pumping dakka into it from his dakkagun. The giant Ork laughed in glee at the carnage he had been able to unleash with such little effort. "Da' all ya go' ya useless gro's?! I don' nee' ma boyz ta crump da lo' a ya!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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Badsnaga had jumped off the warbike at the last possible second, the ensuing explosion knocking him flat and setting some of him on fire. It wasn't smart, it didn't make sense, but goddamn was the whole scenario just awesome. He looked around with a toofy grin as the rest of the crew splattered the poor 'umies. It was carnage and death everywhere, just the way it should be! With satisfaction in his heart he stumbled over to the wreckage and pulled Da Crumpa out from it. Gork he loved this thing.

"WWWAAAAGGGHHHH!" He flung Da Crumpa at the last 'umie trukk, pulling out his tiny red shoota pisstal and unloading dakka into the passengers. There's be more than enough from the wreckage for him to rebuild Da Greensmasha's engine, but right now. He had a better idea. "OI! Kapptain. Wot ya says 'e us crump dis 'ole planat 'un makes 'i ourz?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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Killwakkah hauled across country a bit short of a bike but stopped as well as his get up and go. Loud enough to hear the wumpawumpaWUMPWUMPA went straight into the side of a truck full o' dakka holes as killwakkah uses it to stop. As badsnaga pulls his crumpa out of another truck the ruined a of metal hurls by spinning limbs into the air from humies once inside.

"Ain't been 'ere long an already foun' somethin ta crump in 'da middle of nowherez! Sounds like da Kapptain! Killwakkah 'ere ta hold you orkz together!"

He walks over to Badsnaga the metal slices sealing shut smoothly over a weirdboy's tattoos. Killwakka eyes the ork under bits of fire and loads a red canister into a ork painta, "Oi! Ya gunna put that out so's I'n fix it?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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With the humans all throughly wrecked, Gobfang went to savaging the human weapons and ammunition and filling his bag full of loot. With his quick looting complete Gobfang heard Badsnagga say that they should take over the planet, he of course agreed to it. "I'z agree Kapptain. 'Dese 'umies and 'da trukks did not crump us. 'Da otha' 'umies can't crump us." Gobfang added before he turned his attention to the pain boy that arrived on the scene. By Mork! they had this planet under their control at this point. If the humans somehow injured them they had that doc to heal them up.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

#, as written by claw
Gutgor was almost dissapointed by the fact they had run out of 'umies to crump. They went down far easier than most did and it was hardly even a challenge to smash them in the best of times. Still, he would have preferred to have more of the gits to be able to hit, one truck alone wasn't enough for him, though he had to admit it was pretty funny seeing it all just crumple around him like a sheet of thin metal around a rock.

He turned around as first the Mek, then even the Kommando spoke up with the idea of instead of finding the parts they needed and leaving to go lurking around the galaxy in the hope of somehow hoping to stumble across a battle or two. Instead they could stay here, make the planet good and Orky then move onto the next one and crump them too. They could get a proper WAAAGH! going if they really tried.

"Shu' i' ya gi's, unless ya lo' think ya can be da boss arooun' 'ere?! I was already thinkin' a settin' up down 'ere, dese 'umies ge' crumpe' goo' an' proper. Badsnaga, fin' a way ta shou' up ta Da Greensmasha, weze an' gonna be freebootaz anymore ladz, goin' from one pissin' en' a da galaxy to da other. Wezze gonna se' up a goo' an' proper WAAAGH! WAAAGH GUTGOR! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!" He raised his dakkagun into the air and pumped out some rounds, showing that he did indeed mean business


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

The clever Ork Badsnaga was off in his own little world, staring at the wreckage. He didn't even WAAGH with is Kapptain, something that would surely get him crumped a bit, but right now that didn't matter. Nothing but the three broken trucks did. The start of an amazing idea was forming in his slightly-less-empty-than-a-normal-Ork's-brain. Maybe he too was a great Ork inventor.

He fished his Crumpa from the wreckage of one of the trucks, oblivious to his comrades. Right now he could see it, feel it all in his head. How every joint, screw, nail, and piece of tape fit together, but not in the usual way..This was something different, something new. Instead of spikes, or Grot's nests, or chains, or just Dakka in the back of the Wartrukk..Something different. Something better. Maybe it wasn't even a wartrukk he was seeing, no, no it was something better.

"OI! KAPPTAIN! I 'ad an 'ida!" His toofy grin was wider than ever, "We 'un needa shou' at da boyz. I 'an build uz a tellyporta inna back'a Wartrukk. Dat wayz oll da boyz 'an jus' port 'ere! We 'an crump dis planat 'i nothin'!" His chest swelled out with pride, and he stuck his Crumpa into the ground. [color=green]"I jus' 'eed abitta time. Oll 'e 'avfta do 'i frow da Kommando frew 'i, an' 'e con tell da boyz. Den day 'an pop up 'erever we iz!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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Gobfange gave a hearty WAUGH with the Kaptain as he announced that they were creating a waugh in this galaxy. One of the best thing a warboss could announce and by Gork and Mork was he exited. He pointed his his gun into the air and began shooting and jumped in delight. This galaxy was going to see some green, and they were going to crump everyone they met. "Orkz I'z 'da biggest 'un 'da strongest 'un 'da smahrtest! WAUGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He then fired of another barrage from his weapon.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

Killwakkah puts the unloaded painter back and rolls his eyes. The mekboys never stood still long enough to fix. Well that's why he had them make his kombi! His kombi, a short modified shoota with two cartridge slots, gets a cartridge of stabby bits in one. A stabby tank from his kit bites into his right shoulder. Am image of an ork tattooed with one half crumped by a good WAUUGH the other smooth but both ever angry.

Takin out the meds burnt but that just gave him a good scream to join in. "Humies try ta openz up deez Orkz and I'll just put 'em back up, WAUGHHHHHHH!"

The tank glowed full feral red while the tat on his back burnt from the howls of ork rage. The weirdboy near popped his head tatting it -- da huge crumpin thing was dangerous.

Killwakkah slammed in the glowing tank to the other slot on his kombi. After they finish WAUUGH he STUKSTUKSTUKSTUK at Badsnaga with a bunch of feral red stabby bitz from the kombi. The meds would push the burns offa the orc.

"Orkz never standz still neither!", his fist shook from mild frustration.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: ShiroKi Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

There wasn't much for Ki to actually do other than tend to the small farm he had acquired from a dying friend, who handed his plot over signed and sealed to him several months ago. "And yet even now it is hard to keep it going with just the vegetables he had growing." he muttered as he stared at the dying crops before him. He brushed his bangs back from his face even as his ears twitched atop his head even as his tail flicked and curled behind him. He had taken his half blood form early on in the day when it had gotten to hot, considering his fur had been to hot for this climate.

"Nothing to it...." he muttered as he flicked his left wrist, causing a blue gem within the multi-beaded bracelet he had to flash slightly before a sprinkling of water cascaded from his palm. This water he manipulated to grow and spread over the entire crop of radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and several other types of vegetables and fruits. His silver blue eyes glittered as he smiled softly while watching the water drench the small patch of vegetables and fruits.

It had been several years now since he had woken up on this world and learned that the place he was in was known as Desera. He had learned everything he could from Caldar before the old man had died. Even to this day it hurt that he couldn't keep him from dying but old age even here was more than the body could handle. It didn't help either that he had come to see him as a grandfather and oddly enough to him, Caldar had seen him as a grandson. Once he noticed that the whole patch was well watered, Ki flicked his wrist once more the water vanishing just as it had come. With a nod he turned and headed towards the small hut beside the main house which held his workshop and all he had carved and crafted while being here.

Entering the hut he moved to the work bench and checked over each of the items he had collected to sale at the village, considering his vegetables and fruits weren't ready yet and he needed several things if he was going to keep this farm going. "Besides, who wouldn't like to have carved objects that are for both household members to enjoy via playing with to looking pretty and keeping things neat and tidy. Side's I need grain, hay, corn and several other things." he muttered as he began to pack everything into a lovely woven basket designed to be carried on his back.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gobfang Rotskab Character Portrait: Gutgor Rotgul Character Portrait: Killwakkah Greenstabba Character Portrait: Badsnaga Headfist
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0.00 INK

Badsnaga chose to ignore the Dok. Those Painboyz were also so stuck up, never stopped complaining! He did enjoy having blood back in his veins instead of the ground, though. Burns would make it hard to work too, and he couldn't have that. Not now, no. Now was the time for SCIENCE! Orky science, anyway.

As he banged, bashed, glued, welded, broke, resembled and generally did whatever "made sense" he couldn't help but think to himself that someday Orky kind would look back on this moment and declare, "Oi! Da Mekboy, Badsnaga. 'Es jussa smart as Orkimedes!" He wasn't, and they wouldn't. He was however smart enough to assemble his fever dream of a Trukk in the span of a couple hours. The "Waagh'a" he called it.

It was large, ramshackle and held together with psychic energy for the most part. It was taller than any other Trukk, and more heavily armored. Even the wheels were shieled, and the back was a simple bed left wide open with a Tellyporta dead center. And of course, every possible inch was painted red. Even the Tellyporta. With a massive gleam of pride in his eye he turned to Kapptain and howled a Waaagh.

"Oi, oi, oi! This'a'i. Zoggin' fing 'orks jus fine, I bet ya, I does. Now we 'an 'ave da 'ole crew down 'ere while wez drivan. Gunna 'ave plenta'boyz by da 'ime we get ta dem 'umies!"

Star Gate materializes from the void.
Star Gate has left the area, heading north into Calidona.
Meteor materializes from the void.
Meteor vanishes into nothingness, but you get the feeling they are heading somewhere else.
Suddenly, a swirling vortex appears to the down. You can see something appear in that direction.